Wishes for starting a new business. Other ways to wish good luck

When someone you love is going through a difficult time or facing a problem, you may have a natural urge to support them and wish them luck. If you are not satisfied with the usual "Good luck to you", then we have many other options for this. All cultures have different ways expressions of such wishes, ranging from words and symbols to spells, amulets and facial expressions. All these methods are aimed at helping you find the right path and expressing the best and most sincere wishes for a favorable outcome.


Words of encouragement

    It's simple - say "Good luck." This phrase is one of the best and most simple ways wish someone good luck. A simple and heartfelt phrase that you can never go wrong with.

    Use a different phrase. If you're dealing with someone who doesn't like the phrase "Good luck" or just want a more heartfelt phrase, there are plenty of options for saying the same thing in other words. Choose one of the ones we offer, depending on the current situation.

    Express your feelings in another language. Russian is not the only language in which you can wish “Good Luck”. Another way to be extraordinary is to wish good luck in another language. This method is especially good if the other person speaks this language or is close to this culture.

    • In Spanish, you can wish someone good luck using the phrase “¡Buena suerte!” In German there are two phrases "Viel Glück!" and “Alles Gute!” The phrase "Bonne chance!" relevant in France.
    • IN Italian try the phrase "Buona fortuna!" or “n bocca al lupo!”
    • The phrase "Jūk néih hóuwahn" (祝你好運) is used in Cantonese Chinese, while the words "Gokoūn o inorimasu" (ご幸運を祈ります) are pronounced in Japan. The phrase “Ganbatte ne” (頑張ってね) is used for informal wishes.
    • Wish a person good luck in Greek by saying “kalí tíhi” (Καλή τύχη). “İyi şanslar”, and “Bol şans!” means "good luck" in Turkish.
    • Saubhāgya" means "good luck" in Hindi. And in Arabic it will sound like “Bi’t-tawfiq!”

Using amulets, offerings and good luck spells

  1. Choose a natural amulet. Most of Good luck amulets are taken from nature. Give a real amulet or look for a visually similar one if you haven’t found the original.

    Select a symbol from the animal kingdom. There are several animals that bring good luck. Try using one of them to express your wishes to the person. In addition, certain body parts of various animals are also considered a symbol of good luck.

    Make an amulet. Not every amulet should be exclusively natural origin. Some amulets are made by human hands. Most of these amulets will be much easier for you to part with than if you wanted to give a rare natural one, so keep this in mind when you want to express your wishes for good luck.

    Consider religious symbols. Some religions have symbols that bring good luck. These characters can have much higher value, rather than amulets, but they can also be used to express your wishes. If the object of the good luck wish is a religious person, then such a symbol can be an excellent gift option.

    Cast a spell for good luck. In some religious traditions, certain spells are believed to bring good luck. For example, there are a number of relevant magic spells in Wiccan, based on ancient European pagan beliefs. If you like the idea and the person the spell is intended for will understand it, you can try one of these.

    • For a Wiccan spell you will need oil and a black candle. Place a drop of oil on the tip of the candle and move it up and down in your hands, while visualizing the person, wishing him good luck and whispering: “Black candle, bring prosperity and joy to this person.”
    • One more spell needs to be cast before going to bed. With the help of a candle, ballpoint pen and paper, write a wish, and then put the piece of paper under the candle. Get all thoughts out of your head. Light a candle and focus on what you wish for the person, visualizing them as you do so.
  2. Give food. There are a number of foods that bring good luck. Give the person one of these foods as a wish for good luck, or prepare a dish using it.

Method 3: Verbal wishes Talismans Creative ways to express wishes

When someone you're close to faces a challenge or problem, it's natural that you want to wish him or her good luck. If just a verbal wish is not enough for you, you can express your desires using different words or a symbol of good luck.


Method 1 of 3: Verbal wishes

Method 2 of 3: Talismans

  1. 1 Look for symbols in nature. Most talismans and symbols are borrowed from various objects that can be found in nature. Whenever possible, use the actual object itself, or look for a visual representation of it when the actual talisman cannot be used.
    • Four-leaf clovers are less common than their three-leaf relatives and are therefore considered to bring good luck. The first leaf symbolizes “faith,” the second symbolizes “hope,” the third symbolizes “love,” and the fourth symbolizes “luck.”
    • Acorns represent luck, youth, prosperity and spiritual growth. Once upon a time, the Norwegians placed acorns on the windowsill to protect the house from lightning.
    • Rainbows are believed to bring good luck due to the idea that there is a pot of gold at the end of each one.
    • Amber signifies balance and is believed to protect people from evil influences.
    • Stars are often used as a symbol of good luck because many cultures believed that human destinies could be predicted and controlled by the stars. Especially lucky ones are shooting stars.
    • Small bamboo plants known as "lucky bamboo" are often kept for longevity and strength. Bamboo grows quickly and is full vitality, which is why it has become a symbol of strength in Chinese culture.

