Children of Philip Kirkorov - latest news, photos, biography. The real mother of Kirkorov's children is a businesswoman from Ukraine

A few years ago, Philip Kirkorov realized his main dream - he became a dad. First, the artist had a daughter, Alla Victoria, and seven months later, a son, Martin. On June 29, the youngest heir of the singer turned four years old. Philip celebrated his son's birthday on a grand scale, inviting his star friends with children to the party.

Closer than a godmother

Among those invited was 48-year-old Natalia Efremova. Many fans of the singer, at the suggestion of the media, considered her godmother Martin and Alla Victoria. Philip himself did not comment on this information. Meanwhile, the artist's friends noticed: Efremova is constantly present at the children's parties of the Kirkorov family. On the sidelines, they began to discuss the amazing external similarity of this woman with the children of the pop king ...

And the other day, reliable sources told Komsomolskaya Pravda: Natalia Efremova is the real biological mother of the children of Philip Kirkorov!

Natalia Efremova has known Philip Kirkorov for over 10 yearsPhoto: Mikhail FROLOV

The secret of "Natasha's mother"

The fact that a woman appeared in his life, whom he sees as the mother of his heirs, Kirkorov said in an interview with KP back in 2011.

In later interviews with KP, the artist emphasized that his heirs have only one biological mother.

“I am very grateful to this woman who saved me from loneliness, did this noble deed,” Philip said after the birth of his daughter and son. – Seeing how I am left alone, after the light goes out, the applause of the audience subsides, my creative team spreads to their families, and I return to a lonely, cold house ... This woman gave me the opportunity to feel what it means to be a happy father.

The artist did not say anything more about her. But during one of the television shootings, the children of Kirkorov let slip that “mother Natasha” lives with them in the house.

“We have a normal family, both mom and dad,” Philip Kirkorov explained to the TV people. - It’s just that our mother is not a public person. Doesn't like it all...

According to Philip, the mother of the children is always with them, and they have to cope with household chores on their own, because he works a lot.

- The mysterious "mother Natasha" and businesswoman Natalia Efremova are one and the same person. She is the biological mother of the children of Philip Kirkorov, - the artist's close friends confirmed to KP.

Natalia looks like Philip's mother (photo below). And on his children. Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

Alla Victoria and Martin have a brother

Philip himself declined to comment on this topic. Meanwhile, friends of the pop king told us how Natalia Efremova appeared in the artist's life.

- Natasha is 48 years old, she was born in Ukraine, in Lvov, - our source from Kirkorov's entourage told KP. - In 1982, Natalia's family moved to Novosibirsk. They lived there for about a year, then moved to Moscow. Natasha grew up in a military family. And she herself wore shoulder straps in the past, she graduated from the Institute of Military Translators.

In addition to Martin and Alla Victoria, Natalia Efremova, as it turned out, has a 20-year-old son, Yegor. He lives in one of two Moscow apartments owned by a businesswoman.

- Natasha met Philip more than 10 years ago. Then she was also the general director of the Kuznetsky Most Passage company. The artist, thanks to his friendship with Natasha, was always waiting for the latest collections of fashion brands in this store, - Kirkorov's friends told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

To educate Alla-Victoria and Martin, Philip and Natalia are helped by relatives of the pop king - Bedros Kirkorov with his sister Marie Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

CEO of two firms

Despite the fact that Natalia Efremova devotes almost all her time to children, she did not abandon her career.

Today Efremova is a successful businesswoman. As it became known to KP, Natalia is the general director of two firms. Firstly, he manages Vzlyot LLC (with an authorized capital of 205 million rubles), which is engaged in air transportation.

Secondly, he heads Rubeus Milano LLC ( authorized capital- 1 million rubles). This company is engaged in trade and supply of leading brands of clothing.


Looks like the closest person

But why did Philip choose Natalia? Perhaps because Efremova outwardly resembles the artist's mother, Victoria Kirkorov.

Recall: the singer's mother passed away more than 20 years ago (by evil fate - on Philip's birthday) due to a serious illness.

The mother of the artist Victoria Markovna died in 1994. She devoted her life to her son. Photo: family archive.

“You can say that my mother devoted her life to Philip,” says a friend of Victoria Kirkorova, journalist Irina Barysheva. - Victoria was aware of all his affairs - meetings, filming, recordings, tours ... Hundreds of papers and calls passed through her. She managed to attend all her son's concerts and at the same time run the house, remaining just as sweet and charming. I know that Philip is proud of his parents, and considers the relationship that has been maintained between his mother and father all his life to be an ideal family relations. The loss of his mother was a big blow to him.

