Why do you dream about seeing ice cream? Chocolate, blueberry, strawberry and chocolate, tasty or tasteless. What did you do in your dream

Ice cream is a sweet that is loved by many people. For most, this product evokes nostalgia for childhood and carelessness. When they dream of such a dessert, many people try to interpret it on their own, because they simply do not know what this vision means.

Some associate ice cream with pleasant emotions, others explain that dessert is the personification of cold and inaccessibility. Self-invented versions of dream interpretation have the right to life. But if a person wants to find out what a dream really means and prophesies, he should look for an interpretation in dream books.

According to the dream book, ice cream is a sign of imminent success. But it is worth understanding that interpreting the vision is based on the overall picture. The dreamer will need to remember all the details of the dream in order to know what this vision portends for him.

Interpretation by actions

If in a dream some actions and actions were performed with ice cream, it is worth remembering them in detail. After all, it depends on these moments correct interpretation visions:

  1. Buy. Purchasing a cold dessert has several interpretations:

    If the dreamer is single, then the sweetness foretells him a fatal meeting with the person of his life. He will soon meet his other half. You can be sure that this relationship will end in marriage.
    If the dreamer has a partner, then the dream warns him of a possible separation from his loved one. The dream does not highlight the reasons for the separation; it indicates that the breakup will be unexpected and painful for the person.

  2. Eat. Eating delicious ice cream in a dream before meeting with ex-lover. But you should not prepare for the resumption of relations.

    The dream indicates that it will no longer be possible to return to the past. And if a person does not want to ruin friendly relations with a former partner, he should accept him as a friend and ally.

    The vision foretells that such friendship will become strong. The ex-partner will support the person in difficult situation, will help at the right time. If a girl dreamed that she was eating a delicacy, then the interpretation of the dream depends on her marital status:

    For unmarried young ladies, this promises the birth of passionate intimate relationships.
    For married ladies, the vision foretells that they will commit adultery. This is a sign that the woman’s husband will soon find out about the betrayal.

  3. See like a delicacy melted. This sign promises disappointment.
  4. See how children eat cold sweets. Fun and joy await a person.
  5. Search sweetness. This is a sign symbolizing that a person has not yet decided what he wants to do in life.
  6. See lots of treats. The Guardian of the Dream awaits large number entertainment.
  7. See, how to make sweets. This is a sign that a person will receive moral satisfaction from the work done.
  8. Do it yourself a cold dessert means failure, the cause of which will be selfishness.
  9. Savor a treat for toothache.
  10. treat ice cream to other people. This sign illuminates a person’s desire to share joy and happiness.
  11. The dreamer was treated to a product. This is a sign prophesying a new relationship.
  12. Choose ice cream. The vision symbolizes the choice between two people to build a love relationship.

Interpretation by type and appearance of dessert

The appearance and type of dessert plays an important role in the interpretation of the dream:

If in a dream a person tasted sweetness, then it is worth remembering:

  • Ice cream taste represents cash flows.
  • Vanilla flavor portends overcoming all difficulties.
  • Lemon flavor predicts a long-awaited day off.
  • Strawberry flavor portends a meeting with a loved one.
  • Ice cream with an unusual taste(meat, fish, vegetables) symbolizes a creative solution to the tasks assigned to the dreamer.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Aesop's Dream Book Bathing a treat signifies the emergence of a new relationship. The person will meet his other half. The couple will be bound by trust, mutual understanding and great love.
Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya Melted ice cream symbolizes a rash act that a person will regret in the future.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina If a man sees a dream, then the interpretation depends on the man’s marital status:
For a single man, this promises an abundance of intimate relationships.
For a married man this foreshadows the temptation of marital fidelity.
Women's dream book Drop the ice cream. This is a sign that you should change your attitude towards people.
Modern dream book Treat for well-being.
There is an ice cream - the dreamer’s partner has stopped loving him.
Eating a popsicle means the dreamer will sacrifice time and finances for the well-being of his loved ones.
Esoteric dream book Eat for love.
Purchasing a product symbolizes the fulfillment of desires.
Star dream book Seeing sweets in the freezer or refrigerator is a sign of throat problems.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions according to Miller’s dream book:

  • Eat delicacy. This is a sign that the business started by the dreamer will end successfully.

