What do animals do in preparation for winter? Animals at different times of the year. How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic tasks, pictures for children

Hello our dear moms and dads! We continue the autumn theme and today we will tell the children about the life of animals in the fall.

In autumn, animals prepare for the harshest time of the year - winter. The life of furry, feathered and other inhabitants of forests, fields, city parks, squares depends on how this preparation goes.

Insects are among the first to react to weather changes.

Most of them are looking for cozy shelters in which to sleep through the winter. They find these shelters under fallen leaves, under bark that has lagged behind a tree trunk, in the crevices of houses.

But butterflies turn into pupae and so wait cold winter.

Lizards, snakes, frogs, toads are in a hurry to leave for the winter. Brown herbal and green frogs in autumn they stay closer to water bodies, at the bottom of which they hibernate. Toads seek shelter on land: under the roots of trees, in the minks of small rodents.

In autumn, lizards crawl deeper into their minks, under moss, into fallen leaves, under tree roots, into rotten stumps.

When the cold comes and the insects disappear migratory birds- swallows, swifts, flycatchers - begin to prepare for a trip to warm countries.

Forest animals are also beginning to prepare for winter. Some of them begin to eat a lot, so that fat forms under their skin, which will warm the beast well in the winter cold. For example, bears and badgers. Many inhabitants of the forest make stocks for the winter (squirrels, mice, moles), prepare winter housing.

In autumn, many animals begin to shed - they grow a warm undercoat, and the fur changes its color.

In a white hare, the entire fur coat becomes white, and only the tips of the ears are black, and in a hare, the fur coat brightens only on the sides.

The squirrel turns gray by winter, changing its bright fiery red coat to a more inconspicuous one in winter.

When snow appears and it gets colder, some animals go into hibernation. Such animals include hedgehogs and bears, which cannot feed themselves in winter.

That's all for today. Soon a presentation on the topic “Animal Life in Autumn” will appear on Yasnaya Solnyshka.

Also, you can get my free book.

Elena Medvedeva.

How do animals prepare for winter? Part 1.

Speech logical tasks, stories, fairy tales, poems in pictures, experiments, finger theater and dramatized dialogues for children on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”. This topic helps the child not only to learn a new interesting information about how animals prepare for winter, but also to learn see connections in the environment. For example,

  • it gets cold - so the insects hide - so the birds fly south, because there is no food for them.
  • the bunny changes his fur coat to white so that he cannot be seen on the white snow in winter.

From the material of the article, you can easily choose exactly what your child will be interested in:

  • for kids 3-4 years old - games, poems, pictures, cartoons,
  • for children 5-6 years old, you can add logical speech tasks, natural history stories. Do not rush to tell the child as much as possible!

The main thing is for him to be interested, so that he does not just listen and remember, but he himself thinks, reflects, asks questions, invents and acts out dialogues.

How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic tasks, pictures for children

In the article you will find experiments, stories, fairy tales, poems, logic tasks, pictures, tasks for children preschool age:

  1. Experiences for children“Why is a hare gray in summer and white in winter?”, “Which fur coat is warmer?”
  2. How hare getting ready for winter?
  3. How bear getting ready for winter?
  4. How hedgehog getting ready for winter?
  5. presentation for viewing pictures and activities with children on this article.

How to tell a child about how animals prepare for winter?

  • Here you will find a lot of materials on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”. This is done so that every mother can choose exactly what is interesting for her baby!
  • It is not necessary to introduce the child immediately to all animals. First, introduce 2-3 animals, make a logical puzzle about them. Consider pictures. Act out the dialogue between them, in which the animals tell each other about their autumn affairs. And then, when the baby is already comfortable, introduce the next animal.
  • You can work with your child on these materials in any order. But speech logical tasks are designed to consolidate the existing ideas of children, therefore, they are used at the end of the conversation with the baby as its result, as a creative task for applying the acquired knowledge.
  • The article consists of two parts. You will find a link to the second part of the topic “How animals prepare for winter” at the end of the article. Good luck! I wish you new discoveries!

Experiments on the topic "How animals prepare for winter."

Experience 1. Why is a hare white in winter?

“Grey in summer, white in winter” - all children and adults know this riddle. And why does the bunny turn white in winter? Even a three-year-old child can find the answer to this question himself, if you show him one very simple and interesting experience.

  • Cut out the silhouette of a bunny from white paper (make it so that the child does not see how and what you cut out, this is a surprise for him!).
  • Put the silhouette of a bunny on a sheet of white paper. Attach. Can be slightly glued with a glue stick. But I do it differently. I use Uni patafix plastic mass. We take a piece of the mass (it resembles plasticine in consistency), attach the silhouette to the background. After the experiment, it will be possible to peel off. The same piece of mass is used repeatedly and leaves no traces. A very handy thing that is sold in stationery stores and online stores.
  • The white silhouette of a bunny is attached to a white background. Now everything is ready and you can call the baby to you. Say that you came up with a riddle for him. Now you show someone, and he will try to guess who it is.
  • Move as far as possible - to the other end of the room and quickly show your picture to the baby (five seconds maximum). Who is this? Most likely the child will say that nothing is visible or hard to see. Show again, but hold the picture longer so you can see it. It's still hard to guess who it is, because it's hard to see? Or did the kid still know who it is? Ask your child why it is so hard to guess who it is?
  • Now unpin the silhouette and put it on the green background. Show the child also from afar. O! It is immediately clear that this is a hare!
  • Ask the kid if a wolf or a fox can see a white bunny on white snow? Why, then, does the bunny change its coat for the winter? (yes, a wolf and a fox would immediately see him in a gray fur coat, and a white fur coat guards him).

Experience 2. Why does a squirrel change its coat in winter?

The experiment is carried out similarly to the previous one, but two squirrel silhouettes are used: silver and red. They are shown to the child on a silver background and on a red background. When is it easier to see and guess who it is? Why does a squirrel change its coat? Let the kid guess on the basis of this experience.

Experience 3. Which coat is warmer?

