Tongue twisters for a cheerful company at the table. Winter tongue twisters

invented to develop diction among performers, teachers, children and everyone who wants to speak clearly and intelligibly. This method is the simplest and in an efficient way, improving pronunciation. We have prepared for you and placed on one page many tongue twisters that are funny and useful for the development of the speech apparatus and diction. Funny tongue twisters They will amuse and make both adults and small children laugh.
First stage of learning tongue twisters requires clear pronunciation. Speech speed is not important at first. The most important thing is repetition and correct pronunciation of sounds. For the development of speech of a 3-4 year old child, ordinary pure talk. And for older children, choose funny and memorable tongue twisters to learn by heart.

The appearance in a child of both “vocal” and general physical fatigue, manifested by headache and weakness in the neck and shoulders, indicates that one of the parts of the speech-vocal apparatus is not functioning correctly, in which the zones of breathing, articulation and voice formation are distinguished. The main task is to establish joint and full-fledged work of all zones.

SY-SY-SY grandpa has a mustache
SA-SA-SA I have a braid
OH - OH - OH this forest is thick
LY-LY-LY swept the floors

Naturally, the child picks up some words immediately, but some words are not remembered by them. Offer him a game called "monkey". You say funny tongue twisters, and the child repeats after you. You can record the tongue twisters you say and then listen to it with your baby. Are there any errors? Then the pace can be accelerated. Pay special attention to “naughty” sounds, which require careful practice.
Speaking tongue twisters in a group is a very fun process.

The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is cast, but not in the Kolokolov style; the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.

Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.

The experience of the famous teacher Shatalov, who organizes “tongue-twistering” competitions among schoolchildren, is widely known. junior classes. He placed interesting and funny tongue twisters on the school board. The children took these tasks to their homes and practiced. The main goal preparation for the competition was learning these tongue twisters so that the presentation in front of the class goes without “stumbling.” According to Shatalov, the main thing in these events is the dynamism of the process and enthusiasm. With the help of such competitions, children are taught to speak quickly, correctly and loudly. Kids really enjoy these types of activities.

Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts.

A quarter of an hour
Sang ditties on the ivy tree,
Black cat, big weirdo,
I climbed into the attic to listen.

When a child reaches 5-6 years of age, to the repertoire of funny and funny tongue twisters You can add variety. Adding complex combinations of sounds is suitable for this purpose. An example is the famous tongue twister “Karl at Clara’s...”. Small rhyming texts are best remembered by young children. Boring tongue twisters from the primer, such as “Mom washed the frame...” fade into the background.

Funny tongue twisters for developing the speech apparatus, improving pronunciation and developing correct diction. These tongue twisters will appeal to both children and their parents.

Greetings, my dears! Today we will learn to speak beautifully and correctly. And for this we will resort to the help of tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction.

As you know, no one likes lisping and incomprehensible speech. It greatly spoils the impression of a person, especially if he is an adult and not a child. Therefore, it’s time to take care of yourself and your language. Tongue twisters are the fastest and most inexpensive way to improve the quality of your speech.

They will teach you not only to pronounce difficult sounds, but also to feel them. Moreover, to achieve a good speech therapy effect, it is enough to practice 10-20 minutes a day. First, read the tongue twister slowly, then with each reading try to increase the speed of its pronunciation. Don’t hesitate, you will definitely succeed!

Many short phrases consist of 4-7 words. But even they can be difficult to pronounce. I propose to complicate the task and learn to pronounce longer tongue twisters correctly.

Birch rooty,

The root is crooked,

In the middle - a bit knotty,

The top is highly curly.

There are magpies at the gate,

There is a crow on the fence,

Sparrow on the road

Pecks hemp,

Hemp, hemp

Hemp seed.

Hare with a scythe

Keeps an eye on the sedge grass.

Looks sideways

Like a mower with a scythe

Mows the grass with a scythe.

At the market Kirill

Gifts bought:

Ksyushka - a scarf,

Katerina - a jar,

Parsley - rattles.

Parsley shakes rattles,


Tara-rah, tara-rah,


Tongue twisters with the letters R, L and S for training adult speech

Many adults admit that these sounds are especially difficult to pronounce. Therefore, such tongue twisters will be primarily necessary for everyone who wants to speak beautifully and clearly.

The beaver is kind to the beavers.

Good beavers go into the forests.

There is grass in the yard, and there is firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

Catching a cunning magpie is a hassle. And forty forty is forty troubles.

Beavers go into the boron cheeses, beavers go into the boron cheeses.

They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt. Klasha ate porridge with yogurt.

The white rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.

You, well done, tell the well done: let the well done tell the well done, let the well done tie the calf.

A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.

The sea wave is strong and free.

