A healthy man takes advantage of a cute tranny. Without gender: why men become women. Danish girl

Changing your gender does not mean changing into clothes of a different style. This is very serious question, To psychological aspect which we will not approach today. We just invite you to look at the TOP 10 transsexual men who changed their gender and became happy, famous and rich.

1. Balian Bushbaum.

Balian Buschbaum was born in 1980 as Yvonne Buschbaum. As a woman, he competed in the pole vault and finished second in Germany. Despite this, in 2007 he refused to continue his career due to injury. At the same time, he decided to change his gender. In 2008, Yvonne officially became Balian.

2. Buck Angel.

The director of adult films, transsexual Buck Angel, is a significant figure in the community of gay people. In 2007, he won the Adult Video News Award in the category "Transsexual TV Presenter of the Year." In addition to his performance activities, he is also a lawyer, teacher and writer.

3. Lauren Cameron.

Lauren is an American activist photographer, author, and transgender person. His work includes creating portraits and self-portraits of lesbian and transgender bodies. Lauren also documented the process of her body transitioning from female to male.

4. Ian Harvey.

American Ian Harvey is a comedian and often uses this for his performances. His show featured many gay celebrities, led by Margaret Cho.

5. Lucas Silveira.

Born in Canada in 1979 under the name Lilia Silveira. Lucas Silveira made history as the first openly transgender person. Lucas is a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of one of the rock bands.

6. Katastrophe.

Rocco Kaiatos, also known as Katastrophe, is an American hip-hop rapper and producer. He also became the first transgender artist in the hip-hop genre.

7. Thomas Beaty.

Thomas Beaty became famous all over the world thanks to his "pregnancy". Beaty lived as a woman for almost 25 years, only after which he began taking male hormones. On surgery he did not want to agree, because he himself wanted to become a mother, like his wife. On at the moment Biti has 3 children.

8. Ryan Sullans.

Ryan was born Kimberly Ann Salans. He currently works for Transgender America as an advocate. He went through the transformation from a woman to a man in 2005 and since then has managed to star in the program “Larry King Live!”, as well as in numerous magazines as a model.

9. Andreas Krieger.

Andreas Krieger, while still a woman, competed in track and field competitions on the East German team as a shot thrower. More from early years he was fed anabolic steroids without his knowledge, which caused his appearance to become increasingly masculine. In 1990, Krieger retired from the sport and in 1997 participated in gender reassignment surgery.

10. Chaz Bono.

Chaz Bono, known as Chastity Bono as a child, is the daughter of famous American singers Sonny and Cher. At the age of 25, Chastity publicly admitted her lesbian inclinations, and a couple of years later she underwent a series of operations and now enjoys simple family happiness.

Caitlyn Jenner

Former Olympic athlete, reality TV star and stepfather famous Kim Kardashian, after going public and undergoing gender reassignment surgery, transitioned from Bruce to Caitlyn in 2015.

Laverne Cox

Laverne became famous thanks to her filming in the popular American series “Orange is the New Black”, in which she played the role of Sofia Barset. Laverne became the first transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award.

Janet Mock

The former People magazine staffer transitioned at age 18 and publicly came out as a woman to Marie Claire magazine in 2011. She has since become a spokesperson for trans rights with her memoir series, Redefining Realness, published in the New York Times.

Andrey Pejic

Andrey gained popularity as a male supermodel, who could show off both masculine and women's clothing. In 2014, he changed his gender and stated that from now on he wants to be perceived as a woman.

Caroline Kosay

British actress and model who auditioned for the role of a Bond girl in the twelfth 007 film, For Your Eyes Only, and was a Playboy magazine model in 1980.

Jenna Talakova

Canadian model who made headlines in all the famous publications and broke all barriers. In 2012, she competed for legal eligibility to compete in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. Well, at least she won the title of Miss Congeniality.

Alexis Arquette

Born in the famous acting family Arquette goes by the name Robert. Alexis has played supporting roles in several films, and her transition from male to female was chronicled in the 2007 film Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother.

Isis King

Isis starred in seasons 11 and 17 of the reality show America's Next Top Model. She was the first transgender woman to compete on the show, and has become one of the most visible transgender people on television.

Chaz Bono

The only child of Sonny and Cher (yes, that same Cher). Chaz (born Chastity) documented his transition from female to male in the 2011 film Becoming Chaz.

Sylvia Rivera

An American drag queen, gay activist and transgender rights activist, Rivera was one of the founders of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance. Sylvia has been active in helping transgender people in need, including homeless drag queens and black transgender people.

Christine Jorgenson

Born George William Jr., Jorgenson fought in the US Army during World War II, and underwent a series of gender reassignment surgeries in Denmark after her service.

