ICE on gas. Gas and gasoline engines: which is better? Parallel use of gas and gasoline

When purchasing a commercial vehicle, it is important to pay attention not only to the load capacity and other characteristics, but also to the engine. GAZelle is the most popular light commercial vehicle in Russia. This machine has been in mass production since 1994. During this time, various power plants. We will tell you which engine is better for the GAZelle in our article today.

Types of power plants

Initially, these cars were equipped with units from All of them have an in-line arrangement of cylinders. From 1994 to 2003, the GAZelle 402 engine (carburetor) was installed. We'll look at which one is better to choose later. With the release of the new generation of GAZelles (this is 2003), the engine line was replenished with another power unit. This is a ZMZ-406 motor.

A year later, a more modernized unit, labeled ZMZ-405, began to be installed on GAZelle. What features do these power units have? Let's consider each of them separately.


This is a gasoline four-cylinder engine with a carburetor power system. It is a modified version of the ZMZ-24D engine, which was installed on the Volga during the Soviet era. The motor has a power of 100 Horse power with a cylinder volume of 2.44 liters. The engine has 2 valves per cylinder. What do reviews say about this motor? Owners note that this engine is difficult to withstand loads. ZMZ-402 is not intended for commercial vehicles. This is a passenger engine that produces low torque.

Among other disadvantages, owners note a high risk of overheating. Due to the fact that the engine is constantly exposed to loads, the block and head heat up. The motor has a short service life (about 150 thousand kilometers). The engine also requires regular tuning and cleaning of the carburetor. As for the advantages, ZMZ-402 has very simple design and very repairable. Price overhaul This engine is an order of magnitude lower than that of modern analogues. In terms of fuel consumption, this unit is the most voracious. The topic of the efficiency of the 402 engine has been familiar to motorists since the days of the Soviet Volga. A loaded GAZelle consumes at least 19 liters per 100 kilometers in the city. IN winter time this figure can reach 22. It is reasonable to use such equipment only if HBO is installed.


This engine, with a volume of 2.3 liters, develops a power of 145 horsepower. Is new line units with a 16-valve timing mechanism. However, the timing mechanism is still driven by a chain. The engine has a carburetor power system, but has high torque, which is so important for commercial vehicles. The main advantages are higher service life and power.

Which engine is better for a GAZelle? To answer this question, we should highlight the negative aspects of the 406 engine. Among the shortcomings, reviews note the complexity of the timing device. First of all, this element stretches over time and requires replacement at 100 thousand. The design also uses an archaic piston ring design. Because of this, oil consumption and high fuel consumption are observed. A GAZelle with this engine spends about 15-20 liters, depending on the operating mode.


This is a more advanced unit, built on the basis of the 406 engine. It has a more modern, injection injection. With a volume of 2.5 liters, it develops a power of 152 horsepower. The piston group was also changed in the design. This is strongly felt during acceleration.

Much more cheerful than the 406, say the reviews. This unit also has a more moderate “appetite”. For 100 kilometers it consumes from 16 to 18 liters of fuel. It is worth considering that this parameter may differ, since the GAZelle has a different booth height (windage) and can transport cargo of different tonnage.

What has been improved?

When answering the question about which engine is best for the GAZelle, it is worth considering the technical modifications of this unit. Small modifications have been made to this engine design changes. Thus, engineers modified the cylinder head, eliminating the channels of the idle system. The weight of the cylinder head has been reduced by 1.3 kilograms. If on the 406th engine a non-asbestos cylinder head gasket was used, then on the 405th there is a two-layer metal part. It provides better sealing of the cooling system channels, lubrication and gas joints. Thus, engineers were able to achieve the best sealing of connections in critical areas. By the way, this engine was the first in the line to officially meet Euro-3 requirements.

What's the result?

So which engine is better - 402 or 406? The GAZelle, equipped with the first engine, picks up speed very poorly and can hardly bear the load. Because of this, the engine overheats and consumes oil. Which engine is better for a GAZelle? As for the 406 engine, it is an excellent alternative between the 402 and 405. The cost of GAZelles with this engine is an order of magnitude lower than with an injection unit. At the same time, the 406th engine has a modern 16-valve timing mechanism and huge potential for tuning. If desired, it can be boosted by replacing the piston group with an Ulyanovsk one. The main disadvantage of this engine is the carburetor. Now there are very few specialists involved in setting them up. But the carburetor requires constant maintenance and adjustment.