The crossbill is having fun on a pine tree in the spring.

The sharp sedge grew tall.

The storyteller was telling a fairy tale about the Snow Maiden and Sineglazka.

He himself dumped the sand onto the shaft of a tall dump truck.

Tall pines stand by the river, the trunks of the pines are sky high.

Stepan whistles on a flute, but waxwings whistle without a flute.

Read complex tongue twisters online to develop diction (F and W)

These pure sayings seem short and simple only at first glance. Now try to say them quickly and without hesitation! I'm sure not everyone will succeed the first time.

There is a cat and a few kittens on Toshka’s window.

Don't hiss, but write, write, don't hiss.

Pawns are in chess, checkers are in checkers.

Your spy cannot spy on our spy, but our spy will spy on your spy.

A donkey and a jackal walked along the sleepers.

Pasha plows, Lesha dances, Lesha dances, Pasha plows.

In the little naughty hut there are checkers and cones.

Knife and legs, lies and spoons, rye and horns.

Already in a puddle.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

One day it rained twice.

The fly buzzed and the spider buzzed.

The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, spinning.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

The best tongue twisters in English for adults

These English pure sayings are especially necessary for those who study foreign language. I have made for you the most useful selection, thanks to which English speech it will be like foreigners!

I see a big black cat

Big black cat, big black cat.

What a big black cat!

What a cat! What a cat!

Peter Piper picked

A peck of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked.

I scream, you scream.

We all scream for ice-cream.

Hickety, pickety, my black cat

Likes to sit in my blue hat.

A big black bug bites a big black bear.

A big black bear hits a big black bug.

Liguria - a very long tongue twister for speech development

Liguria is a small region in Italy. But thanks to the long tongue twister, it became even more popular. By the way, this text will not be easy to read correctly even for a professional speaker. Once you master it, you can practice your pronunciation speed with your friends.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock

Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria,

but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked, and then

protocol about protocol protocol recorded as an interviewer

the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller spoke eloquently, but did not report clearly, but not

completed the report, completed the report, and so reported about the wet weather

that, so that the incident does not become a candidate for judicial precedent,

Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople,

where the crested laughter laughed and shouted to the Turk,

who is smoked with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe,

better buy a pile of spades, better buy a pile of spades,

otherwise a bombardier from Brandenburg will come and bombard him with bombs for

that someone with a black snout dug up half his yard with his snout, dug and dug;

but in fact the Turk was not in action,

and Clara was stealing to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which

Clara stole Karl's clarinet,

and then in the yard of the tar widow Varvara, these two thieves were stealing firewood;

but it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in

in the darkness all the crayfish were noisy in a fight - so the thieves had no time for a bombardier, and

not to the tar widow, and not to the tar children;

but the angry widow put firewood in the barn: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - no

all the firewood fit

and two woodcutters, two woodcutters, a woodcutter for the emotional Varvara

pushed the wood across the yard back to the wood yard,

where the heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron died;

the heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain;

well done against the sheep, and against the good man the sheep itself,

which Senya carries hay in a sleigh,

then he takes Senka to Sonya and Sanka on a sled:

sled-jump, Senka-on the side, Sonya-on the forehead, everyone-into the snowdrift,

and Sashka only knocked down some bumps with his hat,

then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found Sasha on the highway;

Sonya, Sashka’s friend, walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer,

and besides, Sonya the Pinwheel also has three cheesecakes in her mouth -

exactly like a honey cake, but she has no time for a honey cake -

Sonya and with cheesecakes in the sexton’s mouth will over-drink, - over-drink:

buzzes like a ground beetle, buzzes and spins:

was at Frol's - Frol lied to Lavra, will go to Lavra to tell Frol lies to Lavra,

that - a sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain,

that the snake has a bite, and the hedgehog has a hedgehog,

and a high-ranking guest took away his cane,

and soon again five guys ate five honey mushrooms with half a quarter of four lentils without

wormholes, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese from curdled milk whey,

about everything about that, around the bell the bells were ringing,

so much so that even Konstantin is a Salzburg prospect from under

armored personnel carrier stated: how can you not ring all the bells?


so you can’t talk too quickly about all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk too quickly;

but trying is not torture.

Tongue twisters for training diction for a journalist

A journalist speaking on radio and television is simply obliged to speak clearly and understandably. To do this, it is especially important for him, more than anyone else, to train his speech with the help of tongue twisters. By the way, when you master the suggested ones, I recommend practicing in Liguria.

A team of repairmen repaired the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line.

Beauty Sarah combed the hussar's hair. Sarah combed the mustachioed hussar's hair.

