Children raised and raised in prisons. The dictator's daughter is in prison. How can you believe that your own child is ready to betray you at any moment? That his promises are not worth a penny? That he now has completely different morals? But it’s precisely with this that I come

How did it happen that after death famous actor and the writer Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, the life of the famous family was divided into before and after? Why don’t provincial relatives have a place in the heart of the capital’s TV personality Maria Shukshina? And will there be an end to the war of inheritance? We talked with Shukshin's relatives and found out the truth.

Soviet film director and actor Vasily Shukshin died of a heart attack on October 2, 1974, during the filming of the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” The passing of the head of the family became a point of no return for the previous relationships in his seemingly friendly family.

The unknown niece of the legendary Vasily Shukshin, Lyudmila, in her first interview openly spoke about all the secrets of the famous family. She remembers popular TV presenter Maria and her nun sister Olga as little girls.

“Imagine, my birthday is October 1... And on October 2, Vasily Makarovich passed away,” his niece recalls the events of forty years ago. – Lidia Nikolaevna was in Bulgaria at the film festival at that time. I saw her at the funeral, she was one step away from suicide... She looked like a crazy person then. Thank God, over time I realized that I had to move on with my life, because she has two children...

I visited my daughter in prison only once

Few people know that in fact Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has three daughters. However, the actress was seen in public only with Maria and Olga. So, in a conversation, relative Lyudmila automatically forgets about her third daughter Nastya from her first marriage to actor Vyacheslav Voronin. In 2010, Only Stars magazine published an interview with him:

– Of the Shukshins, we only keep in touch with Olga, and Masha and Lydia do not want to communicate with us. Olya came to visit Nastya and her daughter Laura and, of course, told Lydia about the birth of her great-grandson Martin. But Lydia Nikolaevna didn’t even say hello.

– Nastya grew up with her father and his mother. Grandmother, consider it, deprived Lida of her daughter, says Lyudmila Shukshina. – Vasily Makarovich wanted Nastya to grow up with them. They sued over this, but in the end the girl was never given to them.

Maria Shukshina /

The daughter of actress Shukshina Nastya herself said:

“Once, when I arrived in Moscow, I asked: “Mom, if I’m guilty of something to you, then forgive me!” But she did not want reconciliation.

The famous mother, perhaps, still has not forgiven her daughter. After all, when she fought with her ex for the right to be with her, a 10-year-old girl said: “No, I want to go to my grandmother” (Vyacheslav Voronin’s mother. - Author). Perhaps if the little girl had kept silent then, her life would have turned out differently... The daughter of a Soviet cinema legend went to prison in the late 90s. She was caught with drugs at the border. When Nastya was interrogated, she admitted that she had done something stupid. And she explained: “I was tired of lack of money, I thought, I’ll just transport it once, get a large sum and live like a human being.” She served three years in a colony, and little Laura lived with her grandfather at that time. Lydia Nikolaevna visited her daughter in prison only once.

“My mother then asked me not to give interviews about our relationship. After all, when I was imprisoned, the entire press, choking, gargled her name, saying that Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s daughter turned out to be a drug courier. I promised not to harm her.

– I still don’t know who is right and who is wrong in our family history. But, as always happens, children pay for the mistakes of adults,” Nastya’s father says bitterly. “I don’t blame my daughter for anything.” I hope that someday Lida’s heart will soften.

Olga Shukshina /

U sister Nastya's life has been successful. Maria Shukshina is now one of the most popular actresses in Russian cinema, she has more than 40 films to her name and major roles in the TV series “Stanitsa”, “Terrorist Ivanova” and the film “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard”. Many people dream of such a career. Maria arranges long-awaited meetings of her relatives in the “Wait for Me” program, but does not want to know her loved ones.

– Masha does not communicate with either Olga or Nastya. She also doesn’t know Vasily Makarovich’s daughter from her first marriage, Katya, who lives in Germany. In our Altai village we have relatives Nadya and Sergei - these are the children of Vasily Makarovich’s sister Natalya. So, if they come to Moscow, they can only stay with me or with an old friend of our family. There is no question of spending the night with Masha or Lydia Nikolaevna. Maria doesn’t communicate with me either. I understand her, she has four children, she carries everything on her shoulders. If you spread yourself too thin on everyone, you can simply go crazy.

