Compatibility and breeding of aquarium shrimp. Shrimp in a home aquarium Shrimp aquarium temperature

Aquarium shrimp are currently at the peak of their popularity. Therefore, it is natural that in many pet stores you can buy both common and quite rare species. However, you should be careful when adding them to an aquarium, especially a general one.

There are often cases when reckless aquarists unknowingly buy major representatives aggressive species that displace other inhabitants of the aquarium. It happens that the old-timers of the aquarium themselves eat shrimp or their offspring. Below we will look at how to avoid such problems, and other important information. Let's start with the basics.


The structure of an aquarium shrimp.

The aquarium shrimp belongs to the order of 10-legged crustaceans. Her body consists of two parts - the cephalothorax and abdominal part. The cephalothorax contains the eyes and most of the limbs (mandibles and antennae), and the abdominal part contains auxiliary limbs for swimming and bearing offspring.

Due to the tail part, the animal makes jerky swimming movements, which often make it difficult to catch it. The eyes easily turn in different directions, which provides a wide view. The antennae are responsible for touch, smell and the “chemical sense”.

Shrimp have basically the same body structure, while size and color vary depending on the species. The dimensions of small and medium-sized individuals range between 2-5 cm, and large ones reach 15 cm.

Types of aquarium shrimp

It is impossible to list all types of ornamental shrimp in one article. Therefore, we will focus on the most popular varieties.

Cherry shrimp

These are colorful, prolific and commercially available freshwater shrimp. The name speaks about the color. They live no more than a year, but during this time they manage to produce many offspring. At the expense of big size(adult - 2.5-3 cm) cherry - ideal for a small aquarium. Ease of care allows us to recommend it for purchase by beginners. Cherry easily takes root in different conditions and is distinguished by its peaceful nature.

Amano shrimp

Amano are light green aquarium shrimp with a light stripe on the back and brown spots on the sides. They are also called algae eaters and are known to experienced aquarists as "tank cleaners" who get along easily with other aquarium inhabitants. Amano does not eat only red algae, but prevents its appearance. Representatives of the species live over 3 years. But breeding them in captivity is an extremely difficult task.

Japanese river shrimp (Macrobrachium nipponense)

Also known as eastern river shrimp. It is characterized by an attractive color; at first glance, it may even seem like glass. This species is bred on an industrial scale; due to its ease of maintenance, it is suitable for beginner aquarists. At the same time, these aquarium shrimp are an excellent example of why it is important to carefully approach the co-location of certain species because Macrobrachium nipponense is aggressive. They can only be kept with comparable shrimp.


The shrimp hides its future offspring under its abdomen and periodically washes it, making characteristic movements with its additional limbs.

Regardless of the type of shrimp, it is better to prepare a separate aquarium for them during the breeding season. IN community aquarium the chances of survival of the offspring are extremely low. It should be borne in mind that young animals are sensitive to unfavorable conditions and often die. If 25% survive, that’s a success.

The cause of death of the larvae can be either a lack of adequate food or rotting of the remains of uneaten food. Therefore, half an hour after feeding, the aquarium should be cleaned of residues. But if you manage to create favorable conditions in the shrimp tank, the pets will reproduce regardless of whether you want it or not. At the same time, not all species reproduce in captivity. An example is the above-mentioned filters.

Conditions of detention

To successfully keep shrimp in an aquarium, you need to work on creating a number of conditions. Let's list the main ones:

  • sufficient space (1 liter of water per 2 shrimp when the size is no more than 2 cm and 1 liter of water per 1 individual when the size is more than 2 cm);
  • suitable water temperature (20°-28°);
  • absence of copper in the water;
  • increased water hardness;
  • the presence of a lid (crustaceans can crawl out of the aquarium).

When cleaning, do not forget to treat the soil with an aquarium siphon.

Also, we must not forget about the fight against algae. Sidex (glutaraldehyde), which, according to experts, is harmless to invertebrates, will be a good assistant in this matter.

Keeping shrimp in a fish aquarium

In the natural environment, fish perceive small arthropods as food, so you need to carefully select the species that will be placed in an aquarium with shrimp. Any fish that is larger in size than a shrimp forces the latter to lead a hidden lifestyle. In any case, you should give preference to non-aggressive species with a small oral cavity.

Compatibility chart for shrimp and aquarium fish.

