The Great Pisarevka. Accurate and simple Epiphany fortune-telling at home

Particularly dangerous in Epiphany night the werewolf "Fire Serpent", who appears to girls in the form of a beautiful young man. They say that if the “Fire Serpent” falls in love with a girl, this love is incurable forever. “If you don’t love, you will love; without praising, you will praise,” old women warn young girls about the appearance of a handsome man. “He, the villain, knows how to deceive the soul. He knows how to speak. He, merciless, will play with a girl’s heart, he will drown the girl in hot embraces. From his kisses the girl burns with a ruddy dawn. Without him, the girl sits in melancholy, without him she dries herself out...” You can protect yourself from the handsome werewolf by drawing a cross on the doors or pouring snow collected on Epiphany evening onto the stove mantel.

But due to the lack of stove burners in modern apartments, we advise you to wash your face with snow water on the morning of Epiphany: according to the superstition, this “makes you white without white, and ruddy without rouge.” You can not limit yourself to washing, but try swimming in an ice hole. It has long been a custom in Rus' to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany, despite the fact that Epiphany frosts were considered the most severe.

How Epiphany fortune telling predict the future? Why can you see the past from them and how do they look into the souls of people, guessing the thoughts and feelings of both those present and those far from us? Why, when wondering about a distant friend, do you have such a clear idea of ​​what is going on in his soul? All these questions have no answer. We believe fortune telling for Epiphany 2018 and entrust our destiny to them in order to receive truthful answers to our questions.

1. Fortune telling at Epiphany:

1. Take 6 small glasses and pour some water into them. You put one by one in the cups (so that each cup contains something) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a piece of money (coin), a ring, a match.
Salt - for tears, sadness...
Sugar - sweet life, lucky year
Bread - grainy, well-fed life in the year
Money - to money in the year
Ring - marriage\marriage in the year
Match - to the child.
Then, one by one, they blindfold themselves and come up and choose a glass. What they pull out with is a forecast for coming year!
The most truthful thing is the first time, you can pull it out the second time - it’s like the background of the year.
Almost everything comes true for me!!!

2. One of the most common methods is to throw a shoe out of the gate. But since the gates are not very good now, and who might be behind the gates is unknown, this method is rarely used. Previously, it was possible to know with certainty which direction the betrothed would come from.

3. Eavesdropping. Climb under your neighbors window and listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, it will be a year, you know what. If there is silence in the house, your year will be harmonious.

4. Fortune telling by dreams. They place a comb or the king of diamonds under the pillow and wish that the betrothed will appear in a dream. If a girl really wants to get married, she will certainly dream of someone.

5. At the time when everyone has left, the girl takes a broom or broom and begins to sweep the room. Each time, swinging to the right, she says a prayer, and swinging to the left, she utters a curse with the name of evil spirits. Then he makes a line with coal in the middle of the floor and stands to the right, that is, to the place marked with prayer. Then he says the following: “Betrothed-mummer, appear before me like a leaf before the grass.”

6. Fortune telling with fir branches for Epiphany 2018. Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several spruce branches. Before going to bed, place a mirror under the bed and place it around it fir branches. Write your deepest desire on the mirror. If the inscription on the mirror disappears in the morning, then your wish will definitely come true.

7. Fortune telling for true love for Epiphany 2018.
The more specific the question is, the more accurate the answer you will get. Therefore, the question needs to be formulated clearly. Otherwise, you can get confused and even do harm.
A simple rule for simple questions: Formulate the question so that it can be answered (mentally) with “yes” or “no.”
Try to translate all negative questions into positive ones: not “how can I return him?”, but “is it worth returning him?”; not “what will hinder me?”, but “what will help me?”.
Another recommendation: don’t ask the cards stupid questions. The question should be clear to the cards.
1. Take a deck of 36 cards and think about your loved one from the very beginning of fortune telling. You shuffle a deck of cards.
2. Place six cards face down in front of you from left to right. Under this row, lay out six more cards (also open).
3. If in the resulting solitaire game two cards of the same value are placed diagonally, then immediately remove them from the layout. Place new cards from the deck on the remaining spaces (starting from the top row from left to right). If they are of the same value, then remove them again.
4. Lay out the third row, remove the extra cards. Then - the fourth, fifth, etc.
5. Afterwards, assemble the entire deck again, starting from the end. Then repeat steps from 2 to 5 again, BUT - the row must be made of five, then four, three and two cards.
6. Count the number of remaining pairs of cards. Their meanings:
One couple - the hidden friend of the heart wants to marry you. All you have to do is not miss your chance.
Two couples - he loves you and, most likely, madly!
Three pairs - he likes you.
Four couples - he misses you.
Five pairs - he's thinking about you.
Six pairs - CHANGES!
Seven couples - unfortunately, he’s not thinking about you now. Maybe you can tell your fortune for him another time?