Borya cooked the borscht, but undercooked it. Borya salted the borscht, but didn’t salt it enough. Tolya cooked the borscht, but overcooked it. Tolya salted the borscht and over-salted it.

Corey Kirill: “Don’t tease the gorilla!” They reproached the gorilla: “Don’t tease Kirill!”

Cipollone looked at Cipollino and sighed: “Woe to the onion!”

The trainer trained the otter. Trained, trained and trained!

In April the children painted with watercolors. Watercolor in April melts from the drops.

Varvara picked grass in a ravine, but lied and said she didn’t pick it.

An upset tuner was tuning an out-of-tune piano. I configured it, configured it, but didn’t reconfigure it, because I was upset.

In the shallows we lazily caught burbot. They caught a tench for me.

Cool tongue twisters for a drunk group of adults at the table

And these difficult and funny pure sayings are perfect for testing guests for their degree of intoxication. Try to pronounce them correctly after drinking alcohol.

Dasha, will you give the girl some cheap mascara?

If you get a tire, you'll drive the car.

Kuzya washes his belly in the jacuzzi.

The moderator moderated, moderated, but did not moderate.

I'm driving through a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole.

Managed to sleep through the opportunity to get laid.

Altyn breaks through the tyn, and Poltina kills Martyn.

Funny New Year's tongue twisters for the competition

Before the New Year, I especially want to recharge myself with a positive mood. And holiday tongue twisters will help with this. By the way, they can be used for holding table competitions. For example, who can read all the tongue twisters faster? Or who will read the most tongue twisters correctly? There are a lot of variations, so go for it!

The hedgehog is lying by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.

Ah, at the spruce, ah, at the spruce, ah, at the spruce there are evil wolves.

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

A sorcerer was doing magic in a stable with the wise men.

White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white -
It wasn't even white.

We bought mittens and felt boots for Valerika and Varenka.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Well, did you like the tongue twisters? Did you manage to talk everything out? Write your impressions of these pure sayings in the comments. I would also be very grateful if you share the article with your friends on social networks! See you again on the blog!


Happy child 01.02.2018

Dear readers, now I bring to your attention fun and funny tongue twisters. Their content may be naive and sometimes incomprehensible, but with their help you can perfectly make difficult sounds and develop speech and diction.

Learning tongue twisters is not so easy, but it is useful and exciting. There is so much laughter when you pronounce something incorrectly, and on the other hand, so much joy when you finally manage to pronounce a tongue twister quickly and without hesitation. So in any case, training speech using tongue twisters is not only the right activity, but also fun entertainment for both children and adults!

Funny short tongue twisters

Short tongue twisters are suitable for both children and adults; they are simple phrases in one or two sentences. Make sure that kids do not swallow syllables and pronounce sounds correctly. Yes, and adults need to make sure that tongue twisters are spoken clearly and understandably.

All beavers are kind to their own.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: “Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The turtle sits for an hour over a cup of tea without getting bored.

The train rushes by grinding: w-w-sh-sh, w-w-sh...

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.

Don't blow your lips on the oak tree, don't blow your lips on the oak tree.

Kuzya has a cousin - Kuzinina Zina.

And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge galloping, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, everything - into a snowdrift.

The violent Byaka is buzzing, Byaka is threatening Buka,
Byaka Buke is daring, Byaka Buke is pushing.

Centipedes have too many legs.

There's a tiny midge on the window
The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

The cuckoo bought a tub,
I decided to bathe the cuckoo chicks.

Little chatterbox
The milk was chatting and chatting,
I didn’t blurt it out.

The nimble mink darted into the hole.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.

The eyes of a gazelle stare at the beaver from behind the spruce.

Incident with the quartermaster. Precedent with the applicant.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

Two chickens are running naked down the street.

Sasha is perfection, and also improves herself!

A lilac eye picker with half-broken legs.

They drove a stake into the stockade and beat him up.

Merchandisers lied - samovar sampling was disrupted!

Creative is not creative, it needs to be re-creative!

Brainstorm: noise, thunder, shouting of mouths, feast of rhymes, suddenly - boom! Shine!

Their pesticides are not comparable to ours in terms of their pesticide effectiveness.

The fluorographer was fluorographing the fluorographer.

The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.

I am a vertical climber. I can twist my stump, I can twist my stump.

The nervous constitutionalist Proprokolokropenko was found acclimatized in Constantinople.

The emotional Lukerya felt the emotion of the insensitive Nikolka.

About love, isn't it me?
You begged sweetly
And into the fogs of the estuary
Beckoned me?

For elementary school children, tongue twisters are easier to pronounce, and the meaning of sentences becomes more difficult. And some tongue twisters are like whole poems.

In a grove near the village
We were looking for a piglet
Little piglet
Jumped over my felt boots!

