The whole truth about Russian climate weapons. Climate weapons - fiction or a real threat to life on earth

Increasing natural disasters and weather anomalies have given rise to rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these perfidious countries that cause weather anomalies in other regions. But is it really so? Pravda.Ru, together with experts, dealt with this difficult and controversial issue.

It should be noted that this is not even a matter of climate weapons - for some reason, the inhabitants are mostly sure that in any country in the world there are two parallel sciences (and with them - an appropriate set of technologies). One of them, the most advanced - "military", which is strictly classified. And the other - "peaceful", she always lags behind her formidable "sister", which is why all the achievements that we owe to her appear in everyday life later than their counterparts in the military sphere.

Some, having so much believed in this myth, even believe that "military" science has long discovered the unknown laws of nature, has created absolutely breathtaking technologies of the future, but from " ordinary people All this is carefully hidden - just in case.

In fact, such a representation is, of course, clean water delusion. Let's turn at least to history - there is not a single example when military technologies are far ahead of their peaceful "namesakes". In general, it would be more correct to say that for war and peace in general, the same technologies are used, which emerged from the discovery of the next laws of nature. Moreover, often peaceful use goes hand in hand with military use - remember at least the atomic programs of all countries that have nuclear weapon, after all, in parallel with rockets and bombs, both nuclear power plants and radiation medicine appeared in them.

Of course, it also happens that technology developed for military purposes is first used for its intended purpose, and then becomes peaceful - for example, the Internet long time was a secret way of communication between military departments, and only a few years later it became the "world wide web", which could be entered by any owner of a computer and modem. But there are other examples - for example, the laser was used exclusively for peaceful purposes for a long time, and it became a weapon much later. It is the same with the installations that appeared two years ago that generate electromagnetic "rays of pain" - they are no different from those in microwave ovens, which mankind has been using for more than a dozen years.

Why am I talking about this - but to the fact that it is quite difficult to imagine a state that owns climate weapons, but does not use these technologies for peaceful purposes at all. Let's take the same United States - imagine for a moment that they really have such weapons, and secret service officers can cause hurricanes, rains, frosts and droughts in other countries with the simple push of a button. Represented? Well! And now we urgently turn on the logic - why, in this case, these same specialists cannot prevent annual hurricanes, droughts, rains and everything else on the territory of the United States itself? After all, not only ordinary Americans, but also large corporations constantly suffer from these natural disasters - fires in California alone bring them billions of dollars in losses every year! And not only them - elimination of consequences heavy burden lays down on the state budget, which is already almost empty.

It can be argued in another way - there has never been a case in history when the emergence of a new weapon would be ahead of the scientific and technical base existing at that time. For example, nuclear weapons appeared only when physicists finally figured out how the atom works. It is logical to assume that since climate weapons exist, it means that some (apparently, the same "secret") part of humanity knows almost everything about the climate. But why, in this case, accurate forecast until now, everywhere is the one that was made the next day, and all the more long-term can be trusted with great caution? After all, if we knew everything about the climate, then it would be easy to predict the weather for a month or even a year with 100 percent accuracy (after all, nuclear scientists can predict the decay mechanism of any unstable atom with just such an accuracy)!

So, as you can see, on the question of the reality of the existence of climate weapons, we should not be like Dr. Watson, to whom Sherlock Holmes rightly pointed out that he "first endows the criminal with a very rich imagination, and immediately denies him this property." However, have there been any attempts to create technologies that can be used to influence the climate in a targeted manner? Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov, in an interview with a Pravda.Ru correspondent, said that there were such attempts - and some of these technologies were developed in the USSR.

“From my point of view, rumors about climate weapons are greatly exaggerated,” says Igor Nikolayevich. “True, in the 70s of the last century, I happened to participate in one research project, which could lead to the creation of one. We assumed that it is possible to control the Earth's climate by influencing the magnetosphere of our planet. By the way, there were many such projects, but ours was the most effective - we were going to inject very powerful plasma flows into the magnetosphere. These streams would begin to collide with the particles trapped in space held in the Van Allen belts, and they would, figuratively speaking, fall down due to a change in the direction of their velocity vector (from longitudinal to transverse).