8. Fortune telling on straw
The girls stood with their backs to the sweeper and selected one of the straws hanging from above, throwing back their heads. The straw you liked had to be firmly grasped with your teeth and carefully pulled out. If there was an ear at the other end, it means that the girl will marry a rich man, but if the ear breaks, it means she will grieve with the poor man all her life. Therefore, we tried to pull the straw slowly so that the ear would not break.
It was possible to tell fortunes using tangled straw. Several girls got together and kneaded and whipped a heap of straw brought into the house. A straw ball was placed on the table, and a frying pan with water was placed on it, with a stone at the bottom. Then each girl drew her own straw. This was not so easy to do, because all the straws were very twisted and difficult to pull out. The straw rustled, water splashed over the edge, and the stone scraped along the bottom of the pan. The girls listened to these strange sounds and guessed human speech in them.
In a large and noisy company, fortune telling with straw was different. The fortuneteller took an even number of straws (at least six) and tied them into a bundle. Then he tied the ears of grain at one end in pairs, and the butts of straw at the other. Then they untied the bundle in the middle and looked at what happened. If the straws connected in pairs formed a continuous ring, great luck awaited the fortuneteller. If an open chain or several separate rings came out, then expect troubles in the new year.

9. Incense fortune telling for Epiphany 2018
Fortune telling should be done alone.
At about 12 o'clock, lock the door, lower the curtains, lay out a clean tablecloth, place two cutlery on the table, light a candle, sit at the table in front of one of the cutlery, put a piece of incense on both plates and begin to read the fortune-telling plot, with your right hand then with one device, then take a piece of incense from the other on the table, and place the other under the pillow. Go to bed, the dream will be prophetic: what you were wondering about, you will see.
They get along with incense in church,
At home to them disease rules,
On Epiphany they make fortunes for him.
Incense, incense, that would be okay
You can tell fortunes, find out the whole truth.
How are you, Ladan-father,
Pure, holy and honest, so
And my dream be true. Amen.

The surest thing, despite all kinds of fortune-telling and predictions, is to come to church, light a candle and say: “Lord, if there is a soul mate of mine that pleases you, let it be with me” or “Lord, remove all the unnecessary ones and send the one who is needed.” And this soul mate will definitely come and show up. Even if it means you have to wait a little.
If the groom’s problem is not the only thing that worries you, or you have also been married for a long time, then you can get answers to the most pressing questions.
To do this, you need to tie a ring to a thread, take the thread by the other end and, resting your elbow on the table, hold the ring over the candle flame and mentally ask him any questions. If the answer is affirmative, the ring will swing towards you - away from you, and if negative - from right to left.
In folk Rus', many beliefs related to the fate of man are associated with the holiday of the Epiphany.

10.How to draw your happiness?
Do the following on the waxing moon for nine nights in a row.
Light a red or scarlet candle. On a piece of red colored paper, write your full name starting from the bottom of the sheet. Above your name, write the full name of the person you want to seduce and bewitch, write his or her date of birth even higher, and finally, on the top line, your date of birth. Draw a heart around the lettering so that all the names and dates are written inside the design. Above, above the heart, write the names and dates of birth again in the same order. Repeat this three times in succession. You will end up with a design of three hearts, one on top of the other, and six repeated inscriptions of names and dates. Don't forget that you need to write and draw from the bottom up. Then crumple up the leaf and set it on fire in a candle flame. Place the burning leaf on a saucer or ashtray.
While it's burning, say three times:
Burn, shining flame,
red fire is the color of desire.

Watch the light for 10-15 minutes or more, thinking about the purpose of your witchcraft. Then extinguish the candle without blowing it out. On the last, ninth night, leave the candle to burn out.

Some people believe in the power of fortune telling for Epiphany 2018, while others believe terrible sin. But everyone has their own opinion on this matter. We recommend reading how to make a wish for Epiphany so that it comes true.

