Tyra banks biography personal life children. Tyra Banks and her boyfriend Erik Asla became parents: a surrogate mother gave birth to a baby. Too personal life

The name of the dark-skinned model is one of the most famous in world show business. Having passed long haul from an unknown girl to real star, she proved that strong woman capable of conquering any heights.

Biography of Tyra Banks

Future model and the actress was born on December 4, 1973 in California. Her mother worked as a photographer for NASA, and her father was a computer consultant at the time. It was an ordinary average family. However, six years after the birth of their daughter, the parents divorced. This did not spoil their relationship; Tyra and her older brother David continued to communicate with both.

All photos 15

WITH early childhood the girl was taller than her peers. Coupled with excessive thinness, this led to constant ridicule. However, as she grew older, the girl became interested in sports and soon... ugly duckling turned into a swan. Then the idea came to her mind to try herself as a model.

The girl has always studied well; she graduated from a prestigious school in Los Angeles. She was accepted into two universities at once. Tyra seriously decided to connect her life with the modeling business, so she refused further studies. A contract with one of the best agencies Elite promised her many opportunities.

The girl was not mistaken. Very soon Chanel and Ralph Lauren– and the young future star was already flying to Paris. In the city of love, shows and photography awaited her. And she herself made a real revolution in the fashion world - not a single dark-skinned model has ever appeared on the covers of Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated.

It was a success, but the girl was not going to limit herself to it. Soon she went home to conquer television and Hollywood. She was especially interested in the world of cinema. She managed to play several supporting roles. There was nothing outstanding about them, but the girl was noticed. She even appeared on one of the British TV shows.

In those years, the girl was friendly and easy to communicate with all the participants in the filming.

However, it was precisely because of this that they did not immediately begin to take her seriously. “Their girls” do not fit in well in Hollywood, where they are in awe of “stardom” and “bitchiness.”

In 1995, the film “ Higher education" It was in it that the actress first managed to truly shine. This was followed by a number of TV series and films, in which she was lucky enough to work with recognized movie stars.

In 2000, the actress played in several films at once, which received high ratings from viewers around the world. One of them is “Love and Basketball”. The second is Coyote Ugly Bar.

Released in 2003 documentary"Victoria's Secret Fashion." At that time, Tyra Banks, who took part in the filming, was already considered one of the sexiest and highest paid models in the world. However, after three years she decided to leave the podium and focus on her film career.

This decision did not prevent the actress from continuing to lead one of her most successful and famous projects, America's Next Top Model. The show was launched in 2003 and is still airing today.

In 2007, Tyra Banks starred in “Mr. The film was favorably received by critics. Just like 2008's Tropic Troop. Here the girl's partners on the set were Tom Cruise and Jack Black.

In 2009, she appeared in a frame with Miley Cyrus in the film version of the famous youth series about the adventures of Hannah Montana.

The dark-skinned model has proven in practice that she is capable of masterfully transforming herself and playing any role. In numerous photo shoots, she had to try on images famous people past and present.

Personal life of Tyra Banks

There has always been a lot of gossip surrounding the model’s personal life. She never hid her chosen ones, but she also did not talk about them with journalists. This led to numerous rumors and fabrications.

It is known for certain that the first serious relationship girls started in 1993.

Then John Singleton, a film producer, became her lover. But their union did not last long. Soon the famous British musician Seal was caught in the beauty's network. But also with him Tyra Banks didn't stay long.

It is known that for the model, the breakup was a heavy blow, from which she was able to recover only with the help of specialists.

However, this did not stop her from entering into a relationship with John Utendaal, a businessman who was 12 years older than her. Then Tyra Banks made a sharp turn and caught 24-year-old Rob Evans in her net. The couple faced constant ridicule about Evans' status, but they did not pay attention to them.

In 2013, the actress finally met the person with whom she decided to live for the rest of her life. It was photographer Erik Asla. They are not yet married, but do not see the need for a stamp in order for the relationship to be strong and trusting.

This union is supported by the fact that in 2016 the couple had a son, York.

Despite her advanced age for a model, the star’s career continues to gain momentum. According to journalists and fans, Tyra Banks has already written her name in fashion history.

