Very nice words and expressions for a man. How to excite a man by SMS? Erotic SMS: examples

Most easy way improve your sexuality
life - just stop being silent in bed.

Funny thing: we can easily say "let's switch places" to a stranger in a bus crush, but we are embarrassed to say the same thing to our beloved girl in bed. The vast majority of women long for their partners to talk to them during sex. But in turn, they are embarrassed to admit it. In business-like silence, they seem alienated, and it is precisely at these moments that they want to feel a special closeness. The notorious language of love is a crazy mixture of lisping, moaning and obscenities. Erotic mumbling is impossible to quote, it is a shame for him in the light of day. But such is the law of this genre. A state of special intimacy cannot be achieved simply by reproducing lines from porn films or terms from the book "Secrets of Female Sexuality." A woman wants sincerity, something purely individual and forbidden. The whole question is how to tune in to her wave, so as not to scare or, conversely, not to sound falsely sentimental.

[Don't know what to talk about with a girl when meeting? Not sure what to tell her on the first date so that she looks forward to the next meeting? Don't know what to talk about when she was at your house? Are you silent in bed? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn the techniques of beautiful speech, which will allow you to eloquently and confidently convince anyone of anything.]

Word magic

Speak so that I can see you.

"You are the most beautiful", "I have never felt as good with anyone as with you", etc. If in these moments you yourself believe what was said, then your words will sound convincing. Just do not resort to overly standard platitudes just because they are "supposed" to be said. Any woman will instantly imagine that you are acting on a long-trodden path solely for the purpose of luring her into bed, by no means appreciating her as a person. Regarding the characteristics of the girl of your dreams you use, the situation allows you to call her even a princess, even a mess. But do not be too rude, and most importantly - do not beg, like a capricious baby, for minute confirmations of her love for you - they act like a fire extinguisher.

Many men believe that the main thing in bed is what they do. Egregious mistake! Sex is characterized not only by "cruelty" or "softness". He also embodies tenderness and courage, audacity and restraint, insight and selfishness. And for many women, sex is definitely associated with speech and it is unthinkable to imagine it as wordless. "Silent" physical intimacy is nothing more than a male fantasy. "Without his words, from which my head is spinning, it is difficult to warm me up" (the same applies to the vast majority of the weaker sex).

Verbal erotica causes a woman to have an accelerated heartbeat and sweating - it is not for nothing that they say that her most sensitive erogenous zone is the brain (located between the ears). In addition, it is more useful to conduct "preparation" from the top down, and not vice versa. Men who look into a woman's eyes, but verbally run their hand between her legs, have neither single chance. Anyone who is in too much of a hurry or rushes straight to the goal will soon have to look for a new partner. Rude compliments are more likely to extinguish the "spark of passion" in us than to rekindle it with a bright flame.

Women are much more inspired by a seducer with fantasy. In order to direct their thoughts and feelings in the right direction and awaken their bodies, a man needs to go beyond ordinary ambiguities or detailed descriptions of lips, chest and other things. It is here that the difference between the assertive talker and the verbally sophisticated master is noticeable. The latter resorts to a reasonable selection of words, using them in an elegant and veiled manner, involving an interested partner in his game.

Do you find it too troublesome? Okay, if you're only looking for momentary "hunger" satisfaction, so be it. After all, women don't insist on oratory with a fleeting connection - if only everything was "beautiful". But if only for their own benefit, men should not underestimate the art of inciting passion with speech. They are simply obliged to pay attention to this, otherwise the secret desires and preferences of their partners will remain inaccessible to them. However, it is precisely for their discovery that it serves the best remedy verbal-erotic game.

Usually, a love interest or relationship is preceded by verbal communication. A man needs words for subtle hints, ambiguities, or frank sentences. A stimulating speech creates the right mood at the right time. And on the contrary, one rude word at the wrong moment can turn the fruits of long efforts into dust. Men are doomed to constantly balance between "Scylla" and "Charybdis", but, having the necessary skill, insight and experience (and first-hand tips at the same time), you are quite capable of avoiding insidious traps and disappointments on the way to your desired goal.

The tone you choose depends not so much on the degree of your "warming up" as on the degree of "warming up" of your partner. If you are both adherents of the "direct approach" - wonderful. Otherwise, you run the risk of discouraging a romantic person with something like "Now I'll nail you to the wall!" Or hit an extremely uncomplexed girlfriend with a babble like "Oh, how soft and warm you are ..." By the way, the external impression is often deceptive, and many "ladies in black leather" will actually prefer a sunny meadow of an ominous whip. The level of your intelligence and momentary circumstances dictate different variants bed alphabet. Wishing to convey your "pearls of temptation" to the ears of your partner, do not forget to listen to her sometimes. At least it doesn't hurt to find out in advance whether she prefers sex in the elevator to "shackled games" ...

Do you think the sooner you talk about sex, the sooner you get it? Hell no! A suitor showering a barely familiar girl with vulgar hints very rarely reaches the goal. Wishes like "Oh, would you behave in bed the same as on the dance floor ..." will make you look like a complete fool. Equally false start will sound and "it's time to go to bed, honey." Such words will surely extinguish the warm sparks of the erotic flame. In any case, neutral hints or remarks like "I could look at you all night" or "It's late, but for some reason I don't feel like going home" will serve more reliably.

The master of verbal seduction can be "mute as a fish" and, on the contrary, "a talker, which the world has not seen." Along with women who love to talk in bed, there are also men who can tire their beloved with chatter - remember the "giants of sex", endlessly repeating as if wound up "yes, baby!"

As for presumptuous or insecure questions like "Can you do that?" or "What do you prefer?" and "How do you feel now?" - they definitely constrain and kill any desire. Of course, it is not easy to strike the right balance between speech and silence, but as usual, the "golden mean" wins, confirming old saying true gentleman - "Enjoy and keep quiet."

