Igor Neretin is the husband of Elena Xenofontova. Drama of Xenofontova: what really happened. Childhood and youth

Elena Yurievna Ksenofontova. She was born on December 17, 1972 in Khromtau (Aktobe region, Kazakh SSR). Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia (2006).

However, she went to first grade in Russia - in Serpukhov near Moscow, where she moved with her parents.

Her parents divorced. Mother married someone else. According to Elena, her stepfather was influential person while regularly beating her mother. “I remember my mother being beaten to such an extent that I could not find her face. We wrote statements, they took him away, he negotiated. He was a very respected person, after some time he was released, and he came home even more embittered ... My mother for a long time could not find justice for her husband. In order for their stepfather to be resettled, they left long years. My psyche and life were broken for me, my sister and brother," she admitted.

As a child, I had complexes because of my appearance: “As a child, I was red-haired and terribly freckled. I hated my nose and dreamed that as soon as I grew up and earned my first money, I would immediately run to plastic surgeon. Now I understand: appearance is a great deception. Sometimes I look with horror at actresses after plastic surgery, the feeling that they are stamped under one template. It’s funny to remember: in my youth, without a kilogram of makeup on my face, I couldn’t even stand a trash can,” the actress said.

AT early childhood she really liked ballet. At home, she acted out entire performances, imagining herself a ballerina. But there was no ballet school in her city, and this dream had to be abandoned.

Then she became seriously interested athletics. "And then one day my mother and I watched Olympic Games. At the finish line, one runner tore off her T-shirt in excitement, and I saw that she had a completely male body. It was a shock! I realized that if I continue to play sports professionally, I will become the same. The sport was over."

Studied excellent. She, as an excellent student, was awarded a trip to Germany. During that trip, a curious episode happened, which Elena is still ashamed of: “I, an unspoiled girl, find myself in a huge supermarket. From the abundance of goods and beautiful packaging, my head went around. I don’t know what went wrong in my brain ... I quietly hid the jar shadows and carried it out of the store. Believe me, I'm still ashamed of that theft."

She graduated from high school in 1990.

After graduating from school, she was going to enter the institute at the Faculty of History and Archaeology. However, my mother forbade it. And then all her plans for several years were confused by a serious illness (see below). At this time, she worked in a kindergarten - she painted the walls. Later she entered the theater as a part-time costume designer.

In 1992, she first appeared in films - in a small role in the film "Womanizer-2".

In 1994, on the advice of her first husband, Igor Lipatov, she entered the acting department of VGIK (the course of Marlen Khutsiev, the acting group of Joseph Reichelgauz), which she graduated in 1998.

She worked at the Moscow theater "School of the modern play". She was busy in performances: "Mrs. Leo" (role - Tatiana), "About the promised butter" (Queen), "Greetings, Don Quixote" (Dulcinea), "The Seagull" by A.P. Chekhov (Nina Zarechnaya).

In 2000-2013, she served at the Moscow Drama Theater under Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Her work in this theater:

2000 - "Homecoming" - Ruth
2000 - "Heart is not a stone" - Bepa Filippovna
2001 - "Close your eyes - I'll tell you fairy tales" - Zhanna
2001 - "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" Beaumarchais - Countess
2001 - "Three Sisters" by A.P. Chekhov - Natasha
2004 - "Liar Wanted!" - Jenny
2009 - "Mona" based on the play by Sebastian "Nameless Star" - Mona
2013 - Tower of Death based on Robert Bolt's play Vivat! Vivat Regina! - Queen Elizabeth

She also participated in productions of other theaters: The Other Theater Project (Moscow) - "WHO" based on the play by Ariel Dorfman "Death and the Maiden" (Anna); Production Center "Oasis" - "Modern Enterprise Theater" - "Our Friends HUMANS", based on the play by Bernard Werber "Our Friends Humans" (Samantha); Creative Association "Duet" - "LAMA and her men", based on the play by Michael Christopher "The Lady and the Clarinet" (Lyuba).

Illness of Elena Ksenofontova

In the early 1990s, Elena was given terrible diagnosis: brain cancer. She was not yet twenty years old.

Somehow she woke up and felt that her body seemed to be tearing something from the inside. A lump formed in his throat. Elena began to vomit until bile, wild pain split her head. The neighbor called an ambulance. After a thorough examination, the doctors announced to her that she had brain cancer. Hearing this, Lena fainted.

