Where to place icons correctly. Tips on how to properly arrange icons in your apartment? An icon is not just a picture, it is a piece of a saint in an apartment

How to correctly place the faces of saints in a home and, in particular, is it possible to place icons in the bedroom? What images to choose for your home?

Each person's home iconostasis is individual. A believer himself chooses icons for his home, listening to the voice of his heart, because only he can decide to which Saint his daily prayers will be directed.

However, when choosing icons for your home, you need to ensure that they are all similar in execution and style. Let's try to figure it out.

Images in the house

Church ministers recommend having icons of the Savior and the Mother of God in your home. The iconographic tradition contains many variants of images of the Savior, but for prayer within the walls of the house, the image of the Lord Almighty () is most often chosen.

And the most suitable image of the Mother of God is the following:

  1. Eleusa (Tenderness):
  • Zhirovitskaya;
  • Yaroslavskaya;
  • Vladimirskaya;
  • Pochaevskaya;
  1. Hodegetria (Guidebook):
  • Smolenskaya;
  • Tikhvinskaya;
  • Kazanskaya.

In addition to these images, it is customary to place them in the bedroom and in the house. personalized icons its residents or images of those saints who are especially revered by family members.

The most popular icons are:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • St. George the Victorious;
  • healer Panteleimon.

The face of a saint in the bedroom

Many people think that it is impossible to place icons in the bedchamber, because this is the most intimate room in the house. But this is absolutely not true. Intimacy between spouses is not considered a sin, and therefore you can safely place holy scriptures in the bedroom. But you need to know that the images should be exclusively at the head of the bed.

And when is it the bedroom of an unmarried couple? It is impossible to hide sin from God without placing icons in the room. God is omnipresent and he sees everything, always, and in no case through images. So feel free to place pictures of saints in your bedroom and pray!

An icon must certainly be present in a child's bedroom.

The price of this image is small, but the result is the spiritual education of the child

Correct placement of holy scripture

Images of saints can be placed in different ways, where there is free space and where you can safely perform evening and morning prayers so that you are less bothered.

The place with the images is called:

  • red corner;
  • front corner;
  • holy corner;
  • icon case;
  • goddess;
  • kivot.

Icons can be in any room in the house, and the bedroom is no exception. In the nursery, it is advisable to place a dimensional icon (a dimensional icon is a personal custom-made holy scripture, the height of which corresponds to the height of the child at birth), a personal one, an image of a Guardian Angel or Savior.

How to choose a place

  1. The icons must be placed on the eastern side of the room: in a corner or on the wall, because when you pray, it is customary to face the east (even an Orthodox church is built with the altar facing the east).
  2. Also, the faces of saints can be placed opposite the entrance to the room on the right.
  3. If this is a children's bedroom, then the icons would be appropriate in front of the eyes of a child waking up or falling asleep in front of the bed. This will be a call or reminder to pray, turn to the depicted prototype, and give thanks.
  4. In the corridor, if you decide to hang an image, then you need to do this from the front door to the right or above it.

The following images would be appropriate:

  • Pokrova (with cover);
  • Seven-shot (with seven arrows);
  • Oranta (with raised hands or also called the Unbreakable Wall).

Errors when placing images of saints

  1. It is necessary to avoid the proximity in general, or at least the close proximity of icons to a tape recorder, TV and other home appliances.
  2. You cannot mix an icon with any decorative item:
  • figurines;
  • panel;
  • figurines;
  • pictures, etc.
  1. It is impossible to allow holy scripture to be placed on a bookshelf where books are stored that contradict Christianity and have nothing in common with Orthodox truths. There is no place for images in a bookcase with secular literature, and especially on shelves with cosmetics.
  2. It is forbidden to place photographs near icons, especially of deceased people..
  3. The proximity of images to a wall calendar, a poster of some stars or another idol is unacceptable. There should be no paintings or reproductions between the images of saints.
  4. It is best to place images on a shelf rather than hang them (to avoid associations with hanged people).

Placement of holy scriptures

  1. When you have decided on a place, you need to put a shelf-case there (you can buy one in a church store). An icon case is a special cabinet or glass shelf that is designed to protect icons from mechanical damage, dirt and dust. The icon case helps ensure that the face of the saint is kept in more gentle conditions and is less susceptible to negative consequences changes in temperature and air humidity.
  2. It is better to place the shelf slightly above eye level or level.
  3. Images of saints can be placed on a shelf or hung on the wall if there are many of them.
  4. The bottom of the shelf can be covered with embroidery or a beautiful white canvas (veil).
  5. The icon of the Mother of God should be on the left, and the image of the Savior should be on the right (this is provided for by the classical iconostasis).
  6. This option is possible: place the image of the Savior above the others in the center. By left side place an icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker or John the Baptist, on the right - the face of the Mother of God. Or you can combine all these icons in one - it is called Jesus Christ the King of Glory.

