If you dreamed that you gave birth to a stillborn child. Why do you dream of a dead child: the meaning of a bad dream

Dreams about death bring a lot negative emotions. Especially dreams about the death of a child. It would be unpleasant for anyone to have such a dream. But does it always promise unpleasant events, or could it mean something else? Often such dreams do not promise death and illness, and do not foreshadow tragedies. Then why and why do they dream?

Why do you dream of a dead child - basic interpretations

The world of dreams is interesting and frightening. You should never take dreams literally without properly interpreting them. You should not immediately panic when you see death in a dream. It is worth interpreting the entire dream, and not just its negative part.

If you dreamed that a child who was stranger to you and had no blood relationship with you died- such a dream indicates that you have accumulated doubts and worries; in reality you have a lot of fears and concerns. You should be attentive to everything around you and what is happening.

If you are looking forward to an important event and on the eve of it you have a dream about the death of a child– you should prepare for failure. Self-control and discipline will help improve the situation. Such a dream is a warning that must be taken into account and take a responsible position in relation to what is happening.

It is worth noting that the death of a fictional baby speaks exclusively of a person’s fears and psychological blocks. Also, such a dream promises a series of failures in life, but they cannot be eternal and will not affect personal relationships in any way. Although it is peace in personal life that mostly worries everyone.

If you dream of a dead child with pools of blood around him, you should not take this dream literally:

Getting dirty in blood means asking loved ones for help;

Wiping away blood means paying too much attention to other people’s problems;

Smearing your palms means you should think about concluding a profitable deal.

Why do expectant mothers dream about a dead child?

Pregnant women are very sensitive to other people's emotions. They perceive everything around them quite actively. They especially listen and look closely at their dreams. Every detail is important to them, and what a horror it is when they dream that a dead child is born to them. They are immediately overcome by horror and fear, and quite in vain. Why? Because such a dream does not actually predict negative events.

Most likely, such a dream indicates increased sensitivity and emotionality of the expectant mother. He points to the increased excitability of her psyche, the predominance of fears for the health of her child. It is worth remembering that thoughts tend to materialize and there is no need to exaggerate and create clouds of negativity around you.

Women are especially depressed by dreams in which babies are bloody. Such dreams only indicate that a woman needs to seek help from her blood relatives. You shouldn’t count on the support of friends - you should count on own strength and ingenuity. And when the situation reaches a dead end, you should rely only on loved ones and relatives.

It is also worth paying attention special attention, to those mothers who are unable to conceive a baby due to such dreams. If they see in a dream how they give birth to a dead baby, this dream is a sign of joyful events. This means that the long-awaited conception will soon occur. But do not worry about the health of the unborn baby - it will be strong and the birth will be successful.

A fetus frozen in the womb promises the need to be more scrupulous about your plans and calculate them again, weigh and evaluate everything further. Also, such a dream may indicate that mommy is very worried about her life and has completely forgotten about the life of her beloved man.

Why do you dream of a dead child according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of a dead child? How does Miller interpret such a dream? Not everything is always as tragic and sad in reality as in a dream, Miller points out. In fact, if you dreamed about how a child dies or how he is born dead, but his parents successfully resurrect him, then in reality all unresolved problems will be resolved, all unsolved cases will be crowned with success. You just have to want it.

If the child himself comes to life, then this indicates that the person is a fighter, he is able to overcome a huge number of obstacles and still win. It’s also worth taking a closer look at events in life - opportunities await you to quickly solve all your problems, get acquainted with the right people. Get answers to basic questions.

If you dream of a dead child with tears in his eyes– minor health problems are possible, which a person will be able to quickly overcome. If a dead child is buried in a dream, and even in a small coffin, it means that huge problems and sorrows await the person. You will need to try hard enough to find solutions to problems.

If in a dream a child appeared who had long since died in reality- such a dream promises the emergence of various problems in the life of his parents. Thus, he warns them of upcoming difficulties.

If a parent dreams of killing his child himself- in reality he will have the only opportunity to save his child from real trouble. He will need to put in a lot of effort and attention so as not to miss this chance.

Miller points out that unmarried girl I dream about a dead child only before changing her marital status. Therefore, it is worth preparing for imminent changes.

Why do you dream of a dead child according to other dream books?