Anastasia Shukshina /

It was not possible to obtain a comment from the TV personality Maria Shukshina herself. As soon as she heard about her relatives, the star hung up. In her father’s homeland in Srostki, where the Shukshin Readings are held annually, the actress is an extremely rare guest.

– I remember Masha was at a reading once. Arrived and departed by helicopter with Nikita Mikhalkov. “I didn’t communicate with any of my relatives,” says Lyudmila.

Shukshin's first wife still loves him

Vasily Shukshin’s daughter Olga has been living between heaven and earth for many years. She atones for the sins of the famous family and works at a Sunday school in the Ivanovo region. She gave her son, whom she named Vasily in honor of her father, to the monks in an orphanage. Olga warns: no one can hide from heavenly punishment...

– Our task is not to drown the name. And I know that even those closest to me hang out at parties, drink for days and get a lot of money for it.

Niece Lyudmila Shukshina is sure: Olga has no place in the temple of God.

- This is not her level. She is a textured girl, she needs to act in films. After all, she has a VGIK education. I hope that soon Olya will finally start earning money herself and become independent.

Vasily Shukshin /

Now there is discord in the Shukshin family. After the death of Vasily Makarovich, his widow and daughter Olga cannot share a 4-room apartment in the center of Moscow. The cost per square meter in this area reaches 200 thousand rubles, the actor’s home costs more than 30 million. Olga explained her position in one of the talk shows:

– I have a share in my father’s apartment. I would like to sell it and buy a separate home for my son. I addressed this question to Lydia Nikolaevna (Olya always calls her mother by her first name and patronymic - Author), but did not receive an answer. To be honest, I didn’t even hope - we were never close to her.

Olga, unlike her older sister Maria, comes with pleasure to her father’s homeland. She became friends with his fellow villagers and with his first wife Maria Shumskaya. They were married for several years. But then Vasily Makarovich left for Moscow. A new life began, other women appeared... But Maria Ivanovna remained in the village. And she carried her love for her Vasya throughout her life; she never married again.

Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anna /

– As they say, you don’t choose your parents. But I would like, it seems to me, a mother like Maria Ivanovna,” Olga Vasilievna now says in her hearts.

– Olga sometimes “carries” to the wrong place. Lydia Nikolaevna did a lot for her,” exclaims Vasily Shukshin’s niece Lyudmila. – Her mother gave her a two-room apartment, which was left over from her grandmother, in the center of St. Petersburg, next to St. Isaac’s Cathedral. Olga rents it out supposedly for cheap - for 20 thousand rubles - to her friends. Lidia Nikolaevna also gave her a dacha in the Moscow region. Plus Olga has her own apartment in the Ivanovo region and in Sergiev Posad. And the fuss that is currently going on over Vasily Makarovich’s apartment, I hope, will be resolved without a trial. Lidia Nikolaevna says that Shukshin’s spirit remains there and must be preserved, and Olga insists that her son Vasya needs his own living space in the capital, especially since he will soon return from the army. Masha on square meters does not apply. In the early 90s she bought nice apartment in the center of Moscow with money received for publishing his father’s stories. Olga was also paid, but she squandered her earnings in America. This is no one's fault.

Lidiya Shukshina with her daughters /

The conflict with her daughter undermined the health of People's Artist of Russia Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. A relative, Lyudmila, who is a doctor by profession, is seriously concerned:

– I saw an interview with her from Finland, she is now more and more often in her home there. Lidia Nikolaevna looked unwell. She has severe swelling. She also suffers from hypertension and atherosclerosis, and also age-related changes in the cardiovascular system. She is very worried about Masha, the situation with Olga is worsening her well-being.

I would like to believe that Maria Shukshina, who helps people find relatives in the “Wait for Me” program, will also remember her loved ones. And Lydia Nikolaevna will find mutual language with Olya and forgive old grievances eldest daughter Nastya. Seems, famous family we need to work on mistakes called “Mothers and Daughters”.