It happens that the most correct and carefully chosen words may seem inappropriate and false - the reason lies in the mood changing from time to time, its rough or tender atmosphere. Sometimes boorish wishes like "I want you from behind" will do, but usually such communication is typical for couples who completely trust each other. Otherwise, even a hint of some kind of threat can cause indigestion or uncontrollable laughter that extinguishes passion. The same is true for the so-called "dirty talk" - noticing the slightest rejection, immediately change the subject. Not everyone is willing to call a spade a spade; many prefer innocent "baby talk" to vulgarity.

A true master of erotic speech is not limited to primitive compliments, resorting to the most complex scenarios of fantastic love games. He, for example, shares all sorts of exotic stories with his beloved, describing exactly how and where they will do it, along with describing intimate items of clothing and "drops of sweat falling on the beloved's bare chest." Perhaps your partner will take part in such a game or react negatively to it - regardless of your fantasies, the "play of passion" stimulates. It doesn't matter if you play your script verbally or actually do it. As long as you use your "speech tool", it will certainly cope with the task of warming up.

Undoubtedly best use verbal erotica - telephone. In the first place here comes your own voice, emotions and timbre conveying your art of seduction in full. I don't have the courage to tell my beloved face to face about my lust or about my preferred "position" - reach out to the handset! At the same time, all shackles fall and it becomes much easier to speak frankly on any shy topic. When suggesting "phone sex," first describe your partner's proposed clothes, where she is now, and so on. If it "starts", you can continue - until the end (just don't drop the phone on the floor). Well, you prefer to do this not by phone - to your health. However, the advantage of the above is that your lips will probably not swell from kissing.

Not everyone can easily get rid of the burden of stress accumulated during the day. Unfortunately, no one has yet bothered to explore the role of sex as a mechanism for switching from work to leisure. Therefore, before moving on to a verbal attack, take care of a suitable environment - otherwise a sumptuous dinner in a restaurant or a noisy feast in a cafe can completely capture the attention of your girlfriend. The same with alcohol: do not get too carried away with quantity, so as not to blurt out some stupidity at the right time, muttering: "My trousers are now cracked from stress, honey," you are unlikely to receive any other reward than unbridled laughter.

[The fantasy seducer differs from the bore in that he knows a thousand ways to surprise a woman, to please her, to put her into a pleasant trance. While the bore already on the second date begins to repeat. And it has the most direct relation to the bed. At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn how to act in an original, beautiful and new way each time, not only when meeting and seducing a woman, but also in all other areas of life.]

So, the flame of love "flared up in earnest", both wanted only one thing, and the time has come to fulfill what they wanted. Here it should be remembered that verbal erotica is nothing more than a tool to help tune the mind and body. In these moments you can’t overplay, otherwise the previous successful witticisms will start to get on your partner’s nerves. The one who neglects this rule thinks only of his own pleasure, for the sake of which he makes every effort. Do you really need the tongue only for seductive speeches?

Learning to speak [Alexander Malenkov]

I want you! I want to turn your head, take you to bed
I want you to be hot, I want you to sweat so you
moaned for a whole week! Looking forward to meeting you!
/your flu/

35-year-old Igor shared his experience of voicing sex scenes. When the girlfriend asked him not to be shy in terms during lovemaking, he took it with all the frankness and blurted out: "Spread your legs, little bitch!" Needless to say, the call did not have the expected effect, and Igor spent the night on a cot. How can you properly set up your speech apparatus for sex?

If you have always had sex in deathly silence, the abrupt transition from silent scenes to talk shows will look unnatural and shocking. You have to start gradually.

  • Method "compliments and praises". To overcome the first shyness, learn to say simple pleasant things. It is difficult to spoil the matter by admitting that you like the girl herself as a whole and her individual fragments and movements in particular. We all love to hear good things about ourselves, praise and a compliment will cheer up your girlfriend and instill in her a charge of enthusiasm. However, don't be overly eloquent. A ride in the spirit of "your lips are a heady source of delight" can cause an involuntary contraction of the jaw muscles in a girl. Keep it simple: "Your lips are so soft."
  • Fact statement method. The principle of "what I see, I sing" is another easy way to talk. If a girl, for example, sits down to watch football with you, you will explain to her what is happening on the field. In the same way, you can comment on what is happening in bed: tell her how she looks, what she does, and how you feel. Hearing about it while doing it is a great motivator. To begin with, choose neutral expressions - with spices it is better to wait until the second time.
  • Debriefing method. Resting after a fight is another good time to practice your love vocabulary. Words come easily and naturally: "It was great! Come on next time ..." Then you state your cherished sexual fantasy, gradually turning the conversation into a dialogue mode. "And if we were stuck in the elevator at night? Imagine: my hand, as it were, accidentally finds you in the dark ..." Invite her to connect to this mise-en-scene, and you can easily understand in what terms she is most pleased to discuss intimate details.
  • Method "remote access". One woman told how she managed to get her husband to talk. She asked him to talk to her on exciting topics on the phone in the middle of the working day. “At first he resisted, but after the first attempt,“ phone sex ”was easy for him. He used to be shy because he thought he looked kind of stupid at the same time. On the phone, this problem disappeared - he did not see my eyes and facial expressions, so I felt much freer. Over time, he was quite successful in retelling what we had been doing the day before and where he would like to touch me. " Very soon, scholarly conversations naturally carried home.
  • Recall method. Just try to start remembering especially bright moments of your joint sexual past. "Remember how at the last referendum we retired to the voting booth, you leaned over the ballot, and I ..." Offer the girl to fill in the missing details, and you will not have time to look back, as all sorts of barriers will fall away by themselves.

Has the barrier of shyness been overcome? It's time to start honing your style. Save poetic images until Valentine's Day. The main thing in duvet conversations is naturalness. We have already mentioned that we are writing about the conversations that accompany sex itself. Not before, not after, but in those moments when two people enjoy physical contact. Fight finished phrases and literary turns! Words come to the tongue straight from the heart, from the fingertips - from anywhere but from the brain. Igor, realizing the fallacy of his first experience, rushed to the other extreme. He said, "I lust after your bergamot-scented vagina!" The scars on his face faded much faster than the memory of what she said in response. Women want sincerity, not the love lyrics of the Decembrist poets.

