How long do little turtles live? How many years do turtles live in the wild and at home? How many years do land turtles live?

Having decided to start pet, one question almost always arises - how long will it live in your home? After all, this indicator is influenced by a combination of reasons - the organization proper nutrition, a place to live, climatic features, maintaining cleanliness. Take, for example, a turtle. She is a representative of long-livers, the age of some individuals reaches one hundred years or more. Some scientists claim that with a suitable climate and healthy food, a turtle will live up to three hundred years. Living indoors significantly reduces the limits of longevity, but we can confidently say that any turtle will outlive a dog or cat.

Lifespan of turtles

The leader is the red-eared turtle, whose age reaches an average of thirty to forty years. But it is worth noting that with improperly organized care, the lifespan of an animal in an apartment can be significantly reduced. The fact is that this individual needs water and a spacious place of detention. And this should not be limited.

Bolotnaya european tortoise in captivity will live a little less - no more than twenty-five. There have been cases when an animal of this species lived to be over a hundred years old.

In third place is the Central Asian turtle, which can live from twenty to forty years. But even among them there are long-livers. An example is Marion turtles, which reach an age of up to one and a half hundred years.

The average sea turtle lives about eighty years. But many turtles do not reach such a respectable age, dying in their embryonic state from sharp temperature fluctuations. They also die in the clutches of predators when they try to get to the water’s edge after hatching.

Reasons for longevity

Turtles live in the aquatic environment and on land. Over the entire period of their existence, they have learned to get used to any changes environment. Turtles have reliable immunity against numerous infections, being considered one of the hardiest living creatures on the planet. They have a bone cover in the form of a shell, which is quite difficult to damage, and are distinguished by the ability to go without food for a long time or be content with little. The secret of turtles' longevity lies in the slowness of material metabolism, which caused delayed puberty and, naturally, inhibition of vital processes.

Is life possible for a turtle without water?

In an indoor space, a turtle is able to crawl into a secluded place and
"get lost" on for a long time. To make it easier to find him and lure him out into the open, just leave a plate of water on the floor. And although a turtle can do without water for several days, it will definitely appear for such bait.

Whatever you say, the life span of a turtle is decent. In this case, the pet will need proper care from us.

What to feed a turtle, how to organize care

The turtle food recommended in books is meat, boiled eggs and other products. But at the same time, the animal perfectly consumes dandelions, apples, cucumbers and even tomatoes. In the summer, you can take the turtle out into nature - it will enjoy the grass.

Many people keep the turtle on its own “walk”. It's not really right decision– the animal suffers greatly from piercing drafts, dust accumulations on the floor and dirt.

The right solution for keeping a turtle would be to equip a terrarium. A fenced-off corner in the bathroom or kitchen is also suitable if the floor is heated. Don't forget to install a lamp that will emit heat from above.

The turtle needs love and care. Give her this and she will live happily ever after at home.

When choosing a pet for the family, future owners must take into account many factors, ranging from lifestyle, routine and feeding habits of the animal to its life expectancy. The last question is especially of concern to people planning to get a turtle. These reptiles are distinguished by amazing endurance and longevity and, under favorable circumstances, can live for decades. Therefore, before you get such an animal, you need to realize that you will have to take care of its well-being for a long time.

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    How many years do turtles live?

    It is generally accepted that turtles can live 300 years, although in fact this opinion is erroneous. Of course, among the representatives of this species of animals there are some long-livers, but there is no reliable data that any individual lived to such a respectable age. In many ways, this impression of turtles is due to isolated cases of longevity among large species.

    Life expectancy is affected by the size of the turtle - the larger the species, the longer its representatives can live:

    • small turtles can live up to 50 years;
    • representatives of medium-sized species live up to 80 years;
    • maximum age large reptiles is 200 years.

    Being in captivity can either extend a turtle's lifespan or shorten its years. Necessary living conditions, a balanced diet and the absence of enemies allow the animal to live long enough, but improper care or feeding with unsuitable food will lead to the rapid death of the pet.


    Turtles that include more than a dozen genera are called land turtles. They live in Asia, southern Europe, Africa and America. These reptiles prefer open spaces - steppes, deserts and forest-steppes, but are able to feel comfortable in humid conditions. tropical forests.

    The size of animals can be either very small, not exceeding 10 cm, or quite large. Common to all land turtles are a round shell and thick legs with fused toes. Reptiles prefer to eat a plant-based diet.