For three years, Ksenofontova was given droppers, injections, and tests. Oncology was either confirmed or not.

As a result, the girl was told that she would have to get used to living with these unbearable headaches, because, they say, modern medicine cannot determine exactly what exactly she is sick with.

“Then I pricked myself with needles in order to somehow kill one pain with another,” Elena recalled.

strong in spirit Elena Ksenofontova

Since the early 2000s, she began to actively act in serials.

The very first film "Taiga. Survival Course"(played Natasha) - brought her fame and popularity with the audience. Moreover, Elena worked without understudies, often performing complex tricks.

The main roles added to her fame: Streshinskaya in the TV series "Hunt for a Genius", Silantyeva in "Carambol", Countess Panina in "Satisfaction", Irina Yarskaya in "Mothers and Daughters", Sasha in "Night closed doors", Sofya Pechorina in "Heartbreakers", Olga Savelyeva in " good hands».

And there were also paintings "Main caliber", "Club", "Garages" and many others.

In 2015, she starred in the comedy series "Kitchen" where she played the role of Eleonora Andreevna, ex-wife Viktor Barinov and mother Ekaterina Semenova.

Elena Ksenofontova in the series "Kitchen"

"I believe that in acting profession sometimes you have to completely “turn off your head” for the sake of a frame, a scene,” Ksenofontova believes.

She considers herself a perfectionist, both in life and on stage, where she tries to bring each of her screen and theatrical images to an absolute ideal. She is also a strong and determined woman, responsible and purposeful, ready for daily self-improvement.

Elena Ksenofontova in the program "Alone with everyone"

The growth of Elena Ksenofontova: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova:

She met her first husband, Igor Lipatov, at the moment when she was struggling with her terrible disease also experienced dire need in money. He became her support and support. Igor older than Elena for 5 years, graduated from MIREA, was fond of architecture, worked as a real estate agent.

It was the first husband who decided to make an actress out of Elena - he hardly forced her to enter VGIK for the course of Joseph Reichelgauz. True, exactly actor career Elena put an end to their marriage.

Shortly after graduation, she decided to divorce her husband, informing him that their family life too insipid and she lacks emotional outbursts. It is interesting that Lipatov is still friends and communicates with his former mother-in-law.

The second husband was the producer Ilya Neretin. They met in 2002 on the set of the TV series Taiga.

The couple had a son, Timothy, in 2003.

Elena filed for divorce when her son was not even a year old after she found out about her husband's infidelities.

“Of course, it’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse,” the actress said about her divorce from her second husband.

Her next man was the lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh. They lived civil marriage.

On February 10, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Elena's second birth was difficult - I had to do C-section. Doctors generally discouraged giving birth, but she insisted. The girl was born healthy.

The actress tried not to show her husband, and very rarely appeared with him at social events.

In 2016, the couple broke up with a scandal and then began to share the child and the apartment in court. According to Elena, her husband often raised his hand to her. “He entered the bedroom, grabbed my face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top ... He served in the Airborne Forces. He clasped his hands and chest began to threaten. I began to choke, tried to shout for help, because we were not alone at home. He tried to choke me, I fought back. When I did this, I scratched his face with my hands, ”-.

Like, at some point, Alexander Ryzhykh decided to kick her out of the apartment with her son and take away her daughter Sophia. Moreover, he organized that the actress was found guilty under the article "Hooliganism" for a scratch on the face of a former roommate.

Elena Ksenofontova with her son Timothy and daughter Sofia

Filmography of Elena Ksenofontova:

1992 - Womanizer 2 - girlfriend
2002 - Taiga. Survival Course - Natasha
2003 - Best City Land - Marina Slutskaya
2003 - Heaven and Earth - Barbara
2004 - Red Chapel - Helen Sorel
2004 - Cadets - Maria Likhovol
2005 - Satisfaction - Countess Panina
2006 - Main caliber - Katerina
2006 - Carom - Natalya Silantyeva
2006 - Hunt for a genius - Zhanna Streshinskaya
2006 - Theater of the Doomed - Anna Zheleznyak
2007 - Year of the Golden Fish - Nina Pavlova
2007 - Daughters-mothers - Irina Yarskaya
2007 - Desire Limit - Julia
2007 - Formula of the elements - Varvara Dmitrievna Shevchenko
2007 - Yarik - Mom
2008 - A woman not prone to adventures - Irina Andreevna Kolyvanova
2008 - Why did you leave - Marta Nikolaevna Trankvilitskaya
2008 - Night of closed doors - Sasha
2008 - Heartbreakers - Sofia Pechorina
2008 - Sleeping and beauty - Elena
2009 - Club - owner of a modeling agency
2009 - Lair of the Serpent - Anna
2009 - autumn worries in early spring- Larisa Prokofieva
2009 - The right to pardon - Alena Vladimirovna Vasilyeva
2010 - Garages - Vera Deryugina
2010 - Frozen dispatches - Masha
2010 - Captivity of passion - Maria Andreeva
2012 - The right to truth - Olga Baikova
2014 - Good hands - Olga Savelyeva
2015 - Kitchen 5 - Eleonora Andreevna Galanova
2016 - Kitchen 6 - Eleonora Andreevna Galanova
2016 - Hotel Eleon - Eleonora Andreevna
2016 - Three Queens - Ella Pogodina
2016 - Vera (short) - Vera

On February 3, a meeting of the appeal commission will take place, which will decide the fate of Elena Ksenofontova. The star of the series "Hotel Elion" and "Kitchen" (STS) continues to fight in court with ex-husband. Elena is afraid that he will take away his daughter, and the actress also wants to get rid of her criminal record, which she received because of her ex-husband. In addition, she claims that her husband wanted to take away her apartment, despite the fact that he has real estate in Moscow and abroad. To attract public attention, Ksenofontova shared the misfortune that happened to her in several television projects and on social networks at once. Lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh claims that he himself suffered from a quick-tempered ex-lover Elena, and their common daughter Sonya hope that the parents will reconcile.

44-year-old actress Elena Ksenofontova officially married twice, the third marriage with Alexander Ryzhykh was civil. Five years of relationship ended in scandal. The actress said: her husband cheated on her, and when she asked him to leave, he began to threaten, applied physical strength and is trying to deprive the apartment and daughter. Fans in support of the woman created a petition, which was signed by almost 6 thousand people in a week and sent to the Chairman Supreme Court demanding a fair hearing (petition at www.change.org). Male version conflict is, of course, different.

We present facts from both conflicting parties and recall the couple's love story.

Elena Ksenofontova's version:

1) The actress complains that her husband did not earn much, so the main financial burden was on her. And then she found out about the betrayal, but even when she presented correspondence from his own phone as evidence, Alexander did not admit guilt. In the program "You won't believe it!" (NTV) the actress said that after that conflicts began to happen more often. Ksenofontova asked him to move out of their apartment:“After several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayals, scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I announced my intention to leave and asked to leave ....”

2) The actress believes that at that moment her ex-husband "understood what a mistake he once made." At the beginning of the relationship, Alexander gave his wife a 4-room apartment and issued a donation to her. lived in new apartment four of them: he, Lena, her son from a previous marriage, the couple's common daughter. Ksenofontova sold her apartment and invested in the renovation and furnishing of the new “family nest”. She took over all the expenses, as her husband had "problems at work."

3) Former spouse decided to revoke the donation. “It turns out that if you prove that the person being gifted (that is, I) attempted on the life of the donor (his), then the deed of gift can be revoked,” explains the star. And here the testimony of the spouses diverge. Ksenofontova says: “He entered the bedroom, grabbed my face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top ... He served in the Airborne Forces. He clamped his hands and chest, began to threaten. I began to choke, tried to shout for help, because we were not alone at home. He tried to choke me, I fought back. When I did this, I scratched his face with my hands, ”said the actress. Elena regrets that she did not immediately go to the police: she did not want to punish the father of the child, she was afraid of him in a panic, she was also afraid for the psyche of the children.

But the ex-husband was the first to write a statement to the police, the justice of the peace found the actress guilty under the article “hooliganism” - she caused a deliberate abrasion to her husband, for which she must pay a fine. At 25 court sessions, Ksenofontova tried to prove that she was not guilty, but the decision was not made in her favor. Elena said that her husband tried to convince the court that she inflicted serious injuries on him, which led to a concussion. Now she wants to clear her criminal record. “I don’t need her, and it’s humiliating,” Elena says.

4) Most of all, Ksenofontova worries about another court - a civil one - about the place of determining the residence of their daughter Sophia, the order of communication and the recovery of alimony. “In order to take my child away from me, he is trying to look for some compromising evidence on me ... to expose me as terminally ill, mentally unbalanced ... He brandishes a verdict that has not entered into force - how can you trust a child to a criminal?!!” - Ksenofontova worries, - "He wants the child to live with him."

Version of the former civil husband of the artist:

1) In court, Alexander presented documents stating that he ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute with injuries. By the way, the man refused hospitalization.“Our relationship deteriorated, including due to Elena’s temper,” Ryzhykh said in an interview with StarHit magazine. - It happens, word for word, we swore ... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then we don’t. Elena, in a fit of emotions, often began to beat me ... He endured for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

2) According to Ryzhykh, he filed a counterclaim with the court to determine the place of residence and meetings with their 5-year-old daughter Sonya only after a similar claim was filed by Ksenofontova herself. After the couple parted, Alexander did not see his daughter for almost three months. Now communication with the child has improved. Ryzhykh says that Sonya wants her parents to reconcile and be together. By the way, according to information, the ex-husband of the actress - she has already sold the apartment.

From love to hate...

At 21, Ksenofontova first married Igor Lipatov, then he worked as a real estate agent. Elena lived with her first husband for 11 years, successfully overcoming a period of lack of money. The reason for the divorce initiated by Ksenofontova is that feelings have passed over the years. Despite the fact that Lipatov soon married, they remained good friends.

On the set of Taiga by Valery Todorovsky, the actress met her second husband, producer Ilya Neretin. In 2003, Ksenofontova gave birth to his son Timothy. The first-born was not yet a year old, when Elena found out about her husband's betrayal and decided to part with him. “It’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse,” Ksenofontova commented on the divorce.

And then Elena appeared in her life as a lawyer Alexander. Ksenofontova met him in a law office and soon fell in love with a smart, courteous, imposing lawyer who surrounded her with attention. Sasha courted beautifully, gave flowers and gifts. The actress said that she felt like behind a stone wall - a weak and beloved woman, whom her beloved carries in her arms. Sasha gave her the unbearable lightness of being.

- Together we are pleased to walk around Moscow, holding hands, talking, visiting friends whom we have not seen for a hundred years, having sex, damn it! - Ksenofontova shared her happiness.

When Elena became pregnant six years ago, doctors warned that pregnancy and childbirth would not be easy. The son of the actress was not easy: toxicosis, cesarean ... But Lena always dreamed of a daughter and gave birth to a girl. She was happy, quickly went to work in the theater, starred, always earned herself. She gave a quarter of the money from the sale - 120 thousand dollars - of her own apartment to the education of her husband's nephew in London. A woman in love is capable of not doing such things. And then Ksenofontova began to notice that her husband was changing - and next to her was the person she spoke about above.

On February 10, Sonya Ryzhykh will turn 6 years old. I want to be calm next to her and happy mom who is not afraid of her dad. And dad also had the opportunity to congratulate the child on his birthday.

By the way

Elena Ksenofontova is a healthy woman who works hard and manages to devote time to her children. The health problem that Elena had for a long time does not prevent her from living. AT student years Ksenofontov began to suffer from headaches. But she learned to live with this migraine. The actress a few years ago in an interview described her condition in her younger years: “There was a feeling that I was all filled with mercury mass inside, and my head was about to split open. For three years I was given various diagnoses, they poured in droppers, wrapped them with some kind of wires. What is the name of my disease, I still do not know .... Igor (first husband) supported in everything. He took me to hospitals. In one of them, the doctor, after reading my referral, where in the column of the diagnosis it was written “General disorders of the brain”, exclaimed: “Wow, so young, and already cancer!” And I fainted ... Then again there were some examinations. The diagnosis was either confirmed, or not ... Then they told me the approximate following - that we do not know about you, but you will have to live with it. How? The pain was sometimes unbearable! Then I pricked myself with needles to somehow kill one pain with another. But slowly I learned to be friends with my illness, to negotiate with it. Union, of course, tiresome, but nothing, you can live. I live".

44-year-old actress Elena Ksenofontova, star of the series "Kitchen" and "Hotel Eleon", spoke about her personal life and domestic violence on Channel One.

In 2016, Elena Ksenofontova broke up with her civil husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh. There were rumors that the actress was simply tired of waiting for a marriage proposal. Ksenofontova did not advertise the reason for the divorce.

However, now Elena Ksenofontova decided to admit what was the reason.

Elena Ksenofontova in live program "Time Will Show" spoke about the beatings of her husband.

Now Ksenofontova is fighting with her ex-husband for a common child and an apartment.

Ksenofontova spoke about what she had to endure in a civil marriage with lawyer Alexander.

"I successful person, I'm fine. At least, I live in such a way that it seems to everyone. On December 26, 2016, I was sentenced in the Presnensky Court. Because I "beat" my husband.

At the forefront is the apartment in which we lived. We have a daughter, we lived for quite a few years, but at some point the relationship collapsed.

When I declared that we would no longer live and asked to leave, he said: “You didn’t understand something. You will leave. If you rock, I will destroy you, ”Ksenofontova said.

Elena Ksenofontova admitted that civil husband almost killed her after a family quarrel.

“He entered the bedroom, grabbed my face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top ... He served in the Airborne Forces. He clamped his hands and chest, began to threaten.

I began to choke, tried to shout for help, because we were not alone at home. He tried to choke me, I fought back. When I did this, I scratched his face with my hands, ”said Elena Ksenofontova.

Unfortunately, Alexander was the first to write a statement to the police, for which Ksenofontova was later sentenced. "It was big mistake... I had to return home and continue to live in the same apartment with the person whom I was terribly afraid of.

Recently, the artist wrote about her problem in social network. “I was silent. For a long time. Too long. I was silent because I was protecting my family, my children.

She was silent because she was ashamed and scared. Because she believed that justice would prevail (and how else). Because my brain refused to perceive SUCH reality. REALITY

Exactly one year ago, on a false accusation of the former common-law husband and father of my daughter, a criminal case was initiated in the Presnensky District Court of the Magistrate as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).

For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not to blame for anything, that it was not me, and he attacked me, and I only DEFENDED. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including the one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted his arms; my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police report, etc. But in vain.

On December 26, 2016, the Justice of the Peace handed down a CONCLUSION to me, completely ignoring all of the above and accepting the testimony of the plaintiff as true - “... Ksenofontova, standing with her back to me before, turned sharply in my direction and with her hand struck me more than three blows in head, in the right temporal part, and also in the region of the middle facial part, after which she lay down on the bed and began to call for help, while also shouting out the statement that I was killing her.

All of the aforementioned violent actions of Xenofontova caused me severe physical pain. Being in a state of "knockdown", I instinctively grabbed right hand for that part of the head / face where Ksenofontova was hit, and with his left hand and left knee he leaned on the bed, on which Ksenofontova was already lying at that moment ... "

At the end of December 2016, the actress was convicted and sentenced to a fine. Elena is sure that Alexander Ryzhikh specially wrote a statement to her in order to take away the apartment and the child.

"Everything is simple to the point of vulgarity. And vomiting ... Once, in a fit of unpredictable (now quite understandable) generosity, my common-law husband gave me an apartment by issuing a donation. An apartment that is under repair and burdened with a considerable debt for utilities.

At that moment (and then throughout our entire life together) had "difficulties at work". Sincerely wanting to save my beloved from unnecessary frustration, I took all the financial expenses on myself," Ksenofontova said.

Ksenofontova's family life was, according to her, not easy. “Now, when, after several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayals, numerous scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I suddenly voiced my intention to leave and asked to leave, he suddenly realized what a mistake did sometime.

From that moment began the serious work of the brain of a professional lawyer. And a solution was found," the actress said, saying that Alexander decided to revoke the donation. Allegedly, that's why he set up the attack.

In early February, a meeting of the appeal commission will be held in the district court. The actress has little hope of being acquitted.

Indeed, before that, she repeatedly tried to file a counterclaim against the ex-lover, turned to the Investigative Committee. However, she was constantly denied.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in parallel for more than six months civil residence court common daughter Ksenofontova and Ryzhykh, the order of communication with the child and the recovery of alimony.

In order to take away the child, Ryzhykh tries to find all sorts of compromising evidence, exposes Ksenofontova as terminally ill, mentally unbalanced, etc. He is waving a verdict that has not yet entered into force - how can you trust a child to a criminal?!

A year ago, at the first court session, a counterclaim was filed to initiate a criminal case against Ryzhykh A.N. Rejected because it's human special status(advocate).

“You can’t speak silently. I say. Because everything has been tried (much is left out of brackets). Because, finally, I understand that further silence is akin to suicide. Because, having taken one step, it is necessary to take the next and go to the end.

Because I'm suffocated by injustice. Because I’m just afraid not to make it,” Elena Ksenofontova turned to the public for help.

For the first time, Elena married Igor Lipatov in 1994, after 11 years they divorced. The second husband of Ksenofontova in 2003 was the famous producer Ilya Neretin (born 1964), but this marriage again ended in divorce.

In this marriage, the actress in 2003 gave birth to her first child - the son of Timofey Neretin.

In a civil marriage with lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh, on February 10, 2011, the actress had a daughter, Sophia. In 2016, the couple broke up.

Thanks to a high-profile family scandal at the beginning of 2017, the name of Elena Ksenofontova became known to a huge number of people. But this beautiful woman first of all an actress and only then a humiliated wife. Therefore, let's find out her biography from the very beginning.

Elena was born in the small town of Khromtau, whose population is even in best years did not reach 30,000 people. All residents here are employees of the Don Mining and Processing Plant and the parents of the future actress were no exception.

True, Elena does not remember her father - almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, the family broke up. The mother of the future star remarried and already lived in this marriage for a very long time. In addition to Elena, the family grew up younger sister Julia and younger brother Vitaly.

Ksenofontova cannot call her childhood happy- the stepfather turned out to be a cruel tyrant, allowing himself to raise his hand against his wife and children. At the same time, the man did not receive any punishment or public censure - he held too high a position at work, was an engineer of the city-forming DOK.

Trying to somehow smooth out intra-family problems, Elena's mother devoted herself entirely to the children - she loved them, spoiled them and tried to develop them comprehensively.

At some point, the family moved to Serpukhov and Elena went to school already in the suburbs. In addition to lessons, the girl went to numerous circles, mastered playing the piano and painting, and went in for athletics.

As Elena herself admits, she always dreamed of becoming an actress., but after graduating from school, my mother insisted on choosing a more serious profession. That is why in the senior class the girl thought about entering the Historical and Archival Institute.

True, here the fate of the future star took an unexpected turn - the girl was diagnosed with brain cancer. For four years she fought the disease and practically did not leave the hospital walls. But fortitude and a young body overcame the disease - in 1994, Elena was told about a complete recovery.

Throughout the illness, the girl was supported by her family and first husband Igor Lipatov, for which future actress came out in 1991.

Their union lasted 11 years and broke up for reasons unknown to the press. It should be noted that the couple remained in warm friendly relations.

The second husband of the actress was producer Ilya Neretin. They registered a relationship in 2003, at the same time their son Timothy was born.

After some time, the couple divorced. According to an insider, this happened due to Neretin's betrayals. But as it turned out, such behavior of the spouse is not the worst thing that awaits Elena in family life.

The next spouse of the actress, though actual, was the lawyer Alexander Ryzhykh. Ksenofontova lived with him for 9 years and the couple had a daughter, Sophia.

In 2016, the couple broke up, and in 2017, the actress admitted that husband raised his hand. This statement, as well as the division of the couple's jointly acquired property, became one of the biggest scandals of the spring of 2017.

Interesting Notes:

With all this situation, Elena is an exemplary mother. She spends every free minute with the children, always in touch with them. Colleagues note that Hobby is collecting Christmas decorations. On the this moment Elena's apartment has more than 1000 copies from different countries!

But back to the career of Ksenofontova. After her recovery in 1994, she immediately submitted documents to VGIK and entered the course of Marlena Khutsiev, as well as the acting group of Joseph Reichelgauz.

Immediately after receiving her diploma, Elena entered the troupe of the Moscow Theater "School of the Modern Play", which was just directed by Reichelgauz and worked there for two full years. As it seemed to the actress herself, here she was not given the roles that she deserves.

Therefore, in 2000, she became a member of the team of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and worked in it until 2013. In parallel with this, from 2009 to the present day, Elena Ksenofontova is a frequent participant in various enterprise projects.

It should be noted that Elena has always considered herself an exclusively theatrical actress. and for a long time did not agree to film roles. Her first episodic role in the movie "Womanizer 2" took place back in 1992, and then there was a break for ten years. Only in 2002, Elena agreed to a role in the serial film “Taiga. The course of survival "and did not lose.

After that, Ksenofontova became not only popular, but also simply fell in love with the filming process. Since then, she began to constantly appear on the screen both in full-length films and in serials.

Elena considers her role in the serial film Cadets dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Ksenofontova was very worried about not losing her face in front of the front-line soldiers, for whom the events of those years were not an empty phrase.