AT cold weather take two pairs of mittens for a walk with your child - one light pair, autumn. And the other - winter, fluffy, thick. Let the baby first put on light mittens, and then warm ones. Which ones are warmer? Explain that animals also need warm clothes for the winter. But they don’t have mittens, hats, coats. Where do they get their winter coats from? It turns out that animals shed in the fall and change their fur coat for a thicker and warmer one!

Stories, poems and educational tasks for children on the topic "How animals prepare for winter"


In autumn, the bunny begins to change the color of the fur coat and shed. But the bunny does not shed immediately. And therefore, hares love to rub against the bushes to quickly get rid of the summer fur. He changed the bunny coat - it means that he is ready for winter! A winter coat will hide him from both the fox and the wolf!

Bunny. Alexander Blok.

little bunny
On a damp valley
Before the eyes were amused
White flowers...

burst into tears in autumn
thin blades,
Paws are advancing
On yellow leaves.

Gloomy, rainy
Autumn has come,
Removed all the cabbage
Nothing to steal.

The poor bunny is jumping
Near the wet pines
Scary in the paws of the wolf
Gray to get ...

Thinking about summer
presses his ears,
Squinting at the sky -
Can't see the sky...

Just to be warmer
Just to dry...
Very unpleasant
Walk on water!

Question for kids: Does the bunny enjoy autumn and winter? Why?

Useful advice: speech task children. Older children can be told that little hares appear in the fall of a hare. This happens during leaf fall and therefore they have a very beautiful name. They are called ... (let the baby come up with his own name for the hares, show word creation). Praise him for any options, and then tell him what they really call such bunnies. They are called so beautifully - "fall leaves" !

The hare feeds her bunnies - leaf fall and runs away, leaving them alone. Hares, hiding, sit under a bush. Why does the hare throw them? It turns out that she leaves them so that the hare does not find in her footsteps wild beast! This is how she saves them! After all, hares have no smell, and no one can smell them. But the hare has a smell and enemies can smell it!

The hare's milk is very tasty, and the hare has enough milk for three days! And then a rabbit finds them. Bunnies feed not only their children, but also strangers' bunnies. They feed and run away so as not to attract enemies to the kids!

Read to the kid a fairy tale about a hare - leaf fall and how he met winter for the first time. From this fairy tale, the kid will learn how different animals prepare for winter.

Skrebitsky G.A. Fairy tale "Everyone in his own way"

In the summer in the forest, in a clearing, a hare was born to a long-eared hare. He was not born helpless, naked, like some kind of mice or squirrels, not at all. He was born in gray fluffy fur, with open eyes, so smart, independent, he could immediately run and even hide from enemies in thick grass.

Well done to me, - the hare told him in her hare language. - Lie here quietly under a bush, don't run anywhere, and if you start running, jumping, there will be traces of your paws on the ground. A fox or a wolf will stumble upon them, they will immediately find you on the trail and eat you. Well, be smart, relax, gain more strength, but I need to run, stretch my paws.

And the hare, having made a big jump, galloped off into the forest. Since then, the hare fed not only own mother, but also other hares, those that accidentally ran into this clearing. After all, the hares have got it so from time immemorial: a hare stumbles upon a baby, she doesn’t care whether she’s her own or someone else’s, she will definitely feed her with milk.

Soon the hare got stronger, grew up, began to eat juicy grass and run through the forest, getting acquainted with its inhabitants - birds and animals.

The days were fine, there was plenty of food around, and in the thick grass, in the bushes it was easy to hide from enemies.

The hare lived for himself, did not grieve. So, without caring about anything, he lived obliquely a warm summer.

But now autumn has come. It got cold. The trees withered. The wind tore off the withered leaves from the branches and circled over the forest. Then the leaves fell to the ground. They lay there restlessly: all the time fussing, whispering among themselves. And from this the forest was filled with an alarming rustle.

The hare could hardly sleep. Every minute he was alert, listening to suspicious sounds. It seemed to him that it was not the leaves rustling in the wind, but something terrible creeping up on him from behind the bushes.

The hare often jumped up during the day, ran from place to place, looking for safer shelters. Searched and did not find.

But, running through the forest, he saw a lot of new, interesting things that he had never seen before in the summer. He noticed that all his forest acquaintances - animals and birds - were fussing about something, doing something.

Once he met a squirrel, but she did not jump, as usual, from branch to branch, but descended to the ground, picked a boletus mushroom, then grabbed it tightly in her teeth and jumped up a tree with him. There, the squirrel stuck the mushroom into the fork between the knots.

The hare saw that several mushrooms were already hanging on the same tree.

Why do you tear them up and hang them on knots? - he asked.

What do you mean why? - answered the squirrel. - Winter will come soon, everything around will be covered with snow, then it will be difficult to get food. So now I'm in a hurry to prepare more stocks. I dry mushrooms on boughs, I collect nuts and acorns in hollows. Don't you stock up on food for the winter?

No, - answered the hare, - I can't do it. The bunny mom didn't teach me.

Your deeds are bad, - the squirrel shook its head. - Then insulate your nest at least better, plug all the cracks with moss.

Yes, I don’t even have a nest, - the hare was embarrassed. - I sleep under a bush, where I have to.

Well, that's no good! - the household squirrel spread its paws. - I don’t know how you will survive the winter without food supplies, without a warm nest.

And she again set to her chores, and the bunny sadly jumped on.

It was already evening, the hare reached a deaf ravine. There he stopped and listened attentively. Down the ravine with a slight noise every now and then small lumps of earth rolled down.

The hare got up on its hind legs to get a better look at what was going on there in front. Yes, this is a badger fussing near the hole. The hare ran up to him and greeted him.

Hello, oblique, - the badger answered. - Are you jumping? So sit down, sit down. Wow, I'm tired, even my paws hurt! Look how much earth was dug out of the hole.

Why are you ditching her? - the hare asked.

By winter, I clean the hole so that it is more spacious. I’ll clean it out, then I’ll drag the moss, the fallen leaves there, I’ll make a bed. Then I'm not afraid of winter. Lie down, lie down.

And the squirrel advised me to arrange a nest for the winter, - said the hare.