Under no circumstances should shrimp be planted in an aquarium that already contains:

  • cockerels;
  • goldfish;
  • gurs;
  • swordtails;
  • angelfish;
  • discus;
  • cichlids.

If you recklessly introduce newly acquired individuals into a common aquarium, the crustaceans will actively hide, while other fish may begin to terrorize them and try to taste them. As a result, the arthropods will die either from the mouths of fish or from stress.

Shrimp in a community aquarium need different hiding places. Aquarium plants and decor are suitable for this purpose. Good choice Java moss will become, in which animals can hide, and the larvae will be unnoticeable.

Special measures need to be taken in large aquariums equipped with filters. The latter can “draw” small individuals inside, so it is better to cover such a filter with a sponge.

Keeping shrimp in a separate aquarium

Nano aquariums with shrimp and plants are very popular.

By a separate aquarium we mean a shrimp tank - a special container for the care and maintenance of crustaceans. Despite the fact that different species practically do not conflict with each other, there is a danger of crossbreeding, which can subsequently lead to degeneration of the population.

A classic shrimp aquarium has a relatively small volume (20-80 l). Otherwise, observing these small arthropods will be difficult. What is superfluous in the container will be the internal relief background, which often causes the death of animals. But you can safely use coconut shells as decoration. Crustaceans love to eat its wood fibers.

What plants are suitable for a shrimp aquarium?

It is recommended to keep shrimp together with small-leaved aquarium plants that are unpretentious to the environment. These plants include the aforementioned Java moss, as well as cabomba, hornwort, and stinkwort. Cladaphora, a green ball of algae, is also suitable. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Guadalupe naiad, whose dense thickets can serve as a home for shrimp.


At the core effective content aquarium shrimp lies in the correct selection of diet. In the case of arthropods, this is not difficult to implement. They feed on residues from plants and animals that are processed by bacteria. This could be rotten plant leaves or dead fish.

Video: Feeding shrimp

Aquatic insects, tubifex, bloodworms, and daphnia are also eaten. Shrimp prefer soft-leaved plants. However, feeding is necessary. Take care of these aquatic inhabitants Special dry food will help. In addition, boiled vegetables are suitable.

It is enough to feed no more than once a day. At the same time, you should make one day a week a fasting day..

Shrimp are able to tolerate long breaks in feeding due to pasture.

Shrimp diseases

Shrimp diseases are caused by the most different reasons: from improper care to certain infections. Arthropods suffer from:

Shrimp suffering from “rust” or “opaline” disease.

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • necrosis of muscle tissue;
  • rusty and burnt spot syndrome;
  • porcelain, milk and cotton diseases;
  • sucking worms.

Each of these diseases has its own symptoms. For example, a viral disease known as white spot syndrome can be recognized by its white spots. Already on early stages This disease causes animals to become lethargic and stop eating normally.

Shrimp in the aquarium should be protected with preventative measures that can prevent the outbreak or spread of the disease. Much depends on the conditions of detention. In particular, huge role water plays. The proliferation of dangerous bacteria is often facilitated by deterioration in its quality. This factor also reduces the immunity of crustaceans.

A sharp change in water temperature also has a negative impact. It is necessary not only to properly clean the aquarium, but also to avoid overcrowding. After all, a natural consequence of overpopulation is an excess of organic matter. Overfeeding has a similar effect. Therefore, if the food is not eaten, it is better to remove its remains..

Buying aquarium shrimp

Do not release shrimp into the aquarium immediately. Add little by little aquarium water into a container for transportation until the water in it becomes the same as in the aquarium, after which the living creatures can be released.

By purchasing freshwater shrimp for an aquarium, you should remember about their fragility. During transportation, it is important to avoid sudden movements. It’s good if the container you use contains a plant that the animal can grab onto in case of emergency.

There should be no sharp edges inside the vessel. The temporary container must be at least 1/3 filled with air. High oxygen levels are important for arthropods. It is better to buy young individuals. It is easier for them to adapt to changes.

Compliance with the simple rules described above is the guarantee that aquarium shrimp will become your permanent pets.

The water spaces of a home aquarium can be diversified not only unique varieties fish or snails, but also place aquarium shrimp in its depths. And you should not associate this species with ordinary monotonous marine inhabitants, since special shrimp for the aquarium, unlike their non-freshwater relatives, are distinguished by their bright colorful color and unique body shape. But not only the unique original color attracts the attention of aquarists, these species have great endurance, are unpretentious in keeping, omnivores, and their interesting image life attracts the attention of others. That is why aquarium shrimp are increasingly found in home ponds not only among real aquarists, but also among novice hobbyists.

