Great Love Stories: Gala and Dali. Gala Dali: from a Russian girl to the demonic muse of a genius

On 11/27/2017 11/30/2018

A small biography of the wife of Salvador Dali - the notorious Gala, dissolute, but smart and prudent. Gala left a memory of herself as one of best art agents in history, and her sex life still continues to shock.

Salvador Dali's wife, Gala's contribution to Salvador's success.

Gala created Dali and she destroyed him. Gala created Dali in the sense that when they met he was unknown to anyone (but this is a lie and a provocation - this is not entirely true. Maybe for America Catalonia is nobody, but in Catalonia, by that time Dali was already quite famous ). And like many geniuses, Dali could not function normally in this world. He could not call (Salvadorych, as I understand you !!!), he did not distinguish the denominations of banknotes. I once saw Dali pay a taxi driver $100 without even realizing what he was doing. (c) Ultraviolet

Rumors and unverified information about the wife of Salvador Dali, Gala.

Galya is credited with the phrase "What a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to have sex with five men at the same time."

Dali, Gala, Paul Eluard - was there group sex or not? No one really knows, but most likely not. Although Paul was known for his fantasies (and not only fantasies) on the topic of group sex - and I didn’t take it from the ceiling, he directly spoke about it in correspondence with Gala. But, given that when Gala started a relationship with Salvador Dali, she categorically refused her husband, I doubt the possibility of such an event.

They say that shortly before the death of Gala, they quarreled with Salvador and he beat her with a cane.

35 years ago, on June 10, 1982, a woman passed away, whose name entered the history of art thanks to Salvador Dali, whose wife and muse she has been for many years. She managed to become for him at the same time a mother, lover and friend, absolutely irreplaceable and adored. But Dali was far from the only man for her. Gala never denied herself her desires and forced the artist to indulge her every whim.

Elena Dyakonova (that was her real name) left Russia in 1912. She fell ill with consumption and was sent to a Swiss sanatorium for treatment, where she met the French poet Eugene Grendel. He lost his head from her and decided to marry, against the will of his parents, who considered this marriage a misalliance. He dedicated poems to her and published on her advice under the sonorous pseudonym Paul Eluard. He called her Gala - "holiday".

Gala already had clear ideas about how she wants to see her future in France. “I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails.” And although, according to contemporaries, she was not beautiful even in her youth, she knew how to make a splash in society. This was due to unshakable confidence in himself and his charms, as well as the ability to intrigue the public. She appeared in a Chanel suit with a deck of cards in her purse and, declaring herself a medium, began to predict the future. The men called her the "witchy Slav" and reacted to her as if they were really under the influence of magic.

The German artist and sculptor Max Ernst could not resist her charms. Gala not only did not hide the affair from her husband, but also convinced him of the need to live together. She always preached the ideas of free love, and considered jealousy a stupid prejudice.

At the time of her acquaintance with the young artist Salvador Dali, she was 36 years old. He was 11 years younger, never entered into intimate relationship with women and was terribly afraid of them. Gala awakened in him feelings that he had not experienced before. According to him, she not only aroused passion, but also kindled Creative skills. He called her "the demoness of my genius."

Gala not only gave a powerful source of inspiration to the artist, but also was his manager, the creator of Dali's "brand". Among her acquaintances there were many influential and wealthy people whom she offered to invest in her husband's work. He signed the paintings "Gala Salvador Dali", no longer thinking of his existence without his muse, and she convinced him: "Soon you will be the way I want to see you, my boy."

However, not everyone shared the admiration of the artist. The press wrote about him and his muse: “Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately striving for the top predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague.” She was called the "greedy Valkyrie" and the "greedy Russian slut."

Gala never denied herself pleasure, to which her husband reacted calmly: “I allow Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it turns me on.” And she said: "It's a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to make love with five men at once." And the older she got, the younger were her lovers, and the greater was their number.

