What does it mean to see a smiling devil in reality? Are the scary visions of alcoholics real? Vii. about the “miracles” of God, “prophetic” dreams and superstitions

Everyone is familiar with the expression “getting drunk.” However, there is nothing mystical here, since chronic alcoholics quite often susceptible to attacks of the so-called delirium tremens, in Latin Delirium tremens, when during withdrawal the patient often imagines evil spirits. A completely new view of the problem was expressed famous psychics Richard Flaim and Nikolai Pravdin.

Devils and all kinds of evil spirits are the most frequent guests of alcoholics. Back in the 15th century, there was a phrase: “drive the horned ones through the refectory.” Often, violators were placed in a cold basement for re-education, that is, even then many understood the reasons for such inadequate meetings with the “horned”. Well, the basement is very similar to our modern sobering stations. Surprisingly, the chronicles also contain the following characteristics of Ivan the Terrible: “he fought off invisible devils, like hellish fire.” Many researchers suggest that the autocrat was repeatedly subjected to bouts of delirium tremens.

But foreign drinkers also met the horned ones. Thus, one of the English legends tells about King Arthur’s favorite jester, who, after several days of feasting, entertained all the guests by running through the numerous palace halls and crushing “shaggy creatures with goat horns.”

The “unprecedented shaggy spirit” also visited the Indian tribes, who, after developing relations with the pale-faced people, began to abuse strong drinks.

Well, in the thirties, doctors who arrived in the Siberian settlements of the Chukchi, Evenks, Khanty and Mansi were amazed by the numerous stories of patients about horned monsters pestering them, from which there was simply no escape. By that time, the Siberian tribes had been familiar with the traditional Russian strong drink for a long time.

However, in the 50s of the 20th century, the American psychic chemist Richard Flyme suggested that all these numerous visits by horned people and all sorts of evil things are directly related to alcohol abuse. He was prompted to do this by the works of medieval theologians and the Vedic treatises of the Indians. Flym came to the conclusion that the difference between drinks chemical composition does not play a significant role, and the visions of people in different countries subject to attacks of delirium tremens are identical. But Frame claims that there were indeed some unknown frightening dark figures near those who were in a fit, as he personally recorded them.

Later, Chelyabinsk practicing psychiatrist Nikolai Pravdin, who discovered parapsychological abilities after a car accident, argued that alcohol contributes to thinning energy field person. Under its regular influence, especially in large volumes, the field loses its strength so much that the human eye becomes able to see what others cannot see. In particular, those very devils and evil spirits - creatures from parallel worlds, who, like vampires, surround the drunkard, sucking the vital juices from his astral and physical bodies.

If we consider “delirium tremens” from a purely scientific point of view, then the picture does not change. It is always accompanied by severe toxic damage to the brain. But the functioning of the brain and its features under the influence of alcohol has not been fully studied to this day. That is, it is impossible to say that under the “squirrel” a person sees non-existent pictures.

There was such a case. One girl's mother suffered from schizophrenia. For a long time she was treated in various blades. But after she became paralyzed, the woman was prescribed a home regimen. Olga, that was the girl’s name, and her sister Lydia and her husband volunteered to care for the patient and settled in the same apartment. Lydia's husband often drank. One day he once again caught the “squirrel” and, huddled in a corner between the refrigerator and a chair, began to tear out his hair and whisper that people were climbing on him from all sides, and those two over there, with a pig’s neck and a red muzzle, were also threatening.

A few minutes after the incident, the mother began calling Olga and Lydia. They entered her room, which was located at the far end of the apartment. “What are strangers doing here, and these two standing by my bed with a red muzzle and a pig’s nose?” - she asked insistently and pointed to her right. The woman could not hear what her son-in-law was lamenting. Then how did she know about his drunken ravings?

Some scientists have tried to compare the effects of alcohol with the effects of drugs such as LSD. But this version turned out to be untenable, since drug addicts see their individual dreams, which are in no way similar to the visions of alcoholics.

It turns out that “delirium tremens” is a numerous evil spirits that attacks only alcoholics. Moreover, there are cases that even en masse. Another question inevitably arises: how do all those suffering from alcoholism see the same pictures? Apparently, it is not the alcohol itself that causes intoxication, but those chemical compounds, which form its constituent parts. Well, for each drink they are different. This means that all drinks have their own individual chemical formula. But evil spirits appear to all patients with delirium tremens, regardless of whether they drink cognac, or vodka, or whiskey.

However, the scientific community refuses to test this theory of, as psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev put it, “a rapidly occurring unidentified phenomenon.” That's why mystical secret“Squirrels” will not open soon.

