Documentary film Tatyana Tarasova. “I don’t have an icy heart. Not the icy heart of Tatyana Tarasova Flights on ice

Tatyana Tarasova is known to figure skating fans as a professional and competent coach who has educated and trained a record number of future winners of the World Championships and Olympics. But even now Tatyana is full of strength and plans for the future: she is still working in the world of figure skating and heads the jury in ice shows. While doing what she loved, Tarasova did not have to sacrifice her personal life. Despite the fact that she and her husband did not have children, she was able to realize her parental potential by raising her many students, who became like family to her.

Tatyana Anatolyevna was born in 1947 in Moscow. Her father, Anatoly Tarasov, is a famous hockey player and coach, and her mother was a physical education teacher. Her sister Galina also grew up in the family, who found recognition in pedagogy after working for many years as a school teacher. When the girl was four years old, her parents put her on skates. From that time on, figure skating became firmly established in her life. Performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin, the young athlete achieved success at the World Universiade, held in 1966. However, a year later Tarasova was injured, which forced her to leave the sport.

She found a use for herself by teaching young skaters and staging numbers. Among her famous students are such athletes as Natalya Bestemyanova, Alexander Zaitsev, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa and many others. During her coaching work, Tatyana Anatolyevna received an education at the institute physical culture.

In the photo Tatyana Tarasova with her father

In the 90s, Tarasova created an ice theater, where she had to be not only a mentor, but also a director and choreographer. Figure skating stars performed all over the world with their favorite performances. Since 2006, her collaboration with television began, where the renowned coach was a member of the jury of numerous ice shows aired on Channel One.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life did not develop happily right away: her first two marriages were unsuccessful. The union with her first husband, actor Alexei Samoilov, lasted about two years. However, ex-spouses broke up without scandals and remained for a long time good friends. Now he lives in France. The athlete's second husband was track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov, but the man died tragically in 1976. Tarasova loved him very much, but she does not like to remember this period.

In the photo Tatiana Tarasova with her husband Vladimir Krainev

According to the famous coach, a fortune teller predicted what her third husband would be like. She said that the future husband will sing and dance. Soon she met musician Vladimir Krainev. This union, which lasted more than 30 years, was very harmonious and happy. The couple often loved to sing together, and many friends always gathered in their house. Unfortunately, children never appeared in this marriage. The husband died in 2011 after a serious illness. Her parents and sister are also no longer alive. Now in Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life there are her nephew Alexey and his sons, Matvey and Fedor. Fedya is passionate about hockey, and he is assigned the number 10, which his illustrious grandfather had.

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Published 12/04/2016

A meeting foretold in the morning dew

A fortune teller predicted this meeting for the legendary coach when she was 31 years old. The prophecy came true that same day, and was followed by 33 years of strong family happiness. In their life there were many separations, hungry times, ups and downs. Only their feelings remained unchanged, which allowed them to save the family, no matter what.

Beginning coach Tatyana Tarasova, 1974, Ufa.

Before meeting her future husband, Tatyana Tarasova had already been married twice. The first marriage with actor Alexei Samoilov lasted only two years. Tatyana Tarasova's second husband, Vasily Khomenkov, whom she loved very much, took his own life.

Tatyana Tarasova in her youth.

Two years after Vasily’s death, Tatyana and two friends, Marina Neyolova and Elena Matveeva, went to see her grandmother Praskovya, who was telling fortunes by the morning dew. At first Tatyana didn’t even want to listen to her, because the old woman reminded her of the tragedy with her second husband. But Praskovya detained Tarasova, informing her about her imminent marriage. She advised not to pay attention to short stature future husband, because he will be talented and famous, and Tatyana will be happy with him.

In the evening, friends in the same group went to visit the house of Mark Fradkin, whose daughter Tarasova was friends with. Vladimir Krainev was already there. They had heard about each other before, since Tatyana and Volodya were both friends with the Fradkin family. However, they never coincided during visits to friends.

Vladimir Krainev in his youth.