Photo: Russian Look, Alexander Aleshkin, Sergey Ivanov, Olga Kuznetsova, Boris Kremer

Pictured left: pregnant Valeria Cigara, who is serving a sentence for robbery at the Los Hornos women's prison in La Plata, November 4, 2007. Pictured right: Valeria Cigara hugs her now four-year-old daughter Milargos as she visits her in prison in Magdalena, where Cigara is awaiting trial for another robbery, August 19, 2012. Cigara raised her daughter in prison until she was two years old. Argentine law allows female prisoners to raise their children in prison until the age of four, after which the children must be placed in the care of relatives or in an orphanage. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Georgelina and her 4-year-old niece Milargos travel to a prison in La Plata to visit Milargos' 28-year-old mother Valeria Cigara on August 19, 2012. Cigara, who is in jail awaiting trial on a robbery charge, admitted she is a drug addict and asked for treatment. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Valeria Cigara takes a shower in Magdalena, August 21, 2012. Cigara, who is in jail awaiting trial on a robbery charge, admitted she is a drug addict and asked for treatment. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Silvia helps her granddaughter Milargos get dressed after being searched before visiting her mother Valeria Cigara, who is currently in prison, on August 19, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Four-year-old Milargos watches as a guard applies ink to her grandmother Sylvia's fingers before visiting Milargos' mother Valeria Cigara, who is in jail awaiting trial on robbery charges. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Milargos looks at his mother Valeria Cigara, who smiles at her daughter from behind bars. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Valeria Cigara, 28, who is in prison awaiting trial for robbery, walks down a prison corridor with her daughter Milargos and sister Georgelina, in Magdalena, August 19, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Valeria Cigara watches her daughter Milargos apply lipstick in Magdalena on August 19, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Valeria Sigara plays with her four-year-old daughter Milargos in Magdalena, August 19, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Milargos plays with his own soft toys in La Plata, August 31, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Pictured left: Silvia Rodas poses for a photo with her four-year-old daughter Anahi at the Los Hornos women's prison in La Plata, where she was serving a sentence for robbery and attempted murder, on October 17, 2007. Pictured right: Silvia Rodas dances with her nine-year-old daughter Anai as she visits her in prison in Bahia Blanca, 353 kilometers south of Buenos Aires, on October 14, 2012. Rodas raised her daughter in prison until the girl was four years old. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Silvia Rodas, 25, lies on a bed with her girlfriend in their cell at a prison in the city of Bahia Blanca, 353 kilometers south of Buenos Aires, on October 16, 2012. Rodas was convicted of robbery and attempted murder at the age of 19, and since then she has changed many prisons in the province of Buenos Aires due to her reproachful behavior. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Nine-year-old Anahi holds a rose for her mother Silvia Rodas during her visit to a prison in the city of Bahia Blanca, October 14, 2012. Rodas was convicted of robbery and attempted murder at the age of 19. (Caroline Camps/Reuters)

Anahi speaks with his mother Silvia Rodas and grandfather Carlos during a visit to his mother, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence in the city of Bahia Blanca, October 14, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Anahi reads with her mother, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence in Bahia Blanca, on October 14, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Silvia Rodas talks with her four-year-old daughter Anai in her cell at Los Hornos prison near La Plata, October 17, 2007. Anahi was three years old when her mother was sent to prison. The girl lived with her until she was five years old. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Nine-year-old Anahi plays with her mother Sylvia Rodas during her visit to prison. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Anahi hugs her mother Silvia Rodas goodbye after visiting her in prison in Bahia Blanca, where Silvia is serving a 15-year sentence, October 14, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Above: Julia Romero poses for a photo with her two-year-old son Lautaro at the Los Hornos women's prison in La Plata, where she is serving a sentence for murder, on October 13, 2007. Bottom photo: Julia Romero walks hand in hand with her six-year-old son Lautaro outside their home in Buenos Aires on July 29, 2012. Romero raised her son in prison until 2010, when her prison sentence was commuted to house arrest. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Julia Romero, 42, who is serving the last 11 of an 18-year sentence for murder under house arrest, lies in bed with her partner Oscar and six-year-old son Lautaro in Buenos Aires, July 29, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Julia Romero makes a living selling small household goods from her kitchen window 24 hours a day. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Julia Romero hangs out laundry while her six-year-old son Lautaro watches TV at their home in Buenos Aires on July 28, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Julia Romero kisses her six-year-old son Lautaro on the threshold of their home in Buenos Aires, August 10, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Julia Romero waits for customers at her kiosk in Buenos Aires on August 10, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Photo above: Sandra Valdez poses with her one-year-old daughter Nicole at the Los Hornos women's prison in La Plata, where she is serving a sentence for drug trafficking, October 13, 2007. Bottom: Sandra Valdez gives flowers to her six-year-old daughter Nicole at her home in Buenos Aires on September 21, 2012. Nicole grew up in prison while her mother served a two-year sentence. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Sandra Valdez holds her eight-month-old daughter Nicole in Los Hornos prison near La Plata on October 13, 2007. Valdez has nine children from three different partners and now lives with a fourth man in a slum area on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. Valdez was pregnant with Nicole when she was jailed for drug trafficking. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Sandra Valdez, 40, sweeps outside her home in Buenos Aires on September 5, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Sandra Valdez, 40, brushes her five-year-old daughter Nicole before leaving for kindergarten at home in Buenos Aires, September 14, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Sandra Valdez prepares tea at her home in Buenos Aires on September 21, 2012. Her children are playing nearby. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