Photo: open sources on the Internet


Christmastide ends on January 18th. Therefore, fortune telling before going to bed on the night of Epiphany is considered the most truthful. At this time, it is allowed to carry out the most complex rituals, find out the name of the betrothed and predict future events.

There are many ways to “invite” your future spouse into your own dream:

Place a comb and a piece of soap under the pillow, and then say the words: “He who is appointed by fate, come, wash me and comb my hair”;

Take four kings from a new deck of cards, hide them under the bed at the head of the bed, and press the heel of your favorite shoes on top. Before going to bed, whisper a spell: “My betrothed, the mummer, I’m waiting for you, beautiful, dressed up. Come into my house, show yourself to me, marvel at me, be amazed at my beauty.” If a king of spades appears in a dream, it means future groom will be several years older than the girl or taller social status. It can also predict that the future spouse will be very jealous or greedy. The King of Clubs foretells a widowed man, a military man or a very reserved person with business acumen. The King of Hearts promises the dreamer a young, fairly wealthy guy for whom she will have to fight. King of Diamonds promises a love relationship and a possible wedding with the person for whom the girl has the most tender feelings;

Before going to bed, eat a salty dish, put a glass of water at the head of the bed and say: “There’s water, I can’t get drunk. My dear, come and give me some water.”

Important: You need to go to bed in a clean, light-colored nightgown, with your hair down. It is advisable to remove pectoral cross, rings and bracelets. You need to say “whispers” several times, and after that go to bed and not talk to anyone.

Only the bravest girls will dare to tell fortunes about their betrothed in the following way. As soon as midnight strikes, you need to take a broom and start sweeping your own room. While swinging to the right side, you need to read a prayer. When sweeping dirty linen to the left, you need to utter curses. After this, a line is drawn in the middle of the room. Ideally, it should be drawn with charcoal, but you can use chalk.

According to legends, the future husband actually comes to some young ladies. But there were also those who saw the devil.

Fortune-telling using a mirror is distinguished by special magic. As soon as midnight strikes, you need to get rid of elastic bands and hairpins, comb your hair, put on a nightgown, remove jewelry and belts. Next, go to the kitchen, install a mirror on the countertop, light a candle, sit opposite and say: “My betrothed, come and drink tea. My betrothed, come to dinner. My betrothed, show yourself to me.”

You need to sit still and carefully look at the left shoulder of your own mirror image. Before the devil comes in the form of the betrothed, the candle flame sways slightly and becomes dimmer. The mirror may darken. At this point, it must be wiped with a clean towel.

After some time, the groom will come and look at the girl from the mirror. Having looked at the facial features, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the words of amulets: “Chill out of this place.” The image will disappear. To complete the fortune telling, you need to extinguish the candle, wrap the mirror in a clean towel and hide it in a secluded place, mirror surface down.

We must not forget about words of amulets. Otherwise, the devil may come out of the mirror. If something like this happens, the main thing is not to get confused and fulfill your promise - to treat him to tea.
Important: fortune telling on a mirror must be carried out in absolute silence, in a secluded place. None of the relatives should know about the ritual. After the ceremony you need to go to bed without saying a word.

Fortune telling by wish

On January 18, on the night of Epiphany, you can also tell fortunes about the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, before going to bed, you need to cut out twelve rectangular pieces of white paper, write one wish on each and put it under the pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out any three sheets. The wishes that are written on them will definitely come true.

A few hours before bedtime, take a small mirror outside. Before going to bed, bring it back into the house, write a wish with your finger on the mirror surface, hide it at the head of the bed and place several spruce branches in a circle. The dream will come true if the inscription disappears by morning.

Write your wish on thin tissue paper and go out onto the balcony or small hill. Wait for a gust of wind and release the leaf. If he rushes upward, his plan will certainly come true. If it flies down, then luck will turn away from the person. A piece of paper spinning in a spiral means that you will have to make an effort to achieve your goals.

Pour rice into a transparent glass and say: “Fate tell me what to expect: good or evil, prosperity or bad, good health or a miracle.” Next, you need to quickly make a wish and pour the rice onto a flat surface. From the entire mass it is necessary to select spoiled grains and count them. If their number is odd, then the plan will certainly come true.

Interesting: You can even tell your wish using your phone. To do this, you need to concentrate on your dream and wait phone call. If a man calls first, then his plans will come true in the very near future.