0 January 28, 2016, 08:24

Presenter and former supermodel Tyra Banks and her boyfriend, Swedish photographer Erik Asla, became parents for the first time on Wednesday, January 27. Good news Tyra, 42, said on her Instagram page, posting a photo of a tiny baby hat.

This is the gift we've worked and prayed so hard for that it's finally ours. He has my fingers and big eyes, and a mouth and chin like his daddy Eric. We thank the angel of the woman who carried this magical boy for us and we pray for everyone who is struggling to get through this happy stage in their lives. York Banks Asla, welcome to our world,

Tyra wrote under the photo.

Earlier, in an interview, Banks admitted that she tried to get pregnant, but was unsuccessful. The top model was also afraid that she would no longer be able to have children, since “her time was lost.” Boyfriend Erik Asla, with whom she had been together for two years, supported her lover’s desire to have a child. As a result, the couple decided to turn to a surrogate mother, who gave birth to baby York, which made his parents incredibly happy.

Tyra Banks' future was predetermined: her mother, Caroline Banks, works as a fashion manager and photographer.

After divorcing her husband, Caroline raised Tyra and her older brother on her own. While still a schoolgirl, Tyra took part in a fashion shoot for the teen magazine Seventeen. True, this happened at the age of 15. Despite her mother's connections, Tyra did not spend her childhood under camera flashes.

After school, Tyra still decided to continue her education, and she was accepted by two prestigious university California, but Banks still refused to study - a trip to Paris awaited her.

Star Trek Models and Actress

17-year-old Tyra Banks was in great demand at Paris Fashion Week: she received an offer to participate in the fashion show from 25 fashion brands! Anna Sui, Chanel, Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Donna Karan, H&M, Michael Kors, Oscar de la Renta - a beginner may feel dizzy if they are not used to it. Fashion editors followed suit.

And now Tyra has graced the glossy pages of Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, Elle, and Cosmopolitan. At that time, the niche of black models was unconditionally occupied by Black Panther Naomi Campbell, but Tyra managed to get ahead of her competitor in some ways: she became the first black girl on the cover of the GQ men's magazine and the first African-American model to star in the Victoria's Secret catalog.

In 2005, Tyra was waiting new round her modeling career is television. She decided to step away from the modeling business - as she thought, forever, but in the end, in 2010, she signed a contract with the agency again.

What has Tyra accomplished in this five-year period? Firstly, inspired by the legendary Oprah Winfrey, she launched her own show, which ran successfully for five years until the restoration of cooperation with IMG Models.

In 2009, together with actor Ashton Kutcher, the model launched the show “Beauty Inside Out,” where handsome men and beauties competed for the title of the most handsome man in America and the cover popular magazine People. True, in pursuit of the prize it was necessary to demonstrate not dazzling external data, but inner beauty, which few participants managed to do.

But finest hour for Tyra Banks was the project “America's Next Top Model,” where Banks acted as a producer, presenter, and judge. Girls from all over the world dreamed of getting on reality and achieving success under the strict judging of supermodels, editors, stylists and photographers.

The first season of the show started in 2003, but reached Russia only in 2010, and its own version of the project, “Top Model in Russian,” was launched in our country a year later. By this time, every fashionable girl in Russia knew about Tyra Banks, and the number of fans of the black model was growing every day.

Especially for her fans, Tyra Banks wrote the book “Beauty Secrets from Tyra Banks” (Tyra's Beauty Inside and Out). And the secrets, by the way, are simple...

Personal life of Tyra Banks

Tyra does not drink alcohol, does not smoke and never agrees to filming with cigarettes and drinks in the frame. The ban, by the way, also applies to animals and birds.

Unlike her main competitor, Tyra goes by the nickname Black Widow. This is what Tyra's friends nicknamed her because she ruthlessly abandons her men. Among the “abandoned” are millionaire John Utendaal, musicians Drake and Seal (ex-husband of Heidi Klum). “I don’t see the need to get married,” says the beauty.

Tyra Lynn Banks was born in December 1973 in Inglewood, California, into the respectable family of Caroline Banks, who worked as a fashion manager and NASA photographer, and a specialist in computer technologies Donald Banks. Tyra was the second child: at the time of her birth, the family had a 5-year-old son, Devin.

When Tyra Banks was 6 years old, her parents divorced. But at the same time they managed to maintain friendly relations and not traumatize the children.