Sandra Valdez looks outside the gates of her home in Buenos Aires on September 21, 2012. (Carolina Camps/Reuters)

She was educated at Harvard, spoke at the World Economic Forum and other meetings of the world elite, communicated with such stars as Sting and Gerard Depardieu, successfully composed pop music herself, had own brand clothes, besides, she was even named among the possible leaders of Uzbekistan, the most populous country Central Asia.

But today something completely different is associated with the name of Gulnara Karimova.

Because now Karimov—whose father, Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan's dictator for three decades, died last year—is accused at home of a range of serious crimes. Fraud, currency manipulation, smuggling, document forgery and money laundering Money.

45-year-old Karimova, also known as the “Uzbek princess,” disappeared from public view in 2014, and since then there have been rumors that she was either under house arrest or poisoned and buried secretly, which was allegedly a link in intrigues related to his father's possible successor.

But last week, the prosecutor's office in the Uzbek capital Tashkent unexpectedly revealed that Karimova had been in prison since 2015 as part of a criminal group that allegedly controlled assets worth about 10 billion crowns in 12 countries.

The statement said she had been secretly sentenced to five years in prison, but that there were other charges brought against her.


Strategically important location

. Uzbekistan became independent in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

. The country, home to approximately 33 million people, occupies an important strategic location, bordering Afghanistan in particular.

. From the 1980s to 2016, the country was ruled by dictator Islam Karimov.

. The new leadership of Uzbekistan is now trying to make the country more open.

Sources: BNE, JP

Previously, large-scale investigations of Karimova’s transactions were carried out, in which, in particular, respectable Swedish and Swiss companies and banks, but this is the first time official Uzbek sources have reported that Karimova is in prison in her homeland.

“The fact that she has huge funds and property abroad is a well-known fact. Therefore, the first task of the new government in Uzbekistan was to try to return this money to the country,” this is the assessment of Russian political scientist Arkady Dubnov, expressed in a conversation with the Dozhd TV channel.

Gulnara Karimova’s eldest son, Islam, expressed a protest on a Russian television program (against his mother’s detention) and called the mother’s trial political: “She didn’t even know what she was accused of,” he said.

Iron dictatorship

The new ruler of Uzbekistan, which is at the very bottom of the global ranking regarding respect for human rights, is 60-year-old Shavkat Mirzoev.

He has made it clear that he will seek to soften a number of areas where the former dictator kept tight control: “Since he took power in September, he has made many promises in areas ranging from human rights to improving business climate change, in an attempt to dismantle the legacy of Islam Karimov and open up the populous Central Asian state to the outside world,” says Ben Aris, Chief Editor BNE Analytical Service.

But Shavkat Mirzoev cannot relieve himself of responsibility for the fact that he also participated in the creation of a corrupt and repressive system in Uzbekistan, which he served all his life.

“Gulnara, without any doubt, is guilty and should stand trial, but we cannot shift all responsibility onto her. Despite everything, her partners and accomplices were high-ranking officials. They need to be fired and held accountable,” Hashimbek Khalikov, an Uzbek lawyer, wrote on Facebook, according to the Eurasianet news agency.


...And then I asked to leave my daughter in prison

Monologue of a desperate mother

How can you believe that your own child is ready to betray you at any moment? That his promises are not worth a penny? That he now has completely different morals? But this is exactly what you will have to live with if your child is a drug addict.