How to find out the future

On the night of Epiphany, January 18, it would not be amiss to tell fortunes about future events. Before going to bed, you need to take a shower, comb your hair, put on light, loose clothes, and remove all jewelry.

At midnight, fill a glass bowl with water, carefully pour in the egg white and hide it under the bed. After three hours you need to see what form it has taken:

The heart promises a new relationship;
the arch promises important changes in life and a transition to new stage;
the bow advises to improve relationships with loved ones;
pancake portends loneliness;
a wreath is considered a harbinger of joyful events;
balloon prepares for temporary difficulties;
the mushroom acts as a harbinger good health, longevity and material well-being;
the road opens up new perspectives;
the drop promises money;
an apple promises temptation, which it is better not to succumb to, as well as obtaining new sources of income;
the web warns against intrigue and gossip;
the stripe portends a move or a long journey.

When interpreting what you see, the main thing is to listen to your own intuition.

You can tell fortunes with wax in a similar way. To do this, you need to melt a candle in an iron mug and slowly pour it into a deep vessel with water. There is no need to blow on it, push it or adjust the edges. After the wax has cooled, you need to remove it from the plate, turn it over and interpret your fate according to the figures you see on the inside.

Note: You can tell fortunes with wax only when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky.

For the next fortune telling you will need seven small glasses. In each of them you need to put salt, sugar, pepper, a piece of bread, a coin, a ring and a match. Next, you need to blindfold yourself and take any glass at random. According to its contents, fate is predicted for the coming year:

Sugar promises good luck, luck and " sweet life»;
salt prepares for sadness, partings, tears and temporary difficulties;
pepper promises an eventful life, filled with vivid emotions and impressions;
bread is considered a harbinger of stability and prosperity;
the coin promises significant improvement financial situation;
the ring foreshadows a marriage with a loved one;
The match is preparing for a new addition to the family.

Get an answer to complex issue possible using kitchen knife. Such fortune-telling on the night of Epiphany, January 18, requires maximum concentration. Before going to bed, you need to write down possible answers on pieces of paper and place them around the cutting board on which the knife is located. It is necessary to clearly state the question to yourself for several minutes. You cannot be distracted by extraneous noises. It is better to carry out the ritual when everyone in the household is already asleep.

After formulating the question, you need to unwind the knife. The action is repeated three times. The first answer indicated by the point of the knife is the most truthful. The remaining two are considered auxiliary and help to understand the situation in more detail and draw up a plan of possible actions.

Absolutely everyone is allowed to tell fortunes on the night of Epiphany. You need to listen carefully to the prompts Higher Powers, but do not forget that each person creates his own destiny.

Christmastide ends with Epiphany holidays. On the night of January 18-19, Epiphany Christmas Eve, and thousands of girls begin to cast a spell on their betrothed, on the fulfillment of desires and other girlish interests. It is believed that the most powerful Christmas fortune telling on Epiphany on January 19 and on the eve of the holiday. It is on these days that you can learn with the greatest certainty a lot of interesting things about your future husband, fate and what the coming day has in store for us.

Safe fortune telling for Epiphany

Baptism is one of the most significant Christian holidays. A long time ago, on this day, Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan. Since then, on the night of January 19, the water in the river becomes holy. Water is also blessed in churches, and the holy water taken there on the 18th has incredible power for fortune telling.
The power of water is so great that you must know, when conducting fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19, what you can do and what you cannot do if the ritual is done with its participation. We offer several safe fortune telling, the results of which are truthful and very interesting. You just need to do everything right.

Fortune telling for the betrothed on the night of Epiphany

Safe fortune telling for your betrothed using holy water. Required condition- be alone in the room. In order for fortune telling about your betrothed to be accurate, you must have with you holy water (possibly from last year), collected in the font on Epiphany Christmas Eve.
Around midnight, the girl should start sweeping a path across the room with a broom (or a brush), perpendicular to front door. The path is darted in single movements, once to the left, another to the right. Words from any prayer are spoken to the right side, in left side– mentioned devilry in any words. You need to stand so that your left swing is towards the door.
After midnight strikes, you should say the words: “Betrothed, appear before me immediately!” At this moment an image or face may appear. The vision will be literally a few seconds, but this time is enough to examine the face and recognize (or not recognize) your chosen one in it.
You cannot look in the mirror at this time, be not alone, or use water taken on January 19th. This fortune-telling for Epiphany is one of the most reliable of those for the betrothed. Many girls say that they saw their fiancé's face clearly and clearly.

