Types of magic and types of magical protections. Types of magic

Variety and types of Magic,as Art - Achievement of the Intended

There is a certain number of varieties or types of Magic, the main ones of which the beginning Aspirant must know in order to subsequently become able to distinguish between their hierarchical gradation.

Should be paid Special attention and the fact that in real life Many types of Magic are often combined with each other, uniting into a single whole, which is why it is often difficult to distinguish between them.

The information presented below is intended to provide only short description for the purpose of initial familiarization, since a more complete guide to each type of Magic is offered to adepts at the moment when they come close to mastering one type or several of the types of Magic at the corresponding levels of Initiation.

Natural Magic -This type Art is also called Natural Magic (or Natural), that is Natural Magic. She studies and deals with the lowest Forces of Nature, found in her three Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetable and Animal.

The main representatives of this class of Forces are elementals - imperfect spirits of Nature and the four elements, better known under the names of gnomes, sylphs, salamanders and undines.

It is well spoken of in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy. It includes such branches of the Occult, like: Botanomancy- herbal divination,

Phytotherapy herbal treatment, Dowsing - determining the presence of waters, minerals, treasures, etc. using a forked branch of a vine, Lithomancy, divination by stones, most of Druidic Magic-Runes, almost all known fortune telling - Tarot, and many other areas that we will not list here now.

Manipulative Magic - This type of Art is called Small, Village Magic, and Witchcraft.

It consists of all kinds of manipulations, tricks and tricks achieved through various devices and set-up situations, which, if properly executed, can lead to changes in accordance with the will of a person.

Moreover, the results of such actions will arise naturally; and to maintain them, replenishment is necessary, which the magician must do from time to time. The period of fulfillment of desires through the use of Non-Ritual Magic is usually long, regardless of the will of the magician, for the Forces that are activated in it belong to the category of astral, and even even hierostral spirits.

A magician who practices the methods of Manipulative Magic is usually equipped with an innumerable number of different things and objects that he needs in his activities, from which it is clear that his inventory quantitatively exceeds the set of magical devices used in Ritual Magic. In addition, this type of Magic involves the use special calendars, helping to find out the time and nature of the Forces that are most effective on the indicated days of the year. All this and much more seems possible to learn, for example, from Grimoires, the contents of which must be correctly understood.

Sympathetic Magic. From the very first words, we will especially stipulate this type of Art: the fact is that it includes under its auspices the following two varieties, which, although they are part of Sympathetic Magic, are, at the same time, independent links of a single Magical Science. The types of Magic we have named generally tend to overlap with each other, which must be constantly remembered.

Here is what George Frazer said about this: “Both varieties of magic - Homeopathic and Contagious - can be designated by a single term - Sympathetic magic, since in both cases it is assumed that, thanks to secret sympathy, things act on each other at a distance and the impulse is transmitted from one to another through the astral light, called the still invisible ether ("Od" of the Martinists, "amniatic fluid" of the Kabbalists; not to be confused with the etheric plane of existence, located above the mental - author's note). This ether is not so different from the ether, the existence of which modern science postulates for a similar purpose, namely to explain how things can interact with each other in seemingly empty space." N. Belsky, based on the words of Frazer, writes: " Sympathetic Magic operates on the principle of sympathy. According to this principle, the world is viewed as a living organism, permeated with thousands of threads connecting things, objects, people and all nature with each other. Such connections are mutually directed and continuous in time, which makes it possible for the existence of both magic (impact on nature and people) and various fortune-telling."

Let us only add that at high levels of initiation, adepts comprehend fairly simplified methods of Sympathetic and Contagious Magic, based on the presence in all people of a sub-element - the light body and the universal interconnection of the entire set of things, manifested creatures, which owe this state of affairs to Ouroboros-God OA - the “Priceless Axis” Universe.

Homeopathic Magic. Let us listen to the remarks of George Fraser: “This type of magic is best designated by the term Homeopathic, because the alternative term is Magic Imitative– does not exclude or even imply a consciously imitating agent, which excessively narrows the scope of Magic.

Homeopathic or Imitative Magic can be called techniques based on the law of similarity, the lengthy formulation of which reads: like produces like or the effect is similar to its cause. From the law of similarity, the magician concludes that he can produce any desired action by simply imitating it, for example, inflicting injury on a person by influencing his image - wax figure, any personal item, photograph, portrait... Homeopathic Magic is based on the connection of ideas by similarity."