It was said that "her boys are worth a fortune" - she showered them with money and gifts, bought them houses and cars. One day, one of them, Eric Samon, was having dinner with her at a restaurant, while his accomplices were trying to steal her car. And here is 22-year-old William Rothlein, whom Gala helped get rid of drug addiction really was in love with her. But after he failed Fellini's audition, her passion faded immediately. And William soon died of a drug overdose. Singer Jeff Fenholt, who performed leading role in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar", received a house for $ 1.25 million and paintings by Dali as a gift from his mistress, and then denied communication with her.

When she felt the approach of old age, she asked Dali to buy for her medieval castle in Pubol, where she organized real orgies. And the husband was allowed to be there only by special written invitation. And even this, according to his confession, he liked: “This condition flattered my masochistic inclinations and led me to complete delight. Gala has turned into an impregnable fortress, which it has always been. Close intimacy and, especially, familiarity can extinguish any passion. Restraint of feelings and distance, as the neurotic ritual of chivalrous love shows, intensify passion.

The artist until the end of his days loved his muse, although he often appeared in public with other women:.

It is rare that a woman manages to become a mother, lover and friend for her husband at the same time. And she brilliantly managed to do it twice!

Elena Dyakonova knew what she was doing when she took the name Gala, which means “holiday” in French. A holiday that drew more than one genius into the maelstrom of insane passion...

Here is a young Salvador six years old. He looks like little prince from a fairy tale by Exupery. Large sad eyes, ashen curls, a strange wandering smile. All the acquaintances of his parents say: “Oh, this is a completely unusual child: he does not play pranks, like his peers, he can wander alone for a long time and think about something of his own. Very shy. And recently, imagine, he fell in love and assures that this is for life!

And so it was. One of the adults gave the boy a fountain pen: in the glass ball of its frame one could see a beautiful lady with flowing hair. Like Snow Queen she raced in a sleigh along the dazzling white snow, and stardust settled on her lovely fur coat ... The pen became the boy's main treasure. “When he grows up, he forgets,” the adults dismissed. But he didn't forget.

Goddess of Cadaques

September 1929. A small Catalan village of Cadaques, a few kilometers from Port Ayigata. Here lives the aspiring artist Salvador Dali, known for his strange paintings and predilection for the philosophy of Nietzsche. He is 25 years old, but he is still a virgin and even more than that - he is terribly afraid of women.

Neighbors say that a young man "with great oddities", painfully shy, will either laugh out of place, or cry, afraid to cross the street alone. He is very thin, wears a long, curled mustache, greases his hair in the manner of Argentine tango dancers, dresses in wild-colored silk shirts, complementing the outfit with ugly sandals and fake pearl bracelets ...

That autumn, Dali invited the artist Magritte with his wife Georgette and the Eluards to stay with him. He was already looking forward to how he would shock the guests by going out to them, fragrant with the “aroma of a goat”, for which he had prepared “perfume” from glue welded from fish heads, goat dung and a few drops of lavender oil. But unexpectedly, from the window, he saw a young woman who was examining his dwelling with interest. She was wearing a white dress, and her jet-black hair was blowing in the wind. He immediately remembered the fountain pen from childhood and was struck by the similarity of the two women. Is it really her?..

He quickly washed off the goat "aroma", put on a bright orange shirt and, putting a geranium flower behind his ear, ran out to meet the guests. “Meet Dali,” said Paul Eluard, pointing to a woman in white. - This is my wife Gala, she is from Russia, and I told her a lot about your interesting works". "From Russia. There’s a lot of snow there… A lady in a sleigh,” the artist’s head flashed feverishly. Instead of shaking the woman's hand, he just giggled stupidly as he danced around her...

From that moment, Dali lost his peace - he fell in love to the point of madness. “Her body was tender, like that of a child,” he would write many years later in his book “ secret life". - The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly rounded, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like those of a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender energetic cable, wasp waist and tender hips made her even more desirable. Dali could no longer work, he was irresistibly attracted to this woman.