Fortune telling with chicken on the essence of the groom

For this Epiphany fortune-telling you need live chicken. Buying chicken now is not very difficult even for residents of big cities. There are a lot of them sold on the market, you can borrow them from friends. And for those who live in their own homes, chicken from the coop is suitable.
Any number of participants can participate in fortune telling. If one girl is telling fortunes, she needs to lay out a gold item, a copper ring or jewelry on the floor, pour plain water into a mug, pour holy water collected on Epiphany Eve into another container, and crumble some bread on a saucer. Release the chicken and observe which object it approaches first. If it is water, the husband will turn out to be a drunkard; if holy water, a good Christian who does not drink and does not party; if it is for bread, he will be a breadwinner and breadwinner; for gold, he will be rich; for jewelry or copper, you will barely make ends meet.
If a lot of people participate in fortune telling, then everyone lays out their own items brought from home. The meaning is the same, but plus one more thing - whose things the chicken goes to first, she will get married before everyone else.
This fortune-telling for a future marriage often comes true, so be careful with fortune-telling and don’t tempt fate. If your husband turns out to be a drunkard, it is better not to risk it and go through the whole year as a girl. And then tell fortunes for the new chosen one next Christmas Eve.

We have offered you two safe and most truthful fortune telling for Epiphany on the night of January 18-19, at home. Remember that Epiphany is a very big holiday; holy water collected on these days has the power to not only help, but also to punish.

So remember a few tips : You cannot drink holy water like ordinary water, much less drink alcohol with it. You can’t dilute holy water, you can’t abuse it, you can’t collect it from sources in large quantities. Holy water should be treated with respect and used only when necessary.
Happy Baptism to you! Happy Epiphany! God bless you.

Baptism occurs after Christmastide, according to the new style - on the night of January 18-19. They tell fortunes at Epiphany in different ways; they use the same fortune-telling as at Christmas and Christmastide.

Fortune telling for even and odd

Make a wish and scatter a handful of nuts or balls on the table. Count the items. If it’s even, the wish will come true, if it’s odd, it won’t come true.

Fortune telling with fir branches

Before going to bed, place a medium-sized mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it. Write your deepest desire on the mirror. If in the morning the inscription on the mirror disappears, then the wish should come true.

Fortune telling using a gold chain

Gold has always been given great value. What mystical properties have not been attributed to this metal! It is believed that its shine can arouse feelings of love. In addition, gold can tell about the future.
It's best to guess late at night. Wait until everyone goes to bed. Sit at the table, rub the chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain in right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply on the table. The result will be figures that can be interpreted in different ways. ?S If the chain has formed a circle, this means that in the near future you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be difficult for you to find a way out.
A straight line means that luck and good fortune await you.
A tangled knot can represent various difficulties in life.
If a triangle is formed (which happens quite rarely), this promises great success in any business, and especially in love.
Bow - for an imminent wedding.
The snake warns that you should be careful in dealing with people. Don't trust anyone in the near future, they might betray you.
Heart - you are loved. Love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

Fortune telling with needles

Take thirteen needles or pins - ten should be left straight, and three should be slightly bent. Choose one needle for yourself. You can “assign” needles to other people, although this is not necessary. Take all the needles in your hand and pour them onto Blank sheet paper, approximately to the middle of the sheet.
Mentally divide the sheet into five parts: top, bottom, right, left and middle. Needles caught in top part sheet, control circumstances, at the bottom - obey them. The left side means the past, the right side means the future. The middle means stability, harmony, lack of change. Find your needle. If your needle lies in the middle, intersecting with other needles, the year will be troublesome, but interesting - you will not be bored. Most likely, no changes are expected. Here, however, the position of other “registered” needles, if you have assigned them, and the direction indicated by your needle are also important:
if the eye of the needle is directed to the right top corner sheet, changes will come, and the kind you want, but not in the next year, but in the next;
if the eye of the needle is directed towards the lower right corner, there will be changes, but not the ones you want;
if the ear is directed towards the upper or lower left corner, this means that changes have either already occurred or are possible in the coming year, but their implementation will require a lot of effort from you;
if your needle does not intersect with other needles, you will experience loneliness, you will have to rely only on your own strength, connections with other people will be short and fragile.

