Ararat Keshchyan - an exemplary husband ?! Ararat Keshchyan, biography and personal life Other acting roles

“The wife announced that she was pregnant, in an unusual way- recalls the actor. The surprise was presented in a small box with pregnancy test results. For joy, I wanted to fly, but, as luck would have it, my legs gave way.

At the ultrasound, Catherine and I (the actor's wife. - Approx. Antennas) went together. Initially, the doctors said that it would be a boy. I was already mentally prepared for the fact that my son would appear, I was waiting for him. Therefore, when it turned out that a girl would be born, the brain needed a reboot. Katya decided that I was disappointed about the gender of the unborn child. With tears she asked: “You don’t want a daughter ?!”

I had to convince for a long time that I just need time to realize everything. At the end of the pregnancy, he was already hurrying his wife: “Come on, give birth to a daughter. Stop holding her." Now it’s hard to imagine myself, I could love the boy as much as I love Eve.

Daughter lets dad sleep

I have always had a special weakness for children. A child on the street brings a smile. When I come to visit relatives or friends who have children, I spend the first half an hour with the kids. Brother has two, cousins big families. I nursed all my nephews. Therefore, the experience has already been. I did not read special literature for future parents, did not attend courses. I am not fond of innovations, books, psychologists. I think, with rare exceptions, all this is garbage.

I can’t say that the pregnancy had a strong effect on Katya’s character. Everything went according to the rules. Periodically there were mood swings. For example, due to weather changes. Globally, the emotional background did not suffer. In terms of his wife's health, everything went smoothly, pah-pah-pah.

We went to the hospital together, but I was waiting outside the generic door. Watching the process, breathing together, pushing is not for me. At first I heard only the cry of my wife, then the voice of another woman, my daughter, was added to it. After some time, they allowed me to enter and look at Eve. He was, of course, happy, but calm.

I was admitted to the first bath only as an observer. Mother-in-law and wife were operating in the bathroom. And now the wife in most cases copes on her own. Although I can fulfill any duties if Katya does not have time. There is no need to force, I do it with pleasure and without problems. Our daughter is calm. No tantrums. She cried when her teeth were cut (now we already have 10 of them), but her mother quickly managed to calm her down. Yevochka, well done, gives dad a good night's sleep.

The choice of a name for the child was at the mercy of his wife. First, Katya suggested naming her daughter Victoria, as her close friend. But to be honest, I didn't really like the idea. He asked me to think more. When “Eve” sounded, he immediately agreed. Both me and my wife were satisfied with the name. Now I call my daughter “Eva”, and Katya affectionately: “bead”. The chosen name is to my daughter's liking. Already trying with might and main to say: "Ava-ava."

The first word is more valuable than the second

During my wife's pregnancy, we lived far from our apartment, closer to the set. And when they moved into their own apartment, Eva had a legal lair. Everything that is interesting to her, and she is interested in everything, the daughter drags to her and hides in the cracks. The hose from the nozzle sucker has completely sunk into oblivion. Half the room is occupied by a huge Teddy bear. And under his paws and booty you can find the missing items in the house. What is not found there! The daughter went to her grandfather, she is strong, so she can easily move even heavy things. So far, Eve's room has not been secured in any way, except that the corners of the glass dressing table under the TV were covered with silicone pads. Otherwise, everything is the same as in other rooms. I think that a child should learn by trial and error that running around the house and climbing where it shouldn't be can be painful and dangerous.

At 9 months, Eva walked, at 10 she ran confidently. The doctors said it was too early, it could hurt the spine. And what should I do if a person himself decided at this age to get up and go? So her body is ready. She is active. But not talkative. "Dad" was her first word. And long time she only said it. As soon as she saw me on TV, she would point her finger at the screen and say “pa-pa”. Mom was very worried. But recently, she also received her mention from the lips of her daughter. Till vocabulary Eva is limited to her name, "dad" and "mother". He does not want to stoop to our level and waste energy on words. She's had enough index finger and a few sounds to show you what's needed. We are not in a hurry. When the queen deigns, then she will speak.

