How many years is the difference between Presnyakov and Podolsk? Unequal marriages of Russian stars. And when you realized that he loves you

The other day, Vladimir PRESNYAKOV and Natalya PODOLSKAYA celebrated the anniversary of their acquaintance. Volodya arrived home very late, around two in the morning - he was recording a new song in the studio. But Natasha did not go to bed, she was waiting for her beloved.


She cooked light dinner, put candles on the table and took out a bottle of expensive wine from the refrigerator. Presnyakov, seeing all this, blossomed. He also decided to do his bit - he fried eggs with the doctor's sausage. Both of them found his simple dish surprisingly tasty. The lovers sat next to each other and could not stop looking at each other.

Meanwhile, some still believe that the famous singer’s affair with a former participant in the “Star Factory” project is nothing more than a PR campaign. Like, both of them decided to stir up interest in themselves. And their age difference is quite significant.

- Do you mind if we talk about love?- I asked Podolskaya when Presnyakov was not next to her.

Let’s try,” Natasha blushed.

Romance of Rhodes

- Volodya is much older than you. And he has already been married twice. Doesn't this bother you?

No. We have an ideal age difference - 14 years. At school I was never interested in my peers; I had nothing to talk about with them. I have always preferred older men. And I’m not bored with Volodya. He knows how to look after beautifully and give gifts. When he found out that I loved Swarovski jewelry, he literally showered me with rings, brooches, and rings. I don't even have time to put everything on. Look, this is his last gift,” Natasha pointed to the elegant ring that adorned her hand. - Isn't that great? Volodya often buys things for me himself, he has excellent taste. He studied my measurements and knows what I like. I love his gifts. And recently he took me to Greece, to the island of Rhodes. This is not our first trip. We have already traveled together to Israel, Monaco and Sochi. Everywhere was good, but in Rhodes there was best vacation in our life. There we wandered around exotic places, rode scooters, splashed in the sea... Volodya was so romantic, so gallant. I realized how much I love him.

- When did you realize that he loved you?

We met in France, on the set of the TV show “The Great Race”. From the first minute I felt that there would definitely be a continuation. By the looks that Volodya threw at me, by the remarks that he made.

Everything was not easy for Volodya and me. At some point we even broke up and stopped calling each other. I was terribly worried then. And then everything started spinning again.

One of the newspapers wrote that Presnyakov proposed marriage to you. But nothing has been heard about the wedding. Has the groom changed his mind?

They write a lot about us. We live in civil marriage. I think if we have a child, we will legalize the relationship. At least I hope so.

- You started talking about the child. What about a career?

If God sends me a child, I will forget about my career, honestly. I want to have children, like any woman.

- Sorry, Natasha, but Volodya admitted to me that he is unlikely to marry you. They say he's tired of the stamps in his passport.

Yes?! Well, I won't rush him.

- When you quarrel, who gives in first?

I usually try to be the first to smooth out the conflict. Fortunately, Volodya is the same as me. He also knows how to compromise.

- Are you annoyed when Volodya throws his things around the house?

Oh, it definitely scatters! But I don't blame him. I even like to put them in my closet. After all, these are the things of my beloved man. I even wash his clothes. In addition, a housekeeper comes to us three times a week.

Lost Reznik's poems

Natasha turned 24 in May. Presnyakov, according to her, gave her an amazing holiday.

It was the best birthday of my life! - she recalls. - I have a twin sister, and Volodya did his best for both of us. Ordered luxurious banquet in the Moscow restaurant "Jazz Town". It was May 20, just that evening Dima Bilan performed in the Eurovision final. At our request, they hung a large screen in the restaurant, and we all cheered for Dima. We went home at nine in the morning.

- Natasha, you come from Belarus. Are you going to the Slavic Bazaar festival?

But of course! Together with Volodya. At the Slavic Bazaar we will perform a new song “Vina” as a duet for the first time. The music was written by Volodya, and the lyrics by Ilya Reznik. There is very beautiful words- O big, big love. Initially, the song was written for a male singer, but since we decided to sing together, Volodya asked Reznik to change the words a little. And it had to happen that when Reznik handed me new text, I managed to lose him! Fortunately, Ilya Rakhmielevich took the situation calmly. And he dictated a text to me over the phone.

But Alexander Lukashenko, they say, was angry with Podolskaya. And because of Presnyakov.

The President of Belarus hosted a reception at his residence for Belarusian artists. When the ceremonial part was over, Lukashenko invited Natasha to a slow dance and urgently asked her “not to marry a Muscovite.”

And in general, don’t leave your homeland, live with us,” Old Man advised.

But the young singer did not listen to the president. She decided to conquer Moscow, and now lives with the “Muscovite” Presnyakov.