  • Speak right. All the women who were asked the most preferred topic for conversations under the covers were unanimous: "I want the man not to be shy and directly say what he wants to do." We translate: there is no need to invent what to say. And if you really want the girl to turn on her side or sit on top, just say so. Subject to our caveats about the submission form.
  • Set boundaries for what is allowed. Nothing terrible will happen if you do not say what she expects from you. In the worst case, the excitement will disappear, sex will not work, and you will part as friends. To tune in to your partner's wave, listen to what expressions she uses. The more cheeky she is on the tongue, the more you can afford. Some "dirty girls" are turned on by obscenities. If that doesn't bother you, talk to your health the way you like. There is even such a type of sexual deviation - "coprophemia" - an uncontrollable desire to swear dirty in bed. Bestiality is much worse.
  • Pump up gradually. Erotic fantasies are a good thing, but still try to control yourself. One woman friend complained that her husband responded to calls to be frank with a homosexual monologue. What scared the girl to death, who expected to see in leading role himself, not someone else's uncle.
  • Install stoplights. As with any other new and exciting activity, the more you do it, the more sophisticated you become. Sexual conversations can eroticize related feelings such as fear, shame, or guilt. You can play with all this and go further as long as it excites both of you. Just don't forget to work out some kind of sign or signal that means "stop". You know how in wrestling - slapping the carpet with the palm of your hand means "it hurts." If the girl burst into tears or spat in her face, then perhaps this means that it is time to stop.
  • Let your opponent speak. Maybe you will encounter an unexpectedly stormy response to your modest attempt to voice the sexual game. Be prepared for this, as well as for unexpected turns that may seem too rude, vulgar or sugary to you. If you don't get too carried away, try not to restrict your partner's freedom of speech. As long as she does not offend your religious or national feelings, and also if her words do not contain a call for the overthrow of the state system. If some turn cuts your ear too much or knocks you out of an erotic mood, try repeating it to yourself about fifty times - any term loses its meaning when repeated many times.
  • Do not forget about moans, sighs and interjections. A non-verbal scale can add an erotic intensity no worse than dirty words. Moans and grunts, especially made just above the ear, give the impression of loss of control and animal pleasure. In principle, in bed these sounds can be enough if they adequately convey your condition. As we know from the lyrics of popular songs, we all become animals when it comes to wild sex. Losing our human appearance, we destroy all boundaries and conventions, but isn't this the key to enchanting sex?
  • Shut up in time. Sometimes, however, you just want to enjoy your own sensations without any sound accompaniment. At this point, just need to use the same conditional stop signal. The skill of talking in bed is akin to the skill of a storyteller - you need to know when it's time to stop so as not to spoil the impression.

[Incompatibility in bed is one of the most common reasons for the breakdown of relationships between a woman and a man. And the most common reason for this very incompatibility is the inability of a man and a woman to talk about their sexual desires and fantasies in order to translate them into reality together. A man often only thinks that he gives a woman pleasure, while she suffers inconvenience, being afraid to tell him about it. At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn how to properly behave with a woman in bed so that your relationship is harmonious, full.]

cup of tea

That evening, I could not calm down and decide that the day was already over. That there was nothing left but to climb into a bath filled with foam and go to sleep! There is a feeling that it is not yet evening. It makes us... And I'm already getting dressed, not knowing where I'm going, and maybe I'm deceiving myself. But the feeling of "must go" does not give rest. Deo unscented and familiar perfume, soft sweater and jeans. I'm clearly not going to a restaurant, and that's the truth. A dark pencil glides around the lips, a nude lipstick is applied on top, completely transparent - the lips glisten with moisture.

Where to go? Who will keep me company? It's already ten o'clock, and the feeling of incompleteness does not leave ... Why don't I stop by for tea? I haven't been invited in a while. Well, I myself, and the book should have been given back - why not an excuse. I'll just call...

Always happy! - sounded like a no-brainer. Friendly tone, benevolent ... "Friendly" is a stupid word, that is, no, indifferent. Well, let me go anyway. Something draws me to him... Maybe his indifference fuels my spoiled interest. But I will go. We will drink tea. It will be another polite evening with pleasant tea drinking...

I don't even remember how I got home. My head ached a lot, because the delivery of the project is a hectic business. But an hour of active training saves me. Familiar stand, practiced movements, approach, one more. Played a game today. After all, there are still quite a few boys involved with me. The body aches a little in the joints, a pleasant healthy fatigue. Stretch out with a book, throwing your legs on the back of the sofa, reach out to the music...

Call. It's good that the phone is nearby. I love when guests come, but today it is inopportune. Although who knows...

Hello! What are you reading? - My voice is as always friendly. - You weren't going to sleep yet?
- No, only after training. You come in, what are you going to drink?
“Double whiskey, lemon and…” I laughed.
- And you can not dilute, I remember.

Our conversation, interesting and light, not far-fetched, about everything and nothing, does not prevent me from fantasizing...

Your hands ... I wonder what they are, how they caress? I draw a picture in my mind, dreaming that it will become reality...

I cut you off in mid-sentence, covering your lips with my hand... and suddenly your lips burn your hand with a kiss...

The conversation died down instantly ... and we, not looking at each other, sit motionless ...

You can't see into your thoughts... you're distracted... and sometimes the conversation freezes...

You are unusually excited... I wonder what thoughts are running through your head...?

I go around the back of the chair and put my hands on your shoulders ... I lower myself and lightly touch my lips to the place where the collar of the shirt exposes my neck ... my hands are drowning in my hair ...

Lips slide lightly over my neck... and I inhale the scent, the scent of a clean body... and desire...

Your hands, still completely unfamiliar... I cover them with my hand, interlacing my fingers...