This time, seeing at the table in the kitchen young man, Tanya laughed, exclaiming that this was her happiness. The young man looked very much like the future husband described by the fortune teller. He volunteered to take the girl to work, and when moving across Stone Bridge behind them, right above the Kremlin, a double rainbow rose, full and bright. She had never seen anything like this in her life. And he suddenly said that this was great happiness.

Tatyana Tarasova and Vladimir Krainev.

They met on October 19, 1978, the next day Tanya flew to Riga. Vladimir was not going to wait for her to return. He raised the entire Riga Philharmonic to its feet, and his colleagues helped him find out in which room his new friend lived.

He started calling her every day. It already looked like the beginning of a novel. She returned from Riga, and he flew to Gorky. Immediately after returning on November 5, 1978, he packed his things and moved in with his beloved, because he simply could no longer live without her. Between these two events they managed to submit an application to the registry office. On the ninth day after meeting.

Tatyana Tarasova and Vladimir Krainev.

However, it was not possible to get married as quickly as they would have liked. Two stars came together in one house, with conflicting schedules of competitions and tours. The honored coach and famous pianist postponed the date of the official painting several times, until Vladimir Krainev simply resorted to a trick.

On tour in Poland, he slightly injured his finger and made a whole tragedy out of it. With only one goal: to fly to Moscow and finally become the husband of his beloved Tanya. On March 2, 1979, they registered their marriage. Moreover, the ceremony was conducted not by an ordinary registrar, but by the director of the registry office herself.

Unclouded happiness.

Despite frequent separations, they were incredibly happy. Tatyana Anatolyevna says: “I flew with him. He gave me wings!”

Their house was always open and crowded. Tatyana’s mother hoped that after marriage, her daughter would stop bringing all her students into the house, and would begin to look after the interests of her musician husband, creating conditions for his creativity. But in fact, to Tarasova’s friends and students, Krainev’s friends and students were added.

Tatyana Tarasova and Vladimir Krainev.

Lunch was prepared on an industrial scale, since both the family and numerous guests had to be well-fed. Tatyana managed to do absolutely everything at home between competitions and training. While at home, she constantly cooked, cleaned, and did laundry. When she went on business trips, Tarasova’s mother and sister looked after the apartment.

Vladimir Krainev.

Their union was both family and creative. He helped her select music for her students’ performances; he recorded a four-minute composition “Rhapsodies on a Theme of Paganini” for Bestemyanova and Bukin. She enjoyed attending his concerts, and afterward they could talk for hours.

When Vladimir was diagnosed with an ulcer, Tatyana went on tour with him to ensure that her husband had normal dietary nutrition and adherence to the regime.

The idea of ​​creating ice theater Vladimir served “All Stars” to his wife. He also helped her with musical scores, with recordings, and with productions too.

When things were especially difficult in Russia in the 90s, Vladimir moved to Hannover and opened his own music school there. In their German house, too, the doors were never locked. Tatyana Anatolyevna trained athletes in America, only there she was provided with ice.

She raised Olympic champions, and he raised laureates international competitions. He was her support, support and love. He, already ill, supported her in those difficult times when she died older sister Tarasova Galina, and behind her mother, Nina Grigorievna. He passed away at the end of April 2011. He died of a pulmonary aneurysm a few hours after a telephone conversation with his wife.

Tatiana Tarasova.

Tatyana Tarasova gathered all her will into a fist. She continues to live and work. And only occasionally does she allow herself to remember that she does not have an icy heart at all.

Tatyana Tarasova is a legendary coach who has trained a whole galaxy of brightest stars figure skating, thanks to which Soviet athletes won almost every Olympics in this sport for more than 30 years.


Tatyana was born on a cold winter day - 02/13/1947 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Her parents were professional athletes: her father was a famous hockey player, her mother was a coach. Therefore, both she and her sister V mandatory We did morning exercises, water treatments and sports every day.

In my youth

The girl took this for granted, since the example of her parents was always before her eyes. She first skated when she was not yet five years old. Learning to stay on the ice next to her star dad was fun and interesting, so she enjoyed attending her first classes.

A little later, her parents sent her to the figure skating section and this decided the girl’s fate, becoming not only a lifelong hobby, but also her profession.