I just haven't gotten married yet.


* Presnyakov Jr.’s first wife was Kristina Orbakaite, the second was Lena Lenskaya (she was previously the wife of composer Igor Sarukhanov).

* Presnyakov officially divorced Lenskaya only four months ago.

* In 2005, Natalya Podolskaya took 15th place at the Eurovision Song Contest. Just like Alla Pugacheva did in her time.

Lead by example

Next time Podolskaya and Presnyakov are going to travel to Miami (USA).

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya brought their son Artemy on stage in Jurmala

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya have been working together on stage for several years now. They are called one of the most beautiful couples Russian show business. But in addition, Presnyakov and Podolskaya have been happy parents for several years now. Until now, they had separated concert activities and family life, but now they increasingly intersect.

Vladimir and Natalya recently arrived in Jurmala, where the Laima Vaikule festival is currently taking place. Before the performance, Presnyakov and Podolskaya, according to tradition, went on stage to rehearse and adjust the sound. And together with the star parents, their heir, Artemy, also appeared on stage.

This was the first such experience for the little heir to the star family. Until now, the boy was sure that only his father went to work, and his mother should stay at home, next to him. Now, for the first time, Artemy saw how the work process of both dad and mom goes. The son carefully watched his dad's preparations, sang, danced and even wanted to help adjust the sound.

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov are called one of the strongest couples in Russian show business. The young people met in 2005, got married in 2010, and their birthday was born in 2015. long-awaited child- son Artemy. In a recent interview, Natasha admitted that for 10 years she and Vladimir dreamed of having a baby, moreover, the singer went to shrines to ask for procreation. Podolskaya emphasizes that she and her husband want another baby, perhaps even more than one.

“I’m ready to give birth even now,” the singer said in the “Secret to a Million” program. After such words, fans of the artist and journalists suspected the woman of a second pregnancy and began to carefully examine Natalia’s numerous photographs on the social network.

Correspondents contacted the popular singer and asked to comment on the rumors. "Yes you?! This is the first time I've heard about these rumors! No, I'm not pregnant. We really want a second child, but so far this happiness has not happened,” Podolskaya said.

Let's hope that Artemy will have a brother or sister in the near future!

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya first met in 2005 on the set of the “Big Race” program. At that time, the girl was a graduate of the fifth “Star Factory”, and the man was already an accomplished singer. The age difference between them was 14 years.

According to Vladimir, when he first saw Natalya, he began to choke. It felt like someone hit him on the head with a heavy frying pan. The girl thought that this artist would become her future husband.

They were in no hurry to start a relationship, because at that time Vladimir was preparing for a divorce, and Natalya was going through a breakup with her boyfriend. But six months later, the artists met again in a common company and from that moment their romantic story began.

The couple believes that angels brought them together. They didn't expect to love each other so much. After two years of relationship, the artists went to Vegas, where they played a joke wedding, but in 2010, Natalya and Vladimir declared themselves official husband and wife.

One can only envy their family life! They look very happy and joyful with their son Artemy.

In 2014, their joint song “KISSlord” was released. She talks about sincere love between Natalya and Vladimir. The clip turned out to be very bright and warm. He shows happy life married couple. You can immediately understand that their love is pure and true! Just look how the artists’ eyes glow!

The public primarily associates Natalya Podolskaya with the singer Vladimir Presnyakov, she is his third, perhaps his most dearly beloved wife, Volodya calls her “Tusya - my dude.” The two met in 2005, she was 23 years old and he was 37 years old. At that time, Vladimir Presnyakov was not going to start serious relationship, he was not yet divorced from his second wife, designer Lena Lenskaya, but no longer lived with her under the same roof; she left him, tired of his constant whining about her being too busy with her career. By the time he met Natasha, Vladimir Presnyakov had become disillusioned with both love and women and became addicted to the bully. But Natalya Podolskaya managed to breathe a thirst for life into the famous singer. Natasha and Vladimir have the same temperament, the years go by, but they still feel good together to this day, they don’t get tired of each other, they try not to be apart for more than a week, although in fact they tour together, they don’t like to rest apart, you look at them, but they They smile, laugh and look tenderly at each other all the time, needless to say, it’s an idyll. Although, of course, there was some grinding in, and it’s unlikely that everything was always sickly sweet! And once our hero even threw an ironing board at his beloved wife! But Natasha realized in time that there was no point in angering her husband, she needed to find an approach to him! In his youth, Vladimir Presnyakov pulled the blanket on himself very much in relationships, which is why the freedom-loving Kristina Orbakaite and Lena Lenskaya suffered. Previously, Vladimir Presnyakov was sure that it was better for a woman to sit at home next to her husband; over the years, he became more tolerant and compliant, and grew wiser. Who's luckier? Natalia Podolskaya or Vladimir Presnyakov? She saved him from loneliness, discouraged him from drowning his sorrows in a bottle, inspired and inspired him. He allowed her to enter one of the most famous clans of the musical elite Russian stage– Presnyakovs-Pugachevs-Orbakaite-Kirkorovs-Galkins – all this is one big family and being friends with them is not only pleasant, but also useful. There can be no question of any commercialism of Natalia Podolskaya, because when she met Vladimir Presnyakov he was very handsome, in the prime of his life and could charm almost any woman with his charm, and Natasha herself was already quite well known to the public - in 2004 year she took third place at “Star Factory 5”, released her first solo album, and went to Eurovision. By the way, Alla Pugacheva was the artistic director of “Star Factory 5”, and very carefully looked after her charges, could she have thought that the charming, young Natasha Podolskaya would soon become the muse of her former son-in-law Volodya!