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Area and description IN natural habitat The habitat of the aquarium shrimp is found in almost all freshwater and salt water bodies of the world. However, it is worth emphasizing that each species has its own specific deposit. For example, the colorful rednose shrimp inhabits the rivers of Venezuela, the fan species are found in the cool freshwater waters of Panama, and the Amano shrimp lives only in the cold mountain rivers

These species belong to the crustacean variety of the arthropod type. But compared to their marine crustacean counterparts, they have jaws that not only perform a motor function, but are also designed for holding and capturing food. Also, these individuals have five pairs of legs and a very massive tail, with the help of which these individuals, in case of danger from other aggressive inhabitants of the water, escape by making spasmodic movements.

Despite their small size, aquarium shrimp have a good sense of smell and touch, all thanks to their long antennae, more like antennas. And rotating eyes contribute to a wide viewing range, which allows you to hide from the enemy and quickly find food.

Oral apparatus complex shape and consists of three jaws that grind food, and also consists of jaws that hold food at the mouth. To crawl along the bottom of the aquarium and grab food, shrimp use other limbs. The size of shrimp depends on gender and variety, but ranges from 3 to 8 cm.

Living conditions in a home aquarium

A shrimp living in an aquarium will not bring much trouble to its owner, and caring for this individual is no different from caring for other inhabitants of a home pond. However, in order for an individual to please with its bright color and active behavior every day, you need to create special conditions and stick to certain rules. In addition, some decorative individuals are quite capricious and require additional care.

Excellent macro photography about the life of shrimp in an aquarium.

  • The smallest aquarium and even the largest are perfect for shrimp. And in order not to get lost in the calculations, you should rely on a simple solution and select your future living space on a one-to-one basis, that is, one liter of water per aquarium shrimp. However, you should take into account the size, if the shrimp are medium or large in size, you need about 2 or 4 liters of water.
  • Optimal temperature regime for almost all species living in the reservoir it ranges from 17°C to 30°C. Of course, more are allowed low temperature, but in this case the pets may become sedentary. In addition, it is worth considering that during sudden temperature fluctuations life cycle is significantly reduced and the individual may die.
  • Weekly water changes are a must for the normal development of pets. You can easily add regular tap water, but preferably one that has been settled and warmed to room temperature.
  • Should be checked periodically chemical composition water, the main requirement is the complete absence of copper, which will burn and cause death of both adults and larvae. The water hardness is as high as possible so that during molting the shrimp can obtain the necessary substances to renew their shell.
  • The presence of a compressor, filter and lighting is considered an optional requirement, but desirable.
  • The presence of all kinds of living ornamental plants is important, because aquarium shrimp, whose keeping is combined with other individuals, can, if necessary, hide from large fish in their green shelter. Java moss, hornwort, pistia, cladaphora and other plants intended for the aquarium are perfect for landscaping.


All types of shrimp living in an aquarium are omnivorous; they will gladly feast on food left uneaten by the fish or eat special food. But if by chance there isn’t enough dry food for them, don’t be upset, aquarium cleaners, because this is also the name of shrimp, will snack on algal growths located on stones, plants and soil.

If aquarium shrimp live in a separate container without the presence of fish, they need to be fed with shrimp food, which is sold in any pet store. But it is worth noting that many aquarists make do with regular fish food or feed their unusual pets pieces of zucchini, pepper, lettuce and even pasta.

However, you should not overfeed shrimp, since these types of crustaceans large quantities foodies begin to get lazy and stop cleaning the aquarium. Experts recommend feeding your pets once or twice a week; this amount of artificial food will be enough for them for a long time.


Peaceful and friendly aquarium inhabitants lead a secretive life, and it is not surprising, because very often they can become a tasty treat for their neighbors living in the aquarium. And in order to save these individuals from death, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

Look at the aquarium shrimp and acanthophthalmus.

The ideal option is small fish, such as neons, guppies or zebrafish. A shrimp in an aquarium with a company of snails is also an ideal option, in which the crustaceans will remain safe and sound. But barbs, angelfish, some types of cichlids, loaches and even swordtails are dangerous to keep together.