If we consider which engine is better - 405 or 406 for the GAZelle, the clear leader will be the ZMZ-405. This engine is devoid of previous disadvantages and requires less maintenance, since it is equipped with fuel injection. This engine has lower fuel consumption and high torque. The 405 engine does not overheat provided the antifreeze is replaced in a timely manner and has a long service life. Practice shows that this engine lasts 300 thousand kilometers before overhaul. However, the cost of GAZelles with this engine is much higher. This is perhaps the only drawback of this engine. Otherwise, the ZMZ-405 is a leader in the line of gasoline units. If the question is about which engine is better to put in the GAZelle, then definitely the 405th. This is the most reliable and durable power unit that has ever been installed on these cars.

So, we found out which engine is better for the GAZelle.

In the USSR, the most common model of trucks was the GAZ-53 and its modifications. For more than thirty years, since the release of the first car, over 4 million copies rolled off the assembly lines.

The car was produced from 1961 to 1992 at the facilities of the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Engine GAZ-53

Two main models of power units were installed on GAZ-53 cars: the six-cylinder GAZ-11 and the eight-cylinder ZMZ-53. The second motor had several different modifications, but there was no significant difference in their design.

Despite the high build quality and reliability, the GAZ-53 engine requires repair work over time.

Motor maintenance

Internal combustion engines belonging to the ZMZ-53 family have a good service life and reliability, however, like any other power units, they require regular maintenance. Such preventive measures include:

In order for the GAZ-53 engine to work as much as possible without malfunctions, it is necessary to regularly diagnose it, correct problems in a timely manner and fill only with high-quality engine oil.

GAZ-53 engine: technical characteristics

Vehicles of this brand are equipped with several modifications of power units. Since 1966, the GAZ-53 engine was installed on GAZ cars. The model was equipped with a K-126B carburetor and had an overhead valve arrangement. A little later, the characteristics of the GAZ-53 engine changed, since the carburetor was replaced with a K-135.

This engine has a small piston stroke and cylinder volume. Many are of the opinion that parts of other internal combustion engines from the same line can be installed on the GAZ-53 engine. The technical characteristics of these motors are somewhat different, so their elements are not interchangeable. Not only the cylinder blocks are different, but also the cylinder head, piston group and crankshaft.

Engine diagnostics

Regular inspection is necessary for the cylinder block. If its fastenings become loose, tighten the nuts. Before carrying out such work, all the coolant is drained from the system and the fastening of the intake pipe is loosened - this makes it possible to prevent the tightening of one cylinder head from affecting the others.

After such procedures, the nuts are tightened with a torque wrench. The manufacturer recommends performing this type of work for the first three maintenance services, then its frequency can be reduced to every second.

The GAZ-53 engine does not require repairs provided that lubricants and fuel are used High Quality. In this case, the carbon deposits formed on the pistons and inside the combustion chamber will be small and will not have any effect on the operation of the engine.

Failure to follow simple rules can lead to detonation, increased consumption and decreased power.

Removing carbon deposits

The GAZ-53 engine gets rid of carbon deposits very easily. To do this, it is necessary to clean the walls of the combustion chamber and the piston bottoms. Nagar contains a large number of harmful substances, therefore, when carrying out such a procedure, it is advisable to protect Airways. For this purpose, it is often coated with kerosene.

Replacing crankshaft parts

In order to increase the potential of the engine, it is advisable to regularly replace the crankshaft liners and piston rings.

The main reason for upgrading earbuds is a sharp decline oil pressure. If the need arises, the connecting rod bearings must also be replaced.

Replacing piston rings

The main sign that it is time to change the piston rings is an increase in lubricant consumption. Normally it is 400 g per 100 kilometers. The piston ring set includes steel discs and a cast iron compression ring.