Natalya Pololskaya creates a positive image of her husband - he was a hard-drinking musician twice abandoned by his wives, and now, thanks to the Belarusian singer, this guy is associated with an exemplary family man, loving tenderly and idolizing his beloved wife and children. The whole country has been waiting for 10 years for this beautiful, talented couple to have an heir, a miracle happened, in 2015 Artemy was born - a copy of his famous dad!

And here's another one amazing fact– Natalya Podolskaya has a twin sister and her name is Yuliana, she gave birth to twins in 2015 (Natasha also gave birth the same year)! So Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov have the opportunity to become parents of twins!

Many people are interested in what Natalya Podolskaya looked like before plastic surgery. The singer only slightly adjusted her nose; it was asymmetrical, but became very neat, but her individuality was preserved; the singer did not completely change its shape.

But in this photo you can see how Natalia Podolskaya’s nose became after the operation. The difference before and after is obvious.

In this photo, Natalya Podolskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov and their son Artemy.

Olga Samoilova

Unequal marriage in a modern way

Why newlyweds and age differences are a common phenomenon

It so happened, according to centuries-old traditions in Rus', that if a young beauty marries an elderly wealthy gentleman, this phenomenon is quite normal. Such unequal marriages were especially welcomed if the bride came from a poor class, and her parents were not able to save a dowry for their daughter.

Live-in women and homeless women in Rus' had practically no chance of getting married. So the beauty and youth of the bride served as compensation for her poverty, and marriage was a kind of “purchase and sale” transaction in which blooming youth was a “commodity” acquired for title and wealth. In the literature and works of art of that time we find a lot of evidence of this fact.

V.V. Pukirev, Unequal marriage

Probably for this reason, popular rumor is lenient towards such trends at the present time. True, unlike in the old days, in modern society, no one anymore forcibly marries girls to old men, and the decision with whom to tie the knot is made by the bride herself.

However, practice shows that newlyweds and age differences are not uncommon, and this trend is very common among modern young people. In other words, there are a huge number of married couples who are separated by an age difference of more than five years, both in favor of the husband and in favor of the wife.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon physiological characteristics men and women associated with the development of sexuality. It is believed that men aged 16 to 25 years have high level testosterone, that is, they have increased sexuality, which cannot be said about their peers, who reach the peak of sexuality closer to 40 years. As a result, a kind of sexual incompatibility occurs between peers, which is why young guys are drawn to mature women, and young girls They feel good with men over 40.

However, it can be assumed that physiology is too individual a matter for such generalizations, so one should look for an explanation in something else... So, why are newlyweds and age differences a common phenomenon? Probably, first of all, because there is nothing unnatural in this! Of course, unequal marriages often suggest the conclusion of a mutually beneficial deal between a man and a woman, which, of course, often occurs. However, this is not always the case.

Also A.S. Pushkin rightly noted in his time that “all ages are submissive to love.” With age, a person does not cease to be the same person he was in his youth. The body changes, but the soul does not change. There are two concepts - infatuation and love. More often, falling in love is understood as sexual attraction, which can have a fairly strong emotional connotation, but may be short-lived.

A man in love, driven by emotions, sees only outside, not paying attention to the personality of the object of their feelings. And appearance plays a role here.

When we're talking about about love, these are much deeper processes, because they love not only for the attractiveness of the outer shell, but also for what the person’s personality represents. In other words, regardless of age, a person must be an interesting person.

This explains the strange phenomenon that a middle-aged and ugly person is popular with representatives of the opposite sex of different ages.