She encouraged his inept advances despite her husband's presence. Increasingly, they went far into the mountains to walk together. He called her goddess. Once, standing on the edge of a deep gorge, Dali suddenly attacked her and began to choke her. “What do you want from me, answer?! What do you want me to do to you?!” he shouted frantically, tightening his fingers around her neck. “Blow me up,” the woman croaked back, looking into his eyes. And the shocked Dali suddenly felt that he was a man ...

Femme fatale

Elena Dyakonova - Gala

But who was this stranger? Oh, this woman knew how to create an aura of mystery around herself out of nothing! A former Russian subject, Elena Dyakonova could not stand her name and from her youth asked to call herself Gala, with an emphasis on the second syllable. Being treated in one of the Swiss sanatoriums, she broke the heart of the beginning French poet Eugene Grendel. He hastily married her against the will of his parents, who considered marriage with "some Russian girl" a complete misalliance.

But the girl had a truly fantastic gift: she had a sense of talent. And it is not known whether the world of the great poet Paul Eluard would have known if it were not for his marriage. The young wife came up with a sonorous pseudonym for him, inspired him to write a cycle of poems, and, having settled in Paris, quickly found useful connections in the art world.

She craved not only fame for her husband, but also money. In her diary of that period, Gala frankly formulates plans for the future: “I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails.” And very soon, to the huge antique bed, the only wedding gift from Paul's parents, will be added a chic mansion, a bunch of outfits and jewelry.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Gala was not beautiful, but there was something attractive in her that always distinguishes femme fatale from a simple secular beauty. Add to this impeccable style and confidence in your charms.

When Gala appeared in some artistic salon in a Chanel suit and with an invariable deck of cards in her purse (she loved to predict the future and pretended to be a medium), the eyes of all men were turned only to her. The German artist Max Ernst could not resist the "witches Slav". Standing up for free love, Gala did not consider it necessary to hide the affair from her husband. Soon it was already love triangle».

By the time of the first meeting with Salvador Dali, Gala was 36 years old, and marriage to Eluard had long become a pure formality ...

"Surrealism is me!"

In 1934, Gala divorced Paul Eluard, but out of pity for him, she would officially formalize her relationship with Dali only after the death of the poet. (The latter, by the way, until the end of his days hoped that Gala would return to him, and was ready to forgive her anything.)

In the meantime, she and Salvador settle in Paris, and Gala starts the main business of her life - the creation of the "Dali brand". She immediately intuitively felt the scale of his talent and realized that he was incomparably higher than Eluard's talent. As for the artist, one could decide that it was Gala who “blew him up”: she not only revealed to him the delights of carnal love, but also gave him a powerful charge of inspiration.

From now on, Dali paints fantastic paintings one after another, signing them with the double name "Gala Salvador Dali", as if we are talking about one person. She told him that he was a genius. “Soon you will be the way I want to see you, my boy,” said Gala. And he, like a child, believed her every word.

Gala protected Dali from everything that prevented him from working, putting on her shoulders both life and production functions. She offered her husband's work to galleries, persuaded her rich friends (and among them were such celebrities as Stravinsky, Diaghilev, Hitchcock, Disney, Aragon) to invest in Dali's work.

The result was not long in coming. World fame has not yet come to El Salvador, and he has already received a check for 29 thousand francs for a painting that has not yet been painted. And to his wife - the title of the main Muse.

Dali and Gala, 1964

From this moment on, the couple begin to literally bathe in luxury and do not get tired of impressing the audience with eccentric antics. They say about Dali that he is a pervert, a schizophrenic and a caprophagus. His famous mustache and bulging crazy eyes are known all over the world. About Gala in the press they do not cease to viciously gossip: “The Gala-Dali couple to some extent resembled the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately striving for the top predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague. But lovers don't care about that!

Dali tirelessly draws his Gala in the image of the Mother of God, then Helen the Beautiful, and even ... women with chops on their backs. When the demand for his paintings began to fall, Gala immediately gave him the idea to create designer things, and the "dalimania" was repeated from new force: rich people from all over the world began to buy up strange watches, elephants on long legs and red sofas in the form of lips.