Candy Darling

Candy was born a boy named James Lawrence Slattery. Candy Darling was an American transsexual actress who starred in the films Flesh (1968) and Baby Riot (1971), produced by Andy Warhol, and was also a muse for the rock band The Velvet Underground.

Carmen Carrera

A reality TV star, model and burlesque actress with stunning curves that any woman would envy.

Ian Harvey

Born with the name Janet, Harvey is a transgender comedian who changed his gender at 32. Harvey became famous for his work with Margaret Cho, with whom he toured and played main role as a regular member of her off-Broadway comedy revue.

Lana Wachowski

He is one of the most successful film producers in the world (one half of the duo formerly known as the Wachowski brothers). She helped create the wildly successful Matrix franchise, as well as dozens of others. famous films, including “V for Vendetta” and “Cloud Atlas.”

Lea T

Born a boy with the name Leandro, in 2014 Lea was elected face famous brand Redken, which produces professional hair cosmetics. This made her the first transgender model to be the face of an international cosmetics brand.

Raffi Friedman-Gurspan

Is the first transgender person to be hired at White House. Raffi was appointed by Barack Obama in 2015 to serve as outreach responsibilities and help recruit directors.

Nadia Almada

Born Jorge Leodoro, Almada is a British reality TV star who became the first transsexual to win the fifth season of Big Brother in 2004.


Born with the name Jacques Charles Dufresnoy, she took the stage name Coccinelle (" ladybug" translated from French) before entering show business. In 1953, she became famous as a transsexual dancer performing at the art cafe Chez Madame Arthur. She was the first public advocate for sexual rights in Europe, where she was a national celebrity and famous club singer.

Balian Bushbaum

Yvonne Buschbaum was once an Olympic athlete from Germany specializing in pole vaulting. In 2007, Yvonne announced her departure from big sport and began preparations for a sex change in order to subsequently become a man named Balian. Balian took part in the German version of Dancing with the Stars.

Loisa Lamers

Besides its irresistible appearance Loiza is the first transsexual to win Holland's Next Top Model in 2015. The main prize of the show was a contract with the Touche Models modeling agency for 50 thousand euros.

Today is the birthday of Lana Wachowski, director of The Matrix. Lana was born a man named Lawrence. In 2006, Larry changed his gender. Transsexuality is a condition when a person feels like a member of the opposite sex. Living in the “wrong body” is so difficult that transsexuals often become depressed. Suicides are not uncommon among them. Statistics show that after sex reassignment surgery psychological problems retreat, the person begins to live a normal life.

Chaz Bono

He was born a girl named Chastity San Bono. Now he is an actor, writer, musician and famous human rights activist, who owns the saying: “Gender is something in the head, not between the legs.” The first and only child in star family Cher and Sonny Bono. Chastity has stated since childhood that she feels like a boy. But she decided to change her sex only when she was 40 years old. The operation was carried out in 2010.

Now Chaz has a girlfriend named Jennifer Elias. In one of latest interviews he admitted that he was happy.

Brandon Tina

Real name: Tina Brandon. Transsexual girl whose tragic story formed the basis for the film “Boys Don’t Cry” and several other works.

Tina did not undergo gender reassignment surgery and did not take hormonal drugs: she simply forged a passport, becoming Brandon Tina, and moved to a small town where no one could suspect that she was a woman. Found a job, made friends. When the deception was discovered, her former comrades first raped and then killed her. This murder attracted public attention to the problems of sexual minorities.

Jenna Talachkova

Model and TV presenter from Canada, who almost reached the finals of the Miss Universe 2012 competition. She easily passed several qualifying rounds, and then the panel of judges learned her secret: until the age of 14, Jenna was a boy, underwent a course of hormonal therapy, and at the age of 19, the surgeon’s knife “removed the unnecessary and added the necessary.” As a result, she was disqualified with a scandal. Considering that this was unfair, Jenna hired lawyers, but the case did not go to trial. Donald Trump, one of the organizers of the competition, went to peace.

In the end, the girl took part in the Miss Universe pageant, was among the top 12, and received the title of Miss Congeniality.

Caroline Cossi

British actress and model-transsexual “with experience”. She starred in a cameo role in one of the James Bond films (“For Your Eyes Only”), and repeatedly posed for men's magazines, including Playboy. After my gender change, I was married several times. The work of her whole life is the autobiography “I am a Woman,” where Carolina openly told why she decided to change her sex and how she earned money for operations by performing in a strip club.

Andreas Krieger

The most famous “victim of male hormones.” Heidi Krieger was a member of the East German national team athletics and did not plan to become a man. Nose adolescence according to the direct instructions of the trainer, she took male hormones and anabolic steroid to show good results in sports. Her greatest achievement is gold medal at the European Championships in 1986. After completion sports career Heidi noticed that she was rapidly developing transsexuality.

