Dream interpretation mother-in-law is crying. Why does a future mother-in-law dream about a woman. Dreams of the parents of the bride or wife

The question worries many girls. For most, at the mention of the mother of the spouse, unpleasant associations arise. Well, it's not uncommon. And sometimes it really happens that the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law do not get along. The reasons may be different. What does this vision mean? It is worth understanding and turning to dream books.

Modern book of interpretations

So, the first thing to do is to talk about what the mother-in-law dreams of Dream Interpretation XXI century. First of all, such a picture is a symbol of overcoming difficulties and various life obstacles. If a girl dreamed of something like this, you should not start worrying prematurely. A dream means that all the difficulties that she is now experiencing will soon be overcome, and the result that she originally expected will certainly be achieved. It often also means that relationships with loved ones will go smoothly (if this moment they are not in the best condition).

The behavior of the spouse's mother in a dream can also give an answer to the question of what the mother-in-law is dreaming of. Swearing is a bad sign. He tells that in real life the girl is surrounded by tactless people who constantly provoke her into quarrels and conflicts. It is recommended not to take everything that happens to heart. Ignoring provocations of various kinds, the dreamer will be able to greatly facilitate his life.

English dream book

This book of interpretations also gives a very interesting answer to the question of what the mother-in-law is dreaming of. They say that such a vision portends guests. But only a visit will not bring positive emotions. After him, on the contrary, big problems will begin, and she is forced to solve them. If the dreamer talks with her mother-in-law in a dream, this promises an acquaintance with those personalities who will bring trouble into her life. And if she cannot resist the newly-made acquaintances, then they will quickly orient themselves and put their problems on her shoulders.

And why dream of a mother-in-law who is sick? If a girl sees how she is caring for her boyfriend's mother, you should worry - this is not very good sign. Usually he says that her loved ones may urgently need help. And they won’t be able to refuse, because there will be reasons that do not depend on the dreamer. But to accept help from the mother-in-law in a dream, to see that she is trying to care for and help is a more positive dream. It means that the dreamer will receive what she needs. And from unexpected people.

In order to understand exactly what the mother-in-law is dreaming of, you need to take into account the details of the vision and some nuances. For example, if a girl who was born in the summer saw such a dream, you should prepare for the worst. And all the measures that she took before to ensure her own safety will turn out to be empty or not as reliable as it seemed before. And trouble can come from any direction. And it is not known exactly what it will be and what it will affect. That is why you should be ready for anything and enlist the support of the person whom the girl trusts as much as possible.

And why such a vision for those women who were born in the fall? This is a strong and undeserved insult. It is possible that the girl will be offended by the parents of her chosen one. Probably, they will not hesitate to influence their son: he will also begin to do not very pleasant things in relation to his beloved. But what to do in this case is up to the girl herself.

hello from the past

And the mother-in-law? This is also interesting. If a girl has recently divorced and she has dreamed of such dreams, then this portends an unusual surprise. Perhaps her ex-husband misses her a lot and hopes for see you soon. If the girl also still has some feelings towards him, you should not completely forget about what connected them for a long time. You can try to start over. Probably the man has changed in better side.

The future mother-in-law, who appeared in a dream, can be interpreted differently. If in real life the relationship between a girl and a potential second “mother” did not immediately work out, then the vision is not pleasant. And it promises strained communication with her. Tensions are unlikely to please anyone. At the same time, nothing will change for the better in the near future.

And to see the house of your mother-in-law means that the girl will become a very close member of her family. You can rejoice! The dreamer managed to gain trust and melt the heart of her lover's mother. She will definitely be accepted into the family. But quarreling with her is not good. This is to ensure that the girl will soon face a misunderstanding of those people whom she considered close.

Miller's dream book

It is worth talking in more detail about why you dream that your mother-in-law has died. Usually this vision foreshadows the girl's trials, which she must steadfastly meet. If at the same time the dreamer experienced discomfort, then he indicates possible illness mother of her lover. That's why I dream that my mother-in-law died.

But if in real life she has long been in the other world - what does this mean? Usually such a vision is excusable. Perhaps the lover's mother did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the girl and now appears to her in her dreams to correct her mistake.

It is not uncommon for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along badly in real life. In this case, such a vision promises major changes in life. And it is possible that they will not be the most pleasant. That's what dreams dead mother-in-law. But! If the deceased did not behave aggressively in a dream, then the problems will not be catastrophic. Everything will be resolved quickly, peacefully and, one might say, painlessly. By the way, if the husband’s mother cried in a dream, everything will turn out great. Because such a vision promises joy and a happy personal life. But to see her laughing is a very big problem.