Your arm wraps around me... and your lips seek my lips... and the music can't drown our breath...

Such calmness and desire together... Such confidence that the contact of our bodies will certainly be wonderful...

Lips... meet lips... and the kiss lasts a long time... They get to know each other and find taste and desire... they open towards each other... And my lips fill with your taste... And your hands squeeze your shoulders.. .

More tea?
- With pleasure ... But what do you think? ..

You hug my neck... and I put you down on the bed... it's hard for me to breathe... I don't want to rush... You are so hot and trustingly answer my lips. My hand goes down... and slides along your flexible body...

Your lips part mine... and your tongue penetrates... and a burning desire burns...

Hands tightly squeeze your neck... and the body is pressed... and we sink onto the bed... I want and I'm afraid of this... Was it really so open in my eyes?...


Startled, I nod absently. When did you light the candles? Strange - this evening is not like all the previous ones. Something binds me at the entrance to this house.

Sure, with pleasure! And great music. They had another album, I don't remember the title...

Your body is trustingly pressed against me... you obediently answer my kiss... But I want more... I want to feel your desire... I will stop... and I will gently stroke your face, softly touching it with my lips ... I really need to feel the power of your desire. I don't want your submission... Only thirst! Unquenched thirst - that's what I need to feel ... I tease you, lightly touching your temples ... sliding my finger along the curve of your eyebrows ... Your face, eyes slightly closed ... lips half open ... and chest heaving .. But this is not yet a desire... You are still constrained, and I want with all my might the elements of your feelings that have been played out.

Make it a little quiet... You have a great collection of candles... Listen, candles or candles?
- Yes, God knows them, how it is right ... Candles - will it work? Take whichever you like.
- This house, can I turn on the light in it? - I lit a candle ... and it became comfortable to sit and look at a small lively flame that flared up, visible from the window of the house. The house came to life ... and we sat in the twilight and continued our conversation jumping from topic to topic ...

I can't hold back anymore... I really want your hand... to touch my chest, so that your lips absorb the swollen nipple... Impatience, but you're not in a hurry... or you're playing... and just waiting for me to ask... I can no longer restrain my desire... and I take your hand in mine... and put it on my chest... Your body is pressed against me... along the entire length... and this a touch is enough to make your flesh respond to me with desire... I feel you, through your clothes... I hesitate to unbutton your shirt... Do you want to help me? I open my eyes and catch your gaze... the corners of my eyes... they laugh... I open my eyes wide and try to get up... But you calm me down... and only your hand squeezes my chest more... Well please, take this sweater away... it's bothering me... I'll explode now from your slowness... You, as if savoring every movement, look at my face... your hands stroke my chest... and it breaks out of the shackles of clothes ... Touch your lips to her ... you see what I want ...

It's great that like this in the evenings you break out for training ... Brew some more tea, otherwise mine has already cooled down.
- When I was still driving home from work, my whole body wanted only one thing - to go to bed. But I forced myself to go for it. And now a complete transformation - the head is gone, and fatigue along with it ... Would you like a full cup?

I did not expect to meet such an ardent desire. Your body pulled and beckoned, you opened up and it was already clear that there would be no resistance... I put my hand down... and a strip of hot body between the trousers and the sweater... I slowly lift the sweater and lower my lips to your chest. .. I unbutton my interfering bra and my chest breaks free ... I squeeze it with one hand, digging my lips into it. Your arms pull me towards you... your breath and soft moan...

I take my chest in my hand... and I touch your lips with my finger... pressed against my chest... I lower my hand... and run through my trousers in search of help... I will never cope with a man's fastening... hands convulsively grope for the flesh... and caress your body... yearning to escape from the shackles of clothes... Help me... You take your hand and put it on the belt... I can't do it myself... Help! You unbutton... and suddenly a fright, I'm afraid to touch you. I'm afraid that my hands, not knowing your body, will be unpleasant for you ... You have to stop holding back ... and I sink, slipping out of your arms ... and with my lips I feel your flesh. Let me free you from your clothes... I help you take off your pants, clothes... you undress me... Hastily pulling out the blanket... covering me... saving me from embarrassment...

I go down... I feel your hands... asking for my caresses... and softly touch you with my tongue... You startle... I pass my tongue and gently take it into my mouth... With light movements, the tongue gets to know you.. .and I catch moments when you, no longer able to restrain yourself, moan. I find these places - giving you the highest pleasure. Your hands weaken... and you stretch out on the bed, and only your hands, tangled in your hair, speak beggingly for you...

How your body beckons ... how it craves caresses. You are just amazingly hot. I unbutton your jeans and dive into your wet body... Your body, it clings to meet you... and slide into it...

Quickly throwing off my clothes, I turn on the air conditioner... in a minute the room will be warm... You are hot and you don't feel how cold it is here... I take off my clothes... and kiss your lips again... gently lower myself.. ... and your body takes mine into its bosom ... we lie motionless, I feel your muscles tighten, clasping my penis. They kind of take it inside... I can't hold back anymore... I push my hands and carefully put your legs on my shoulders... Your head is on the pillow, your eyes are closed... and only a moan escapes from your lips... strong , passionate moan... I go deep... and freeze, almost exploding with desire... But I want long caresses... I don't want to spoil everything at the very beginning... I want to enjoy your body, so hot and passionate... Wait, don't rush... and I feel you and go to meet you...

My lips caress your flesh... I feel your desire... and I want you... But wait, don't rush, let me learn how to give you pleasure...

The movements increase... my hands rest on your chest... and your body moves towards mine... the movements are long... I almost get out of you... and you seize the moment and rush to meet me again...

I want to feel it with my womb... I want to squeeze it with my muscles and take it inside... But no... not now, later... Now I can't tear my lips away... and I caress your cock... my tongue explores all corners, mischievously gliding along it... and lips swallow it whole... releasing and absorbing again... Movement... one more... your body, helping, moves towards me... Movement. .. I feel the desire approaching... Movement... and the already hard flesh swells... Movement... I want this explosion... I want to feel your taste...