I don't let my daughter be naughty

Katya quickly got out of the decree and is now actively working. I don't mind, let him do what he likes. It only makes it easier on your own. After all, you can go crazy from sitting in four walls around the clock. And with the upbringing of Eva, our nanny, Aunt Alevtina, helps us a lot. She is from Ukraine. Found quickly mutual language with daughter. In addition to looking after Eva, playing with her, the nanny is closely involved in the development of the child. Maybe that's why our daughter is smart.

There was never any dispute with the parents about the upbringing of their daughter. Despite all their love for their granddaughter, their desire to see her as often as possible, mothers understand that the last word in any case will remain with us. They can only sometimes direct their advice and recommendations. And we decide everything ourselves.

When it came time to cut Eve's hair, a friend said that it was necessary to take her daughter to the salon, where she would be distracted from the process by games. Allegedly, the child will not have stress. What kind of stress? It's a common procedure! Our parents somehow raised us, raised us without all these salons. And it turned out they were much better than the next generations. Same story with gadgets. I am categorically opposed to occupying a child with smartphones. You can give to play, but dosed. And for the most part, you need to entertain yourself, so that even the desire to delve into the phone does not arise. The child should run in the park, ride a bike, and not spend all the time in front of the monitor.

Eva's favorite toys are her father's Manchester United soccer balls. With pleasure kicks them all over the apartment. Likes to climb plastic pipe, makes me do it and is surprised when dad, with his dimensions, gets stuck in this pipe. She also likes colorful books. Can sit with them for a long time, studying the pictures. Gets along well with kids, contact girl. True, he constantly tries to take toys from other children. But then she returns. - Eva believes that Katya does not know how to clean the house. And happy to fix it. Things are incorrectly folded, they should be scattered on the floor. Mom's and dad's shoes need to lie mixed up, and not separately. It is desirable that dad's left shoe is next to mom's right boot. And we agree with this order, so it should be so.

Almost everything causes positive emotions in my daughter. She loves to dance. As soon as he hears the music, he begins to jerk his legs and arms. She howls to her mother when she sings a lullaby to her. But she doesn't like being photographed. As soon as you point the camera at her, she stops smiling and playing.

With the advent of his daughter, he changed completely. I feel an irresistible desire after work to go home as soon as possible, to see Evochka before going to bed. Most I spend my free time with my child. I constantly lisp until I start to get impudent. True, only married friends with children understand me. Recently, I have developed superpowers. I became more attentive, concentration, speed and coordination increased significantly. I can teleport in a second if a person is hanging off the couch. On the other hand, I can get lost in a second. If she hugs me, that's it, let the whole world wait!

Childhood of Ararat Keshchyan

Ararat was born in the small town of Gagra in Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast. Soon the boy left him, as the family left for Adler. There he graduated from high school. He has an older brother, Ashot, who could not but influence Ararat. It was he who, one might say, brought his brother to KVN. It was 1999.

My brother received an economic education, and Ararat was at that time a student at the Peoples' Friendship University and studied at the Faculty of Hotel Management. Parents were ready to support any undertaking. As Ararat says, the main thing for them was that their sons were farther from crazy hobbies. Despite the fact that the game in KVN was not an occupation in the specialty for any of the brothers, the father and mother never insisted that they quit this occupation and pursue a career.

The first for Keshchyan was the team "Grandchildren of Lumumba". From 2000 to 2002 they were the champions of Sochi, and in 2002, playing in KVN, they reached the semifinals of the Northern League.

The beginning of the career of Ararat Keshchyan, KVN

The team in which the brothers played belonged to the Sochi branch of RUDN University. The brothers were noticed and invited to Moscow, where they began to play in the RUDN Team Team. Their first games there took place in 2003 - it was their debut in the Major League. Guys for a short time turned out to be among the best players in a new team for themselves.

"Talking KiViN" - a parody performed by Ararat at the festival in Jurmala, was remembered and liked by both the audience and the jury. She laid the foundation for the following similar parodies.

In 2004, the team not only reached the final, it took second place, slightly losing to the team from Pyatigorsk. Ararat performed this time the parody "Parrot".

In 2005, again in Jurmala, the aspiring actor showed the third version of the parody, which was already beloved by the audience, and it was a great success. What was special was that this time Gennady Khazanov, to whom this parody was addressed, was in the hall.