  1. Only the icon of the Holy Trinity or the Crucifixion can be installed above the composition of images.
  2. Next to the face of John the Baptist there is an icon of the Archangel Gabriel. Next to the image of the Mother of God is an image of the Archangel Michael.
  3. There may be other saints in the iconostasis:
  • Panteleimon;
  • Peter Pavel;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker, etc.

But we must always remember the principle of hierarchy: no saint can be placed above the image of the Virgin Mary, the Savior, the Holy Trinity and the Apostles.

  1. Further on the sides and a little lower you can place images that relate to personal, family, hereditary.
  2. It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis with a cross.
  3. Before prayer, you can light a candle or lamp and place it in front of the faces of the saints or hang it. A burning candle is a symbol of your burning towards God, your prayer.
  4. It is customary to decorate the holy corner with embroidery or fresh flowers. You can do embroidery for decoration yourself.


Pay attention! The number of images in the bedroom or in the house plays absolutely no role. There may be only one icon. When simply beautiful images of saints are haphazardly chosen, this can have a negative impact on the spiritual state of the family.

The most important thing is that the faces of the saints should be revered relics of all residents of the house. After all, images are not a simple amulet that can protect against all life’s adversities and troubles.

Therefore, the most right place to place the holy image there will be a place in which it will be convenient for you to perform your daily prayers. This should be the place of your home altar, the place where you will communicate with God.

The video in this article will help you find more detailed information on this topic.

They occupy a special place not only in churches and temples, but also in the home ordinary people. The image of the Seven Shot Mother of God has been one of the most powerful images for many centuries. There is an opinion that if you hang it in the house, it will protect your family from misfortunes and troubles. Every believer must know what, when and to whom the face helps.

Description of the miraculous image

The icon depicts the Mother of God. Her head is slightly tilted to the right, and near her heart in the shape of a circle there are seven swords piercing the heart of the Mother of God. As a rule, three of them are on the right, and four are on the left. This is clearly visible in the photo.

There is an image in a slightly different arrangement, where the seventh sword pierces the heart from below, and the other six on both sides. This face of the Mother of God is also true.

The number seven for Christians means excess and completeness, and in this case they convey bitterness and endless maternal pain. In some cases the value is interpreted as seven human sinful passions , which the icon is able to read in evil hearts. The Virgin Mary asks to eradicate sinful thoughts and is ready to ask the Son to help people.

There is no information in the ancient Scriptures about the date of origin of the image. According to some, the age of the icon is 5 centuries, while others believe that it is much more. The story goes that the image of the holy face was first found in 1830 on an ordinary wooden board.

Miracles of the “Seven Arrow” Icon

According to legend, the image was painted from the words of Simeon, who uttered them on the fortieth day after the Nativity of Christ in the temple of Jerusalem. For a long time, the face was hidden from worldly views in the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. The icon was placed in such a way that it was impossible to find it without a detailed search.

For the first time, the face appeared to a sick peasant who was suffering from illness. He went to the monastery, however, he was not allowed into the bell tower. Only for the third time did they have mercy on him, and the man immediately found the holy image of the Mother of God. After this, the icon was washed and a service was performed in front of it on the same day. The sick person received healing. This was the first miracle performed by the “Seven Arrow” icon.

Miracles continued until the disappearance of the face after the revolution in 1917. He gained particular fame in 1830 during the cholera epidemic.

Icon “Seven Arrows”: meaning, what it helps with

Everyone who is faced with troubles and sorrows, tears and heartache resorts to the help of the Mother of God. It is this icon that softens evil hearts and calms hostile relationships between loved ones. It is believed that after offering a sincere prayer in front of the image, a person feels joy and peace, as well as liberation from bad thoughts.

In front of this face in the temple, people ask for help and intercession in everyday needs. Most Orthodox Christians have this image in their home, since the Mother of God is considered to be quick to obey and the protector of all Christianity. Those who hang an icon in their home need not fear treachery or attacks from evil forces and people. She protects residents from bad and drives away evil.