- Mom has long been gone from us, but I am happy that she lives in my children. Alla Victoria is very similar to her, - Philip Kirkorov admitted in an interview with KP. – Remembering my mother, I tell her: “Thank you for everything! Now you live in continuation - in your granddaughter, who also bears the same victorious name as you - Victoria.

At Russian king pop music, winner of many awards and honorary awards Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov in 2011, a daughter was born. The happy father called the girl a beautiful double name Alla-Victoria. And seven months later, son Martin was born.

She gave birth to children to a talented singer surrogate mother, whose name has been shrouded in mystery until today. Kirkorov's children have already grown up and in the photo of the son and daughter now (taken in 2018) you can see only their father with them. We will find out who is the mother of two lovely children of Philip Kirkorov.

Philip Kirkorov was with adolescence in love with . When he grew up and began to perform solo, everyone immediately noticed a youthful love for Alla Pugacheva.

The Bulgarian youth has always dreamed of being next to the Primadonna. Fate turned to young talent and brought these two people into a single union.

After parting, Philip remained Alla's most devoted admirer. He named his daughter in honor of his beloved, to whom he was and will be devoted all his life. The second part of the double name went to the girl from the singer's mother, Victoria.

Who is the mother of Kirkorov's children

The whole truth was revealed when the journalists of the well-known TV program “We Speak and Show” visited luxury home celebrities. The singer carefully concealed his personal life from prying eyes. When Kirkorov showed his luxurious mansion and introduced journalists to his children, an unexpected event happened.

The celebrity children showed their drawings to the guests, where Philip's family and another woman were painted everywhere.

Photo by Natalia Efremova, mother of Kirkorov's children

As it turned out, this woman is the biological mother of the children. Her name is Natalya. She, as it turned out, all this time was directly involved in the upbringing of her children.

Kirkorov and the mother of his children - Natalya Efremova

Natalya Efremova is 48 years old. She was born in Lvov, Ukraine to a military family. Businesswoman higher education. She graduated from the Higher educational institution where military translators are trained. In 1982, Natasha's family moved to Novosibirsk, and then to the capital of Russia.

Natalia has a son Yegor. Him on this moment He is 20 years old and lives in Moscow. Natalia met more than 10 years ago when she was the general director of his company store. Currently, Efremova, despite the fact that she has three children, has not quit doing business and heads two large companies.

The similarity between Natalia and Philip's mother is obvious. They are very similar in appearance and, probably, this circumstance became decisive for the singer when he thought about choosing a surrogate mother for his future children. Victoria, the singer's mother died twenty years ago due to a serious illness.

Natasha could often be seen next to the singer at all events related to the showman's children. Many considered her the godmother of Alla Victoria and Martin. The press has long noticed an incredible similarity between this woman and the singer's children. But all the questions asked on this topic, the king of pop simply did not answer.

Recall that back in 2011, the singer told the public that he had found a woman who, in all respects, was suitable for the role of the mother of his children. Then this situation caused a resonance in society. Only recently it became clear that Natalya is really their mother (Alla-Victoria and Martina).

Complete family

The recognition of the children was a shock to journalists and the owner himself. Kirkorov had to tell that mother Natasha does not like to communicate with the press, she is far from show business. Philip said that their family is no different from others Russian families. It is full-fledged, where children are raised by both parents.

In addition to Natalia, the children of Kirkorov and himself, the singer's father and aunt now live in the house. All in 2018 star family flew to Bulgaria for the weekend, which the press immediately told the public.

Kirkorov explained that, due to his profession, he is absent for a long time and therefore Natalya has to independently manage the household and raise the kids. The children, the singer said, besides Natasha and me, have grandparents who stay in the house during my tour. They are also involved in family affairs. The journalist noted that there are many rumors around Natalia, according to which she lives far from her children, somewhere in America. As it turned out, all these years the woman lived in Russia, calmly doing business and raising Alla-Victoria and Martin.

Alla Victoria and Martin

After the exposure, Kirkorov decided to end the conversation about the family and led the journalists to continue showing their apartments. It turned out that the children have spacious rooms, fully furnished with cozy furniture.

The singer tries to develop children comprehensively, instilling in them from an early age a love for music, foreign languages, singing and reading. Also, children have their own large game Zone where Alla Victoria and Martin feel like kings.