Your explosion... I felt you tense up a little... and then the muscles, pulsating, began to contract...

No... this I can't stand... and my thirst spills out... and merges with yours...

Your groan... and an explosion... and I'm overwhelmed by the response flow... My lips are frozen... any movement now will be superfluous... I just feel how my body, fading... echoes yours...

[Have you noticed how often dreams in your life remain just dreams? Even at school, you stared at the girl sitting at the next desk ... and nothing more ... You never began to meet her ... Why? Why do you look at a beauty on the street, watch her pass by... want to be with her... longing to be with her... she leaves... you are inactive... she disappears from your sight, from your days, from your life... Don't you want to live like this? Do you want to be a successful man best woman, take everything from life? At the practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of instructors, you will do this.]

It's late, do you have to get up tomorrow?
- Yes, it's late already ... No, don't get up, but it's already falling asleep. You run, okay?
- With pleasure, you give me something else last time I wanted to give a listen, maybe you have this disc?

Sex poll [Vadim Khmelinsky]

It is believed that women love to ask questions. And yet, there are issues that they prefer not to discuss with men, despite the fact that they really want to know our opinion on these issues. You can take the first step towards making your relationship more open and harmonious. Only this step should be very smart and careful.

Question Answer
Don't you think that everything is too big for me?

A woman has few nerve endings inside her vagina, which is why she is sometimes unable to appreciate how tightly her body wraps around your penis. And the lubricant released during intercourse weakens these sensations even more, so it seems to her that you are too free there. This issue is especially active in women who have already given birth, since there is an opinion that women who have given birth have everything stretched out there. Only an unsuccessful gap can give such an effect - after all, the elastic tissues of the vagina are easily stretched and compressed back.

Do not forget to periodically inform her about how everything is delightfully cramped and narrow in her place. Even if it's not. In the latter case, you can provoke your girlfriend into doing gymnastics, which will eventually strengthen and tighten the muscles of her vagina - tell her that you just go crazy when she squeezes and relaxes the muscles, respectively, squeezing and releasing your penis inside your body. Ten to fifteen exercises at a time will be enough.
Do you mind the smell of me when I'm on my period?

Women feel more clearly than men close range sweet smell of menstrual blood and find it unpleasant. For us, this smell is not without charm due to the pheromones contained in it - substances that awaken sexual activity.

You will convince her even more that you are the best if one day, hugging her, you say something like: “These days you smell very exciting” (“like strawberries and cream” - you don’t need to add it because of the pronounced flattery).
Don't you think that my breasts are too small (large, flaccid, ugly, etc., etc.)?

Out of 100 women, 99 deeply worry about a number of "significant shortcomings" of this part of the body - most often without any reason. A huge number of silicone breast implantation operations are carried out because someone forgot to open his mouth in time and sing another praise to "these marvelous ivory hemispheres."

If at one point you do not want to see on your property postoperative sutures, do not forget to admire. At least once a month.
Does it bother you that I wasn't a virgin when we met?

To say "no, not a bit" is to sign your own insensitivity. "Yes, terrible" - she will feel offended. Shouldn't you ever bring up the subject at all? She gets sick with curiosity. And don't try to make one of those dirty jokes like "I always leave the bottle openers to the waiters." Women are very offended by them.

I am glad that by the time of our meeting you were already quite an experienced and mature person - thanks to this, I am sure that you chose me consciously.
How were you punished as a child?

This does not mean that she is a sadist. She just wants to feel sorry for you. In general, she wants to know more about you.

No need to colorfully paint how mom and dad innocently beat you with a belt on the pope. Especially if you intend to introduce her to your parents someday - she will never forgive them for bullying her dear boy. It’s better to tell some spectacular case: for example, how you were left without a sweet for bruising a yard bully who was torturing a cat.
Have you had a sexually transmitted disease?

Even the use of condoms does not always unconditionally protect against the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Some of these diseases may remain untreated for years. Therefore, her interest in this case is quite legitimate and justified.

If you have never been sick with anything, then you can tell her about it by the way. But if you were once unlucky, then she doesn’t have to know this, otherwise your credit of trust has a chance to drop sharply. In this case, the best thing is to undergo an examination, and then leave a certificate in a conspicuous place, stating that it was requested at work (at the military enlistment office, clinic, tax office - choose the most plausible one).
Did you notice that I faked this orgasm?

Between 7 and 9% of women never have an orgasm at all. Another 40% is very rare. A third of all orgasmic women experience only a clitoral orgasm (which rarely happens directly during intercourse). Another third are able to experience a vaginal orgasm that occurs during intercourse, but it is not very pronounced in them - it is a series of multiple "satisfaction peaks", none of which in itself is such an orgasm as you imagine it to be. Alas, only 10-15% of women regularly experience a real orgasm. There's nothing to be done, that's what nature ordered - especially since even without an explicit orgasm, a woman is able to get considerable pleasure from sex. It is known that sometimes the simulation of orgasm in women is a trigger for its appearance. That is, everything happens exactly when she finishes screaming, bending and slashing your back with her nails.

No, I didn't notice. This is just the case when truth and sincerity can be removed from the stage for a while. If you catch her in the simulation even once, there is a chance that she will lose confidence in herself, stop trying to enjoy sex with you at all and will suspect that you are bad with her.

[It's great to be able to answer a woman's unexpected questions. But it is much more important to be able to answer them. in the best way even before they were given. It is much more important to be able to read non-verbal messages from a woman, in which men are usually weak. You will learn to understand a woman from a half-word in real conditions at practical trainings of the Dating Academy under the supervision of instructors.]