Often the “Seven Arrows” icon is located in the office on the wall or desktop. Usually, these are small images located opposite the entrance to the office. Often during wars, the miraculous image protected soldiers from dangerous situations and armed conflict.

When people feel anger towards others, they should go to the face and read a prayer. Just one glance at the swords is enough for the heart to soften, the mind to clear, and a person to feel calm and relief.

Who does the “Seven Arrow” icon help?

  1. To those who participate in battles. The image protects from the touch of weapons.
  2. For people who have envious people and enemies, their face softens their hearts.
  3. Sick people in need of a speedy recovery. The prayer is said for cholera and lameness.

How to read prayers

A person can pronounce it in his own words, and the priests claim that it helps in the same way as the church version.

Prayer is always directed to the Mother of God with all your heart and with the most sincere thoughts. The request for help will be heard and it will come soon. Prayer for the healing of the sick, for the onset of a white streak in life, for the resolution of quarrels and conflicts - this is what the image can help with.

When the holy image is honored

Since all the icons (“Simeon’s Prophecy”, “Seven Shots”, “Softening evil hearts") differ, they are still classified as a single iconographic type. For this reason, many centuries ago they decided to combine the days of celebrating images.

In liturgical practice, the days of celebration are carried out:

  • August 13/26;
  • on the ninth Sunday after Easter (All Saints Sunday);
  • on the first Sunday after the Holy Trinity.

In which temple can you find a shrine?

In the Moscow region there are two myrrh-streaming icons Virgin Mary "Seven Shots":

  • in the Church of the Archangel Michael (Moscow);
  • in the village of Bachurino.

The history of the second shrine is incredibly interesting. This image is printed, and it was made by order of Margarita Vorobyova. However, later the owner noted that the face began to stream myrrh. Then she handed it over to the church, which recognized the image as miraculous. Now the icon is often taken to churches in the country and abroad.

Another shrine is located in the Church of St. Lazarus the Righteous in Vologda. It occupies one of the main places in the temple, and the icon has been there since 1945. Previously, she miraculously appeared in the Church of St. John the Evangelist. Nowadays, pilgrimages are held here twice a year.

The list of the image was placed in the Venetian chapel. He came to Italy after the events of the Second World War. Not far from Belogorye in 1942 there was a battle of Italian troops against the German coalition. In one of the houses destroyed by a bomb, soldiers from Italy found an intact icon. She was handed over to the priest Policarpo. Residents of Belogorye say that the face was previously considered property monastery. The Italians gave the icon a new name "Madonna del Don". A year later, the Italians were defeated, and the priest and the icon managed to escape to Mestre. There a chapel was built in honor of the miraculous shrine.

Another of the lists is in the Kaluga province (the city of Zhizdra). In the description, this icon was called “Simeon’s prophecy.” It differs from “Softening Evil Hearts” and “Seven Shots” in that the Mother of God shields herself from swords with one hand, and holds the Baby in the other.

Where in the house should the icon be placed?

Before placing an image in the house, a believer asks the question, where and how best to do this?

The most suitable place for the shrine is a specially equipped corner - other icons that have special meaning for the family are also placed there. There are no clear requirements in this regard, however, some recommendations should be followed:

  • to attract positive energy, it is better to place the face in the eastern part of the house;
  • you can hang the image opposite the entrance, protecting the house from evil, negative energy and evil spirits;
  • the icon is hung directly above front door;
  • You should not place amulets, talismans and other items that are not related to Christianity next to the shrine;
  • on the recommendation of the clergy, it is worth adding a towel to the icon;
  • the place near the icon must always be kept clean, and therefore cleaned regularly;
  • It is not advisable to place other images next to each other and household appliances, photos of family members or relatives.

Icon of the Virgin Mary with Seven Arrows

Where to buy the “Seven Arrow” icon?

The image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” is popular all over the world. Since there are no restrictions on it Anyone can purchase an icon.

Of course, it is better to buy a shrine from a church, since there will be no fraud or deception in a holy place. Another place where images are sold is the church shop. Here you can find everything from candles to icons and books with prayers.

Despite the fact that most traders claim that the image is consecrated, you should not be lazy - take the face to the church to give power.

People with creative abilities, often create icons on their own - cross-stitch and beadwork, or paint.

As legend says, the “Seven Shot” icon was painted in ancient times, more than five hundred years ago, and is of North Russian origin. In pre-revolutionary times, the image of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” was located near Vologda in the Church of St. John the Theologian, which is located on the banks of the Toshni River.