But according to akariumists, in the presence of various plant shelters and decorative elements, even these aggressive fish will not be a hindrance to shrimp.


Breeding these individuals is quite possible, but only in a vessel separate from the fish. Otherwise, all future offspring will become nutritious food for the fish living in the home pond. In addition, aquarists recommend breeding only those shrimp that do not have a traditional larval phase. Indeed, in this case, the newly hatched offspring are exactly similar to adult individuals of this species, which can easily eat regular food and do not require additional care.

But even shrimp that have a standard larval stage do not need additional conditions. Since at the moment of reproduction the female emits a special substance that attracts an individual of the opposite sex. After fertilization, a saddle is formed on the back, inside of which the eggs are located, literally after a week it smoothly moves to the lower part of the abdomen, and after 3 or 4 weeks the fry appear.

Diseases of domestic crustaceans

Even after placing the shrimp in an aquarium with clean water and compliance with all parameters does not exclude the possibility that these individuals may contract fungal diseases. And although such a disease does not seem frightening, it can also cause death. After all, a fungus that appears on the body of an individual sucks all the nutrients from it and poisons the body toxic substances. In addition to fungal diseases, these aquarium inhabitants are also affected by ordinary viral infections, which are very difficult to cure.

However, in any case, infected shrimp should be isolated, and the water in the general aquarium must be changed. Then consult with specialists and take the necessary measures.

The content of the article:

Whoever it is not possible to meet in the homes of your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Surely among the people in your social circle there is a person who is a fan of various living creatures living in water. An aquarium is not only a container in which such cute and funny creatures as fish, turtles, snails live and a wide variety of algae grow, but also one of the most beautiful elements of the interior of an apartment, house, office or even a cafe and restaurant.

We can say with absolute certainty that there is no person in our world who would enter a room where there is an aquarium and not stop at least for a minute to admire its fabulous inhabitants. The view of the most diverse living creatures that swim here right before our eyes is truly not only captivating and fascinating, but has a calming effect. Looking at how gracefully, as if weightlessly, the fish move around their abode, you get the impression that you are being transported to a completely different, fabulous, hitherto unknown world, in which problems, worries and everyday worries do not exist.

But everyone got used to fish a long time ago, today these pets are the same, taken for granted, as cats and dogs, even if these are the most rare species and breeds. There are creatures on our planet that everyone knows, but only few people know them as pets - these are shrimp. It is these living creatures that are now very popular and in demand among aquarium owners and lovers of everything unusual and original.

These small “swimmers” can not only be tasty, but also decorate your home; moreover, they are one of the most unpretentious and undemanding creatures. Keeping shrimp in your house is an interesting task, and if you get to know them a little better, it’s not at all difficult.

Origin and natural habitat of shrimp

The shrimp is a wonderful living creature that, despite all its unusualness, appearance, refers to a large, vast kingdom of fauna. Also in the process of studying these “little animals”, scientists who studied the inhabitants depths of the sea, systematized them into the phylum arthropods, the class of higher crustaceans, the subphylum Crustaceans and the order Decapod crustaceans.

The native territories, or more correctly, the depths for these crustaceans are the waters of the seas, lakes and oceans. In order to understand the Motherland of shrimp, you should know that they are conventionally divided into three large groups: shrimp living in cold waters, warm-water shrimp and those that roam freshwater bodies.

The search for more heat-loving arthropods should be done on the Pacific coast of countries such as Kenya, Brazil, Somalia and many others. They thrive at water temperatures above 25 degrees.

Shrimp, which are inhabitants of cool waters, are much smaller in size, but are valued by people no less than those from water bodies Latin America. These smaller creatures can be found in the North, Baltic and Barents Seas. In the culinary industry, shrimp caught off the coast of distant Greenland are considered the most valuable.

Area and description fresh water The Amur River and the reservoirs of Transcaucasia are also inhabited by a small number of these arthropods. Some sources classify freshwater shrimp as completely different species.

