How much does the tallest man in the world weigh. The biggest man in history

The 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions of Guinness World Records recognize Sultan Kesen (born December 10, 1982) as the world's tallest living person. He also has the most big hands(11.22 inches or 28.5 centimeters) and most big feet(14.4 inches or 36.5 centimeters). Most tall man in the world lives in Turkey.

Sultan Kesen is also the owner of the largest custom made shoes and gloves along with pants and T-shirts. Most men can buy their clothes in a department store, but at this height, finding clothes is next to impossible. It's amazing that Kösen is still growing. In 2011, he grew 8 feet 2 inches.

According to the Book of Records, Sultan Kesen is the tallest living person in the world, reaching medium height 8 ft 1 in (246.5 cm). He was first measured in Ankara, Turkey in February 2009. He defeated Bao Xishun (Inner Mongolia, China) who stood at 7ft 8.95in (236cm). However, he was still growing and at a later meeting with America's then tallest man George Bell, Sultan Kesen was measured at 8 feet 2 inches tall. On February 8, 2011 Sultan Kesen was measured in Ankara, Turkey at 8 feet 3 inches (251.4 cm).

Kesen came to the University of Virginia in 2010 to have UVa doctors help treat a tumor in his pituitary gland that was causing excess growth hormone and gigantism. Previous, failed attempts to stop Kosen's growth have made the UVa team's job much harder. Doctor UVa put Kosen on medication to help balance his hormone levels. Dr. Jason Shian (a UVa neurosurgeon) used an instrument called a gamma knife to remove a tumor that was too deep in Kosen's brain for conventional surgery. The technique used concentrated beams of radiation. This operation was completely different than if it were a person of normal size. Special equipment was brought in from Sweden to match Kosen's skull. In early 2012, Turkish doctors confirmed that Kösen had stopped growing.

The world's tallest man was unable to complete his training due to his extreme height, but worked as a farmer to support his family. Sultan Kesen has three brothers and a sister, all of normal height. His growth rate has increased since the age of 10 due to a tumor that stimulated too much release of somatotropin from his pituitary gland. The tumor was successfully removed and it was thought to have stopped growing in 2008, but more recent measurements have shown that it continued to grow for another 2 years, hence the need for additional surgery. He uses canes and tires quickly if he is standing on his feet.

Another contender for the title of the tallest man in the world is Ukrainian Leonid Stadniuk, who claims to be 10.5 centimeters taller than the Sultan. Stadniuk did not make the list because he refused to be measured by Guinness World Records officials. Photographic evidence of Leonid Stadniuk shows that he is approximately 7 feet 7 inches (231.1 cm) tall, 8 inches shorter than Sultan Kesen. Chief Editor Guinness Craig Glenday traveled to Turkey to personally validate Sultan Kesen's height according to strict guidelines, measuring him three times in one day because the body expands and contracts throughout the day.

Having become a famous record holder, Sultan has since traveled to England, Germany, Austria, USA, Iceland, Spain, the Netherlands (twice), Belgium, Norway, Romania, Cuba (3 times), Hong Kong, Thailand and Brazil.

Each person on our planet is individual. Each of us has our own distinctive features that do not belong to other individuals. Someone is very smart, and someone is talented, one has perfect figure and the other has gorgeous hair. Nature has endowed everyone with something good. However, there are people who are absolutely different from the majority - those who have the lowest weight, height, or, on the contrary, are too tall and big weight. What is the biggest person on earth? And what is meant by "large"? Having a large weight, height or big influence in the fate of the country, the world, etc.

Consider influence politicians, rulers, etc. can be for a very long time, since each of them made a contribution to history. Let's assume that the biggest person is the one with the most impressive body weight. The absolute record registered in the world was 635 kilograms! Unfortunately, this man died in 1983, and since then no one has beaten this achievement.

The title of "biggest man" is still posthumously held by John Brower Minnock of Seattle. To date the largest mass body (560 kilograms) has Manuel Uribe, who lives in Mexico. For several years now, Manuel has been unable to even stand up on his own, let alone move around. And his body weight was calculated only approximately, because there are no scales with the necessary scale.

The Guinness Book of Records registered another largest person, who reaches 508 kilograms. You ask, why is not Manuel Uribe listed in the world record book? And all due to the fact that the exact weight of his body was not established.

Everything is clear with “heavy” people, but the definition of “the biggest person” can also be applied to the tallest people on Earth! The tallest man in the world is considered to be a Ukrainian whose height is 257 centimeters. Leonid cannot ride in buses and cars, so the only means of transportation for him is a horse. Yes, and it becomes more and more difficult for him to live from year to year, since increased growth is a consequence of a disease of the pituitary gland. Stadnik admitted that world fame did not suit him, so he gave up his title.

