Picking strawberries in a dream is why. There are strawberries in a dream, to see berries of various qualities. For unmarried and unmarried people

A dreamed strawberry has many interpretations. Depending on the color, taste, actions that concern her, the sign can portend good luck and trouble, love and disappointment, defeat and victory. Find out why you are dreaming big strawberry, it is possible according to several dream books.

According to the Love Dream

If you want to know what strawberries are dreaming of, then look at love dream book. She dreams of pleasure, if she is eaten - love will be long and happy, the sweet taste of berries is the expectation of a loved one. Sour, fermented strawberries - loss of interest in a couple, coldness.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book believes that strawberries are a symbol of love, happy and lasting, strawberry jam is a passionate romance; spoiled berries, dried, with mold - parting with unpleasant consequences in the form of illness, abortion or mental suffering.

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Strawberries in a dream means moving forward with someone's help, eating berries means joyful events.

Jewish dream book

There are berries, especially in a dream from Thursday to Friday and in spring months- a very profitable offer, if you have a dream in the summer - to unexpected pleasant gifts, in the fall - news that turns out to be fiction, in winter to see strawberries is unexpected good news. Picking strawberries in the spring - to dreams and hopes that are unlikely to come true, in the summer - you will not waste time in vain, but do important things, the autumn collection is a misconception about old friends, the winter is a reminder of pleasant and long-gone events.

Home dream book

Why dream of strawberries. First of all, this is the possibility of temptations in reality, but if the berries are unripe, tasteless or simply do not like it, temptations can be avoided.

Miller's dream book

You can find out why red strawberries are dreaming of, according to Miller's dream book. A ripe, juicy berry - to achieve goals or interesting prospects, a job well done and pleasure from the result. There are strawberries - to mutual feelings, a wedding, to sell - to harvest, to grow - to surprise friends, to make others envious. But it is impossible to brag about achievements, so as not to get ill-wishers. Crushing strawberries is an insult to a friend who will ruin your business in retaliation. You can correct the situation in reality by asking for forgiveness.

According to the dream book of Felomena

Large berries in the dreams of young people - to gain authority among peers, but for adults such a dream is unfavorable. The second meaning is that others will turn away if you continue to brag about your successes in your personal life and work. Berries on the bushes - romance in relationships, experiments in bed or a date with loved ones, family joys.

Other interpretations of dreams about strawberries: jam - for love and happy events, picking fresh strawberries from the garden - wishes and hopes will come true, planting and caring - boredom and monotonous work, buying - someone else will do all the work, a lot of berries - for money.

The very first berry, pleasing with taste and unusual smell, leaves few people indifferent. Strawberries are loved by adults and children. Fragrant berries are considered a strong aphrodisiac, and are even a household word for spicy themes in movies and photos.

In search of an answer to the question of why strawberries are dreaming, it is worth considering whether the day before was dedicated to it. If you had to collect, buy or process a crop, the dream plot is just a memory of reality.

Dream Interpretation: to see strawberries in a dream

According to Miller's dream book strawberry is treated as an amorous adventure. Jam from it - raging passions. To engage in the preparation of delicacies yourself is a symbol of the manifestation of initiative in relationships. Dried or rotten - a painful love affair. It can end with a sexually transmitted disease or termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets strawberries as promising projects, pleasure. Eating it is a harmonious relationship.

Modern dream book suggests that strawberries and raspberries portend sexual contact.

Cooking strawberry jam - communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor. Cook compote - a warning that you should not conflict with those who are higher in social position. Buy berries - shy away from work and shift your own responsibilities to colleagues. The dream interpretation warns that such behavior of the sleeper causes discontent and can lead to a quarrel.

Intimate pleasures - that's what strawberries and strawberries dream of, according to Sigmund Freud. The quality of the berries reflects the existing relationship: fragrant and clean - idyll, spoiled - disharmony.

Where did strawberries dream in a dream

When do you dream of strawberries in the garden, the dream is favorable, but has a warning meaning. The dizzying whirlpool of amorous adventures into which the dreamer falls will distract him from important matters.

beds strawberries remind you of the importance of being able to manage your personal time. Too much interest in the personal sphere can be detrimental to work.

big field strawberries dotted with berries promises great attention opposite sex. The sleeper attracts attention and evokes sympathy.