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

"Star" newlyweds and age difference

To confirm what has been said, let us turn to well-known facts concerning the stars of domestic show business. Here is a list of celebrity couples who share an age difference. We will leave it without comment:

  • Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya. The difference is 36 years in favor of the husband.
  • Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya. The difference of 14 years is in favor of the husband.
  • Dmitry Dibrov and Polina Nagradova. The difference of 31 years is in favor of the husband.
  • Evgeny Gor and Nadezhda Babkina. The difference of 30 years is in favor of the singer.
  • Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova. The difference of 23 years is in favor of the composer.
  • Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn. The difference of 13 years is in favor of the spouse.
  • Lera Kudryavtseva and Sergey Lazarev. The difference of 13 years is in favor of Lera.
  • Lolita Milyavskaya and Denis Ivanov. The difference of 12 years is in favor of the singer.
  • Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva. The difference is 27 years.
  • Nona Grishaeva and Alexander Nesterov. The difference is 12 years in favor of the wife.
  • Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina. The difference of 30 years is in favor of the husband.
  • Sergei Bezrukov and his wife Irina. The difference is 9 years in favor of the wife.
  • Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko. The difference of 30 years is in favor of the wife.
  • Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva. The difference is 18 years.

Nona Grishaeva and Alexander Nesterov

Social problem

How does society treat such marriages? As already mentioned, the phenomenon when a husband is much older than his wife, as a rule, does not meet with any particular criticism, which has developed historically. But if older than spouse, this is already causing some discontent among the public. For example, fans of Sergei Bezrukov really don’t like his wife, Irina. They believe that the wife is too old for the actor. The reason is clear: envy is not a good feeling, but, unfortunately, not uncommon.

Sergei Bezrukov and his wife Irina

In addition, public disapproval of marriages with a woman having an advantage in age is due to this. There are already fewer men in Russia than women. The older a woman is, the less likely she is to reproduce. Therefore, such marriages often remain childless. As a result, young applicants are deprived of potential suitors, and the state is deprived of an increase in population.

However, those who care about increasing the birth rate in the country can solve this problem on their own. And newlyweds can be advised not to pay attention to anyone’s prejudices, and to build personal happiness according to the dictates of their hearts.

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“All ages are submissive to love” - probably there are very few people who have not heard this phrase. Famous proverb This is strongly confirmed by domestic stars, and today you will see unequal marriages Russian celebrities, whose age difference is by no means 2-3 years or even five.
Vladimir Shainsky and his wife Svetlana, age difference 41 years

Bari Alibasov and Liliana, age difference 40 years

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya, age difference 36 years

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko, age difference 32 years

Oleg Tabakov and Maria Zudina, age difference 30 years

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

It's no secret that the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva gravitates towards unequal marriages. After a divorce from Philip Kirkorov, with whom the age difference was 18 years, the diva decided not to stop there, and after 10 years of dating Maxim Galkin in 2011, they legalized their relationship. The difference in their ages is 27 years, but, according to statements star couple, it doesn't bother them at all. And although personal life famous people Always under the gun of the press, paparazzi and the public, among whom there are always many “well-wishers,” Alla and Maxim do not pay attention to expressions of doubt about the sincerity of their feelings.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Katya Trofimova, age difference 27 years

Alexey Maklakov and Anna Romantseva, age difference 23 years

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeniy Gora, age difference 30 years

Boris Grachevsky and Anna Panasenko, age difference 37 years

Dmitry Dibrov and Polina Nagradova, age difference 30 years

Boris Smolkin with his wife Svetlana, age difference 23 years

Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova

Igor Nikolaev does not lag behind the prima donna. After a divorce from Natasha Koroleva, whose age difference was 13 years, the singer met current wife Yulia Proskuryakova. Then he had no idea that the girl who asked him to listen to her sing would become his wife. And so, in 2010, after five years of relationship, they got married. Their age difference is 22 years. Interestingly, the singer’s wife is 3 years younger than his daughter, and his daughter’s husband older than Nikolaev. However, the age difference does not prevent Nikolaev himself or his daughter from building a happy family life.

Sergey Makovetsky and Elena Demchenko, age difference 18 years

Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov.

Most recently, on June 8 this year, the famous presenter Lera Kudryavtseva got married. The chosen one of the 42-year-old star was hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 17 years younger than the bride. The impression was such that the Muz-TV Award, which took place the day before, moved to the Safisa restaurant, where the TV personality’s wedding was celebrated. Igor Vernik and Nikolai Baskov were the hosts of the event, and such Russian pop masters as Grigory Leps, Valery Meladze, Dima Bilan, “Disco Accident”, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Dmitry Malikov, “Hands Up” and Comedy Club performed for the newlyweds. Lera ordered three dresses for her wedding. The bride wore a chic ivory dress embroidered with pearls. After the painting, the TV presenter changed her wedding dress to a dress made of the rarest fabric, which was embroidered with Swarovski stones.