In fact, the children of Kirkorov are ordinary children who go along with everyone in Kindergarten, communicate with peers, walk and get sick. Martin is very similar to his dad, and the singer's daughter has a lighter type of appearance than the entire star family. Their father specifically sent them to a kindergarten so that the children had the opportunity to communicate with other children. All the free time of the children of Kirkorov is scheduled by the minute.

Extra questions

Meticulous journalists, when they got into the star bedroom, decided to find out from the children who was sleeping in their parents' bed. Kirkorov severely suppressed all attempts to get so deep into someone else's life, but the ingenuous children again betrayed the truth. It turned out that their dad was sleeping on the big bed in the bedroom on the right side.

As the TV presenters themselves admitted, they did not dare to ask the star a question about how Natasha's mother gets along with the portrait of Alla Pugacheva, which hangs above their bed. Kirkorov hung in his bedroom not one portrait of the Primadonna, but two. The latter hangs on the side of the wall. Alla Pugacheva was and will remain for Kirkorov a muse that inspires him throughout his life, even from afar.

Vocals for little stars

AT recent times the singer began to actively introduce children to vocal singing. Little Martin even recorded a song with his dad at the opening of a popular restaurant. The boy has already successfully tried himself as a model.

Alla Victoria also decided to keep up with her brother and starred on the cover of the popular children's magazine. But daddy thinks beautiful appearance and incredible charm is not enough, and it's time to send my daughter to gymnastics.

We wish health, success to small, but already popular stars. They make real big stars of our show business, who will overshadow the audience with their talent and beauty.

Every celebrity should be ready for total absence privacy. Everywhere, wherever a star appears, paparazzi with a camera seem to grow out of the ground. This is the inevitable price of a bohemian life. Anyone would a common person he was indignant at the interference in his affairs, but with pleasure he wondered where Kirkorov's children came from. Moreover, he is not shy about talking about it.

Personal life of a star

Amorous adventures of one of the main characters domestic stage occupy the public no less than his creative activity:

  • According to a classmate of the future star, his first love was a black-haired beauty with big eyes named Tanya;
  • His second school sweetheart - her name was Galya - was a year younger than him. This relationship ended as quickly as the previous ones;
  • In more mature years, he was credited serious relationship with Kyiv beauty Anastasia Stotskaya. The couple never officially advertised their relationship, so the very fact of them is still being questioned (although it was actively exaggerated in the media);
  • In 1988, Kirkorov met Alla Pugacheva, his real love. The woman was eighteen years older than him, but this did not stop the hot Bulgarian guy. Behind the relationship star couple for 17 years the whole country followed. However, in 2005 it became known about the separation of one of the most famous unions Russian stage;
  • What happened to Philip's personal life after separation from the Primadonna is not known even to the rogues from Life News. What is known is that nothing is known.

How many children does Kirkorov have?

In the conditions of this informational vacuum, the news about the birth of children by the main Russian-speaking singer produced the effect of an exploding bomb:

  • The first child (born in 2011) was a daughter who was given a double name: Alla (in honor of ex-wife Kirkorov) - Victoria (the name of Philip's mother);
  • America was chosen as the birthplace of her daughter. Many Russian celebrities(the same Kristina Orbakaite) prefer to have children here: the kids immediately receive the citizenship of the most stable country on the planet;
  • A few months after the birth, Alla-Victoria visited Russia with her father and was presented to the astonished public. The baby was baptized Orthodox rite, her godfather Andrey Malakhov became;
  • Less than a year later, another happy owner of the surname Kirkorov was born. This time it was the boy Martin (in honor of the Puerto Rican performer Ricky Martin);
  • A happy father accompanied his offspring everywhere: both in Russia and on vacation in different corners planets. Family idyll violated only one nuance: the absence of their own mother next to the kids.

How did they come into being?

Immediately after the news of the birth of Philip's children, it became known that the way they were conceived was very unusual. famous artist decided to use surrogacy.

This is such a reproductive practice when three persons participate in conception:

  1. The male representative who gives his seed and assumes the responsibility of raising the child;
  2. A woman who donates an egg and also takes on parenting duties;
  3. A woman who undertakes to bear a child in her womb from a donor seed and egg. According to the terms of the contract, she waives all rights to the child. As a rule, such a service costs a lot of money.

This way of procreation destroys the sacrament family life and can have a painful effect on the psyche of the biological mother. Therefore Russian Orthodox Church, having learned about Kirkorov's act, immediately fell upon him with harsh criticism. One of its most prominent figures, Andrei Kuraev, even offered to excommunicate the singer from the church for several years.

