Temperature of water and air in Tenerife by months. When is the best time to go on holiday in Tenerife? Spring is the best time to get to know nature

The weather in Tenerife is of interest to many tourists who plan beach holiday regardless of the time of year.

How does the temperature change by month

Tenerife is characterized by average annual temperature fluctuations of just 7 ° C in the southern part of the island. As for the north of Tenerife, here in winter months it can drop down to 15°C. The height of the beach season on the island falls on the period from July to October.

January weather

January weather pleases with stable heat. Temperatures reach 20°C during the day and 14°C at night. Water maintains a temperature of 18°C. There are about 10 rainy days this month.

Weather in February

February weather is almost the same as January. Day and night temperatures are 21 and 14 °C respectively. Water warms up to 18 °C. February is a relatively dry month with a maximum of eight rainy days.

March weather

With the onset of spring, a fairly dry, sunny and warm weather. During the day, the air warms up to 22 ° C, and at night up to 15 ° C. The water is heated to 18 °C. The number of rainy days is about seven.

April weather

The daytime temperature in April is 23, and the night temperature is 16 degrees. The water temperature remains similar to March and is 18 degrees. The number of wet days does not exceed six. During the day, there are about 8 hours of sunshine.

May weather

May is characterized by quite comfortable temperatures - about 24 ° C during the day and 17 ° C at night. The water temperature is 18 °C. This month is characterized by a decrease in precipitation, the number of wet days does not exceed four.

June weather

Although June is a summer month, there is no sweltering heat on the island. During the day, the air warms up to 26 ° C, and in the evening it cools down to 19 ° C. Quite comfortable long time be on the coast, due to the refreshing breezes. The water is still cool - its temperature is about 18 °C.

July weather

July, like June, is characterized by an optimal combination of day and night temperatures. So, during the day the air warms up to 28 ° C, and at night it cools down to 20 ° C. The water temperature is also quite acceptable - about 21 ° C.

August weather

In August, the island is quite hot. The daytime temperature reaches 29 °C, and at night it does not fall below 21 °C. Water warms up to 22 °C. In August, almost all days are sunny, and there is no rain at all.

September weather

September weather is almost the same as August. At night, the thermometer does not fall below 21°C, and during the day it rises to 28°C. The water is still comfortable enough for swimming. Its temperature is 23°C. Occasional showers are possible.

October weather

December weather

In December, the island stands autumn weather with a night temperature of about 16 degrees and a daytime temperature of about 21 degrees. Water keeps the same temperature as in November - 18 degrees. The number of rainy days does not exceed 12.

AT high season the air is warmed up to +27.3°C, and the sea +24°C. In low - air +18.0°C, water +18.5°C, precipitation 28.1 mm, 2 rainy days, 19 sunny days in total. It is a popular travel city in Spain. Weather in Tenerife by months, in winter, spring, summer and autumn is shown in the chart below. The mild climate is almost all year round, great choice. beach season here lasts at least 6 months.

The best months to travel

In September, August, October - best time for relax. There is good warm weather from +26.5°C to +27.8°C. At this time of the year there is little rain, no more than 2 days per month, from 40.2 to 68.9 mm of precipitation falls. Also in Tenerife there is a warm sea with a water temperature of + 23.2 ° C to + 24.5 ° C and swimming is a pleasure. The maximum number of sunny days for the whole year is from 19 to 23 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Tenerife are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Tenerife by months

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 9.8°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the weather in Tenerife and the climate in Spain are quite mild over the months. Most cold month- February, when the air warms up to +18°C, and the warmest - August from +27.8°C.

Water temperature in Tenerife

The beach season here lasts 6 months: June, July, November, August, October, September. The temperature in the sea at this time of the year is from +21.2°C to +24.5°C for a pleasant swim. The worst weather in Tenerife and the water temperature recorded in March is +18.5°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

An unsuccessful month for travel is October, it rains on average 5 days. Maximum monthly rate precipitation is 68.9 mm.

Comfort Rating

Climate Summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
Rainy days
January +19.5°C +19.8°C 22 0 days (28.1mm)
February +18°C +18.9°C 19 2 days (25.8mm)
March +18.8°C +18.5°C 25 0 days (12.3mm)
April +20.8°C +19.4°C 21 2 days (12.6mm)
May +23.8°C +20.1°C 23 0 days (5.5mm)
June +24.2°C +21.2°C 25 0 days (0.9mm)
July +25.8°C +22.4°C 30 1 day (7.6mm)
August +27.8°C +23.2°C 23 3 days (59.0mm)
September +27.5°C +24.5°C 21 2 days (40.2mm)
October +26.5°C +24.2°C 19 5 days (68.9mm)
November +22.2°C +23°C 16 2 days (48.0mm)
December +20.2°C +20.8°C 24 0 days (28.1mm)

Number of sunny days

Beautiful sunny weather will delight tourists in July - as many as 30 sunny days per month. Great time to relax in Tenerife.