In 2006, the "RUDN National Team" became the winner in a difficult struggle. This was followed by the victories of his team in 2007 and 2011. More than once they performed at concerts that were organized in honor of the birthday of KVN.

KVN RUDN - GHOUL, Ararat Keshchyan

According to Ararat, KVN is not an easy task. To go on stage and give out something funny, you have to rehearse a lot, often sleep for a couple of hours a day.

Together with the guys from the team, the brothers dreamed of creating something interesting on television. Unfortunately, either the author's resource or the producer's resource was not enough, they did not succeed.

Living in Moscow and playing in KVN, the brothers took part in a number of other television programs. So in 2007 they appeared in the program of the entertainment genre "Bla-Bla Show", in the program "Outside the Game", where they even became the hosts of one of the episodes. Both brothers were members of Fight Club. One time in " comedy woman» Ararat was an “invited guest”.

Ararat Keshchyan in the series "Univer"

By the beginning of 2009, Keshchyan had already become well known to the audience thanks to his talent, and he was invited to the Univer casting. He decided to try and did not regret it.

Ararat Keshchyan and Larisa Baranova about the sitcom Univer

Ararat was given the role of Michael - this is a student who came to Moscow from Adler. Filming in a sitcom is difficult, as the shooting goes on almost non-stop, and free time is only closer to the night. In the series "Univer" Ararat worked together with such actors as Maria Kozhevnikova, Andrey Gaidulyan, Vitaly Gogunsky and others.

Personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

Ararat is now filming a lot, because of the lack of free time, it sometimes seems to him that if nothing is changed, life can pass with the script in hand. Like any normal person, he wants to visit theaters, cinema, meet friends. There was a time when he tried to read fiction in between filming, but soon realized that nothing would come of it. With constant lack of sleep and chronic fatigue that has appeared, the actors have only one desire - to sleep.

Ararat has no thoughts about working in his specialty. He likes acting profession, and he would like to linger in it if possible. The plans are to open a cafe or a restaurant so that there is a business that constantly generates income. This would make it possible to do what you love and not think about whether it is profitable or not. But so far there are only intentions.

Another dream is to have two houses: one where it would be good for his family to live, and the second - in the place where he will work. Ararat prefers not to plan his birthday, like many other holidays. He believes that in this case they turn out to be boring, improvisation is preferable for him.

Ararat Keshchyan today

Keshchyan has been in Moscow for many years, but he does not feel like a Muscovite. In his words, he simply adapted to life in the capital. The homeland for him is where he feels comfortable - this is Abkhazia, Sochi.

According to the actor, he is experiencing in this moment difficult period, feels that changes are taking place in him that he himself does not really like. It is important for him to keep all the good that was invested in him by his parents. Ararat says that Moscow, television, Univer - all this "tears" his personality.

Keshchyan's favorite form of recreation is diving. He likes to soar in zero gravity, plunging into the ocean. The unusual, complete silence under water also attracts. After a noisy city, such a vacation is a cure and salvation.

The actor was married from 2007 to 2010. In 2010, Ararat announced that he had divorced, and that his heart was no longer free. At the very beginning of 2013, Keshchyan got married again. His chosen one is Ekaterina Shepeta.

Ararat Keshchyan is a famous comedian, an Armenian by nationality, who became famous thanks to the series "Univer" and performances in the Club of cheerful and resourceful.

Today, the favorite of the public is not going to stop there and is again in a creative search, receiving a director's diploma, which will give him the opportunity to realize his wildest dreams.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in the resort Abkhazian town of Gagra in 1978. Soon Ararat and his family moved to Adler, where he later graduated high school. The boy grew up with his older brother Ashot, who was a role model for him and had big influence on a guy. Thanks to Ashot, Keshchyan Jr. entered the KVN stage.

Brothers Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan in their youth

My brother studied as an economist, and Ararat mastered the sphere of hotel management. Despite serious professions, both loved to perform in KVN. Their parents supported them, although playing on stage was not associated with future specialties.