IN ancient dream books it was indicated that a dream in which an unfamiliar dead baby was dreamed is to warn of a change in the weather. If you have a dream about how a baby is buried, in reality you should expect a bad harvest, failures in trade and in making deals.

Ukrainian dream book warns girls who dream that they have a dead baby - such a dream does not pose a danger to them and they should not be afraid for their health and the health of their loved ones. If young parents dream that their friends had a sick child who soon died, it means that they will have problems with their own children.

Esoteric dream book offers his interpretation of what a dead child dreams of:

Perhaps there will be a new addition to the family soon;

Profitable job offers are possible soon;

If you dream that a child is hit by a car and dies, long trips are possible;

Seeing a drowned baby means traveling on water.

It is also worth paying attention to the setting of the entire dream, to the mood that arises when viewing the dream. If you are overcome by melancholy, you should understand yourself and dispel your own concerns and fears. If you are in a very good mood, you should take a closer look at other little things in your dream.

Also, the birth of a stillborn baby may promise important news. It is possible for relatives to come from afar. Also, a dream about a deceased child can promise a person’s rebirth, his desire to follow a new path, to start working on himself.

In Hasse's dream book it is indicated that if parents had a dream about the death of their newborn baby, then real life You should be very attentive to your own health, injuries and accidents are possible. How younger child– the more active problems and failures will be.

If a child in a family is already an adult and the parents dream of his death, in real life he will experience a streak of failures and problems. He can be beaten, deceived. Parents should be more attentive to the life of their child, especially if we are talking about a teenager.

Holding the corpse of a baby in your arms means you need to stop raising children oppressively. Children need understanding and care. It is worth controlling children less in order for their lives to become more stable and joyful. It's also worth taking a closer look at interpersonal relationships in a couple, perhaps one of the spouses allows excessive control over their other half.

It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of interpretations of what a dead child dreams about and it is worth interpreting all the details of the dream. If a person is overcome by panic during sleep, it means that he himself senses the danger that awaits him in reality. For those who already have children, there is no need to panic; the main thing is to understand the reason for the dream. Especially if the interpretation speaks of positive changes in a person’s life.

Whether to believe dreams or not - everyone decides for themselves, but why not listen to their sensible advice? After all, they are the ones who can resolve a lot in life, help find the right path, and suggest how to improve relationships with loved ones.

Often dreams indicate to us some upcoming changes. That is why solving them becomes so attractive. The death of a child is a very vivid, memorable image that is sometimes used by our subconscious. There are many different dream books. Moreover, the interpretation of death in each of them can differ significantly. Let's say, in some, such an event is considered as a warning, a signal from the unconscious that one should behave more attentively, more carefully and cautiously. They indicate that a person’s position is now precarious and a probable threat hangs over him.

General value

If a dying person whispered something shortly before death, then the dreamer in reality will receive good advice. This hint will allow him to take a step forward in the desired direction.

If a person dies in a dream, then this means that the sleeper is very confused in life, in himself. He needs to think about his own behavior, understand his thoughts.

Although everything should not be taken literally. Perhaps the fading life of a child symbolizes the internal image of the sleeping person, speaks of his worries, emotional state and so on. On the other hand, such dreams can be interpreted as a person experiencing exciting moments, events that have no outlet in everyday reality. They do not indicate any upcoming changes, but only give vent to those thoughts that are in daytime studiously ignored.

What could a dream about a dying baby mean?

Holding a fading baby in your arms is a harbinger of a future serious illness.

In other situations, the death of one’s own child may symbolize a serious deterioration in the relationship with the child, when everything seems to come to a dead end. If the baby was brought back to life and he felt better, then everything will be fine. Controversial issues will become clearer, and your life will become more fun and happier.

The death of an unfamiliar boy or girl indicates that there are enemies lurking in your environment who are preparing an insidious plot against you.

On the one hand, a dream about a baby can promise the occurrence of some business that takes a colossal amount of time and effort. On the other hand, the worse the baby looks in his sleep, the more neglected and deplorable the state of affairs of the sleeping person.

Lunar dream book

It is usually believed that such dreams indicate joyful changes in the foreseeable future. It is assumed that such a person stands on the threshold of new opportunities, opening up new horizons. One of the stages of his life is coming to an end and he needs to find his future path.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Did you dream about your baby? Be careful. Perhaps he will soon get hurt or receive some kind of injury. Moreover, the younger he is, the more severe the damage will be.