Contagious Magic.George Frazer gives the following data regarding this type of Magic: “Contagious magic can be called techniques based on the law of contact, the full formulation of which is as follows: things that have once come into contact with each other continue to interact at a distance after the cessation of direct contact. happened to one of them, the same must happen to the other. Based on this law, the magician concludes that everything that he does with an object will also have an impact on the person who was once in contact with this object (as part of his body or otherwise). Contagious magic is based on the connection of ideas by contiguity."N. Belsky develops his words: “So, there is a connection between a person and his hair, nails, clothes, traces left by him, etc. According to the same principle, Magic force from the source to the object of influence (wearing amulets and talismans). "It should, however, be noted that human energy, like any other energy (for example, static electricity), transferred or imprinted on any object, loses its original charge over time and dissipates, which is why experts in Manipulative Magic recommend renewing magical ingredients once a year on certain days, and this is why in Ritual Magic one must not forget to “recharge” talismans.

Operational Magic. The names synonymous with this type of Art are: Ceremonial or Ritual Magic, Greater or Higher, Theurgy, Akleosta - the Adlanian word for “Magic”, as well as Transcendental Magic according to Eliphas Levi. Among the Jews it corresponds to Kabbalistic Magic, or practical Kabbalah.

According to Crowley, "Operative Magic uses two methods of establishing communication with Beings: invocation and evocation." There are others, but they belong to more elevated varieties, such as: Divine Magic, Death Magic and Point Magic. La Vey describes it as follows: “Ritual magic consists of the performance of a formal ceremony or a scenario composed by the magician himself, balanced in all respects, the implementation of which requires entering into certain states and feelings - author's note. Her main function– isolate otherwise dissipated adrenaline or other emotionally aroused energy and transform it into dynamically transmitted force. This is a purely emotional, rather than intellectual, act. Any and all intellectual activity must take place in the ceremony, not during the ceremony."

It is also appropriate to mention that High Magic deals with Forces that are an order of magnitude greater than the elementals, and therefore the timing of the fulfillment of the wishes of the magician dealing with her is usually quick and swift, although it depends solely on his skillful leadership. Elemental spirits, however, are highly specialized specialists, experts in their fields, with whom it is much easier to contact than with demons, with the possible exception of the lower ones.

Sexual Magic. The same as the Magic of Love. She uses the loving spiritual energy of arousal of a magician - a man at the moment of his highest controlled attraction to a woman, brought through special techniques to exaltation, and natural sexual desire, directing it through ritual actions. It also uses auric forces that are awakened in intimate contacts among a couple who performs the ritual in known bodily positions and according to a predetermined pattern. Sexual Magic uses majestic Black Masses, but has nothing to do with orgies in which unbridled lower human nature plunges its riders into various excesses and perversions! Divine Magic.

One of the highest types of Magic for flesh-clad Aspirants, as an Art, which we symbolically named Perfect or Universal magic.

Apart from the Atlanteans, few authors have said anything about it, because its methods of achievement are incredibly simple, although they require a fairly strong development of the spiritual tools of the adept and sometimes bring lightning-fast results to those who are able to master them.

Divine Magic brings into use a powerful creation in dreams, in projection through the manipulation of auric vortices and pillars of light, as well as thought, which makes the initiate prepared, for example, for a psychic attack at any time and in any place. Communication with your true Self is established here through automatic writing according to Crowley - through “Achieving Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel”, with the innermost Self through the acceptance of insights in the mental field.

Death Magic. It can well be called the Magic of Silence and Power, echoes of which can be seen in the Enochian language if you look at its substrate; by the way, the Enochian form of speech, based on the relationship of letters in their correct arrangement, in principle does not contain words as such; its so-called “lexical units” are misinterpreted by all interpreters, since each letter of this language reflects a certain idea and is textually expressed in several sentences, or even a whole paragraph. The “words” of androgynous language are composed and parsed in a similar way. The magic of Death makes the adept who uses it, focused on being in the present moment, equal to the inhabitants of the Threshold, for the very desire for such is often enough an instant result. An applicant who has mastered these techniques cannot be taken by surprise - he can always be engaged in magical activities, as long as he needs it; and moreover, he is constantly ready to deliver an early astral strike, preventing any attacks from enemies, since he has mastered the Magic of Death and is in contact with the Ancients - creatures, the world of the dead, who notify him of any unfavorable changes due to their gift of foresight of future events. The main difficulty in comprehending this type of Magic is that a person, a creature with a huge set of moods and states, must become fixated on just one of them, which will become possible only after overcoming his element and forcing it to obey by passing through the galaxy powerful curses that could negatively affect his psyche. The most difficult type of Magic to master.