During replacement, the unworn section of the belt is removed from the cylinder liners, and the cylinder head is cleaned of carbon deposits.

The gas distribution mechanism also requires regular diagnostics. Valve clearances are checked only with the engine idling and the pusher lowered all the way.

Possible malfunctions of the GAZ-53 internal combustion engine

The power unit has breakdowns and malfunctions that are typical for any other engine. To eliminate them, the GAZ-53 engine is completely disassembled and reassembled. The reasons for breakdowns can be different:

  • The appearance of knocking of brass liners. This is the most serious malfunction. Leads to her low level oil, wear of all parts, or reduced or completely absent pressure in the system.
  • Increased lubricant consumption. Oil can either flow through the seals and connections, or through the piston rings. This could also be caused by a clogged breather.

  • Knocking of connecting rod bushings or pistons. Pistons are characterized by burnout of the bottom or failure of the partitions between the rings. The main reason for this is engine overheating.
  • Burnout of exhaust valves. They do not burn out by themselves, but you can often encounter wear on the guide bushings. There may be several reasons for this: ingress of engine oil, low quality fuel, or lack of clearance in the valves.
  • Burnout of cylinder block gaskets. The reason is overheating of the engine, which can lead to curvature of the surface of the heads.

Engine overhaul

With proper care, the GAZ-53 engine rarely needs major repairs, but if this does happen, the following malfunctions may be the cause:

  • Increased lubricant consumption, and with the replacement of rings the problem remained relevant.
  • Low pressure in the lubrication system and knocking noises in the engine.
  • Wear and tear of the entire power unit with the exhaustion of its working life.
  • Engine jamming due to the crankshaft.

Engine repair can be done independently - produced by the manufacturer complete guide operation manual, in which all actions for changing parts and possible malfunctions and methods for eliminating them are described in detail.

Despite everything, the engines installed on the GAZ-53 are distinguished by good endurance. Considering the various “modifications” of the internal combustion engine and the oils that are sometimes poured into it, one can only be surprised at its performance. Often such an engine can function quietly for years, even if there are strange knocking noises.

One of the most legendary engines of the Soviet automobile industry can rightfully be considered the GAZ 53 or ZMZ 511. It faithfully served the people for many decades. To this day, many isolated corners of the Soviet Union operate this “unkillable” power unit, and the GAZ plant still produces spare parts for it.

Historical emphasis

The history of the GAZ 53 internal combustion engine began back in 1959, when, by order of the Communist Party, they began to develop a motor that was supposed to replace the outdated GAZ 51. So, for the first time, the GAZ 53 car was equipped with power unit number 511 back in 1961, and this continued until 1993.

During the production of the car, quite a lot of modifications and experimental models were made. So, engines were installed - GAZ-53F, GAZ-53A, GAZ-53-12 and ZMZ-511. Also, engine models were developed that were not installed en masse, but found application in popular tuning. Among such representatives we can note the UAZ with the GAZ 53 engine and the Gazelle with the GAZ 53 engine.

In parallel with the 53rd, the Gorky Plant produced a hybrid - the GAZ 52. It was a six-cylinder engine, which was supposed to be something between the GAZ 51 and 53. The successor to the 53rd was the GAZ 3307, which was already equipped with MMZ and YaMZ power units. In 1997, the ZMZ-53 production line ceased to exist, and only one workshop remained for the production of spare parts for the engine.


At the time of its birth, the GAZ 53 engine was considered quite strong, since it had a large amount of horsepower. It is worth examining in more detail specifications in the table:

All GAZ 53 engines were equipped from the factory with a 4-speed gearbox. And only in 1987, a 5-speed gearbox was developed for the ZMZ-511 engine, which improved traction power and torque.

Installing the motor on other cars

Any car, especially a Soviet one, has been tuned at least once. Thus, the 53rd is third after the Volgovsky (GAZ 24) and Uazovsky (UMZ-417) power units in terms of popularity in modification, since it has a simple design and is easy to introduce innovations. But, nevertheless, it gained great popularity due to the introduction of the engine into other cars. So repeatedly, you can find a UAZ with a GAZ 53 engine.