Depending on the day of the week

What does it mean to see a girl's life fading? At night:

  • on Monday - there is a risk of being deceived by others;
  • on Tuesday - you cannot be called a free person;
  • on Wednesday - beware of a catch;
  • on Thursday - a wardrobe update awaits you;
  • on Friday - promises additional profit;
  • on Saturday - portends amazing sex;
  • on Sunday - for upcoming trips or travels.

If you dream of a red coffin, then the work you have begun will be crowned with success. A dream involving unfamiliar teenagers foreshadows the realization of existing plans and well-being. If in a dream a child appears before you, who is your previously unknown relative, then you can expect to receive an inheritance or sudden income. Seeing your adopted baby in a dream means acquiring someone’s support or an offer to participate in a profitable business in reality. If in a dream the desire to take own family If your adopted child was not realized, then in life you should expect that someone will get ahead of you in a significant matter.

Dream Interpretation according to Nostradamus

The death of a newborn girl is the achievement of mutual understanding in the family. Seeing in a dream how a child is dying or has already died is a sign of imminent positive changes. These same events can also be interpreted as an omen of the arrival of a new baby.

Did the dead call with you? A bad sign. Did you give in to persuasion and follow him? This means that you may soon have to face health problems. Often such a plot is interpreted as a sign of approaching death.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

IN this dream book a dying child is associated with a warning of an impending threat, the destruction of grandiose hopes and plans, as well as the emergence of family troubles.

According to Rick Dillon's dream book

A dream where someone dies may reflect strong, internal feelings about another person.

According to the dream book of N. Grishina

The death of one's own children in a dream indicates that family happiness and prosperity await them.

According to the dream book of Catherine the Second

A dying person is a harbinger of inevitable misfortune. Moreover, this misfortune will come as a complete surprise to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation by A. Meneghetti

Dying is a dual process. On the one hand, this is a given, a certain form of being. On the other hand, this is the end of everything for an individual being, a transition from one state to another.

What does the birth of a child portend in a dream? You should not take this vision too simply and expect a quick addition to the family. The event has another, more deep meaning. The birth of a baby is a rebirth of the dreamer himself on the internal plane, his transition to new level development, to a qualitatively different level in his life.

Another important aspect that must be taken into account when analyzing a dream is your emotions and thoughts that arose after it. What mood did you wake up in?

The study and interpretation of dreams is quite an interesting and entertaining process. However, you should not get carried away by it too much, because exceptional faith in the veracity of such predictions can make you live in anticipation of those very negative changes. In addition, there are a lot of directions for deciphering the same events. What to believe is up to you. There is no need to focus on the most attractive option when interpreting your dream. His interpretation must be true. Do you remember any dream that really became prophetic? Tell us about it in the comments!

Dream Interpretation dead baby

Some dreams just stick in our memory. As a rule, they are not very pleasant, for example, when we dream of a dead person. If the deceased is a baby, we decide that such a dream will not lead to anything good.

Dream: dead child

Dream books have proven more than once that negative dreams do not always carry such predictions. Quite the opposite often happens.

Dead children in a dream, opinions of dream interpreters

Almost all interpreters agree that a dead baby in a dream symbolizes some idea or project of yours that is not destined to come true. It is simply uncompetitive, you will waste your time and energy.

But this interpretation is only suitable if an unfamiliar baby appeared to you in a dream.

But of course, dreams are different from dreams, and for accurate interpretation, you need to leaf through more than one dream book.

Your idea won't bear fruit

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a drowned baby, it means you are trying to get rid of the influence of a person who has big plans for you.

In addition, such a dream can promise you temporary loneliness and collapse of hopes.

To see a baby who has died of suffocation - you have to defend your case before society. You may be in an atmosphere where despotism and violence prevail. Such dreams often occur in children with domineering parents.

If the dead baby is covered in blood, then you should be more careful about the people around you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Seeing a child die in a dream means a period of loneliness and spiritual emptiness awaits you.
  • If he died little boy- the plans are not destined to come true.
  • Why kill a baby in a dream? To the fact that you spend too much in real life without earning enough for this level of expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • If the baby died by force, commit an act for which you will pay for a long time.
  • A dream in which a little man was born dead indicates to you mistakes made in the distant past.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a dream in which a baby died means a complete cooling of feelings, detachment from reality.