However, many celebrities sided with Phillip. So, famous singer Lolita Milyavskaya appeared on the talk show "Duel" in defense of reproductive freedom.

Is it true that Kirkorov is gay?

The fate of a representative of the liberal professions in any country in the world is to earn suspicion of non-traditional sexual orientation. To be fair, there is no smoke without fire: the percentage of gays among singers, designers and artists is so high that it makes the reputation of each of them questionable.

Not escaped this sad fate and "Bulgaria Russian soldier":

  1. For more than 15 years, he was in a relationship with Pugacheva, but the nature of their relationship is still a mystery. The public was haunted by the couple's lack of children and a serious age difference;
  2. Some journalists have suggested that the marriage is fictitious: thus, allegedly not breathing evenly towards men, Philip receives the reputation of a hero-lover;
  3. In the mid-2000s, an article was published in one of the Baltic Internet publications in which an anonymous gay confesses to having a sexual relationship with the king of the Russian stage. Similar publications appeared in the domestic yellow press;
  4. The style of dressing and the demeanor of the scandalous singer add fuel to the fire. Often he appears in pink or blue clothes, which shocks traditional Russian society.
  5. In fact, there is no evidence to support this assumption.

Who is the mother of Philip Kirkorov's children?

The names of the mother (or mothers) of Kirkorov's children are carefully hidden for unknown reasons. Therefore, the singer's fans have no choice but to guess about the name of the lucky woman:

  • In 2016, information appeared in a number of media that the artist's partner was his old sweetheart Anastasia Stotskaya. She allegedly was his mistress even during the years of marriage with Pugacheva. As indirect evidence, journalists cited a paradoxical resemblance children of Stotskaya and Kirkorov. The latter vehemently denied all the rumors in an interview;
  • The next candidate for the mother was a successful and attractive businesswoman Natalya Efremova, with which "Bright I" has been familiar for many years. They say that it is she who lives with the performer and takes part in the upbringing of offspring;
  • Nikolai Baskov introduced even greater ambiguity into this issue. He stated that the woman who gave birth to children lives in the United States. Allegedly, that is why they were born across the ocean.

Maria, Kirkorva's paternal sister, is engaged in raising children. She raises them in the spirit of Russian-Bulgarian traditions.

The personal life of the most famous Russian Bulgarian has always been marked by extravagance. What is his marriage to Pugacheva, a woman 18 years older than him, worth? His for a long time considered fictitious, and the singer himself - gay, until it became known about the appearance of his children. The name of the surrogate mother who gave birth to them is still unknown and is carefully guarded from the greedy attention of the press.

Video: Kirkorov himself about his children

In this video, journalist Irina Kozhemyakina will visit Philip's house, he will talk about his life with children:

Once in a program about the children of Philip Kirkorov, the children themselves said that their mother Natasha lives with them. Philip did not deny, but rather confirmed that they have the most ordinary family: mom, dad, kids. The news shocked all those who were not indifferent to Kirkorov. Indeed, Philip has a close friend, godmother Alla Victoria Natalya Efremova. Can she be the biological mother of Philip Kirkorov's children?

Biography of the alleged mother of Kirkorov's children

The biography of Natalia Efremova is quite interesting. The woman is a native Muscovite from a military family. Entering the institute of military translators after school, she was able to rise to the rank of lieutenant. Once Natalya was married, where she gave birth to a son in marriage in 1996. In 1998, a woman began own career, having gone to work in the trendy Prestige boutique, which is located on Kuznetsk. Here she achieved significant success. A year and a half later, she became deputy CEO, and then became a co-owner of his business. Natalia knows a few foreign languages.

Acquaintance of Philip and Natalia

It's no secret that Kirkorov is an avid fashionista, trying to attend all new exhibitions where you can buy branded items. In the boutique, they met Natalya Efremova and have been friends for 10 years. She became the godmother of Kirkorov's daughter Alla-Victoria, while the godfather is the famous presenter Andrey Malakhov. If you compare their photos, you can see that the woman and the daughter of the “King” are very similar in appearance, which prompts a wave of rumors.

Rumors and speculation

For the first time, Natalia Efremova came under the sights of cameras at the christening of Kirkorov's daughter. Then, at the end of 2012, she came to the “Christmas Meetings” with the participation of Philip, where she became the object of attention of the representatives of the “yellow press”. After that, she stopped appearing in public together with Kirkorov and his children. But according to rumors, she still lives in the Kirkorov family in a house on Nikolina Gora, helps him raise his son and daughter, so the “status” of the mother of children was assigned to her.

