September horoscope Sagittarius unfavorable days. Love horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius horoscope for September 2016. In September 2016, Sagittarius will be thoughtful, like an old frying pan that hasn’t been washed for a long time! And all because Sagittarius will be constantly busy thinking about plans for the future, new projects, and new themselves. Sagittarius, you have been scared when a person has changed, but you continue to love him. The same one? So in September 2016 you will sometimes be scared! Because it’s really scary when a person has changed, but you continue to love him. The same old one, and it’s really scary if that person is… YOU!!! That is why many Sagittarius in September 2016 will walk around thoughtfully, looking at themselves in the past and themselves in the future. And this is good! The fact is that while other zodiac signs will spend September 2016 working on old mistakes, Sagittarius will be thinking about new ones. And new is always better than old. Although this doesn't apply to jeans, just like some old relationships. That is why in September 2016, some Sagittarius will resume communication with old acquaintances, old relationships, or old clients. This will make some Sagittarius completely confused about what is happening, since all this will resemble the words from the song of the group “Melnitsa”: “Beyond the edge of eternity, carelessness, the end of a blizzard. When dreams were not with us, when we did not close our eyes. We will not wake up, we will not return to each other or to others. WITH reverse side mirror glass." That is why, despite all your thoughtfulness, September 2016 will pass quickly and chaotically for Sagittarius.

However, the horoscope for September 2016 for Sagittarius suggests that in the next month you need to be very scrupulous and pay attention to any little things. Little things in finance, little things in work, little things in words and intonations, and even little things in sex (in some situations, even especially in sex). In other words, become meticulous perfectionists for a while (but this is not about sex). And although this is clearly not your thing, can you try it for one month?

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius favorable days- 4.6, 7, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26 and 28.

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittariusunfavorable days- there is no good without bad, even schoolchildren are given assignments during the holidays, so take unfavorable days as a “control task before the holidays” or favorable days.

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius career, work and business. In September 2016, most Sagittarius will plunge into work with their heads, arms, legs and what have you. It’s not that it’s of your own free will, but you won’t have to really force it either. So your usual laziness will temporarily recede on its own, either under the pressure of your superiors, or under the pressure of circumstances.

In September 2016, Sagittarius needs to take care of their authority and image among their colleagues. Therefore, we once again remind you of scrupulousness and thoroughness. It is in the little things that miscalculations or mistakes can be hidden, which can cause ridicule from colleagues or dissatisfaction from superiors. And then what kind of authority is there? Therefore, no matter what you do, and no matter what bullshit you suffer, calling it work, try to have your name indicated at the end of the film in September 2016. And even if you are a driver’s assistant responsible for washing the car. This is what scrupulousness in detail means.

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius Finance. Experienced girls know that the easiest way to find a guy is when you already have a boyfriend. The same formula works with money, so try to be with money all the time in September 2016 - it attracts.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius. Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius Love. Sagittarius You had this in your childhood, when your mother said: “Eat porridge and everything will pass.” And, oddly enough, all the troubles really went away, although the porridge still remained on the plate. So in the personal life of Sagittarius in September 2016, the best thing you can do is eat porridge. Firstly, your mouth will be busy, and in tense situations, you will only be able to hum absurdly. Secondly, you will be full. And a well-fed Sagittarius is a kind Sagittarius. Well, thirdly, in September you will be convinced once again that if you eat porridge, then everything will really go away, even if there is still porridge on the plate. The fact is that in September 2016, little will depend on you. Your task is just not to “do anything weird” and not spoil anything. So eat your porridge and gain wisdom, strength and patience.

True, judging by the horoscope, some Sagittarius will unexpectedly find a coin in their bed in September 2016 - and judging by the sign, this means that someone wants to return to it!!! Well, or buy your love, which is less likely, but also possible.

Lonely and active Sagittarius in September 2016 need to remember that before you wait for Happiness and Love to finally burst into your home, you need to check the door. Maybe you locked it again out of habit? The fact is that in September 2016, many Sagittarians will come knocking on the door, but you will not always be ready for this, so keep the door open and yourself clean-shaven.

At the end, the horoscope for September 2016 reminds Sagittarius that the right choice in principle does not exist - there is only the choice made and its consequences. So when you walk around in September 2016 with a thoughtful look, biting your nails, thinking about the choice, try not to think about the choice, think about the consequences - for example, about the same chewed nails.

And have a good September 2016!

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What does September 2016 have in store for the Sagittarius man?