From the rating works of the actress, the role of Eleonora Andreevna in "Kitchen" can be noted.. With the same character, Ksenofontova moved to the spin-off of the Eleon Hotel series. There are in the career of an actress and roles in short films - this is "Vera" from 2015 and "Magic Pencil" in 2016.

January 26, 2017, 09:35

The popular artist left a lengthy post on her page in social network Instagram. "I was silent. For a long time. Too long. I was silent because I was protecting my family, my children. I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because I believed that justice would prevail (and how else). Because my brain refused to perceive such a reality ", - the actress began her confession.

Further, Ksenofontova said that a year ago her common-law husband filed a complaint against her with the police, accusing her of beating. Allegedly, Elena hit him on the head several times, after which she herself pretended to be a victim. However, the actress herself claims that everything was different.

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that it was not me, but he attacked me, and I only defended myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including the one who was at the moment conflict in the house and saw with my own eyes how he sat on me and twisted his arms, my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings, a district police report, etc. But in vain,” wrote Ksenofontova. At the end of December 2016, the actress was convicted and sentenced to a fine.

Elena is sure former lover specifically wrote a statement to her in order to take away the apartment and the child. "Everything is simple to the point of vulgarity. And vomiting ... Once, in a fit of unpredictable (now quite understandable) generosity, my common-law husband gave me an apartment by issuing a donation. An apartment that is under renovation and burdened with a considerable debt for utilities. that moment (and then throughout our life together) there were "difficulties at work".

"Sincerely wanting to save my beloved from unnecessary frustration, I took all the financial expenses on myself", - said Ksenofontova. Then she took on all the financial expenses. Realizing that she would not be able to maintain two apartments, she sold the old one, and made repairs in the new one.

Ksenofontova's family life was, according to her, not easy. “Now, when, after several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayals, numerous scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I suddenly voiced my intention to leave and asked to leave, he suddenly realized what a mistake made once. From that moment, the brain of a professional lawyer began to work seriously. And a solution was found, "the actress said, saying that Alexander decided to revoke the donation. Allegedly, this is why he staged the attack.

In early February, a meeting of the appeal commission will be held in the district court. The actress has little hope of being acquitted. Indeed, before that, she repeatedly tried to file a counterclaim against the ex-lover, turned to the Investigative Committee. However, she was constantly denied.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that their daughter Sonya is involved in the disassembly of the parents. According to the actress, a civil trial has been going on for more than six months. Ksenofontova claims that the ex-lover is looking for dirt on her. Only in this way can he take the child away from her.

“You can’t speak silently. I say. Because everything has been tried (much is left out of brackets). Because, finally, I understand that further silence is akin to suicide. Because, having taken one step, it is necessary to take the next one and go to the end. injustice. Because I'm just afraid of not holding out, "Elena Ksenofontova turned to the public for help

There is a petition on change.org in support of the actress.

Personal life of Elena Ksenofontova:

She met her first husband, Igor Lipatov, at a time when she was struggling with her terrible illness, and in addition, she was in dire need of money. He became her support and support. Igor is 5 years older than Elena, graduated from MIREA, was fond of architecture, worked as a real estate agent. It was the first husband who decided to make an actress out of Elena - he hardly forced her to enter VGIK for the course of Joseph Reichelgauz. True, it was Elena's acting career that put an end to their marriage. Shortly after graduation, she decided to divorce her husband, telling him that their family life was too insipid and she lacked emotional outbursts. It is interesting that Lipatov is still friends and communicates with his former mother-in-law.

The first husband of Elena Ksenofontova Igor Lipatov

The second husband was the producer Ilya Neretin.

They met in 2002 on the set of the TV series Taiga. The couple had a son, Timothy, in 2003. Elena filed for divorce when her son was not even a year old after she found out about her husband's infidelities. “Of course, it’s scary when a son doesn’t have a father, but life in an atmosphere of lies is worse,” the actress said about her divorce from her second husband.

Elena Ksenofontova and Ilya Neretin

Elena Ksenofontova and son Timothy

Her next man was a lawyer named Alexander. They lived in a civil marriage. On February 10, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Elena's second birth was difficult - she had to have a caesarean section. Doctors generally discouraged giving birth, but she insisted. The girl was born healthy. The actress tried not to show her husband, and very rarely appeared with him at social events.

Elena Ksenofontova with her husband Alexander

Something I did not understand. Is anyone aware of the situation?