The meaning of the name Ekaterina for a girl born in spring. The meaning of the name Ekaterina, character and fate

Short form named after Ekaterina. Katya, Katyukha, Katyusha, Katena, Katyunya, Katyura, Katyusha, Katyulya, Katyakha, Katyasha, Rina, Ekaterinka, Katerinka, Kate, Kat, Katie.
Synonyms for the name Ekaterina. Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina, Catalina, Catalino, Katalin, Katel, Trine, Kaisa, Katlin, Kyatlin, Ketevan, Catalia, Karen.
Origin of the name Ekaterina. The name Ekaterina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Ekaterina came into Russian from Greek language, means “pure, immaculate.” In many Western European languages, there are two parallel phonetic versions of the name: Katerina (Catherine, Katarina) and Catalina (Katlin, Katlin, Caitlin - Catlin, Caitlin).

Currently, a variant of the name Ekaterina has appeared - Catalia, which is gaining popularity and can be considered both an independent name and an affectionate address to the owners of the names Ekaterina, Catalina, Katerina and their variations. The name Ketevan became an analogue of the name Catherine in Georgia. In the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, it entered the top ten most popular names (derived from Katherine), and in 1965 it became one of the most popular names among American girls.

Christians especially reverence the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, who is considered the patroness of brides. And among Catholics she is revered as the heavenly patroness of children and women, schoolchildren and students, and she is also the patroness of such professions as teacher, librarian, philosopher, lawyer, spinner, cutler and grinder. Catherine of Alexandria also patronizes the cities of Yekaterinburg, Dnepropetrovsk (formerly Ekaterinoslav), Krasnodar (formerly Ekaterinodar), Aalsum (Holland) and the University of Paris.

What makes Catherine very different from other women is her high level intelligence. In her actions, a girl may be overly impulsive and proud. She has a hard time recognizing the superiority of other people. This happens because internally the girl is constantly looking for flaws in herself and suffers from an imaginary inferiority.

Ekaterina is a real dreamer. Having a rich imagination, she easily makes friends and admirers. The girl expects, first of all, reliability from close people and considers them as support.

IN school years Katya tries to be first in class, carefully selects her social circle, limiting it only to everyone's favorites. She is talented and generous, so she succeeds in many things. And if something doesn’t work out, then Katya can only blame her for her disdain for the help of others.

Catherine perceives any events in her life calmly. She is always reserved and prudent. Among those around her, she is known as a well-mannered, kind and tactful girl, not devoid of taste and majesty. Katya makes you feel her intelligence from the first minutes of communication. Although Katya cannot be called touchy, she is very subjective and often takes what is said upon herself. She lacks spiritual subtlety and flexibility, and her character can rather be called difficult.

However, Catherine’s life is always interesting and eventful. By temperament, the girl is choleric. She easily loses her temper, and sometimes it seems that she has excessive demands. The girl is completely devoid of intuition and acts based on her mind. Katya is 100% confident in her mental abilities. The actions of a girl named Catherine largely depend on the circumstances. Solid moral principles the girl doesn't. Outwardly, Katya often remains indifferent.

Katerina selects her life partner very carefully and spends a lot of time searching for him. The girl is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. However, for a long time she cannot choose from the mass of admirers who is worthy of becoming her husband. In a relationship, the girl is sensitive and excitable, but dissatisfaction can result in anger and irritability. One should not expect a violent manifestation of feelings from Katya, but, nevertheless, she becomes a good housewife and wife. It is not difficult for her to decide everyday problems, although more difficult tasks may cause her to become confused.

Catherine has no attachments that could lay claim to the meaning of her life. She loves to attend concerts, go to the cinema, have fun, but does not devote herself entirely to it. Work also does not become her goal. As a worker, Katya is quite active, but she lacks self-control. She also has no preferences among professions. Most often, Catherine becomes an advertiser or journalist. It is even possible that the girl will achieve noticeable success in this field.

Sound. Ekaterina is a rather long name, consisting of five syllables. Majesty is its most noticeable characteristic. The strength (91%), beauty (90%) and mystery (83%) of the sound of the name are also often noted. Sometimes a certain femininity is also discerned in it (74%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Victoria, Valeria and Elizaveta.