Flights on ice

Young Tarasova spent several hours a day on the ice. Brought up on sports training since childhood, the girl was always aimed only at winning. She perfected every movement, every pirouette. Such efforts could not go unnoticed by the coaches, and soon she was paired with another talented skater Georgy Proskurin.

The couple was taken in by Elena Tchaikovskaya - by that time already an experienced and renowned coach, under whose leadership the skaters reached unprecedented heights. Working together for only two years, the Tarasova-Proskurin couple managed to win the World Universiade and showed very high hopes.

However, during a particularly intense training session, while practicing one of the pair’s most difficult signature elements, Tatyana Tarasova fell unsuccessfully onto the ice and was seriously injured. She spent in the hospital for a long time and transferred complex operation. The young athlete patiently endured all the painful manipulations, still hoping to return to the “big ice.”

Alas, hopes of continuing his career were not destined to come true. The doctors' verdict was disappointing - even after long-term rehabilitation, Tatyana would not be able to play sports professionally. The following injury can make the girl disabled, and it’s too serious physical activity are contraindicated for her.

Her partner had been training with another athlete for a long time. And Tarasova’s sports career was over.

Coaching talent

Tarasova experienced this period very difficult. She couldn't imagine her life without big sport and serious victories. Fortunately, at that time she was already a student at the Institute of Physical Education and was not left without support. That's when the thought of coaching came to me for the first time. And if a goal appears, opportunities for its implementation also come.

And in 1967, Tarasova returned to the ice, but in a new capacity. Being a young coach herself, Tarasova takes on very young students and begins to improve herself in coaching in the same way as she previously honed her sports skills on the ice. It starts completely new stage in her life, and with it come new victories.

Tarasova’s young students occupy the top steps of podiums at competitions of various sizes, including all-Union and international youth tournaments. But Tarasova herself always dreamed of Olympic medals, so she aimed even higher.

Working with young athletes, she constantly came up with new tricks, developed lifts and beautiful combinations of steps and elements.

Long-awaited victories

Tarasova first had the chance to fulfill her dream when another famous Soviet coach, Stanislav Zhuk, who was famous for his very tough style of working with athletes, which, however, produced results - his students regularly won competitions of the highest rank, left the newly formed couple Rodnina-Zaitsev .

Irina Rodnina had already won several international championships by this time, but her former partner married another figure skater and began dancing with her. Stanislav Zhuk picked Rodnina a new partner - the talented but novice figure skater Alexander Zaitsev.

But the new couple’s relationship with the coach did not work out. Zaitsev did not tolerate Zhuk’s harsh style, he was often nervous, and the pair could not work normally on the ice.

And in 1974, the couple went to train with Tarasova. For them, she was more of a friend than a stern mentor, although her demands were no less, and sometimes even more strict, than Zhuk’s. The guys enthusiastically began to master completely new elements, doing incredibly complex combinations of tricks on ice.

Just two years later, the Rodnina-Zaitsev pair triumphantly won the Olympics, receiving maximum marks of 6.0 for the free program. Finally, Tarasova’s main dream is coming true! Irina Rodnina cries on the top step of the podium as the USSR anthem is played during the awards ceremony. And Tarasova cries with her with joy and pride for her students.

These were her first Olympic champions. But not the only ones. In ice dancing, this achievement was repeated by her other students, the Moiseeva-Minenkov couple. Later, foreign athletes trained under her leadership, bringing great victories to their countries. But these two couples have become peculiar business card Tarasova as a successful coach.

Tarasova School

After the collapse of the USSR, the situation in sports, as well as in the whole country, turned out to be difficult. Tarasova continues to train students, but at the same time creates a commercial project - an ice theater, in which she gives the leading roles to her best students who have completed sports career. The theater very quickly becomes super popular - it is impossible to buy tickets for performances.

Tarasova did not stage the ice ballet herself; she invited the best Russian choreographers to collaborate. Often traveling abroad, Tarasova always attended such shows, trying to spy on and bring to Russia all the best and most interesting things. And we came up with a lot ourselves. In total, the theater existed for 14 years, during which more than a dozen outstanding performances were staged.