    IN natural environment habitat, such animals can live from 50 to 100 years, which is influenced by the type of particular animal, its size and external factors. European land turtles are bred in captivity more often than others, with an average lifespan of 40 years.

    Central Asian

    The Central Asian tortoise is one of the representatives of land animals. It differs from other varieties in its shell. This part of the body is divided into sectors and colored yellow-brown with spots.

    The habitat of these animals covers countries Central Asia. There the turtle is found in the foothills, near reservoirs and in deserts. The species grows only up to 20 cm, therefore it is classified as small. In the natural environment, under favorable circumstances, they live up to 50 years; in captivity, the period is limited to thirty years.


    Sea turtles live in warm oceans and seas. They differ quite strongly from their land counterparts:

    • the shell has an elongated shape;
    • the front and hind limbs do not retract;
    • the paws are more like flippers.

    Body length ranges from 70 to 140 cm. Due to their impressive size, they do not live at home. In captivity, they can only be seen in aquariums and large zoos. If living conditions sea ​​turtles favorable, they live up to eighty years.


    European merman or aquatic turtles live in the southern part African continent, in the Middle East and Asia. These freshwater reptiles are small and only grow up to 30 cm.

    Aquatic turtles are distinguished from other turtles by their smooth, plain or colored shell. These are quite popular pets; in captivity they are kept in special aquariums. Life expectancy both in the wild and in captivity is 50 years.

    Although aquatic turtles are considered to be unpretentious pets, their maintenance requires the creation of certain conditions. In captivity, they live in aquaterrariums, where, in addition to aquatic environment access to the “island” and heating with varying degrees of intensity should be provided. Turtles eat raw fish without bones.


    Yellow-bellied, or red-eared turtle is a representative of American waters. It can grow up to 30 cm, with females being slightly larger. Little ones red eared turtles painted bright green. As they get older, animals darken and acquire a brown or olive color. They have elongated patterns on their body, but the shell is almost entirely painted in one color.

    Next to their eyes they have spots of red or orange, which is why reptiles got their name. Initially, red-eared animals lived only on the American continent, but then they were brought to other countries. They live in lakes and ponds with gentle banks, where it is convenient to get out onto land. Life expectancy, like that of aquatic species, is 50 years.

    Life expectancy at home

    Reptiles live on average as long in captivity as in natural nature. This happens because of balance. unfavorable factors: in the wild, animals are threatened by predators, but at home, their lives are shortened by human carelessness.

    The following can affect the lifespan of a turtle in captivity:

    1. 1. Balanced diet.
    2. 2. The size of the aquarium, its degree of illumination and temperature conditions.
    3. 3. Timely detection and elimination of health problems.
    4. 4. Traumatic.

    Small turtles kept at home can live from 30 to 50 years. Representatives of large species that are kept in large zoos, having created all the necessary conditions, live much longer than in the natural environment.

    Age determination

    The number of years lived for aquatic and land reptiles is determined differently, but the shell of the animal always serves as a guide.

    There are two ways to calculate the age of land turtles:

    The age of aquatic turtles is also determined by their shell:

    All estimates are approximate, especially if we're talking about about big old turtles. In such large reptiles it is difficult to count the rings, since they gradually wear off and merge with each other.

You can often find sellers on the street with baby turtles, not much larger than a five-ruble coin, swimming in a small round aquarium. Typically, such people claim that these are mini turtles that will not grow anymore, and caring for them will not be difficult. Buyers often don't think about what are aquatic turtles and how long do they live?, but this often leads to disastrous (especially for the animal) consequences.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of entrenched myths regarding keeping these reptiles at home. But in reality, everything turns out far from so rosy: for some reason, the little green turtles in the aquarium do not want to eat and soon die. If they manage to survive, very soon they will turn into a rather large, voracious, agile and biting animal. Why is this happening?

Main types

Most often found on sale red eared turtles, having characteristic red spots behind the eyes and a green (in young individuals) carapace. Reptiles are bred on turtle farms and are perhaps the most common.

In addition to them, you can find 2 more species of aquatic turtles:

  1. European marsh. It has a black smooth shell with yellow stripes or dots.
  2. Chinese Far Eastern Trionix. Its shell is covered with skin, its neck is flexible and long, its nose has the shape of a proboscis.

These animals are in most cases taken from the wild.