Don't listen to her, - the badger waved his paw. She learned how to build nests in trees from birds. Empty job. Animals need to live in a hole. This is the way I live. Help me dig better escape routes out of the hole. We will arrange everything as it is necessary, we will climb into the hole, we will spend the winter together.

No, I don't know how to dig a hole, - the hare answered. - Yes, and I can’t sit underground in a hole, I’ll suffocate there. It is better to rest under a bush.

Here the frost will soon show you how to rest under a bush! the badger answered angrily. - Well, if you don't want to help me, then run wherever you want. Don't bother me making a home.

Not far from the water, someone big, clumsy was fumbling near the aspen. “The beaver, he is the very one,” the stutterer saw, and in two jumps he found himself near him.

Hello buddy, what are you doing here? - asked the bunny.

Yes, I’m working, nibbling aspen, - the beaver answered slowly. I’ll throw it on the ground, then I’ll start biting the branches, dragging them into the river, I’ll warm my hut for the winter. You see, my house is on the island - it is built entirely of boughs, and the cracks are smeared with silt, inside I am warm, comfortable.

How do you get into your house? - asked the Bunny. - The entrance is nowhere to be seen.

The entrance to my hut is arranged below, under water. I will swim to the island, dive to the very bottom, and there I will find the entrance to my house. There is no better animal house than my hut. Let's insulate it together for the winter, together we will winter.

No, - the hare answered, - I don’t know how to dive and swim under water, I’ll drown right away, I’d rather spend the winter under a bush.

You shouldn't want to spend the winter with me, - answered the beaver and began to gnaw on the aspen.

Suddenly something rustles in the bushes! Oblique already wanted to take to his heels, but then an old acquaintance, a hedgehog, looked out of the fallen leaves.

Hello, buddy! he shouted. - Are you so sad, ears hanging out?

My friends upset me, - answered the hare. - They say you need to build a warm nest or a hut for the winter, but I don’t know how.

Building a hut? - the hedgehog laughed. - That's nonsense! You better do what I do: every night I eat more heartily, store more fat, and when there is enough reserve, then it will start to make me sleepy. Then I will climb into the fallen leaves, into the moss, curl up in a ball and fall asleep for the whole winter. And when you sleep, then neither frost nor wind are afraid of you.

No, - answered the hare, - I won’t be able to sleep through the whole winter. My sleep is sensitive, disturbing, I wake up every minute from every rustle.

Well, then do as you know, - answered the hedgehog. - Farewell, it's time for me to look after a place for my winter sleep.

And the animal again disappeared into the bushes.

The hare trudged further through the forest. Wandered, wandered. The night has already passed, the morning has come. He got out into the clearing. Looks - a lot of thrushes have gathered on it. All the trees are stuck around and jumping on the ground, shouting, crackling, arguing about something.

What are you arguing about? - the hare asked the thrush, which was sitting closer to him.

Yes, we are discussing when we fly from here to warm countries for the winter.

But won't you stay in our forest for the winter?

What are you, what are you! - the thrush was surprised. - In winter, snow will fall, cover all the earth and branches of trees. Where can you find food then? We fly with us to the south, where it is warm in winter and there is plenty of food.

Don't you see, I don't even have wings, - the hare answered sadly. I'm an animal, not a bird. Animals cannot fly.

That's not true, - objected the thrush. - The bats also animals, but they fly no worse than us birds. They have already flown south to warm countries.

The hare did not answer the thrush, he only waved his paw and ran away.

“How will I winter? he thought anxiously. - All animals and birds are preparing for winter in their own way. And I have neither a warm nest, nor food supplies, and I will not be able to fly south. I'll probably have to die of hunger and cold."

Another month has passed. Bushes and trees shed their last leaves. It's time for rain and cold. The forest became gloomy, dull. Most of the birds flew to warm countries. The animals hid in holes, in nests, in lairs. The hare was sad in the empty forest, and besides, trouble happened to him: the hare suddenly noticed that the skin on it began to turn white. Summer, gray wool was replaced by a new one - fluffy, warm, but completely white. First, the hind legs turned white, then the sides, then the back, and finally the head. Only the tips of the ears are black.

“How can I hide from enemies now? - the hare thought with horror. In a white fur coat, both the fox and the hawk will immediately notice me. And the hare hid in the very wilderness, under the bushes, in the marshy thickets. However, even there, a white fur coat could easily betray him to the keen eye of a predator.

But one day, when the hare was lying, climbing under a bush, he saw that everything around him somehow suddenly darkened. The sky was covered with clouds; however, it did not rain from them, but something white and cold fell down.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, began to settle on the ground, on the faded grass, on the bare branches of bushes and trees. With every second, the snow fell thicker and thicker. It was already impossible to see the nearest trees. Everything drowned in a continuous white stream.

The snow stopped only in the evening. The sky cleared, the stars came out, bright and radiant, like blue frosty needles. They lit up the fields and forests, dressed up, covered with a white veil of winter.

Night had already fallen, and the hare was still lying under a bush. He was afraid to get out of his ambush and go for a night walk on this unusually white land.

Finally, hunger nevertheless forced him to leave the shelter and look for food.

Finding it was not so difficult - the snow only slightly covered the ground and did not even hide the smallest bushes.

But a completely different misfortune happened: as soon as the hare jumped out from under the bushes and ran across the clearing, he saw with horror that a string of his tracks stretched behind him everywhere.

“Following such footprints, any enemy can easily find me,” thought the scythe.

Therefore, when in the morning he again went on a daytime rest, the hare, even more carefully than before, confused his tracks.

Only after doing this, he hid under a bush and dozed off.

But winter brought with it more than just grief. When dawn broke, the hare saw with joy that his white fur coat was completely invisible on the white snow. The bunny seemed to be dressed in an invisibility fur coat. In addition, it was much warmer than his summer gray skin, perfectly saved from frost and wind.

“Winter is not so terrible,” the hare decided and calmly dozed off for the whole day until evening.

But only the beginning of winter turned out to be so pleasant, and then things went from bad to worse. There was a lot of snow. It was almost impossible to tear it open to get to the surviving greenery. The hare ran in vain through the high snowdrifts in search of food. It was not often that he managed to chew on some twig sticking out from under the snow.