    If in the vision children ate dessert, then the person will be accompanied by fun throughout his life.

    If he eats ice cream stranger, then all attempts to succeed will end sadly. If ice cream is eaten by a familiar person, then this vision symbolizes that the dreamer wants to return to his former relationship.

    But you shouldn't do this. The feelings of the former partner cannot be returned and the couple will still break up in the future. Therefore, you should not try to do this.

  • Drop to the floor delicacy. If a married person sees a dream, then this is a sign that a lover will soon appear in her life. The dream signifies that a woman will give preference to someone other than her husband. She will escalate and insult her husband. This is a sign of an upcoming divorce.
  • Eating a treat in a cafe or restaurant. The dreamer will soon attend a noisy and fun event.

1. Ice cream- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are eating ice cream is a prediction of a happy completion of the work begun. Seeing children eating ice cream is a sign of prosperity and happiness. If a young woman dreams of knocking over ice cream in the presence of her friend or lover, then she will be neglected because of her evil attitude towards people. Seeing spoiled ice cream in a dream means that some unexpected misfortune will interfere with your pleasures and entertainment. If you dreamed of melted ice cream, then the anticipated pleasures will lose their charm for you in advance.
2. Ice cream- (Miller's Dream Book)
Eating ice cream in a dream portends you success in your undertakings. Seeing children eating ice cream means prosperity and happiness that will accompany you throughout your life. For a young woman to knock over ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend means her infatuation with another and unjustified cruelty towards her lover. Seeing melted ice cream is a sign that unexpected disappointment will overshadow your pleasure.
3. Ice cream- (Esoteric dream book)
Yes - to ardent love, hot feelings. They only offer you - the dream warns against danger emanating from those who love you, betrayal is possible. Do it yourself - you yourself have prepared the ground for frenzied love and recklessness, all that remains is to enjoy their fruits.
4. Ice cream- (Culinary dream book)
Eating your favorite ice cream in a dream portends intimacy with a new lover (mistress), intimacy that will give you a feeling of unprecedented bliss and will eclipse all previous ones with its passion.
5. Ice cream- (Intimate dream book)
If you dream about eating ice cream on a hot day, then you will have a pleasant meeting with someone you haven’t seen for a very long time. You will get great pleasure from this meeting, but do not expect to return the past - nothing will come of it. To dream of someone eating melted ice cream means you are trying to revive something that has long died. It seems to you that all you have to do is wish and everything will immediately become the way you want it. In fact, everything has changed a long time ago, and your happiness is already in another person. Eating hard, frozen ice cream means you love life and strive to get only pleasure from it. It may soon happen that your success will not be so constant. Eating ice cream in a cafe means that in the near future you will have an entertainment event at which you will behave in such a way that no one can accuse you of being too modest. You will remember this evening with regret.

Who would have thought that a dream about an innocent children's delicacy could turn into a passionate love date, success in business, and serious troubles? However, interpreters are adamant: ice cream is an ambiguous symbol! He can predict the most controversial events - from exciting and joyful to disgusting. It's all in the details.

The general meaning of dreams about ice cream in the interpretation of various dream books (Miller, Vanga and others)

Since frozen sweets are first and foremost a pleasure, and only then a sore throat and a sore throat, let’s talk about the pleasant things first.

  1. Dream Interpretation of Bitches: night dream about ice cream predicts success in the planned enterprise.
  2. Dream Interpretation of Felomena: Fortune is on your side. There are joyful changes, pleasures, meetings with loved ones ahead. Something good is bound to happen.
  3. Vanga's dream book: your affairs will end successfully, but only if in the dream you finished the delicacy to the end.

There are ambiguous interpretations...