Also, a lot of strawberries symbolize the success of the work begun. Luck seems to come unexpectedly, but in fact it will be the result of previous efforts.

About Activity sexual life suggests a dreaming bucket of strawberries. In the coming period, it will be very busy.

An unusual plot when strawberries dream on the tree, means misunderstanding with others. Quarrels may occur.

Find berries in the forest - a harbinger new love. The meeting will happen unexpectedly, and the relationship will bring a lot of pleasure.

What is the dream of a big red strawberry

A pleasant relationship with a lover means a red big strawberry woman. The partner will behave very passionately. To a married lady, berries promise harmony in married life.

The pleasure of intimate contact portends man red big strawberry in a dream. It is a symbol of not straining connections and pleasure.

A dreaming red is considered a good sign. huge strawberry pregnant girl. The baby is waiting happy life and the love of others. It is also a reflection of the yearning for a variety of intimate activities due to certain restrictions.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of strawberries

Understanding what strawberries dream of, attention should be paid appearance. If the berries have been tasted, it is advisable to recall the taste as well.

For lonely dreamers fresh strawberries portend that soon their lives will change their acquaintance with interesting person and subsequent love affair. Family, even with a solid experience, can count on a flash of passion.

Large strawberries are also a symbol of pleasure in a dream. A dreaming berry prophesies the pleasure of adult entertainment.

Big strawberry means intimate harmony. It is also a sign of attention of the opposite sex.

Incredible huge strawberries warn that amorous adventures will soon be around. New acquaintances will develop into a vivid love story.

Intimate entertainment in reality means ripe strawberries in a dream Relationships will be happy.

Fragrant strawberries also portend magnificent events in the personal sphere. Falling in love and sensual pleasures can develop into a serious relationship.

Green strawberries - a signal that not everything in life suits. First of all, this is displeasure from the actions of a partner.

Besides white strawberries symbolize disappointment in the business that you have to do in reality. Misunderstanding in communicating with others will cause certain troubles.

But blooming strawberry is a great sign. Soon you will experience the tender feelings of falling in love.

Warns about the danger of indulging in promiscuous intimate relationships rotten strawberries in a dream There may be complications in the form of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

fragrant forest strawberries in a dream portend good events. Sleeping in reality will rejoice.

Sweet strawberry promises the pleasure of communication. Relationships will be harmonious and easy.

If you dream of strawberries that taste sour, you should be more careful about your partner. Because of your own indifference and habit, you can lose love.

Insincere relationships symbolize frozen Strawberry. Take a closer look at someone who confesses to stormy feelings in order to recognize falsehood in time.

Dirty strawberries warn of unpleasant situations in the personal sphere. In this way, bad talk about the sleeper can be projected.

Seedling strawberries means unexpected events. You will have to quickly respond to changes in relationships with others.

Numerous berries strawberries on the bushes - the desire to refresh intimate relationship. Unrealized passion in separation from a loved one.

Actions with strawberries in a dream

Plant strawberries in the ground - a symbol of lack of tenderness. The dreamer wants to feel passion from the other half. Caring for bushes is hard work. Doing it will be boring, but necessary.

The search for new relationships or ways to renew faded feelings means a plot gather strawberries. Well, if the berries are clean.

Tear strawberries indiscriminately - not mutual love. Attracting partners is not entirely worthy methods.

Picking strawberries very large size and fragrant - a favorable dream. A love affair will delight.

If you dream of strawberries in the garden, there is a danger of forgetting about your duties because of happy moments next to your loved one. The dream calls not to lose your head, otherwise problems may arise at work.

Eat delicious strawberries - a magnificent harmonious relationship. Sour or spoiled berries symbolize an emerging misunderstanding.

Treat strawberries - a new mutual sympathy. A person will be fascinated as well as sleeping with him. Sharing berries and eating them with your lover is a pleasant experience. joint leisure, travel vacation.

Buy strawberries - the desire to achieve reciprocity by any means. The dream warns against deceit, which will surely be revealed.

Attempts to take possession of a stranger means the plot of a dream steal strawberries. This is how the desire to break up the family is displayed.