Now there was no need to convince Dali of his genius, because he believed in himself more than ever. He believed so much that he even quarreled with his friend Breton and other surrealists, once categorically stating: “Surrealism is me!”

"See I don't cry"

Despite the fact that all his life Dali called his wife none other than "divine", she was still an earthly woman. And yet none of the mere mortals managed to avoid old age. After 70, Gala began to age uncontrollably. It's the turn of plastic surgery, newfangled vitamins, endless diets and young lovers in in large numbers. One of them was singer Jeff Fenholt, who starred in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she assured, dragging the handsome young man into her bed for the first time.

Answering unambiguous questions from journalists, Dali adhered to the same “legend”: “I allow Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it turns me on.” But what did he really feel? Nobody knew this.

Finally, Gala asked Dali to buy a medieval castle in Pubol for her, where she arranged real orgies, and she received her husband only occasionally, sending an invitation in advance in a perfumed envelope ...

It all ended in 1982, when Gala broke her femoral neck in a fall. She died soon after. AT last days in the clinic, an old woman in severe pain, abandoned by all the young lovers, was on the verge of insanity and tried all the time to hide the money under the mattress ...

Salvador Dali put on his late wife her most beautiful scarlet silk dress, large Sunglasses and, having put her alive in the back seat of the Cadillac, drove her to the place of the last shelter - to their family crypt in Pubol. The embalmed body of Gal was placed in a coffin with a transparent lid and quietly buried. Dali did not come to the burial, but only a few hours later looked into the crypt to utter just one phrase: “You see, I don’t cry” ...

Eyewitnesses said that with the departure of Gala, the former Dali was gone. He no longer wrote, could not eat for a long time, shouted loudly for hours, spat at the nurses and scratched their faces with his nails. Madness finally took over his mind. Nobody understood his inarticulate murmur.

He survived Gala by almost seven years, but it was no longer life, but a slow extinction. The gala concert ended, the fire of inspiration went out, and the artist plunged into gray days who most disliked in life. He could sit for hours in the dining room of the castle, in which all the shutters on the windows were tightly closed at any time of the day ...

According to the will of Salvador Dali, they did not bury, but exposed the embalmed body under the "geodesic dome" in the family crypt near Gala.

And a little further away they installed a yellow boat bearing the name of the artist's wife. At one time, Dali brought her from Cadaques, where he first met his "black-haired lady from childhood" and was so surrealistically happy.

Salvador Dali and Gala

More than one exciting novel can be written about the love story of the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his wife Elena Dyakonova, better known as Gala. However, within the framework of this book, we will try to describe it briefly.

Salvador Dali

Nobody would call Elena Dyakonova a written beauty, but there was something in this woman that made artists, poets and, in general, people of that circle that is commonly called bohemian rush to her feet.

Lenochka was born in Kazan in 1894. Widowed early, the girl's mother soon remarried, and the whole family moved to Moscow. Here Lena Dyakonova studied at the same gymnasium with the sister of the future famous Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, Anastasia. Anastasia herself also did not shy away from the literary field; here is a verbal portrait of Gala that she compiled at that time: “In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl in a short dress sits on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes so long that, as their friends later claimed, two matches could be placed next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

The painful fragility of Lenochka Dyakonova, who looked like a small songbird, came from weak lungs. In 1912, she was sent to Switzerland for treatment - the then Mecca of tuberculosis patients. It was there, in the Clavadel sanatorium, that the “Russian bird” met his first lover, the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grendel.

Only Elena had sick lungs, but his father, a wealthy real estate dealer, sent Paul to the Swiss Alps so that his son could be cured of ... poetry! Oh, that was a serious illness, completely incompatible with Grendel Sr.'s ideas about a decent life! Unfortunately for the rich dad, the alpine air had an effect on Paul in a miraculous, but most unpredictable way: the son not only did not recover, but became a real poet, who became famous under the pseudonym Paul Eluard.