Against lameness and cholera

The icon became famous when a peasant suffering from lameness and already desperate to be cured heard a voice in a dream that told the sufferer to go to the bell tower of the Theological Church and find the icon there. Holy Mother of God, before which it was worth praying for healing from your illness.

No one in the Church believed the peasant, and only the third time, when the sick man turned to the clergy with a request, was he allowed to go to the bell tower. Imagine the amazement when it turned out that for many years the icon, trampled and covered with mud, served as one of the steps in the stairs leading to the bell tower. The icon was cleaned, a prayer service was held in front of it, and the peasant was miraculously healed of his long-standing illness.

Over time, this miracle would have been forgotten if not for the cholera outbreak that happened in 1830 in the Vologda region. In those years, almost everyone suffered from this scourge. European part countries, and the Vologda province was no exception. It so happened that it was to Vologda that many people moved from Toshni Christian shrines, one of which was the “Seven Shot” image of the Virgin Mary. The icon was placed in the summer church in the Zarechye district in the Church of Dmitry Prilutsky, located near the city bridge. Believing townspeople surrounded the miraculous icon procession around Vologda, after which the pestilence stopped as suddenly as it began. After the revolution of 1917, the icon disappeared from the Church of St. John the Theologian, and now in Moscow in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the clinics on the Maiden Field there is a myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

Who does Semistrelnaya help?

It is noteworthy that usually the Mother of God is depicted together with her Son or with saints and angels. In this icon she is depicted alone, pierced by seven swords. They are a symbol of the sadness and pain that I experienced Blessed Virgin Mary on earth.

Before the “Seven Shot”, it is customary to pray for enemies, for softening the heart - that is why this image is also known as the “Softening Evil Hearts” icon. Prayers are also offered before her for the calm of those at war, for the granting of patience to them, for a cure for lameness and cholera. During the war years, prayers are read in front of the “Semistrelnaya” so that the weapons do not touch the soldiers and defenders of the Motherland.

It is customary to place at least seven candles at once in front of this icon and read the following prayer:

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, who surpasses all the daughters of the earth, in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you who have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to one God now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Where to place “Semistrelnaya” in the house

There is no strict rule in which part of the apartment to place the image of “Semistrelnaya”. Some people are more accustomed to putting all the icons on the home iconostasis, others hang it above the entrance to the main room of the house, i.e. so that when entering the house, everyone sees this icon. If you do not plan to create an iconostasis, then the image can be placed in the eastern part of the room, facing the entrance, so that it protects the house from visitors with bad thoughts and intentions. It is important that there is nothing next to the icon that could distract attention from it, i.e. photographs, posters, paintings. It is also not customary to place icons in the same corner where the TV is.

Icon in a modern house

Red Corner

Correct placement of House icons (in your apartment)

What icons to have at home
You must have icons of the Savior and the Mother of God at home. From the images of the Savior, for home prayer Usually a half-length image of the Lord Almighty is chosen. Characteristic feature This iconographic type is the image of the Lord with a blessing hand and an open or closed book. An icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands is also often ordered for the home.
The icon of the Mother of God is most often chosen from the following iconographic types:
“Tenderness” (“Eleusa”) - Vladimirskaya, Donskaya, Pochaevskaya, Feodorovskaya, Tolgskaya, “Recovery of the Dead”, etc.;
“Guide” (“Hodegetria”) - Kazanskaya, Tikhvinskaya, “Quick to Hear”, Iverskaya, Gruzinskaya, “Three-Handed”, etc.
Sometimes they use their own wedding icons as these icons, if they correspond to the general style of the icons in the house. It is also important that such wedding icons are sufficient large size, and not two to three times smaller than other icons in the home iconostasis.
Also, in the home iconostasis or separately from it, they place their personal or dimensional icons, that is, icons of the heavenly patron saints of family members, a family icon, icons of holidays and saints you honor.
In the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, a special veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has been strengthened, whose icons are found in almost every Orthodox family. Along with the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, the central place in the house Orthodox Christian I have always been occupied by the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is revered as a great righteous man and a special man of prayer before the Lord, as a saint endowed with special grace. Icons of Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, the most revered saints who shone on Russian soil, have long been placed in home iconostases.
Of the images of martyrs for the faith of Christ, the most common are the icons of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, and the holy great martyr George the Victorious.
If an Orthodox family eats in the kitchen, then an icon is needed there for prayer before and after the meal. It makes the most sense to place an icon of the Savior in the kitchen, since thanksgiving prayer after eating, she turns to Him: “We thank You, Christ our God...”; the “Last Supper” icon is also placed in the kitchen.
When selecting icons, make sure that they are uniform in their artistic manner of execution, try not to allow a variety of styles