Old dream book

This book of interpretations also gives a very interesting explanation of why the dead mother-in-law is alive in a dream. If she tried to quarrel with her daughter-in-law, then we should expect quarrels and the fact that soon she will have to fend off annoying personalities. But to see the husband's mother, dressed up in festive clothes - to wealth and profit. If the young lady saw how her mother-in-law looks with a condemning look, then she needs to know that she considers her daughter-in-law not a very good choice for her blood. She probably believes that her daughter-in-law treats her husband badly.

In general, there are many interpretations. And the meaning of this or that dream depends not only on what is written in the dream books, but also on the circumstances in real life and the feelings of the girl.

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Date added: 23 Jul 2014, 8:07 PM
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Such a dream must be interpreted depending on the context and content of the dream. Most often, dead people dream in order to remind you of themselves, or to warn you about something.

Also, depending on the context of sleep, dead people dream of a change. weather conditions. If you see or observe the deceased in the distance, while not participating in events, then this is the onset of happy moments in your life. If in a dream you were talking with a dead mother-in-law, then this is to well-being at work.

If the mother-in-law was dressed up in various clothes that were unusual for her, then this is to wealth. Seeing dead relatives who gathered at one moment in one place is a dream to shame.

If you dreamed of a dead mother-in-law who looks at you reproachfully, then in all dream books this is interpreted as the fact that you unconsciously offend her son. If you dreamed how deceased mother Your husband gives you something as a gift, then this is the onset of various changes in your life.

When the mother-in-law passively participates in your dream, then such events are interpreted differently in dream books: in life you will have to be nervous, experience fear, or some unpleasant moment.

Often, after various quarrels or conflicts, a deceased relative may dream. This is for reconciliation and for establishing relationships with loved ones.

In dream books, such cases are also interpreted when your husband’s mother is alive, and in a dream she appeared as dead, then this is a big change in personal and family life. Such dreams can be interpreted as both positive and negative changes, but changes in personal life will definitely occur. After such a dream, it is advisable to talk heart to heart with your mother-in-law, try to establish contact, make good friendships. If you dreamed of a former mother-in-law, then recently an annoying person appeared in your life, who symbolized your former mother-in-law. If the future mother-in-law is dreaming, then this is a change in her personal life, possibly a future marriage.

If you dreamed about how your mother-in-law was crying in a dream, then according to the Veles dream book, this is a joy, and if the mother-in-law rejoices, then an unpleasant moment will overtake.

Relatives who have recently died often appear in dreams. Such dreams are different interpretations, but often dead people appear to a person in order to warn him about some important events. Try to remember all the details that were associated with your mother-in-law: the documents that she had in her hands, where she looked, did she have something in her pocket. Perhaps it was these signs that were supposed to warn you of something. After warning dreams, you should try to be kind and peaceful towards your loved ones.

It’s not scary if you dreamed of a dead mother-in-law. Such dreams can be in the nature of apologies and reconciliation. Such dreams can create a parallel world, which gives an attempt to reconcile the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law.

If in the future you dream about your mother-in-law again, try to make contact with her, communicate and make friends. In this case, you can definitely be sure that the arrival of the deceased mother-in-law in your dreams symbolizes forgiveness.

Behavior plays a special role in the meaning of sleep, and the clothes of the deceased mother of the husband in your dream. If she rejoices, laughs, is presented in bright colors and bright clothes, then this is to sadness and trouble. If the mother-in-law is crying, sullen, in dark clothes, then this is a positive change in your life.

Repeated visits to the deceased mother-in-law in your dreams indicate that she wants to warn you about something. Try to remember the dream and understand what she wants to convey to you. Go to church, light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased mother-in-law. If in a dream the mother-in-law looks after, cares for and helps you, then this is undoubtedly for the better.


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The former mother-in-law can appear in a dream both in a familiar and unusual appearance or setting. In any case, the interpretation of sleep, why dream of seeing her, indicates strong ties with the past. The dream book will help you figure out how memories can manifest themselves in the present and the near future.

Miller's predictions

To figure out why such ambiguous images are dreaming of, like the husband you are divorced from and his mother, Miller's dream book suggests analyzing the emotional background that prevails in a dream.

If you dreamed of disagreements with the former mother-in-law, in reality limited person will actively prove his case. Pleasant communication portends the end of strife and trouble.

How are you?

Wangi's dream book tells in detail why the image inspired by the past is dreamed of. When the husband and his mother dreamed of being cheerful and smartly dressed, the dreamer expects an improvement in her own financial situation.

If you had to see the former mother-in-law dissatisfied, perhaps she is still sure to this day that your husband deserved better. If you managed to succumb to provocations in night dreams, in reality one stubborn person will cause a lot of anxiety.

married couple

Sometimes not only the former mother-in-law appears in a dream, but also the father-in-law. The dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima explains what the spouse's parents dream of. When both look reproachfully, the symbol means a heated argument with a friend or colleague.

If you dreamed of a satisfied and friendly father-in-law, this means that in new family relationships and life will be wonderful.

What light is she in?