For those who love the forced GAZ 24 or 3102, they can easily install the ZMZ 511. You can often see a Volga racing with a GAZ 53 engine. But there are a number of disadvantages: puffs of smoke from the exhaust, uncharacteristic engine sound, broken driveshaft, and more. .

Thus, the installation of ZMZ 511 on a GAZ 24 should be approached seriously and all the nuances fully calculated, since the internal potential is quite large, but not everyone has the intelligence to complete it.


Maintenance of a car with a GAZ 53 engine is a fairly simple and not troublesome task, especially when it is installed on a GAZ 24. The engine, of course, consumes about 10 liters of oil, but its service life is about 250,000 km with regular maintenance .

So, it’s worth describing the main stages of power unit maintenance:

  1. TO-1 - oil change, fuel filter, valve mechanism tightening.
  2. TO-2 - changing the oil, fuel filter, tightening the valve mechanism, replacing the fuel filter and gaskets valve cover.
  3. TO-3 - changing the oil, fuel filter, tightening the valve mechanism, replacing the timing kit, replacing spark plugs, high-voltage wires.
  4. TO-4 - changing the oil, fuel filter, tightening the valve mechanism, replacing the fuel filter, valve cover gaskets, cylinder head gaskets and pan.

The difference in mileage between maintenance is 12,500 km. With proper and regular care, the engine can last about 300,000 - 350,000 km. After a major overhaul, the technical maintenance chart changes and maintenance must be carried out more often.

Repair and operation

Repair of ZMZ-511 is carried out according to in-line breakdowns. Since the power unit is quite reliable, it can rightfully be considered a standard of endurance. But even the most best engines have their resource and need to be repaired.

The GAZ 53 engine does not break down over trifles and this immediately leads to a major overhaul, which in many cases costs the same as a new engine. That is why many car enthusiasts practice repairing the GAZ 53 engine with their own hands. Let's consider the main technological process

overhaul of the ZMZ-53 power unit.

  1. What procedures need to be completed and completed:
  2. Engine washing. Disassembly. IN at this stage the motor is subjected to a total disassembly for spare parts in order to determine which parts are damaged, how much damage is caused to the block and crankshaft, the condition of the cylinder heads, piston group and cylinder heads. Also, minor parts are subject to diagnostics, namely: oil and water pump, in mandatory
  3. clutch and others.
  4. Diagnostic process. Only three main spare parts are involved here - the block (chambers where combustion occurs), the crankshaft (for maintainability) and the cylinder head (the condition of the gas distribution mechanism).

The process of measuring and determining dimensions. The crankshaft is bored. So, for this part there is a size table:

  1. Now, all old-style cylinder blocks are lined, where the engine can also be bored for a 92.5 and 93.0 mm piston system.
  2. Cylinder head bulkhead. This procedure includes the following operations: grinding and grinding valves, polishing camshaft cams, replacing valves and seals.
  3. When all the parts are prepared, the assembly of the power unit begins, where it takes on its original appearance.

The last stage is painting and running-in, where oil will be added and the valve mechanism will be adjusted.

Conclusion The GAZ 53 (or ZMZ 511) engine is a whole era in the automotive industry Soviet Union . Even now in remote areas former USSR

you can see the operation of this device. It was loved by motorists due to its ease of operation and maintenance, as well as its reliability despite the years. It is not surprising that against the backdrop of a global rise in the price of petroleum products, a huge number of motorists are trying to in an accessible way reduce fuel consumption. Let us immediately note that in developed countries

the problem was solved, but far from “budgetary”.

However, in the CIS, for obvious reasons, not everyone can afford a new or “fresh” two or three year old used diesel car for cash or even on credit. It turns out that the main available alternative is to convert an existing gasoline car to gas, that is, install LPG.

At the same time, gas consumption may be even higher than with gasoline, but this type of fuel costs, on average, 50% less. Also a feature of gas is a small loss (5-10%), which is not very noticeable for many. One way or another, for those who actively use their car, the benefits are obvious.

At the same time, responsible drivers often wonder whether gas is harmful to the car engine. In this article we will talk about how gas affects the engine, and also consider the main features of the operation of a gasoline internal combustion engine using a gas-air mixture.