What are you thinking about now? [Ilya Kirdanov]

After it's over, she lays her cheek on yours chest and calms down for a while, thoughtfully scratching a hole near your nipple with a fingernail. And then, after a minute and a half or two, a sacramental question sounds: "What are you thinking about now?" The worst thing now is to tell the truth: "Nothing." I almost lost my very first woman. She remained silent for another minute, after which, sighing heavily, she sat up on the bed, and with the words "Everything is useless. You will always treat me like a stranger," she began to pull on her underwear. I had to spend a lot of energy proving that I treat strangers differently. And anyway, most of the aforementioned people do not make me want to squeeze them under the covers.

Now I am an experienced person. I know at least a thousand correct answers to this wrong question, and I almost no longer fear it. Moreover, now I can afford the luxury of not coming up with an answer in advance, but allowing myself impromptu, sometimes quite risky. The main thing is to stick to one of four suitable concepts:

  1. Elementary. Give her a compliment. Because she is waiting for him now. Her ugly misplaced curiosity is driven by a desire to hear your approval. Don't stress too much, any inaudible mumbling will do if it can somehow be justified by romantic intentions: "Mmm, that's the smell of your hair ...", "you're the best", "your honey-colored skin" (well and what, what is dark, now she will eat this too). But do not overdo it with sophisticated images - now you are not in a position to compete with the Petrarchs and other Alexander Sergeevichs. I know from my own experience how easy it is to blurt out something absurd in such a situation - once I told a girl that she reminds me of a female seal (at that moment it sincerely seemed to me that the comparison was very successful - the same big eyes, the same tender, graceful body). In general, keep it simple.
  2. Heroic. Sit back, reach for a glass of juice on the bedside table and start a detailed conversation about the relationship between a man and a woman, about your and her views on this side of life, about what real harmony in sex is - in general, about everything that concerns the eternal question: "Can a boy be friends with a girl?" For any woman, such a conversation is a hundred thousand times more interesting than any important information about fluctuations in the stock market. Even if she is a broker. If you are ready to re-enter, then such a conversation is a great way to stretch out the pause so that you can rest and recuperate.
  3. Creative. Answer her with some completely impossible phrase. For example: "In Hong Kong, the third day - heavy rains. Thousands of junks are torn off the leash and carried to the open sea." If the girl is smart, then she will attribute this information to the fact that you are in a state of the highest mental stress and it is difficult for you to control speech and thoughts. She will be flattered. If the girl is stupid, then she will listen with interest about what happened in poor Hong Kong.
  4. In case of emergency. There is an opinion that if a man spends energy during sex, then a woman accumulates it. That is, you are lying exhausted, flickering circles are slowly swimming before your eyes, and you really want to say goodbye, and a woman, on the contrary, experiences a surge of strength that pushes her into long sentimental conversations. It is best to wait for the peak question and answer: "I think about how wonderful it is to lie here with you, be silent and listen to silence." If you manage to say it heartily enough, then five minutes to listen to silence will be allocated to you.

But never try to demonstrate your excellent sense of humor at this moment. The girl will decide that you are in control of yourself. Too good for the man to whom she had just given her most precious possession. And then two logical conclusions are made:

  1. you didn't like her;
  2. all men are insensitive bastards.

So stick to the ancient saying that "every creature is sad after intercourse" - you'll get a melancholic face now better than trying to tell a joke. Moreover, the anecdote will now be either inappropriate for the occasion or indecent.

Until now, I have not met a single woman - young or experienced, smart or boring, redhead or brunette - who would ask anything else. For example: "Maybe I can make you some coffee?" It's always the same: "What are you thinking about right now?" Apparently, the woman believes that since you just entered her body, now she should climb into your head in revenge. I think that if one day I don't hear this question, I will be seriously worried. I will decide that this time something went wrong and I probably did not show myself in the best way. Because if for a man final act successful sex is an orgasm, then for a woman - this is the very question.

[A direct answer is characteristic of a male conversation. In communication between a man and a woman, as in diplomatic negotiations, big weight has the ability to delicately and gently convey what, with a direct answer, can cause a negative reaction. You will learn how to speak beautifully and courteously even in critical situations of communication with the fair sex at the practical trainings of the Dating Academy.]

Although all men are well aware of what they think immediately after an orgasm. Absolutely nothing. Unless they hastily try to come up with a digestible excuse for an insidious question.

"Whore" ... "rubbish" ... "bitch" ... And there are even tougher phrases that a partner shouts out in a fit of passion in bed. Very suspicious girls are stunned by such words. Thoughts creep in: “Does he really call me that, or is it just a rush of passion?”

After interviewing several men who certainly use foul language in bed, we came up with several main reasons why they do it.

Why say dirty words in bed to a girl

- This is done for emotional coloring and giving a certain psychological mood to oneself. Apparently, a man likes to feel on top not only in intimacy but also in behavior.

“Most likely, a man who expresses himself like that loves power himself and thus tries to hint at it to you. Therefore, try to act by his own methods, if this does not complicate you.

The situation in bed is always very uncontrollable, so sometimes you can hear dirty words from a girl. This does not mean at all that she is indecent or that she does not have good manners. It’s just that during intimacy with a loved one, the true “I” is very often revealed. And here you can’t hide that many guys like it when a girl says dirty words, it excites them as a horror, only they either need to speak confidently, or not speak at all.

Dirty cursing girls in bed

A common situation when a girl at the very top of sexual sensations feels like a "lustful, impudent female." But after all, she wants to not only feel it, but also hear it from her partner. It's all animal instinct. "Nice girl" becomes "whore" and "my bitch". It is important that this is not a common occurrence in Everyday life. Since the words pronounced “in bed” acquire a completely different shade in everyday life: vulgarity is felt. In bed, it would be perfectly appropriate to say such phrases as: “Blindfold me,” “Spank me,” “Run a piece of ice over my body,” and so on. Everything depends on your desire. Erotic fantasies are also the place in bed.

If you find it unpleasant to hear such phrases from your partner, then tell him about it straight. Suggest alternative names that may suit you and try to find a compromise.

What should be perfect lover? Sometimes - naive and meek, sometimes - vulgar and impudent. An experienced, sexy, temperamental, gentle woman always knows, By SMS? One of the spiciest options!