The choice of icons for your home is always individual and here you should listen to the voice of your heart. It happens that the feat of this or that saint sinks very deeply into the soul and encourages you to imitate him in your life. An icon of such a saint can be ordered in our workshop in order to be able to offer prayers to him and ask for help in work spiritual growth and everyday troubles. If you find it difficult to choose an icon - yearly free credit report, don’t worry! Our website has the most complete information in RuNet about choosing an icon, in addition, you can always consult with us by calling or asking a question by email.

How to properly place icons in a house or apartment
The house is a continuation of the temple; in the past, every Orthodox family - both peasant and urban - always had a shelf with icons, or an entire home iconostasis, in the most prominent place of the home. At the same time, the quantity and richness of the decoration of the icons indicated the wealth and position in society of the owner himself. The place where the icons were placed was called differently: front corner, red corner, holy corner, shrine, icon case or ark.
The icon in the apartment is a window to the Kingdom of God. The red corner with icons is the place where the day of an Orthodox Christian begins and ends: the morning and evening prayers and therefore everything must be subordinated to one goal - concentrated prayer to God.
When praying, it is customary to stand facing east; the altar is built to the east. Orthodox churches. Therefore, it is advisable to place the icons on east wall rooms. But what to do if the house is oriented so that there are windows or doors in the east? In this case, you can place the icons in any other accessible place, as it is sung in Psalm 112, “from east to west praise the name of the Lord.” The main thing is that there is enough free space in front of the icons, so that the worshipers do not feel crowded when praying together.
Some people arrange a red corner above the bed - this way the cramped space is used more effectively, cabinets and windows do not interfere, and you sleep under the shadow of shrines.
You can place icons on a special shelf, and if there are a lot of them, hang them on the wall, following a few simple rules. For example, if icons are hung haphazardly, asymmetrically, without a thoughtful composition, then this causes a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with their placement, a desire to change everything, which very often distracts from prayer.
Icons can and should be placed in other rooms. The icon should also be in the kitchen. There must be a holy image in the children's room (for example, an icon of the Guardian Angel or an icon Heavenly Patron child).
According to tradition, it is customary to hang an icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary above the entrance to a house or apartment. Although it could be any other icon or cross.

In this case, icons must be placed in a place separate from other objects. Icons look extremely inappropriate in bookcases where secular books are stored, on shelves next to cosmetics, photographs of loved ones, toys, and figurines. You should not place posters of pop performers near icons, politicians, athletes and other idols of this century. There should not be any artistic paintings among the icons, even those painted on biblical subjects. A painting, even if it has a religious content, such as “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov or “The Sistine Madonna” by Raphael, is not a canonical icon.
Sometimes you see photographs of priests, elders, monks, and people of righteous life among the icons. Canonically, this is unacceptable, since a photograph is an image that captures a specific moment in a person’s earthly life, even if he was later glorified by the church as a saint. And the icon tells us about him, precisely as a saint, in his glorified, transfigured state. Of course, such photographs can be in the home of an Orthodox Christian, but they must be placed separately from the icons.

Placing icons relative to each other in a home iconostasis
When placing icons in a red corner, the same principles are observed as in a church iconostasis. The main place is occupied by the icon of the Savior. It is often the largest in size. Usually this is the Savior Not Made by Hands or the Savior Almighty. Next to the image of Christ there is an icon of the Virgin and Child. If you stand facing the home iconostasis, then the icon of the Savior should be on your right, and the icon of the Mother of God on your left. These are the main icons, they must be in the red corner. Above these icons you can only place the icon of the Holy Trinity or the icon of the Last Supper.
Below the two main icons or to the side of them, you can place personalized icons, i.e. icons of saints whose names are borne by family members, as well as other icons - patrons of professions, saints especially revered by you, etc.
In any case, you should remember the principle of hierarchy. For example, an icon of a saint cannot be placed above the icon of the Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God and the Apostles. It is advisable to crown the home iconostasis Orthodox cross.
You should not chase the number of icons in your home iconostasis. “Quality” is more important here - it is better to have only two icons - the Savior and the Mother of God, but painted in such a way that one would really like to pray in front of them. This will bring much more benefit to your soul than if you cover an entire wall with small printed icons that also differ in writing style.