  2. 2 Find out which animals are associated with good luck. There are several animals that are associated with the concept of luck or various manifestations of it. In addition, there are certain parts of different animals that are also considered lucky.
    • Horseshoes are hung in the house to protect household and bring good luck inside. They were originally made by blacksmiths, which was once considered a happy craft.
    • Another popular choice is the lucky rabbit's foot. Rabbits were supposed to bring good luck because they were associated with spring, the season of new life. Because their hind legs touch the ground before their front legs, they are considered especially lucky.
    • A forked bone from a turkey or chicken is believed to grant a wish when it is broken in half. The one who gets the larger half can make a wish.
    • The goldfish is a symbol of prosperity, wealth, wisdom, power, longevity and peace. It is also one of the eight symbols of the Buddha, and thus symbolizes fertility and harmony.
    • Dolphins are symbols of good luck and protection. This belief has its roots in the beliefs of ancient soldiers who noticed dolphins swimming around their ships as they approached land.
    • Tigers are seen as a symbol of good luck in Chinese astrology, they protect against theft and fire.
    • Ladybugs are considered lucky, especially when they land on someone.
    • "Maneki-neko", or "beckoning cat" is a special cat figurine in Japan that attracts good luck and wealth.

  3. 3 Rely on man-made sources of luck. Not every talisman has to come from the natural world. Man is also capable of creating talismans. Many of them are easier to give than natural talismans.
    • Coins are often considered lucky in many cultures, but the specific coin that brings good luck may vary. For example, in the United States, pennies bring good luck, especially if you find them face up.
    • The three keys on the bunch symbolize the keys to health, wealth and love.

  4. 4 Think through the lens of religion. Some religions have symbols associated with luck. While these symbols are usually more meaningful than talismans, they are often used to express certain feelings associated with good wishes. If you or the person you wish good luck to is associated with one of the religions, a religious symbol of good luck may come in handy.
    • The dream catcher (amulet) was invented by the North American Indians. According to their beliefs, such amulets should protect a sleeping person from evil spirits.
    • "Laughing Buddha", Pu-Tai, in Chinese culture symbolizes happiness, health, abundance and satisfaction.
    • While the cross serves as a symbol of faith in Christianity, it can also represent protection. Likewise, Catholics use medals, statues and similar objects that are visual representations of certain saints to express a fervent desire for protection and patronage in certain areas of life (usually those related to that saint's area of ​​patronage).

  5. 5 Give some food. There are even some types of food that can be used to express the most best wishes. Give it to the person you're talking about we're talking about, one of these foods, or prepare a meal using one or more of these foods:
    • Classic long spaghetti in various Asian countries is eaten to provide for long life, but you can't cut them before you put them in your mouth.
    • Green beans are popular in the southern United States.
    • Cabbage attracts good luck, especially of a monetary nature, because greens are associated with paper money. This is especially true in Germany, Ireland and parts of the United States.
    • Lentils look like coins, so in some areas of Italy they are eaten to attract wealth.
    • Pomegranate is often associated with abundance and fertility in Mediterranean countries like Türkiye.
    • In some parts of North America, Asia and Europe, fish are believed to bring good luck because the fish "swims forward" towards new goals. They also swim in large schools, so they represent abundance.