Topal was stomping along the road,
Topal stomped to Sevastopol.
Well, Seva was stomping nearby,
Topal is on the right, Seva is on the left.

Skinny, weak Koschey
Carrying a box of vegetables.

In Karlovy Vary,
Karl lived with coral,
Took the procedures
I invited Clara to visit!

Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey
They threw bananas to a funny monkey.

All the maples have turned red,
And no one teases
Since everyone is red anyway,
Who cares?

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap
Mila dropped her soap
Mila didn't wash the bear.

Chickens, geese and turkeys pecked at the parsley,
We ate some quinoa and ran for water.

The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras
The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

One day the jackdaw popped,
I saw a parrot in the bushes.
And that parrot says:
“You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare,
but the jackdaws pop in the bushes, scaring
Don’t you dare scare the parrot.”

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'll scare you, parrot!
The parrot answers him:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

Bull butting with bull.
Everyone is running away.
Take care, runner, sides
From a gory bull.

When I'm in a hurry, I eat noodles.
I'll finish the noodles and hurry.
I'm in a hurry.
Noodle noodles.
Well, I'll make everyone laugh again.

The king saved a penny for his crown,
Yes, instead of a crown I bought a cow,
And this king was saving for a cow.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.
He fell asleep and fell in his sleep.
If he hadn't fallen in his sleep,
I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers,
Sasha dried about six pieces,
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

Getting into a taxi, the dachshund asked:
“What is the fare?”
And the taxi driver replied:
“We drive dachshunds just like that.”

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Masha make yogurt,
And Mishutka ate a herring under his fur coat.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
And the sailors for three weeks
We ate the caramel broke.

And a tambourine.
And a white poodle
What are they playing?
I don't understand:
- Woof!
- Be!
- Mu!

Tongue twisters can be used for fun holiday competitions. For example, you can hold such a competition. Each player receives a caramel candy and puts it in his mouth, pronounces a tongue twister, then takes another candy, puts it in his mouth again and pronounces another tongue twister. The winner is the one who speaks the tongue twister most clearly and understandably. the largest number sweets in the mouth.

Our gas has gone out, our gas has gone out.

The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel.

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

Lucky Senka, take the woman on a sled.

There is a pile on the window, not presented, not revealed.
He came to show his grip; presented and revealed.

I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.

De-ideologized, de-ideologized and pre-ideologized.

Your sexton will not over-sex our sexton: our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.

The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.

The guru's inauguration went off with a bang.

The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.

In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles his silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but began to complete his report, and completed his report.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

For a fun company at a corporate party, offer the following competition: read a tongue twister with surprise, questioningly, and admiration. It turns out very funny when an ordinary tongue twister is pronounced, for example, with great admiration.

Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain - Grandma's bean will bloom in borscht.

Untimely loss of reason sea ​​dog will turn you into a pirate.

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

There was a whitewing ram, and he killed all the rams.

I slept, washed, had breakfast, took a walk, had lunch.

The highest echelons marched towards their sponsored people along the highway, drunk.

The townspeople have piled up, the suburbs are raking.

We ate two Eli eclairs in bed. Mom washed Elle barely.

If “if” is before “after”, then “after” is after “if”. If “if” is after “after”, then “after” is before “if”.

Zhenya became friends with Zhanna. Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.

The beaver wandered into the forest.
A beaver was robbed in the forest.
The collected beaver wandered to Barvikha to visit the beaver.
The beaver scolded and shaved the beaver,
And the beaver boys encouraged the beaver.
Groomed, shaved and encouraged, the beaver wandered back into the forest.

I met a black grouse under a black grouse tree:
“Grouse-grouse! How are your grouse?
Black grouse in response:
“My little grouse are healthy guys,
Greetings from them to your little grouse!”

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsypa-Drip,
Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
So they had children: Yak and Tsypa had Shah,
Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa has Shah-Sharah,
At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

Count Toto plays lotto
And Countess Toto knows about
That Count Toto plays lotto.
If Count Toto knew about it,
What does Countess Toto know about
That Count Toto plays lotto,
That Count Toto would never in his life
I wouldn't play lotto.

In the depths of the tundra
Otters in spats
Poking into buckets
Cedar kernels!
Ripped off an otter
Leg warmers in the tundra,
The otter will wipe out the kernels of the cedars,
I'll wipe the otter's face with my leggings,
Cannonballs in buckets
I'll take the otter to the tundra!