Given the similarities between Efremova and Philip's daughter, it can be assumed that she is her genetic mother. Anastasia Stotskaya was recorded in the mother of Martin's son long ago, comparing the singer's son and Philip's son in the photo, revealing an obvious similarity between them.

FROM medical point of view, the mother can be one woman, or there can be two different ones. Only the egg is taken from the future mother of the children, which is fertilized by sperm. After that, the embryo is transferred to different surrogate mothers. Babies can be born with a slight difference in time, as happened in the singer's family, Martin was born 5 months after Alla Victoria.

By creating a traditional family model, Philip Kirkorov protected children from psychological trauma. Whoever Natalya Efremova is to the children, she is a mother for them, a reliable warm shoulder.

A single dad, no matter how loving, caring, cannot replace a mother for crumbs, especially at such a young age. Let the children of the pop king of the Russian stage have a father and mother nearby so that they grow up in warmth, love and do not feel loneliness. The whole truth about the children of Kirkorov is presented in the form of a video.

Philip Kirkorov - famous person, a lot of rumors of the most diverse nature are constantly circulating around his person. But after the replenishment appeared in the family, interest increased several times. Who is the mother of Kirkorov's children, where did they come from, does he communicate with this woman today - only a small part of the exciting questions. The singer's personal life has always been shrouded in a veil of secrets, it's time to reveal it a little.

Rumors and reality

Everyone knows that most of rumors concerned a fictitious union with Alla Pugacheva. The society is sure that the wedding was needed for quick promotion young guy. After parting, interest in the young man did not disappear, and the next series of rumors touched on his homosexual inclinations.

But new talents appeared, a famous person for a while ceased to interest the public. It lasted exactly until the moment when the man suddenly had children, but who is the real mother of Kirkorov's children?

In 2011, at the Golden Gramophone concert, the singer informed the country about a joyful event - a daughter was born. According to the organizers of the holiday, the artist learned about the joy a few minutes before the performance, from a sudden phone call. According to the reaction, one could conclude that the newly-made father is incredibly happy. It only remained to find out who the mother of Kirkorov's children was, because he decided to hide this information.

Mysterious Natalya Efremova

Less than six months later, after 5 months, another sensation sounded - the birth of Martin's son. How many speculations, gossip, which could not find a worthy confirmation. Only one father of two charming kids did not hold back, he said that the godmother of Alla Victoria is an entrepreneur Natalya Efremova.

Alla Victoria's godmother first appeared on the set of Christmas Meetings. The press could not ignore the unknown woman, so she received a lot of attention. Prior to this, the singer carefully concealed her from the public.

Who is the mother of Kirkorov's children became known from the lips of the pop king himself. He said without hesitation that the children were carried by surrogate mothers. Therefore, officially they have only a father. But how to do without tender, caring maternal love. The man decided to solve this issue in a different way - to seriously approach the choice of godparents.

It is on the shoulders of these women that a difficult task should lie. For a long time, Efremova remained in the shadows, even at the very baptismal procedure her name was not advertised. But all close families convince that even despite all the secrecy, she was a frequent guest of the star house.

Godmother or real mother of Kirkorov's children

The press demanded a sequel unusual story. Therefore, the king of pop invited journalists. Arriving at a huge suburban building, the children told the public that "mother" Natasha lives with them under the same roof. It was simply impossible to ignore this, so the journalists began to compare photos of the heiress of Kirkorov and Natalia, the similarities turned out to be incredible.

Is she really the biological mother? But these conjectures remained unconfirmed. The only thing that the singer himself said was that the children grow up in a full-fledged family with two parents.

The woman was born in a military family, so from childhood she was accustomed to discipline and order. She even decided to follow in the footsteps of her relatives and received the rank of lieutenant. But she did not connect her whole life with a military career and in 1998 she opened her own business. Her business was selling branded clothing.

Everyone knows Kirkorov's love for shocking, so he simply could not bypass the new, expensive brand. This was the beginning of their friendship, which has lasted for more than 10 years.

That's just how close this friendship is hard to say. Some assumptions that have not received a clear explanation. In any case, she is loved by the king of pop, who offered women to become the "mother" of his children. The guys are very fond of fairy tales, the painting ““ received special love.