How to keep

Creating the necessary conditions for a turtle is not so difficult. For this
needed large aquarium(at least 100-120 l) with a land area (about 25% of the terrarium area, optional for Trionix), equipped incandescent lamp and UV lamp (5-10%), filter and water heater(if the temperature drops below 22-24 degrees). The ascent to land should be gentle and comfortable, the lamps are located above the island, at a distance of about 25 cm, and are turned on for the whole day (12 hours ). Trionics needs a thick layer of soil at the bottom, as well as an aerator(it is better to protect all equipment from animal access).

How long aquatic turtles live in captivity depends, first of all, on the conditions of detention and proper feeding. Red-eared animals live on average up to 30-35 years, swamp ones are somewhat longer; in the first year and a half they can grow up to 7.5 cm, then reduce the rate to 1-1.25 cm per year. Puberty occurs in nature by 6-8 years, in captivity somewhat earlier.

It is important to remember that the “character” of animals is far from angelic: although young individuals quickly become accustomed to being handled, they still may bite. Trionics often remain aggressive throughout their lives.

After purchasing an aquatic turtle, it is recommended, especially if during the first days it shows lethargy, refuses food, sneezes, or lists to one side when swimming. You should not delay contacting, because its timeliness determines how long aquatic turtles will live in captivity.

Transportation is carried out in a fabric bag, in the cold season in the bosom or in a closed container with a heating pad. Drying is contraindicated for Trionics, so it is better to place them in a container with water or wrap them in a damp cloth. Woolen items are not able to warm reptiles - they are cold-blooded, that is, they cannot generate their own heat!

Before purchasing a baby turtle from your own hands, it is better to learn everything about aquatic turtles in advance, and also to provide them with a suitable home. Unfortunately, many people do not think about this and release grown turtles into water bodies or throw them into veterinary clinics, zoos or animal corners. Often, the animal's hardy body adapts to unacceptable conditions, and the reptile lives for years in a basin in the bathroom, suffering from rickets and other chronic diseases. Before purchasing, consider how long aquatic turtles can live and what sizes they reach, and whether you can provide proper care for your pet during these years.

TO They gave me this land turtle at my request when I was 5 years old for 25 rubles. We came to a woman’s apartment; she had two turtles, a female and a male, sitting in a small plastic box. The female was greenish and I didn’t like it, so I decided to get a male

In terms of size, it was basically the same as it is now, or maybe I just didn’t notice the difference in size over these 20 years. As a matter of principle, I do not feed him unnatural food, which is recommended to be fed in books - for example, meat, boiled eggs, etc.

He eats dandelions, apples, cucumbers, loves tomatoes and yellow flowers dandelions In the summer, I go for walks with him to the quarry and to the river, so that the turtles can take a break from the apartment routine and remember their homeland - nature

The shell of the Central Asian tortoise is low, round, yellowish-brown in color, with vague dark spots; The carapace has 13 horny scutes, the plastron has 16, there are 25 scutes on the sides of the carapace, each of the 13 scutes of the carapace has grooves, usually the number of grooves corresponds to the number of years the turtle has lived (similar to circles on a cut of a tree). The size of the turtle usually does not exceed 20 cm (the record specimen is 28 cm). Female Central Asian turtles are noticeably larger than males. There are 4 toes on the front legs of the Central Asian tortoise, and several small horny tubercles on the back of the hips.

The Central Asian tortoise is distributed in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, throughout the plains of Central Asia, in North-Eastern Iran, Afghanistan, in northwestern regions India and Pakistan. She lives in clayey and sandy deserts with thickets of wormwood, tamarisk or saxaul, in the foothills up to altitudes of 1200 m above sea level, in river valleys, on agricultural lands. Its numbers in many places are very high. Despite this, the Central Asian turtle is listed in the international Red Book

In June 2010, I decided to do a souvenir photo shoot for my beloved turtle, this is what happened

Some people keep the turtle “free-range”, but this is absolutely wrong, since heat-loving animals suffer greatly from drafts, as well as from various dust and dirt on the floor. It is possible to keep them in a pen, for example, in a kitchen or bathroom, equipped with a warm floor and heating from above - but still, the best for turtles, of course, is a terrarium;

For one turtle you will need a horizontal type terrarium, with minimum sizes 50(length)*40(width)*30(height including space for the lamp);
It is best to use small pebbles as soil; If a turtle has a tendency to swallow pebbles, they should be immediately replaced with very large ones. Central Asian turtles are big fans of bathing, be sure to bathe them 2 times a week clean water+30 +32 C.