Influence celestial bodies for Sagittarius men in September, will help to pay attention to the family, in the very in a broad sense- from children to ancestors. Also, September is a great time to change your life for the better, discover new things, take the first steps in big things. But for success in your endeavors, you need to prepare accordingly. A simple way to do this is to take a cold shower, meditate, with the feeling that you are leaving all unnecessary things, thoughts and problems in the past. Next, focus on desires, goals, and tasks. You can even write them down on a piece of paper for clarity and clarity. This is not some kind of ritual - just this action will help you focus your thoughts.

The whole month can be roughly divided into several parts, which have different effects on Sagittarius men. For example, there are negative periods for turning points on the path - from September 1st to 5th, and from September 10th to 22nd. These days, it is better to put existing affairs in order and not take on new ones.

It is of great importance - in what period the representative of the sign was born. Those born in the first half will be incredibly lucky. At work, everything will go uphill. The relationship with management will be better than ever. Signing of new contracts, fresh ideas and projects, career– you can count on all this.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius

On the personal front there is also complete positivity. Excellent relationships with loved ones, both the warming of old ones and the emergence of new romantic relationships.

Love horoscope for September 2016: Sagittarius The man will feel that it is quite possible for you to have affairs with co-workers, bosses, and business partners. Even if there are no love affairs, then a simple warming of human relations is guaranteed.

Work and Business

Those born at the end of the sign should not count on such luck. Conflicts at work, problems with documentation, the resurfacing of previously forgotten troubles - all this should be feared. Students should be prepared for a challenging start to classes. But if you stay on guard and keep your nose to the wind, then difficulties can be completely avoided.

Health and Wellness

Also, the month can be called successful from a health point of view. The body exudes energy and the ability to heal itself. Therefore, those who have chronic diseases should not miss the chance to visit a resort or boarding house. It's hard to imagine a better time for rehabilitation. And here surgical intervention should be postponed unless, of course, there is a vital need for it.

Stunning discoveries await Sagittarius lovers in September 2019. There is no need to guess how these events will affect relationships with chosen ones. Just read the exact love horoscope for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2019

Only in September can Sagittarius feel like heroes of melodramas. This month the stars give them wide scope for action. If you want to grieve about unfulfilled hopes, you will experience unrequited love. If you dream of sublime feelings, take the opportunity and build relationships immediately.

Sagittarians are very susceptible to the influence of emotions. They can regard even the slightest failure as a sign warning of the futility of feelings. Filled with the energy of the Sun and imbued with the power of their patron Jupiter, Sagittarius will be surrounded by admirers.

Don't want to start a relationship with unworthy people– show maximum prudence in choosing partners. In September, the most important task for Sagittarius is to reject prejudices and temptations. Starting an affair with a good man, you will find long-awaited peace. Those who previously caused a real stir in your fantasy will not become reliable companions, at least in September.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius women for September 2019

Until September 22, 2019, Sagittarius women will have unique opportunity bring back your old love. Mercury before this period moves in reverse direction, so it’s better not to miss the chance to restore the relationship. In the near future, this will no longer happen and the stars will not show favor to those who look at their past with loving eyes.

Towards the end of September, representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel peace. Even if they fail to find their soul mate now, this fact will not bring any frustration.

The intimate life of Sagittarius girls deserves special attention. The love horoscope for September promises them increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Very close relationships with some of them will only make you happy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius men for September 2019

In September 2019, single Sagittarius men will have a thousand and one reasons to start an affair with an experienced woman. Such a desire will be provoked by Mars, which will converge favorably with Uranus in the middle of the month. Unbridled sex and enthusiastic words addressed to you during this period will be guaranteed to you.

Modest but charming Sagittarius men who have already found a mate will have a hard time. Your chosen one will not match your sexual activity. To maintain harmony in relationships, it is better to direct your energy to the spiritual sphere. In September, astrologers recommend that Sagittarius pay attention to joint hobbies, designed to bring couples together even stronger.

Sagittarius men are told by the stars themselves to get married in early autumn. However, an alliance should be concluded only if there is confidence in the seriousness of own feelings. The best dates for marriage: September 3, 16 and 25. Children conceived by Sagittarius will be born into financially secure and loving family, therefore, men should be grateful for the onset of pregnancy in September.

Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius indicates that this month changes in society will affect your life and inner world, change your views and interests. If you do not give up your erroneous views in time and fail to adapt to the new situation, you will lose perspective. You will take the loss of school, work, activity, income and position especially painfully. Therefore, if you are able to quickly find your bearings and make drastic changes in your life on time, you will not lose perspective and will increase your well-being over time. Sagittarius, perhaps you will purchase real estate abroad or buy real estate with money earned abroad. Horoscope for September 2016 Sagittarius indicates that your position may change this month. You will either completely lose your position - circumstances will remove you from view, or you will gain completely new status- become a leader, businessman, entrepreneur, public figure etc. You may have to correct mistakes made by your predecessors, act in difficult conditions, and have limited funds. Your optimism, desire for new changes, tirelessness and hard work will help you with this. Investments in your own company, enterprises, and studies will be successful.

Marriage horoscope

In September married life Sagittarius will turn into a boiling cauldron. If Sagittarius loses his job and income, then he will warm up and intensify his partner’s feelings. If the partner does not support him and does not forgive his rudeness, then Sagittarius may even leave home. If Sagittarius is in active state and his energy will be directed to the future, to the solution public interest, then his partner will warm up and intensify his feelings with his nagging and mistrust. To prevent the boiling cauldron from exploding and the marriage from falling apart, you need to introduce elements of friendship, trust and kindness into the relationship.

Health horoscope

In the month of September, Sagittarius will experience an increase in the load on the lymphatic system, the state of the fluid, its composition and elimination. To maintain health during this period, Sagittarius needs to monitor their metabolism, the disruption of which can change chemical composition fluids in the body and cause swelling, dropsy, weeping diathesis, and urinary tract diseases. During this period, infectious diseases often occur that affect the digestion and lymphatic system. You cannot sleep for a long time on a full moon so that the light of the Moon falls on the sleeping person. People suffering from salt deposits, kidney diseases, stomach diseases, it is advisable to switch to dietary food. For good exchange substances the body needs fluorine and calcium. This is a favorable time to start physical and breathing exercises, and psychotraining.

For people born in the sign of Scorpio, September 2016 will turn out to be a frankly difficult time, in particular regarding the “love front”. The fact is that your current exaltant, Venus, will not only give up its status, but will also become your key antagonist, ill-wisher. This rather unusual set of circumstances may well unsettle you, especially since the “heavenly leader” of your trine, the Sun, in this case will not have any power, because the luminary will be entirely concentrated on suppressing Mercury, which is responsible for the “expulsion” of Sagittarius. As a result, you can only count on Jupiter, the ruling planet of your sign. However, you must agree that one ally is better than complete absence like that, isn't it? And in general, in reality there are no hopeless situations in life. But situations from which we fundamentally do not want to see a way out occur all the time, as they say, don’t even go to your grandmother. In general, the first autumn month will bring you a lot of experiences, but not necessarily definitely negative ones. You will discover a lot for yourself, and even more will be discovered by the people you care about. Thanks to you, of course. What a “ray of light in a dark kingdom” you are!

Speaking more specifically about the work area, in September 2016 zodiac sign Sagittarius will have to, quite well, I must say! And this is natural, because Venus, due to its energetic characteristics, will concentrate all its negativity in the area of ​​feelings and emotions, leaving the financial sphere “untouched” (sounds quite playful, but it is so). In general, it’s not that you are absolutely free in your choice, but now circumstances are unlikely to be decisive for you. If you do not work for yourself, try to be as proactive as possible, but in moderation, without fanaticism and overwork. Remember that colleagues and management will respect you until they envy you. This is the basis, elementary psychology, although, of course, exceptions occur often enough that at one fine moment they cease to be exceptions. If you are faced with a problem, you can’t write it off, although no one forbids you to take it “at a glance.” However, you can get hurt if the obstacle throws you away. Don’t worry, prepare better and come back here again, and if necessary, again and again. Now perseverance will definitely be rewarded, and with the best, most spectacular and large-scale “fruits”. Therefore, go for it, and, I repeat, under no circumstances sit still!

Regarding the sensory-emotional sphere, it should be noted that in September 2016 Sagittarius will not have any luck. In every way. Not now best time to break up, but even worse - for new novels. Therefore, it is better to refrain from making any large-scale changes that may affect not only yourself. At the same time, among your friends you will feel quite calm and confident, the main thing is that your “first love” does not make itself known. Behave naturally and try to constantly be on the move. September seems to be a cold enough time for one to spend the night in the forest with impunity. For most. The stars sincerely hope that this is not about you, because such trips are vitally necessary for you now. At the same time, don’t “force” yourself, if you don’t want something, don’t do it, but remember the consequences. In the sense that not only action has a consequence, but inaction also has a consequence. Moreover, the consequence of the second option is often much more negative.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for September 2016 for the zodiac sign Sagittarius, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast wears generalized character and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Sagittarius. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Sagittarius sign: Personal horoscopes for the Sagittarius sign: