I admire the woman who kept the family hearth. Why is it the woman who keeps the family hearth and is responsible for it? Icon of the Mother of God "Assuage my sorrows."

Home for a woman is a place of power. feminine energy can lead to the creation and arrangement of home comfort, and in such a house a husband and children live well. But if a woman does not know what is in her and why, then her strength can be destructive. And in such a house you do not want to be even five minutes.

Often, when you come to visit someone, you immediately feel not only the general way of life, which is manifested in the design and arrangement of home space, but also the “soul” of this family. Usually there is a very distinct feeling: somewhere uncomfortable, but somewhere so good that you don’t want to leave. The atmosphere of the house is created by its owners, and in more it depends on us, the Keepers of the Hearth.

Therefore, all True Women were urged, to the greatest extent possible, to preserve their virtue, even though people naturally more sensual than they would try to attack it. Thomas Branagan confessed to "Excellency female character"that his sex sins and sins again, but a woman, stronger and purer, should not give up and allow a man "to take liberties incompatible with her delicacy."

From her house, a woman performed her big task- bring people back to God. Of course, virtues were not expected from all women. Because it was believed that humans were inherently more "sensual" and could not be expected to control, prostitution was considered a necessary evil.

Why it happens? Why is it cozy, warm and smells of pies in one house, and desolation, dirt, discomfort, resentment in another, and it seems that every thing, every object screams: “Sentry, run, save yourself!” One for all famous woman, Fedora, it all happened. Remember?

Everything depends on the wisdom of a woman, on the knowledge of her nature, her destiny. wise wife build her house, but the foolish one will tear it down with her own hands. Where to draw this wisdom and how to find out why a woman was created? What is its power and how to use this power for creation? The answers to these questions are in holy books. Only the Creator can know his creation and explain its purpose.

Being a sexually depraved being shunned by all respectable women, the prostitute actually defended the virtue of pure women. According to the concept of "necessary evil", society had to tolerate the existence of prostitutes, because they were sitting for male lust.

It is interesting to note that two of the early goals of early feminism were suffrage and the end of prostitution. Early feminists believed that men should be expected to be in control of themselves and that there should be no more double standards regarding sexual behavior. They didn't want to lower the bar for women, but rather raised the bar for men.

The main purpose of a woman is to be loved by a man. A woman was created for a man, as an object love. The second purpose of a woman, however, like men, is the cultivation of the land, its management. Man and woman were created equal, but different. Both men and women have their purpose, their strengths. And only next to each other they create integrity, harmony, a person.

The problem with these notions of women as moral superiors and homemakers is that she can't work. Women cannot be held responsible for the preservation or creation or maintenance of civilization. This brings me to my final moment.

Stanton's thesis about the inequality of men and women is simply not biblical. It is worth noting that Stanton's article does not refer to any Scripture without noting that Christ was born of a woman. Scripture teaches that men and women were created in the image and likeness of God. Adam and Eve both participated in the Fall, although Adam, as humanity's representative, is ultimately responsible. All men and women after Adam are born sinfully. All believing men and women are redeemed through the work of Christ and sanctified through the work of the Spirit.

The man was created as a leader who has vision, and the woman, as a reinforcing link, is the leader's assistant. Everything that a woman has - her talents, gifts, skills, experience and education - was given to her in order to help a man. Not all women accept this idea. The role of a “servant” seems humiliating to many. But being a helper does not mean being a servant.

This means that although men and women are not exactly the same, we are equal in our spiritual nature, in Adam and in Christ. Women are not more moral or more redeemed. Women are no less moral or less redeemed. And most importantly, women are not the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit can work in our hearts to sanctify us and bring about change.

But people cannot sanctify their wives. And wives cannot sanctify their husbands. Teaching differently diminishes the intrinsic value of men and women. This reduces the effects of the Fall. And this reduces the work of the Spirit. Praising women seems to put them on an unfulfilled task, and it perpetuates the myth that women can reform men. Do some men change and become better after marriage? But the same goes for some women.

A woman is strong in multiplying everything that a man gives her. She is a person with a womb, a guardian woman who not only preserves, but also transforms what is preserved! A man gives his assistant walls - she gives him a cozy home, he gives a seed - a woman returns a born child, he gives her an idea, and she ready business plan, and so in everything! That is why it is important for a man to love his wife. She returns everything that a man gives her, only in an improved, transformed and multiplied version.

Marriage can have a civilizational effect on a culture, especially biblical marriage, but it's not because women are more virtuous or moral or civilized. As a side note, Lord of the Flies was written as a response to another book about a group of boys shipwrecked on an island. Coral Island was written about a hundred years before Lord of the Flies. There are many, many similarities between the two stories, but there is one major difference. On Coral Island, the boys do not resort to anarchy and murder.

They are what they have always been, even with the loss of civilization: good young people. You see, what's missing in Lord of the Flies is not women. What generally happens to women when all traces of "civilization" are removed from society? What the Lord of the Flies lacks is God.

A woman is the Keeper of her family, the creator of home comfort, and this is her strength! Home for her is a continuation of herself, her character, vision, inner foundations, emotions, principles of life, feelings! How to make the whole house radiate love, nourish with energy and love all family members and the very keeper of the hearth?

First of all, a woman needs to know:

Without salvation, without the work of the Spirit, we are lost. You may know that they worried, prayed and begged the Lord to help them in their preparation and in their presentation. We all owe you Nurse Smoot, Nurse Jensen, Nurse Dew. There is no other meeting like this meeting. We speak from the tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. But you hear almost everywhere. You have gathered through the United States and Canada, through the countries of Europe, Mexico, Central America and South America.

You are as one in this great assembly, although you are in Asia, the southern part Pacific Ocean and in other distant countries. Your hearts are all the same. You have come together because you love the Lord. You have a testimony and conviction of His living reality. You pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. You understand the effectiveness of prayer. You are widows and single mothers carrying a very heavy burden. you recently married women and you are women who are not married. You are a huge congregation of women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • She is the object of a man's love, the object of the Creator's love! You need to remember this and be filled with this love, know your value and significance in this world.
  • The purpose of a woman is to be an assistant to a man, share his vision and help organize and implement his plans.
  • A woman is the keeper of all that she receives from men, while it not only preserves, but improves and multiplies what is saved.

Knowing her purpose and nature, a woman needs to come to grips with what she was created for. You need to improve your skills in those areas that could be useful for herself, for her home, her family!

You belong to this great organization, more than four million of you. No one can calculate the tremendous power forever that you can become. You are the keepers of the hearth. You are the leaders of the house. When you are one, your power is limitless. You can do whatever you want.

And oh, how very, very important what you need in a world of crumbling values ​​where the enemy seems to be in so much control. You've pretty much weathered the storm that beat you up in your youth. You have kept yourself unstained from the world. You have freed yourselves from thefts and stains of unrighteousness. You are the very flower of the kind, mature youth of the Church.

Now there are many different literature and courses where you can gain knowledge on home improvement. The main thing is to want! And of course, when putting things in order and creating home comfort, it is important for a woman to understand that by doing so, she realizes herself as a person, shows love and respect for herself and her loved ones!

That the woman is the keeper of the hearth, women themselves now prefer not to remember. Well, at least they do not consider it an important component of family life. And in vain, because this is a big one.

You have made it so far, pure, beautiful and virtuous. You know a lot about loneliness. You know fear and fear and desperate desire. But you didn't let it defeat you. You have progressed in your life, making significant and wonderful contributions along the way.

May God bless you, dear sisters and friends. What a wonderful thing you have done as a mother. You gave birth and raised children. You have partnered with our Heavenly Father to give mortal experience to His sons and daughters. They are His children, and they are your children, the flesh of your flesh, for whom He will make you responsible.

AT modern world and society has made its own adjustments everywhere, including the obligation to "keep family hearth".

Why is it the woman who keeps the family hearth and is responsible for it?

Surely, few people know who awarded the woman the "title" of the keeper of the hearth, and since when such a duty has been entrusted to a woman. And this has its origins in antiquity. Yes, not just from ancient times, but from very ancient, almost primitive.

You have rejoiced in them, and in many cases you have mourned. They brought you happiness like no other. They brought you pain like no other. By by and large you did a wonderful job of educating them. They are better educated; they are better motivated; they know Holy Scriptures; they live by the Word of Wisdom; they pay their tithing; they pray. They are trying to do the right thing. They are bright and capable, clean and fresh, attractive and intelligent. They are very significant. More of them are going on missions than ever before.

Many of them get married in the temple. They know what the gospel is, and they try to live by looking to the Lord for His guidance and help. They try one foolishness after another, never apparently satisfied, until they are thrown into a pit from which they cannot escape. Some of our own are among them, and it is you mothers who bear the burden of grief that flows from there.

In general, what is home and what is its role? The hearth is the heart of the home. The hearth is a source of heat and light. A fire was always burning in the hearth, people cooked food on it and warmed themselves near it.

Surely, many people know how ancient people made fire. Or with the help of friction or sparks were struck, thus trying to set fire to dry moss and fan the flame. Naturally, this method is quite laborious, it’s not for you to strike a match and not to spin the wheel of the lighter. And it is very difficult to constantly make fire in this way. Therefore, in the hearth of any house, a fire was constantly burning.

These are your sons and daughters. In some cases it may be too late, but in most cases you still have the ability to guide and persuade, to teach with love, to lead a path that is fruitful and productive, and away from those impasses that are not beneficial.

You have nothing in this world more valuable than your children. When you get old, when your hair turns white and your body gets tired, when you tend to sit in a rocking chair and think about the things of your life, nothing will be as important as the question of how your children came to be. It won't be the money you made. These will not be cars that you own. It won't big house where you live. The burning question that will cross your mind again and again will be: How good are my children?

And it was the woman who kept (maintained) the fire. And the man at that time was chasing mammoths and other living creatures through the forests in order to get food for his family. It turns out that the woman was entrusted with a simple but very important task, thus checking the "professional suitability" of the wife. If the fire in the hearth is often extinguished, then the woman does not look after him and the house in general.

If the answer is that they did very well, then your happiness will be complete. If they did less than well, then no other satisfaction can make up for your loss. Sit down and calmly count the debits and credits in your role as a mother. When all else fails, there is prayer and the promised help of the Lord to help you through your trials.

Start now, whether your child will be six or. The evening's acts of entertainment were reportedly obscene and evil. They were disgusting and degraded. They were representatives of the worst aspects of life. There was only ugliness and debauchery. At its worst, he was embarrassed.

Both the hearth and the whole house are the care of a woman, first of all.

So, we talked about the fact that a woman kept fire and warmth in the house, created comfort and a unique atmosphere. And in this home environment, the woman invested a piece of herself. The energy of the house carried a piece of the energy of a woman. Everywhere in the house, the hand of a woman-hostess was guessed, and the home environment seemed to come to life, as if acquiring a piece of the woman's soul.

In many cases, this money came from their parents. Similar things are happening all over the world. Some of your sons and daughters allow the promoters of such filth to flourish in their evil endeavors. Here young men and women, late adolescence until the early 20s, dancing to the metallic rhythm of the so-called music pouring out of the stacks of amplifiers. Some wear bright beads; others wave candles.

Some have pacifiers in their mouths, while others are wearing artist masks. There will be heartbreak. There will be tragedies, dark and hopeless. But in so many cases, if the process starts early and continues, there will be success, happiness and love and great gratitude. Opening your wallet and giving money to your son or daughter before you rush to work doesn't have to.

Each hostess had her own atmosphere in the house, reflecting the inner world of a woman. And in such a house it is pleasant, I want to come home, relax, rest. Pure and beautiful house, as if it energizes, fatigue disappears, and anger and irritation disappear.

It turns out that the home environment is one of the important components. If there is order in the house, then, as a rule, order reigns in a person’s thoughts. That is why, before cleanliness in the house, it is recommended, first, to clean up your thoughts.

This can only lead to more evil practices. The proverb said by the old said: "Teach the child how he should walk: and when he is old, he will not leave him." Other wise saying says: "When the twig is bent, so inclined towards the tree."

Teach your children when they are very young and small and never leave. As long as they are in your home, let them be your primary concern. Teach them to look for good friends. They will have friends, good or bad. These friends will have great value in their life. It is important that they cultivate an attitude of tolerance towards all people, but it is more important that they gather around them those who know them, who will show the best that they have. Otherwise, they may be infected by the ways of their partners.

Does a modern woman keep a home?

AT modern society many women do little to put things in order in the house, or do it carelessly. There are several reasons why this happens. It may be laziness and lack of habit. Well, a person is not used to cleaning the house, perhaps this is the cost of education. It is possible that a girl in childhood was not taught to keep cleanliness and order in the house, they did not explain that the internal state in the house is a reflection of the internal state of the woman herself.

Or maybe the woman is too busy. Works in a prestigious company, in a good position. He spends a lot of time at work and there is no opportunity to do household chores, put things in order, invest a part of himself in the atmosphere at home.

As a rule, housework is performed by a housekeeper, a hired person. Naturally, the housekeeper will clean the house, the house will be clean and tidy. But this will be "lifeless" purity. What does it mean? Well, for sure, many people lived in hotels or hotels. The hotel rooms are cleaned every day by the maids who work there. The room is always clean and tidy. But, no matter how clean it is, the atmosphere in hotel rooms will never give a feeling of homeliness and comfort.

In general, whatever a person does, if he does it with pleasure and love, then he leaves his imprint, his mark in his actions. If woman herself, with pleasure puts things in order in the house, then she brings her mark, her imprint, her energy into the home environment. And it is very strongly felt. It often happens that you go to visit such a hostess, and you feel the comfort and harmony of this house, and you don’t want to leave it.