  1. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita: a new hobby will turn your head and give you many delightful emotions, but it will quickly get boring and you will be carried away in search of the next adventure.
  2. Miller's dream book: whole ice cream means great success, and melted ice cream promises grief or disappointment.
  3. Dream Book of the Wanderer: some event will bring you joy, but will not have the best consequences.

A real delicacy can also please you and give you a sore throat.

There are also downright bad predictions.

  1. Ivanov’s newest dream book: dreams of ice cream foretell a sore throat or coldness in a relationship with a significant other.
  2. Complete dream book New Era: There really is something wrong with the relationship. But it is not a fact that we are talking about a loved one. Maybe you have a misunderstanding with your family or colleagues?
  3. Small Velesov dream book: a delicacy cold as snow symbolizes pain.

For those born from January to April, a dream about ice cream will predict the fading of an outdated relationship. Those who celebrate their birthday between May and August should take care of the cold. But those with birthdays in September, October, November and December are lucky! They are promised no less than real pleasure.

Who dreamed about it: a girl, a woman or a man

Interpretations depending on appearance and taste

Ice cream in a waffle or paper cup, popsicle on a stick, melted, large

The sweetness that melted in your hands in a dream is interpreted in different ways:

  • according to Modern dream book, you are wasting time and energy in fruitless attempts to revive relationships that have long melted away, like an ice cream under the sun;
  • according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, you have the habit of too often postponing business and pleasure “for later” - by the time you decide to act, your delicacy will already have melted;
  • but the Combined Dream Book believes that the planned entertainment will not live up to your expectations.

A very large ice cream carries with it the promise of an equally large success. The larger it is, the better for you. Sweetness frozen to the hardness of ice is a sign of your desire to take everything from life. But remember, in your pursuit of pleasure you walk on thin ice and risk falling head over heels into trouble. A dessert that really smelled cold could be a warning about a very real illness. Rising body temperature often makes us feel cold and have “cold” dreams.

Chocolate, blueberry, strawberry and chocolate, tasty or tasteless

  1. Chocolate ice cream represents love, wealth or betrayal.
  2. Strawberry predicts a pleasant acquaintance with far-reaching consequences.
  3. Fruity predicts a meeting with an overly intrusive suitor who will tire you with his outpourings of love.
  4. Vanilla dreams of facing a difficult dilemma that you have to deal with.
  5. Interpreters associate pistachio with a romantic walk in nature.
  6. White creamy serves as a warning about a gift that you will receive from friends, a loved one or fate itself.
  7. The glaze covering the delicacy indicates some secret, in at the moment hidden from you. Don’t rack your brains in vain, the secret is about to come out.

Did you see a dessert strewn with berries? If it was strawberry, get ready for a spectacular night of love. Raspberry? Pack your bags for a long trip. Black currant? Remember the funny toasts, a feast with friends is ahead. Blueberry predicts good news, and the blackberry reveals a little secret: someone in your circle quietly and devotedly adores you.

Rancid, sour or salty ice cream is a call for caution. The situation is not developing as you planned and risks causing big trouble. And if a person you know gave you a bad delicacy in a dream, analyze your relationship with him. Is there an old, half-forgotten grudge between you? Do you suspect your acquaintance of foul play?

Actions with treats: why do you dream about seeing them in the refrigerator, eating them, choosing them, or buying them in a store?

What can you do with your favorite dessert? Naturally, there is!

  1. If you did this alone, a meeting with an ex or new lover is coming. In the first case, it is better not to stir up faded feelings; this will not lead to good things. In the second, you can try to turn a light affair into something more significant. Who knows, maybe this is your destiny? In addition, eating ice cream, in the understanding of many dream books, promises an unprecedented night of love, which will remain in the memory for a long time.
  2. Modestly picking at dessert with a spoon in the company of a stranger means becoming an object of attention from the opposite sex. Sometimes it will even be too intrusive.
  3. If you enjoyed ice cream in the company of a loved one, life will give you both many pleasant moments and shared impressions.
  4. When one of the spouses dreams of the other feeding him a treat from his hands, this is a sure sign family life full of mutual understanding and love. With just a little effort, you can organize your second honeymoon in no time.
  5. Eating ice cream in a cafe means participating in a great entertainment event. Don't abuse alcohol! You don’t want to become the unwitting hero of a dozen new videos on YouTube, do you?
  6. Those who do not enjoy sweet dreams will have to deal with problems or treat toothaches instead of going on dates and parties.