If your needle lies at the top of the leaf, it means that you will control your own destiny in the new year. You know how to influence events. As you want, so it will be. But please note:
if the eye of your needle is directed to the lower right corner, your influence on events will gradually decrease;
if the eye of your needle points towards the left corners, you should be careful. The situation will require either significant efforts from you or unseemly actions.

Your needle is at the bottom of the leaf: trust in the will of God. You yourself are unlikely to be able to change anything in the current situation, so try to use it as much as possible.

Pay attention to the connections of your needle to other needles (dependency), the direction of the eye (tendency), and the placement of crooked needles. It is best if all the needles, both curved and straight, are turned with their heads towards yours: this means that none of the people around you will harm you. If neighboring needles touch your needle with their upper part (eye), pleasant surprises, help from friends and success in business await you. However, any needle, especially a crooked one, the point of which intersects your needle or is simply directed in your direction, means trouble, failure or loss. Therefore, the further such a needle is from yours, the better.

A crooked needle signifies a premeditated intention. If all three crooked needles are turned with their points away from yours, then your ill-wishers will not achieve their goal. Crooked needles on the left side of the sheet (past) are troubles that are already behind us. But if the point of your needle is directed towards these needles, this means that you yourself do not allow your opponents to calm down.

A crooked needle on the right and especially at the top can mean major trouble awaiting you in the new year. Here again the tendency is important: it is better to have the ear or tip facing the danger than the entire surface. Straight needles with their ears pointing in your direction mean help, support, and good luck.

Fortune telling on an egg

For this fortune telling you need a glass and a raw egg. Pierce the egg with a thin needle from the sharp end and carefully release the white into the water. The yolk should not get into the water. Shake the glass slightly and place it for a while, about half an hour, in a cool place (outside or underground in the village, or in the refrigerator in a city apartment). Then take out the glass and see what kind of shapes are formed. Here you can show your imagination, and everyone can have their own associations, but approximate ones, general interpretations The figures are given below. It is considered a bad omen if the squirrel does not form any figure and simply lies on the bottom.

Angel – happiness, joy and peace of mind.
Watermelon - happiness in love and family life.
Butterfly - prosperity, carefree life.
Bracelet - imminent marriage; a broken, torn bracelet means separation from a loved one.
Bottle - spend time in a fun company.
Fan – hypocrisy and betrayal.
A fork is a bad sign, poverty, melancholy.
Dove – peace, love and bliss.
Mountains – striving for high goals, success.
Pear - betrayal, family troubles.
Home is success in all endeavors.
The Toad is a mean and greedy person who should beware.
Star – dizzying success and fame.
Cell - big loss, deprivation of freedom, money, property, power.
A ship with sails - for a girl: to marry a man from afar, to go to a foreign land; for a married woman: the soon return of her husband; for a young man: an interesting journey.
Crown - auspicious sign, portends happiness and good luck, fulfillment of desires. An inverted crown indicates numerous obstacles on the way to the goal.
Swan – fame and wealth.
A spoon is a disease.
The sword is dangerous, but you can protect yourself.
The bridge is a dangerous and exhausting road.
Knife - quarrels and discord, troubles, divorce.
Clouds – change for the better.
The spider is a cunning and insidious person who should beware.
Fish is a favorable sign, luck in everything.
Arrow - financial difficulties.
An ax is wasted work.
Flower - sincere love.
Church is for a girl: a quick wedding.
A watch means excellent health and success in business.

Wax fortune telling

This fortune telling requires several wax candles, deep bowl with cold water and some kind of container like a spoon or ladle in which you will melt the wax. Before starting fortune telling, take a candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a spoon, which you then heat over one of the lit candles to melt the wax. When the wax pieces are completely melted, quickly pour the contents into cold water and look at the resulting figures. Sometimes they do it differently. They take a thick candle, light it and wait for a while so that it melts more strongly. Then tilt the candle over the water so that the melted wax flows into it. Here is an interpretation of the most common figures.