A real "tigress" knows how to turn on a loved one literally from a half-word, how to bring him to "loss of pulse." An unpredictable, spontaneous, impulsive, wise, attentive and subtle woman never really even thinks about how to excite a man via SMS. The main thing is not to be shy about your desires.

How to excite a man by SMS: show imagination

So, in more detail. Knowing that by SMS, you can have no doubt: he will always dream of intimacy with you. To do this, you only need your imagination and think about what excites your man the most. You can even play a groovy word game. Show yourself to the fullest, he will definitely like it.

By the way, SMS messages can also help you if you are a little shy about direct contact. Or if you have tried a wide variety of ways of seduction and crave variety.

A cell phone is a very useful thing

How to excite a man by SMS? Everything depends on you. The main thing is the presence of a mobile phone. After all, it is intended not only for calls. With the help of messages, you can excite your man so much that he will rush to you in a matter of minutes, demanding to continue.

Uniqueness this method lies in the fact that you can tell your partner about your own intentions or desires at any time, wherever you are. Imagine, for example, that love correspondence takes place right at business negotiations ...

spicy negotiations

Erotic SMS in correspondence is, of course, just something! If this really happens in negotiations, believe me, they will be very piquant. The need to hide sensitive information and the business environment will only heighten the interest of your partner.

Well, you shouldn't be shy. Just write what you want. Do not worry about the fact that you may seem too depraved woman. Believe me, in this case, your man will not think badly of you. Try to describe to him a picture of what awaits him after work, what he will be rewarded with, etc.

Voice mail

By the way, erotic SMS can be not just text messages. Messages on will be able to excite your man even more. Your flirtatious voice will drive him crazy. Many girls use this method, but without exception, all men are satisfied.

You can also add a photo to a voice message. Hint to your partner about what you are waiting for. Let this surprise be small, but it will excite your loved one, remind him that you are thinking about him even when he is not around.

By the way, this is a psychological moment. Your man will feel genuine interest in his person on your part. This will create more trust and intimacy in your relationship.

Start with words

Before considering some examples of exciting SMS to a man, you should think about the phrases that you will be ready to write to him. Believe me, a well-constructed correspondence will drive your other half crazy. Be a little Cleopatra, who knows how to conquer the stronger sex, and maybe a little girl from the Phone Sex agency. In general, try your best.

How to apply

Best of all, of course, is an exciting SMS to a man. In your own words, tell us what you want. Add as much sexuality to your phrases as possible. No need for sharpness. Just a certain amount of intimacy in the right place.

A very important element in your SMS message will be the appeal. Write to him "my best", "native", "favorite". Sound own name always pleasant for a man. However, in addition to it and its pet derivatives, there are many other options. You can also turn to your beloved, for example, like this: “my hero”, “my happiness”, “desired”, “kitten”, etc. Well, then - the message itself. What can be written? Try these options:

When you've got enough...

And on social media

Of course, today only mobile phones no one is limited. Social networks also allow you to connect with your loved ones erotically. SMS that excite men long time will be stored in the message history, again and again warming up the interest of partners, reminding them of a spicy conversation and their feelings.

A good and passionate lover can hone the art of a seductress for months and years. The main thing is to be able to start a loved one at a distance. Just do not forget about literacy. If a man understands spelling better than you, and you send him SMS with gross errors, you will not excite him, but rather make him laugh.

Well, you just have to decide what kind of messages they will be. SMS or MMS… Poetry or prose… Show your imagination. Look for the right approach. And if you can find it, everything will be great.

It all depends on the stage of the relationship.

It is no secret to anyone that men are turned on by vulgar SMS. But do not forget that you need to control yourself, not to cross the line. The content of the text is very important for a man.

If your relationship is on initial stage, try not to surprise him too much with your impulses, your frankness. Write, for example, something like:

  • “I wanted to write you a message at this very moment. I can't look at your photo. I want to see not only the photo, but also you. Kissing a picture won't get an answer... Let's see you?"
  • “I had a wonderful dream today. You were the lead. Call me, I'll tell you what we did with you.

Well, if you have already had a sexual relationship, you can even play. For example:

Before - more information

One more moment. It is important not only to know what words excite men. SMS will have a much greater impact if you subtly hint in it at a certain quality of your man, at some feature or character trait that is unique to him. That is, before sending such letters, you need to know as much as possible about him ... If you have known each other for a long time, this will not be a problem. If your relationship is just beginning (or you are just planning to get acquainted), carefully follow his profile in in social networks. As a rule, users describe their preferences and habits here, and post a variety of photos. If you know your chosen one well, it will be much easier for you to find the right words to excite him. After reviewing the information he posts on social networks, try to use For example, take a look at his photos carefully. He must be proud of them. Hint in your messages that you are insanely turned on by his abs (biceps, shoulders, etc.).

By the way, men talk about themselves in different ways. Some "post" on the Web almost their entire lives. It’s like “I’m like this, I live like this, I think like this, I do this or that.” Others are limited only by the date of birth (city, specialty, place of work). The first, as a rule, are selfish. With the latter, you can start an erotic correspondence with the following message: “Hello, stranger. You are so mysterious…” Intrigue the man, keep the mystery and spontaneity, don't ask unnecessary questions, play with him. In this case, you will not be able to get bored with him and will not move to the standard category. At a meeting, your chosen one will surely please you, will not disappoint you.

By the way, do not forget to pay attention to the number of women in his contacts. If there are too many of them, he definitely wants to be liked. opposite sex and enjoys his success. Tease him. For example: "Shall we play?" Let's let your imagination run wild...