Is it possible to hang icons in the bedroom?
There is a misconception that spouses should not hang icons in the bedroom, and if there are icons, they should be covered with a curtain at night. This is a misconception. Firstly, no curtain can hide from God. Secondly, marital intimacy In marriage, 1000 dollar loans fast is not a sin. Therefore, you can safely place icons in the bedroom. Moreover, many of our compatriots do not always have the opportunity to place icons in a separate room designed for this. Of course, the icon should be in the dining room or kitchen so that you can pray before eating and thank the Lord after the meal. Icons can be in every room, there is nothing bad or reprehensible in this.
But it is naive to believe that the more icons in the house, the more pious the life of an Orthodox Christian. The main thing is that prayer be offered in front of the icons.
It is also a mistake to believe that the icon is a kind of accumulator of God’s grace, which can be drawn from if necessary. Grace acts not from the icon, but through the icon, and is sent by the Lord to those who believe in Him. You can endlessly venerate a sacred image, without having faith in the real power of God’s life-giving grace, and not get anything from it. And you can venerate once miraculous icon with deep faith and hope in the help of the Lord, and receive healing from physical and mental ailments.
It is also necessary to remember that the icon is not some kind of amulet that guarantees the absence of quarrels and problems in the family, as well as some invisible protection from evil spirits and bad people. In general, amulets are attributes of pagan and magical cults. There should be neither paganism nor magic in the life of an Orthodox Christian.

How to store and care for icons
The rules for handling icons given below were prepared by the Department of Restoration of the St. Tikhon’s Theological Institute specifically for everyone on whom the fate of icons depends. These rules contain information not about how to restore them yourself, but about how to live with icons, how to take care of them, how to care for them.
The paint layer and soil on the icons crack and crumble due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Normal storage conditions for icons: temperature +17° - +20°, humidity 45% -55%.
1. It is best to keep the icon in a *case* (link to dictionary), since constant changes in temperature and humidity (for example, greasy soot in the kitchen) can soon lead to cracking, peeling and shedding of soil and paint. If it is not possible to place all the icons in icon cases, try to place a lamp or candlestick with a burning candle so that no splashes of oil or wax get on the icon. The resulting plaque on the icon cannot be removed independently.
2. Under no circumstances should you wipe the icon with any substances; you should also not use holy water, holy oil, etc. as a cleaning agent - they penetrate the primer and paint. After this, it will be impossible to strengthen the icon. Do not wash the icon with anything!
3. Do not try to “update” the icon with varnishes, paints, oils, etc. All these actions cause destruction of the icon, often irreversible.
4. You cannot wipe the icon with either a wet or dry cloth. You can remove dust (not often) only if the paint layer does not crumble; It is better to do this with a dry squirrel brush, very soft.
5. You cannot put the icon on a window or hang it under a window. Drafts and cold are extremely dangerous for the health of icons. When ventilating the room, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
6. Do not place the icon near a warm wall, radiator or stove, or table lamp. The flow of warm air dries out the wood, which causes the boards to warp and crack.
7. Avoid long-term exposure to direct sun rays to the icon.
8. You cannot store the icon in a room where there are flight holes of the borer beetle in the walls or furniture. A bug can turn an icon board into dust in 1-2 years.
9. Please do not try to treat the icon yourself, ***try to find a professional restorer***.

Sometimes there is an opinion that since an icon is a shrine, it will itself be renewed (restored). This happens, but it is always a miracle. You cannot consider yourself worthy of a miracle and demand it from God, large payday loans, while simply neglecting the shrine. There is a church tradition associated with the “Quick to Hear” icon. The Athonite monk was punished for smoking Her face with a burning splinter. In Her mercy, the Holy Virgin first warned him with a voice from the icon not to do this, and when he continued to walk past her with a smoky torch, She denounced him: “How long have you been so carelessly and so shamelessly smoking My image?!” And with these words the monk lost his sight, which was returned to him after repentance. The entire brethren of the monastery learned about this, the icon was duly honored, and subsequently a temple was built in its honor.
Treatment of an icon in need of restoration should be the same as with a sick child: parents will not trust treatment to the first person they meet, but will look for good doctor, professional. And none of the lovers of self-medication will cut out their own hernia or insert a lens on their own. An inept action, intervention, or rubbing with any substances or rags can bring the icon to the state of a chronic patient, when it will be impossible to cure it. The work of a restorer is very similar to the art of medicine. Main principle in medicine and restoration it is the same: noli nocere (do no harm).
Only a specialist should do the restoration; under no circumstances should you give in to the desire to “wipe and touch up” something yourself. Restoration workshops often receive icons that have been damaged by such inept and unwise treatment. Such icons - with their faces wiped white - are no different from the icons that suffered from the atheists after the revolution. And it’s even scary to think that a desecrated image is the result of the actions of a Christian.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 6 minutes