According to our assumption, after the precipitation of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet, a strong effect on the local air masses should begin, and this, in turn, would provoke climate change. However, I can definitely say that this project remained only on paper - we have not even started the first stage of experiments. And it's probably for the best. Therefore, now the only "climatic weapon" is the exhaust of factories going directly into the atmosphere. That is, all the unwanted by-products of civilization. And I saw what it looks like when I flew to China, whose industry is still mostly coal-fired - it's rows of tall pipes spewing all sorts of filth into the sky. Other climate weapons in modern world fortunately does not exist."

So, as we can see, everything is quite obvious - there are no climatic weapons, except for the one Igor Nikolayevich mentioned (and which cannot be considered a weapon in the literal sense of the word), does not exist. However, I will not deny that people already have technologies for influencing the weather - it is enough to recall the method of forced concentration of water vapor in the clouds, popularly known as the “cloud dispersal” technology. And sometimes its use by accident can create an effect similar to the use of climate weapons - though not purposeful, but random. Pavel Konstantinov, a senior lecturer in the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, meteorologist Pavel Konstantinov, told about such an episode to a Pravda.Ru correspondent:

"There was one case in the mid-90s of the last century - then our specialists signed a contract with one of the countries of the Middle East and, within the framework of this contract, presented them with the technology of" decanting "rain. This is the same as the notorious "dispersal of clouds" - in In rain clouds, a substance is dispersed, the crystals of which serve as nuclei for the condensation of water vapor, that is, they cause rain exactly where it should fall.

And so this country began to successfully precipitate precipitation over its territory, and its neighbors, whose crops depended on the same air masses not even a drop came out. As a result, those began to have crop failures and all this resulted in a real international scandal with a bunch of lawsuits that were filed against us as well. Since then, we have become more cautious in the distribution of such technologies in the external market."

It can be assumed that the cases like that, which Pavel Igorevich spoke about, was not a little, but they are not talking about the use of any special climate weapon, but about the careless use of completely peaceful weather control technology. Perhaps it was these situations that gave rise to myths that climate weapons exist. However, this complex issue- a lot of people are interested in spreading rumors about such weapons. This is beneficial both for employees of meteorological departments and rescue services, who "missed" another weather disaster, and for officials who did not have time to prepare for it and organize an evacuation, and, finally, for the military - often myths about non-existent weapons are a good disguise for real secret developments in completely another area.

climate weapon- it's a weapon mass destruction, the main damaging factor of which are various natural or climatic phenomena created artificially.

Using natural phenomena and climate against the enemy is the eternal dream of the military. Send a hurricane on the adversary, destroy crops in the enemy country and thereby cause famine, cause heavy rains and destroy all the enemy transport infrastructure- such opportunities could not but arouse interest among strategists. However, earlier humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and ability to influence the weather.

In our time, man has acquired unprecedented power: he split the atom, flew into space, reached the ocean floor. We have learned much more about climate: now we know why droughts and floods occur, why it's raining and a blizzard sweeps like hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is very a complex system in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, Earth's magnetic field, oceans, anthropogenic factor- this is only a small part of the forces capable of determining the planetary climate.

A bit about the history of climate weapons

Even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that form the climate, a person tries to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. At first, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later, they learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon the military began to master similar technologies.

During the Vietnamese conflict, the Americans conducted Operation Popeye, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along which the "Ho Chi Minh trail" passed. The Americans sprayed some chemical substances(dry ice and silver iodide), which caused a significant increase in rainfall. As a result, the roads were washed out, and communications of the partisans were disrupted. At the same time, it should be noted that the effect was quite short-lived, and the costs were huge.

Around the same time, American scientists were trying to learn how to manage hurricanes. For the southern states of the United States, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, in pursuit of such a seemingly noble goal, scientists also studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to the “wrong” countries. In this direction, the famous mathematician John von Neumann collaborated with the American military department.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of the climate as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, and the United States joined it.

Reality or fiction

Is a climate weapon even possible? Theoretically yes. But in order to influence the climate on a global scale, on territories of several thousand square kilometers, enormous resources are needed. Since we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms by which weather events- the result can be unpredictable.