One day, running in search of food, the hare saw forest giants moose. They calmly stood in the aspen and gnawed with appetite the bark and shoots of young aspens.

“Let me try, too,” thought the hare. “But the trouble is: elks have high legs, long necks, it’s easy for them to reach young shoots, but how can I get it?”

But then a high snowdrift caught his eye. The hare jumped on it, stood on its hind legs, easily reached out to the young, thin branches and began to gnaw them. Then he gnawed the bark of the aspen. All this seemed very tasty to him, and he ate his fill.

“So the snow hasn’t done much trouble,” the scythe decided. “He hid the grass, but he let the branches of bushes and trees get to him.”

Everything would be fine, only the frost and the wind began to pester the hare. Even a warm coat did not save him. From the cold there was nowhere to hide in the naked winter forest.

"Wow, how cold!" - said the oblique, running through the forest clearing to warm up a little.

The day had already come, it was high time to go on vacation, but the hare still could not find a place for himself to hide from the icy wind.

Birch trees grew on the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly, the hare saw that large forest birds - black grouse - were calmly sitting on them and feeding. They flew here to feast on the catkins that hung at the ends of thin branches.

Well, you've eaten - it's time to rest, - the old black grouse said to his brothers. - Let's hide in the minks from the angry wind.

“What kind of minks can grouse have?” - the bunny was surprised.

But then he saw that the old black grouse, having fallen off the branch, fell in a lump right into the snow, as if diving into the water. Other black grouse did the same, and soon the whole flock disappeared under the snow.

"Is it really warm in there?" - the hare was surprised and decided to immediately try to dig a snow mink for himself. And what? In the mink under the snow it turned out to be much warmer than on the surface. The wind did not blow, and the frost pestered much less.

Since then, the hare has become quite accustomed to how he spends the winter. A white fur coat in a white forest hid him from the eyes of the enemy, snowdrifts helped him get to the succulent shoots, and a deep mink in the snow saved him from the cold. The hare felt in the winter among the snow-covered bushes no worse than in the summer in the green flowering thickets. He did not even notice how the winter had passed.

And now the sun warmed up again, melted the snow, the grass turned green again, the leaves on the bushes and trees blossomed. From southern countries the birds returned.

A bustling squirrel crawled out of its nest where it hid in the winter from the cold. A badger, a beaver and a prickly hedgehog got out of their shelters. Each of them told about how he spent long winter. Everyone believed that he spent it better than others. And all together they were surprised, looking at the hare. How, poor fellow, did he spend the winter without a warm nest, without a hole, without food supplies? And the bunny listened to his friends and only laughed. After all, he lived quite well in the winter in his snow-white invisible fur coat.

Even now, in the spring, he also wore an invisibility coat, only different, the color of the earth - not white, but gray.

Look with a child cartoon about a hare - leaf fall "Hares scared the hare."

Exercise 1. Discuss with the baby what is true in this cartoon, and what is a fairy tale. For example, it is true that a hare changes its coat. But the fairy tale is that he changes her like people. The hare sheds, but does not change clothes! Another example. It is true that a new fur coat does not appear at the bunny immediately, but in parts. But the fairy tale is that a bunny can “change clothes” into a new fur coat in a minute. What else in this cartoon is a true story, and what is a fairy tale?

Task 2. After watching the cartoon, play game "Does it happen or not?" You ask a question, and the child answers it with either "Trick truck, it's true!" or "Trick truck, it's not!". Hyperactive children like to respond with movement, such as tapping and slapping to the rhythm, or even jumping up and down when answering questions. Let them do it with pleasure and joy. It only helps the game and does not hinder in any way!

Sample tasks for the game.

The first phrase is the task of the adult, the second phrase is the answer of the baby.

  • The hare changes its coat for the winter. - Backgammon, that's right!
  • The hare lives in a hut. - Backgammon, it's not like that!
  • The hare lives with the hare. -Backgammon. this is not true!
  • The hare is friends with the wolf. - Backgammon, it's not like that!
  • The fall leaf has never seen winter. -Trick-track, that's right!

Think of any questions of your own. In this game, children will be happy to answer them, and at the same time we will consolidate the ideas that the child has about the world around him. From my own experience I know that children love this game very much, they just adore it! If you play with several children, then you can play like this: for a mistake, the player leaves the game and joins the leader. Whoever stayed to the last in the game and never made a mistake - he won!

When playing with a large group of children, movements can be introduced. To the words "Trick-track, it's so!" The children clap their hands. To the words “Trick truck, it’s not like that,” they put their hands behind their backs and stamp their feet to the rhythm of the phrase. Then you will very accurately see who made a mistake and who did not!

You can read about how hares live in winter in the article.


The bear also prepares for winter in autumn. In winter, he will sleep in a den, but after all, the house - the den must first be prepared! The bear makes a wintering den under an uprooted tree in a dry place.

Before going to the den and falling asleep, the bear confuses its tracks so that no one will find it. He walks through the forest in loops, walks through the windbreak, through the trees to hide his tracks. If there is someone nearby, then the bear will never go to its lair! Will wait for everyone to leave and confuse their tracks!

The bear goes to bed before the first snow so that his footprints are not visible in the snow. Interestingly, bears go to bed with their heads to the south.

In autumn, a bear needs to eat a lot to survive the winter. Bears love to go to oat fields in autumn and feast on oats. Perhaps your mother cooks you porridge from oats? Such porridge is called "Hercules" because it gives a person a lot of strength. Oats give strength to people, animals, and birds. Therefore, bears need oats so much in autumn! The bear eats up in the fall not only with oats, but also with fish, ants, beetles, autumn berries, so that it is enough for the whole winter.

Before hibernation bears also change their coats for winter, warm, thick, long and fluffy. Only the bears have both summer and winter coats of the same color.

The bear does not fall asleep immediately, in the cold winter he sleeps soundly, but in the thaw he sleeps sensitively.

Why does a bear sleep in winter? V. Orlov

Bear, bear, what's wrong with you?

