Who should keep the family hearth?

family home keeper

Alternative descriptions

. "defective" lady

A woman in relation to a man with whom she is officially married

The beautiful half of the family

A. Chekhov's work

Veresaev's story

Synonym for spouse

Chekhov's Tale

André Hunebel's film "My... gorgeous"

Novel by American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe "My ... and I"

. "married" woman

Who is giving a lecture on the dangers of drunkenness at three in the morning?

Film by Alexander Kaidanovsky "... kerosene worker"

Painting by the French painter N. Poussin “Christ and the Unfaithful...”

Painting by the French artist Edouard Manet "... Sultan"

. “would drive straight, yes ... stubborn” (last)

. "... without a husband - widows are worse" (last)

Desdemona in relation to Othello

Bride, after removing the veil

The novel by the American writer P. Buck "Evil ..."

Xanthippe in relation to Socrates

woman for every day

Who was Penelope to Odysseus?

Dear Katerina Matveevna in relation to Sukhov

Most expensive mistress

Companion by law


Squaw for an Indian

Saw for husband

Graduate of the registry office


A play by the Russian writer K. Trenev

The story of the Russian writer V. Veresaev

Bride after wedding

Woman married to a man

Bride after the registry office

Bluebeard's victim

Let him be afraid of his husband

Girlfriend of life

. “would drive straight, yes ... stubborn”

Mother-in-law for father-in-law

. “I have ..., oh, jealous” (song.)

. "second half"

The future of the bride

Hera for Zeus

Lectures at 3 am

family half

Ringed bride

life partner

Executor of marital duty

. “a kind ... will save the house, and a thin one will shake it with a sleeve”

Another name for wife

The next status after the bride

Alla for Maxim Galkin

. "I have ..., oh, jealous" (song)

Bride after going to the registry office

. "freshly baked" wife

. "...Caesar beyond suspicion"

Half of "one" Satan

The other half of Satan


The same as a woman (obsolete high)

A woman in relation to a man with whom she is officially married (to her husband)

From an old soldier's song: ""Our grandfathers ... victories"", and a gun?

Relative, wife

. (obsolete) woman

V. Veresaev's story

A. Chekhov's story

. "...Caesar beyond suspicion"

. "Second half"

. "I would drive straight, yes ... stubborn"

. "Saw" for husband

. "Freshly baked" wife

. "I have ..., oh, jealous" (song.)

. "I have ..., oh, jealous" (song)

J. in general a woman, married woman ; wife, grandmother. boyar seven daughters: there will be death and a wife from them. The street is full of girls, the stove, festivities and household are full of women; pies in the oven, children on the oven. A bad husband to the grave, a good wife in the yards, around the world. Don't look at someone else's wife. Soldier's wife, gun. It's a bad thing if the wife did not order. The rosary will not save, and the wife of paradise will not deprive. Good bride, thin wife. The wife is young in years, but old in temper. A good wife, but envious. A good wife will save the house, a bad one will shake it with her sleeve. Happy with the game, but unhappy with his wife. Do not bet for a barn, for a gelding, and for a wife! burn, kill, sin. Do not believe the horse in the field (hole), but the wife in the house (in the will). Not every wife tells the truth to her husband. A foolish wife will not tell the truth to her husband. The husband does not know where the wife is walking. The wife loved her husband, she bought a place in prison! A wife is not a boot (not a bast shoe), you can’t throw it off your feet. Whoever gives freedom to his wife, robs himself or beats himself. It is bad for a husband who has a large wife in the house. God is free and the wife, if she took the will! A wife survives from a house, a snake survives from a forest. The hop is strong, the dream is stronger than the hop, the evil wife is stronger than sleep, and does not let you sleep. Evil wife, ambush salvation. An evil wife will drive her husband crazy. You boil iron, but you cannot persuade an evil wife. An evil wife, beaten, rages, tamed rises, is arrogant in wealth, condemns others in squalor. From a fire, from a flood, from an evil wife, God protect! my wife is a nettle, but the frost has fallen on her! Not a husband in husbands, whom the wife owns, not work in work, to carry under the wives! Beat the wife for dinner, and for dinner again, don’t sit at the table without a fight! Beat the wife before the children, and the children before the people. Husband and wife scold, but lie down under one fur coat. Husband and wife swear, and the third do not interfere. There is no one to judge a wife and husband, except God. A wife from her husband by a span, and a husband by a fathom from his wife. Give your wife to the people, and himself and so. All together, and the wives in half, that is, separately. Without a wife, without a cat, and without a husband, without a dog, there is no one to protect. Not everyone has a wife, Marya, to whom God will give. Not for a wife with stumps, that the son is oblique. One wife and one mare cannot fertilize the field. Succumbed to the misfortune, like a neighbor's (as a priest's) wife. There was a wife, but the cow ate; Yes, if not for a haystack, I would have eaten myself! Twice a wife is sweet: when they bring you into the hut, but how they carry you out! Southern wife. collected women, women, woman, femininity, female gender. Wife and children. Zhenotsky southern. app. female. Marry, be a wife, married, married, opposite sex. deviate, deviate, deviate. The wife(s) is old. and now, unmarried, concubine, concubine, or illegally married, for example. the fourth, or wiring, or abusive, worthless wife. The woman diminish. little wife, little wife, in general a woman, a woman, a commoner's wife and widow: a soldier's, peasant's wife. Sometimes opposed to a man; female or female; arch. day laborer (Shane); sib. female animal in general, esp. birds. Zhenochka diminish. wife. Perm. soshnaya rassokha ends downward with two legs or fingers, on which it is planted along the gland: on long finger ralnik, for a short wife. Wifey darling, what a down pillow. The woman is female person, opposite sex. Man; wife or wife, not a girl. Zhennin, zhenin, zhenniy, belonging. spouse, wife. The wife's relatives are coming: dissolve the gates; the husband's relatives are coming, lock the gate! Feminine, belonging to, peculiar to women, female gender assigned to him, referring to him. Female gender, women, females. Feminine gender , grammatical, word or ending meaning she (not he and not it). Women's verse, rhyme ending in a chorea, or an additional short syllable. Female sapphire, pale. Women's Wed monthly, cleansing, shirt, on oneself, blood. The women's custom is to run ahead. Women's whims can not be counted. You can’t get enough of women’s whims (quirks). Canine disease to the field, and women's to bed. Womanhood cf. the totality of the properties of a woman or femininity. this last refers to the moral qualities of a woman alone. Courage paints a man, and femininity or femininity paints a woman. Women, female: all wives, widows and virgins. All women came out to meet her. Monthly, shirt or on yourself. Feminine, in whom or in what there is femininity. To marry, to be a wife or a woman in general. Marry whom, educate, marry, lure, marry; give someone a wife, marry a wife. Did you see joy, did you marry your son? The hawker married him all right, he cheated. Marry a man, get engaged, take, take a wife for yourself, get married. Marry your son. Everyone got married. You can't get married. There is a marriage, there is no divorce. Get married, do not put on bast shoes. You marry once, but you cry forever. A baby was born, a fool got married. Going to war, pray; going to the sea, pray twice; if you want to get married, pray three times. What was to marry, if rye is not born? What to marry, if the mug is not good! Marrying is not long, but God will punish: he will order to live long! I wanted to get a haircut, but I happened to get married! or vice versa. Marry trouble, not marry another; and the third trouble will not be given for me! Do not repent, getting up early, but marrying young. It's not scary to get married, it's scary to get a priest, hire, pay, app. Get married, pay the priest, pay the baptism, pay the die: you would have died at once, and paid! It's not scary to get married, but it's scary to start ass. Marry, change. Marry, be reborn. Whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy, October. Hello, married, but no one to live with! She baked, cooked, even father and mother Zhenya! I would marry you! said the man in his hearts to the stubborn gelding, who fooled around. A bear marries a cow, a crab marries a frog. Peter is getting married, Moscow is getting married. Ivan the Great marries the Sukharev Tower, takes four kalashni as a dowry! on demand: whose wedding? Zhenenye cf. action by vb. here and there. Marriage, marriage, marriage church marriage cf. matrimony, marriage, matrimony, union of the couple under the crown. Marriage is not a chase, hurry up. Married, tul. married (Shane). Married par. used in the sense of fit or capable of marriage. he has two married sons. Marriage, pertaining to marriage. Zhenitel m. -nitsa f. who married whom, arranged the marriage. The groom m. conspired to his bride or conspired with the bride; narrowed, betrothed, sometimes betrothed. more generally. anyone looking for a bride, intending to marry, and even anyone who has reached full age, marriageable age, A young man. Perm-oh. every woman calls her husband, until old age, a groom. A groom with a fingernail. These are not grooms, but grooms and grooms. The bridegroom, reproachfully in wedding refrains. Mother Paraskevey, send the bridegroom as soon as possible! From Kuta on the bench all the suitors! A thin bridegroom is wooing, a good way seems. Grooms, the groom's. Not in anyone's head, in the groom's! Grooms feast, lower. it happens for his parents and goes on the eve of the wedding, when the bride goes howling to the bathhouse and to the bachelorette party. Zhenikhovsky, peculiar to suitors. This is not in the groom's way, so kind, worthy suitors do not do. Zhenishonkin, zhenishishkin, contemptuously. Get married, Vologda. to look like a groom, to look like a groom. Get married south. to hang around, hang out with girls. To get married, to be attracted for one fun. Married, married, having a wife, married, not single. Married bed, sib. double or marriage, matrimonial. Wait, single, let the married man think! A lot to choose, not to be married. Married people sin, but do not repent; but we sin, but we repent, they say. schismatics. Zhenima old illegal concubine, unmarried wife. Zhenimishch m. old. married son, illegitimate, illegitimate son. The woman-bearer day of st. Great Martyr Catherine, November. Femininity cf. predilection for women. Feminine, passionate for women. womanly, who has wise wife. Womanhood cf. bisexual state. The twentieth class of plants according to the Linnaean system. Sexuality, sexism cf. lustfulness, carnal passion, exorbitant womanly love, sometimes due to a painful condition. Womanish, obsessed with womanhood. Womanish, womanly in disposition. Womanly, in appearance or manner resembling a woman. effeminate, effeminate, or effeminate, or both. Woman-submissive, woman-submissive, woman-submissive (l) ivey, submissive to his wife, women. Submissiveness, female obedience. property, quality is. Woman-pleasing, squishy, ​​loving, woman-pleaser. Femininity this property. Woman-pleasing m. woman-pleasing man. zhenopravstvo, zhenopravstvo cf. bossing where or what women

Painting by the French artist Edouard Manet "... Sultan"

Who gives a lecture on the dangers of drunkenness at three in the morning

Bride after registry office

Half of "one" Satan

The novel by the American writer P. Buck "Evil ..."

Novel by American writer Harriet Beecher Stowe "My ... and I"

Film by Alexander Kaidanovsky "... kerosene worker"

Film by André Hunebel "My... gorgeous"

. "Freshly baked" wife

Their romantic story, described by the talented priest Yermolai the Sinful, famous during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, inspired many married couples over the centuries.

Peter was younger brother Prince Paul. Trouble settled in the brother's family. A demon began to come to his wife at night disguised as her husband. The princess, by cunning, learned how to destroy him. The way out was for Peter to strike the werewolf with Agric's sword. During a church service, an angel showed him a sword. In the evening, Peter struck the snake, but the blood from the wound splashed the prince. His whole body was covered with leprosy. No doctors could help. He searched all over the earth for healers. Having heard about the wise pious healer, the daughter of a beekeeper (producing wild honey), I went to the village of Laska, Ryazan region.

Fevronia set him a condition under which she would cure him - to take him as a wife, as she recognized her betrothed. After all, marriage is accomplished by God's command, and sometimes by compulsion. He agreed, but was not going to fulfill this condition because of princely pride. The wise Fevronia understood, therefore she said to lubricate the entire body, except for one scab, as a reminder of sin. Diseases are the result of sins, and treatment is required not only bodily, but also spiritual.

From one scab, the whole body was again covered with ulcers. The prince had to go again to Fevronia. Having kept his word, he was completely healed.

Peter also understood that she was his betrothed, blessed by God. They loved each other, overcoming all the trials, which they had many on the part of the boyars, who did not want to recognize the peasant woman as a princess. But it turned out that their love was also the shrine of the city, not only personal. Without them, discord and bloodshed began in the city.

They returned to Murom at the call of sent messengers.

In the old days in Russia there was a custom, before the end of earthly life, to go to a monastery to prepare one's soul for eternal life. So did Peter and Fevronia, having reached old age accepted monasticism. They died on the same day and hour. But they were buried in different coffins despite their will to bury in one. However, their bodies ended up in the same coffin. No matter how much their bodies separated, they ended up together. In the end, everyone understood that this was God's blessing.

Born in the 18th century, she married a court singer, Colonel Andrei Petrov. Her husband died when she was 26 years old. This blow had such an effect on Xenia that she was not interested in earthly life, it seemed that she had lost her mind. That's how the people around her looked at her.

Ksenia gave her property to the poor, and gave the house to a friend. She chose the path of foolishness. She asked me to call her Andrey, went in winter and summer in a skirt, shoes and husband's tunic. At night she was seen praying in a deserted place outside the city, and during the day she wandered along the Petrograd side, often near the church of St. Matthew the Apostle. If she was given money, she would give it to the poor.

For her asceticism, patience, she received from God the gift of insight into the future. She taught people truthfulness, revealed secrets to them. The people she came to became happy and successful in business.

In the chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg and even around, people receive healing, help, especially in family affairs, marriage.

Her memory is celebrated - January 24

Born in 1814 in the Kostroma province in the village of Vanina. Having married a tradesman, she had a house and a grocery store. During the Turkish war, together with her husband, she went to the front as a sister of mercy. Her husband died, and she dedicated her life to God. She sold her property and, after distributing money to the poor and taking a vow of foolishness, she began to wander around the holy places. Moreover, from that moment she walked barefoot until the end of her life, not only in summer, but also in winter. I went to the Solovetsky wonderworkers, four times I was in Jerusalem. The matron in Jerusalem took the schema with the name Mary, but she vowed to hide it.

The last years - 30 years - she lived in St. Petersburg, first on the Petrograd side, then settled at the chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

Her prayer had great power. People came to her for help in illnesses, family and everyday sorrows. She warned of danger. Even dignitaries, when they went to places of epidemics, came to her.


This is a religious epithet that defines the idea of ​​delivering mankind from suffering. IN different religions different names saviors.

In Christianity, the Savior is Jesus Christ.

You can turn to him for any help. During the wedding in the church, the bride and groom are blessed with the “Wedding Pair”: the groom is blessed with an icon (the Lord Almighty), thereby affirming him as the protector of his wife and children, the breadwinner of the family; the bride - with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Kazan, Vladimir or Smolensk Mother of God), indicating to her that she is the guardian of the family hearth. This wedding couple is the basis not only of the temple, but also Orthodox house, as it protects the family and future children from adversity, preserves their love.

Icon Mother of God"Assuage my sorrows"

The name of the icon originates in the prayers of people who turn to the Mother of God with a request to quench, that is, deliver, from illnesses, bodily and spiritual sorrows, including family ones.

Since 1640, the icon has been in the church of St. Nicholas on Pupyshi in Sadovniki. There were many records of miracles performed by this icon. But the fire that happened in 1771 destroyed the documents, only the memory remained in the legends. Here is one of the cases of the manifestation of a miracle by an icon.

There lived a noble woman in Moscow, suffering from an illness that the doctors did not hope to cure. And in a dream comes to her Mother of God and tells her to go to Moscow to the church of St. Nicholas, to pray in front of her image with the inscription "Assuage my sorrows." When the woman was brought to the temple, there was no such icon in it. Then the priest said to bring all the icons from the bell tower. Among the old dusty icons, she saw the right one, screamed and crossed herself with her hand, which until then she could not even move. And when the woman venerated the icon, she stood up completely healthy.

This icon differs from others in iconography. On it, the baby holds a scroll, and the Mother of God props up her cheek with her hand.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Mammary"

In the city of Tula in Shcheglovsky monastery, founded in honor of the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Mamming", the icon located there was in former times in a silver robe with precious decorations. There is now a beautiful list of her for worship. The clothes of the Mother of God, just as on the original, are written in red and blue tones, she is breastfeeding a baby.

The creation of this image refers to XVII century. The image is based on Byzantine akathists comparing the image of the Virgin Mary with unfading, fragrant flowers. The icons are varied, but they all have a common detail - flowers.

Before the icon they pray for beauty, youth, health.

Holy Blessed Princess Juliana Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya

Juliania, together with her husband, Prince Vyazemsky, received the city of Torzhok, together with Prince Smolensky, as inheritance from Prince Vasily of Moscow. They went into exile when Lithuania captured Smolensk. The beauty of Juliana seduced Prince Yuri Svyatoslavovich. He began to harass her, but she remained faithful to her husband. Yuri killed her husband during a feast, and tried to forcefully take possession of his wife. Juliana, defending herself from the rapist, grabbed a knife and stabbed the pursuer with it. The enraged prince chased her with a sword, cut off her arms and legs and threw her into the river. A year later, her body was fished out, swimming against the current. A voice sounded from above, ordering to bury the body at the southern doors of the Transfiguration Cathedral. Near the tomb, many were healed.

Keeping the shrine of marriage greatest feat person.

Saint Juliana is the patroness and protector of the family and chastity.

Archangel Varahiel

Gives people God's blessing for good deeds, the patron of pious families, the keeper of the purity of soul and body.

Children with poor memory and lack of abilities are helped by:

The Monk Roman the Melodist loved to participate in divine services and sing in the choir. But he did not have the ability for this activity, since he did not have an ear for music and did not have an appropriate voice. Once, envious clerics disgraced him in the presence of the king. Roman cried all night, prayed fervently and asked the Most Holy Theotokos to help, kneeling before her icon. Tired, fell asleep. Holy Mother of God"Joy of all who grieve" appeared to him in a dream, giving a scroll, ordered him to swallow. When he woke up, he realized that he not only had a voice and hearing, but also became literate, wise and had the ability to compose divine songs, ikos, kontakia for great creativity.

Saint John of Kronstadt

It was difficult for him to study at school because of his poor memory, but studying at the parish school turned out to be a disaster.

When it became unbearable, he fervently prayed all night and asked God to help. Suddenly he shook, and it was as if a veil had been lifted from him. John immediately remembered the lesson that the teacher had said. He became an excellent student, graduated from college, seminary, academy.

patron saints of children:

- Saved by the Almighty, Guardian Angel

- Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra

On the New Year in the city of Mira, he arranged a holiday for children and gave gifts.

- holy baby -

Born in the village of Zverki, Bialystok district. The feast of Easter was approaching. When the mother of a six-year-old child left home to bring food to her husband in the field, a Jew climbed into the house and took Gabriel to the city of Belogorsk, where they crucified him, pierced his sides, gradually releasing blood. After the boy died, he was thrown into a field near the village of Zverki. The body was found by hungry dogs, but they did not touch it, on the contrary, they protected it from birds of prey. Hearing the barking of dogs, people came from the village. It was clear that a ritual murder had been committed over the baby. He was buried near the temple.

30 years after the funeral, the relics of St. Gabriel turned out to be incorrupt. In 1746, the relics, after the church burned down in a fire, turned out to be intact, only the right handle was slightly burned. After the relics were transferred to the monastery, the wound healed and became covered with skin. Saint Gabriel is considered a healer and protector of children.

Even for the previous generation, marriage was a value. “The family is the cell of society” - the famous Soviet motto motivated couples to stick together, despite any difficulties. The choice made once, in most cases, became the only one in life. If something did not go well in the family, the couple still found a way to save the marriage. Grandmothers in the yard pointed the finger at divorcees - it was not prestigious to get divorced, and they did it only in exceptional cases, when there was simply no way to save the marriage.

It was prestigious to be family man. Marriage, family - these values ​​of the past generation are losing their positions today.

Immediately after the collapse of the USSR, we abruptly, without a smooth transition, entered the skin world, a world of other values ​​and priorities. Money, booty, profit, material values- that's what became the most important thing. Today, whoever is richer and farther away is a fine fellow. And whether he is married, divorced, or even an old bachelor, it doesn’t matter at all. Whether to save the marriage, whether to create the next relationship, or in general, to live for your own pleasure in splendid isolation, changing partners for every weekend - everyone decides for himself.

From the anal phase of development, during which the values ​​of the anal vector were revered (authority, respect in society, family), we moved into the skin phase (what is the skin phase of human development, read in the article "Shargen skin" of the consumer society"). “Other times, other customs,” as the poet wrote. The number of divorces is constantly growing, moreover, it will continue to grow.

It's because the world is changing.

The keeper of the family hearth went hunting

For thousands of years, a woman has depended on a man, on his provision. He brought home prey, provided it and their common offspring. He built a dwelling, he was a protector, but most importantly, a breadwinner.

It was the woman who needed marriage as a security. The man needed sex, as well as the opportunity to transfer the ejaculate to the woman, thereby continuing himself into the future, leaving offspring.

Until recently, people needed marriage for the same purposes. Marriage is still sex and provision, nothing more. There were not so many women who gave men sex without provision (these are women with a cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors or with a urethral vector), so the man had to get married. But with the transition to the skin phase of development, everything changed.

The world has changed so much that the human female herself went hunting. It happened not so long ago - after all, even some 100 years ago, everything was different. The woman was obliged to get married - otherwise she could not have a future.

And now, today a woman herself can get a mammoth for herself and her child. She still needs to provide a man, but the further, the less. A woman has already almost equaled a man in the ability to earn, mine, achieve, achieve, build, conquer. But she still needs him as a partner, as a husband. It is the woman who is concerned about how to start a family and how to save the marriage later. But what about the man?

Should you save your marriage?in the age of consumption

A man is interested in sex, not in marriage.

The skin phase of human development - the time of consumption with appropriate values ​​- carries with it the expansion of the boundaries of sexual acceptability and makes sex more accessible than ever. Sex is also becoming consumer.

A man has no problem getting sex before marriage. There are more and more women giving unsecured sex - premarital sex has become natural for modern man. A woman who goes hunting and knows how to get a mammoth herself easily enters into sexual relations with a man.

From now on, a man does not have to get married to get sex. New forms of marriage appeared, freer and more comfortable for a man. Increasingly, young people simply come together to live together. And in this case, it is more difficult for a man to decide on a real marriage - with obligations, children and other attributes. family life. What for? After all, he has sex.

Gradually, passion and attraction in such a relationship fade away, and the likelihood of such a marriage breaking up is very high.

In this case, the woman always loses. Time goes by, years fly by. Youth passes with childbearing age. Should you save your marriage? Of course it's worth it. Another thing is that it must be a real marriage, with a stamp in the passport. This very seal really changes a lot.

Outgoing marriage - good or bad?

Marriage is becoming less durable. There are fewer and fewer couples who, having entered into one relationship, stick together all their lives.

At the same time, there are fewer and fewer spouses who, in the depths of their souls, hate each other, but keep the marriage for the sake of public opinion. Can people be happy in such relationships? Can unhappy people bring benefit, goodness and other constructive things to society?

Marriage is still needed for a woman. He is gradually losing his position, but until the female of a person on the hunt takes the same level as the male, the marriage remains relevant.

What advice would you give to women who want to create a lasting relationship and get married? How to save a marriage later? How to keep love in marriage, how to make relationships full and happy?

First, don't rush into sex. Sex is a logical continuation of the relationship at some stage, but in no way good start. First, relationships must be formed, an emotional connection between young people, an intellectual closeness. The way a man works is that if he gets sex immediately after meeting a woman, then he no longer has any reason to develop a relationship.

Nature gives a man attraction to one woman for about three years. This is the intention of nature, and all so that the woman has time to give birth and leave a child in this line. If a strong emotional connection, spiritual intimacy, intellectual kinship has not appeared in a relationship during this period, attraction will inevitably pass. For a relationship to last, it takes more than just attraction between a man and a woman.

There is one more important detail. The way spouses treat each other - wholeheartedly or with pretensions - decides what the relationship will be like. Is it worth it to save a marriage in which there is nothing left but grievances and claims to each other? We can build amazing relationships by giving our partner everything we can give them without asking for anything in return.

How to save a marriageif there is no understanding?

What to do if there is no understanding at all in marriage? The husband expects one thing from his wife, and she does not meet these expectations at all. Yes, and the wife would like something completely different from her husband. What if the spouses are completely different people who do not perceive each other at all? Is it worth saving a marriage if this is no longer life, but a quarrel upon a quarrel, an insult upon an insult, a claim upon a claim?

In fact, you can always understand your soul mate by establishing relationships with her most in the best way using the knowledge System-Vector Psychology. Resentment disappears when you begin to understand that your soul mate is mentally arranged differently than you - she has other vectors, and she cannot act differently than she does. There are no complaints about a person whose actions you understand. There can be no quarrels with your spouse if you understand how to interact with him when you appreciate him the best sides and learn how to deal with its shortcomings.

The article was written based on materials System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan.

Women who consider the creation of a comfortable life challenging task who draws on the work of a lifetime - prostitutes. They are fed, clothed and put on shoes, and in return they keep the house and provide the breadwinners with their vaginal and other openings for use.

Every time I voice this point of view, I meet the fierce resistance of the shirnarmass. Chickens scream that being a wife and mother is the hardest work. They are echoed by pancakes, who plow in their open spaces like galley slaves so that the chickens have money for home improvement.

At the same time, the slaves themselves, yelling on the Internet about the sanctity of their domesticated wives, do not in any way add coziness or comfort in life to ugly petty-bourgeois tablecloths and withered palm trees in clay tubs.

Deep down, every nutcracker wants the pet with whom he is legally married to take on a human form and engage in some real business. important matter, becoming a reliable partner in his life, whom you can count on.

However, to admit this means to admit oneself as a sucker, which one cannot cope with one's own lazy and frustrated woman. So the unfortunate pancakes pretend that this state of affairs suits them completely, that the image of the keeper hearth for them relevant, bright and beautiful as a young Angelina Jolie.

And do not care that the keeper of the hearth of the sample of the 21st century has nothing to do with her ancient prototype of the keeper and cannot have.

IN old times when this really bright and respectable image was born, the woman worked at home, tirelessly. Kindle the fire, butcher the mammoth, feed the children of the weather, save them from the cold, heat and wild animals, and even manage to drive them into the forest for roots.

Women's domestic work has not lost its significance for many centuries and has been a necessary condition for the survival of the family.

However, times have changed. We no longer carve fire from stone, we don’t ride horses, we don’t weave canvases and we don’t spin yarn, we don’t work in the field, we don’t wash clothes in the river, we don’t give birth to 10 children, and now we have not only cowards, but even and tampax.

Life modern woman clothed so much that to build it into a matter of life is outright prostitution: “You, husband-slave, provide for me and children, and I, in best case, I will go to some lightweight job where they pay a penny, and at home I will press the “on” and “off” buttons on household appliances. Hang the washed and wrung out washing machine laundry is hard and thankless domestic work, yes. And, in general, I bring up your children, take them to Kindergarten».

True, there are keepers of the hearth who do not want to use the services of a kindergarten, turning children into a living excuse for their own idleness. Mothers of those children who require serious and daily medical care are an exception.

A runny nose does not require serious and daily medical care. A child who has snot from time to time is not an invalid, and he can and should be sent to a kindergarten. However, sincere keepers of the hearth, that is, lazy prostitutes, are in no hurry to do this, because then they will have to go to work and work, which is much more difficult than pushing a sofa with their ass and turning on household appliances.

I understand that my point of view is still unpopular among the people, because it hits the sick and contradicts the prevailing stereotypes. But remember: when the car appeared, many looked at it with distrust, fear and outright hostility, preferring to ride horses.

Times have changed, and now a person who moves around the city on a horse, and not in a car, looks like a complete jerk. Due to the development of technology, horse-drawn transport has lost its relevance in society, just as the image of the keeper of the hearth is rapidly losing it. Previously, the keeper of the hearth was a hard worker, and now she is a latent prostitute.

Latent prostitute is not my term. I am glad that in the war with chickens I am not alone.

“In our country, unfortunately, most women have the psychology of a latent prostitute: to find a rich man to feed. And for this they plan to run the household and give themselves up in bed. Things should be called by their proper names: this is prostitution,” writes a psychotherapist with 40 years of experience, Mikhail Litvak.

Here is an excerpt from his interview, which I recommend reading in full.

- But there is a theory that a woman should only inspire a man, create comfortable conditions for him, remaining in his shadow ...

- You are confusing a man with a trouser-bearer. A man doesn't need to be inspired. He himself is inspired by his work and its result.

Nothing to add. Unless: to talk about how you inspire a man is much easier than being a full-fledged fighting unit in the family, whose support you can count on. By support, I mean not so much words as actions.

The keeper of the hearth - this is the role that was assigned to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity by nature, and is as natural as the image of a male earner. However, over the past century, under the influence of feminist sentiments, more and more girls refuse this role, preferring to spend their time and energy on self-development and making money. However, the notion that one contradicts the other is erroneous. And in any woman, a successful business woman and a warm, sweet keeper of the hearth can coexist at the same time. Meanwhile, the main problem lies precisely in the fact that girls are trying to choose one thing.

Nevertheless, the keeper of the hearth is exactly the person who creates an atmosphere of warmth, tranquility, coziness and comfort in the house, helps to keep the family together. Moreover, the most important thing is that household chores can be combined with successful activities in the professional field and get double pleasure from the opportunity to be both an indispensable employee and a good wife.

The most important thing is to learn how to properly manage your time. It is best to make a list of tasks that need to be completed in a day in advance. Gradually, you will be able to assess how much work you can realistically do and modify the list as you see fit. It is important that he always has time not only for business and household, but also for himself. A visit to the gym or a beauty salon, a few hours for a hobby - this is simply necessary in order to continue to live in harmony with yourself.

A modern hearth keeper can have a wide variety of equipment at her disposal. It is much easier to get a washing machine, dishwasher, multicooker and other useful household appliances if both of them work in the family. And with their help, you can significantly reduce the time required for cleaning, cooking, and so on.

No one will require a working woman to cook several new dishes every day, however, you should not get carried away with various semi-finished products either - they will not be able to replace the amazing taste of homemade food cooked with love. There are many interesting recipes that allow you to cook a delicious dinner in a minimum amount of time.

In fact, a woman who focuses only on household chores (cleaning, washing, cooking) can hardly be called a good housewife. After all psychological climate in the house is no less important for a man. And he, as a rule, can get it only with an interesting interlocutor, an erudite and intelligent girl who is able to keep up a conversation or participate in a discussion, discuss important issues and offer a really good solution for them.

Of course, a good homemaker must be a good mother. In no case should you deprive children of attention. After all, not a single nanny or teacher can become as close to a baby as his mother. You should not refuse a child if he asks to play with him or read a fairy tale to him, because you still need to wash the floors - you can do this on another day, and spiritual closeness with your child in this case will be much more valuable.

Everyone can look good, have time to surprise their relatives with something tasty, keep the house in order, and also shine at work if they only want to. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, who has long ceased to perform the functions of a housekeeper and has turned into an interesting, harmonious personality, able to give her inner light to the whole world and achieve all her goals. In addition, she does not cease to care about the happiness of her loved ones and does not feel her own inferiority in any area of ​​​​life.