But Tarasova’s favorite brainchild was and remains the Figure Skating School, which continues to educate future champions. She worked in a similar school for many years in the USA after the fall of the Iron Curtain, thus being torn into two countries. But still, the heart and soul of the talented coach were devoted to Russia, where she invariably returned.

Personal life

Tarasova's first husband was a theater actor. Prisoner in at a young age in a fit of violent passion, this union was initially doomed due to the dissimilarity of the characters of the young spouses. Two years later, they separated peacefully, remaining good friends for the rest of their lives.

The coach's second marriage to athlete Vasily Khomenkov ended sadly - the husband died tragically at a very young age. Tarasova felt the death of her husband very deeply, and if it weren’t for the support of her loved ones and students, she might have broken down and left big-time sports. But Tarasova survived, life went on.

With her husband Vladimir Krainev

Her figure skating career ended before it really began - at the age of 19. The first marriage was followed by divorce, and the second ended tragically with the death of her husband. Tired of all the shocks, 31-year-old Tatyana Tarasova turned to a fortune teller - and she predicted a fateful meeting for her...

"Able" legs

Tatyana Tarasova in her youth, photo: RIA Novosti/Vladimir Perventsev Her father, the legendary USSR hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, was extremely upset when he learned that the second child in the family was also a girl. I only came to terms with it when I saw little Tanya’s “capable” legs. And if the eldest Galya did without his personal training as a child, then Tanya got it to the fullest: in addition to classes in the figure skating section, her father sent her jogging and gymnastics every day - in any weather at any time of the year.

“Tarasov’s” methods bore fruit: at the age of 19, Tatyana won the World Universiade, performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. And then, while making a lap of honor on the ice, she received a ridiculous injury: she fell on the path leading to the podium. The diagnosis of “chronic shoulder dislocation” left no chance: with figure skating it was necessary to say goodbye. Character, tempered by training and the harsh upbringing of her father, played a role: Tarasova did not give up. She decided that she would become a coach - and immediately began to advise the country's leading skaters, without wasting time on beginners.

The Figure Skating Hall of Fame, more than 40 gold medals for her students - all this will come later. And then, having returned with the “silver” of the Olympics for her wards Moiseeva and Minenkov, Tarasova received a condescending message from her father: “We are fired from work for second place.” Only after five gold medals from his daughter’s students did he recognize her as a colleague.

All the "gold" in the world

Tatyana Tarasova with students, Natalya Bestemyanova and Andrei Bukin, photo: RIA Novosti/Dmitry Donskoy By the age of 30, Tatyana Tarasova had gained a reputation as an experimental trainer, invariably leading her students to victories. It's no joke - the youngest honored coach of the USSR! The great Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev under her leadership have already become Olympic champions, her father no longer doubted her professionalism; she was surrounded by honor and respect from her friends and colleagues. While training pairs on ice, in life Tarasova remained a “single skater” - although she already had two marriages behind her. Her first husband was actor Alexey Samoilov, thanks to whom Tarasova made many actor friends. They lived together for only two years: keep family hearth Tatyana was not going to sacrifice her work. The marriage broke up.

For the second time she married track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov - according to great love which ended in tragedy. Vasily died at the age of 29, and Tarasova refuses to talk about the causes and circumstances of what happened throughout her life. By the age of 30, her family consisted of her parents, sister and nephew and, of course, figure skaters. She devoted all her time to work, until one day Tarasova’s friend, actress Marina Neyolova, dragged her to a fortune teller. She predicted that on this day Tatyana would meet the love of her life.

“Then I stopped by a friend’s house and saw Krainev there - it was so unexpected that I couldn’t help myself, laughed and said: “This is my happiness!” And so it happened. Volodya immediately volunteered to take me home, and when we drove off, two rainbows appeared in the sky at once. It was a good sign."