You probably won't understand me. I don't understand myself. I call the lawyer, beg him to get my daughter out of prison, and five minutes later I dial his number again and say: let him leave everything as it is. First conviction. If I had asked, she would have been given a suspended sentence. But I didn't ask.
Why did this bandit meet on her way? This bastard who put her on a needle. And she? How could she fall in love with him? Dirty, uneducated, rude. He beat me once, twice. But she still runs after him faithfully, like a little dog. And this is our Anka! Proud little princess, as they once called her. Where did it all go?
“You spoiled her,” the husband once reproached.
But he also spoiled her. Only child. Cheerful, sincere, kind. And I studied well. Why was she punished? Shouldn't you have bought fancy rags? But why? We had such an opportunity. Anya was never greedy; she gave away her blouses to her classmates. I really didn’t like her friends. Too simple. Against their background, Anya was a bright star. Only their destinies turned out quite well, but our Anya is going downhill. Or rather, it has already flown away.
When Boris appeared in their company, they mistook his rudeness for strength, and otherworldly nonsense for intelligence. Lord, if I could imagine how it would all end! It never would have occurred to me that she would choose someone like that.
Then we moved to Moscow. Anechka then moved to the tenth, and I thought that the new capital environment would overshadow her St. Petersburg beau. But he began to visit us every week. In winter, she suddenly began to complain of headaches, and sometimes looked simply terrible in the mornings. The teacher called us to school and said: the girl is capable and good, but she gets sick often, she missed a lot of classes, you should take care of her health. The doctors didn’t find anything special and advised her to feed her with vitamins. We bought vitamins and nutritional supplements in packs. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t have withdrawal symptoms then...
Immediately after school they started talking about marriage. My father and I were, of course, against it, but we knew that we couldn’t argue with Anyuta, and registry offices register marriages without parental consent. The young people didn’t want to live with us and decided to return to St. Petersburg to his mother. The explanation seemed quite acceptable: Boris does not want to be Primak. At first they came to us every week, then less and less. One day we went to visit them ourselves. Boris's mother and his aunt met us. “Where are the young people sleeping?” - the husband made a noise. “Yes, they...” the women hesitated. Everything that was said later seemed nonsense.
The car we gave as a wedding gift was sold, Anya came to work on a strong high and was fired, Boris didn’t work at all. All our transfers were spent on heroin, and the three of them lived on the pitiful salary of Boris’s mother. When Borya met our Anyuta, his mother thought that a self-confident girl from a good, as she put it, family would get her son out of drug captivity. But she too was captured. Even when I was in school. I didn’t believe it, I rushed into the room...
What happened next? Four years of endless nightmare. There was no point in treating her alone. They put them both down. They came out as if they were different people. They made plans for the future and reasoned so sensibly that we believed. The daughter got a job, Boris opened his own business. Soon he had money. He assured that he was trading. We thought, jackets or cigarettes. It turned out to be drugs. And Anya was drawn in.
They were caught when they, having dosed themselves, tried to sell this poison to someone. The husband shouted: don’t interfere, let them go to jail! But I couldn't. I connected all the connections and the case was closed. While my husband lectured them about dirty business, I ransacked their house looking for drugs. I had no idea what they looked like, so I threw away all the suspicious bags and tablets. But as soon as they returned, everything went well. One consolation is that they no longer sold drugs. Either the father managed to scare them, or the police.