As every believer knows, an icon is not beautiful picture and a tribute to fashion, but the Image of God, saints or the Mother of God. Icons are images without authorship through which we pray, but not decorative elements. Accordingly, the free use of icons is disrespect both for Christian traditions and for oneself.

What icons should be in your home, and how exactly should they be placed according to church canons?

What icons should you have at home for protection, well-being and family happiness?

First of all, you should remember that an icon is not a talisman for good luck, not a horseshoe over the door, and not bearskin with butterflies, hung according to Feng Shui. That is, she is not a talisman in its direct sense. An icon is an image through which we turn to God. And only with sincere prayer does the Lord or the saint to whom the prayer is offered help us in family well-being and gives his protection.

What icons to put at home is up to you. As the priests say, one is enough for prayer. If your soul does not have enough images in the house, or you want to create your own home iconostasis, then you can seek advice from your confessor or simply from a minister in the church - they will tell you.

Usually the following icons are placed in houses (the list is not a list of icons that you should definitely buy and hang at home, but only the most revered images through which prayers are offered for well-being in the family):

  • Two main images in the apartment - Savior (usually they choose the Lord Almighty) and, of course, Mother of God (for example, Tenderness or Hodegetria). It is impossible to imagine the home of Orthodox Christians without these icons.
  • Saint John the Baptist .
  • Images of saints , whose names (by baptism) are borne by members of your family.
  • Your local revered saints (when creating an iconostasis).
  • Great Martyr George the Victorious .
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker . The image of this saint, endowed with special grace (protection of travelers, protection from want and poverty), is most often placed by Orthodox Christians at home.
  • Great Martyr Panteleimon (most often they turn to him for healing).
  • Apostles Peter and Paul .
  • Archangels Gabriel and Michael .
  • Kazan Mother of God - intercessor of the Russian people, as well as an assistant in work and everyday needs.
  • Holy Trinity , symbolizing wisdom, intelligence and love. One of the key confessional icons in the house.
  • Iveron Mother of God – intercessor of women and your guardian hearth and home. Before this image they pray for healing or consolation in troubles.
  • Semistrelnaya . One of the most strong icons in protecting the home - from envy and anger, from the evil eye, etc. This icon brings harmony, reconciles those at war, and is often taken with them to important events.
  • Healer . Protects from grief and troubles, helps during childbirth. Prayers are offered before her for the healing of soul and body.
  • Inexhaustible Chalice . Healing from bad habits, drunkenness and drug addiction, prosperity in the home, help and consolation to everyone who asks in faith.
  • Unexpected joy . Before this image, prayers are offered for the health of children, for the well-being of marriage, for healing.
  • . Prayers are offered to this saint for healing.

  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow . People turn to her with prayers for healing and family well-being.
  • Peter and Fevronia . Saints known as patrons of marital fidelity. By the way, our “Valentine’s Day” is July 8, the day of remembrance of these saints.
  • And other icons that will help you find peace in your soul and in your family.

For the kitchen, an icon of the Savior is most suitable, and for a baby’s room - a Guardian Angel or a Saint - the patron saint of the child.

Orthodox houses since the times Ancient Rus' were filled with icons. Unfortunately, today for many it is a tribute to fashion, but for an Orthodox and true believer Christian, an icon is a revered thing, and the corresponding appeal to it is not secular, but emanating from faith.

How to properly place holy images in the house?