Once upon a time a crucian carp
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color the fairy tale, Karasyonok!”
On the Karasenka coloring page -
Three funny little pigs:
The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

Cone drying technology:
After the cone collection, all the collected cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone drying factory on a cone transporter. The cone carrier, using a cone dumper, dumps the cones into the cone sorting department. Cone sorters, using a cone sorting machine, sort the cones suitable for cone drying from those unsuitable for cone drying. Cones suitable for cone drying are sent to the cone grinding department. In the cone grinding department, cone grinders use cone grinders to grind cones from non-cone-drying cone shoots. Cones that have undergone cone grinding go to the cone crushing department. Cone crushers at cone crushers crush the cones to a cone crushing state, throwing the non-cone crushing cones into a cone dump, where the cone crushers burn the non-cone crushing cones in a cone furnace. Cone crushed cones are dried in cone dryers.

The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign, but said nothing about the ensign.

The tongue twister quickly spoke, quickly said that he would re-speak all the tongue twisters, he would re-speak quickly, but, having quickly spoken, he quickly said that you cannot re-speak all the tongue twisters, you cannot re-speak quickly.

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

A hygrometric psychrometer measured psychrometric parameters.
I hygrometered, hygrometered, but didn’t hygrometer.
And a psychrometric hygrometer measured hygrometric parameters.
I psychrometerd, psychrometerd, but didn’t psychrometer.

From the point of view of banal erudition, every individual who critically motivates abstraction cannot ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting generally accepted defanisizing polarizers, therefore the consensus achieved by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in ogmatic connections of predicates, solves the problem of improving the forming geotransplantation quasi-puslistates of all kinetically correlating aspects .

The ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
This is how maneuvered maneuvering was maneuvered,
That even the tackers maneuvered and maneuvered,
Because this maneuvering took away all their strength.

The dwarf doctor Karl stole corals from the dwarf Clara.
And the dwarf thief Clara stole a clarinet from the dwarf doctor Karl.
If the dwarf doctor Karl had not stolen corals from the dwarf Clara,
Then the dwarf Klara would not steal the clarinet from the dwarf doctor Karl.

Monkey with Martyn to little son Martynka
We bought four pictures at the market.
In the first picture there are four old ladies
Forty feather beds were hung up to dry.
After all, there is no more important concern for old women,
How to dry feather beds, blankets and pillows.
Second picture. In this picture
Four mice in a huge shoe
A piece of refined sugar is gnawing on the sly,
After all, sugar is a hundred times tastier than crackers.
In the third picture - on an old tub
Four frogs settled down.
Frogs from the stage
In a quartet, bawling, they perform roulades.
But in the fourth picture, with daisies,
Four snails crawl upside down.
Snails can crawl upside down
Because they are amazingly sticky.
Come on, my friend, repeat it without hesitation,
Who was drawn in each picture,
Which we bought at the market this morning
Martyn and the monkey to little son Martynka.

Initially, tongue twisters were invented specifically for the purpose of entertainment. People gathered for gatherings, sang, danced, and competed in pronouncing tongue twisters. And only much later it became clear how important they are for the development of speech and diction. Read tongue twisters, pronounce them with your children, develop yourself and develop your children.

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Today you can meet not many people who can boast of excellent diction. Nature has not blessed everyone with clear pronunciation of sounds and words. However, the situation can be corrected if you systematically speak tongue twisters.

How to improve diction and clarity of speech?

Elastic and mobile articulatory organs make it possible to pronounce words clearly. It is thanks to them that a person does not swallow endings and does not lisp. One way to improve the functioning of these organs is special exercises:

  • Involvement of organs in the respiratory process chest.
  • Training the muscles of the articular apparatus with warming up the lips, tongue and jaw.
  • Managing emotions - in addition to correct pronunciation of words, intonation is important.
  • Correct pronunciation of each sound.
  • Tongue twisters - if you pronounce them regularly, speech defects are corrected and diction is developed.
  • Stage speech – promotes the development of diction.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction

Every person has been familiar with tongue twisters since childhood, but not everyone knows that they contribute to the development of speech and diction. As a training exercise, adults who have a lisp or other speech impediments are advised to recite them regularly. Tongue twisters are texts or phrases that consist of difficult to pronounce sounds. They are often folk works invented several centuries ago.

To improve diction and speech development using tongue twisters, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To practice pronunciation of sounds that are difficult to combine, beginners first need to select about 3 or 5 tongue twisters.
  • Tongue twisters must be pronounced slowly and clearly, since this is the way to quickly improve diction and speech development;
  • It is advisable to conduct training near a mirror; it is better to pronounce the text in a whisper or silently.
  • It is recommended to perform exercises on the pronunciation of tongue twisters with a certain emotion and a specific timbre.
  • It is advisable to speak the tongue twister in a sing-song manner.

Tongue twisters for the development of diction and speech of adults and children:

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

They gave Varenka - felt boots, Valenka - mittens.