Seeing a devil in a dream is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an evil, vain and arrogant man.

If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, then real life you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely attentive and careful.

Twisting the devil while holding him by the tail is evidence that your evil and sarcastic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will remain alone.

Interpretation of dreams from Vanga's Dream Book

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What does the dream Damn mean?

A head disease of unknown origin, but damage, the evil eye, as well as the beginning of mental illness, including alcoholism.

The devil signs a contract with you - to shameful temptations that you cannot resist.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Seeing the Devil in a dream

Seeing a devil in a dream foreshadows dubious pleasure and bitter repentance. To argue with the devil is to be caught in reality by tax control authorities for concealing income. If the devil takes you to hell, this means a sharp turn of events for the worse.

The devils surrounding you in a wild dance and not allowing passage are a harbinger of favorable changes in business, but difficulties in family life. Fleeing from the devil is a dream warning not to trust the false promises of imaginary friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do dreams mean? Damn

If in a dream you saw something unclean, a rash act will lead to collapse in your relationship with your loved one. If there were a lot of devils, quarrels with friends and discord in the family are possible.

The best remedy against such a dream is prayer and sign of the cross. When you wake up, sign the cross over yourself and read any prayer, for example the prayer to the Cross: Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about the Devil

A devil in a dream portends great luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an angry, vain and arrogant person. Your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure will lead to trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Devil mean in a dream?

See the devil:

a) meet someone who will tempt and push you to commit a crime in every possible way.

B) learn about important political changes.

C) achieve success by any illicit means.

D) experience trouble due to promiscuity in the pursuit of pleasure.

The dream that the devil is you yourself prophesies about your secret vices and stupidity, which will lead you to the loss of property.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does Devil mean in a dream?

A dream about devils is a warning. It means that your indiscriminateness in seeking pleasure can bring you a lot of trouble.

Having seen yourself in the guise of a devil, you must understand that stupid behavior and secret vices can lead you to poverty.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the devil as follows.

If you saw a devil in a dream, good luck awaits you, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, having become proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an angry, vain and arrogant person.

If you dreamed that you were talking to the devil, then in real life you are in mortal danger. Be extremely attentive and careful.

Twist the devil by the tail - your evil and sarcastic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were previously sincerely devoted to you. Make sure you don't end up alone.

Interpretation of dreams from

Don't cry at night - the devils will dream about you my grandmother said. The world of dreams immerses a person in a completely different reality, in which I can meet completely different people and the most incredible events happen. Sometimes dreams turn into nightmares and bring negativity into people's lives. Why do you dream about the devil? How to interpret this dream?

Why the devil dreams - basic interpretation

A dream in which a person appears mythical characters, can cause him confusion and panic. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth realizing that not all dreams need to be interpreted literally and not every dream will exactly turn into reality.

Dream books present two interpretations of dreams about the devil. In the classical interpretation, the appearance of a devil in a dream suggests that your whole life will be implicated in deceit and some hasty choice. At first you will become quite successful person, but soon your success will develop into pride and those people who previously completely trusted you will turn away from you.

It’s worth figuring out whether you really need so many pleasures; in order to fully relax, you should moderate your ardor and not give in to the temptations that life will give you. If you dream that you yourself have turned into a devil, you should not be happy that life will give you incredible opportunities; rather, it will take a lot from you. You may find yourself without money precisely because of your own wastefulness and stupidity.

If in a dream you speak to the devil, beware for your health; caution will not hurt now. Listen to his every word, these words will contain a lot of important things for you. If one of your loved ones has turned into a devil, try to temporarily limit communication with the person or carefully look at all his actions. This person is preparing meanness against you.

Why do you dream about the devil according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga's dream book says that dreams of the devil as a symbol of luck. You will grow in the eyes of your colleagues and loved ones. But you should wisely use everything that life has given you. If the devil appears out of nowhere, out of nowhere, expect unexpected expenses and expenses.

If the devil himself talks to you– you will gain valuable experience from wise man, but you are unlikely to be able to use it wisely. If you get into a fight with the devil, and he loses to you, you twist him by the tail, throw him up - you have a rather complex character, which does not give you the opportunity to correctly understand people and the motives of their behavior. You alienate others and destroy their love for you.

In order to be loved and understood, you just need to moderate your ambitions and become kind person which you really are. If the devil appears in a dream of a young girl, she should be careful in choosing a gentleman. She will most likely make a mistake and give her heart to the wrong chosen one.

If a pregnant woman dreams of the devil- someone was very jealous of her pregnancy, and she would soon understand who it was. She should take care of her health and the health of her unborn child.