Catherine's name day

Famous people with the name Ekaterina

  • Catherine II the Great ((1729 - 1796) birth name - Sofia Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg otherwise Sofia Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst, name at the Russian court - Ekaterina Alekseevna; Empress of All Russia (1762-1796). Made an impressive contribution in the development and strengthening Russian Empire. Reformer.)
  • Ekaterina Dashkova ((1743/1744 - 1810) née Vorontsova, married Princess Dashkova; friend and associate of Empress Catherine II, participant coup d'etat 1762 (after the coup, Catherine II lost interest in her friend and Princess Dashkova did not play a noticeable role in the affairs of the government). One of the notable personalities Russian Enlightenment. Her memoirs contain valuable information about the reign of Peter III and about the accession of Catherine II (“Memoirs of Princess Dashkova”, published in 1840 in London).)
  • Catherine de' Medici or Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de' Medici ((1519 - 1589) queen and regent of France (1560-1563 and 1574), wife of Henry II, king of France from the Angoulême line of the Valois dynasty)
  • Ekaterina Gordeeva ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating. Paired with Sergei Grinkov, she is a two-time champion Olympic Games 1988 and 1994, four-time champion world champion, three-time European champion and three-time world champion among professionals. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994).)
  • Ekaterina Budanova ((1916 - 1943) first female pilot, Hero Russian Federation, fighter pilot)
  • Ekaterina Maksimova ((1939 - 2009) Soviet and Russian ballerina, choreographer, choreographer, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Laureate State Prize USSR (1981).)
  • Catherine Deneuve ((born 1943) née Catherine Fabienne Dorléac; French actress. Third of four daughters French actors Maurice Dorleac and Rene Deneuve. She began to use her mother’s last name at the very beginning of her career, so that she would not be confused with the one that was more famous at that time. older sister Francoise Dorleac. Two other sisters, Sylvia and Daniela Dorleac, are also actresses.)
  • Ekaterina Furtseva ((1910 - 1974) Soviet statesman and party leader. Minister of Culture of the USSR from 1960 to 1974.)
  • Katharina Witt ((born 1965) outstanding German figure skater, two-time Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), six-time European champion (1983-1988 in a row), eight-time champion of the GDR)
  • Katharina Böhm (Swiss film actress)
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva ((born 1945) Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987))
  • Ekaterina Radziwill ((1858 - 1941) Polish writer and swindler, representative of the Rzewuski count family. Niece of Karolina Sobanska and Ewelina Hanska.)
  • Ekaterina Raikina ((born 1938) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones ((born 1969) English film actress)
  • Katherine Heigl ((born 1978) American film actress)
  • Ekaterina Semyonova ((stage name - Katya Semyonova; Russian pop singer, composer and film actress)
  • Ekaterina Bagration (née Skavronskaya; princess, wife of commander Bagration, famous in Europe for her beauty and carefree behavior)
  • Ekaterina Zhuleva ((1830 - 1905) by husband - Nebolsina; Russian dramatic artist)
  • Ekaterina Geltser ((1876 - 1962) Russian Soviet ballerina)
  • Käthe Kollwitz ((1867 - 1945) German artist and sculptor)
  • Kati Karrenbauer (German singer and film actress)
  • Catalina (Catalina) Ponor ((born 1987) Romanian gymnast, three-time Olympic champion, world and European champion)
  • Ekaterina Vilmont (Russian writer, author of ironic women's prose)
  • Ekaterina Telesheva (Teleshova, Telesheva) ((1804-1857) Russian ballerina, favorite student of Didelot and E.I. Kolosova)
  • Ekaterina Avdeeva ((1789 - 1865) née Polevaya; Russian writer, publisher of Russian folk tales, author of books on home economics; sister of N.A. Polevoy and K.A. Polevoy)
  • Kathryn Bigelow ((born 1951) is an American film director working in the genre of science fiction, action and horror films. Nominee for the Golden Globe Award, winner of the BAFTA and Oscar awards for the film The Hurt Locker, the first woman to receive an Oscar "as a director.)
  • Kate Moss ((born 1974) British supermodel and actress. Known as one of the highest paid models of the 1990s and 2000s.)
  • Katarzyna Skowronska ((born 1983) Polish volleyball player, forward, national team player. Two-time European champion (2003 and 2005).)
  • Katrine Madsen (Danish jazz singer)
  • Trine Jensen (Danish handball player)
  • Katariina Souri (Finnish fashion model, actress and writer)
  • Kaisa Mäkäräinen, Kaisa Makarainen (Finnish biathlete)
  • Karin Alvtegen (Swedish writer, author of detective novels)
  • Kaisa Bergqvist (Swedish athlete, world champion in high jump)

Any name has its own secret and history and determines not only the character of the person bearing it, but can also predetermine his fate. Ekaterina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - this topic is quite exciting for many parents who decide to name their daughter this name. This material will examine everything related to this name, which has been popular for many centuries, which has a noble sound and is associated with wealth and well-being.