In 1999, at the initiative of Ashot, the brothers got into the Lumumba Grandchildren team, which won many awards in the next 3 years, became the champion of Sochi and reached the semifinals of the KVN Northern League. The team was part of the RUDN branch. After a series of successful performances in Lumumba's Grandchildren, talented brothers are noticed and invited to Moscow, now they are members of the RUDN Team. Their first Major League game took place in 2003.

Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan on stage

The guys quickly got used to the new team and were able to prove themselves, becoming the best players. Soon, the RUDN Team is invited to a festival in Jurmala, where Ararat debuts. The parody "Talking Kevin" was remembered by both the audience and the jury members.

After this performance, Ararat felt what fame was, but this was only the beginning of a successful television career. A year later, the team comes to the festival again and this time takes 2nd place, they are bypassed by the team from Pyatigorsk. Ararat performs with a "Talking Parrot" parody of the legendary comedian.

In total, Ararat showed 3 parodies of Khazanov, and in 2005 in the presence of Khazanov himself. In 2006, the RUDN Team team reached highest point in KVN - became the champion of the Major League. Interesting jokes and parodies of the KVN player fell in love with the audience, not a single performance of RUDN University in Jurmala was complete without an act from Ararat. And his best jokes began to surf the Internet and passed from mouth to mouth.

A television

Living in the capital, having many opportunities, the brothers often participated in entertainment shows. The debut on television took place in 2007 (the program "Blah blah show"). A year later, the Keshchyans fall out new opportunity try yourself as TV presenters of the Outside the Game program. The guys also participated in the program "Fight Club", and all this in parallel with performances in KVN.

TV presenters Ashot and Ararat Keshchyan and Andrew

According to Ararat, being a KVN officer is simple and easy only at first glance. In fact, you need to work hard to go out and work out a program of high quality that will find a lively response from the viewer.

Famous for playing in KVN and the role of a graduate student at Univer, Ararat began to visit the Comedy Woman show. After the first release of the program, viewers of the TNT channel began to discuss with might and main that Keshchyan was a relative of the host of the show. Like, they raised the topic of kinship more than once in their dialogues, and they communicated with each other too warmly. Someone even noticed between them resemblance.

Meanwhile, Yeprikyan and Keshchyan became friends back in the days of KVN, when Natalya played for the Megapolis team in the role of the famous Natalya Andreevna. They have different surnames and different places birth. Yeprikyan even had to refute his relationship with Keshchyan in the press.

In 2014, Keshchyan became the TV presenter of the Atrocious Work program on the Zvezda TV channel. After 2 years, he is already broadcasting “Not FACT!” together with former colleague according to KVN. The program is dedicated to bright events, interesting and mysterious places, the fate of people. One of the places about which the program was filmed was the famous Amber Room.

At the end of 2016, Ararat became a guest of the Explorer program on the Friday! TV channel. The essence of the program is that the stars of show business in the company of a witty presenter conduct excursions to their native places. Ararat acted as a guide in the city of Sochi. The artist considers the Russian resort to be his homeland along with Abkhazia.


Keshchyan as a novice actor, fate smiled in 2009. He was invited to the casting of the popular student series "Univer", and he agreed. Participation in the filming of the project became turning point in creative biography artist. In the series, he starred with, and others.

Stas Yarushin and Ararat Keshchyan in the series "Univer"

The actor got the role of a colorful student Michael, who comes from Adler to Moscow. A tall, athletic guy (Ararat's height is 182 cm, weight - 90 kg) with a sense of humor quickly won the attention of the public.

The artist admits: it was hard to act in the sitcom, there was no free time left, he was released late in the evening, when it was time to go to bed. But thanks to the series, Keshchyan woke up famous throughout the country. In 2011, the artist appeared in the continuation of the sitcom - "". The project was equally successful last season released after 7 years.

In 2010, being at the top of popularity, Ararat got into a major accident, after which rumors about the death of the actor appeared on the Web. Fortunately, everything worked out. As a result of the collision of two foreign cars, both cars were seriously damaged. The artist was not injured, and he was saved from serious consequences by the fact that he was driving a foreign car with a right-hand drive.