If you dream of sick, actually dead children, in reality you will make one stupid mistake after another.

Why do you dream about a lot of dead children?

Not a single dream book will give you comprehensive information on the question of why there are many dead children in dreams. The dream should be interpreted in the same way as with one dead child, but in multiplied form. It’s just that your sorrows or joys that the dream book promises will be multiplied.

Why try to revive a dead child in a dream?

Seeing that you are trying to revive the deceased means that you subconsciously understand that your plans are not destined to come true, so deep down in your soul you are already preparing for disappointment and sad thoughts.

Your plans are not destined to come true

Reviving a baby who has died is worth completely reconsidering your way of life, if you don’t change anything, then there will be trouble.

A dream in which a baby comes to life speaks of trouble that will happen due to your oversight. Of course, you can fix it, but it will take a lot of effort and time. It's better to be careful and careful from the very beginning.

Interaction with a child who has died

If baby dead It’s your fault - you don’t follow your true desires, you do it to please other people, forgetting about yourself.

Holding a dead person in your arms is a betrayal loved one. Your good friend, from whom you do not expect meanness, has long harbored feelings of black envy towards you. Adversity that occurs in lately- his fault.

Gustav Miller believed that killing a child with your own hands was an attempt to eradicate childish spontaneity from your character.

A deceased baby in a coffin, his funeral, symbolizes the end of a certain period in your life. You will enter a bright streak, but will experience a period of depression and detachment from current affairs.

Which baby was seen dead?

Dream books agree that seeing an unfamiliar child dead is not so bad. It is much worse if the baby is your own, or if it is the child of your acquaintances or friends.

If you dream that a real-life baby has come to rest, the dream promises him health troubles. This interpretation is suitable for small children, but for older children it promises troubles and obstacles on the path of life.

In addition, to see your already grown children as deceased babies - you will be disturbed by skeletons in the closet. An old unpleasant story will come to light and will pretty much ruin your life.

There are no children yet, but “your” deceased child is dreaming, understand such a dream in a figurative sense. Think about what is your brainchild in real life; you may soon lose it.

If you dream of someone else’s deceased girl, at a certain point you stopped developing spiritually. If at the same time, you creative personality, then you will experience long-term stagnation in business.

But for those people who are engaged in business, a dream with a dead boy has a negative connotation. You may encounter unexpected obstacles.

Trying to feed a dead baby - be more careful about your waste. It is possible that your requests are much higher than your real capabilities.

Childbirth with a negative ending

Seeing in a dream how another woman in labor gave birth to a dead fetus - troubles in a relationship with a loved one, their true face will be revealed.

Giving birth to a stillborn baby - you have not thought through the entire plan of your further actions. If you want to succeed, careful refinement is necessary.

Dream Interpretation stillbirth baby

What could be more beautiful than the birth of a new life? And what could be sadder than the untimely death of a small creature?
There is nothing worse for parents than dead child. Why do you dream of giving birth to a dead child?

Death of a baby

According to the dream book, giving birth to a dead child in a dream does not mean at all that an accident will happen to your children. When you dreamed about something like this, you should analyze all the details of the dream, and only then begin to interpret this vision.

Predictions of interpreters

Before you start sounding the alarm, you should initially consider all the possible predictions offered by dream interpreters. After such frightening night visions, the main thing is to maintain presence of mind and optimism.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This interpreter considers such a vision exclusively for men. Why does a man dream about the birth of a still child? To a long illness.

The dreamer tires himself too much with work, which cannot have a positive effect on his well-being. Respectively, general condition health will ultimately have a negative impact on work.

Try to give yourself a break, take a break from your work, get yourself in order.

Interpreter Hasse

This dream book takes a more favorable view of the dream about a dead baby. It is believed that such a dream can occur before receiving important news.

A sadder prediction is that your relationship with a certain person is coming to its logical conclusion. But you will easily let go of this person and will experience only slight sadness instead of heartache.