The meaning of the name Ekaterina for a girl is brief

As mentioned above, the meaning of the name Ekaterina for a girl is briefly a relevant topic for many parents. I would like to note that translated from Greek, the name Catherine means “immaculate and pure virgin.” Girls who have been given this name since childhood show a lot of extraordinary talents, have a good memory and are very sociable.

Asking the question - Ekaterina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny, we note that little Katenkas are very active girls for their age. Despite her mobility and liveliness, Katya’s academic performance does not suffer. Often during school years, the social circle of girls with this name are the first students in the class who become their support.

  • For parents, this is an ideal and non-conflict child, with an easy-going character. Special attention They deserve a trusting and close relationship with their mother, who can become a real friend for Katya.
  • It is important to take into account that if strict order reigns in the family, Katerina can grow up quite closed and indecisive person. If the relationship is filled with love, the matured Katya will attract others with her sociability and friendliness.

What does the name Ekaterina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

If you are interested in what the name Catherine means for a girl according to the church calendar, then I would like to note that this name is associated with the famous great martyr. In honor of this wise and persistent woman, there is even a tradition of celebrating Catherine the Angel's Day.

Interpretation church calendar- Ekaterina, the meaning of the name, character and fate suggests that she is an immaculate and pure person with unshakable faith and fortitude.

A characteristic feature of little Katyushas is not childish prudence and frugality. I would also like to highlight other character traits of a girl with this name:

  • sharp and lively mind;
  • constant growth and desire for self-development;
  • Despite her remarkable fortitude, Katya always doubts herself and, as a rule, is very timid.

Catherine’s prudence and practicality is explained by the fact that in any matter they are guided solely by their mind, and not by the impulses of their hearts.

In order to attract Katya's attention, she needs to be presented with a special and worthy gift. Ordinary and ordinary congratulations will not cause delight in her. When choosing a gift for a girl with this name, you need to take into account her hobbies and interests.

The secret of the name Ekaterina: what you should know

The name Catherine is special; as a rule, for many it immediately evokes the famous empress who went down in history. The secret of the name Ekaterina lies in the versatility of its owner’s character.

  • Katyas born in the cold season are distinguished by their domineering and not very balanced character. Often this manifests itself in some harshness in communication even with loved ones, as well as pride. Girls and girls with this name do not tolerate lies.
  • Spring Katyas are individuals for whom commitment comes first, which is especially manifested in pedantry. Despite this, Catherine is very capricious and selfish. As a rule, such people in the future choose professions such as educators or educators.
  • Summer Katyas are eccentric individuals, distinguished by their inconstancy. They are able to cope with almost any situation and the choleric person’s temperament plays an important role in this. By Catherine's nature, born in summer- These are born leaders who are accepted in any company.
  • Girls named Katya born in autumn– individuals whose character expresses rigor and prudence in relation to their environment. In adulthood, women with this name find themselves in professional activity with finances.

Origin of the name Ekaterina and its meaning for children

The first mentions of such an estate as Catherine came to us from Ancient Greece. That is, if you are looking for an answer to such a question - the origin of the name Catherine and its meaning for children, I would like to note that it comes from the Greek word “ekatarini”. Literal translation says that the person who has this name is pure in soul and blameless.

The enormous popularity of this name in Russia is explained by the influence of the reign of great empress Catherine. Today, the most famous representatives with this name are Catherine de Medici and Catherine the Great.

In childhood, girls named Katya are distinguished by their prudence and calmness in any situation. To the main natural qualities Katya's character can be attributed to: quick wit, attentiveness and vanity. Like any child, the owners of this name expect praise for their achievements or actions, despite their significance. As a rule, Katyushas develop very quickly and often outstrip their peers.

The peculiarity of Catherine’s character is that if the situation gets out of control, they do not hesitate to use any means in order to return everything to its place.

Character of a girl named Ekaterina

Catherine is not only powerful, but also creative personalities who can boast of a developed and vivid imagination. When deciding to find out the character of a girl named Ekaterina, you should take into account that she can easily use her imagination in almost any activity. Thanks to her sociability and sociability, Katya quickly and easily makes new friends, harmoniously joining the team and attracting with her friendliness and liveliness.