Now climate control research is being conducted in several countries of the world, including Russia. It's about on impacts over relatively small areas. It is forbidden to use the weather for military purposes.

If we talk about climate weapons, then we cannot ignore two objects: the American HAARP complex, which is located in Alaska, and the Sura facility in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article on this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

In the early 90s of the last century, the construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is a 13-hectare site where the antennas are located. Officially, the object was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that the processes take place that have greatest influence on the formation of the Earth's climate.

In addition to scientists, the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Department of Advanced Studies), are involved in the implementation of the project. But even considering all this, is HAARP an experimental climate weapon? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. It's just that HAARP is the largest complex of its kind, and the presence of the military adds to the intrigue.

In Russia, the Sura facility is engaged in similar work, which has a more modest size and is now not in the best condition. Nevertheless, Sura works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. In the territory former USSR there were several such complexes.

There are legends around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and control the minds of people. But there is no evidence for this. Not so long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia of using climate weapons against the United States. According to Stevens, the Russian side, using a secret installation of the Sura type, operating on the principle of an electromagnetic generator, created the Katrina hurricane and sent it to the United States.


Today, climate weapons are a reality, but their use requires too large-scale resources. We do not yet know enough about the most complex processes of weather formation, and therefore it is problematic to control such weapons.

The use of climate weapons can result in a blow to the aggressor himself or to his allies, to damage neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, regular meteorological observations are carried out in many countries, and the use of similar weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experiments are ongoing - but the creation of effective weapons is still very far away. If a climate weapon (in some form) exists today, its use is unlikely to be appropriate. So far, there is no serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

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Geophysical weapons operates according to the following principle: due to an artificial change in the thermal conductivity of the earth's crust, the underlying magma begins to heat it more strongly. As a result, two heating systems are formed - one is air, and the second is from below. earth's surface. As a result of this, a kind of heat trap for the anticyclone was created. And when the anticyclone came to our territory, it just fell into this trap and stopped. And he stood, not moving anywhere, for a month and a half. Only after the climatic and geophysical weapons were destroyed by Nikolai Levashov on July 20, this anticyclone began to move, after which it began to rain all over Europe, and the temperature returned to normal.

TV channel Ren-TV filmed with the participation of two programs about climate weapons - “ A military secret” dated August 28, 2010 and “Fiction classified as secret. Heat - Made by hand" dated October 1, 2010. From these broadcasts, viewers were able to learn unique information about the principles of operation of climate weapons, about their role in creating heat in Russia.

And on February 9, 2012, viewers of the Ren-TV channel saw a new program - "Secrets of the world. Superweapon". This program turned out to be very interesting - in it we were able to see what he had already told us at meetings Nikolai Levashov. The transmission begins with a story about an over-the-horizon radar station that took over combat duty for the protection of air borders Soviet Union in 1980:

“The height of the masts of a large antenna is 150 meters, the length is half a kilometer. With the help of heavy-duty radars, the installation of the arc made it possible to literally look over the horizon. Its technical capabilities allowed the military to control the launch ballistic missiles from the territory North America. 7 billion Soviet rubles were spent on the construction of the installation. For comparison: the construction of Chernobyl cost two times cheaper. The station is located 9 kilometers from the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Construction next to nuclear power plant It is no coincidence that Duga consumes a huge amount of electricity. The station had incredible technical potential to be just an antenna emitting a radio signal.

Officially, the Duga installation was used exclusively to detect missiles, aircraft and other aircraft, but experts from claimed: the military facility in Chernobyl posed a threat to flight safety civil aviation in Europe. The radiation from the installation spread over thousands of kilometers. Areas with increased ionization are capable of disrupting communications between aircraft, satellites, submarines, etc. - that is, it is actually a means of electronic warfare.

The impact of high-frequency waves can disable communication systems, navigation, and even aircraft electronics. Interestingly, exactly the same microwaves are used in ordinary microwave ovens, so stoves for heating food can be used as a weapon. air defense. In the spring of 1999, NATO troops began military operation in Yugoslavia. The country's leadership on television instructed the inhabitants of Belgrade how to behave during air raids. An air alert was announced, the residents of Belgrade quickly plugged extension cords into the socket, unwound them, jumped out onto the balconies, turned on the microwave oven, and, to great jubilation, the rocket suddenly began to scour its nose, and then self-destructed, since there were a huge number of these ovens, it simply the electronics went off.