You didn’t eat the ice cream, but you clearly saw it from the side lying on the table or, for example, in the refrigerator? It sounds like you are trying to “freeze” the problem by moving away from it. In vain. It is better to deal with troubles in the bud.

Did someone else gobble up a delicacy on both cheeks, causing you a feeling of annoyance and envy? Secretly, you have long dreamed of making changes in your life, although you don’t dare to make them yet.

Treating someone with ice cream in a dream is a contradictory action. For example, dream books predict well-being for a person who has fed a child throughout his life. But an attempt to treat a lady to dessert is interpreted for some reason as a sign of approaching old age. If you clearly saw that the person took the gift from your hands and began to eat it with appetite, the intended business will be crowned with success.

Urgent problems are not ice cream; hiding them in the refrigerator is useless

Buying ice cream in a dream means the fulfillment of a cherished desire or a change love partner. But it would be better for you not to cut from the shoulder: dream books claim that new novel will turn out to be short-lived.

Acting as a seller yourself means spending a lot of money, and on unplanned purchases.

To smear yourself with ice cream is to find yourself in an unpleasant situation due to someone’s dishonest attitude towards business.

If in a dream you were standing in front of a shop window, choosing the most attractive briquette or glass, in reality you are also in a situation difficult choice. Approach it with all seriousness, your life depends on it.

You are the architect of your own happiness. True, sometimes too selfish

Anyone who made ice cream with his own hands is ready to dive into the abyss of passion, the ground for which he himself prepared. However, there is also a less pleasant interpretation: if you cannot control your egoism, get ready for failures and serious troubles, which you yourself created.

Other dream options

  1. A large amount of ice cream predicts fun and good luck. If you are in a relationship at this moment, it will begin to develop rapidly and interestingly. Absorbed in work? She will begin to argue in her hands. However, for those who for some reason found the sight of sweets unpleasant, such a dream may portend illness.
  2. If the ice cream was in the refrigerator, it will be difficult for you to achieve what you want, but it is possible.
  3. A priest who feeds the dreamer ice cream is interpreted as a sign of help, which the person will certainly receive. Will it be higher powers or close friends, will become clearer over time.
  4. If all you have left instead of a popsicle is a stick, your self-sacrifice for your friends or relatives will be misinterpreted and will not cause gratitude.

Finally, we note: although some dream books do not skimp on bad predictions, most interpreters are convinced that ice cream is a good dream. And above all in the sphere of tender feelings! So don't be discouraged: remember your sweet dream and wait for it to appear on the horizon scarlet sails. Perhaps your happiness has already left for you.

A cold sweet treat on a hot day, and not only, is loved by children and adults. It refreshes and gives a pleasant feeling. However, excessive consumption may have adverse health effects. If you understand why you dream about ice cream, you can also come across different interpretations.

Dream Interpretation: seeing ice cream in a dream

According to Miller's dream book enjoying ice cream in a dream means achieving success in reality. If you dreamed of children devouring sweets, a period of prosperity will come. Separately, the famous dream interpreter considers a plot in which a girl drops ice cream next to her lover or husband. In this case, in reality she will soon become interested in someone else, and at the same time show cruelty towards her real partner.

Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga interprets a dream in which the sleeper envies someone who is enjoying ice cream as a passionate desire to change his life. There is sweetness for yourself - for good endings for all started projects. However, if clothes were soiled, the dream warns that the long-awaited date will be postponed and an important meeting will be disrupted.

Your loved one will move away, that’s why you dream about ice cream according to the Wanderer's dream book. A pleasant event will lead to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation Kananita interprets ice cream in a dream as a symbol of a short-lived romantic interest.