Point Magic. Point Magic, which can also be called - Symbolic Magic, is a method and means of influencing oneself, people and Nature entirely borrowed from the Adlan magical tradition through working with astral maps and mystery tablets, based on the Forces of the Universe, enclosed in a hieroglyphic system. It is directly related to the androgynous Tree of Sephiroth, which is why its effects are corresponding. The principle of its operation is such that when a certain combination of previously charged symbols is sequentially set with a consecrated magical Pointer, a contamination vibration arises, directed towards achieving the necessary change. This type of Magic is also valued because of the dynamism with which any such operation is carried out. Its development is impossible without open feelings.

as Art - Achievement of the Intended

There is a certain number of varieties or types of Magic, the main ones of which the beginning Aspirant must know in order to subsequently become able to distinguish between their hierarchical gradation.

Special attention should also be paid to the fact that in real life, many types of Magic are often combined with each other, uniting into a single whole, which is why it is often difficult to distinguish between them.

The data presented below is intended to provide only a brief description for initial reference purposes, since more complete guide for each type of Magic is offered to adepts at the moment when they come close to mastering one type or several of the types of Magic at the corresponding levels of Initiation.

Natural Magic - This type of Art is also called Natural Magic (or Natural), that is Natural Magic.

She studies and deals with the lowest Forces of Nature, found in her three Kingdoms: Mineral, Vegetable and Animal.

The main representatives of this class of Forces are elementals - imperfect spirits of Nature and the four elements, better known under the names of gnomes, sylphs, salamanders and undines.

It is well spoken of in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy. It includes such branches of the Occult, like: Botanomancy- herbal divination,

Phytotherapy herbal treatment, Dowsing - determining the presence of waters, minerals, treasures, etc. with the help of a forked branch of a vine, Lithomancy, divination by stones, most of the Druidic Magic-Runes, almost all known fortune-telling - Tarot, and many other areas that we will not list here now.

Manipulative Magic.

This type of Art is called Small, Village Magic, and also Witchcraft.

It consists of all kinds of manipulations, tricks and tricks achieved through various devices and set-up situations, which, if properly executed, can lead to changes in accordance with the will of a person.

Moreover, the results of such actions will arise naturally; and to maintain them, replenishment is necessary, which the magician must do from time to time. The period of fulfillment of desires through the use of Non-Ritual Magic is usually long, regardless of the will of the magician, for the Forces that are activated in it belong to the category of astral, and even even hierostral spirits.

A magician who practices the methods of Manipulative Magic is usually equipped with an innumerable number of different things and objects that he needs in his activities, from which it is clear that his inventory quantitatively exceeds the set of magical devices used in Ritual Magic. In addition, this type of Magic involves the use of special calendars that help to find out the time and nature of the Forces that are most effective on specified days of the year. All this and much more seems possible to learn, for example, from Grimoires, the contents of which must be correctly understood.

Sympathetic Magic. From the very first words, we will especially stipulate this type of Art: the fact is that it includes under its auspices the following two varieties, which, although they are part of Sympathetic Magic, are, at the same time, independent links of a single Magical Science. The types of Magic we have named generally tend to overlap with each other, which must be constantly remembered.

Here is what George Frazer said about this: “Both varieties of magic - Homeopathic and Contagious - can be designated by a single term - Sympathetic magic, since in both cases it is assumed that, thanks to secret sympathy, things act on each other at a distance and the impulse is transmitted from one to another through the astral light, called the still invisible ether ("Od" of the Martinists, "amniatic fluid" of the Kabbalists; not to be confused with the etheric plane of existence, located above the mental - author's note). This ether is not so different from the ether, the existence of which is modern science postulates for a similar purpose, namely to explain how things can interact with each other in seemingly empty space." N. Belsky, based on the words of Frazer, writes:

"Sympathetic Magic operates on the basis of the principle of sympathy. According to this principle, the world is considered as a living organism, permeated with thousands of threads connecting things, objects, people and all of nature with each other. Such connections are mutually directed and continuous in time, which makes it possible to exist as magic (impact on nature and people), and various fortune-telling."