Explaining what the former mother-in-law symbolizes, dream books clarify whether she was alive on the day she happened to see her.

  • If the deceased dreamed, it's time to let go of the past and build new relationships;
  • If the now living ex-mother-in-law died in a dream, in reality there is a high risk of creating problems;
  • When the now living ex-mother-in-law dies in her sleep, she has ahead long years health;
  • If you had to see how the deceased speaks to you, listen to what was said;
  • The deceased mother-in-law symbolizes the delusions and false orientations of the sleeping woman.

The fight goes on

There are many different explanations in dream books, which is why I had to quarrel with my former mother-in-law. Often such a plot is a reflection of past events and old grievances. In this case, most dream books recommend not wasting emotional strength and trying to let go of negative memories.

Esoteric dream book offers a slightly different meaning. Serious disagreements will arise between the sleeping and the people dear to her. If you dreamed not only of swearing, but also of a fight, contradictions threaten material well-being. A compromise has to be found.

If in the past you really happened to swear, the plot of the dream portends a conflict with one of those who are often seen at the present time.


It is curious to know what the dream is about how the mother-in-law called for a visit. The symbol says that everything is not lost between you and her son. Maybe the relationship can be rekindled. The house or apartment of the heroine of the dream confirms the positive meaning of the interpretation.

When in a dream the house shines with cleanliness, and the hostess radiates hospitality, there will be an opportunity to establish communication with her, regardless of the dreamer's marital status.

Steps towards

Why did you dream about how the former mother-in-law hugs? Her mood will help explain such an unexpected manifestation of feelings. When this woman hugs joyfully, in reality, unpleasant incidents are coming. If grief brought you closer, in reality, inspiration, delight, and love await.

If you dreamed of a conversation, try to remember its content. In context with real events might be good advice.

comments 9

  • And I dreamed that the former mother-in-law was giving me gifts, and I told her: Mom, why so many? Stop it. And she tells me: do not fool your head, there Muratik gave us that time. And Muratik is my cousin current husband, explain please.

  • Hello, what does this all mean? I dream of an ugly office, I go in there, and my ex-mother-in-law is sitting there (I needed a lawyer, and my mother-in-law worked in this office), there were still people sitting at the table, since she was busy, I began to wait for her to find time for me while I was sitting, I looked at her, and I felt sorry for her, she lost a lot of weight, she was not dressed very well, and I didn’t see her head and face, so I woke up.

In an article on the topic: "dream book had a dream deceased father-in-law- provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Most often, people who come to us in dreams for a reason. It is these night visions that are more difficult to interpret than others for various reasons.

First of all, this person is not just a direct sign, the most important and decisive role here is the attitude of you towards this person, since this can change all the predictions that will be told.

So why is the father-in-law dreaming? He, like his mother-in-law, is a person to whom the moral position can be extremely diverse.

For accurate interpretation night vision, try to remember what exactly he did in your vision. Sad or cheerful, perhaps he was talking to you or doing something. After all, you could see in your dreams your father-in-law, who is now deceased, or the parents of your ex-spouse. You could also see various conflicts in night vision.

If the father-in-law dreamed

It is worth reading this interpreter of dreams carefully. And think about whether everything in your family is harmonious, whether you spend required time with family, happy family members, are there any hidden conflicts or omissions. Your father-in-law dreamed of you sad or cheerful, alive or dead. All these are important factors that can change the interpretation of your vision in the bud.

According to all genres of stereotypes, the mother-in-law is at war with her son's wife and, conversely, the husband does not have a very warm relationship with his wife's mother. However, this stereotype, fortunately, cannot always be found, respectively, in a vision, and, as the interpreter claims, the husband's father is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

The value of night vision

If you are married or divorced, then they will not evade communication with your husband's parents. And this relationship can become warm and desirable, or cold and contentious. Your relationship with your husband's parents will definitely affect your vision.

For an unmarried girl to see her father-in-law and mother-in-law

If you dream of a father-in-law or mother-in-law, which is actually not there - rather strange, but very important.

According to the interpreter, the father of a loved one in a dream promises you new acquaintances.

However, you should be on your guard, you must trust everyone you meet, try to keep your distance from strangers, as you can be taken advantage of, from which you can be in trouble.

Ex-husband's parents

A rather interesting vision when one of the parents of the former spouse dreams of a divorced lady. Seeing them in a dream means that former spouse and to this day thinks of you, remembering the warm and pleasant moments that you spent together.

If it was a former father-in-law

Husband's real parents

According to the dream book, the father-in-law cannot bode well for you. Especially if in real life you are good-natured and warm.

Unpleasant conversations, uninvited guests or unpleasant chores await you. However, this should not be given great importance, all these problems you can easily survive. It is worth remembering that any black bar ends.