You will need a heating lamp, usually an incandescent lamp is enough to illuminate 1/2, 1/3 of the area of ​​the terrarium; The power of the lamp depends on the volume of the terrarium - approximately 4 watts of power will be required per liter of volume. An ultraviolet lamp must also be present, since due to the lack of sunlight Rickets may begin, which, unlike in humans, can begin at any age of the turtle.

The ideal temperature for land turtles is +26 – +30C.

Do not place the food container under a lamp.

A turtle definitely needs shelter. Ideally, one shelter for each individual; An ordinary ceramic flower pot, sawn into two halves so that the turtle can turn around, works well as a shelter. It is recommended to sand the edges so that the turtle does not get cut; or a wooden house, but so that the nails do not stick out!!!

It is also not necessary, but it is advisable, if the size of the terrarium allows, you can place a bowl filled with water there, where the turtle could swim at any time. To do this, you also need a thermal wire (it should be protected with a layer of polystyrene foam, since the scoop can dig out and get burned on hot lead) so that the water is warm. Turtles have a habit of defecating in this bathing vessel, so be prepared to change the water.

What to feed turtles

Turtles are fed every day, preferably at the same time;

The main food for turtles is vegetable,

  • Poisonous plants: nightshade, buttercup, medicinal plants containing alkaloids, dieffenbachia (Diffenbachia spp.), euphorbia (Euphorbia spp.), azalea (Azalia spp.), elodea, lagenandra, ambulia (limnophila), oleander, narcissus, spurge, crocus, cyclamen, delphinium, foxglove, hydrangea, jasmine, lilies, lobelia, lupine, mistletoe, potato leaves, rhododendron...
  • Citrus peels, fruit and berry seeds.
  • Eggshells, ground egg shells (can cause salmonellosis).
  • Canned and dry food for domestic warm-blooded animals and fish.
  • Human food: porridge, cheese, any bread, rolls, dumplings, milk, cottage cheese, boiled or fried food, raw and boiled eggs.
  • Animal food for land Central Asian turtles and most land species: meat, fish, insects. If land turtles, whose digestive tract configured for slowly digested food, feed protein foods for a long time, then uric acid, formed during the breakdown of proteins, cannot be released in sufficient volume, as a result, the kidneys do not work well. Meat contains more than just protein, and turtles do not have the ability to break down and remove such substances from the body.

    Foods harmful to turtles large quantities

  • Plants containing high amounts of oxalates (which interfere with the absorption of calcium in the intestines and can lead to the development of false gout): spinach, bean sprouts, rhubarb.
  • Growogenic plants (cause iodine deficiency and goiter): various varieties of cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, mustard and wild cruciferous vegetables.
  • Tomatoes and other foods rich in phosphorus interfere with the absorption of calcium.
  • Foods rich in purines or potentially alkaline (may contribute to the development of true gout): asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, cereal grains, mustard, mushrooms, pineapples, as well as raw liver, kidneys and fatty fish.
  • The following fruits, herbs and vegetables: potatoes, celery, lettuce, onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, rhubarb, herbs (thyme, basil), pear, many sweet fruits, cherries.
  • Dry food for reptiles and turtles. Turtles do not need them and have a bad effect on the body.
  • a lot of sorrel (due to the acid it contains);
  • a lot of cucumbers (very swelling);
  • herbs (thyme, basil)

Add vegetable protein to the food - these are soaked and sprouted beans, good source protein - alfalfa, but do not overuse it.

Buying food from pet stores is harmful to turtles. You can buy vitamin supplements at a pet store,
but with special attention.

Central Asian turtles must be given calcium supplements at the rate of 100 mg of “pure” calcium per 1 kg of turtle weight. Give no more than once a week. Glycerophosphate, carbonate, borogluconate, and calcium palmitate are not suitable because they are poorly absorbed by the body and are eliminated from it almost completely. It is best to give “natural” food - freshly picked plants.

During the fall and winter season, you can feed turtles hay, but you must also give them plenty of water. All turtles love sweet fruits, but it is strictly forbidden to give them in large quantities - this leads to obesity.