Despite the fact that Catherine’s character is quite complex, a girl with that name can rightfully be called an excellent and devoted friend. In order for Katya to become support and support for her friends, they simply need to learn to cope with her violent emotional impulses. To do this, you need to direct the raging energy in the right direction.

For Katya, all the hardships of life are nothing, as a rule, everything important events in life she endures calmly and confidently, conveying her confidence and lack of fear to others. Katya is incapable of betrayal, cannot tolerate lies and carefully keeps secrets.

When meeting a girl named Ekaterina, people perceive her as a very well-mannered and tactful person, distinguished by impeccable taste. The owner of the name readily shows her education and high level of intelligence.

The main traits of the owners of this name are passion and strength. Catherines are focused on internal growth, proud, sensitive and ambitious.

The name Catherine, translated from Greek, means “immaculate.”

Origin of the name Ekaterina:

The name comes from ancient Greek word“katharios”, which means “purification”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Ekaterina:

Already as a little girl, Ekaterina has her mind on her own and clearly knows what she wants. She is cunning and smart, she knows how to get sweets and gifts from her parents. She is smart in her studies, always clearly understands what is expected of her and what is beneficial for her. Ekaterina perceives the success of her peers painfully; she strives to be the first in everything; in the company of children and teenagers she is often the “center” or, at least, forms an elite around herself. If there is not enough mental strength for leadership, he strives at all costs to get into the company of “significant ones.” She has been smart since childhood, but is irritable and quickly loses her temper. Painfully endures the collapse of fantasies.

Ekaterina does not show any inclination towards any particular field of activity; she can choose any one. He quickly gets tired of unloved monotonous work, becomes touchy and capricious. Hardworking and ready to move forward. In his career, he relies only on his own strengths and subconsciously always strives to surpass his colleagues, to be at least a step higher. A strong will usually leads her to success, but uncertainty can undermine her strength. Ekaterina is interested in art, has a keen sense of music, and even in adulthood does not leave children's world her fantasies, but she is practically devoid of deep passions and internal contradictions with herself. As they get older, their superstitiousness and suspiciousness worsens; the middle-aged Catherines are often quarrelsome and loud.

They look for understanding, help and support in Catherine’s friends. They themselves and their loved ones are always generous, their souls are wide open. A deeply offended Catherine can become petty, and the offender will remain in her good memory for a long time. Impulsiveness leads her to ill-considered actions, and here friends who will not allow her to make mistakes are important for Catherine. She is not the most insightful friend or witty conversationalist, but she is intelligent and noble, ready to provide support.

Catherines rarely have non-standard appearance, they are beautiful with their simple and bright, “Russian” beauty, they have regular, “light”, somewhat small facial features and a proportional figure. They love to dress beautifully. Insecure and prone to worry, Catherine can be a little extravagant, but nothing excessive. Catherines willingly emphasize their advantages, are feminine and charming. In men they value understanding and kindness, seek affection and protection, and are picky to the point of dryness. Aesthetic nature makes Catherine sensitive and relaxed in bed. Sex life directly affects her character, deep dissatisfaction makes her irritable, unkind, and capable of betrayal.

Catherines are diligent housewives, but not very skillful. They love children, but they often don’t know how to raise them; they sometimes spoil them, sometimes they treat them with excessive severity, and sometimes they don’t understand their daughters.

Catherine’s alliance with Pavel, Igor, Semyon, Anatoly and Boris will be successful; problems may arise in marriage with Nikolai, Yakov, Victor and Kirill.

Catherines, born in winter, are inventive and sophisticated in love, “summer” ones are no less passionate, but shy. “Spring” people are ambitious and vulnerable, while those born in autumn are natural seductresses and coquettes.

The origin of the name Ekaterina is associated with Ancient Greece, where it meant a “virgin” girl. The name was formed from the Greek Ekaterini, which came from the ancient Greek word “katharos” and meant “pure”. In Western cultures, unlike Russian, there are several variants of its pronunciation: Katerina, Katherine and Catalina. IN lately The related name Catalia became widespread and had already achieved independent status. In Georgia, the meaning of the name is preserved, but the pronunciation is slightly different - Ketevan.

The fiercely soulful sound of this name creates a picture of a dynamic and powerful revelation of forces. Like the clap of thunder and powerful streams of rain, it describes a nature aimed at bright self-expression, victorious, focused on passionate relationships. Authority, majesty and pride are the defining components of Catherine’s character, but much depends on what time of year she was born. The name Ekaterina has maintained its position in the popularity rankings in Russia for several decades.