Try on the role of mother-in-law and father-in-law

According to the interpreter, to see in a dream that you are the mother-in-law or the father-in-law has quite good value. As the interpreter says, this promises you to deal with all the problems, to defeat your rivals in reality. With the help of your own strength, you can start a favorable period in life.

See how he taunts you in the face

To see how the dad of a loved one laughs in your face does not bode well for you. Sorrows and troubles will await you soon. However, take a closer look at these problems, you will definitely find something new for yourself that will help you further in life.

The late father of a loved one

According to the interpreter of dreams, if you happened to see a father-in-law who died in dreams, then this is a sign that you should be more attentive to your soulmate.

Show care and attention, romance will definitely not hurt you. But if you happened to see how the deceased dad of your spouse is talking to you, then be sure to listen to what you heard.

Dreaming of conflicts

Disagreements in a dream portend quarrels in reality, with people who wanted to spit on your own worldview and hobbies. Try to avoid or prevent these unnecessary quarrels, as they will not bring benefits, but they will take a lot of energy.

Deceased who is alive

Dreamed of the late father-in-law

Seeing in a dream how the father of the spouse died suggests that you blame anyone but yourself for any quarrel. Don't do this, you too can be guilty. Sometimes it’s worth looking at the situation soberly and yet realizing that sometimes you are the culprit of the quarrel.

Inaction of the husband's parents

Seeing in a night vision how the husband’s father or mother-in-law is inactive portends you a number of pleasant events. All pressing difficulties will be resolved by themselves, the negative will pass without a trace, and you can breathe a sigh of relief, because life will become much more pleasant.

The parent who cries in your dream

To see in night dreams how the father of the spouse is grieving, indicates that pleasant events await you. And these great joys not far off anymore.

Other interpretations

For a more extensive interpretation of what the parent is dreaming of, we suggest that you also look at other interpretations of this night vision.

Family interpreter

  • Insulting your father-in-law or mother-in-law portends bad news for you.
  • The house of the husband's parents says that soon you will have a chance to improve relations with his relatives. Do not miss this opportunity, because the main thing in the family is love and mutual understanding.
  • The deceased father of the spouse says that the spouse's parents are worried about your relationship with your husband. You should take care of your soulmate more and give him love.
  • In a vision where the husband's father died - to a conflict in the family, where you will be the culprit. Try to monitor your own behavior and words, do not react violently to minor problems. That is when you will be able to prevent this conflict.
  • The deceased father of the spouse, who appeared before you alive in a dream, indicates that problems will overtake you very soon. If he said something, then you should listen, such images never deceive, and advice always helps.

Miller's interpretation

listen to the words of the father-in-law

  • If you dreamed about the late dad of your spouse, listen to what he says. Perhaps they want to warn you about the danger.
  • The deceased father of the spouse, who actually died, tells you that you have finally forgiven each other and the connection between you has ceased.
  • The spouse's dad died in a dream, but in reality he is alive, warns you about problems in the house and conflicts with her husband. Be careful, this quarrel can lead to a broken marriage.
  • If in a dream you happened to see your father-in-law alive, although in fact he died - a warning, you need to be more vigilant towards your family.
  • see how ex dad loved one died, says that the spouse with whom you terminated the marriage needs support.
  • According to the dream book, a father-in-law suffering from a rare disease promises support for unfamiliar people, you should not miss this opportunity.

Female interpreter

  • To see the late father of her husband alive - you need to try to do everything in your power to save the family. Surround your loved ones with love and care, and then everything will work out.
  • Seeing the father-in-law alive and joyful - to harmony and happiness in your family.
  • If the father of the spouse appeared in the visions, then soon the black streak of life will end and all problems will disappear.
  • To see him sad in night dreams is a quarrel with friends and relatives.

We hope that the interpreter of dreams helped you correctly interpret what your father-in-law is dreaming of and you can prevent harmful events. It is worth remembering that everything in this life depends on you. And dreams simply warn of impending danger.

Dream Interpretation dreamed of a dead father-in-law

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Father-in-law, mother-in-law, why dream in Miller's dream book

The mother of the husband, the mother-in-law dreams of disagreements in everyday life, which will end in reconciliation and consent.

If a woman dreamed of a deceased, deceased mother-in-law, then she would survive a scandal, a quarrel with her husband.

At the same time, if you dreamed of a dead mother-in-law and you quarreled with her, then in real life it will be you who will be to blame for a family conflict.

The deceased, late father-in-law dreams that the family will be annoyed by scandalous strangers.

If the deceased father-in-law and mother-in-law dreamed together, the husband is in trouble.

Seeing a dead mother-in-law in a dream, if she is alive, is an event that will confuse all plans.

We saw in a dream how the mother-in-law dies in your arms - to a wonderful relationship with her.

The deceased father-in-law is dreaming, if he is alive, there will be good luck in business.

A heartfelt conversation with the mother-in-law dreams of a quarrel with her.

To receive a gift from the mother-in-law in a dream - to disputes, contradictions.