Common types of aquarium shrimp

Despite the fact that for some reason keeping shrimp in the house outside the refrigerator is not very common, there are hundreds of species of these cute crustaceans in the world that you can have as a pet. The most popular and widespread of them are presented to your attention.
  1. Red shrimp, cherry shrimp or red cherry shrimp. This is perhaps the most legendary and famous specimen among its relatives, which can be grown in aquarium conditions. This beauty was helped to gain such fame by her very extraordinary appearance and ease of care; in addition, “cherry” has the ability to multiply extremely quickly, which cannot be ignored, as positive quality for those who plan to breed these amazing crustaceans. The body parameters of this living “cherry” do not exceed 2–3 cm, but despite such diminutiveness, nature has endowed this shrimp with a fabulous appearance, and the whole secret is in its color. The name of this species does not at all imply that its owner must necessarily have a red body color. This shrimp is the happy owner of a variety of color range: Her body can sometimes be colored orange, bluish, brown and even black. And depending on the conditions external environment, this beauty has the ability to change its color, and the intensity of the color at home can be enhanced with your own hands, with the help of food that contains astaxanthin. This type of crustacean has very well expressed sexual dimorphism, which is manifested in body parameters - males are usually almost twice as large fewer females. Basic distinctive feature female is a specific spot located in the projection of the neck. It begins to appear in female shrimps together with the beginning of the formation of the ovaries. This spot can be used not only to distinguish between the sexes, but also as a pregnancy test: if such a spot has significantly increased in size, expect a new addition to the shrimp family.
  2. Amano. These natives of Japan are very friendly and peaceful neighbors for many species of fish. In addition, they are also a living “cleaning service” for your aquarium, as they destroy harmful algae and plants. Their appearance is also no less bright - these are not exactly small crustaceans, they can grow up to 3–7 cm, often their body is almost transparent with a slight greenish or red tint. On their body you can see a pattern of black stripes and dots.
  3. Red crystal. It is not only one of the most beautiful views shrimp, but also probably one of the most difficult to keep. This crustacean is painted white, with uniform stripes of rich red color. If you decide to breed these creations of nature, then be prepared for the fact that they need a separate aquarium, because its other inhabitants will not be able to adapt to its conditions. For your comfortable stay this representative of the world fauna requires only clean, soft, slightly acidified water, the pH of which must be strictly within the range of 6.2–6.8.
  4. Yellow shrimp. This specimen is ideal for beginning crustacean breeders, due to its endurance and unpretentiousness and the speed of procreation. This cute sunny creature grows no more than 30 mm in length, its skin is painted a rich yellow color.
  5. Ninja Shrimp. Also known as the honey shrimp or Christmas shrimp, this unusually named arthropod from Asian waters is a champion of camouflage. The thing is that it can not only change shades of color depending on the external environment, but radically change the basic tone - within a few seconds, transforming from red to blue or from yellow to black or brown. As for living this “animal” at home, there are no special problems with it, due to its excellent ability to adapt.
  6. Red nose shrimp. This type of aquarium inhabitants is also a very useful inhabitant, since its favorite foods are harmful algae. In addition to her nose decorated with red spots, this native of India has another characteristic, with the help of which it can easily be distinguished from its other relatives is the ability to swim, because other shrimp move in aquariums using movements that are more reminiscent of running. It is not at all demanding in terms of living conditions, as it adapts perfectly to both fresh and salt water. The main rule of a good life for the red-nosed arthropod is consistency; it is not recommended to suddenly change the temperature and water parameters.
  7. Harlequin- is a freshwater shrimp, which is particularly small and timid. Its feeding process largely depends on a freshwater sponge; with its help, the crustacean can feast on algae and food particles. The coloring of the harlequin is quite bright and catchy, formed by white, black and red shades. If you decide to keep him, be prepared for the fact that your new roommate will hide in a safe shelter for a long period, since he has a fairly long adaptation to new living conditions.

Having made your choice in favor of one or another type of shrimp, you need to take care of where your very exotic fish will live. a pet. Even if you already have an aquarium with fish in your house, it is better to buy separate housing for shrimp, at least for a while, because Cohabitation with other species of representatives of the aquatic world can lead to unpredictable and unpleasant consequences. For example, some fish can simply eat up a new tenant, and you won’t even notice when this happened or who the culprit is.

In turn, the shrimp, which has already become accustomed to its new living conditions, sometimes can cause irreparable harm to its other inhabitants, for example, at night, when all the fish are safely sleeping, the crustacean can greatly correct the appearance of some of its cohabitants, especially fish with lush fins and tails, they simply tear them off or thoroughly dishevel them. And the smallest fish can simply be destroyed in an instant.