Wind speed

The wind gains its maximum strength in July up to 6 m/s with gusts up to 8.8 m/s.

Comfortable throughout the year and mild climate - indisputable dignity Tenerife. AT summer months moderately hot, although geographically the Canaries belong to Africa. Winter is not cold, there are no seasons of tropical showers and hurricanes. You can come to the island to rest at any time. This is just the case when nature has no bad weather. But there are some nuances that will be useful to know in advance.

Tenerife is an island with a complex terrain. Due to this, on a land plot the size of two Moscow, territories with different microclimates coexist. But the most striking contrast is between north and south.
From the northeast, winds constantly blow on the island, forming waves and clouds. In the mountains, the clouds turn into rain, but they are not always able to overcome the mountain range. Therefore, 80% of all precipitation goes to the north.

In contrast to the humid north, the "beach" south of Tenerife is closed from the weather by a wall of mountains. Here it is warmer and sunnier, the ocean is calmer, rains are infrequent and mostly short.

Weather in the south of Tenerife

Since the vast majority of tourists from Russia prefer to relax on south coast islands (namely, in the resorts of Costa Adeje, Las Americas, Los Cristianos), then we will pay special attention to it.
Here in different time during the day the air usually warms up to 21-28°C in the shade. The coolest is in February, the hottest - in August.

You are in Africa and not far from the equator. So in winter, 20 ° C in the shade is on a good day in the open sun, it feels six degrees more. Another thing is that in winter the probability of cloudiness, wind and precipitation is higher, even in the south.
By the way, you can get a tan (and get burned too) in Tenerife even in cloudy weather.

The best time of the year to visit the island is September and October. There are significantly fewer tourists and not as active sun compared to August, and the ocean warms up to annual highs.

Weather at other resorts

Weather on west coast islands (resorts of Los Gigantes, Puerto Santiago, Playa de la Arena) is the same as in the south. And in winter there are even more sunny days.

The city of Puerto de la Cruz, although located in the middle of the northern coast, lies in a lowland, therefore it is fair to talk about a special microclimate in the city.

Precipitation days in Puerto de la Cruz
8 8 7 7 4 4 1 2 4 7 9 9
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec

Compared to the south in Puerto de la Cruz, the air temperature is usually slightly lower. In summer, this is not important, and it feels even hotter due to high humidity.
In winter, the difference sometimes reaches four or five degrees, which is quite noticeable. Significantly less sun, more rainy days.
And if you don’t compare, then in general it’s not bad, if you don’t sunbathe in the north and swim in the ocean (waves!) Arrived.

Weather forecast

Now in the south of Tenerife this is the weather.
Most of the weather sites and services on popular portals on request "Tenerife" show the forecast and the current situation for the capital of the island - located in the northeast of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where there is a microclimate. Or it is not at all clear where the data is taken from.

And this systematically misleads tourists and a state of slight panic, from year to year giving rise to the same questions on the forums. It is understandable: 16 ° C during the day, and even with rain - not at all what vacationers who pack their suitcases in warmer climes dream of in winter.

See the weather forecast on the right sites and for the part of the island where you plan to relax!


Neighborhood with Africa has one unpleasant feature. Sometimes, during sandstorms in the Sahara, the wind brings dust, sand and hot air to Tenerife. The thermometer can easily jump up to 40 ° C, the sky is covered with a gray haze, it is hard without an air conditioner. This disgrace is called "Kalima", and it is unpredictable.

But not everything is so scary. Firstly, Kalima happens infrequently, 5-6 times a year. Secondly, it usually lasts only 2-4 days, after which the weather quickly returns to climatic norm. Thirdly, its intensity is different, often generally goes unnoticed by tourists.

Tenerife is the largest and most populated of the seven canary islands.

This island of Spain covers an area of ​​2034.38 square kilometers and has a population of about a million people, which is 43 percent of total strength population of the Canary Islands.

Tenerife is famous for its phenomenal weather and is known among travel enthusiasts as the Island eternal spring. And this is an amazing fact, because only in Tenerife you can choose the weather according to your mood: the island is located in 7 different climatic zones. On the same day, temperatures range from tropical on the south coast to cold and snowy in the heart of the island. It only takes two hours by car to get to another climate zone.

Good weather on the island

The climate of the island is defined as mild subtropical.

In summer, the air does not warm up above +25 °C, and in winter it stays around +20 °C.

In the southern and western parts of the island it is noticeably warmer, in the north it often rains. In general, the temperature difference during the year is from 15 to 27 degrees Celsius. The coastal ocean gives smaller fluctuations per year: from +20 to +22 degrees.

Weather are explained by the diverse topography of the island - from high mountains to lowlands, from deserts to flowering intermountain plains.