The former mother-in-law dreams of remorse.

The future dreams of discord with the groom.

I dreamed of a sick mother-in-law - reconsider some of your own life principles.

A drunken mother-in-law appears in a dream to her illness.

If at the same time you are surprised that the mother-in-law is kind and affectionate, the disease will be to death.

Why is the father-in-law dreaming, Wangi's dream book

A woman dreams of her husband's mother as a sign of reproach that she treats her husband unfairly, especially if the deceased mother-in-law is dreaming.

Seeing a sick mother-in-law in a dream is a long-awaited reconciliation, agreement after a protracted quarrel.

Why is the mother-in-law dreaming - Hasse's dream book

If you dream of a deceased, deceased mother-in-law - to be a strong bad weather.

If the late mother of her husband dreamed on Friday night, a big trouble could happen to her son, the husband of a sleeping woman.

I dreamed that my mother-in-law died, who in reality is still alive - it will be possible to avoid an almost inevitable family conflict.

The death of the mother-in-law, seen on Saturday night, portends her sudden visit.

If a sleeping woman quarreled with her mother-in-law very much in a dream, then in reality they will surprisingly easily come to an agreement on some issue.

Seeing the funeral of the mother-in-law and experiencing the joy of it is a divorce.

If you dreamed of a former mother-in-law, with your ex-husband irreparable disaster may occur.

Why do father-in-law or mother-in-law dream, Longo's dream book

Father-in-law and mother-in-law dream of trouble with her husband, which may be the fault of a sleeping woman.

I dreamed of the death of my husband's mother - quarrel strongly with her.

Seeing a deceased father-in-law or a deceased mother-in-law in a dream is a scandal.

The murder of the husband's mother is dreamed of as an indication of the unworthy attitude towards her from the sleeping woman herself.

If a woman dreamed that her mother-in-law died of an illness, someone from the older generation in her family would become seriously ill and go to bed.

Father-in-law according to the dream book

Miller's dream book

house of dreams

what does every dream mean

Why dream of a dead father-in-law alive

Father-in-law according to the dream book

If in a dream you saw your mother-in-law's husband, you should know that a joyful reconciliation awaits you with those with whom you have been in conflict for a long time. This dream has such a meaning in most famous dream books. But there are no less popular interpreters who interpret this night dream completely different. Maybe it all depends on the plot? Let's figure out what the father-in-law is dreaming of, and how to protect yourself in the event that a dream portends trouble.

Miller's dream book

Did the father-in-law dream? This is a sign that after major family disagreements, peace and benevolence will enter your life. But the scandal with him, dreamed by a woman, means the following: scandalous and evil people become a hindrance in the desire to enjoy life. good interpretation sleep promises a dream book to a girl who saw that her sick father-in-law is healthy, cheerful and smiling - a wonderful family life awaits her.

Pleasant communication is a sign of joy and good luck

It is a dream that the father-in-law hugs you - pleasant family meetings and gatherings. And if you hugged - wait for the guests.

Kissing your husband's daddy on the temple - one of your relatives will help you get out of the impasse by suggesting the right decision.

If you want to understand why you had a dream in which you drink with your spouse’s father and sing songs, look at Lunar dream book. His interpretations will delight you: you will soon become the favorite of fate - you will be lucky in everything.

It is a dream that the father-in-law invited you to dance - expect good news and good news.

Swearing with "dad" - to depressing events

It’s bad if you had a quarrel with your spouse’s dad - this is a failure, the White Magician’s dream book upsets with his prophecy.

But Eastern dream book interprets a similar vision somewhat differently, with only one amendment that you are arguing with your now deceased father-in-law. Such a plot means that you need to establish contact with your husband's relatives in order to avoid unnecessary problems with them.

Fighting with a former father-in-law is an unpleasant memory.

Dreaming of a drunken father-in-law with whom you are arguing - to difficulties in communicating with your loved one, and if it was a former father-in-law, then there will be problems with the ex-husband. For example, you will not agree on how to raise a child.

Illness and other troubles, or difficulties await you at work

Feeding in a dream "dad", who is dying - you have to cope with the difficult work that the boss will entrust to you.

The one who sees that her father-in-law had an accident and was seriously injured will have problems with colleagues, prophesies Women's dream book. It is especially bad if it is actually the father-in-law who died.

Helping the sick father of the husband in a dream - to tedious and painstaking work.

Sad dreams about death as a symbol of deceived hopes

Did the now deceased father-in-law die in night visions? This means the collapse of hopes and dreams.

If you see that the father-in-law lies in the coffin, who did not die, but pretends to be dead, you are deceived in the feelings of your chosen one.

Seeing a father-in-law who died in reality is alive - you should not trust what strangers tell you.

If you happened to see in your dream the father of the spouse who died in reality, dead and lying in a coffin, that is, you saw almost the same thing that was at the funeral - the only sad dream that promises the resurrection of lost hopes.