Why do you sleep in winter?

Because snow and ice

Not raspberries and not honey!

Bear. I. Tokmakova

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the tree - snow, snow,

And under the tree - snow. Snow.

A bear is sleeping under the snow!

Hush hush. Keep quiet!

Task for kids: Watch a cartoon with your child - a fairy tale about a bear cub "The First Winter". Why is this a fairy tale, and not a story (a lot is invented in a fairy tale, but the story talks about what really happens). What from the cartoon is a fairy tale, and what really exists?


How often do we see in cartoons a joyful hedgehog carrying mushrooms on its needles. But in fact, the hedgehog is preparing for winter in a completely different way!

In autumn, the hedgehog prepares a home for the winter. The hedgehog's house is called "burrow". The hedgehog strings leaves on its back, and then shakes them off in the hole. And at night and during the day the hedgehog works, making himself a cozy house - he carries moss and leaves into it. From moss and leaves, the hedgehog will make himself a soft warm winter bed! Then he will climb into his hole, bury himself in leaves and warm moss and fall asleep in a sweet dream for the whole winter! And wake up in the spring!

There is another myth about the hedgehog that he picks apples in autumn for his food. This is not true either! In autumn, there are a lot of ticks in the forest, which climb between hedgehog needles and are very worried about hedgehogs. Hedgehogs save themselves by planting apples on their needles. It turns out malic acid, which is very afraid of insects. That's why the hedgehog wears apples in the fall!

Hedgehog. I. S. Sokolov - Mikitov

Through stumps and logs, through high overgrown bumps, through open forest glades, a hedgehog makes its way to its lair.
In autumn, hedgehogs have little prey. Worms hid in the ground, nimble lizards disappeared, slippery snakes and black snakes twisted into balls. It's hard to find bugs and stupid frogs.
In clear autumn days the hard-working hedgehog prepares for himself a warm winter hut. Night and day it drags fragrant dry leaves and soft forest moss into a hole under an old stump - it makes a winter bed.
Soon the hedgehog will climb into its lair for the whole long winter. He will no longer run through the forest, catching worms and bugs.
Winter will come, a deep snowdrift will cover his hole. Under a deep snowdrift, as under a thick fluffy blanket, it's warm to a hedgehog.
No one will find his lair, no one will wake him up. Until the spring sun, the hedgehog will sleep all winter, and he will have forest hedgehog dreams.

Poor hedgehog. V. Oseeva
sleeping bear,
The jackdaw fell asleep
Sleep overcame the fox.
I am not sleeping
I'm very sorry
hedgehog in the forest

poor hedgehog,
Poor hedgehog.
Doesn't sleep at night!
All in needles
Can't lie down
Sits and sits.

It will lie on the barrel - sharply,
The back is prickly.
I couldn't have spent the whole night under the tree
Sit without sleep.

How will he put himself to sleep?
I would take the skin off!
poor hedgehog,
poor hedgehog,
How can I help you?

Task for children: Can a hedgehog really sleep in his coat of needles? How does a hedgehog sleep? (He curls up into a ball, and therefore is not afraid of enemies. He is reliably protected by needles! And he sleeps on a soft bedding made of leaves and fur, he is cozy and comfortable)

Article continued:

  • You will learn about how a beaver, a badger, a mouse, a fox and a wolf prepare for winter, how to make a finger theater on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”, what kind of dramatizations - conversations of animals can be thought up and played using a finger theater you will learn from continuation of the article - its second part
  • In the third part You will find
  • In the fourth part You will find a video for children about how animals and birds prepare for winter based on the story of G. Skrebitsky

Pictures from all the articles on the site on the topic “How animals prepare for winter” in high resolution and high quality You can download in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the “Documents” section of the group under the video recordings of the group).

You will find pictures for viewing with children and talking with them based on the materials of this article in the presentation below.

Presentation "How animals prepare for winter"

The presentation for activities with children includes pictures of this article in high resolution for showing to children on the screen or printout.

You can download the presentation "How animals prepare for winter" for classes with preschool children at this link:

The presentation can be edited.

More interesting stuff for games and activities with children about autumn you will find in the articles of the site:

In pictures, fairy tales, poems, developing tasks for children. Part 1.

Cognitive stories, videos, speech and logic tasks, riddles, poems, finger gymnastics, games.

And in conclusion, I want to offer all of you, the readers of Rodnaya Path, a wonderful and unique video about bear cubs. About how very tiny cubs left without a mother are rescued by people, fed, taught and sent to live in nature. You will see how cubs get acquainted with the world, learn how to eat oats, build dens, defend themselves! This is a kind of bearish " Kindergarten ik” in the Tver region, where the Pazhetnov family, scientists and biologists, works. The video was made with greatest love to nature. Leads the transfer famous writer Vasily Peskov, known to many as the host of the program "In the world of animals." Have a good mood from watching! Such videos are positive and leave warmth in the soul for a long time!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below for free subscription

Tatyana Ryabova
Abstract of the lesson in senior group How do animals prepare for winter in autumn?

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group:

"How animals prepare for winter in autumn


-) consolidate children's knowledge of how animals getting ready for winter,

-) to form the concepts of cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in natural phenomena

-) to exercise children in the ability to compose a story according to a model scheme.

-) to develop the ability of children to correlate iconic symbols with images

-) develop memory, attention, visual-effective thinking

- to cultivate a good attitude towards nature, animals.

Lesson progress

Guys, now I will give you a riddle, and you try to solve it.

The red girl came

And sprinkles the leaves.

What is her name,

Who can guess, kids? (autumn)

That's right autumn. And then autumn what time will come?

Children (winter)

-In autumn, all animals prepare for winter..

The game "One is many"

To more than one wolf is preparing for winter, but a lot... (wolves)

Not one hare, but many... (hares)

Not one hedgehog, but many ... (hedgehogs)

Not just one bear, but many... (bears)

Not one squirrel, but many ... (protein)

Not just one moose, but many... (moose)

Not just one boar, but many... (boars)

Not one fox, but many... (fox)

Do you want to know how? Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in the forest, breathe clean fresh air. (musical accompaniment "Noise of the Forest"). We will not make noise so as not to scare animals. Girls, like chanterelles, run to the stumps beautiful easy gait. Boys, like bears, will pass slowly, waddling. Came and here are the animals, they will now tell how they are getting ready for winter.