Method 3 of 3: Creative ways to express wishes

Use a different phrase. If you're dealing with someone who doesn't like the phrase "Good luck" or just want a more heartfelt phrase, there are plenty of options for saying the same thing in other words. Choose one of the ones we offer, depending on the current situation. “Phrases like “All the best” or “Hope for the best” can also be great options. The crossed fingers gesture can be interpreted as a wish for good luck, so you can express your feelings by saying, “I'm keeping my fingers crossed.” Some actors think bad omen good luck before the performance. Therefore, in this situation, they traditionally wish “No feather, no feather,” or “Break a leg,” which in theatrical jargon means bowing to the audience, although this is a rather outdated option. The phrase "May the force be with you" is not entirely appropriate, but people often borrow it from the movie " Star Wars" to wish someone good luck. Other options sound like: “Tear them up”, “You can handle it”, “Raze them into powder”

Express your feelings in another language. Russian is not the only language in which you can wish “Good Luck”. Another way to be extraordinary is to wish good luck in another language. This method is especially good if the other person speaks this language or is close to this culture. In Spanish, you can wish someone good luck using the phrase “¡Buena suerte!” In German there are two phrases "Viel Glück!" and “Alles Gute!” The phrase "Bonne chance!" relevant in France. In Italian, try the phrase "Buona fortuna!" or “n bocca al lupo!” The phrase "Jūk néih hóuwahn" (祝你好運) is used in Cantonese Chinese, while the words "Gokoūn o inorimasu" (ご幸運を祈ります) are pronounced in Japanese. The phrase “Ganbatte ne” (頑張ってね) is used for informal wishes. Wish a person good luck in Greek by saying “kalí tíhi” (Καλή τύχη). “İyi şanslar”, and “Bol şans!” means "good luck" in Turkish. Saubhāgya" means "good luck" in Hindi. And in Arabic it will sound like "Bi't-tawfiq!"

Select a symbol from the animal kingdom. There are several animals that bring good luck. Try using one of them to express your wishes to the person. In addition, certain body parts of various animals are also considered a symbol of good luck. The rabbit's foot is considered a symbol of good luck. Rabbits are perceived as good luck animals, as they are associated with spring and the beginning of a new life. Since the hind legs touch the ground, this part of the body is believed to bring good luck. Some people believe that breaking a turkey or chicken bone in half brings good luck. A person who has received the great honor of breaking a bone can make a wish, but not tell anyone about it! The wish will not come true if anyone finds out about it. The goldfish is considered a symbol of prosperity, wealth, wisdom, strength, longevity and peace. It is also one of the eight symbols of Buddha and symbolizes fertility and harmony. Dolphins are a symbol of good luck and protection. This comes from centuries-old beliefs of sailors who identified dolphins seen in the sea with the proximity of land. "Maneki-neko" or "Beckoning Cat" is a special Japanese cat figurine that brings good luck and wealth.

Choose a natural amulet. Most good luck amulets come from nature. Give a real amulet or look for a visually similar one if you haven’t found the original. Four-leaf clovers are rarer than their three-leaf counterparts, so they are believed to bring good luck. The first leaf symbolizes “faith,” the second “hope,” the third “love,” and the fourth “luck.” Acorns symbolize luck, youth, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Norwegians place acorns on their windowsills to protect their homes from lightning. Rainbows are believed to bring good luck. In some cultures, the rainbow is considered a bridge used by spirits. According to Judeo-Christian tradition, God created the rainbow as a promise to never again destroy the world with a flood. Some people believe that amber is petrified tree sap that brings good luck, balances emotions and relieves fear. Stars symbolize good luck, as people of many ancient cultures believed in the ability to predict and control their fate with their help. Shooting stars are perceived as special luck. Small bamboo plants, known as "lucky bamboo", are often purchased for longevity and strength. Bamboo is a strong and fast-growing plant, which is why it is a symbol of strength in Chinese culture.

Make an amulet. Not every amulet must be of exclusively natural origin. Some amulets are made by human hands. Most of these amulets will be much easier for you to part with than if you wanted to give a rare natural one, so keep this in mind when you want to express your wishes for good luck. For example, a horseshoe was often hung in the house to protect the family and bring good luck to the house. Initially, they were made by blacksmiths, who were called merchants of happiness. In many cultures, coins are considered good luck charms. These may be different coins in different countries. For example, in the USA, such a coin is considered a “lucky penny,” especially one found with tails facing up. In Great Britain it was a six pence coin. Three keys on one bunch symbolize health, wealth and love.

Cast a spell for good luck. In some religious traditions, certain spells are believed to bring good luck. For example, there are a number of corresponding magical spells in Wiccan that draw on ancient European pagan beliefs. If you like the idea and the person the spell is intended for will understand it, you can try one of these. For a Wiccan spell you will need oil and a black candle. Place a drop of oil on the tip of the candle and move it up and down in your hands, while visualizing the person, wishing him good luck and whispering: “Black candle, bring prosperity and joy to this person.” One more spell needs to be cast before going to bed. Using a candle, a ballpoint pen and paper, write your wish, and then place the piece of paper under the candle. Get all thoughts out of your head. Light a candle and focus on what you wish for the person, visualizing them as you do so.