In the operation of the Duga radar installation, high-frequency waves were also used - with their help they heated the ionosphere. As a result of prolonged exposure to the same area, artificial ion clouds are formed. An ionic lens of a certain shape is created; for radiation from the earth, it serves as a mirror. The Duga radar station used ion clouds to send electromagnetic waves to any point on the planet. It worked as follows: the installation sent a signal to the lens, which reflected it back down, but always along a different trajectory from the original one. This radio beam has the ability to move through space, i.e. it is possible to direct it to the desired point and concentrate. To do this, ionospheric lenses must be focused on a certain point on the planet. For example, if you send an electromagnetic beam with a power of a billion watts, then the lens will redirect all this crushing energy exactly to the place on the earth to which it will be tuned. Effects - Forest fires and drought. The technologies that were used in the operation of the super-powerful installation "Duga" made it possible at any time to turn the tracking station into a crushing weapon.

The idea to use the upper layers of the atmosphere to carry out an explosion anywhere on the planet appeared in Russia in the 19th century. This discovery cost the life of the brilliant Russian scientist Mikhail Filippov. In his manuscript "Revolution through or the end of all wars", Professor Filippov wrote that a blast wave can be transmitted along an electromagnetic carrier wave and cause destruction at a distance of several thousand kilometers. This discovery, Filippov believed, would make wars meaningless. On the night of June 11-12, 1893, 45-year-old Petersburg scientist Mikhail Filippov was found dead in his own laboratory. The police declared death from apoplexy and closed the case for lack of corpus delicti. But the contemporaries of the scientist argued: Filippov was killed because of a scientific discovery, which he committed shortly before this tragedy.

The first experiments on the effects of microwave waves on humans were carried out in the Nazi. Scientists from Wehrmacht secret laboratories tested microwave ovens in army kitchens - they tried to find out how quickly heated food affects the health of soldiers. In combat conditions, a soldier should be fed simply and quickly. Just 30 seconds - and a hot lunch is ready. As a result of exposure to radiation, proteins are destroyed - food after heating in a microwave oven resembles the first stage of decomposition. Based on the data received, the command of the German army banned the use of microwaves for cooking. Microwave ovens are very poorly protected from the effects of radiation, and any defect turns the oven into an electromagnetic gun - almost like the hyperboloid of engineer Garin.

January 1, 1986 in the city of Obninsk Kaluga region NPO Typhoon was created - a sensitive government agency, which carried out research work in the field of climate change. After 1991, the best minds at that time left Russia. This caused colossal damage to the defense capability of Russia.

In 1983, US President Ronald Reagan signed a decree on the launch of a secret military project " Star Wars", one of the tasks of which was the creation of an American research complex HAARP. Its official mission is to study the earth's ionosphere and develop systems. Soviet scientists who emigrated to the United States took part in this work. Some of these people took part, completed to a large extent the development of the system HAARP. This research complex was built 320 kilometers from the capital of Alaska, Anchorage. The project was launched in the spring of 1997, the polygon occupies 60 square kilometers of deep taiga, 360 antennas are installed here, which together form a giant microwave emitter.

The secret facility is guarded by armed patrols. The airspace above the research stand is closed to all types of civil and military aircraft. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, anti-aircraft defenses were installed around HAARP. missile systems"Patriot". A secret research facility can be found on satellite images of Alaska. But for what scientific center such unprecedented security measures? Many believe that the true tasks of Harp are classified. under the mask research work is hiding.

The United States government denies all allegations. How the meteorological station works HAARP similar to the radar station "Duga" in Chernobyl-2. In essence, HAARP is a powerful radio signal emitter. It can quickly focus a beam of electromagnetic waves in the desired direction. One of the impressive examples of what the Americans were the first to learn how to do is artificial tornadoes. The US military can not only create tornadoes, but they can also cause an earthquake and even change the climate on Earth.