Now the world's largest man is a Turkish farmer. In 2010, his height was 251 centimeters, but he is still increasing! The reason is a tumor in the pituitary gland. It is difficult for the Sultan to move independently, but he likes a celebrity, so he travels the world with pleasure.

But if you look into history, you can find out that in our country there were giant people. Yes, in Russian Empire an ordinary peasant lived in the 19th century. His height was 2 meters 85 centimeters! Moreover, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the tallest person in the history of mankind is considered to be 2 meters 72 centimeters tall. Our compatriot had a weight of 182 kilograms, was distinguished by remarkable strength and wore shoes of size 51. The record holder died quite young - at 34 ... from pneumonia! And here's why his outstanding physical data was not recorded - official sources so it is unknown.

Do you know who is the biggest man in the world? What do you think, is it good or bad to be very big? Fans will be interested in this information.

We bring to your attention Interesting Facts about the tallest people on the planet. Today you will learn than life big people different from all the others, and what problems they have to face because of their size.

The tallest man in history

Robert Pershing Wadlow is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest person in. A taller person has never been officially recorded in history.

Wadlow was born in the USA in 1918. Doctors soon discovered he had pituitary cancer and acromegaly. From that moment on, the guy began to grow continuously until his death at 22.

Height of the tallest man

The official height of the tallest man in the world was 272 cm, with a weight of 199 kg.

Robert studied at school, and then at the university. Interestingly, over the years of study, he was able to visit all the states, performing in the circus arena.

The size of his palm was 32.4 cm. Every year the guy got sick more and more often. At the end of his life, he could no longer walk normally, so he had to use crutches.

At one of the performances, Wadlow rubbed his leg. Subsequently, this harmless trifle developed into inflammation and became the cause of the death of the giant. Despite all the efforts of the doctors, they failed to save the life of the tallest man in history.

About 40,000 people attended the funeral. The coffin was carried by more than 10 strong guys, as it weighed 500 kg.

At the request of the relatives, the grave was filled with a thick layer of concrete. Relatives wanted to be sure that the remains of the body would not be touched by anomaly lovers and pseudo researchers. Only one word is written on the giant's tombstone: "Calm down."

Russian giant

Despite the officially recorded growth of Robert Wadlow, some researchers believe that Fedor Makhnov was the tallest man in history.

He was born in 1878 in the Vitebsk province. AT different sources it is noted that his height was 285 cm.

Here are the anthropometric data of Makhnov:

  • Height - 285 cm;
  • Weight - 182 kg;
  • Palm length - 31 cm;
  • Foot length - 51 cm;
Fedor Makhnov

Although other experts believe that Fedor's height was no higher than 240 cm. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the ratio of the height of the people who were present in the photographs next to him.

At one time, Makhnov worked in a circus and was incredibly popular with the public.

After long travels in different places, he decided to return home.

An interesting fact is that his wife Efrosinya Lebedeva was 215 cm tall. She gave birth to five children.

And although they were not all small, none of them managed to overcome the two-meter barrier. Fedor Makhnov passed away at the age of 34.

There is an opinion that such an early death was associated with lung disease, although other versions have been put forward.

In 1939, his body was exhumed for scientific purposes.

The tallest man in the world today

Currently, the tallest man in the world is the Turk Sultan Kesen with a height of 251 cm. His abnormal growth was caused by oncology.

In 2010, doctors began to treat the giant, trying to normalize the production of hormones. After 2 years, they were able to stop its growth.

But in this photo, the Sultan is photographed next to.

Feeling uncomfortable because of his size, the guy dropped out of school. Instead, he decided to take up farming. Like all his brothers in misfortune, he has serious difficulties when it comes to buying things.

The biggest man in the world

Before the advent of Sultan Kesen, the tallest person on the planet was a Mongolian shepherd from China - Bao Xishun with a height of 236 cm. This is all the more curious that Asians are mostly undersized.

In 2006, he saved two dolphins by removing foreign objects. He managed to do this only thanks to his hands, the length of which is 1.06 m.

Giants of our time

In 2014, another tallest man in the world, Leonid Stadnik from Ukraine, died. His height reached 253 cm, with a weight of more than 200 kg. By the way, he also holds the record for the largest palm - 31 cm.

Leonid was born in 1971. Upon graduation, he worked as a veterinarian. The man began to grow abnormally after the removal of the tumor in.

During the operation, the pituitary gland was affected, which was the result of the deviation. It happened at a young age.

Throughout his life, Stadnik experienced many inconveniences due to growth. For example, with his 62 foot size, he could not buy shoes for himself. However, the world is not without good people. There were those who sewed a pair of boots for the giant.