Well-being is what dreams of strawberries that happened to be sold. Farmers and gardeners expect a wonderful harvest.

Fragrant berries that have fallen into the world of dreams have mostly pleasant meanings, but also the symbolism of dreams reminds us of the need to maintain a balance between the personal and work spheres. Good night!

One of the sweetest and most delicious berries often appears in dreams (especially often in women's dreams). She is a pleasant symbol associated with the love and sexual sphere of life. To more accurately understand what strawberries are dreaming of, information from this article will help.

Dream Interpretation: why does a woman dream of strawberries?

AT modern dream books strawberries are given special attention.

Information about it can be found in the work of almost every interpreter:

  1. Hasse suggests that a woman who saw strawberries in a dream in strange place, in reality he will meet his soul mate under completely unexpected circumstances. She did not have to wait for personal happiness for very long.
  2. According to the Exoteric Dream Book, ripe strawberries symbolize the opportunity to improve your relationship with your soulmate. Definitely worth using it. Harmony in love will allow the girl to fully focus on self-improvement and the development of other areas of life.
  3. In Miller's dream book, the discussed berry is associated with prosperity. If the fruits were very large, the dreamer will be able to significantly increase her income. If they are small, you will have to survive with small part-time jobs.
  4. The female dream book suggests that strawberries indicate nostalgia for the old days and youth. Constant memories of the past greatly disturb a woman. You need to get rid of them and learn to live exclusively for today, without regretting anything.
  5. AT Eastern dream book it is noted that before the fair sex, who saw strawberries in a dream, tempting prospects regarding work and finances will open.
  6. AT The latest dream book it is noted that eating berries without restrictions promises vivid sexual adventures.
  7. Freud notes: picking strawberries straight from the bush is a sign that the young lady is constantly striving for carnal pleasures. The main thing is to think about your own reputation and not indulge in all serious.

I dreamed of a big red berry

If a young lady dreams of a big red strawberry, then the first thing you need to remember is under what conditions she appeared in night dreams. Should I just look at her from the side? Such a plot can be considered a harbinger of imminent happiness. Feelings will arise in the heart of a woman that will bring her pleasure and joy.

Strawberries can be safely called the perfect berry.

Delicious, beautiful with a pleasant aroma, it is a favorite delicacy of people of all ages. And sometimes we see her in a dream.

Why dream of strawberries? What do dreams about this fragrant berry mean?

If she grew up in the garden

If you had a dream in which you saw a ripe strawberry in the garden, then love adventures await you. And green berries speak of your sexual dissatisfaction.

A large red strawberry on a bush portends your popularity with the opposite sex. And small, but ripe fruit promise a fleeting romance.

  • Collect from the garden, and immediately eat - to a pleasant acquaintance.
  • One berry on a bush - to self-realization.
  • Strawberry under a leaf - to recognition from a stranger.
  • Stepping on it is a dangerous curiosity.
  • You can’t bend down to pluck - for a fun ride.

Good mood and joy - this is what spoiled strawberries dream of. Rotten berries in the mud dream of a pleasant surprise. And one large one - for a valuable gift.

Eating rotten strawberries in a dream means appreciating what you already have. And a whole bucket of spoiled fruits is dreaming of a trip to another country.

Did you see her in the house?

A plate of ripe victoria on the table portends significant event. And one red berry on a saucer speaks of your superiority in the professional field.

There is a treat with sugar in a dream - it means dreaming of bright love. And adding berries to cream or mousse is hoping for attention from an influential person.

  • Harvest in the refrigerator - for a long-awaited meeting.
  • Held in the palm of your hand - to long pleasant memories.
  • Green strawberries on the table - for the holiday in the house.
  • There is Strawberry pie- to unforgettable events.
  • Cooking strawberry jam - to the chores of the house.

A dream where strawberries got into other food promises to achieve your goals. If this was the first dish, then you yourself will achieve what you want. And if this is a side dish or meat, then caring people will definitely help you.

A strawberry cocktail dreams of a change in the home environment. And strawberry jelly - to get rid of the routine.

What does Miller's dream book say?

What strawberries dream of is also described by Miller's dream book.

Large, strong fruits portend prosperity and well-being. And small ones - a small but stable income.