Read in this article

The influence of gas on the engine and its service life

It is well known that given the great popularity and demand for gas equipment this decision has both supporters and opponents. Let us immediately note that in this article we will not consider in detail all the pros and cons of gas equipment, as well as the features of operation, installation of equipment, etc. Let's focus our attention exclusively on the power unit.

So, does gas fuel affect the service life and serviceability of a gasoline engine, and if so, then why is gas harmful to the engine? Let us note right away that gas does not spoil the engine and has practically no effect on it, however, in practice, not everything is so simple. Moreover, this issue is surrounded by a large number of myths and misconceptions.

  • First of all, for normal operation For a gas engine, both the gas system and the engine itself must be configured correctly. In other words, installation and configuration should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. As for the car owner, he is also required to fully adhere to all regulations and recommendations regarding the operation and maintenance of gas equipment.

Ignoring these rules has led to the widespread belief that gas spoils the engine. One of the arguments is the fact that gas has a higher octane number compared to gasoline (92-98 for gasoline, while gas has about 110 or more). Many drivers claim that a higher octane number causes the engine to operate in abnormal modes, the gas “dries out” the engine, etc.

Indeed, gas has a difference in octane number and is somewhat different from gasoline in terms of combustion characteristics, but with proper settings it cannot have a significant effect on the condition of the internal combustion engine, valves and other elements. Once again, for this to happen, the setup must be done correctly.

The main thing is that the engine must be supplied with a properly prepared gas-air mixture. If such a mixture turns out to be too or over-enriched, then consequences will arise. By the way, the same consequences occur with gasoline.

A rich mixture damages the catalysts, burnout may occur in the exhaust system, the engine may run intermittently, possibly. As for a lean mixture, when the mass fraction of fuel (gasoline or gas) in the composition is less than air, then the consequences of driving for the engine will be much more serious.

Leaning causes the mixture to burn longer in the combustion chamber, and the combustion temperature also increases. As a result, valves and valve seats burn out, air pressure is significantly reduced, and local overheating occurs.

Further, the problems progress, as improper operation of the spark plugs and other factors become the cause. In short, there is a serious disruption of the combustion process in the cylinders. We also need to add to this the incompetence of many craftsmen in various handicraft services for installing gas equipment, as well as the desire of car owners themselves to save as much as possible. It is clear that the causes of many problems with the engine after installing gas equipment are obvious.

For example, in gas equipment that belongs to the initial generations (GBO-1 and GBO-2), the mixture quality adjustments are a simple screw that can only increase or decrease the gas supply. In other words, using a bolt you can enrich or lean the mixture. As a rule, many did this simply “by eye”, as long as the engine worked stably.

At the same time, not all drivers at that time knew that for correct adjustments, the service had to have a special and not the cheapest device (multicomponent gas analyzer). Moreover, in order to save gas, the owners themselves often made adjustments, tightening the adjusting screw and thereby greatly leaning the mixture.

The car worked normally, gas consumption dropped, and the power of the internal combustion engine also decreased slightly. But after a little time it all ended with, at a minimum, burnt-out valves. So, it becomes clear that the valves did not burn out because the engine was running on gas.

  • Having dealt with the mixture, let's also talk about pops, which stand out on the list of common gas equipment problems. Backfire pops on cars with gas equipment are actually an uncontrolled spontaneous combustion of a gasoline-air or gas-air mixture in a vehicle.

As a rule, such pops can be heard on cars that are equipped with the same outdated 1-3 generation gas equipment, which are ejector-type installations. The specified bang-explosion occurs as a result of problems with, incorrectly or, burnt-out valves and for a number of other reasons.

The main threat to the engine is that excess pressure is created in the intake manifold during the clap. An increase in pressure can damage or cause incorrect operation of the air flow sensor, damage the air duct or air filter housing. Frequent cases are the destruction of the intake manifold itself, especially if the element is made of plastic.

Note that the appearance of pops in the manifold does not occur due to the switch to gas, but as a result of breakdowns of the internal combustion engine itself and its systems. In other words, lumbago in the intake manifold can occur on a car without a gas installation.