At the age of 6, Tyra went to school. She studied quite well, but her relationships with her peers were not easy. The girl was very thin and awkward, which often became the reason for ridicule and bullying. Having matured, Tyra Banks thoroughly began to improve herself. She soon transformed from a lanky teenager into a model-looking girl.

Upon completion high school Banks becomes a student at the University of California. But very soon she realizes that what attracts her most is a modeling career. At the age of 17, she signs a lucrative contract with a prestigious modeling agency and begins climbing the career ladder.

Modeling career

Under the terms of the signed contract, 17-year-old model Tyra Banks goes to Paris, where she makes a splash after her first appearance on the catwalk. The first week in the fashion capital brought Tyra offers from 25 designers. No other world model has achieved such success at the very beginning of her career. She becomes the first African-American woman to appear on the covers of Victoria's secret catalogue, GQ and other fashion publications. Chanel and Ralph Lauren offer her a job. Tyra Banks moves to Paris.

The young black model collaborates with such popular brands as Oscar de la Renta, Donna Karan, Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana and many others. Her image appears on the glossy covers of Harper’s Bazar, Vogue, Elle, and Cosmopolitan.

In 1997, Tyra Banks won the “Supermodel of the Year” award according to the television music channel VH1. The girl gives another 13 years modeling business, but in 2005 he announced his decision to focus on working in cinema.


A cinematic biography of Tyra Banks began in the 1990s. She starred in supporting roles in the films “Black or White” and “Undercover Cops.” During the same period, she participated in the British television show “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”. But the path to Hollywood is difficult for an aspiring actress. Only in 1995, Tyra Banks received the role, after which the directors paid closer attention to the girl. She played in the film Higher Education, where Omar Epps, Laurence Fishburne, and Christy Swanson appeared on the set with her. Tyra did a great job. In the same year, she was invited to the series “Mad TV”.

Tyra Banks and Bill Bellamy in the movie "Fuck Love"

The finale of the 1990s turned out to be very generous for Tyra Banks in prominent roles. She appeared in the films Fashion Magazine, The Hughleys, House of Damn, and Fuck Love. All films received high praise from critics, and the cinematic community finally accepted the actress into its ranks.

Tyra Banks managed to surprise fans of her acting talent in 2000, when the film “Love and Basketball” was released, in which she organically played her role and earned the love of the audience and good grades film critics. The following tapes are “ American dreams" and "Halloween: Resurrection" - added to their fame.

In 2003, when Tyra Banks was offered a role in the series “America's Next Top Model,” the artist was one of the 5 sexiest and 10 highest paid colleagues on the catwalk. But Banks’ role in the melodramatic film “Mr. Stupid” turned out to be truly stellar. The film was released in 2007 and immediately became a hit. Tyra playing together with famous actors Sean William and brought incredible fame to the black artist.

Tyra Banks received no less success from the release of the film “Tropic Soldiers” in 2008. The comedy writer and director ridiculed numerous hollywood movies about the war. The main roles went to and. Here Tyra played, although a minor, but very bright character.

In 2009, after the appearance of Peter Chelsom's film Hannah Montana: The Movie, viewers and critics began to say that Tyra Banks' acting talent was already quite equal to hers. model success. In this film, the partners of the African-American star were and.

One cannot help but remember television works Tyra Banks as host. In 2005, a black model and actress presented viewers with her own talk show. It was called "The Tyra Banks Show." The format of the program overlapped with “The Show” at many points. The presenter was awarded the Daytime Emmy Award for her work.

Tyra Banks on America's Next Top Model

In 2009, the reality show “Beauty Inside Out” was released. This was an unusual project about the fact that beautiful people do not always behave beautifully. In the project, 10 of the most beautiful people in the USA fought for the right to become “The Most beautiful man America." The show was hosted by Tyra Banks and.

But Tyra’s greatest success came after the release of the show “America’s Next Top Model.” Here Banks combined the roles of producer, judge and host.

Personal life

The African American woman has never followed a strict diet. She kept in shape through sports. Tyra loves basketball and tennis. Moreover, he engages in these sports not only for the sake of his figure, but also because he gets great pleasure from the activities.