Lenochka said goodbye to her illness forever, but she picked up another, no less dangerous illness - she fell in love. The love turned out to be mutual. Paul doted on new girlfriend. It was at that time that she acquired her middle name - Gala, with an emphasis on the last syllable. In French, Gala meant "lively, cheerful" - and so it was. Gala had an easy character, and the lovers were well together. So good that they decided to end their relationship with marriage. But first, the bride and groom had to part - Paul went to France, and Gala returned to Russia. Letters full of declarations of love and that wonderful lightness that so well characterized the coming age of cars, the rejection of corsets and long dresses, and at the same time from the petty-bourgeois morality that bothered the world, rushed from country to country swiftly, like carrier pigeons.

“My dear lover, my darling, my dear boy! Gala wrote to Eluard. “I miss you like something irreplaceable.” She, who was only a little older, referred to Paul as little boy. It was always the maternal principle that was strong in her, the desire to protect, instruct, hold the hand ... to be, first of all, a mother, and only then - a lover.

In 1916, Gala, unable to bear the separation any longer, went to Paris. She was already twenty-two, but the groom still had not put on her wedding ring. However, he had serious reasons for this: Paul served in the army. A Russian girl with a French-sounding name achieved her goal - the wedding still took place. In early February 1917, the lovers got married.

Paul Eluard turned a modest Russian girl who sat at the window with books by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky into a real vamp, a heartbreaker and a muse, a fatal, self-aware daughter of Parisian bohemia.

Despite the fact that a year later the couple had a daughter, Cecile, adored by both parents, Eluard and Gala eventually broke up. Perhaps the point was that, despite all the poetry of nature, Paul demanded that his wife lead household? Gala herself bluntly admitted: “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails!

The field could not sit still, and constant moving tired his wife. Gala wanted to be an equivalent unit, and not just a muse and wife of the poet. To top it off, Paul had acquired the habit of showing everyone and everyone nude pictures of his wife. The results were not long in coming: they began to consider Gala accessible, and the fact that poets, like artists, look at the world with completely different eyes, was simply discounted by the townsfolk.

Paul and Gala constantly quarreled and violently sorted out the relationship, often bringing their scandals to people. And if Eluard found consolation and relaxation in poetry, then his wife soon needed a friendly shoulder for this. A love triangle formed: Paul Eluard - Gala - artist Max Ernst. Free love was then in vogue, and Gala did not feel guilty. Moreover, she already felt on her lips the taste of that free life, to which she had always aspired.

In the summer of 1935, Eluard and his thirty-five-year-old wife and eleven-year-old daughter went on vacation to Spain, to the small village of Cadaqués. There they were impatiently awaited by the young Spanish artist Salvador Dali, whom Paul had met in a Parisian nightclub. The family went to the Spanish wilderness to take a break from the noise of the capital, and all the way Paul enthusiastically told his wife about the work of the young Spaniard, breaking the classical canons of painting, about his outrageous film "Andalusian Dog", about the strangeness of character and beauty ... Gala, tired of the trip, listened with half an ear. Later, in a conversation with friends, she remarked: “He did not stop admiring his dear Salvador, as if on purpose he pushed me into his arms, although I did not even see him!”

A young and really extremely talented Spaniard, who at that time was only twenty-five, was worried before meeting with the poet, and especially with that very famous Gala. He had heard so much about her that he decided to appear before a stranger who had arrived from Paris in the most extravagant form. Salvador shaved his armpits and dyed them blue, and loosened his silk shirt into long stripes. To impress not only sight, but also smell, he rubbed his body with a mixture of fish glue, lavender and goat droppings. The hero of the day stuck a red geranium behind his ear, the flowers of which grew in abundance near his small house, and, looking with satisfaction in the mirror, was already about to go out to the guests. Needless to say, the effect of such an appearance would exceed all expectations!