Let us only add that at high levels of initiation, adepts comprehend fairly simplified methods of Sympathetic and Contagious Magic, based on the presence in all people of a sub-element - the light body and the universal interconnection of the entire set of things, manifested creatures, which owe this state of affairs to Ouroboros-God OA - the “Priceless Axis” Universe.

Homeopathic Magic. Let us listen to the remarks of George Fraser: “This type of magic is best designated by the term Homeopathic, because the alternative term is Magic Imitative- does not exclude or even imply a consciously imitating agent, which excessively narrows the scope of Magic.

Homeopathic or Imitative Magic can be called techniques based on the law of similarity, the lengthy formulation of which reads: like produces like or the effect is similar to its cause. From the law of similarity, the magician concludes that he can produce any desired action by simply imitating it, for example, inflicting injury on a person by influencing his image - a wax figurine, any personal item, a photograph, a portrait... Homeopathic Magic is based on the connection of ideas by similarity ".

Contagious Magic.George Frazer gives the following data regarding this type of Magic: “Contagious magic can be called techniques based on the law of contact, the full formulation of which is as follows: things that have once come into contact with each other continue to interact at a distance after the cessation of direct contact. happened to one of them, the same must happen to the other. Based on this law, the magician concludes that everything that he does with an object will also have an impact on the person who was once in contact with this object (as part of his body or otherwise).

Contagious magic is based on the connection of ideas by contiguity, because there is a connection between a person and his hair, nails, clothes, traces left by him, and the like.

According to the same principle, magical power is transferred from the source to the object of influence (wearing amulets and talismans). It should be noted, however, that human energy, like any other energy (for example, static electricity), transferred or imprinted on any object, with over time, it loses its initial charge and dissipates, which is why experts in Manipulative Magic recommend renewing magical ingredients once a year on certain days, and this is why in Ritual Magic you must not forget to “recharge” talismans.

Operational Magic. The names synonymous with this type of Art are: Ceremonial or Ritual Magic, Greater or Higher, Theurgy, Akleosta - the Adlanian word for “Magic”, as well as Transcendental Magic according to Eliphas Levi. Among the Jews it corresponds to Kabbalistic Magic, or practical Kabbalah.

According to Crowley, " Magic Operational uses two methods of establishing communication with Beings: invocation and evocation" . There are others, but they belong to more exalted varieties, such as: Divine Magic, Death Magic and Point Magic. LaVey describes it this way:

“Ritual magic consists of the performance of a formal ceremony or a scenario composed by the magician himself, balanced in all respects, the implementation of which requires entering into certain states and feelings - author's note. Its main function is to isolate adrenaline or other emotionally evoked energy that is otherwise dissipated and transform it into a dynamically transmitted force. It is a purely emotional rather than an intellectual act. Any and all intellectual activity must take place in the ceremony and not during the ceremony."

It is also appropriate to mention that High Magic deals with Powers that are an order of magnitude greater than the elementals, and therefore the timing of the fulfillment of the wishes of the magician dealing with her is usually quick and swift, although it depends solely on his skillful leadership. Elemental spirits, however, are highly specialized specialists, experts in their fields, with whom it is much easier to contact than with demons, with the possible exception of the lower ones.

Sexual Magic, the same as the Magic of Love. She uses the loving spiritual energy of arousal of a magician - a man at the moment of his highest controlled attraction to a woman, brought through special techniques to exaltation, and natural sexual desire, directing it through ritual actions. It also uses auric forces that are awakened in intimate contacts among a couple who performs the ritual in known bodily positions and according to a predetermined pattern. Sexual Magic uses majestic Black Masses, but has nothing to do with orgies in which unbridled lower human nature plunges its riders into various excesses and perversions!

Divine Magic - One of the highest types of Magic for the Aspirants clothed in flesh, as Art, which we symbolically called Perfect Magic or Universal Magic.

Apart from the Atlanteans, few authors have said anything about it, because its methods of achievement are incredibly simple, although they require a fairly strong development of the spiritual tools of the adept and sometimes bring lightning-fast results to those who are able to master them.

Divine Magic brings into use a powerful creation in dreams, in projection through the manipulation of auric vortices and pillars of light, as well as thought, which makes the initiate prepared, for example, for a psychic attack at any time and in any place. The connection with your true Self is established here through automatic writing according to Crowley - through “Achieving Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel”, with the innermost Self through the acceptance of insights in the mental field.