Why is the dead mother-in-law dreaming?

Deceased relatives and just acquaintances often visit a person in a dream. Such dreams are various meanings, however, often a long-dead person appears to the dreamer in order to warn the latter, indicate the right path, or resolve long-standing disputes.

Sometimes such dreams can be of an excusable nature, this is a kind of metaphysical attempt at reconciliation between this and that world, a request for mutual forgiveness. It often happens that in real life, the mother-in-law does not get along well with the son-in-law, and the mother-in-law with the daughter-in-law. Such difficult relationships have long since migrated into the realm of folklore and have become the subject of all sorts of anecdotes. And why is the dead mother-in-law dreaming? Of course, only females can visit such dreams. If a woman dreamed of a dead mother-in-law, then she should prepare for serious and significant changes in her personal life, for changes in relations with her chosen one. If the mother-in-law, who is actually alive, dreamed of the deceased, then perhaps one should prepare for changes in family life.

Such changes can be both negative and positive. If the mother-in-law dreamed of a woman who is still legally married, it is necessary to prepare for problems in relationships with her own spouse or children.

However, if the mother-in-law did not behave aggressively in such a dream, then such problems will not have catastrophic consequences and resolve as peacefully as possible. Also, dreams about a dead mother-in-law indicate not only problems in family relationships, but also health problems, in particular, the possibility of getting all kinds of injuries and injuries.

Also of great importance for interpretation is the factor of the behavior of the mother-in-law in such dreams. If the mother-in-law cries in a dream, then this is to joy and good family relationships, if she laughs, then to sadness and trouble. If a woman dreamed of a mother-in-law with whom she constantly swears, then in real objective reality you need to seriously think about your surroundings.

Perhaps such a woman is surrounded by rude and tactless people who only interfere with her life. In reality, it is necessary to isolate yourself from such people as much as possible, try not to enter into any kind of relationship with them and react as little as possible to their comments or words. Quarrels with the mother-in-law in a dream may also indicate that such a person is restless and anxious in reality. Arguments with mother-in-law in a dream also do not bode well. Perhaps such a woman in reality will have to fend off annoying and unpleasant people. If you dreamed of a sick mother-in-law whom a woman is caring for, then soon such help will be needed by a very close person whom she cannot refuse.

But if a woman dreamed that her mother-in-law herself was caring for her, then in reality such a person would expect the help of such a person, from whom this very help could be least expected. If a woman talks sweetly in a dream, hugs or makes friends with her late mother-in-law, this is certainly a good sign.

In real life, this woman is expected happy life, without worries and worries, spiritual harmony and a faithful friend who will never let you down and will always come to the rescue in the most difficult moment. Such dreams are a symbol of spiritual harmony and balance, the absence of serious contradictions in given period time.

Dream Interpretation Mother-in-Law

If in a dream you saw the mother-in-law, you were able to see the mother-in-law, you met the future mother-in-law, or the deceased mother-in-law, the dead mother-in-law, the Dream Interpretation on this subject gives an interpretation of upcoming family events, with proceedings and further reconciliation. This is not a bad sign, but it should be considered only in close connection with the context of the entire dream.

The mother-in-law dreamed, In a dream, the mother-in-law to see- to an early reconciliation between relatives, to the solution of family disagreements.

The dreams in which you saw the mother-in-law warn of a turbulent situation in family relationships. If you yourself quarreled with your mother-in-law in a dream, this shows the degree of your restlessness, anxiety in this situation, and may suggest ways out of the family conflict. If in a dream a woman only saw the Mother-in-Law, But did not enter into a conversation with her, This may speak of future unpleasant moments that will happen to you and unfamiliar people.

Dreamed of future mother-in-law- to changes in personal life; for help, Participation.

Dreams In Which The Future Mother-in-Law Dreams, Dream Interpretations Are Interpreted As Predetermining quick wedding, Trouble associated with the future marriage of a woman, Her excitement before the event. If the future mother-in-law laughs - to sadness. If the future mother-in-law cries - to family happiness and mutual understanding. If the Future mother-in-law dreamed, And she is unfamiliar to you - from other people Who surround you in life, Envy and bad intentions come.

I dreamed of the mother-in-law of the deceased, the mother-in-law of the deceased- to big changes in personal life, to changes in relations with her husband.

If a woman dreamed of the mother-in-law of the deceased, But in fact she is alive, This dream predicts big changes in family life, Which can be both negative and positive. The late mother-in-law, Dreaming married woman- this sign warns of problems in relations with a spouse, a showdown. If in a dream the mother-in-law of the deceased was set up peacefully, then this process will be as peaceful as possible.