There are also modern tongue twisters, specially compiled by linguists to solve a specific problem. For example, these:

The defibrillator defibrillated, defibrillated, but did not defibrillate.

Two hundred and twenty-two caravels tacked and tacked, but did not tack.

It is quite difficult to pronounce these tongue twisters, but such exercises help develop speech and improve diction.

Some tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction are entire poems:

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood,

I put the cuckoo's hood on,

How funny is the cuckoo in the hood.

The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river.

He put the Greek's hand in the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek's hand - wow!

The fast talker quickly spoke quickly,

That you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters,

But, having become nervous, he quickly said -

that all the tongue twisters will be re-spoken, re-pronounced.

And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

Tongue twisters for adults can be long and short, simple and complex, but this best way for speech development and diction improvement.

Here are more examples of tongue twisters:

  1. In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.
  2. The bear cub was frightened: the hedgehog with the hedgehog and the hedgehog, the swift with the swift and the shorthair.
  3. Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye. Gone into the reeds - and there are no souls in the rye.
  4. The snake was bitten by the snake. You can't get along with the snake. I'm already terrified - the snake will eat it for dinner.
  5. I already granted the New hedgehogs a dozen pajamas.
  6. A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree, A good woodpecker loves the oak tree.
  7. The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.
  8. Cucumbers are great green-white-lips.
  9. Smooth planed white oak tables.
  10. There was a white-winged ram, which killed all the rams.
  11. The baker baked a bagel, a bagel, a long loaf and a loaf of dough early in the morning.
  12. Varvara was guarding the chickens, and the crow was stealing.
  13. Open the gate, Uvar, there is firewood on the grass near the yard.
  14. Beavers go bravely into the forests, Beavers are kind to beavers.
  15. A sorcerer practiced magic in a stable with the wise men.
  16. You don’t wear trousers instead of a shirt, You don’t ask for rutabaga instead of a watermelon, You can always tell a number from a letter, And can you tell the difference between ash and beech?
  17. Granny bought beads for Marusya.
  18. Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain, Grandma's bean will bloom in borscht.
  19. Take Polkrinki from the white-bearded man sour milk.
  20. We bought Valerika and Varenka mittens and felt boots.
  21. Georgy Georgievich tells Grigory Grigoryevich about Grigory Georgievich, and Grigory Grigoryevich tells Georgy Georgievich about Georgy Grigoryevich.
  22. Valerik ate dumplings, and Valyushka ate cheesecake.
  23. The crow missed the little crow.
  24. The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.
  25. The driver was carrying straw.
  26. Exquisite script has a very powerful effect on us.
  27. Valya got her felt boots wet in the thawed patch. Valenka's felt boots fell into a thawed patch.
  28. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey. Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey.
  29. And I have no time for feeling unwell. There’s a honey cake for honey, but I’m not in the mood for a honey cake.
  30. The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel. About the lieutenant colonel and lieutenant colonel. About the lieutenant and about the lieutenant. About the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant. About the ensign and about the ensign. About the lieutenant colonel, but about the ensign.
  31. The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.
  32. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug up
  33. Karl stole Klara's advertising, and Klara stole Karl's budget.
  34. The merchandisers lied - the sampling of samovars was disrupted.
  35. Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up.
  36. The strip about carpets was replaced by two half-strips about vacuum cleaners.
  37. The core consumers of piastres are pirates, and pirates are piranhas.
  38. The biceps on a bodybuilder’s cityboard are small.
  39. Brainstorm: noise, thunder, shouting of mouths, feast of rhymes, suddenly - boom! Shine!
  40. Creative is not creative, it needs to be re-creative!
  41. The sample of cleaners driving Rolls-Royces is unrepresentative.
  42. The bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.
  43. In Cannes the lions did not wreath wreaths for the lazy.
  44. De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.
  45. In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.
  46. Their pesticides are not comparable to ours in terms of their pesticide effectiveness.
  47. The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it.
  48. Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers.
  49. Lilac teeth picker.
  50. The fluorographer fluorographed the fluorographer.
  51. I am a vertical climber. I can twist my stump, I can twist my stump.
  52. The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful.
  53. Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neocolonialism!
  54. The sorcerer was doing magic in the stable with the sorcerers.
  55. We ate, ate ruffs from the spruce trees. They were barely finished at the spruce.
  56. Our head has out-headed your head, out-headed.
  57. Pavel swaddled Pavlushka, swaddled and unswaddled.
  58. Reported, but didn’t complete the report, completed the report, but completed the report. Traffic controller
  59. The Ligurian regulated in Liguria.
  60. In our courtyard, the weather has become wet. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the hallway.
  61. The wasp does not have a mustache, not a whisker, but antennae. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
  62. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse. He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
  63. The net caught on a twig.
  64. Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.
  65. Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.
  66. The waxwing whistles with a flute.
  67. Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
  68. The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead.
  69. Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.
  70. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily fumble for pennies.
  71. Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the poorer mice found two pennies each.
  72. A quarter of a quadruple of peas, without a wormhole.
  73. Konstantin stated.
  74. The emotional Lukerya felt the unfeeling Nikolka.
  75. Appreciates the flail mower along the braid.
  76. Mower Kosyan mows obliquely with a scythe. The mower will not mow the mower.
  77. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.
  78. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
  79. Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
  80. The river flows, the stove bakes.
  81. Tongs and pliers - these are our things.
  82. The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
  83. You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara. Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.
  84. There is no ring near the well.
  85. The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
  86. Jasper in suede became mossy.
  87. Zyamka chewed suede, Zyamka chewed suede in the castle.
  88. Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.
  89. Fedka eats radish with vodka.
  90. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
  91. Brit Klim is a brother, Ignat is a brother, and brother Pankrat is bearded.
  92. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
  93. Mom did not spare soap. Mom washed Mila with soap. Mila didn't like soap, Mila dropped the soap.
  94. The water truck was carrying water from the water supply.
  95. Rhododendrons from the arboretum.
  96. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  97. The weather in the courtyard became wet.
  98. Two woodcutters were talking about Larka and Varka
  99. The longboat arrived at the port of Madras. The sailor brought a mattress on board. In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress was torn apart in a fight by albatrosses.
  100. The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.