Death Magic. It can well be called the Magic of Silence and Power, echoes of which can be seen in the Enochian language if you look at its substrate; by the way, the Enochian form of speech, based on the relationship of letters in their correct arrangement, in principle does not contain words as such; its so-called “lexical units” are misinterpreted by all interpreters, since each letter of this language reflects a certain idea and is textually expressed in several sentences, or even a whole paragraph. The “words” of androgynous language are composed and parsed in a similar way. The magic of Death makes the adept who uses it, focused on being in the present moment, equal to the inhabitants of the Threshold, for the very desire for such is often enough an instant result. An applicant who has mastered these techniques cannot be taken by surprise - he can always be engaged in magical activities, as long as he needs it; and moreover, he is constantly ready to deliver an early astral strike, preventing any attacks from enemies, since he has mastered the Magic of Death and is in contact with the Ancients - creatures, the world of the dead, who notify him of any unfavorable changes due to their gift of foresight of future events. The main difficulty in comprehending this type of Magic is that man-creature with a huge set of moods and states - must become fixated on just one of them, which will become possible only after overcoming his element and forcing it to obey by passing through a galaxy of powerful curses that can negatively affect his psyche. The most difficult type of Magic to master.

Point Magic. Point Magic, which can also be called - Symbolic Magic, is a method and means of influencing oneself, people and Nature entirely borrowed from the Adlan magical tradition through working with astral maps and mystery tablets, based on the Forces of the Universe, enclosed in a hieroglyphic system. It is directly related to the androgynous Tree of Sephiroth, which is why its effects are corresponding. The principle of its operation is such that when a certain combination of previously charged symbols is sequentially set with a consecrated magical Pointer, a contamination vibration arises, directed towards achieving the necessary change. This type of Magic is also valued because of the dynamism with which any such operation is carried out. Its development is impossible without open feelings.

IN Lately The topics of extrasensory perception, magic and witchcraft have become very popular among a wide range of people. What is magic and how does it differ from witchcraft, what are there types of magical effects, what responsibility lies with the people who do this.

We talk about all this in detail in this article.

Types of magical effects

Any use of internal power by a person, conscious or unconscious, is an influence. It becomes magical when a person consciously uses and directs his power. If he does this unconsciously, then the result will be unpredictable, as in Alla Pugacheva’s song about a half-educated wizard: he wanted a thunderstorm, but got a goat.

“A magician is someone who can make his life a fairy tale.”Arina Nikitina

Magic is conventionally divided into everyday, ritual and natural.

To household magic refers to everything that surrounds a person in everyday life: home decoration, clothing, fabrics, colors, decorations and accessories.

To ritual magic include all rites and rituals, fortune telling, predictions, runic practices, working with cards, baptism practices, healer methods of work, ritual dolls, using and weaving knots, working with a tambourine, candle magic.

Towards natural magic includes the magic of the elements, herbs, trees, guardian animals, stones.

Other types of magical influences and practices:
  • Visualization and materialization of images and feeding them with attention.
  • and setting intentions.
  • Use of symbols, logos, Ladins, patterns, tattoos.
  • . The use of prayers, glorifications, conspiracies, whispers and sentences.
  • Hypnosis, meditation, working with the subconscious, NLP practices.
  • Numerology, astrology, palmistry, fairy tale therapy, art therapy.

What is magic and witchcraft

So, a magician is someone who can achieve what he wants using his inner strength and additional tools.

Magic helps a person develop and realize the abilities bestowed by God for self-knowledge and improvement of the world around him.

And here a choice appears: use your own power for good - to become a magician or for evil - to become a sorcerer.

Power is not good or bad, positive or negative. Strength receives a charge when there is a direction and a clear vector. This vector gives strength to people.

When power is aimed at creation and good, then this is Magic.
When power is directed towards destruction, oppression and evil, this is witchcraft.

Witchcraft includes all practices that go beyond law of free will and influencing a person without his participation and desire.

The evil eye, damage, love spells, curses, the creation and use of linings and stealers - this all relates to witchcraft.

Attention. Both parties are equally responsible for what they have done: both the customer and the performer.

How and why witchcraft works

Once at a seminar, Arina Ivanovna Nikitina said that it is impossible to take on something that is not yours. Only that which corresponds to him and that which is in him sticks to a person. This statement fully applies to magical influences and describes the principle of witchcraft.