In addition, shrimps are designers at heart; when the moment comes and they begin to feel like full-fledged owners of the aquarium, its entire landscape can be rebuilt to their taste. After all, large crustaceans (at home, some shrimp can grow up to 14–16 cm) can easily pull out plants by their roots.

If you want to admire several small shrimps, then they can be placed in a small sealed aquarium, which will look great in any corner of your home.

For when you plan to keep a lot different types or breed shrimp, it is better to buy a regular aquarium, with an approximate volume of 1–1.5 liters per average-sized inhabitant. It is recommended to buy a container of 20–25 liters, as some decapod crustaceans reproduce at an amazing rate. Some pet stores already have specialized aquariums in stock, you can call them shrimp tanks. Outwardly, they are no different from an ordinary fish home, but the shrimp tank is in no way a marketing ploy, it is the same aquarium, but already equipped with the necessary attributes for keeping these small crayfish.

The water in this “house” must always be clean and saturated with a large amount of oxygen, so the presence of a compressor is mandatory conditions good health and longevity of your pets. It is recommended to buy this device with good sound insulation, because at night the shrimp cannot do without air, and you cannot live without a healthy sleep, which can be significantly disturbed by the noise of the compressor turned on.

It is also necessary that the aquarium be equipped with a filter, the intake pipe of which should be covered with a fine mesh, this measure will prevent inquisitive inhabitants of the aquarium and their small children from getting into the filter, such a trip could end fatal for your little comrades.

As for the substrate with which you need to cover the floor, it is best to use coarse gravel or washed quartz river sand. It will be good if you decorate your aquarium in stages. First, you can place stones, various snags and shelters, the next step will be to prepare the soil for the plants, after planting the flora you need, you need to sprinkle sand on top of the soil mixture, thus for your crustaceans you will create conditions similar to their relatives and thereby protect the roots of the plants from mechanical damage. Some pet stores sell special soil for shrimp breeders, you can buy it, but you should make sure that the sand is not too fine, because its particles, when mixed with soil for plants, can negatively affect their development. The thickness of the soil mixture layer for shrimp is directly proportional to the height of the plant stems.

We must also not forget about the temperature of the water in the aquarium, it should always be within 24–27 degrees. It cannot be said that at a water temperature of 17 degrees, your shrimp will die, but you should not expect procreation from it. You can still come to terms with higher thermometer readings for a while by increasing aeration or installing an additional source of oxygen. But not a single shrimp can withstand temperatures above 32 degrees for long.

Diet of domestic shrimp

By their nature, shrimp are considered omnivorous living creatures, but this does not mean that you can feed them dumplings or borscht, it means that there should be no problems with feeding. Pet stores often sell special food for shrimp, but if they don’t have it there, don’t panic, they will also eat mixtures for regular fish just fine.

They also love food very much. plant origin, and sometimes not even the freshest. If a leaf of a plant in the aquarium has rotted, your shrimp can eat it. In addition, they like to eat certain types of algae as food, for example, filamentous algae, which are harmful to other inhabitants and cannot be destroyed with their own hands. Also, crustaceans can clear algal fouling from stones and other aquarium decorations over a period of time.

If your shrimp do not share their home with other species of aquarium inhabitants, then from time to time they can be fed with pieces of lightly boiled vegetables, some raw ones, such as zucchini or red pepper, as well as small slices of pasta. But in no case should we forget that such delicacies tend to spoil quickly, so after a few hours, the remaining food must be removed from the water, otherwise not only the food, but also the water will go rotten.

If we talk about the frequency of meals, then it is better to underfeed than to overdo it. On average, you should feed shrimp 2-3 times a week, but this is provided that your aquarium is rich in a variety of plants that the arthropods will feed on. This perfect pets for those people who are often forced to leave home, because they can live without feeding for 1.5–2 weeks, but this is also the case if there is a lot of algae around them.

Buying homemade shrimp

These are very inexpensive “crustaceans”, their average cost is from 30 to 150 rubles, but you should not buy them in large quantities, because they multiply very quickly. A few individuals may soon form a shrimp kingdom.

For more information about the most interesting aquarium shrimp, watch this video:

Most of the freshwater shrimp kept in our aquariums come from Asia. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed 6-8 cm. Almost all of them are omnivores, but they prefer lower aquatic vegetation. Shrimp are generally quite hardy creatures. Shrimp are interesting mainly during the day, when they lead an active lifestyle, quickly moving along the bottom in search of food and crawling along the leaves of plants. In a moment of danger, they make jerky swimming movements in the water column using contractions of the tail fan.