Why do you dream about the devil according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of the devil as a harbinger of unexpected changes in a person's destiny. For young man the appearance of a devil in a dream can mean either the beginning of a new whirlwind romance or a loss of stability in a relationship. It all depends on the circumstances of the dream and the events that unfold in it.

If the devil appears suddenly and talks slyly to a man in a dream, such a dream promises him a meeting with a selfish young lady;

If the devil begins to attack a man, but he defeats him, such a dream speaks of a possible crisis in the relationship, frequent scandals and reproaches; you shouldn’t dwell on the negative, it’s time to move forward;

If the devil opens his eyes to his beloved’s betrayal, he should not rush to conclusions, most likely this is a deception;

For a man to turn into a devil himself - to break a girl’s heart.

If there are several devils in a dream– it’s time for a man to think about whether he leads a rather dissolute lifestyle. For a woman, a big devil in a dream is a reflection of male sexual energy, which she so lacks in reality. It's time for her to think about correctly placed life priorities. She has been looking for happiness in her life for quite a long time and cannot find it. And the whole problem is in herself - it is necessary to look for love, and not carnal pleasures.

For a lonely girl, such a dream promises acquaintance with a sexually active man who will give her a whirlwind romance, but in order to cultivate feelings young man– she will need to make every effort herself.

Why do you dream about the devil according to other dream books?

In Veles's dream book it is said that the devil is dreamed of as a harbinger of news, good or bad - an additional interpretation of the dream will say. If in a dream you kiss the devil, such a dream suggests that you will suffer colossal losses in reality, you should be prepared for this. If you talk to him in a dream, such a dream promises betrayal, escapism from reality.

If in a dream you run away from him and quite successfully- in reality, all your adversities and troubles will end. If there are quite a lot of devils around you, sorrows and illnesses await you. If you defeat the devil in a dream, you will win an important argument and defeat your enemies.

IN erotic dream book it is said that you dream of the devil as a harbinger of your unbridled sexual desires. You want to possess a person, to subjugate him to your will. If you are very frightened of the devil in a dream - they want to subjugate you, do not let anyone do this. If you become a devil in a dream and at the same time commit incredible acts, you are bored with everyday life and your relationships, you want something new and fresh, you want to breathe life into your relationship.

IN esoteric dream book it is said that a devil in a dream symbolizes evil that is directed against you. If you see someone turning into a devil, you should be wary of this person in reality. He is driven by pride and arrogance, he is no longer afraid of anything and will not stop halfway.

If you yourself become a devil in a dream- someone is magically trying to make you quarrel with others, lose your core and stop being strong-willed and strong man. Do not give in to fleeting hobbies and do not enter into conflicts yet, even if you have to defend your point of view - you will lose in the argument.

In the Muslim dream book, it is said that to see the devil dead - such a dream suggests that sadness and grief will soon await you, but you will be able to overcome them. If the devil tries in every possible way to harm you in a dream, you should expect the same minor troubles in reality. If a woman dreams of arguing with the devil, she will also argue with her man and will soon lose him, she will face a break in relationship, a divorce.

In the wanderer's dream book it is said that devils are dreamed of as symbols of the fact that a person is often irritated and everything bothers him, he does not want to accept life as it really is. If a person dreams of devils running out of him, he is too irritated and tense even in his sleep. If they get inside a person, irritation accumulates and will soon lead to an explosion of emotions, the person will no longer be able to control himself. If you dream about devils running all over you, you will lead a riotous lifestyle and everything will irritate you.

In Miller's dream book with It is said that devils are seen in dreams as symbols of future problems and illnesses. If a person sees himself in the guise of a devil, he is driven by base desires, which will simply lead him to the end of his white streak in life and create a lot of problems. You should be wary of temptations, as there is always a price to pay for them. And the price of fleeting pleasure may be too high.

In Medea's dream book it is said that devils in a dream are an oversaturation of emotions and passions. It is worth giving up bad habits, otherwise they will destroy you. There is chaos inside you if devils dance in your sleep. You yourself would have embarked on this vicious and illicit dance, which is why you are unlucky in life. You're missing out on a lot of good options because of petty indulgences. If a girl has such a dream, she will be surrounded by the empty attention of gentlemen, they will only create problems for her and will not solve situations that are important to her.

Why do you dream about the devil? Often such a dream indicates that it is time to lead an ordinary and measured life. This will avoid troubles and conflicts. There are too many temptations around a person and he simply cannot resist them.

Such a dream encourages you to think about making the right choice priorities. It opens up unlimited opportunities for self-improvement.