She eventually had sex reassignment surgery. Now Andreas is married and has a daughter. Founded the Heidi Krieger Award, which is awarded to those who fight against doping in sports.

Thomas Beaty

This American became famous throughout the world for the fact that, being a man according to his passport, he managed to bear three children! In fact, Thomas is a former Hawaiian girl named Tracy Lagondino. Judging by the fact that she once managed to win one of the places at a local beauty contest, the girl was very pretty. But at the age of 24, having met his future wife (by the way, a bodybuilder), Thomas decided to transform and began taking male hormones, and a little later he switched to gender reassignment operations. Then it turned out that his other half could not get pregnant. Thomas gave up hormones for a while and... was able to get pregnant on his own.

Dana International

Israeli pop singer who managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest with her song Diva. Changed gender at the age of 21. Now she is one of the most recognizable transsexuals on the planet.

Jenny Hiloudaki

Greek top model, writer. Her transformation is considered one of the most successful. Already at the age of 13, young John Hiloudaki began taking female hormones, and at the age of 20 he underwent last operation for gender adjustment.

After which Jenny began working as a model and quickly gained fame. In this she was helped not only by her chic forms, but also by scandals: she met with a married local prosecutor. Having learned that Jenny used to be a man, the prosecutor returned to the family. She wrote the book “Angels Have No Gender.”

Lana Wachowski

One of the creators of the cult trilogy "The Matrix". However, when she and her brother Andy directed the film, Lana was still Larry. Since childhood, Larry, according to him, could not decide on his gender, which almost led him to suicide and caused difficult periods depression. Larry started taking hormonal agents In preparation for the operation, at the beginning of the 2000s, the preparation lasted about 5 years. Lana was supported by the whole family - from his brother and sisters to his own wife. Lana first appeared as a woman on general public, presenting new movie"Cloud Atlas". For her courage to publicly talk about the reasons that prompted her gender change, she received the Human Rights Campaign's Visibility Award.

Before you start frantically clicking under the cut in order to quickly see photos of trannies, I still advise you to also read the text, because if you are going to New Year holidays(or on vacation, or supposedly on a business trip) to relax your soul and body in Southeast Asia (yes, yes, they are not only in Thailand) and you don’t want to run into your stupid head and another place on a guy in a skirt, then you can handle several offers all- you could (unless, of course, you are a thrill-seeker in the truest sense of the word). Girls, I think you will also be interested in reading and laughing as it happens with peasants)

Before writing the main post about trans people, I asked my friends one question, which was to determine who is a girl in a photo and who is trans. This question was asked in a joking manner, because the answer suggested itself. But I had no idea that this would be difficult for many people.

Yes, it’s clear that many were guided by what they heard that supposedly a trans girl is always more beautiful than an ordinary Thai girl, but at the same time, if there was a photo of only one trans girl, without comparison, in a completely left-handed post (without a hint of who is in front of them) , then many would not even think that this is a trance. Since in the photo you can see that the trans is really very well made to look like a real girl, because if they change their appearance so well, then, without a doubt, they also perform a sex change operation. In the photo, by the way, it is not a transfest, but a transsexual, that is, a completely converted man into a woman (the main criterion is without a male genital organ).

Well, how do you like that?)
But let’s not make loud statements and conclusions. Those men who go to Thailand to pick up cheap girls of easy virtue are unlikely to encounter such high-quality trans, if only because it will cost them dearly financially. "Girls" love being paid well. But accidentally attacking ordinary trannies (most likely, they will be transfestites, that is, with a male genital organ) is a piece of cake.

So here are a few external differences that will save you from unwanted close contact:

1. Height. Just like ordinary Asian girls short, then you should be embarrassed if the girl turns out to be too tall. This, of course, is not the main sign, but nonetheless.

3. Throat. Yes, this still remains an important factor, because not all trans people have had surgery to “clean up” their Adam’s apple.

4. Chest. Well, here, of course, all trannies have breasts inflated with silicone. Basically, it looks unnatural.

6. Figure. There really are failures here, so it’s not always possible to identify a trans person by their figure.

7. Makeup. Always. Mostly bright.

8. Communication style. Trans people can behave really provocatively. Laugh loudly, talk loudly, thereby attracting your attention. Ordinary Asian girls behave more modestly.

8. And yes, the most important- the more you drink, the more chances you have of running into a ladyboy. Therefore, if you drink so much that in the morning you don’t remember your name, then, sorry, friend, you have every chance of snatching a “chick”.

Since the post turned out to be so long, some thoughts will have to be left for later...

What are your thoughts, friends?) What do you think?