Characteristics of the name Ekaterina

Corresponding zodiac sign: .

Patron planet: .

Dominant element of Feng Shui: .

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Chrysolite.

Talisman-color: Blue.

Plant talisman: Lotus.

Animal mascot: Termite.

Character traits: Optimism, Self-confidence, Sensitivity, Variability, Ambition, Pride.

Ekaterina and Timur– their complex nature does not allow relationships to develop easily. She often gives him reasons for jealousy, which he is extremely dissatisfied with. They love to make peace in bed, because sex for the union of Timur and Catherine is the main connection.

Catherine and Arthurperfect couple. They say about such people that they marry in heaven. Catherine and Arthur dote on each other, and there is also passion in their relationship. At the same time, they are concerned about the financial side of life.

December 7 (November 24, old style) Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria. In Russia, a lot is associated with this name: two empresses on the Russian throne with the name Ekaterina Alekseevna, dozens of churches erected in honor of St. Catherine, even the city of Yekaterinburg is marked on the map of the country.

Marco Bazaiti. Saint Catherine of Alexandria. 1500 Fragment

Ekaterina, name meaning

Ekaterina is a very popular name in Russia. It came to us from Byzantium. The root of the word katharios (purity) is the same as in the word catharsis (purification). Hence the name, which translated from ancient Greek means “immaculate”, “pure”. IN XI-XII centuries in ancient Russian manuscripts the name Ekaterina is found in a modified form, as Katerina. And in the oral tradition, for ease of communication, this polysyllabic and unpronounceable name was completely shortened to Katya. In Europe, there were also abbreviations of the form: Katrina, Katrein, Catalina.

Today we can afford to name a child any name. But this was not the case in pre-revolutionary Russia. For example, there were circulars ordering not to give family members the same names that are difficult to pronounce and, in general, to try to name the child in accordance with the day of remembrance of the saint. Meanwhile, traditions of using names were developing. Parents tried to name their children in honor of especially revered saints.

The popularity of a name often directly depended on the name of the king. Thus, the All-Russian Empress Catherine II or Catherine the Great, who significantly expanded the territory of the Russian state, whose reforms affected almost all spheres of the country’s life, could not help but remain in the memory of descendants. Up to late XIX centuries, the name Catherine was one of the most beloved among the nobility.

This tradition continued into the twentieth century. According to statistics, until the 80s in the USSR the name Ekaterina was firmly among the ten most popular names. Even anti-aircraft missile launcher M-13, used during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, unofficially and among front-line soldiers was called “Katyusha”. The installation was classified, giving commands for battle: “fire” or “fire” was prohibited. They were replaced by “sing” and “play.” And how could the “singing” M-13 be called by any name other than Katyusha? The girls of Katyusha, who “came out and started a song” from the late thirties hit by M. Blanter and M. Isakovsky.

Life of Saint Catherine

In 287, a joyful event happened in the family of the ruler of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. A girl was born, who was given the name Dorothea at birth. We know her as the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. The city, located in the Nile Delta, was one of the centers of the then world. The best minds, outstanding scientists, philosophers, and doctors came to Alexandria. Thanks to her nobility and wealth, as well as her natural intelligence, Saint Catherine not only listened to the speeches of learned men at the Museyon; studied foreign languages, but also practiced oratory. And the Alexandrian library, which contained thousands of unique papyri, allowed the girl to read ancient philosophers and the writings of ancient physicians.

Many noble young men dreamed of marrying the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria. However, Saint Catherine was in no hurry to make a choice. She announced to her parents and applicants for her hand and heart: she would marry only the one who surpasses her in wisdom and eminence, who outshines her in beauty and wealth.

It must be said that the mother of St. Catherine was a Christian mystery. Her spiritual father, tied up in a cave near Alexandria. It was there that the woman took her daughter. The monk, after listening to Saint Catherine, told her that he knew a Young Man who was superior to the girl in all these talents. "His beauty is brighter sunlight; His wisdom governs all sensory and spiritual creatures; the wealth of His treasures is spread throughout the whole world and never decreases; and the height of His race is indescribable and incomprehensible. There is no one like Him in the whole world,” said the hermit, and thus converted the ruler’s daughter to Christianity.

Saint Catherine had a vision twice. It was as if she was transported to heaven and stood before Christ. For the first time, Christ turned away from the girl because of her ugliness and madness. Saddened and puzzled by what she saw, she returned to the Syrian elder. It was then that he baptized her with the name Catherine, teaching her to pray. The second vision was to Saint Catherine after her baptism. She was transported to heaven again. This time, Christ not only accepted the virgin, but also gave her a ring as a symbol of betrothal.