The deceased father-in-law and the living

Dream Interpretation Dead father-in-law and living dreamed of why the dead father-in-law and the living dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead father-in-law and a living one in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law, mother-in-law

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Alive - you are oppressed by relationships with them; do not try to please them by force - it will only aggravate everything.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The father-in-law of the deceased dreamed alive

Dream interpretation father-in-law dreamed alive dreamed of why in a dream the father-in-law of the deceased dreamed of being alive? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the father-in-law of the deceased dreamed alive by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire get support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or very coldy begin.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. AT popular belief"to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp drops atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere penetrate into people's dreams most easily in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person. The essence of the latter can be found special tricks only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called " unfinished gestalt» unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Mean negativity various kinds, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception constitutes the image of a deceased person if he was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of Providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Nothing good is promised by a dream in which your deceased relatives or friends visit you. If they are sad, a dream means that you are in for mental anguish and heavy thoughts. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, then everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased close person, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

If they do not leave funeral food for the dead, they express their displeasure with night knocks, walking around the house, are their relatives in a dream and reproach them for not observing the custom.

Dream Interpretation - Live

See dead alive, and in a dream he will claim that he is alive and did not die - you should immediately go to the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.

The deceased father-in-law predicted

Dream Interpretation The deceased father-in-law predicted during dreamed of why in a dream the deceased father-in-law predicted in? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The dead father-in-law predicted by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law, mother-in-law

Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Alive - you are oppressed by relationships with them; do not try to please them by force - it will only aggravate everything.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Alive - you are oppressed by relationships with them; do not try to please them by force - it will only aggravate everything.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

A father-in-law who appeared in a dream may portend quarrels with friends or relatives. But if you saw him healthy and vigorous, then you will have excellent family relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

If you dreamed of a father-in-law who was sick, this is a quarrel with friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-Law

Seeing your father-in-law means quarrels with friends or relatives. Seeing him healthy and vigorous predicts excellent family relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

They mean negativity of various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person if it was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

The dead mother-in-law dreams of being alive

Dream Interpretation - Yushchenko is dreaming

Spit over your left shoulder.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law, mother-in-law

Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Alive - you are oppressed by relationships with them; do not try to please them by force - it will only aggravate everything.

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law (mother-in-law)

Seeing them in a dream portends news. If in a dream they are in good mood, then the news will be good. And vice versa. Arguing with them in a dream means that discord will soon come in your family life due to the fault of your father-in-law (or mother-in-law). See interpretation: relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Sex with a long-dead person

dream about sexual relations with a dead person means longing for him, the desire to communicate on an incorporeal level, penetration into the world of the dead and staying in it.

Dream Interpretation - In general, the dead

These are messengers from the world of the dead, guides or protectors. The script of the dream with the dead and what they tell us is very important. Sometimes (especially when they try to take the sleeping person to themselves, to “their” world, kiss, take something or give us) informs the dreamer that he will either die soon himself, or some serious misfortune or illness will happen to him, or speech it is simply about saying goodbye to those who have passed away, they are moving into other, we hope, higher non-physical dimensions. In many such cases, they seem to demand or ask for a commemoration and a special church service and prayers for their repose. The last aspect is complemented by modern psychology; complicated relationship and problems with the deceased person).

Dream Interpretation - Father-in-law (mother-in-law)

Dream Interpretation - Living Flowers

Living flowers - the heyday of life, good days.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself dead

Seeing yourself dead is for longevity and good health.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Lay flowers, give them, especially to the dying or the dead

Antagonism, a hidden desire for the death of a given person.

I dreamed of my dead mother-in-law.

Sometimes such dreams can be of an excusable nature, this is a kind of metaphysical attempt at reconciliation between this and that world, a request for mutual forgiveness.

If you dreamed of a dead mother-in-law, then you should prepare for serious and significant changes in your personal life, for changes in relations with your chosen one.

usually the dead dream of a change in the weather! and everything else is just in addition, or just remember!

light a candle and pray for her

Do not worry, such dreams happen, do not attach great importance to them, and the mother-in-law may have wanted to warn you about something, you will definitely make peace) good luck!

†Vlad Korven†

Well, it happens that you are so worried? Well, such a dream. dreams are different. Don't worry, everything will be fine

Is there such

Don't scare me like that, I read the deceased mother-in-law woke up

A dream is either just a distorted image of the memories of a person from the subconscious. Or, if there are traits from a dream in your character, quarrels, parting, rebellion on your part from a misunderstanding of your loved ones are possible.


Visit the grave and light a candle for the repose of the soul of your beloved mother-in-law.

Gothic Stained Glass

I agree with the answers written above: just pray for her (just for her, so that she would be happy there) and do not worry. you can go to the grave, of course

Nikolai Konarev

Go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the mother-in-law.

A terrible thing will happen: the mother-in-law will take the bag.