The ionosphere, the magnetic field, are also associated with the tectonics of the Earth's structure. By causing a slight change at this point in the magnetic setting, you are disturbing an already tectonic structure, which can cause an earthquake. They still believe that the earthquake that they had with the tsunami is an American work, because three days before this earthquake, the American fleet appeared there, which surrounded the place with a ring and stood there until it “gurgled” . Theoretically, it is capable of causing such a powerful earthquake.

Ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves have unique physical properties. Using them, you can move a charge over long distances. superior in power hydrogen bomb. And the multi-kilometer thickness of the earth or the ocean is not an obstacle for these waves. The effects that HAARP creates can change certain climatic conditions. There may be environmental and consequences that cannot now be calculated or predicted.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in Indian Ocean north of the island of Semeulue, located off the northwestern coast of the island of Sumatra. This is where the border between two major lithospheric plates: Arabic and Indian-Australian. In addition, the coastal shelf of the island contains large deposit oil. An underground explosion in this place is capable of causing a powerful earthquake.

If HAARP is turned on at full power, then it is even possible to wobble the Earth's orbit. The top-secret military radar installation "Duga", located in the closed city of Chernobyl-2, was first launched in 1980, but after 6 months, the station was stopped. Powerful electromagnetic waves emanating from the stand could cause a plane crash. These waves are capable of influencing navigation instruments and astro-correction systems. And due to the excited environment, the engine choked: the mixture did not enter it and the engine speed dropped, in fact it went into a tailspin.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was built in the Pripyat-Dnieper depression, on the site of a geotectanic fault. In fact, there is no Earth's crust. The crack is filled with sedimentary deposits only 1-2 km thick. Under such conditions, even a minor underground explosion can cause seismic vibrations. Attach to a point unstable balance little energy, then the system rolls down, and you have an earthquake, a hurricane, a flood. In March 1986, the radar station returned to full capacity. 2 weeks later, a new problem appeared. The receiver - the Duga-2 station - is located 60 km from. His antennas began to give out interference. And powerful beams of electromagnetic waves reflected by the ionosphere were not always captured by the installation. Some of them literally bombarded the ground. But back then no one gave any importance to it.

The modified environment behaves unpredictably. Due to the injection of electrons and ions into the ionosphere, effects occur that we do not observe in nature under natural conditions. Therefore, an installation with this principle of operation can be called geophysical weapons.

April 26, 1986 in 1:05 recorders of seismological stations recorded a local earthquake with an epicenter in the immediate vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The force of the earthquake was insignificant. It is known for certain that about 20 minutes before the disaster, a strong vibration was felt at the nuclear power plant. The true nature of this phenomenon has not yet been established. Whether it was caused by processes inside the reactor or by an earthquake is a question to which there is no unambiguous answer today. AT 1:24 minutes at the 4th power unit sounded explosion. AT environment was thrown out a large number of radioactive substances. This accident is considered the largest in the history of nuclear energy.”

Unfortunately, Nikolai Levashov was not invited to this program, and there were not even references to his words, although many stories from the program quote him almost verbatim. But a general with a consonant surname was invited Ivashov, although he had not said anything about climate weapons before. But it was Nikolai Levashov who, back in 2010, said that against Russia was used, in his publications "Anti-Russian Anticyclone" and "Anti-Russian Anticyclone-2" he told the principles of their action! In his speeches, he also said that the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was created

Climate weapons - weapons of mass destruction and destruction of the economy of a single country or group of countries, using as damaging factor artificial impact on Natural resources, weather and climate of a single territory, country, state, mainland, continent. Various technologies and means artificially created can be used as a “start-up” mechanism. man-made disasters, entailing ecological disasters and, as a consequence, creating economic problems (crises).

Active work in the field of guaranteed impact on weather in territories of tens of kilometers are being carried out in a number of states. At the same time, active influence on the weather for military purposes is prohibited in accordance with an international convention.

Using natural phenomena and climate to defeat the enemy has long been a dream of the military. To send a hurricane on his army, destroy crops in an enemy country and thereby cause famine, cause heavy rains and destroy the entire transport infrastructure - such opportunities could not but arouse interest among globalists striving for world domination.