Let us also add that with the output of HBO-4, which is injection-type equipment and not ejector type, such pops are almost completely absent. The fact is that fuel in such installations is supplied in small quantities to each cylinder. Even if there are malfunctions in the engine, there is no increase in the number of pops due to gas in the manifold.

Engine oil for gas engines

It should be noted that after switching to gas, experts recommend additional use for cars with LPG. The fact is that when working on a mixture of gas and air, the temperature in the combustion chamber is higher.

A lubricant designed for gasoline and diesel engines, may not correspond to changed conditions. Simply put, the difference between the calculated operating temperatures for gasoline and “gas” oil is about 200 degrees Celsius.

For a lubricant, this difference is quite significant; some gasoline ones simply cannot cope with such an elevated temperature. As a result, the protection of engine parts and components deteriorates. Also, when running on gas, ordinary oil can cause increased coking of the engine, since the lubricant “burns” from heating, after which a lot of soot and deposits are created.

As a result, the engine cokes, oil consumption increases due to waste, etc. It turns out that after changing the type of fuel, you still need to separately approach the issue of selecting oil. It is optimal to use oils that meet the requirements and recommendations of the internal combustion engine manufacturer for tolerances, but it is also possible to use them in gas engines.

Today, the choice of such products is quite large, so there are no special problems with the selection of motor oil for a gas engine. Such lubricants are offered by leading brands Shell, Motul, domestic Lukoil and other well-known manufacturers.

What's the result?

As you can see, any problems with the engine (both on gas and without gas equipment) require integrated approach to solve them. It's about about the expanded one, as well as about the diagnostics of HBO and checking its settings.

It is important to understand that the engine should run quietly and smoothly on gas, that is, similar to running on gasoline. There should be no increase in the temperature of the internal combustion engine, the appearance of lumbago in the intake and exhaust, detonation, etc. Only a slight loss of engine power is allowed.

The gas itself is initially cleaner than gasoline (especially in the CIS, gasoline contains many impurities and additives). It turns out that when running on gas, less dirt, carbon deposits and deposits accumulate in the engine. As a result, the inside of such an engine is cleaner.

The gas also differs in that it does not have the ability to enter the internal combustion engine crankcase, which is especially important for worn-out, used engines. This makes it possible not to change the lubricant so often, reducing the loss of diluted oil due to waste, etc.

Read also

Advantages and disadvantages of using gas equipment. Maintenance and operation of gas equipment, the benefits and harms of gas for the engine and standard systems.

  • Working principle and distinctive features gas injectors. Basic parameters when choosing nozzles for gas equipment 4. Which gas injectors are best to buy.
  • GAZ (Gorkovsky automobile plant) is a Russian automobile manufacturing company. Headquarters - in Nizhny Novgorod. One of the largest Russian automobile manufacturing enterprises, which produces cars, trucks, minibuses, special equipment and power units. The catalog contains engines for the following GAZ models: 24 Volga | 3102 Volga | 31029 Volga | 3110 Volga | 31105 Volga | 3111 Volga | Gazelle | Sable.

    ZMZ-406 is a line of in-line 4-cylinder 16-valve gasoline automobile internal combustion engines produced by Zavolzhsky Motor Plant OJSC. The ZMZ-406 engine was originally designed for installation on the promising GAZ-3105 model. The first engine prototypes appeared in 1993, small-scale assembly began in 1996, and entered the main assembly line in 1997.

    ZMZ-402 engines are unpretentious in operation and quite simple to maintenance. These are gasoline, carburetor, 4-cylinder in-line engines. They were installed mainly on Volga and Gazelle cars. Over the years of production, 6,125,136 copies of the engine were produced.

    The UMZ-421 engine replaced the 417 engine, which has established itself as a reliable and simple engine. The 421 uses an original design of an aluminum frame, in which dry liners with thin, cast-iron walls are filled. This made it possible to increase the cross-section of the chambers to 100 mm and leave the same size between the cylinders of 116 mm. The solution had a positive effect on the service life, since rigidity increased and the tendency of the cylinders to become “oval” during operation decreased.