Coach and pianist

pianist Vladimir Krainev, photo: RIA Novosti/Yuri Abramochkin 35-year-old Vladimir Krainev, a famous pianist, of course, knew who Tarasova was. But I couldn’t even imagine that after meeting both of them, they would literally be overcome by mutual attraction. Nine days later they began to live together, although in their case it looked very specific. Either Tarasova went to training camps and competitions, then Krainev went on tour. Tatyana's father joked that to be completely happy they needed a small house near the Sheremetyevo runway. Due to constant travel, they could not formalize the relationship for a long time. Finally, a chance came up: on tour, Vladimir pinched his finger and made a whole tragedy out of it - I can’t play, let me go home!

He was allowed a "window" of 16 days. Having raised all possible connections, in these two weeks they managed to organize registration at the registry office. On March 2, 1979, Tatyana Tarasova became the wife of Vladimir Krainev.

Their compatibility was ideal: for both, work was not just a job, but a matter of life, a calling. That is why they endured separation so easily. That's why they were so interesting together. “I have always been amazed by Tanino’s vision of music - she has a talent for turning sounds into movements. When I traveled abroad, Tanya asked me to bring records that were not available in Moscow, and from a dozen discs she unerringly chose a few minutes of music,” said Vladimir Krainev. Together they created music for 18 of her skaters' programs. Her intuition and his musical gift together worked wonders: the numbers choreographed by Tarasova were admired by the whole world.

Their parents also lived in perfect harmony: Anatoly Tarasov doted on Vladimir’s mother Ila Moiseevna. And Nina Grigorievna Tarasova just shrugged: she thought that pianists lived alone, but the number of guests in their house only increased - musicians were added to the skaters.

...Everything ended in May 2011. News came from Hannover, where he taught at the conservatory for several years: Vladimir Krainev suddenly died from a rupture of the pulmonary artery. The usually inflexible Tatyana Tarasova turned black with grief. “Volodya made me happy. He supported me in everything. Together we made 18 programs for my skaters and lived 33 best of the year life... And now he’s gone and I don’t know how I’ll live further,” that’s all she said. And again her character saved her. They were waiting for her on the ice; they couldn’t do without her! And Tarasova pulled herself together. Since 1967, she has not missed a single Olympics as a coach - and continues to keep her mark.

Tatyana Anatolyevna celebrated her 71st birthday in Pyeongchang. During the most difficult Olympics for the entire Russian team, the great coach remains at his post - which means we will definitely have victories.

Tatyana Tarasova ended her sports career due to injury. After that, she began training other athletes and putting on programs. Only seven years later she entered the Institute of Physical Culture. Her students became the best in figure skating all over the world. As a coach, she has eight Olympic medals and numerous awards at various significant competitions.

Tatyana Anatolyevna had three marriages. However, she never managed to know the joy of motherhood. However, the famous coach does not despair or worry about this. She has someone to care about - she puts her soul into her students. Moreover, she takes care of the heirs of her sister Galina.

“Why regret something that doesn’t exist. I have a lot of worries, I help people I meet along the way. Love for my grandchildren Galin, always at the skating rink with the children. What can I say, this is how it happened. These are your mistakes, there was no time, Olympic Games We were there all the time,” admitted Tarasova.

The coach got married for the first time when she was only 21 years old. They lived together for only one year. According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she gave preference to career and sports rather than family. However, after some time, she again tied the knot. She had known Vasily Khomenkov since her youth. The young man passed away at the age of 29. After this, Tarasova met her third husband, Vladimir Krainev, and immediately got married. She remembered that her father, a famous hockey player and coach, adored his son-in-law. He passed away in 2011.

Tatyana Anatolyevna adored her sister Galina, who became a teacher. She has a son, Alexey, who continued the sports dynasty - now he heads the “Golden Puck” Young Hockey Players Club named after A.V. Tarasova". Chairman of the jury of the television program " Ice age"said in the program "The Fate of a Man" on the TV channel "Russia 1" that she did not discuss the absence of her own children with her father.

“We didn’t have time to talk about it, I fell in love with my son Lesha, he heads the Golden Puck.” When things were bad, I couldn’t work, Galya gave birth to a child, Lesha, and dad loved him very much,” recalled Tatyana Anatolyevna.