Give food. There are a number of foods that bring good luck. Give the person one of these foods as a wish for good luck, or prepare a dish using it. Long pasta is used in the cuisines of various Asian countries as a product of longevity, but under no circumstances should the pasta be chewed, it should be swallowed whole. Black-eyed peas are consumed in the southern part of the United States, where, according to tradition, they must be eaten at New Year's Eve to attract good luck. Cabbage is associated with luck, especially in terms of money, as its leaves resemble green, paper bills. This is what they think in Germany, Ireland and the USA. Lentils look like coins and therefore in some regions of Italy they are eaten for good luck. Pomegranates are considered a symbol of fertility in Mediterranean countries such as Türkiye. Fish is considered to bring good luck in North America, Asia and Europe, because with her you are sailing forward to new goals. Fish are also a symbol of abundance, as they swim in large schools.

Send a postcard. Using a postcard, you can wish good luck to a person in one of the simplest ways. Usually Greeting Cards Good luck cards already contain text, but you can fill the blank card with personal wishes. Make the card more sincere by expressing your sincere wishes in detail or by writing “good luck” in another language. If you don't think words are enough, attach a charm, such as a coin or clover leaf, to the card.

Consider religious symbols. Some religions have symbols that bring good luck. These symbols can have much more meaning than amulets, but they can also be used to express your wishes. If the object of the good luck wish is a religious person, then such a symbol can be an excellent gift option. For example, a dream catcher is used in Native American spiritual beliefs to protect you from evil while you sleep. The Laughing Buddha figurine or Pu-Tai is used in Chinese culture and symbolizes happiness, health and prosperity. The cross serves as a symbol of faith for Christians, but in ancient times it was a symbol of good luck and protection. Some Christians today also use medallions, figurines, and similar images of saints to express their sincere hopes of receiving protection or guidance in a particular matter. life situation(usually under the patronage of one of the saints). Remember that you should be careful when giving a religious symbol to anyone. People are usually very strong in their faith and may be offended if they misinterpret your gift. For example, a Christian will gladly accept the cross with the words “God bless you.” But he may be offended by the cross he received from you “for good luck.”

Give a bracelet with amulets or a pendant. Jewelry houses use a lot of lucky symbols in their jewelry. You can give one charm for a bracelet or a bracelet with many charms. A stone corresponding to your date of birth or zodiac sign can also become a good amulet. People who wear jewelry can be given a keychain with a symbol of good luck.

Beware of bad luck. Some gestures can ward off bad luck. This is called "evasion action" and many people consider it very effective way find luck. Research shows that such actions actually bring peace of mind to people. One of these actions can be considered “knocking on wood.” To knock on a wooden object means to avoid the “temptations of fate,” that is, to get rid of possible misfortune and achieve the expected result. The sign of throwing salt over the left shoulder is associated with lies and betrayal. This is supposed to make the devil behind you “blind.” Crossing your fingers is another way to guard against “unwanted” results.

Give a box or jar of “good luck.” Some people fill a jar or box with herbs, spices or amulets to attract good luck. Fill a jar with inexpensive ingredients and give it to the person you want to show support for. In essence, you will be putting together a “good luck package” for him. The package may include a number of identical amulets or completely different ones. For example, you could put some sparkly pennies in a jar as a wish for good luck. You can also put a lucky bamboo shoot, three skeleton rings on one key ring, a plush toy dolphin, some stars, coins, acorns or other symbols in a small box. Herbs such as chamomile, clover, dandelion, mistletoe, rose hips, mint, sandalwood, anise and thyme are perfect for such a jar. If you don't like the idea of ​​herbs or trinkets, you can write wishes on pieces of paper and place them in a jar. Give this jar to someone in need of luck. Advise him to open the jar and take out one of the wishes as soon as he needs a little self-confidence. You can also come up with your own wishes for each leaf. There are a huge number of options.

Use foods that are a symbol of good luck. As a cute and unique way to wish good luck, you can give a product that uses the word “luck” in the name. One of the simplest and most inexpensive examples is Lucky Charms breakfast cereal.