Ararat Keshchyan in the series "Classmates"

Prior to filming the series "Univer", Ararat, together with his brother Ashot, hosted an entertainment show on the radio station "Humor-FM", dedicated to the 2008 Olympics, called "Olympic Reserve". In addition to "Univer", there were other episodic, but no less striking roles in the cinema. Films with his participation are the comedies "Exchange Wedding", "", "That Carloson", "Moms".

In 2012, Ararat Keshchyan, along with the star of "Real Boys", starred in the film "Nanny", directed by his brother Ashot. The comedy was involved,. According to the plot, Keshchyan and Naumov play the roles of unlucky businessmen who are taken to a resort to sign an important contract. The film received mixed reviews from critics, mostly negative.

Nikolai Naumov and Ararat Keshchyan in the film "Nannies"

Keshchyan also performed on the Comedy Club stage, where other former members of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club - Stas Yarushin, became his partners. The actor starred in new version movie " Caucasian captive", where he played Uncle Nina.

The bright project of Keshchyan's filmography was the comedy "Classmates", in which the artist played the role of a bank employee Misha, the heroine's lover. In 2017, the continuation of the popular film “Classmates: A New Turn” was shown, in which Ararat shone in the role of two twins Misha and Gosha separated in childhood.

By now, Keshchyan has managed to prove himself as a talented comedian, TV presenter, radio host and actor. Future plans to open own business(restaurant of Georgian cuisine), which will allow you not to think about money and work for pleasure: to act in films, not paying attention to the size of the fee.

Keshchyan is fond of diving, relaxing underwater after a noisy and rich life in the capital.

Personal life

Pursuing a career, for a long time Keshchyan did not think about his personal life. The first real feeling caught him on the eve of his 30th birthday. The wife of the actor was a girl named Irina, the wedding was played in Adler in 2007. But the marriage lasted 3 years. The break in relations became known in 2010. In the program "COSMOPOLITAN. Video version ”Ararat announced that he had divorced, but his heart was not free.

Soon the actor signed with his second wife Ekaterina Shepeta, who received a diploma in public relations. The girl's plans included organizing her own business. The wedding of the young did not take place alone. Since Catherine's parents live in Kostanay, and near Ararat - in Adler, the celebration had to be celebrated in 2 cities. Along the way, the newlyweds visited Thailand, where they went with friends. And when they returned to Moscow, they held an event with colleagues.

In September 2014, in the life of lovers, significant event- they became parents, Katerina gave birth to a daughter, Eva, who later became a star "Instagram" father. Being pregnant, Katya opened her own wedding agency, which she called Utkin House.

In 2017, the second daughter Diana appeared in the family. Children regularly become the heroes of Keshchyan's Instagram. Moreover, photos of not only daughters, but also nephews appear on the personal profile of the screen star. The actor's brother has a close relationship: Ararat and Ashot are family friends.

Ararat Keshchyan now

Ararat's creative career is closely connected with TNT. The actor not only starred in the projects of the channel, but also participates in entertainment programs such as "Improvisation", "Where is the logic?". Moreover, in the second show, Keshchyan appeared several times, including with his wife Ekaterina.

Now Ararat is working on a role in a project called "The Baker and the Beauty." In the film, where the main roles will be played, it will be about the love of a screen star and a guy from the province. The premiere is scheduled for 2019.

Ararat Keshchyan with his wife at the premiere of the film "Year of Culture" in 2018

In 2018 took place an important event in creative life artist. Ararat entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors, where he began to learn the basics of creating cinema with reverse side cameras. For 2 years, Keshchyan will attend classes of the masters of Russian cinema, because they teach here, and others. The cost of the course will be 430 thousand rubles.


  • 2009-2011 - "Univer"
  • 2011 - Exchange Wedding
  • 2011-2018 - Univer. New hostel"
  • 2012 - “That Carloson!”
  • 2012 - "Nanny"
  • 2012 - "Moms"
  • 2013-2015 - "SashaTanya"
  • 2014 - "Prisoner of the Caucasus!"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2017 - "Classmates: A New Turn"

The editor of "Letidor" Tatyana Silina declares with all responsibility that Ararat Keshchyan, famous actor and co-host of the NEFACT program on the Zvezda TV channel, in just 45 minutes of conversation, they managed to prove one simple fact: a modern dad is not the person who is solely responsible for financial success businesses called family. A modern dad can do everything - feed and drink, and come up with a fairy tale, and choose clothes for his daughters, and separate the chaff from the chaff in fashion trends and do everything to make his beloved women feel the happiest in the world.