  • When choosing a side, they are guided by it special significance in Orthodoxy, it is on the eastern wall of the room that images are always placed. In the absence of such an opportunity, the reference point is a place in which the person praying will not feel crowded.
  • Strictly avoid the proximity of icons to secular objects - you should not place figurines and cosmetics, equipment and other objects of immediate, earthly, decorative value next to the images.
  • Also, you should not hang/place next to non-iconographic images - panels and paintings (even with religious significance), calendars, secular books, posters, etc. And even lifetime images of saints (photographs) are not recommended - only canonical icons.
  • Objects that can be adjacent to images are lamps and candles, Orthodox literature, incense, holy water, willow twigs, which are usually stored until the next Palm Sunday. It is also traditional to decorate icons and the house itself with birch branches (on Pentecost).
  • It is customary to place icons, and not hang them on nails, in specially designated places (red corner, iconostasis, just a special shelf or icon case). Images are not hung on the walls like paintings haphazardly - this does not create the necessary feeling of calm and contentment needed when praying.
  • Let's not forget about hierarchy. 2 main icons - the Mother of God (placed to the left of the Savior) and the Savior (these icons are always “center”). You cannot place images of saints above these images, as well as above the Holy Trinity. They (the saints) are also located below the apostles.
  • A variety of writing styles is also not recommended. Select icons in a uniform manner of execution. Remember that icons are placed in the house after they have been consecrated or those already purchased in the church are consecrated.
  • The main corner (red) is the farthest corner in the room (usually the right one), located diagonally from the door with a reference point to the rising sun.

  • Don't overdo it with icons. For the remaining rooms (if there is a red corner/iconostasis), one image is sufficient.
  • In the nursery, the image of the saint is placed in such a way that it can be seen by the baby from the crib.
  • You should absolutely not put the icon on your TV - it’s simply blasphemous.
  • If you have icons in the room, you should remove all obscene posters, posters, reproductions, paintings, calendars and from other walls. Such proximity is unacceptable and inappropriate. Praying to the Savior, in front of whom there is a poster, for example, of a rock band or a painting with nudity, is simply pointless.
  • In the bedroom, the image is placed at the head of your bed. There is a myth that icons are not placed in the bedroom so that “God does not see the intimacy of the spouses.” It is worth noting that intimacy in marriage is not a sin, and it is impossible to hide from God, even if you hide all the icons in the nightstand.
  • The corner in which the images stand should be the most illuminated, and the images themselves should be placed above eye level. There should be no barriers between the icon and the view (as well as barriers in the form of tables or chests of drawers between you).

But the most important thing, of course, is to remember that...

The number of icons and the beauty of the iconostasis will not make the life of an Orthodox Christian more pious - sincere prayers in front of these images make it so.
An icon is not a pagan amulet and not a “repository of grace” that can be approached and scooped up if necessary, but an image through which a prayer is sent to the Lord and Grace to those who believe in it.

How to properly position a home iconostasis

As stated above, the number of icons does not matter, and you should not place images haphazardly (cover holes in wallpaper, for example). Icons should have their own bright and important place.

Thoughtless, empty collecting will give your iconostasis absolutely nothing. A few icons and a prayer from the heart are always stronger than a rich iconostasis with expensive icons in gold frames “for show”.

  • The iconostasis is created in the likeness of a church one. Definitely with a hierarchical arrangement of images: in the center - the Savior with Mother of God(The Savior is to her right!), the Holy Trinity may be located in the same row (or above all the images). If there is no Trinity, a crucifix is ​​placed at the top of the iconostasis. All other images are subject to these key icons: to the right of the Savior is the image of John the Baptist. This triptych is the Deesis (approx. prayer, basis). Next come the saints, saints and other icons (for example, local saints or personal ones), which are chosen by the Orthodox according to at will. Saints are not placed above the Deesis, the apostles, the Trinity.
  • A lamp is placed on the shelf of the iconostasis, which is lit on the eve and on the holidays themselves, on Sundays or during prayer.
  • Sometimes the images are decorated (as in the old days) with a deity. This is a narrow and long canvas towel with embroidery on the ends. Such idols covered the images from the sides and top, leaving only the faces.
  • The icon case is most suitable for the iconostasis - the images are better preserved in it, and the red corner stands out.
  • It doesn’t matter whether the icon was painted by hand by an artist who received a blessing, whether it was purchased as a reproduction image or carved from Orthodox calendar and glued to a solid base. The main thing is to consecrate the icon. Although, of course, a hand-painted image covered with linseed oil will always surpass a printed reproduction.
  • The choice of image style is a matter of taste. It could be Byzantine or Old Russian style - it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not secular (academic is also not welcome). Now it has become fashionable to paint icons as one pleases, without the proper blessing, with a lot of elements “on one’s own,” etc. Such icons have a place anywhere – just not in the iconostasis. You shouldn't mix styles either.

And finally: never confuse the prototype and the image itself. We offer prayer not to the icon, but to the prototype.