Interestingly, Leonidas for a long time did not allow himself to be measured. However, without this procedure, the record cannot be fixed. Only in 2007 was he persuaded to take appropriate measurements, after which he was legally awarded the title of the tallest person.

A year later, he was deprived of this status due to the refusal to re-conduct such measurements. And it was necessary according to the current rules.

The fattest man in the world

John Brower Minnock is considered the fattest man in the world. His weight was estimated at 600 kg, although it was not possible to make an accurate weighing due to his size, the impossibility of movement and John's poor health.

However, officially the title of the fattest man in the world belongs to Minnock. It is also included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Now you know who is the biggest and tallest person. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends. If you like it at all - subscribe to the site website.

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The TOP 10 biggest people in the world can be compiled according to several indicators. Height, weight, etc. are large.

1. Manuel Uribe Garza is one of the heaviest people. He could not walk since 2001, because his weight was 587 kg. In 2007, the figure dropped to 560 kg. There was no heavier person among the living. After his appearance on television, he was offered bariatric surgery. Uribe opted for a high protein diet and by 2007 he was able to move around on his own as he dropped to 381 kg. In 2014, he faced medical complications and died in hospital.

9. The history of medicine does not know a more severe case than Walter Hudson. Place of birth - New York. His name is mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records because he had the widest waist. By 1987, this figure was 3.02 m. Before his death, he weighed 543 kg. Walter Hudson died in his sleep when he was 47 years old and weighed 1125 pounds.

8. Twice participant in the Guinness Book of Records TOP Rosalie Bradford is mentioned there as the fattest, and then the most heavily thinner woman in the world. At 14, her weight was 92 kg. But the peak was reached in 1987 - 544 kg. In 1988, she attempted suicide by taking many painkillers. Rosalie achieved legendary results by following Richard Simmons' diet. Agreeing to an operation to remove excess skin, she died during the operation. She was 63 years old. Thanks to diets, she got rid of 416 kg.

7. Michael Hebranco weighed 411 kg., but lost weight to 90 kg. unable to hold the weight, he quickly reached 500 kg.

8. Robert Wadlow (USA) is the tallest man in the world. This figure was 2.72m. His body could not withstand the effects of a pituitary tumor and acromegaly. Wadlow grew throughout his life. Before his death, he was 272 cm tall.

9. No less high was John Rogan (USA). He was 2.67 meters tall and weighed only 79 kg. He was born between 1865 and 1868. His father was a member of the family former slave. He was the fourth child. It is not known if his mother was the wife of William Rogan. Rogan began to grow in height. At the age of 13, this became apparent. The result was ankylosis. He could only walk on crutches. In 1882, he could not even stand without them. By 1899, he had reached a height of 2.59 m. Newspapers called him "the Negro giant." To get around, he used a cart drawn by goats. He had a distinctive low voice. By selling his images, he earned his living. Before his ankylosis began, his height was 2.59 m. The hands were 28 cm long, the feet - 33 cm. Even before his death, he continued to grow. Rogan died in 1905 without suffering complications from his illness. They tried to protect his body from exhumations and study by burying him in the family crypt, and a monolithic concrete slab was installed on top.

10. John F. Carroll (USA) was 2.63m tall. In a certain circle he was called Jack Carroll and Red Carroll. His fate was a severe form of 2-dimensional curvature of the spine, as well as acromegaly. Due to the curvature of the spine, height was difficult to measure accurately. Height-corrected data for the curvature of the spine could not be obtained, it was supposed to be 274 cm. John F. Carroll was born in New York. The world of medicine refers to him as the Buffalo Giant. Extraordinary growth was recorded from the age of sixteen and did not end until death. Active treatment measures at Mercy Hospital. There were periods of several months when his height increased by 15 cm.

Sometimes being tall is a big advantage, like for basketball players. But for most of the heroes of our post, their gigantic size only brings them inconvenience, as for, and strong physical exercise for such tall people are categorically contraindicated.

1. Igor Vovkovinsky. Height 235 cm

Igor Vovkovinsky - American actor and student Law University, originally from Ukraine. On the this moment is the tallest American, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Igor was born in the city of Bar, in the Vinnitsa region, later moved to Kyiv with his parents. At the age of 7, the boy was diagnosed with a rare disease - a disease of the pituitary gland, which led to gigantism. The child needed expensive treatment, which was impossible to get in Kyiv, and the family had to move to the United States.

Now Igor lives in Rochester, Minnesota, he underwent more than 16 operations and doctors were able to stop his growth at around 2 meters, 35 centimeters. In 2011, Igor Vovkovinsky starred in the movie Single Week with Owen Wilson.

2. Brenden Adams. Height 235 cm

Brenden Adams was born in 1995 and in the US he is called the tallest teenager in the world. In 2008, at the age of 13, the guy waved 2 m 41 cm! Even at a young age, Brenden's parents realized that something was wrong with their son. At the age of 4, he looked like an 8-year-old boy, and by the age of 8 he looked like a completely adult person, while remaining a child in terms of mental development.