Guys who will come across to us first in the forest. Guess the riddle and you will immediately know who it is?

Cowardly Jumper:

short tail,

pigtail eyes,

Ears along the back

Clothes in two colors -

For the winter, for the summer.


Presentation "How animals are preparing for winter»

1. slide. like a hare getting ready for winter?

autumn the bunny begins to change the color of the fur coat and shed. But the bunny does not shed immediately. And therefore, hares love to rub against the bushes to quickly get rid of the summer fur. Changed the bunny coat - that means to winter ready! A winter coat will hide him from both the fox and the wolf!

Experience 1. Why is a hare white in winter?

"Grey in summer, white in winter" The answer to this question will not help you find an interesting experience. Cut out the silhouette of a bunny from white paper. Let's put the silhouette of a bunny on a sheet of white paper. Let's attach. Can be slightly glued with a glue stick. The white silhouette of a bunny is attached to a white background. That's it ready. If we look at this picture from afar, we will not be able to see who we have drawn. And then we attach the silhouette of a hare to green, then you can immediately see who it is.

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

2. slide. Like a bear getting ready for winter?

Bear in the fall is also preparing for the winter. In winter, he will sleep in a den, but after all, a house is a den first prepare! The bear makes a wintering den under an uprooted tree in a dry place. Before going to the den and falling asleep, the bear confuses its tracks so that no one will find it. He walks through the forest in loops, walks through the windbreak, through the trees to hide his tracks. If there is someone nearby, then the bear will never go to its lair! Will wait for everyone to leave and confuse their tracks! The bear goes to bed before the first snow so that his footprints are not visible in the snow. Interestingly, bears go to bed with their heads to the south.

Guys, look, who is hiding under the Christmas tree?

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

3. slide. like a hedgehog getting ready for winter?

How often do we see in cartoons a joyful hedgehog carrying mushrooms on its needles. But really hedgehog prepare for winter in a completely different way! hedgehog cooks in autumn home for the winter. The hedgehog's house is called "Nora". The hedgehog strings leaves on its back, and then shakes them off in the hole. And at night and during the day the hedgehog works, making himself a cozy house - he carries moss and leaves into it. From moss and leaves, the hedgehog will make himself a soft warm winter bed! Then he will climb into his hole, bury himself in leaves and warm moss and fall asleep in a sweet dream for the whole winter! And wake up in the spring! There is another myth about the hedgehog that he collects autumn apples for their livelihood. This is not true either! There are a lot of ticks in the forest in autumn, which climb between hedgehog needles and are very worried about hedgehogs. Hedgehogs save themselves by planting apples on their needles. It turns out malic acid, which is very afraid of insects. That's why the hedgehog is on itself autumn apples and wears!

Look, someone is jumping on the branches. Who is it?

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

4. slide. like a squirrel getting ready for winter?

How trains almost all children know their own food for the winter of a squirrel, because in all the cartoons it is shown how she hangs mushrooms on tree branches and dries them on stumps. She also collects nuts, acorns, cones. Where is the squirrel hiding them? Under the stumps, under the roots of trees, in hollows, in moss. To in winter, squirrels cook their own houses. The squirrel's house is called "hollow". But if there is no hollow, then the squirrel builds a nest for itself. This is a ball of twigs and pieces of bark with one entrance. Inside the nest, the squirrel puts moss and bird feathers to keep it warm. She plugs the cracks with moss and grass. The squirrel nest is built very high in the tree so that no one climbs into it. The squirrel's winter coat is silvery, similar to snow. And in the summer - red.

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud.

And good dams. (Beavers)

5. slide. like a beaver getting ready for winter?

Beaver is amazing animal! It is even called "Rodent King"! The beaver has a spatula tail, sharp teeth. A beaver can even gnaw through a tree with its teeth! Beavers can swim, and their fur coat is special - it does not get wet in the water! Beavers take care of their coat and take good care of it. They comb it with their front paws, teeth and claws of the hind legs. But other beavers help them to comb the back, because you can’t reach the back yourself! Just like you, mom probably helps to rub your back with a washcloth when you wash! The beaver's house is called "hut". Beavers build a house from branches and twigs. The house of beavers is very durable, because all the branches are fastened with clay and silt. The hut can only be entered underwater. Beavers live in families. autumn they have a lot to do winterize the dam, repair it, prepare a lot of branches and put them near your house - "huts". It's theirs "food" for the winter. "I'm going" they keep under water near their house. And they need a lot of food in winter! After all, beavers do not sleep in winter, and they need to eat! In winter, beavers swim underwater and eat the roots of aquatic plants and their autumn blanks feed - stored branches.

Say goodbye to the beavers and move on.

He skillfully digs holes

He knows he loves this.

Because the mole and friend

And his name is (Badger)

6. slide. Like a badger getting ready for winter?

badger too prepares his house for winter. The badger's house is a hole. autumn badger repairs the house, brings dry grass, moss, leaves and trains a warm and soft bed for the winter. Just as we have a mattress and pillow on our bed to make it soft and comfortable to sleep, so the badger wants to make his bed soft and comfortable. And the badger also stores food for the winter, dries it and hides it in a hole. He stores acorns, seeds, plant roots.

Look, who is running across the meadow?

Nimble and fast

With a lush mustache

I cover myself with a gray coat,

Tell me what's my name?

Answer: Mouse

7. slide. like a mouse getting ready for winter?

mouse prepared her pantry for the winter and filled it with grain. Sometimes the mice make their pantry right on the field and carry grains into it every night. The mouse hole has several entrances, and it has "bedroom" and a few "Pantries". In winter, the mouse sleeps only in cold weather, and on the rest of the days she needs to eat, which is why she stores so much food!

Who are ours, has not yet been caught in the forest?

He looks like a shepherd:

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth,

On a sheep ready to attack. (Wolf)

She is smarter than all the animals

She has a red coat on.