Wax figures:

A car, an airplane, a cart, a shoe are symbols of a path, a road, a movement. You will soon be traveling on some kind of trip. You should pay attention to appearance your his " vehicle": A tattered shoe or a broken carriage indicates an unsuccessful journey.
Tubercles are difficulties that you will have to overcome.
Fan – difficulties and losses at work and in personal life.
Wreath - marriage, portends a cheerful wedding and a happy marriage.
Grapes – a bunch of grapes symbolizes love, friendship, luck and prosperity.
Mushroom is a sign vitality, perseverance and longevity.
Dragon - very good sign, a symbol of good luck and fulfillment of desires. The dragon is also a symbol of wisdom.
An asterisk means receiving long-awaited news. Several stars predict great luck.
Beast - be careful, you will have an ill-wisher.
Snake - portends illness.
The bell is important news. Smooth, symmetrical bell - good news, crooked or lopsided to one side - bad. Several bells can warn of some danger.
Basket - speaks of the end of a certain period of life, when all the troubles have already been left behind, and something new and exciting awaits ahead.
Swan is a favorable sign, receiving long-awaited news.
A tree leaf - portends good luck, but can also report intrigues that are weaving behind your back. Mill - empty talk, gossip.
The hammer is a sign of strength and power; you will be able to cope with any difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.
Bridge - indicates a way out of a difficult situation life situation. A destroyed bridge is an unfavorable sign, sometimes indicating illness.
The anvil is a symbol of stability and stable financial situation.
Monkey - indicates some kind of falsehood, pretense in relationships with people, either on your part or on the part of others.
Glasses are a symbol of myopia: you either don’t see something or don’t want to see it.
A horseshoe is a symbol of happiness and predicts great luck and luck.
Stripes - you have a road, a crossing or just a long trip ahead of you.
Birds - Birds bring good news, predict a meeting with old friends, and sometimes the birth of new love.
The bee is a symbol of hard work, thanks to which you will achieve the fulfillment of your desires.
A flower is a marriage or a reliable partner.
Human figure - you will have it soon new friend or meet your love.
The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as well as a happy family life.
A ball, a ball (something round) is a symbol of perfection. There is harmony in your life.
Apple - symbolizes health, love and material wealth. If the apple is wrinkled or bitten, this may indicate some kind of temptation that it is better not to give in to.
An egg is a symbol of the birth of something new (sometimes it speaks of the birth of a child), impending changes. It also symbolizes something hidden, secret, and may indicate some of your fears and doubts.

Fortune telling before the Baptism of the Lord will definitely come true - that’s what people say. That’s why fortune telling is so popular among girls after Christmas before Epiphany. And if you are not afraid to find out about your fate, choose the method you like best fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19 from Sterva Info.


  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on January 18 on pieces of paper

On the evening of January 18, write 12 of your wishes on 12 small pieces of paper. And before going to bed, place it under your pillow, rolling each leaf into a tube or square. On the morning of January 19, pull out three “wishes” from under your pillow - they will soon come true.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on January 19 using nuts

Take a handful of nuts (seeds, peas, beans) and whisper your deepest wish. Then pour the nuts onto the table and count. An even number means your wish will come true, an odd number means try your luck again!

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany on an onion

Take some onions. On each of them, write the names of possible suitors and place the bulbs in water. Which one of them will sprout first - from that “narrowed one” and expect matchmakers soon.

  1. Fortune telling for baptism for the betrothed overnight

You will need a deck of cards. Before going to bed, place four kings under your pillow and say: “ My betrothed, my mummer, come on a date with me". In the morning, shuffle the cards between each other by touch and pull out one of them. If it is the king of spades, your groom will turn out to be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means a young and rich groom, the king of the cross - the betrothed will be a businessman or military man, and the king of diamonds will be the beloved. It is possible that it is the one who has already settled in your heart for a long time.

  1. Fortune telling at Epiphany for marriage

Do you want to know whether you will get married in the near future or not? For fortune telling you will need a ribbon and a piece of bread. Place them in an empty and clean pot, drawer or basin. Blindfold your eyes and grab the first thing you come across. If you pulled out the ribbon, expect matchmakers soon; if there is bread, there will be a wedding, but not this year.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany using a wish with a cat

If you have pet from the cat breed, you can safely attract him to holiday fortune telling. Make a wish and call the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true, if she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, it will not be fate.

  1. Fortune telling for Epiphany for a year

Fortune telling for the year. Take six glasses and pour some water into them. Place one of the “fortune-telling” objects in each one in turn - a coin, salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a ring, a match and say: “Salt - for tears, sugar - for a sweet life, bread - for satiety, coin - for wealth, a ring - for the wedding, and the match - for the child.” Then blindfold yourself, mix the glasses well and choose yours. Whatever you can manage will be the forecast for the whole year.

Please note: the most truthful fortune telling- in the first glass, so choose your prediction once. If you are telling fortunes with friends, ask one of them to mix the glasses before starting the fortune telling.