Brief but enticing

Exciting SMS in prose or poetry should not be too long. Such messages do not start. They tire. Especially if they come to your chosen one in parts. In this case, it will be quite difficult to catch the meaning. Short message will make a man turn on his imagination, think about you even more. Send such SMS that would stimulate him to respond. Fill them with a mass of feelings, emotions. It will be impossible not to respond to such messages. Start with the innocent: "What do you think of the one who thinks about you all day?" Don't forget to use punctuation marks. This technique will also stimulate your man's curiosity. Ellipsis can play a big role in such messages. For example, write to him: “I think ...” And pause. As a rule, having received SMS from a person of interest to us, we want to immediately answer him. Wait for this answer. And do not continue the correspondence immediately, having received it. Otherwise, you will create the impression that you just play in this way in the first phases of erotic correspondence. Your chosen one will start to worry when you are late with the answer.

And finally. The fact that you should not write too long messages, of course, should not be forgotten. But even if you write short... Write only in good mood. Your even carefully concealed negativity can completely ruin everything. Never talk about (either directly or indirectly) whether or not you enjoyed your evening. Try to do everything so that the man does not feel under pressure. Just play with words. And be patient. Sometimes SMS messages do not require a response. Do not think that if a man does not immediately answer you, he is indifferent to you. Perhaps he is just trying to find the right words to express his interest, his attitude, his feelings for a woman. Men, they are like that… They need to digest information… Especially with such unambiguous content…

It is not very difficult if there is a desire to awaken desire. It is? Read - words and phrases filled with letter magic that excite men:

  1. I'm yours, honey...

  2. Take me!

  3. I want you….

  4. Touch me without ceasing.

  5. Take me, my love, I beg you ....

  6. Feel my scent...

  7. Undress me with your eyes!

  8. Go deeper into me....

  9. love you before total loss consciousness...

  10. My body is on fire from you….

  11. What are you thinking now, honey?

  12. I feel such tender trembling from you….

  13. I dream to feel you in myself ....

  14. I love your whole body!

  15. You turn me on so much....

When a woman begins to whisper it ... - with love. It is better to use a diminutive - affectionate declension of the name.

Repeat: "more, more ...". If you knew how exciting this is repetition! The man is pleasantly shocked by such words. Do not forget to leave maximum sincerity in these words.

Any words will sound exciting if you catch the right moment, if you choose the right environment.

Apart from standard places filled with romanticism, a man is very excited by those places in which there is a lot of extremeness. In a car, in an elevator, at the entrance, in a toilet, in a hotel, in nature, in a restaurant. And it's not all places! Shower, bathroom, swimming pool - these are no less extreme places.

Choose a moment when a man's eyes will shine and shine, when you feel that he is ready to give his whole life for you. This is where he got in! How did you get it! You can act without missing a moment.

  1. Yours is so handsome...

  2. You have such a perfect body….

  3. You have such great skin...

  4. There is so much desire in your body parts ....

  5. How much fire in your passion!

Words and phrases that are accompanied by "rapid" breathing and sighs. If there are light groans - a man generally goes crazy with excitement! Try to regulate it somehow, but make sure that everything is as natural as possible. If a woman pretends - a man will feel!

Try not to talk about something abstract, although it may seem important to you. Here, silence is more “on topic”!

If the matter finally turned into intimacy - refrain from joking, thinking about something intimate. The humor can wait.

You speak, whisper something to him, and then .... Some noise! It is not clear where it comes from, but it is unbearably annoying. Try to anticipate this by eliminating it in advance.

He was "impatient", not very timely, to the toilet. You would have suffered for him. And the man will not endure. Naturally, you will also lose the desire to say something to him when he returns.

Turn off your mobile phones so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise. Let them rest while you enjoy each other.

It is better not to turn it off, because anything can happen. But you choose the time when someone's visit is the minimum chance. Force majeure does not count. Suddenly, someone makes a mistake with the door (by drunk, or by mistake).

the alarm clock is not built into an expensive smartphone. And it will be a pity when he flies into one of the walls. turn off alarm clocks in it to save the mobile.

While he will undress you, he will get tired, confused, crazy. choose erotic clothes, but "understandable" to your man. Otherwise it will be torn by your loved one. Torn from passion! Has it already turned you on?

Clean up the room so that you don't stumble upon anything when he kisses you and you whisper back the most tender words. And then you turn on the TV by accident. You don't need him. He is the third!

Make a man forget about everything! Even about your favorite football, hockey, basketball. Your words are more important. And do not think about the stereotype that sports are more expensive than anything else for a man.

Close the door to the room you are in. And then your beloved cat will come running to you, jump between you and you will frightenedly forget all the words. No need to so ridiculously lose the romance of the moment!

Kira: “If he loves, any word said looking into men's eyes will excite him. Personally, I have already checked this, because I also worried about this issue.

Olga: “One word“ I want ”- enough! Nothing more needs to be said. You can, of course, say more if you want. But the word "want" is the most powerful word."

Ekaterina: “Words don’t excite my man at all. He reacts more to touch than to "literacy". I'm glad for that too! It is worth touching - he flew away.

Carolina: “Men are excited by platitudes and vulgarities. I often use this. Wrong that I'm so without originality I relate to everything. But, it seems to me, a man does not care what methods women use to arouse him. The main thing is the result!

Svetlana: “All words excite a man if he loves. If not, no matter how hard you try, nothing will work. Everything is simple. Need love. She constantly “rules” everything without words. But not everyone appreciates love, because they put intimacy in the first place. Men especially. For example, I value declarations of love much more than recognition that my beloved wants me. My girlfriends are too. Maybe we, so non-standard, should move to another planet? Although - not the fact that with all this there will be complete order!

Funny poems for a loved one. Poems "jokes". Poems are small, short, about Love. Beloved and loved. Poems about lovers. Wishes to lovers in verse. Poems for a couple in love "We are a sweet couple" "Happy birthday!" favourite! I congratulate you with verses! Flowers for men. What kind of flowers can you give a man?

Write to the guy so that he smiles and reciprocates!

Folk signs: “Why and why does the left palm itch?”

The answers of the dream book to the question: “Why do you dream of money?”

What does sleep mean dreamed in the morning?

I had a dream in the evening. What is this dream for?