Ararat, in the NEFACT program you test for strength different facts. Does this knowledge help you in fatherhood?

Probably, so far I have not come across any story that would affect the process of raising my children. But the NEFACT program is connected with travel and knowledge different cultures, people with other mentalities. Of course, I draw something interesting that I could apply in my family. I will not say that I absorb everything new. I'm pretty conservative in this regard.

I check the facts for a very long time, wait for how everything will end, and only then try it on myself.

That is, you are not the dad who, having learned about the latest method of education from a fashionable psychologist, would immediately begin to introduce it into his life?

Oooh ... The word "fashionable" and everything connected with it is not my story. In my understanding, fashion is a passion for other people's tastes and sympathies. This is when one charismatic person took and did what he liked - for example, he began to wear very spectacular and imposing glasses. This person is so charismatic that he doesn't care if they suit him or not, he just likes them, period. People who can think think: “He has such a face, such an image, so these glasses suit him”. And most people will say - "He put on these glasses, that's why it's fashionable, and that's why we will all wear these glasses from now on".

It's the same story with smartphones. Today, a smartphone of one particular brand is in trend, as soon as it appears new model- it's his turn. And the queue is not one of those people who just really need good smartphone, but of those who need the latest model.

In my opinion, the blind pursuit of fashion is the biggest idiocy that an adult can afford.

But still, modern parents are obsessed with fashion trends - not only in trends, but also, for example, in education. Some from the cradle load children with everything they can, wanting to fashion athletes and professors out of them. How do you like the idea early development children?

I had a wonderful happy childhood, it was childhood. I had a lot of free time, but different time I studied piano, football, table tennis, chess. My parents did not have a goal to occupy every minute of my life. I had enough free time, I went for a walk - and then go and catch me. But I managed to study well. Learning was easy for me!

But now times have changed a bit. Children already come to school knowing how to read, write and count ...

Yes it's true. AT Soviet time when we were educated, the children were underloaded. For example, my Eve is 3 years old, she already reads by syllables. Been to class a few times English language, she managed to remember everything they talked about then. But she has plenty of time to play.

I won’t say that you need to load it in every possible way so that your head literally swells or the child starts to feel depressed. But the loads need to be given more than it was during my childhood - this is a fact! Oh, I'm already starting to talk like in our program ( laughs).

The main thing here is not to overload.

At some point, the child may ask you the question: “Where is my childhood?”

And if this childhood plays with him at the age of 30, then what to do with this person? He will say: “I’ve been cramming all my life, now I’ll take it and go to Bali for five years”. Then he finds himself some other useless occupation. And there already - once, and 50 years knocked.

You became a dad at 35. Is it sooner or later?

It's late. I will say this - this is a double-edged sword. I am thinking: when my daughter is 25 years old, I will be 60. That is, I will nurse my grandchildren as an old man, one can only hope for great-grandchildren ( laughs). From this point of view, of course, it is bad that it is so late. But there is still inner readiness.

I feel like I'm perfectly ready to be a parent right now. I ate everything, took everything from life. Now we are thinking about a third child.

On the other hand, what if this feeling came to me only because the children were born? Suddenly it would have arisen at the age of 20, and at 30? Go and understand.

Today I took my daughter to Kindergarten, came out so pleased and I think: “Oh, dad took his daughter to kindergarten!”. This is a very pleasant realization.

But you must admit, a young 20-year-old man who is still dependent on his parents is probably not the best candidate for the role of a father ...

At 20, it's bad to depend on your parents. A person who wants to earn will earn. We made money during our student years.

If you want to get married, if you want a child, work harder. Otherwise, wait. If you decided to get married and got married, then you have to plow.

And those parents who believe that their child is still small at the age of 20, and begin to help him in every possible way, slipping gifts in the form of an expensive car, apartment, raise their own children. little monster. Such a son turns into a spoiled and useless person.