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This beast of the forest - ....


Like the fox and the wolf getting ready for winter?

fox k autumn she has already raised her foxes, so she does not sit in a hole. But if danger threatens, then the fox runs to his house and hides. The fox's hole is at the edge of the forest on a hill, so that the fox can see the forest from all sides. The fox is very smart, she never runs straight to the hole, first she makes a loop to confuse her tracks, and then she hides in the hole. The fox is a predator, it does not sleep in winter and does not make reserves for the winter, like a wolf. But here's a coat winter and fox, and wolf cook. Their hair, like all animals, grows and becomes very warm and fluffy so that it is not cold in winter.

The guys told us a lot animals about how they prepare for winter. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. One two three, here we are back. Let's check how you remember who preparing for winter and who lives where.

The game "Where is whose house?".

Guess how to proceed.

Lives in a den...

Can live in a hole...

Lives in a hut...

Lives in a hollow...

Lives under a bush...

Outcome lessons.

Topic: How animals prepare for winter.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of forest animals in the autumn.



Clarification of ideas about the signs of autumn, seasonal changes in nature; to systematize knowledge about forest animals about how they prepare for winter; fix the application technique of woolen thread.


The ability to determine features animals; enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; continue to develop fine motor skills.


To instill love for nature, respect for forest dwellers; ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Observation of changes in nature in autumn (walk);

Conversations about autumn, about preparing forest animals for winter;

Examination of paintings depicting wild animals, discussion of the content

Reading the stories of G. Skrebitsky "Four Artists".

Thematic physical minutes.

Integration educational areas:

Cognition (acquaintance with nature), artistic creativity (application from waste material).

Materials for the lesson:

Painting "Seasons";

Pictures depicting wild animals;

Model cards;

Didactic game"When it happens";

Musical accompaniment;

For each child, a mushroom template, threads (for application);


Course progress.

caregiver - Guys, I suggest you make a trip through the seasons (picture "Seasons")

Here is summer and autumn, winter and spring,

Spring is coming, forests are turning green

And bird voices are ringing everywhere.

Red - summer has come - everything is blooming

And ripe berries ask in the mouth.

Yellow autumn will color our garden

Beautiful leaves fly in the wind.

Winter covers the fields with snow

And of blue color the earth slumbers.

Now let's play a little.

Game "When it happens."

Children have colored cards. Blue cards are for winter, green for spring, red for summer, and yellow for autumn.

caregiver “I will give you riddles, and you will show me the riddles.

Snow on the fields

ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking.

When does it happen?

Answer: in winter

Snowball melts

The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.

When does it happen?

Answer: in spring

The sun bakes

Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening

When does it happen?

Answer: in summer

empty fields,
Wet earth,
The rain is pouring.
When does it happen?

Answer: in autumn

Children accompany their answers by raising cards.

Educator - What season is it now? What are the signs of autumn?

(The sky is gray and gloomy; the sun shines less often, not so warm; it often rains; the leaves turn yellow and fall off; people dress warmly; birds fly to warmer climes).

The story is accompanied by a display of visual symbols (pictures).

A conversation about how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - Yes, you correctly named all the signs of autumn, we harvested, put on warm clothes - we are ready for winter. Interesting, a forest animals getting ready for the cold. Let's figure it out.

The teacher, makes riddles as he guesses, lays out the image of animals (pictures).


Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Answer: Yozh

Educator - The back, sides and even part of the hedgehog's head are covered with sharp needles.

Why do you think? (children's answers)

In the fall, the hedgehog prepares a mink for himself, insulates it with moss and dry foliage.

He will choose a place where the dry leaves will curl up in a ball and begin to roll on them. He will collect the leaves on his thorns, run up to the mink, get rid of these leaves and run again.

And what does the hedgehog eat? (children's answers)

Hedgehogs hunt at night, in autumn they feed heavily and get fat - they are preparing for winter. To lie down in a mink and sleep until spring. Hedgehog sleeps in winter.

2. Riddle

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Answer: Bear

Educator - The bear is also called clubfoot, it is true, you can see it if you look at its footprints: it puts its paws with its heels out.

What does a bear eat all summer and autumn? (children's answers)

Is the bear stocking up for the winter? Why? (children's answers)

So the bear, like a hedgehog, has to eat up and fatten up for the whole cold winter.

Where does the bear sleep all winter? (in the den)

But the bear's sleep is very sensitive, it rather does not sleep, but dozes and hears everything that happens around. Therefore, there is no need to make noise in the winter forest. In winter, the lair will be covered with a snow blanket, it will be warm for the bear in it.

Wellness minute

Our Mishutka stretched,

Once stooped, twice stooped,

Paws apart

Apparently no honey.

children perform movements according to the text

The bear got into the hive and now

mimic the walk of a bear

Licking sweet honey from paw

text imitation

And here is another forest dweller.

3. Riddle: Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

Answer: wolf

Educator - The wolf is also preparing for winter. His coat grows over the summer and autumn and becomes very thick and warm. This is necessary for the wolf, because he sleeps right on the snow, covering his nose and paws with his tail. Wolves live in families in winter - this is Wolf Pack. They sleep during the day and hunt at night. There is an expression: "The legs feed the wolf." Indeed, in search of food, he runs many kilometers. The wolf has wide, strong paws.

And what does the wolf eat? (children's answers)

4. Riddle: Cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty,

And her name is...

Answer: Fox

Educator - The fox is walking quietly, it is not audible. In winter, a fox grows thick hair on its paws,not to be cold. The fox walks like in felt boots.

What does a fox eat? (children's answers)

She loves to get mice out of the snow. The fox's hearing is good, she will hear how the mice fumble under the snow, squeak and begin to rake with their paws.

Educator - What do you guys think, why don't the wolf and the fox need to change the color of their coats?

5. Riddle: A ball of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.Answer: hare

Educator - hare changes colorfur coats. What was it like in summer, and in winter?

Interestingly, he changes the color of the fur coat. First the tail turns white, then the hind legs. You look at such a hare, as if he was wearing white pants. Then the back turns white, behind it are the ears, but not to the very tips: they remain black.