However, looking out the window, he suddenly noticed Gala. The elegant Parisian seemed to him the height of perfection: her face was as if carved by a sculptor's chisel, and her thin body was not a body. adult woman- it belonged to a young girl ... It was not for nothing that Eluard wrote to him about his wife's buttocks: "They lie comfortably in my hands!" Looking at own hands, stained with goat droppings, Dali rushed to the bathroom. Washing off the fish glue, and especially the blue paint, was not an easy task, but now he could go out to the guests with clean and shiny hair - and with a storm in his soul ...

As soon as he took Gala's narrow cool palm in his hands, Dali realized that here she was - the only love all his life, the woman he was looking for and who might not exist at all ... However, she existed: she breathed, smiled and looked at him with all her eyes. Because from the shock, Salvador was attacked by an attack of hysterical laughter!

Gala immediately realized that Dali was not just talented - he was a genius. Next to this giant, who, when he was expelled from the Surrealist group, declared: “Surrealism is me!”, Her own husband seemed just a boy, and not a beaten Parisian, famous poet... Love struck on the spot not only El Salvador - she shot right through them both. And so Elena-Gala almost immediately and unconditionally left the Fields. The love fever with which she fell ill was so strong that she left not only her husband, but even her daughter!

Eluard, who was obviously superfluous here, where these two are his former friend and it's already ex-wife- did not take their eyes off each other, it only remained to pack their bags and leave. Dali was by no means a monster, which he so often liked to expose himself to and which biographers often paint him with, he was also not devoid of concepts of honor, dignity and friendship. Maybe that's why, in parting, he gave Eluard his own portrait? Dali himself will say about it this way: "I felt that I was entrusted with the duty to capture the face of the poet, from whose Olympus I stole one of the muses."

Despite the external shocking, Gala must have felt embarrassed in front of ex-husband and in front of her daughter, who by no means could become her "ex". Therefore, they married Salvador only after the death of Eluard, twenty-nine years after their first meeting. Prior to this, Gala and Salvador, although they registered a secular marriage, led a fairly free lifestyle. Rather, only Gala led a bohemian life, whom her second husband even encouraged to do so. She had no lovers, as a rule, much younger than her - in short, it was a strange marriage in every respect. But in fact, it was not even a marriage - it was a creative union!

They were good together - both in bed and out of it. Oddly enough, in everyday life these people, so dissimilar in everything, also turned out to be harmonious couple. Gala became everything for the impractical Dali: a mother, a nanny, a secretary, a psychoanalyst ... Dali's oddities manifested themselves not only in painting or extravagant antics - he really could not stand and was afraid of many things: riding in elevators, the presence of children, animals, especially various insects. Grasshoppers and enclosed spaces gave him panic attacks.

Dali was a great artist, but not a very successful businessman. It was Gala who persuaded him to paint pictures that were more understandable to the viewer, she was looking for buyers for them and carefully reviewed the contracts before her husband put his signature on them. Gala herself recalled this as follows: “In the morning, El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he signed frivolously.”

Later, when Dali's name was already booming, Gala would also become a talented manager with her husband, turning his name into hot commodity. When the sale of paintings stalled, she forced her husband to appear in commercials, come up with company logos, decorate shop windows, and design household items such as ashtrays or cups. Some say that Gala put pressure on Dali, but perhaps she, constantly offering her husband to engage in new types of creativity, forced him to grow.

This celebrity couple loved to shoot. A huge photo archive of portraits of Dali and his wife has been preserved. They lived extremely friendly, despite the fact that Gala constantly had lovers. However, entering into marriage, they stipulated this detail. The wife of a genius was not forbidden to have her own personal life - and she was always hungry for carnal pleasures. And if in her younger years she took something from her lovers as a keepsake: jewelry, paintings, books, then, having grown old, she herself paid them extra ...

In 1964, Dali's wife turned seventy, she was already wearing a wig and was thinking about plastic surgery- because at this age she wanted love more than ever! Gala tried to seduce literally everyone who appeared on her way. “El Salvador doesn’t care, each of us has our own life,” she convinced her husband’s friends or his fans, dragging them into bed.