You said you were thinking about a third child. Perhaps you dream of a son?

didn't guess( laughs). Before Eva was born, I really wanted a son. I was sure that I would have sons. But Eve was born - and everything changed. When my wife became pregnant with her second child, everyone was expecting a boy ... except for me - I said that I wanted a daughter. Diana is born. I took her in my arms, went up to my wife and said:

"Give me a third girl!"

I have two nephews (my sibling Ashot has two sons - Tigran and Grisha) - and it's just another world. Girls are more disciplined, more accurate, more attentive. You can talk and negotiate with girls. It’s more difficult with the boys ... ( laughs).

I can't help but ask about the boys and the modern difficulties that happen to them. Are you aware of the Western trend where Hollywood stars let their sons dress up in girls' clothes?

Oh, yes, I've heard a lot ... First, a little background. Eva has a game where she transforms into different characters. She recently put on a red dress with sequins and declared that she was Pinocchio. The wife answered her: “Eva, Pinocchio is a boy, do boys wear dresses?” She replied: “Well, that’s how it happens…”

In my childhood, this line would have been just a childish, unrelated phrase. And it would just make me laugh. But nowadays this phrase has a completely different meaning ...

Today, parents allow and allow boys to dress like girls and call it childish self-expression.

I have a question: about the self-expression of whom we are talking about - a person who still does not quite understand what is happening in the world?

It's a child. If you call him a self-sufficient person, then let him go adulthood. But we protect them so that they don’t get hit by a car, we explain how to behave in a given situation so that trouble does not happen. Why do we protect? Because he is not independent yet. So be kind Dear Parents, morally protect children too. Raise your child right. And there, as he grows up, let him decide for himself - for God's sake. And if you educate him correctly, you won’t have to worry about his choice.

Give your child a chance to grow a normal person without leading him astray from the start.

And what about chic holidays, chic shopping - this is not to be called leading the child astray?

We had a conversation with my wife about this. For example, I was against having a big party for Eva's third birthday. But Katya argued that such holidays do not need to be done every year, but there are dates that would be nice to celebrate. For example, a year (this is a holiday for parents - we baptize children) and three years, when friends can already visit the child, when he realizes the atmosphere of the holiday. Next time we will meet closer to school.

But this is a waste of experience. How do you feel about spending on outfits, for example?

We do not shop in branded stores. We buy in medium-sized stores and focus on the quality of things. Curious detail: Recently, my mother-in-law went to Auchan and bought a set of children's T-shirts for some pennies. And you know what? The wife looked and says that they are just perfect in quality!

Why does my child have to wear an expensive brand? To whom and, most importantly, that I will prove. I think that there is no point in dressing a child in expensive stores.

Why give away that kind of money? Another thing is if a person has enough money not to notice these expenses. Then please. For many, those stores where I buy are expensive ... You just need to live within your means, and not try to be equal to others. Fortunately, now there is a choice.

Ararat Keshchyan's house was covered with garbage from Olympic construction sites

The charming Armenian, who played the cunning macho Arthur MIKAELYAN, nicknamed Michael, is only on the screen so enterprising and loving. In life, Ararat KESHCHYAN is much more modest: he grew up in a simple Soviet family, and in love he was much less lucky than his hero - an unsuccessful marriage led to a divorce, and stormy romances now and then ended in disappointment and loneliness.

Ararat Keshchyan comes from the village of Nizhnyaya Shilovka, which is near the border with Abkhazia. The parents of the future star moved here from Gagra to save the family from the war in the early 90s. Once upon a time, Nizhnyaya Shilovka was a flourishing place - today this small village of a dozen yards is more like a dump where construction debris is taken from the Olympic venues. The people closest to Ararat live here: father, mother, friends and relatives.


The upbringing of children (Ararat has an older brother Ashot - the director of the films "Moms", "Nannies.") in our family was engaged in the wife, - says the father of the actor Gevorg Ashotovich. - She worked as a teacher and kept the guys in a tight rein, they had a rather tough daily routine: school, lessons, housework. Every hour is scheduled.
- Did the boys even have time to misbehave?
- Once I wanted to give Ararat a good beating. I asked him to collect tangerines after school, and he met a friend and played in the yard. I come home from work and my son hasn't done anything. But then I didn’t touch my son with a finger: he was as thin as a bicycle. I was afraid that I would not calculate my strength and kill the boy - my hand is heavy. I had to promise Ararat that I would postpone the punishment until later, when his meat grew.