Why should a rabbit change its coat? (children's answers)

Who is the hare afraid of, from whom is he hiding? (children's answers)

How is the hare saved?(children's answers)

What helps the hare to run so fast?(children's answers)

Where is the rabbit house? (children's answers)

A hare never digs a hole for itself. During the day he sleeps under a bush. In severe frosts, it burrows into a snowdrift - it is warmer there. At night, a hare comes out to get food.

What? (children's answers)

6. Riddle Who gnawed cones on a branch

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Answer: Squirrel

Educator - Correctly. This is a squirrel.But look, before she was red, but now what? (children's answers)

She changed her coat for a warmer one.

Why do you think the color of the coat changed? (children's answers)

What reserves does protein make for the winter? (children's answers)

Squirrels spend their entire lives in trees. It descends to the ground only to pick a mushroom. And up again. The squirrel dries mushrooms by poking them on sharp branches, and hides nuts in holes that she digs herself among the bushes. If you come across such a pantry, do not touch it, the squirrels need these nuts more.

Tell me, what kind of tail does a squirrel have? (children's answers)

The squirrel's tail is like a parachute. The squirrel will jump from tree to tree, fluff its tail and smoothly fall onto a branch.

What is the name of the squirrel's house? (children's answers)

Inside, the animal lines its dwelling with leaves; in such a hollow there is usually one entrance, which in very coldy squirrel plugs its tail.

5. Surprise moment (Squirrel enters knock on the door)

Squirrel - Hello guys! I came to play with you a little.

Wellness minute with musical accompaniment.

"Play with me, buddy."

Get in a circle,

Be careful buddy

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

We will bend the back with you,

Well, let's wag our tail

Come on,

Do not snooze

And repeat after me.

Do all day long

We are not too lazy to jump with you

Step back,

Step forward

And in place turn.

children perform movements according to the text.

Educator - Squirrel, are you ready for winter?

Squirrel Yes, nut, I stocked up a lot of cones, but I didn’t have time to mushrooms ...

Educator - Guys, let's help the squirrels stock mushrooms

Artistic creativity(application from waste material)

While the children are doing the work, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds " gold autumn. October", from the series "Seasons"

Squirrel - Thank you guys, these mushrooms will last me all winter. I want to give you nuts. (Cookies) Well, it's time for me to go to the forest, goodbye.

7. Reflection.

    What are the signs of autumn?

    What wild animals are we talking about?

    What have you learned?

    Did you enjoy the activity?

Irina Kolesova
How do animals prepare for winter?

1 slide. The title of the presentation is "How Animals Prepare for Winter"


In winter, the hare changes its fur coat to white. Belly, front legs and ears turn white. Then the sides and back of the body. In early December, the hare is already completely white. Long-ears have a bad time when there is no snow for a long time, and they have already shed. White fur betrays them to enemies.


The bear hibernates in a den. The place is chosen dry, located in a crevice or rock. Before the onset of sleep, the bear eats little to empty the stomach and seal it. During hibernation, the bear does not sleep deeply, dozes, and in case of danger meets the enemy.


With the advent of winter, the fox changes its fur, to a more lush one, by molting. During the day, she usually sleeps in her burrow, and at night she hunts mice and other rodents. Sometimes, due to lack of food, the fox will steal poultry if it lives near the village. In preparation for winter, the fox digs a hole in groves or on the slopes of ravines.


The wolf is a dangerous and cunning animal. It is not easy for them to live among the snowy forest, but it is possible. In winter, wolves gather in packs to catch prey more easily. pack of wolves for a short time can catch and divide a wild boar, and alone a wolf is almost impossible to do.


Squirrels do not tolerate frost well and are forced to hide in the thicket of the forest. most winters. The squirrel begins to prepare food for itself long before winter. In general, squirrel all year round drags acorns, nuts, mushrooms, cones onto tree branches. Then the squirrel dries the food on stumps or high branches of trees and eats it.


Beavers start preparing for winter long before it starts. It builds a dwelling at the water level or slightly lower, and in winter it is completely under the ice. They are warmer there. The dwellings built by the beaver are very strong, they bind the pieces of wood with plants and river clay. The beaver needs enough food for the winter, because they do not hibernate, but only lower their energy.


In winter, the badger lives in a hole that it makes in the fall. Inside, he equips everything with dry grass, leaves, moss, so that it is as warm as possible. The badger also stocks up on food with the beginning of autumn. The food for the badger is the roots of plants, seeds, acorns, fruits of various plants.


Hedgehogs begin to prepare for winter in early autumn. They look for a deep hole, at least one and a half meters deep, otherwise in a cold winter with severe frosts, hedgehogs can simply freeze and not survive. They warm it with dry leaves and moss, clog the hole and hibernate.


Chipmunks gather food supplies all day long and hide them in their burrows to provide themselves with food for the whole winter. Chipmunks feed on nuts, berries, plant seeds and even insects. When chipmunks find something edible, they grab it and quickly stuff it into their mouths, into their cheek pouches, and then they carry it into the hole. Chipmunks live in burrows with intricate passages, which, depending on their subspecies and habitat, they usually dig in dense thickets of bushes, near fallen trees or stumps.


First of all, females with cubs move to wintering, followed by adult moose. During the period of frost, moose hide up to their withers in the thickness of loose snow, and during the period strong winds or during a snowstorm, the animals hide in the thicket of coniferous young growth. Moose lay down under the wind in a semicircle and freeze in the direction of the trail.


By winter, as a rule, the lynx eats up a small subcutaneous fat reserve, which, coupled with thick, dense hair, reliably protects it from frost. Powerful wide paws allow it to quickly move through the crust and snow, without falling through and without restricting movement.


Preparing for frosts, mice dig the main passages and multi-storey minks. Under the roots of trees, as well as in places where snowdrifts are the largest in winter, they dig holes.


In ground squirrels, long before hibernation, an increased release of male steroid hormones begins in the body, due to which their muscle mass increases by a quarter. This, as well as the fat layer, allow you to safely overwinter.

Thank you for your attention!

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