Shrimp molt regularly. Throwing off the chitinous shell. During molting (two to three days before molting and one or two after), they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, the shrimp's integument is soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young individuals this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually.

Shrimp are peaceful. They do not attack their own kind or other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Although, when kept with fish, they themselves can become quite tasty food.

All types of aquarium shrimp are not picky about their living conditions. With the exception of some, for example, Sulawesi shrimp.
An aquarium of 10 liters or more is suitable for successful maintenance. In which you can place 10-15 shrimp. But you need to remember that sooner or later they will multiply and choosing a fry will not be so easy. Therefore, we advise you to start immediately with large aquarium volumes.

Aquarium shrimp Looks better on black soil. Although this is a matter of taste.
Amazingly, they live in temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. So, if the temperature in your apartment does not drop below 17 degrees, you can safely keep a shrimp tank without heating means. Although the ideal temperature for them would be 24-25 C.

Thus, you can save on heating, but aeration will not do this. It is imperative to install aeration in the shrimp tank. Krill, unlike fish, is very sensitive to oxygen saturation in water.

Very good for shrimp the presence of living plants is important in their habitat - an aquarium. It would be ideal to plant Java moss. Shrimp need it for hiding and cleaning. Of course, any plants are suitable for a start, even the same hornwort and pistia.

Water filtration for shrimp. It is necessary to put a nylon stocking on the internal filter; there must be a pre-filter on the intake pipe of the external filter, otherwise the shrimp will be sucked in.

Lighting for shrimp not really necessary, except to see the food :). But the plants that will be in the shrimp tank simply need it.

And now the unpleasant moment when keeping shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very sensitive to the chemical composition of water. The water that is replaced must be clean and well settled. You also need to keep an eye on environment, the use of various kinds of sprays and fresheners in the room where there is an aquarium with shrimp is unacceptable; surface gas exchange has not yet been canceled. Be very careful when changing water and ventilate the room. In addition, shrimp do not tolerate high concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium.

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Everyone eats shrimp! In the literal sense of the word. They are constantly searching for food. Clean up dead parts of plants, corpses of other residents (if any) and smallest particles everything you can eat. These arthropods need to be fed, or rather fed, no more than once every two days. However, it is not advisable to feed them on the day when the water is changed. Hungry shrimp are better able to withstand stress or other unwanted changes.

You can feed them with any food, from dry daphnia to live and concentrated and balanced branded food.

You can feed them with Tetra shrimp food. The food should be balanced and varied. Try to alternate feeds.

Shrimp tank maintenance.

Maintaining a shrimp tank is not particularly different from maintaining an aquarium with fish.
Water changes should be done once a week ~ 1/3 of the total volume. It is advisable to do a light siphon of soil every few months. Remove dead plant parts and shells from the reels. We emphasize! Everything must be done very carefully. Shrimp much fewer fish and it is possible to inadvertently injure or even kill them. But in general there is nothing complicated or unusual.

Breeding aquarium shrimp.

There is no need to help shrimp in breeding! They do everything well themselves.
If the conditions are favorable and your shrimp are good, then the offspring will not be long in coming.
During the period when the female is ready to reproduce, she releases pheromones into the water. All the males begin to frantically chase around the aquarium and look for the female. Mating lasts no more than a second. Although the process of searching for a female usually lasts for hours. Soon after mating, the female develops a so-called saddle on her back. Cherry shrimp are yellow, special shrimp are drunken gray. This is caviar at a certain stage. Subsequently, the female molts and the eggs move under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry will appear.
IN special care juveniles do not need it. He immediately eats what his parents eat. It hides in the thickets and swims jerkily. The above applies only to shrimp: neocardina cherry and neocardina special. There are complex types of shrimp that a beginner will not be able to breed, because... they need a special approach and a lot of knowledge and experience, for example, Amano shrimp, filter feeders.

Whomever you see in the aquarium of friends and acquaintances. But it’s already difficult to surprise with exotic fish and snails, but a shrimp in an aquarium is already interesting. Many will say that there is nothing like that, we feed the fish with thawed shrimp every day, but we're talking about about the most living crustaceans.

Common shrimp

Variety of shrimp

Using shrimp, you can build a real tropical water corner in your apartment. A stunning variety of colors and types, ease of care, easy reproduction, and just unusualness is a good reason to think.