Lumumba's grandson

While studying at the Sochi Polytechnic College in 1999, Ararat fell ill with KVN, as part of the Lumumba Grandchildren team was absolute champion season. In 2003, the Keshchyan brothers were invited to Moscow to join the RUDN University Team, where he became a leading actor, and soon a star on a popular TV channel.
- Did Ararat know that he would be an artist?
He didn't know anything! He grew up as an ordinary boy, - says the father of the actor. Do you know why I called him that? In honor of the victory football club Ararat in 1973 in the USSR Cup tournament. My wife and I really wanted our son to become a football player. He was doing well, but the war started, we had to move, and there was no opportunity to train regularly. It was difficult for the guys: many of our bandits went, someone drank himself.
- Success and fame often spoil people. Have you observed manifestations of star fever in Ararat?
- In relation to his own - no, but I began to notice that when he comes home, the son avoids communicating with neighbors, hiding from passers-by: he does not like it when people ask him for an autograph. I scold him: “You have achieved fame thanks to the attention of these people to you, so why are you running from them?” I think it's not star fever and not pride. Rather, some kind of arrogance: not yet used to public life. Ararat listens to me, because he knows: if it goes bad, I will keep my promise to crush its bones and put it in its place!

Your village was covered construction waste from the Olympic venues. They say that there are constant interruptions in electricity and communications. The guys do not plan to transport you to Moscow?
- In our family it is not customary for a father to eat his son's bread. I am 65, but until recently I worked - first as a civil engineer, then as a driver. Now retired. Ashot and Ararat once helped my wife and I build a house. During the KVEN tours, the guys earned good money and invested everything in construction. This is their home!
- Do they visit often?
- Not how I wanted it to be. I scolded my wife: we had to give birth to another son, so that at least someone would live nearby. Right now we are sitting at home alone, and besides, without light. I'm tired of calling different authorities - no life with this Olympics!

Not a street girl

In the fall of 2007, half of Adler walked at the weddings of the Keshchyan brothers - they played with a difference of two weeks. The elder's marriage turned out to be happy: his wife Karina had already given Ashot two daughters. Family life Ararat lasted less than three years: after the divorce, the actor tries not to remember ex-spouse Irina. Friends of the couple assure that the young people hurried with the wedding: they were completely different, from the common interests only KVN. Irina is an arrogant Muscovite, accustomed to freedom, Ararat is an Armenian brought up in a family with strict morals. It is not surprising that immediately after the celebration, the spouses began to disagree.
“Ararat made a bad choice,” his father says. - A man should marry, not marry his wife! We have adopted this: when a girl comes to the house as a bride, she needs to forget her ambitions and orders. Ira came to us with her charter, began to command - apparently, her parents did not teach her the rules of etiquette. They began to have scandals: Ira wanted to go for a walk, Ararat dreamed of seeing his wife at home.

Did you bless his marriage?
- We had a conversation: I suggested that my son find a bride from our circle. But Ararat soared: “If you like village girls, marry them yourself!” I knew that someday he would regret it, but I said nothing more. So everything turned out not like people do. Now I don’t climb into his life: let him marry whomever he wants. If only it was a clean woman with whom at least one table could sit, and not a street girl.
- There were rumors that actress Yevgenia Sviridova, who played Lisa in the TV series Univer, helped Ararat survive the divorce. Like, on the set they started an affair and Ararat even made an offer.
My son didn't discuss this with me. For us, his divorce was a great shame, - Gevorg Ashotovich sighs. - I heard that he had a girlfriend, but apparently, this time he chose a career. Ararat understands that as soon as he gets married, the doors will begin to close in front of him, because the family takes a lot of time.

Hearing test
Express Gazeta called Evgenia Sviridova to find out who her heart is now occupied with.
- It's hard for me to remember our relationship with Ararat, - the actress sighed. - Yes, we had a beautiful romance, but, unfortunately, it did not come to the wedding. I do not want to go into details, I will say one thing: today my heart is free.