Impressed by the vision, Saint Catherine took a vow of celibacy. She began to openly preach Christianity. When Emperor Maximian organized a wide pagan festival in Alexandria, the girl appeared at it. Here she publicly denounced the pagans and confessed Christ. "Know true God, beginningless and infinite; to them kings reign and the world stands. He came down to earth and became a man for our salvation,” Saint Catherine said to the emperor. Maximian was absolutely captivated by the beauty and speech of the young girl. Given her high position, he did not dare to immediately execute Saint Catherine. The cunning emperor tried to convince the princess. They invited fifty of the smartest men. With their arguments and arguments, the pagans were supposed to crush the faith of St. Catherine. The debate about faith went on for several days, but the most learned people of the empire were forced to admit defeat. However, Emperor Maximian was not going to give up. Realizing that neither gifts nor glory seduced Saint Catherine, he ordered the girl to be imprisoned during his departure from the city. It was there that the emperor’s wife, Queen Augusta, came to Saint Catherine. After talking with the girl, Augusta accepted Christ.

After some time, Maximian again called upon Saint Catherine. He hoped that confinement and fear cruel death, which he promised to subject the girl to, will change the attitude of Saint Catherine, and she will renounce her God. But the emperor was wrong again. In a fit of rage, he ordered the great martyr to be sacrificed to pagan idols and publicly wheeled, but a miracle happened. An unknown force destroyed the instrument of torture. Queen Augusta, seeing this, stood up for Saint Catherine. She was supported by the military leader Porfiry and 200 soldiers. Together they confessed Christ and were immediately beheaded by order of the emperor. Maximian tried again and again to convince Saint Catherine. He not only persuaded her to renounce her faith. He prayed to Saint Catherine to become his wife. But the girl, calling herself the bride of Christ, herself laid her head on the block and was put to death.

According to various sources, this event occurred approximately in 304-316. There is a legend that the body of the Great Martyr Catherine disappeared. It was as if angels picked up the body and carried it to Mount Sinai. There, three centuries later, the monastery of St. Catherine. The relics of the saint remain in it to this day.

Since the Holy Great Martyr Catherine was canonized even before the division of churches, she is revered by both Catholics and Orthodox. On the icons the Great Martyr is depicted wearing a royal crown, emphasizing her noble origin. The scarlet cloak testifies to the martyrdom of the saint.

Saints named Catherine

There are other Catherines known in history who became saints. There are five of them in total. On December 7 we remember the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria. On December 17, we honor the memory of the New Martyr Catherine of Arskaya, who was executed in 1937 along with Archbishop Gabriel (Voevodin). On February 5, the church remembers the Venerable Martyr Catherine (Cherkasova), who was shot at the Butovo training ground. February 17 is the day of remembrance of Ekaterina (Dekalina) or Ekaterina Simbirskaya, a nun who was shot in the basement of the Ulyanovsk NKVD. On March 20, 1938, for “systematic counter-revolutionary agitation,” Saint Ekaterina Konstantinova, a novice of the monastery in honor of the icon “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” was shot and buried in a common grave.

Ring of Saint Catherine

One of the stories from the life of the Great Martyr Catherine entered the annals of the world fine arts. The story of how Saint Catherine, appearing before Christ, receives from him wedding ring, became the favorite subject of Renaissance artists. Raphael, Bartalomeo Fra, Veronese Paolo, Lorenze Lotto, Poussin, Giovanni Batista Bertucci, Parmigianino, Hans Memling and other great artists of later times painted Saint Catherine. In the history of European religious painting, a kind of canon has even developed. On the canvases “The Betrothal of St. Catherine” the martyr is depicted in royal robes. Bowing at the feet of the Mother of God sitting on the throne, Saint Catherine takes the ring from the hands of the infant Christ.

Order of St. Catherine

Order of St. Catherine "For Love and Fatherland"

Peter I established the Order of St. Catherine in memory of the ill-fated Prussian campaign, which almost cost him his army and his life.