Esoteric dream book

Such a plot is a disappointment in dreams

This source contains quite a bit of information about what to give birth to in dead person's sleep baby. But the interpreter gives an explanation of why the child comes to life. The dreamer will experience joy, and a rather unexpected one.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Dream books often practice a way to make predictions depending on what day of the week you dreamed about this dream. So, you had a similar vision on the night of:

  • Monday - great disappointment;
  • Tuesday - troubles will rain down on the dreamer as if from a cornucopia;
  • Wednesday - your enemies will defeat you;
  • Thursday - get a chance to make your dream come true;
  • Friday - recognition of society;
  • Saturday – visit excellent places;
  • Sunday - you will be able to achieve your goal.

Seeing someone give birth to a dead man

If the child being born is not yours, you do not experience negative feelings about his death, then such a dream also has its consequences. It is believed that the dreamer is not confident in his abilities and thinks that he will not be able to achieve his goals.

The death of someone else’s newborn girl or boy that you dreamed about before an important event is a sign from above. At the very beginning, everything will not go completely according to plan. But you will be able to correct the situation, however, this will happen if you keep your cool.

Someone else's newborn child is a symbol of some business that will not succeed. You will be involved in it, but you will not be greatly affected by this failure.

Sleep is a call to communicate with your children

And according to the Ancient Dream Interpreter, dreaming of a dead child who is completely unfamiliar to you promises a quick change in the weather.

The Ukrainian dream book says that if a parent saw the death of someone else’s child in a dream, then he should pay more attention to his offspring. It is possible that your children are in danger, talk to them more often, find out about their affairs and troubles.

Dream for pregnant women

For a woman who is expecting the birth of her baby, such a dream can become a complete nightmare. But dream books are quick to reassure: the expectant mother is simply worried about the onset of the most important moment in her life, such a dream is just a reflection of her fears. It should not be taken as a prophecy.

In many interpreters you can find information that such a vision for a pregnant woman means absolutely nothing.

What does a dream promise for women?

A dream in which a stillborn baby was born is considered favorable for a woman who has been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to conceive a child. According to many dream books, it means that the dreamer will soon realize her dream of offspring.

Sometimes there is a prediction that if you had to give birth to a lifeless body in water, then you will receive long-awaited and important news.

And the esoteric dream interpreter says that giving birth to a lifeless baby is, in reality, saying goodbye to the past and entering into new life. Often such a dream comes during a person’s growing up period, when the sleeper begins to realize new things. This can be both physical maturation and spiritual growth.

Possible injury or minor troubles

Seeing your child dead

Dreams about your now adult children, whom you are bringing into the world again, are quite rare occurrence. But don't discount it.

And if the rebirth of your child is considered by dream books as a sign that you should stop worrying too much about him and give him a little freedom, then a dream when he will be born dead is considered exactly the opposite.

The child may face abstract danger, for example, he may get involved with bad company, but he may also face physical harm.

You should carefully monitor your baby's health; there is also a high risk of injury.

When an adult child in real life in your dream was born dead, then he will encounter difficulties and obstacles on his life’s path. Interpreters say that life path the baby will be heavy.

If you dreamed that you were holding a small corpse in your hands for a long time, you should loosen your grip. You are overprotective of your child. This behavior is not good for your communication. The child is trying to escape from care and does not tell you about his fears, plans, successes, and failures. If you continue to behave this way, you may lose his trust forever.

If a man sees a dream like this

Women are much more likely than men to have dreams related to children. And the process of childbirth is generally a woman’s task. But this does not mean that a man cannot see a story about the appearance of his or someone else’s dead baby.

Since dreams are not real reality, a man himself can give birth to a son or daughter. What could such visions mean for the stronger sex?

A man who gives birth to a stillborn offspring may in reality face insoluble difficulties. In your business, which has been progressing without any particular difficulties, an insurmountable obstacle may accidentally arise. All that remains for you is to accept the state of affairs and switch to another task.

A man who gives birth in a dream, if his child was dead, may face the fact that everything he strived for will disappear. Your misunderstanding of the situation led to this unfortunate turn of events. It is possible that you simply took up a task about which you understand absolutely nothing. Among other things, luck could turn away from you due to your negative thoughts and bad actions.

Your rating:

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth large number vampires, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

See in a dream pregnant man- a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

This may not happen without intervention. dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that plight nothing will change, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real threat.

Due to the fact that environment is very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with different physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

To see a healthy smiling child in a dream - lucky sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

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