Only yours..

you need to remember your mother-in-law, go to church to pray for the repose of her soul. also dead people sometimes dream of a change in the weather

to a change in the weather


This dream is preparing you for a major test in life, get ready.

to her longevity

Evrika Orlova

If there is that same bag, it’s better to take it to her grave, commemorate it, order a prayer service “for the dead”. Usually, through dreams, the dead show that you are doing something wrong and wrong.


need to remember it

Just for a change in the weather.

Svetlana (SG)

Maybe you should give her your bag..

Tanya Boyko

give her the bag and go to her cemetery.


What is the dream of the deceased

It often happens that a dead person comes in a dream. It can be a person close to you, a relative, acquaintances, just a person or animal unknown to you. As a symbol, the dead means destruction and the end. Also, the dead means attachment to a person or something else that should collapse or collapse. In addition, the dead in a dream can take on the appearance of either really dead people who are trying to warn you of something, or ask, or their representatives, or entities that are trying to take something from you. In addition, the deceased can mean mental trauma associated with the image that appeared in a dream as a dead person. In addition, seeing a dead person in a dream sometimes means real death the person or animal you see in your dream. Also dead in a dream means illness.
Sometimes a person who died in a dream does not mean anything in a dream book. You just live in memories of the deceased, so you dream about him. Also, seeing in a dream that someone has died can be a product of our fears, phobias, etc., etc. ... [b]

Dead dream book

If a woman who was born in autumn months dreamed of a father-in-law and mother-in-law, then in reality she will be undeservedly offended. Moreover, it is likely that the parents of the husband will become the source of unfounded accusations, and here everything already depends on their influence on their son.

Swearing in a dream with your mother-in-law can also be associated with a recent quarrel, but if you look at the interpretation of the dream book from a different angle, then in the near future you will find conflicts with work colleagues caused by differences of opinion.

Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

mother in lawSeeindreammother-in-law means that after a serious disagreement in business area or the family circle will be followed by sincere reconciliation. If a woman argues indream co mother-in-law- this means that scandalous and insensitive people will annoy her, so dream book this dream. Female dream book. Why dream mother in law on dream book

Dream Interpretation «detskiysad»

Seeindreammother-in-lawdream, which means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in your life and come to the result you need. Popular articles of the site from the section " dream interpretation". Why do we dream about dead people? There is a strong belief that dreams about deceased people do not belong to the horror genre, but on the contrary are often prophetic with us. In a number of dream books Different relatives have different roles...

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

dream interpretation Miller. Seeindreammother-in-law- means that after serious disagreements in the business sphere or family circle, sincere reconciliation will follow. If a woman argues indream co mother-in-law- this means that scandalous and insensitive people will annoy her. I dreamed that I deceased I clean the room with my husband, he is so joyful, gentle and caring. And I have such a good mood, joyfully. After that, he leaves somewhere, I turn around and see that stands at the door and looks silently mother-in-law. and one more dream: like...

mother in law crying - joy; laughs - sadness. Esoteric dream book. father-in-law, mother-in-law - alive you are oppressed by relationships with them; Do not try to please them by force, it will only aggravate everything. Collection dream books. If you dreamed of a father-in-law who was sick - this is a quarrel with friends or relatives. If you dreamed: Sharpener Sharpener - to an unpleasant quarrel with mother-in-law. Weevil Seeindream this beetle - on arrival mother-in-law or mother-in-law and their conversations.

Dream Interpretation «DomSnov»

dream interpretation Miller mother-in-law. Why dream mother-in-lawindream. If a woman dreams of her mother-in-law, this means that she is waiting for the settlement of relations and reconciliation after a certain period of disagreement in the family. argue with mother-in-law- quarrelsome people will cause her annoyance. If you dream deceasedmother-in-law- this is a sign that you need to rethink your existence and, perhaps, choose a more favorable life position.

Dream Interpretation «AstroMera»

Seedream, in which the former mother-in-law dead, this is a harbinger of a bad relationship between spouses, and you may also get some kind of injury or injury. But if indream you get on very well with mother-in-law, your relationship is friendly and you even hug, which means that your real life will become happier. Big changes await you if you indreamseenmother-in-law, which in real life has long been died.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

Dreams about the mother of the husband give signs of a troubled situation in the family. If you yourself swear in a dream with your mother-in-law, this will indicate the degree of anxiety and anxiety in such an environment. And it will be possible to see ways out of the existing family conflict. If in a dream a woman saw her mother-in-law, but did not talk to her in any way, this means that in the future there will be unpleasant moments with unfamiliar people.

If you dreamed of a mother-in-law that had not yet taken place or a future mother-in-law, then this is a change in your personal life.

2. The dream book says what the real mother-in-law, who exists in reality, is dreaming of. This is not the most pleasant sign - especially if in reality you are not very good-natured towards her.

This may portend unpleasant chores, uninvited guests, unpleasant communication. But nothing particularly terrible - just troubles that can be avoided, or simply experienced without attaching too much importance.