Reproduction of turtles

For reproduction you will need at least a pair of turtles, it is better to take three turtles of approximately the same age and weight;

Distinguishing a female from a male is not very easy for an amateur. When buying a turtle, look at the shape of the tail - if the turtle’s tail is longer and wider at the base, then most likely the person in front of you is a male; male Central Asian turtles often have a dent on the plastron closer to the tail. In males, the cloaca is located further along the tail than in females. In females, the plastron is flat, the tail is short due to the placement of the oviduct in their cloaca, without thickening. The cloaca is located near the end of the carapace, i.e. almost at the base of the tail. Males are often smaller than females.

Turtles reach sexual maturity: females from 10-12 years, males from 5-6 years;

Turtles mate from February to August. The duration of pregnancy is 2 months, after which the female lays from 2 to 6 eggs. Incubation at a temperature of 28-30°C lasts 60-65 days. Young turtles should be fed with mixtures of finely chopped vegetables and vitamin and mineral supplements.

About caring for land turtles

Don’t be surprised if your pet turtle asks to go into hibernation: it starts to refuse food, behave sluggishly and apathetically. Please be aware that this process, due to non-compliance temperature conditions natural, they can be dangerous. Turtles living in captivity should not hibernate. This is harmful to their health.

It is necessary to walk with turtles in the summer. Outdoor sunbathing in warm weather(+28 or more) will allow you to avoid many problems in the future, the main thing is not to leave the turtle unattended during the walk (oddly enough, turtles can move quickly and unpredictably whenever they want). If you are making a pen for a turtle, dig it 5-10 centimeters into the ground - turtles are good at digging under fences. Remember that it is almost impossible to find a lost turtle.

The turtle's enclosure must have shelter from direct sun rays– let the turtle choose where to sit.

After bathing, the turtle is wiped with a napkin. It is not necessary to place her under a lamp - give her a choice, she knows best what she needs.

If the shell does not look as beautiful as you want, then it is not the oil that will help you, but the veterinarian - we are most likely talking about improper care of the turtle. If it has uneven, highly lumpy scales, it is most likely the onset of rickets. Those. Either you do not irradiate the turtle with ultraviolet light (UV does not pass through glass), or you do not add mineral supplements to the food.

If you notice changes in your animal's behavior or appearance, for example, it has become more lethargic or its eyes have become swollen, do not hesitate - take it to the veterinarian

How long do turtles live?

On the Internet you will find information regarding the life expectancy of Central Asian turtles in the range from 5 to 40 years, on average 15 and this is the limit. And now directly what I want to say about how long turtles can live at home in captivity

When they bought me a turtle, she was 5-7 years old, now 20 years have passed since the purchase, i.e. my turtle has been living in captivity only with me for 20 years and it is unknown in what conditions and how long she lived with her previous owners. My turtle goes into hibernation for the winter in a corner near the balcony, but I do not advise letting unprepared turtles sleep, because... hibernation for a turtle there is always a risk of weakening too much and dying. In winter, sometimes I forcefully wake up the turtle, turn on the lamp and look at what physical condition turtle. I carefully give herbal food in small doses, bathe her to cleanse her intestines, and after briefly warming up under a lamp, the turtle goes into hibernation until spring.

When you buy a turtle, you should be aware that you will have to carefully care for the turtle throughout its life and monitor its health and take measures for treatment if necessary. A turtle is not a toy for a child, it is a living, wise, unique creature, it is the only descendant of dinosaurs that previously lived on Earth. Please do everything possible so that your turtle lives a long time. happy life, I rejoiced myself and made you happy. The turtle does not need much, they eat little, food grows freely in nature.

Do not confine your turtle to a small enclosed terrarium as many sources recommend. My turtle has never lived in a terrarium or cage for the entire 20 years that he has been living with me. My turtle lives in the area near the windows, where there is a battery and its corners, and most importantly, access to a huge loggia, where she runs all summer from morning to morning. evenings. My turtle doesn’t walk around and shit around the apartment, he doesn’t cross the invisible line and he himself understands perfectly well where he can be and where he can’t. He is so smart and wise that when he needs something, he comes across the entire apartment to the owner and sits still.

Do not feed your turtle eggs, meat, vitamins, or dry food from pet stores if you want your turtle to have a long and fulfilling life. Follow the principle of creating a natural environment in which turtles live freely and your turtle will delight you for many years!