Over the past few centuries, man has acquired unprecedented power: splitting the atom, flying into space ...
Man has learned much more about the climate: why droughts and floods occur, why it rains and blizzards, how hurricanes are born. But even now little is known about the global climate. It is a very complex system in which many factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, oceans, anthropogenic factor - this is only a small part of the factors that can affect the planetary climate.

However, even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that take part in the formation of the climate, a person wanted to influence it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. At first, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later they began to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon, similar technologies began to be used by the military.

During the Vietnamese conflict, the Americans carried out Operation Popeye, its purpose was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along which the "Ho Chi Minh trail" passed. The Americans sprayed some chemicals (dry ice and silver iodide) from aircraft, which caused a significant increase in precipitation. The roads were washed out, the communications of the partisans were broken.

During this very period, American scientists tried to learn how to manage hurricanes. For several southern US states, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, solving such a seemingly noble goal, scientists studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to neighboring countries.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of the climate as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, the USA joined it.

Now studies on the impact on climatic conditions are being conducted in several countries of the world, including Russia. We are talking about impacts on relatively small areas. It is forbidden to use the weather for military purposes.

If we talk about climate weapons, we cannot ignore two objects: the American HAARP complex, which is located in Alaska, and the Sura facility, located in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article on this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

Back in the early 90s, construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is the area where the antennas are located, with an area of ​​13 hectares. Officially, the object was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that the processes that have the greatest impact on the formation of the Earth's climate take place.

The HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. It's just that HAARP is the largest complex of its kind, and the participation of the military adds secrecy.

In Russia, the Sura facility, which is somewhat more modest in size, is doing similar work. However, the object works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. On the territory of the former USSR, there were several more similar complexes. They also exist in the United States.

A huge number of legends have been created around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and affect the minds of people.

The creation of a climate weapon is real, but huge resources are needed to use it.

After the use of climate weapons, their consequences can hit the aggressor or his allies, and cause damage to neutral states. In any case, predicting the result will be problematic.

In many countries of the world, regular meteorological observations are conducted, and the use of such weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

At the end of this article, there are some photos from my Native Novgorod Land. Photos of destruction and flooding, after falling downpours, which have never been observed in these parts before. Here's a link.

Behind the veil of secrecy

With climatic weapons, the situation is like with Schrödinger's cat. It is both there and not at the same time.

In 1978, a convention was adopted to ban negative impact on the climate. The treaty was signed by both the USSR and the USA. Since then, there have been no proven cases of military use of climate weapons, but accusations of the involvement of certain forces in natural disasters continue.

For example, ex-president Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Europe of a prolonged drought in Iran and Turkey. He assured that the drought in these countries, as well as in nearby regions, would continue for another 30 years. Ironically, when Ahmadinejad went outside, it started to rain. But Mahmud was not convinced.

Among the well-known "rumors in the form of versions" one can also recall accusations against George W. Bush and Russia (!) of being involved in Hurricane Katrina, accusations against Obama that he caused Hurricane Sandy a week before the election in order to secure re-election.

They also see the fault of geoengineers in the California drought. Supporters of this conspiracy theory see the direct intention that California becomes a dependent region.

From 1962 to 1983, the Americans worked on the Storm Fury project. Its nominal purpose was to pacify the hurricane by sowing silver iodide. In fact, the hurricane is a real weapon. "Turning" it away from its territory, you can send it to another. In 1969, the US was accused of nearly sending a hurricane to Panama and Nicaragua.

by the most famous case The use of climate weapons is Operation Popeye, when American transport workers sprayed the same silver iodite over the strategic territories of Vietnam. From this, the amount of precipitation increased three times, roads were washed away, fields and villages were flooded, communications were destroyed.

With main problem Vietnam - the American military also coped with the jungle radically. Bulldozers uprooted trees and topsoil, and herbicides and defoliants were sprayed on the rebel stronghold from above.

To date, the greatest attention is paid to the ionofser. There is a theory voiced by Tatyana Astrakhankina, a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, at a meeting of the Duma back in 2002. She and 90 other deputies sent a request to the government, offering their explanation of the US interest in the geophysical properties of the ionosphere. As the deputies argued, America is building a "closed loop" of three systems in Norway, Alaska and Greenland.