For a long time, doctors could not find out the reason for such a metamorphosis with the boy, until they finally established the final diagnosis - chromosomal inversion, which led to the uncontrolled growth of a teenager and other physiological changes.

3. Radhun Charbib. Height 236 cm

Radhun Charbib was officially listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world. And he held his giant status until January 2005. At the moment, Radhun Charbib is considered the tallest man in Tunisia.

4. Bao Xishun. Height 236 cm

Shepherd Bao Xishun is considered the tallest man in China. The most interesting thing is that until the age of 16, Bao grew up as an ordinary boy, but then he began to gain height sharply and at the age of 23 his height was 236 cm.
He worked as a barker in a restaurant, played basketball in the army team and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man on the planet, until the Turkish Sultan Kösen broke his record.

And one day, thanks to great growth Bao Xishun rescued two dolphins at Royal Ocean World. Animals swallowed plastic trash and thanks to the length of his arms (106 cm), Bao Xishun literally pulled plastic out of the stomachs of dolphins.

5. Sun Ming Ming. Height 236 cm

Chinese basketball player Sun Ming Ming was born in 1983 and is considered one of the tallest players in the history of basketball. In 2005, he moved to the United States and began to prepare for a possible invitation to the NBA.

In the same year, a Chinese man was diagnosed with a benign tumor on the pituitary gland, the operation to remove the tumor cost more than $ 100,000, but the money was quickly raised through donations. On September 26, 2005, the tumor was successfully removed. Fans of Jackie Chan films may have seen Sun Ming Ming in Rush Hour 3.

6. Nasir Ahmed Soomro. Height 238 cm

Nasir Ahmed Soomro was born in 1975 and currently lives in Pakistan. Works as a children's basketball coach and enjoys cricket. For some time he even participated as a living exhibit in the Guinness World Records Museum in Taiwan.

7. Zhang Juncai. Height 242 cm

The giant Zhang Juncai has a truly incredible growth for the Chinese - 242 centimeters! This giant was born in 1966 in the Shanxi province, in China, in an ordinary peasant family. The parents of this big man, his brothers and sisters of normal height, and Zhang himself, until the age of 16, grew up as an ordinary teenager (like his compatriot Bao Xishun), and then he began to grow rapidly and at 18 his height was 210 cm.

For a while, Zhang played on the basketball team. True, not for long, due to an injury, he had to stop playing sports. Doctors performed an operation on Zhang to remove a tumor on the pituitary gland, and thanks to this, the growth of the giant was stopped at around 242 cm.

8. Morteza Merzad. Height 242 cm

Morteza Merzad takes an honorable third place among the tallest people now living on the planet. He was born in 1987 and currently lives in Iran. Mortez suffers from acromegaly, as a result of which the pituitary gland produces a huge amount of growth hormones, due to which the Iranian has abnormal changes in the arms, legs and face.

His rapid and abnormal growth began after Mortez, at the age of 16, fell off his bicycle and hit his pelvis hard. Right leg the Iranian then stopped growing and is now 15 centimeters shorter than the left.

9. Brahim Takiolakh. Height 246 cm

Brahim Takiolah was born in 1982 in Morocco and is the second tallest person in the world. He is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the most big size legs. The length of his foot is more than 38 centimeters! His high growth is caused, like most other giants, by a pituitary tumor.
As early as Brahim's childhood, the school doctor, concerned about the rapid growth of the teenager, took a sample of his blood for analysis, as a result of which the boy was diagnosed with the disease. The giant is currently undergoing treatment in France.

10. Sultan Kösen. Height 251 cm.

At the moment, the Turkish Sultan Kösen, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the tallest man in the world. Until the age of 10, Sultan grew up as an ordinary boy, not particularly distinguishing himself from his peers, until he suddenly began to gain height dramatically. Doctors diagnosed a pituitary tumor in a teenager. In 2008, after a long medical treatment, the doctors announced that the disease had finally subsided, but this was a temporary lull and soon the Sultan began to grow again.

Then the treatment of the giant decided to continue the American specialists from the Medical School of the University of Virginia. The Americans succeeded in what other doctors could not do - they stopped the growth of the Turk. Sultan Kösen himself admits that such a high growth creates only one problem for him.

He could not finish school, get an education and learn at least some profession. Due to the enormous load on the body, he can move independently only with the help of crutches. Clothes and shoes are sewn for him on a special request, because such a size as his is simply impossible to find in stores, and tailoring to an individual order costs a pretty penny. In addition, it may not fit in every vehicle and in most rooms feels uncomfortable, but closed like in a box.