They were put in “Detox” for ten days, so that, as drug addicts say, their blood was cleaned. My son-in-law, calling me aside, asked: I will hold on, but Anya needs long-term treatment, she will break down.
They placed her in the center with Marshak. There, new arrivals are kept locked in a room alone for three days while they “get over their food.” When Anya was released on the fourth day, she was in such a state that, contrary to the rules, she was allowed to call. She begged me to take her away, but I couldn’t resist. They paid four and a half thousand dollars for the entire course, but returned it to us, despite the fact that she stayed there for three days, only two. What was to be done? They added more and took the daughter to “Medinar”.
After “Medinar” it lasted for a month, and I began to have hope. But then, as luck would have it, Boris overdosed. The ambulance took him to the hospital, and she... In general, it was “Detox” again. I come to pick her up, and she’s crying her eyes out. When Anya was being given an IV, her roommate pulled the tube out of the needle and injected heroin into it. The nurse, seeing Anya, immediately understood everything. Both were put out in disgrace. My hands gave up:
- Why didn’t you resist?
– I wanted this myself. You do not understand! I can’t give up the drug when it’s here in front of me!
Anya made excuses and was angry. And I was no longer angry, I was completely glazed over. They soldered me off with something. A psychiatrist was called. He persuaded her to “move” her daughter away from him, gave her the coordinates of the Narcotics Anonymous Society, and advised her to go to lectures for parents. And the nurse whispered: “Put her in an ordinary hospital, otherwise she will ruin you.”
Only after becoming closely acquainted with the same mothers and fathers did I understand that drug addicts should never be trusted. Their promises are worthless, and ideal behavior in the past has nothing to do with the present. Now they have a different morality. And it was with the awareness of all this that I had to live.
Very painful. It's very difficult to come to terms with the fact that everything moral values evaporated like smoke, which is the most close person, your little blood, is ready to betray you at any moment.
They stopped giving money. But it turned out to be useless. I begged for a dose on loan. Then they started calling her and threatening her. She cried, begged us to pay, and vowed never to approach the merchants again. And we're in Once again fell for the trick. They paid so that she wouldn’t be maimed, and a few days later she borrowed again...
One day I was returning from work and saw an ambulance at the entrance. Well, I think, come to us. And exactly. No daughter, doctors near my husband - micro-infarction. By that time, my daughter had already taken everything she could from her apartment. I sold the clothes. Boris was in prison for robbery. She had to resign herself and live with us. We took turns on duty and did not take our eyes off her for a minute. The night before, she had tucked an electric kettle into her bosom and tried to slip out the door, but her father wouldn’t let her, and she rushed at him with a knife.
When I left in the morning, she was still sleeping. When she woke up, she began to demand money from her father. Naturally, he refused. She cried and threatened to jump out of the window. My father felt bad, she seemed to come to her senses and gave him medicine. While he was drinking it, she grabbed his jacket and wallet and... He ran after her and fell.
In the evening she cried, asked for forgiveness, and I knew that now she was completely sincere, and I also knew that everything would happen again. Again, for the umpteenth time, she was admitted to the hospital. They began to look for a rehabilitation center. Perhaps we should have sent her to where she already was. But I wanted a miracle.
The notebook no longer contained phone numbers and addresses of dispensaries and centers. I started a barn book. Here it is, in front of me, all written and scratched. Life has forced us to pay attention to the cost of treatment. My business began to bring only losses. The chair under my husband also swayed.
I came across the phone number of a woman who allegedly received successful treatment in Ukraine. I don't remember who gave it to me. They said that there, near Odessa, some kind of magician or psychic works miracles. The woman was happy about my call and volunteered to take her daughter there even tomorrow. For two months they had to pay two thousand dollars, and also pay for their travel. We no longer had that kind of money, so we had to borrow. I was confused by the lack of a contract, but the woman insisted that she simply didn’t have the form at the moment and would definitely bring it. To be honest, in most centers all these agreements are fake. Either the fee is issued in the form of a charitable contribution, or the rehabilitation center, according to the documents, turns out to be travel agency, then the range of services is very different from that specified in the contract and promised in the advertisement. In general, I took the adult at his word. Yes, at that moment I probably would have believed the devil.
Two months have passed. Suddenly the doorbell rang. On the threshold is a girl of about seventeen:
– I brought you news from Anya. She wants to stay there for another two months. I'll take the money.
I didn’t give her any money, I threatened her with the police, and the girl disappeared. She showed up a day later: if you want to see your daughter, at least give her some money for the road.

Adam Keusler is currently living every father's worst nightmare. His 2-year-old daughter, Rumer Rose, has stage 4 neuroblastoma: a type of cancer with a 50 percent chance of survival.

Koisler tried everything to help his little girl, including natural treatments including organically prepared foods, alkaline water and essential oils. Unfortunately, this treatment had no effect. The only solution was treatment with hemp oil.

Soon noticeable improvements in Rumer's condition began to be observed. The only problem was that cannabis oil is illegal in Australia. In a desperate attempt to help his daughter, Adam started giving her rose cannabis oil last year.

Cannabis oil is a highly concentrated form of marijuana. According to Adam, improvements in the girl’s condition were obvious.
‘’Her little body came alive again. Rumer seemed to have begun to live new life'' says the girl's father. ''My daughter started gaining weight again.''

Despite these results, Adam broke the law. He was soon arrested. Began social movement to collect signatures calling on Australian politicians to intervene in the Keusler case.

Adam hasn't seen his daughter since January 2nd of this year. He visited his daughter in hospital, although this was considered an offence. Be that as it may, the police refused to interfere in this matter, allowing the father to see his daughter.

Adam states that he will continue to insist on treating his daughter with cannabis oil. According to him, this is the only effective treatment, and he has no other choice!