In the summer of 1711, on the Prut River, a small army, led by the emperor himself, was surrounded by the Turks. New attacks by the Janissaries, the desperation with which the Ottomans made forays, as well as the loss of positions, threatened the Russian army with inevitable death. Negotiations and bribery of the Turkish vizier was a decision made by the military council. They took 150 thousand rubles from the treasury. And Ekaterina Skavronskaya, who faithful wife she even accompanied the emperor on the battlefield; they say she gave all her jewelry as a “gift” to the pasha. The outcome of the negotiations, an honorable truce, which was concluded by Vice-Chancellor Shafirov, as expected, saved the army and the emperor.

On November 24, old style, 1714, on the day of memory of St. Catherine, Peter I presented his wife with the order established by him in honor of her patroness, the Great Martyr Catherine. The Order of Liberation was essentially a personal thank you to his wife. It was intended only and exclusively for Ekaterina Skavronskaya. But very soon the Order of St. Catherine became in Russia not only the highest award for women, but a kind of symbol of belonging to the club of selected persons. During its two-hundred-year existence, the order was issued 734 times.

The Order of St. Catherine had two degrees and was granted to members of the imperial house, as well as representatives of the highest nobility.

Order highest degree, or large cross, was worn on a white ribbon with a gold border over the shoulder. An eight-pointed star was attached to it. It was studded with many diamonds and was attached to the left side of the dress. The Cavalry Order, or the Order of the Lesser Cross, was worn on a white bow with the motto “For Love and the Fatherland” embroidered in silver.

However, in 1797, Paul I issued a new statute. Firstly, the color of the ribbons on which the order was supposed to be worn was changed from white to red. With a gold border in the case of the Order of St. Catherine of the first degree, and with a silver border for the cavalry order. At the same time, it was established to bestow the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine on every Grand Duchess born. The Grand Dukes were accordingly awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. Following this establishment, immediately after baptism, the newborn child was girded: boys with a blue (St. Andrew's) ribbon, and girls with a scarlet (Catherine's) ribbon. The custom of tying babies with ribbons, reminiscent of the colors of an order, quickly took root among the nobility. The townspeople did not lag behind. The tradition associated with this story has survived to this day - when being discharged from the maternity hospital, the envelope with the newborn baby is tied with a ribbon. Boys - blue. Girls - pink.

Interesting facts associated with the name Ekaterina

Catherine I, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova, wife of Peter the Great, actually bore the name Marta Skavronskaya. This name was given to her at birth. She became Catherine only in 1704, having been baptized and converted to Orthodoxy. Alekseevna received her patronymic from her godfather, Tsarevich Alexei. And the surname Mikhailov was given to her by her husband, Peter I. The Emperor, wanting to remain incognito, regularly introduced himself as Peter Mikhailov.

Catherine II the Great was actually called Sophia Augusta Frederica. She also received the name Catherine after converting to Orthodoxy in 1744. At his request future mother-in-law, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, she was baptized with the name Catherine. At the same time, Alekseevna also received the middle name, becoming the full namesake of her predecessor.

Catherine's festivities - the first sleigh rides

The day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Catherine falls on December 7th. By this time in Russia, winter was already coming into its own and the ground was covered with snow. That's why the first sleigh rides were called Catherine's festivities. It was believed that if the weather was clear on November 24, then the winter would be frosty. On this day, those who got married in the fall also went out for festivities. The newlyweds' sleighs, decorated with gold and painted with "colors with conclusions", opened the sleigh races. Saint Catherine was revered by the people as the patroness of brides and an assistant in childbirth. There was even a proverb: A princess deserves a book, a cat deserves a kitten, but Katerina loves her child. And those girls who were only guests at autumn weddings probably, on the eve of the day of Catherine the Sunny, wondered about the grooms. In any case, the polished winter festivities and sledding were best time to look at the young guys, give them credit for their strength and dexterity, and look for a groom.

With Catherine the Sunny, the period also began when men went out into the latrine trade and were engaged in cartage.

Orthodox churches in honor of St. Catherine

Saint Catherine was revered as the patroness of women and assistant in childbirth. Therefore, churches in honor of the great martyr were consecrated throughout Russia. Such churches were also erected at almshouses, hospitals, and orphanages. The largest churches are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Alapaevsk, Novokuznetsk, Petrozavodsk, Smolensk, Tver, and Chelyabinsk. Today in Moscow the Church of St. Catherine on Vspolye operates and is available for visiting.

Church of St. Catherine in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg there is greatest number churches consecrated in honor of St. Catherine. Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox.

On Vasilievsky Island there is the largest Orthodox Catherine Cathedral near the Tuchkov Bridge. The temple stands on this site in the mid-18th century. In 1809, the wooden church completely burned down. Only the image of St. Catherine was taken out of the temple. The new temple was consecrated in 1823. Almost a hundred years later, in 1917, it was looted and closed.