Among the many lovers of Gala was Jeff Fenholt - the performer of one of the main roles in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". This connection broke the singer's marriage, and his wife, who had just given birth to a child, left him. Gala must have felt guilty: she gave the singer luxury house on Long Island and further helped him advance. This was the last speakerphone of Gala - the years went on, overshadowed by senile diseases, decrepitude, the inevitable decay of the body ...

The muse of the great artist died at the age of eighty-eight. Dali himself did not go to her funeral, he did not attend to a monument for his beloved, because his numerous canvases, where her face and body met more often than others, remained a real monument to the history of their love and creative union.

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DALI SALVADOR (b. 1904 - d. 1989) "How you wanted to understand my paintings, when I myself, who create them, do not understand them either." Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was born twice. His father, the public notary of Figueres, an anti-Madrid republican and

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Salvador Dali Chops, bacon, baguette and spiny lobster Salvado?r Dali? (Salvado?r Domenek Felip Jasi?nt Dali? and Domenek, Marquis de Pubol) (1904-1989) - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most well-known representatives surrealism.Kitchen

From the author's book

Salvador Dali Fear of copulation, generated by the father of Salvador Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. He

From the author's book

Salvador Dali Military UniformSalvado?r Dali? (Salvador Dom?nek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domo?nek, Marquis de Pubol) (1904-1989) - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. Fatal attraction military uniform

From the author's book

Salvador Dali A teenager who owns a small slave girl Salvador?r Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. How

From the author's book

Salvador Dali Foreskin with breadcrumbs Salvador?r Dali? (Salvador Domènek Felip Jasi?nt Dali and Domének, Marquis de Pubol) (1904–1989) – Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. According to Javier

From the author's book

Salvador Dali and Gala About the love story of the great Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his wife Elena Dyakonova, better known as Gala, you can write more than one exciting novel. However, within the framework of this book, we will try to tell it

From the author's book

Salvador Dali Crazy, unfaithful, cursed, Two-legged, overgrown with wool, Think, think constantly About the inevitable: about the Second Coming ... Rurik Ivnev, 1914 Fantasies and madness (Salvador

On January 30, 1934, an ordinary event took place - two adults got married. Perhaps their names will seem unusual. Groom - Salvador Domenech Felip Jacinte Dali. Bride - Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, in future - Gala Dali. But, despite the stardom of the heroes, this marriage cannot be called either unique or epoch-making. Because they got married about 50 times.

The characters in all ceremonies will remain the same. Only cities and countries will change. A matter of taste - when visiting a foreign country, someone goes to a museum, someone goes shopping, and this couple was heading to church. Not because of such piety, but to confirm their marital status. Or in order to arrange an additional Honeymoon? Or to create an atmosphere of ongoing scandal? You can choose any version, and even add your own.

In rabbit mode

In creating myths about their lives, this couple can give odds to anyone. Both together and separately. For example, Elena Ivanovna easily called herself Elena Dmitrievna. Well, just for curiosity. Her mother remarried - that's the new patronymic. In addition, speculation about who real father- Kazan official Ivan Dyakonov or still a Moscow lawyer Dmitry Gomberg, who fell ill from experiences when Lenochka was diagnosed with consumption.

Gala at the Window, sculpture by Salvador Dali. Photo: / Manuel Gonzalez Olaechea and Franco

Little El Salvador is not far behind, seriously considering himself the reincarnation of his older brother, who died of meningitis in infancy. And starting bloody fights at school - most often for no reason. At a more mature age, he declared that he "spits on his mother." And in a very mature one, he gave out: “I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more Picasso and even more money.

But then came 1929 Cadeques, Spain, Catalonia. Meeting. Evening. Olives and moon. Elena is 11 years older than Salvador. And her words: "My baby, I will never leave you." Since then, even the most notorious anarchists and fighters against art have declared: “Dali and Gala are not husband and wife. And certainly not an artist and his muse. They are two hemispheres of the same brain. From now on, the two hemispheres acted synchronously. And together.