Tyra Banks is a very multifaceted person. She is not only a model, actress and presenter. The dark-skinned beauty showed her fans good vocal abilities in 2004. She released her single "Shake Ya Body". Previously, the model did not sing, but only appeared in the videos of many famous performers, such as, and others.

A few years ago, Banks published a book called “Tyra: Outer and Inner Beauty,” where everyone could see that Tyra is also a good writer.

Tyra Banks' personal life is extremely busy. The beauty, who took a place in the top five most beautiful models in the world, has always had many fans. But they changed so quickly that no one will remember the names of most of them. Extreme success with the stronger sex and employment in films and television did not allow Tyra to start a family and give birth to a child.

In September 2015, Tyra Banks gave frank interview People magazine, in which she admitted that recent years trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant. To achieve this, she even underwent several IVF procedures. The star complained that she missed the time to give birth to children on her own, which she really regrets. She did not rule out the possibility of resorting to the services of a surrogate mother. Since 2013, Tyra Banks has been dating entrepreneur Erik Asla. There is no news about the wedding yet, but Tyra claims that Eric also dreams of a child.


  • Undercover cops
  • Higher education
  • Mad TV
  • Fashion magazine
  • Hughley
  • Love and basketball
  • Coyote Ugly Bar
  • America's Next Top Model
  • Soldiers of Misfortune
  • Hannah Montana: The Movie

The black girl is an American-born supermodel, singer, actress, TV presenter and producer. Beautiful Tyra was born on one winter day, December 4, 1973, in the American town of Inglewood, in the family of an ordinary fashion manager and photographer Caroline Banks and computer consultant Donald Banks.

Tyra Banks: biography

In 1980, Tyra Banks' parents divorced; the girl was only 6 years old at the time. But, despite the divorce, family relations remained friendly. Tyra Lynn Banks graduated from Immaculate Heart in Los Angeles in 1991 High School. After school she was invited to two prestigious educational institutions, but she refused to study there in order to devote more time to her modeling career. And soon this decision began to justify itself - at the age of 15, she posed for the cover of the youth magazine Seventeen Magazine, and 2 years later, she decided to go to Paris, where she was able to become a model for catwalk shows.

Already in the first week, her dark skin, brown hair and bright green eyes made an indelible impression on everyone present.

Tyra Banks: career

After the shows, more than 20 designers invited her to take part in their shows. For Tyra, it was definitely a success.

At the same time, Tyra Banks began working for such popular brands as Donna Karan, Anna Sui, Oscar de la Renta, Christian Dior, Vogue, Covergirl, Chanel, Bill Blass, Dolce & Gabbana and others. Her pretty face began to grace the covers of Cosmopolitan, Elle and women's fashion magazine Harpers Bazaar. Tyra is the first black model to be featured on the cover of popular men's magazines the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and GQ. In 1997, Tyra received an award called “Supermodel of the Year” and became the first American woman with dark color skin, which was invited to shoot a Victoria's Secret lingerie catalog.

But, after such dizzying success, in 2005, Tyra decided to leave modeling career to focus on television.

Tyra Banks: television

In 2009, along with Ashton Kutcher, Tyra launched a show called “Beauty Inside Out.” This show was about how beautiful people at first sight can behave very badly. The talk show's first season premiered on January 5, 2009.

Also Tyra for almost five years - from September From 2005 to May 2010, she hosted her own talk show with the same name, “The Tyra Banks Show.” In 2008, Tyra even received a Daytime Emmy Award for this show.

Tyra Banks: America's Next Top Models

But Tyra’s real success came from the show “Americas Next TopModel,” where she was able to occupy all available positions—producer, show host, and judge. In late January 2008, CW TV gave Tyra Banks permission to film a new reality show, Stylista, which was based on fashion magazine reviews. The premiere of Stylista took place at the end of October 2008. Tyra also wrote an interesting and slightly fantastic book, Modelland, about the adventures of the girl Tuki, who had the opportunity to become the most famous model. In 2010, Lynn Banks re-signed with the international modeling agency IMG Models. During the period from 1983 to 2013, this dark-skinned, green-eyed model managed to star in many films: “Halloween: Resurrection”, “Tropic Troops”, “Perfect Toy”, “Love and Basketball”, “Coyote Ugly Bar”, “Eight” Crazy Nights”, “Felicity”, “Food for the Soul”, “Fuck Love” and others.