The lifespan of turtles depends on the content and characteristics of the species. In their natural environment, reptiles live longer. In captivity, people often make mistakes that greatly reduce their lifespan. However, in nature, reptiles face other problems: predators and hunters. People also pollute nature and cut down forests, which affects the quality and life expectancy of turtles. Thus, reptiles rarely survive to natural death.

The larger the reptiles, the longer. This is explained by long-term processes taking place in the body. Reptiles can stop the heartbeat.


Land animals live 30–120 years. Species found different sizes: from 10 cm to a meter. They are distinguished by fused toes and a rounded shell. In small species, the lifespan is 30 years in an aquarium and 80 years in nature. Large turtles are 30–50 years old in captivity and up to 150 years old in natural conditions. How many years do popular people live? land turtles in home terrariums:

  1. Mediterranean – 35–40;
  2. musky – 23–28;
  3. Central Asian – up to 30;
  4. Balkan up to 50;
  5. Indian (stellate) – up to 30.
  6. Egyptian – 30.

Life expectancy depends on.


Like land animals, aquatic species at home will live half as long as in nature. How many years do turtles live on average?

  1. – 25;
  2. – 25–30;
  3. red-eared – 30–35;
  4. Caspian – 25;
  5. silt bighead – 23.

Little turtles

Size up to 13 cm.

  1. three-keel - 20–25;
  2. spotted – 30–40;
  3. musky – up to 23;
  4. Reeves pond - up to 58;
  5. silt – 50–60;
  6. common musk – 23.

How to determine age

Find out how many years a turtle lives by looking at its shell. The length increases by 2 cm with each passing year. A turtle is born with a 3-centimeter shell. Measure the length of the shell, subtract 3, divide the resulting number by 2. So, the age of a reptile with a shell 5 cm long is 1 year, 15 cm - 6 years.


Each plate dividing the carapace contains annual rings. During the first 2 years of life, 6 annual rings are formed in land species. After this, 1-2 rings are added every year. Count the rings on one plate of the shell, subtract 6, divide by 1.5 and add 2. After counting 20 rings, you can find out that the animal is 11 years old.


In the inhabitants of the waters, 1 annual ring is added annually. Count the number of rings on the plate and subtract the first 2 years of life. In older individuals, the pattern is unclear and blurry.

How to extend the life of a turtle

  1. When purchasing an ornamental reptile, learn about the natural environment in which its relatives live and its preferences.
  2. Make a varied diet, taking into account all the necessary minerals and vitamins.
  3. Make sure that the turtle does not live too crowded in the tank. For adult medium-sized, select a vessel with a volume of 100 liters or more.
  4. The reptile should live only in a fully equipped aquarium. Pets live shorter lives in containers and boxes.
  5. Equip the aquarium with the necessary equipment: a water filter, an ultraviolet lamp and a heater.
  6. Bathe your pet at least once a week. The duration of water procedures is no more than half an hour. Aquatic species They live in aquariums with a small pond and an island.
  7. Maintain the air temperature at 31–33 degrees, water temperature at 20–24 degrees.
  8. Be careful when handling the reptile, do not drop the animal or frighten it with sharp sounds. If children play with the pet, adults should supervise the process.
  9. If you notice anything strange in your reptile's behavior or appearance, do not delay checking with a veterinarian. Refusal to eat, changes in the shape of the shell, lethargy, the appearance of tumors and ulcers are signals of illness.
  10. When purchasing new armored reptiles, quarantine them for a month. At this time future neighbor must live separately.

How long do turtles live without water?

Adult and healthy reptiles can go without water and food for 2-3 days. Staying too long without water leads to dehydration. Herbivorous turtles live without drinking if the diet contains a lot of lush greens and the animal regularly takes baths.

  1. Do not keep reptiles of different species in the same terrarium.
  2. If the reptile escaped from the aquarium and cannot be found, place a bowl of water and your pet's favorite food indoors. Turtles have good eyesight and will respond quickly to treats and water.
  3. Remember that the depth of the reservoir should allow the animal to easily stick its head out and keep it on the surface.
  4. Install two thermometers in the aquarium: one for water, the other for air.
  5. When taking baths, clean the shell with a soft sponge. Brushes injure the animal.

The longest-living turtles are the elephant turtle named Harietta, who lived 175 years, and the Madagascan radiant turtle, Tui Malila, who lived 192 years. Domestic species do not live that long, but they delight their owners for a long time.