The building was seriously damaged during the siege of Leningrad, when a shell hit the chapel. After the war, the Catherine Church was transferred to the use of a geological exploration institute. Divine services resumed only in 1996, when the complex of buildings was returned to the St. Petersburg diocese. The cathedral is currently undergoing restoration. Regular services are held in the bell church.

Catholic Church of St. Catherine in St. Petersburg

The first church of St. Catherine in Russia appeared by order of Peter I. The Emperor, wanting to attract foreigners to St. Petersburg, declared freedom of religion. Thus, the Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria became a symbol of religious tolerance. However, in 1737, the wooden church of St. Catherine burned down.

Stone temple, one of the oldest Catholic churches Russia, Anna Ioannovna allowed it to be built on Nevsky Prospekt. During the construction of the Church of St. Catherine from 1739 to 1783, as many as three rulers changed. It was completed during the reign of Catherine II. Consecrated in honor of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, patroness of the Empress, by Papal Nuncio Giovanni Arqueti. The temple became one of the centers of Catholic influence in Russia. The number of parishioners here by the middle of the 19th century reached three thousand people. Striving for originality, many Russians became parishioners of the temple and even converted to Catholicism. Peter Chaadaev visited the temple. And Georges Dantes got married here to Ekaterina Goncharova.

Orthodox parish in honor of St. Catherine in Rome

Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in Rome. Photo from the temple website

In Rome, at Via del Lago Terrione, 77/79, there is an Orthodox Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. The temple was built on the territory of the embassy villa Abamelek. Since October 2006, a liturgy has been celebrated every Sunday in the church, which was still under construction. In 2009, the rite of great consecration was performed in the Church of St. Catherine. The rector of the Church of St. Catherine in Rome is Archimandrite Anthony (Sevryuk). The church is located on a green hill and is surrounded by a garden. A long marble staircase leads to it. From the platform in front of the entrance to the Church of St. Catherine, a panorama of St. Peter's Cathedral opens.

Temple-tomb in Stuttgart

Some Orthodox churches Europe in honor of St. Catherine, for example in the cities of Kiel and Amsterdam, were abolished.

However, in Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg) there is still a tomb church of St. Great Martyr Catherine. The temple-tomb was consecrated in 1824. It was intended for the burial of Queen Catherine of Württenberg, daughter of Paul I, who died in 1819 from blood poisoning. Catherine Pavlovna became famous for her charitable activities and care for the population devastated by the Napoleonic wars.

The temple was built on the site of a razed medieval castle on Mount Rotenberg. It is designed like an antique rotunda. As building material the architect used local red sandstone. The interiors of the Church of St. Catherine are modest. Several icons in gold frames, strewn with precious stones, were brought from Russia. Here is also the wedding icon of St. Great Martyr Catherine. The sarcophagus of Catherine Pavlovna is installed in the crypt. Orthodox services in the Church of St. Catherine are performed only on Spiritual Day. The rest of the time it operates as a museum.

Troparion of the Great Martyr Catherine

With virtues, like the rays of the sun, / you enlightened the unfaithful sages, / and, like the bright moon, you drove away the darkness of unbelief, / and you convinced the queen, / and you also exposed the tormentor, / the god-called bride, blessed Catherine, / with desire You ascended into the Heavenly palace / to the beautiful Bridegroom Christ, / and from Him you were crowned with a royal crown: / To him, with the angels present, / prayed for us, / / ​​creating your most honorable memory.

Kontakion of the Great Martyr Catherine

The honorable face of the Divine, martyr-lovers, / erect now, / in reverence to the all-wise Catherine, / for this sermon was preached at the funeral feast of Christ and the serpent was trampled, / / ​​having tamed the minds of the rhetoricians.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

O Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, true bride of Christ! We pray to you, for you have received the special grace that your Bridegroom, Sweet Jesus, has preceded you to: just as you have put to shame the temptations of the tormentor with your wisdom, you have overcome fifty revolutions, and having given them heavenly teaching, you have guided them to the light of the true faith, so ask us for this Godly wisdom, Yes, and we, having thwarted all the machinations of the hellish tormentor, having despised the temptations of the world and the flesh, will be worthy to appear of Divine glory, and for the expansion of our holy Orthodox faith we will become worthy vessels, and with you in the heavenly tabernacle of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit Let us praise and glorify to all ages of ages. Amen.