Shrimp characteristics:

  • Size – from 2 to 5 cm, there are rare species up to 15 cm;
  • Life expectancy is up to 2 years, but more often no more than a year;
  • Color – cherry, blue, yellow, green, transparent.


There are also cardinal, red crystal, and harlequin shrimp.


An aquarium that contains shrimp is called a shrimp tank. It is no different from the usual one, inhabited by fish; it was named that way simply to stand out.

The volume of the shrimp tank should be within 80 liters (minimum 40). If it is less, then it is difficult to maintain biobalance, since sudden changes in parameters will negatively affect the health of the shrimp, and in larger quantities they will simply get lost in the thickets, as in the photo below.

Shrimp are good at hiding

It is not recommended to keep shrimp together in an aquarium with fish, as they can easily become food, but this only applies to large and aggressive fish, like or. They get along well with small guppies and harmless shrimps; moreover, at night they can even bite the veiled tails on their huge fins, but this is more of a game than a threat.

Required water parameters:

  • Temperature is 18-27 degrees, but the warmer the water, the less oxygen it contains;
  • Hardness – 1.5-2;
  • pH – 6 -7;
  • The water is fresh.

Shrimp are very sensitive to sudden changes and changes; keep the microclimate constant, or changes no more than 30% per day. A temperature jump of just 7 degrees will kill them.

The aquarium must be equipped with a fine bubble aerator and a safe filter, since baby shrimp are very small in size and can simply be sucked into the filter system.

Small shrimp in a spoon

The aerator should work around the clock, especially at night, when aquatic plants do not produce oxygen. Their body consumes more oxygen than any other aquarium inhabitants.

The bottom must be covered with a thin layer of gravel, as in streams, and there must also be shelters - decorative elements, floating and ground plants, driftwood and the like. This gives both a certain charm to the aquarium and hiding places for shrimp, especially if they are adjacent to other fish. But don’t allow there to be narrow cracks; shrimp have a habit of getting stuck, from where they then cannot get out, and die there.

Once a week, change the water to fresh water, but not more than 40%, and at room temperature, as in the aquarium itself.

Buying shrimp

Buying crustaceans is not as easy as it seems. In ordinary pet stores this is a rare product, you will have to place an order and wait, or you can turn to advertisements. Large pet stores usually have them in stock.

Shrimp in a pet store

The price for one individual starts from 100 rubles, and given their extreme fertility, it is rational to buy several pieces and simply wait until they multiply to the required quantity. The price does not differ much depending on the type and color.

When transporting them home, it is better to place them in a container with warm water and a plant placed in it so that the babies can attach to it. Carry the vessel carefully, do not shake it, otherwise you may injure the animals.

After bringing them home, place them in a separate aquarium for observation for a week. There is no guarantee that these shrimp are not from wildlife, and are not contagious with deadly infections.


Shrimp breeding in an aquarium occurs all year round, the main condition being clean water.

It is not difficult to determine the maturity of a female - she releases special pheromones into the water, from which the males begin to frantically rush around the aquarium from corner to corner.

The gestation period is about a month, after which tiny, but completely ready for independent life, shrimp are born, about 30 pieces. Their parents do not pose a danger, but if there are other fish, the crustaceans will become excellent food for them, so some will have to be removed.

Pregnant shrimp

Be sure to check the filter again; if necessary, change the sponge to a more finely porous one.

There are some types of shrimp that cannot be kept in an aquarium because they have a larval stage that requires salt water. But most species are still viviparous, which is very pleasing.


Crustaceans eat absolutely everything. These are the real orderlies of the aquarium, as they spend all their time searching for food, searching the bottom and plants. They eat leftover food after fish, plaque on leaves and stones, even their own shed shell after molting. Pet stores sell food special for shrimp, but to be honest, there is no need to buy it; you can feed it with any fish food of any size. The main thing is that he drowns sooner or later.

You can also feed it with boiled vegetables.

Special food

Both for newborns and for adults, the food is the same, this makes care and maintenance very easy.

You need to feed crustaceans once a week, sometimes having a fasting day. They easily endure a hunger strike, switching to detritus, that is, eating dead parts of plants, deposits on the ground, and simply eating dirt from the filter sponge, thereby easily surviving your vacation or long business trip. The main thing is to leave the aerator and filter on.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!