Tongue twisters with the letter P for the development of speech in adults

Often, adults have a defect when they pronounce the letter “R”. Such speech is unpleasant for others to hear, and this nuisance also causes inconvenience for the person himself. To remove the flaw, tongue twisters come to the rescue. This method of eliminating defects in the pronunciation of the letter P also helps improve diction and speech development.

There are many examples of tongue twisters with the letter P for speech development in adults:

1. Once upon a time a crucian carp

Gave me a coloring book.

And Karas said:

“Color the fairy tale, Karasenok!”

On the coloring page Karasenka -

Three funny pigs:

The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

2.On Mount Ararat, Varvara was picking grapes.

3. The ship was carrying caramel,

The ship ran aground

The sailors ate caramel while aground for two weeks.

4. Yegor walked through the yard

He carried an ax to repair the fence.

5. The jackdaw sat on the fence
Rook started a conversation with her

6. There is firewood in the yard,
there is firewood behind the yard,
there is firewood under the yard,
there is firewood above the yard,
firewood along the yard,
firewood across the yard,
The yard will not accommodate firewood.

7. Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

8. It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie,
And forty forty is forty troubles.

9. Radish rarely grew in the garden,
The garden bed was rarely in order.

10. Shot for quails and black grouse.

11. Rimma cleans the frame early, Roma cleans the wound nearby.

12. The queen had a gentleman.
The gentleman had a queen.
Who's the queen? Who's the gentleman?

13. There is a crust in front of the cow box.

14. King Clarik has a king,
Queen Carlisle has a dwarf.
The dwarf is Karl, and the king is Clara,
Clara has a clarinet, Karl has corals.
Clara stole corals from Karl,
And Karl stole Clara’s clarinet.
Clara doesn't have a clarinet, but she does have corals.
Karl has a clarinet, but no corals.
Queen Carlisle punished Clara
For stealing coral from the dwarf Charles,
And King Klarik punished Charles,
The one who stole the clarinet from the thief.
If Karl had not stolen from Clara,
Clara wouldn't have stolen the coral then,
Klarik would listen to his stolen clarinet,
And Carl gave the corals to Carlisle.

15. The ram is delighted -
The ram has a drum
And the ram drums on the drum,
A ram drums on a drum.

16. Lord Charles stole three corals from Clara,
Clara didn't steal Lord's corals!

17. Brought Prov to Egor
There's a mountain of firewood in the yard.

18. Woodcutters chop
Cheese oaks for log houses.

19. Snout pig, blunt-nosed, white-nosed,

I dug up half the yard with my snout,

Dug up, undermined

I didn’t make it to the hole.

That's why the sow and the snout,

So that she digs.

20. He reported, but didn’t complete his report, completed his report, but didn’t complete his report.

21. Children played together in the orchestra:

Karl played the black clarinet,

Kirill - on the horn,

On the harp - Allah,

And Lara played the piano.

If you use your imagination, you can come up with other options for tongue twisters to develop speech and improve diction. The main thing is that the training is regular. Correct pronunciation of sounds and clear speech are necessary not only for speakers, but also for adults in everyday life.

An adult independently discovers any problem in himself and struggles with it. If he notices a defect in his speech, he corrects it. It is best to use tongue twisters. It's quite simple because to get the required material You just need to open the relevant article or section of the book.