Water and air temperature by months of each season

In connection with sustainable climatic influence weather on the island can be predicted and analyzed for the year by season and month.

Weather in December in Tenerife and water temperature by months:

  1. On the southern coast of Tenerife, the air warms up during the day from +21 degrees and above, and at night it drops to +7 °С in the northeast +15 °С.
  2. Ocean waters are warmed up to +20 °С.
  • The coldest at this time - central regions, here the air warms up no higher than 6-8 degrees Celsius.
  • The water temperature is +19 °C.

February. In total, there are about six days of rain in February, which is why it is considered rainy in Tenerife.

  • The air temperature is kept at the level of 17-20 degrees, the difference between night and day temperatures decreases.
  • The water of the Atlantic off the coast of Tenerife warms up to +19 degrees.

In the photo: carnival on the island of Tenerife in February

Spring on the island

Lush vegetation and the beginning of flowering - this is the spring season in Tenerife. The water temperature fluctuates little from month to month and averages 20 degrees.

March days are beautiful:

  • sunny weather sets average temperature air 20-21 degrees. Precipitation is rare and amounts to approximately 4 days for the whole of March;
  • in the northern region of the island, the weather is two to three degrees lower; it can rain more in early spring than in the south;
  • coastal waters Atlantic Ocean+19°C.

The islanders are waiting for April:

  • despite the fact that in April it usually rains on Tenerife from 3 to 7 days during the month, the air temperature continues to rise from +22 degrees on average to +25 °C on the south coast of the island;
  • The water temperature in April is higher than in the previous month and ranges from +19 °C to +20 °C.

In May, we don’t toil, but we sunbathe:

Finally, stable heat has set in, the air temperature on the entire island does not fall below + 21 ° C.

The southern resort coast with a humidity of 64% pleases sunny days and pleasant warmth. There is practically no rain. Great time to visit the island.

The water temperature in Tenerife in May rises to +20°C.

The photo shows a graph of the number of sunny days in Tenerife with the weather by month.

Summer, beach, black sand and diving

Hot summer days great time for diving. This will be confirmed by any weather forecasts on the island.

June is vacation time. This month the weather pleases with hot sunny days. The island is getting even warmer, sometimes very hot. The air warms up during the day to 27 degrees, and the night brings a long-awaited coolness of 18 -19 °C.

Water temperature up to +22 °C.

Hot July. All over the island is Nice weather. The average daily air temperature does not fall below +28 ° C, the nights are warm and humid, the thermometer shows +20 degrees.

The water in July pleases divers, its temperature froze at around +22°C.

In August, the average air temperature is 29 degrees Celsius, at night - not lower than +21 °C.

Easy sea ​​breeze cools hot heads, disperses gentle waves, inviting you to dive into the emerald depths.

in Tenerife, water temperature monthly

Autumn is not the time for frustration and parting on the islands, the vacation continues. In Tenerife, the water temperature remains even during the autumn months, and the diving season is in full swing.

A mild September cools the ardor of the previous month, but at noon the air temperature is around 28 degrees Celsius.

  • The nights are a little colder, the thermometer shows 21 °C. The wind sometimes picks up on the coast.
  • The water temperature in Tenerife in September does not drop below 23 degrees Celsius.

The sea in October in the south of Tenerife is warmer than in other parts of the island.

  • During the day the weather is warm, about 26 degrees Celsius. At night it gets cold up to plus 19 °C.
  • In October, it will rain no more than five days, and the waters of the ocean are rewarded with warmth of +23 ° C.

In November, there are no more than six rainy days, the humidity rises to 75%. The wind is blowing, dew is falling.

  • The weather is warm, the average temperature is around +23°C.
  • Ocean water is about the same: 22 degrees Celsius.

The flag of Tenerife is the same as in Scotland, because the patron saint of the island is the Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

  • The canary was named after the Canary Islands, and not vice versa.
  • El Medano is the longest beach in Tenerife, over two kilometers long.
  • Many of Tenerife's beaches are artificial due to the island's volcanic features. Natural beaches have a characteristic black color.

  • The two biggest attractions on the island are Loro Parque in Puerto de la Cruz and the Teide volcano, whose summit is over 3,000 meters above sea level.
  • national park Teideri Tenerife is the second most visited park in the world. And the first was Mount Fuji in Japan.
  • Because of his colossal size Mount Teide casts the largest sea shadow in the world.
  • On the island is the largest volcanic pipe in Europe with a length of 18 kilometers - "Evening Cave". This lava tube contains many underground passages.
  • Canary wine is mentioned in the works of Shakespeare: "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and in "Henry IV", who was annually supplied with wine from Tenerife.

Scientists suggest that there were originally three islands with mountain ranges: Teno, Valle San Lorenzo and Anaga. After another volcanic eruption, the islands merged and became one Tenerife. As we know it today.