Any witchcraft ritual is the creation of a targeted charge - a hook, which is sent clearly to a specific person and always reaches the goal.

And here the most interesting thing begins: flying up to the target person, such a hook begins to look for in his own energy field weakness, finds, penetrates inside and clings to something suitable there.

Suitable for such a hook can be any human fear, self-rejection, heartache, coldness of heart, pain of loss, bad relationship with parents, grievances and claims to the world, as well as any complexes and psychological trauma. Each hook finds and chooses what suits it best.

Each witchcraft charge carries a certain destructive action program, and it is activated at the moment of penetration inside a person.

  • If the charge is sent, but when it approaches the person, it does not find any of the above weaknesses in it.
  • If a person is truthful to himself and the world, pure in body, soul and aspirations, strives for creation and does good, develops himself and restores the race and flow of the tribal power.
  • If he follows the path of realizing his destiny, he builds good relationships with himself, people and the world.

Then the hook, not finding anything to grab onto, flies back and returns to those who launched it.

Unconscious Witchcraft

There are also unconscious types of witchcraft, when a person does not even understand why he receives the evil eye, discontent, and even damage in response.

This happens when someone is too much actively interferes even from “good intentions” into the affairs and lives of other people, imposing ideas, thoughts and how to act correctly. These actions are also considered a violation of human free will and are equated to witchcraft.

A strong resentment, nurtured and carefully nourished by thoughts and feelings, turns into an energy spear and becomes a witchcraft technique - an evil eye aimed at destroying a person.

The evil eye becomes a person’s thoughts and words aimed at humiliating a person, belittling his merits and achievements. Envy, greed, stinginess and gossip also always lead to the evil eye or damage.

Also exist and are very common in modern world phenomena such as: self-evil eye and self-damage. This happens when a person constantly scolds himself, calls himself names and engages in other types of self-criticism and self-flagellation.

Methods of protection against magical influences

The most effective protection against any type of magical influence is internal purity. We remember that any witchcraft is a targeted charge that clings only to something suitable.

Therefore, the main task in this context is to remove from oneself, to clean out everything that such a charge can cling to. Then any witchcraft influence will fly by.

Although let's be honest, achieving a state of such internal purity is almost impossible. Too much pain, suffering and fears have been accumulated by people over the past millennia. Too much negative programs formed on their basis in genera that are passed on from generation to generation.

Therefore it is important strive for purity, while realistically assessing your strengths and condition. Holy people may exist among us, but it’s better not to classify yourself as one of them :)

One of the most effective methods cleansing from the influence is to find a clue inside yourself that the charge has grabbed onto, and removing it with the help of any.

This is deep work with the subconscious to find answers to the questions:

  1. Why did this happen to me? What is the reason?
  2. What stuck in me?
  3. Why is all this happening to me? - this is the most important question.
  4. What should/should I improve about myself?

Helpers and Protectors

Of course, there are people who help remove the consequences of witchcraft. They say that they remove damage, evil eyes, love spells - lapels, etc. Yes, this exists, but in modern realities it doesn’t work as well as before.

Attention. No one can solve his problem for a person. You can help, guide in some ways, make it easier in some ways, suggest, but you can’t do it 100% for a person.

For example: a person caught the evil eye, asked for help, the healer explained the reason for the evil eye sticking, removed the consequences and suggested what topic the person needs to work on so that it doesn’t stick anymore. And the man listened, but did not do anything.

From the point of view of the Universe, he did not correct the situation, did not work out the root cause, but only removed the consequences. Therefore history will definitely happen again. Only next time it will be more serious and complex than the previous one. And so on until a person removes from himself what such situations are attracted to, what they cling to in him.

There are assistants who help and support a person. These include various amulets, jewelry, stones, trees, and guardians. Everything related to natural, everyday and ritual magic.

What is the responsibility

Today, for some reason, it has become very popular to be called a witch, sorcerer, magician, healer and others like them. Only for some reason, by calling themselves this, people do not think that by doing so they attract corresponding events, people and consequences into their lives.

After all, if you call yourself healer, which means you yourself must be whole and healthy body, soul and spirit. This means you will always be tested and checked to ensure that you live up to your rank.

If you are magician, which means you really should be able to do everything related to magic. If you can’t, then they will test you so that you can study.