So synchronously that it is just right to believe in the metaphysical kinship of Russian and Spanish souls. No, in fact - both we and they at one time resisted the onslaught of an alien world - the Horde and the Caliphate. Both we and they succeeded as nations in this monstrous, cruel struggle.

And here is the result. The still little-known Salvador Dali, together with director Luis Buñuel, in 1929 shoots the later famous film “Andalusian Dog”. The apotheosis of cruelty - in this movie, the eye of a sleeping girl is cut with a razor. And we see how it flows. And many years later, when Gala and Salvador were already married and rich, good fluffy rabbits were brought into their house, in which Dali doted on. But the brilliant husband accidentally dropped a bold word to his wife. And then, at the insistence of the Russian wife, these rabbits were killed, skinned, fried and served at the family table.

Compared to this, all their many scandalous orgies, all their changes of lovers and mistresses seem to be something insignificant. Insignificant. But there were many such cases. No wonder Salvador said: "I allow my Gala to have as many lovers as she wants."

Pubol Castle, given by Dali to his wife. Photo: / Irina O. Klubkova

Lollipop on the cheek

Scandalous lying in bed John Lennon and Yoko Ono naked against this background seem like children's games in the sandbox. As well as the “free love” proclaimed by the hippie generation. Already tired of numerous orgies with Dali and her first husband, a poet Paul Eluard, and also four, with the artist Max Ernst invited to a warm company, Gala said: “It is a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to make love with five men at once!”

Compared to this, even the frenzy of punks can be considered a pale repetition of the past - this is evidenced by Dali's painting "The Great Masturbator".

Painting by Salvador Dali "The Great Masturbator", 1929.

Gala Dali was called "the greedy Valkyrie", "the greedy Russian slut". And she, when Dali's painting fell in price, personally ran around the shops and galleries: “Buy our inventions! In less than a year, and you will rise thanks to this genius!”

She was sent away for a long time with her genius husband. But the inventions were not bad. Transparent mannequins on showcases. Fake nails. Artificial breasts. Streamlined car body...

In the same years, something similar was offered by the bogeyman of the current civilization - Adolf Schicklgruber, later known as Hitler. In the new modern forms"Mercedes" and "Volkswagen" there are ideas of two crazy artists - a Spaniard and an Austrian. Dali and Hitler. Only now Salvador was lucky - he got the same crazy Russian wife as he did. And the other - no.

Dali, unlike Adolf, had a different fate. He did not kill children. But gave them famous logo caramel on a stick, which was developed in a few seconds by the author of Atomic Crucifixion. Yes, the lollipop wrapper was invented by Salvador Dali. By the way, he received a very curious reward for this. Every day a bucket of sweets was sent to him from the factory. The genius went to the playground, unwrapped the caramel, licked it and threw it into the sand. In front of the drooling children. And so - until the stock runs out.

Salvador Dali in 1959.

And what about his Gala? She died. But a year before her death, a heartbreaking family scene occurred. In February 1981, Dalí's secretary heard cries for help. Dali's bloody wife was found in the artist's office. It turned out that the couple quarreled. And the genius "beat her a little with his cane."

Involuntarily, the words of Salvador himself are recalled: “Loving a woman with all your heart is not worth it. And it’s impossible not to love.” Amendment - only a Russian woman.

Russian muse

Maria Zakrevskaya-Benkendorf-Budberg. For 13 years she was the unmarried wife of the writer H. G. Wells: “She captivated me with her magnetism,” he admitted.

Maria Kudasheva. Became a wife Romain Rolland, laureate Nobel Prize on literature. Until her death, she wrote under the dictation of his compositions.

Princess Olga Chegodaeva and "chess king" Jose Raul Capablanca have been married for 12 years. At diplomatic receptions, they were considered the most spectacular couple.

Hungarian composer Imre Kalman married a Russian emi-grant Vera Makinskaya and dedicated the operetta The Violet of Montmartre to her.