Harvesting in a neighbor's garden means being the object of sympathy for a work colleague. And at your dacha, strawberry beds dream of spiritual stability.

Growing up on a balcony means using your talents to help a friend. And the bushes growing in the room will be evidence that you are ready to step on a new stage in your life.

  • There are sour strawberries - for testing.
  • Berries of incredible size - to the desire to change your style.
  • Feel the strawberry smell - for a romantic meeting.
  • Buying strawberries is a sharpness in a relationship.
  • Wash - to a strong feeling.

In Miller's dream book there are several more interpretations of such dreams.

For example, a dream where strawberries are very sweet speaks of your modesty. And beautiful, but tasteless berries warn you to try to control your behavior in public.

A strawberry crop in a basket means that you have secret sexual desires. And the berries on the floor portend their realization.

As promises this dream book, strawberries in the hands of a child will bring you good news. And if she is holding old man, then a very important event will happen in your life soon.

Strawberries on chocolate cake dreams of the fulfillment of desire. And on semolina they promise beautiful confession from a loved one.

If you know what strawberries are dreaming of, you can easily predict your future. When in a dream you see this delicious berry, you don't have to guess what it was for. It is enough to remember all the details of sleep, and read in the dream book what they mean. Author: Vera Fractional

Strawberries are one of the many early summer berry crops that everyone is happy about in reality. It is also customary to call “strawberry” any event that has an intimate, spicy love background. Without a doubt, strawberries are the berry of love affection, but some interpretations are ready to challenge this statement.

What if you dream of picking strawberries?

A large, ripe, juicy strawberry in a dream can mean both love and passion, as well as success in a career and business. Indeed, even in the terminology of gambling, strawberries are a symbol of easy money. Therefore, in any interpretation, a dream about strawberries can promise a lot. However, the more abundant the harvest, the more you should be on your guard.

But surprisingly differently it is explained why one dreams of just a clearing with strawberries and why one dreams of picking strawberries. If strawberries are picked with a person of the same gender, then this promises complete understanding and support from him or her. Perhaps in the future it will even be possible to implement joint grandiose plans. The dream book, based on the month of birth, gives an interpretation for those born from May to August that picking strawberries for them is a great and unexpected joy.

It is not so much the process of picking berries that deserves attention, but the appearance of the person with whom this is done. If you see that this is a familiar person of the opposite sex, then you should pay attention to him in real life. Perhaps there is much in common, and there is a secret sympathy that will grow into something more.

Picking dried or rotten berries is fraught with negative consequences in intimate relationships, family or financial. If some kind of monetary adventure was planned, then one should be wary, and those who have disorderly love affairs, it is recommended to consult a venereologist. family relations this may portend a break.

Collecting strawberries in a dream for a lonely person can mean memories of the past, unrequited love that soothe the soul. And collecting and selling the harvest has nothing to do with the theme of love. This means that trouble will occur, but it will be possible to get out of it in an original way, without loss. The same dream can be both for material wealth, and simply for good harvest strawberries.

What portends?

Picking a ripe berry and eating it right there, without leaving the garden - to joyful events, fun pastime in the company of a loved one. And picking and stepping on berries, even if by accident, means that there is no desire to take any reciprocal steps to meet your happiness.

The degree of ripeness of strawberries in a dream also matters. If a green berry breaks down or, conversely, overripe, it means that there is no satisfaction in relations with a partner. If the berry is slightly rotten, illness is possible, but not long.

When a huge field of strawberries is dreamed of and picking berries is accompanied by an inner uplift and enthusiasm, it is better not to rejoice too much, but to analyze the situation. Perhaps this is a warning not to get too carried away. sweet life with everyday pleasant meetings and entertainment. This will adversely affect the state of important affairs.

Too many berries can be an indicator of both falling in love and disappointment. In some sources, picking berries is compared with changes in life or minor chores, and picking strawberries among dry grass means getting unpleasant news about your loved one. Most likely, it will not work to find a permanent relationship with this person and peace.

Therefore, the sweet berry of love in a dream has a dual meaning, and this is normal. After all, there is no love without tears. Otherwise, what is love? Everything is like in life: too good is also not good. Everything should be in moderation, love is love, and the head is on the shoulders.