If you are witch, then be kind enough to learn knowledge and wisdom. If you don’t know, then you will attract appropriate situations that will test and teach wisdom and knowledge.

If you are witch, then be ready to answer for everything you have done according to merit and do not complain that there are many attackers and spiteful critics around. This is only a consequence of your choices and actions.

Remember: ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from consequences.

And there is one more side that I would like to voice. When a person works on the topic of magic or healing, or witchcraft, while helping people or at least pretending to do so, this means that people will always knock on his door for help day and night, write and call all possible resources, telephones, and emails. , and social networks, they ask for something, demand, ask, and so on all the time.

Think carefully before you take this path. Do you need it?

And one more important point.

When you work with a person, you take upon yourself double responsibility both for yourself and for his condition, which you are trying to correct. And this means that internally you need to be doubly, or maybe even triple, cleaner. This means there is much more work to do with oneself than common man. What is allowed to the average person is not forgiven to the magician. This is a different level of responsibility.

The more a person takes on himself, the more checks and tests he will have, and the faster they will happen in his life.

This rule applies not only to magicians, healers and sorcerers. In today’s reality, this rule applies to everyone who has set out on the path of development and not only studies spiritual, esoteric and psychological practices, but also passes them on to others.

In conclusion:

A magician is someone who can realize his plans for the benefit of himself and others. A magician is one who lives according to the laws of the universe and respects the free choice of another person, no matter what it is.

May the strength given to a person works for good and creation. Let there be more and more real magicians and magicians among us.

They have been close to people since time immemorial. Fire is the most powerful conductor of energy, which is why it view of magic light is so effective. The candle flame reacts very strongly to the energy of the person himself, to his... flows on the person, “heal” holes in the mental field. Depending on the color of the candles, different kinds energy. Magic light - sun B of magic Solar energy can also be used for light. Judge for yourself, many Slavic amulets are stylized images of the sun. ...


Magic object and fetish. It is permissible, however, to ask the question whether magic without objects there is the oldest view of magic. In a verbal conspiracy, a spell often appears magic"without objects." But is it really true that the most ancient witchcraft ritual did not have a material... perhaps human action without the object of this action. Proponents of the theory of magic see subject, see acting person, but refuse see the object of this action. Primitive appears in the works of this school...


All the variety of trees. Likewise, the information provided is very general and limited. Real training for this mind of magic takes time. TERN Magic tree of the Lesser People. Actually, the Little People consider three trees to be theirs: the thorn... having achieved liberation. In this regard, grapes are similar to blackberries and where in the wild form does not grow, it is replaced by it both in mythology and in ritual. Often used in of magic combined with ivy. RESED Or reed (not to be confused with cattail, often called...


... ", and we choose who likes what best. I would like to note that there are many species of magic, they are related to and; MAGIC BY SPACE. The closest thing in this regard is spatial magic"Arcana" (Tarot cards). This is absolute magic spaces that have existed for hundreds and thousands of years. MAGIC BY EGREGORS. In order to do something “according to egregors”, you must first learn...


“A knot will be tied, a knot will be untied...” - these lines from a once popular song accurately reflect the essence of one very ancient kind of magic- nauzov. With the help of correctly tied knots it was possible to improve health, to bewitch love, to strengthen friendship, and to punish an enemy. The power of the woven threads is simply amazing. [...


Count on help from above and on your own own strength. 2. Have in mind that no ritual works unless you help it work. This applies to any of magic, not just monetary. For example, if you wish to receive one hundred thousand and... this sector contains pictures of the countries you dream of visiting. If there are a lot of them, it’s okay, dreaming is useful. It happened, the person did not have the opportunity to travel, but it was worth sticking the necessary pictures in the travel sector, as opportunities after some...


First, let's stop clinging to words. Well, " magic", So what? Just a branch of science, or view art, or both. Accordingly, a person who does this professionally can be called magician. You are not confused by such concepts as... without faith, as you know, there are no miracles It happens. Faith - driving force of magic, especially religious faith. At first glance, this statement seems absurd - after all, religious tradition, as a rule, either denies magic, or declares it to be the work of the unclean and...


With the same question. He is already addressing other questions. But this path, although difficult, leads to an inner feeling of happiness. Magic in pure form- No. Yes, there is a real magical effect. Rarely, but It happens. Each case is interesting and unique. Everything can be removed and cleaned up normally. But even here you need to work with the reason why a person was attracted...