Tongue twisters to improve speech

Tongue twisters are an excellent solution for developing skills oratory skills, as well as improving speech abilities. These effective and simple exercises are used by politicians, public figures, TV presenters. Many of us believe that famous people born with correct speech and clear diction. In fact, all this is the result of constant work on oneself.

And the hand of an expensive specialist is not always present here. Tongue twisters are exercises that are available to each of us. And to organize such activities you don’t need anything more than a small manifestation of willpower.

If you practice complex tongue twisters for adults seriously, you will be able to quickly improve your pronunciation. During training, a person begins to clearly pronounce sounds and breathe correctly. At the same time, speech articulation develops.

Tongue twisters have a special classification. It is created on the basis of various characteristics, which include complexity, simplicity, duration. That is, exercises to improve diction are longer. Folk tongue twisters often sound the shortest.

Selection of tongue twisters

First you need to select the most suitable tongue twisters for the situation. In this case, the peculiarities of phonetics of personal diction should be taken into account. That is, you need to choose those tongue twisters for adults that are difficult to read.

For the first workout, it is enough to prepare three exercises. After this, you can get down to business. But after completing the lesson, you should be completely confident in fully mastering the material. That is, the selected tongue twisters for adults should no longer cause difficulty in reading.

How to work with tongue twisters

Before starting classes, you need to take time to familiarize yourself with the theory. should be carried out in stages. First of all, you should read the tongue twister syllable by syllable, pronouncing each one thoroughly.

Gradually the pace needs to be increased. But there is no need to force events. Exaggeration own capabilities will lead to stuttering. Tongue twisters for adults should be pronounced with control of diction and articulation.

If you need to practice with your child, you must first practice all the exercises yourself. In this case, the material is selected in advance. However, under no circumstances should you hesitate in front of your child. Of course, such an activity resembles a game. But don't make it too frivolous. And you should definitely try to be a role model for your child.

Examples of tongue twisters

Tongue twisters for adults that improve diction:

  1. I drive through potholes, I drive, I can’t get out of the potholes.
  2. Weak, thin Koschey is dragging a box of vegetables.
  3. The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it further.
  4. The guru's inauguration went off with a bang.
  5. Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neocolonialism!
  6. Unpromising.
  7. In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardine is from Bulgaria.
  8. Under the hood.
  9. The gazelle's eyes stared at her
  10. Underqualified.
  11. In the sewing industry, the boss is deceitful - his tailoring is lousy.
  12. Don't over-speak all the tongue twisters.

Advanced exercises

Difficult ones in adults help to cope with the problem of clarity of pronunciation at home and without additional witnesses. Or you can organize a half-joking game with friends. It consists of reading tongue twisters in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. As a result, you will have a rather interesting time.

Indeed, not everyone manages to cope with such phrases the first time:

  1. There’s a hill with sacks in the field, I’ll go out onto the hill, you’ll straighten the sack, you’ll take the sack. I'll fix it anyway.
  2. Carmen Roman put the novel in his pocket and went to see “Carmen” at “Roman”.
  3. He who does not work does not eat what he who works eats.
  4. De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.
  5. The fluorographer fluorographed fluorographers.
  6. I am a vertical climber. I can upright stump, I can invert stump.
  7. Zealous Staffordshire Terrier, frisky black-haired Giant Schnauzer.
  8. Coconut farmers boil coconuts and get coconut juice in coconut cookers.

In 2016, tongue twisters are the most relevant for improving the diction of adults about monkeys. Their examples might look like this:

  1. The funny monkey was given bananas. The funny monkey was given bananas.
  2. The macaque dipped the koala in cocoa, the koala lazily lapped at the cocoa.

The importance of beautiful speech

We all want to be listened to with attention and enthusiasm. But how can you achieve this if you don’t work on yourself? There are only a few natural speakers. In most cases, adults identify their own shortcomings on their own. But it is not enough to simply talk about your inability to do something.

Must consciously make every effort to achieve the goal. Only in this way will he be able to significantly improve the situation. Doing the exercises may seem boring. But in reality, the result is worth the work.

If at first you can’t pronounce tongue twisters beautifully and clearly, don’t be upset. You should return to the exercises until your diction becomes correct. It is also important to ensure that your voice sounds pleasant. After all, harsh and shouting intonations will not be pleasant to listeners. No one will listen to such a speaker, even though his diction is clear. People do not like harshness; words should be pronounced distinctly, beautifully and measuredly.

That is, tongue twisters for the development of speech in adults significantly improve the quality of spoken phrases and improve memory. Not required for classes large quantity time and effort. You can exercise at home in a familiar and comfortable environment.