According to the dream book of a housewife a lot of ice cream in the refrigerator - warning. There is a possibility of getting sick.

Summer dream book also warns that ice cream portends a deterioration in health. It is advisable to take care.

Autumn dream book interprets treats as pleasant emotions and pleasure.

Who dreamed of ice cream in a dream

Dreamed Ice Cream girl single means an acquaintance that will develop into a long-term relationship. A girl in love is awaiting a marriage proposal.

You should pay close attention to your well-being, this is why you dream about ice cream pregnant. If you have the slightest strange sensation, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Ice cream woman married serves as a warning. Forbidden passion on the side, which can turn your head, will not be kept secret for long. The spouse's reaction will be predictably negative.

When you dream about ice cream man married, he also has to fight temptations and resist the call of the flesh. After dreaming about a delicacy, it is advisable for a bachelor to think about whether he has too many intimate partners.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of ice cream

Chocolate ice cream portends a pleasant intimate rendezvous. Meetings will bring especially acute pleasure.

White ice cream means that soon a new hobby will turn your head. Most likely, it will not last long, but it will leave a pleasant aftertaste.

Fruity ice cream in a dream means that in reality you will face rude flattery. For men - the attention of an annoying fan, for women - insincere compliments from a person pursuing selfish goals.

If it was strawberry ice cream, the meaning is much more favorable. There will be a pleasant meeting with your loved one. For family dreamers, the dream promises a great time with their other half. A cold delicacy made from exotic fruits means that you will need to be creative when solving problems.

When you dream about ice cream in Apple pie order or other glaze is a warning symbol. Soon you will unexpectedly learn someone's personal secret, but it will be unclear what to do with this information.

Business people sweet ice cream means complex project is nearing completion and will bring good profits. It is also a sign of reconciliation with a person with whom you quarreled due to a misunderstanding.

Tasteless ice cream is a shame. It will be accidentally inflicted on the sleeping person by his most beloved people.

If you dreamed many ice cream, you will have a pleasant time with a lot of entertainment. There will never be a dull moment.

A period of prosperity is coming, this is what ice cream means in dreams in a waffle cup. The relationship will be stable.

Popsicle and ice cream on a stick give a signal to the sleeper that there is some selfishness in the character. It is advisable to pay attention to the interests of loved ones so that feelings do not cool down.

A whirlpool of passions may soon take over if you dreamed of ice cream in a bucket. However, it is advisable to restrain your emotions.

Not good good sign - melted ice cream. A sudden unpleasant event will greatly upset you.

Actions with ice cream in a dream

When you dream about ice cream, you definitely need to remember what you happened to do with it. If vivid emotions were experienced during sleep, they are also subject to interpretation.

Choose ice cream means that in reality fate will also provide options. You shouldn't rush into making a decision. It will greatly affect the future.

For single people buy ice cream - to meet a very pleasant person. Perhaps this is exactly the same notorious “soul mate” with whom you want to continue through life.

Eat ice cream in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Not to feel the taste - it will appear again in life ex-lover or partner. However, it will not be possible to return your past passion. Eating ice cream with pleasure is a harbinger of nascent passion. However, dreamers who decide to commit adultery should know that it will not be possible to hide an extramarital affair in secret. Sometimes savoring an ice-cold delicacy is interpreted as causing a toothache.

Sell ice cream - warning. In reality, there will be a temptation to spend much more money than the dreamer can afford on all sorts of trifles.

When considering the options for what ice cream means in dreams, there is no need to be afraid of unpleasant predictions. If you adjust your behavior a little, or postpone making important decisions, you will have a chance to avoid difficulties.

Ice cream in a dream is a very interesting symbol. Most often, it promises pleasant events and meetings, but it may hint at a surprise that will sadden you at the most inopportune moment. Dream books offer the most accurate answers.

Why do you dream about ice cream according to Miller’s dream book?

A dream where you enjoy ice cream promises you success in all your endeavors. Seeing babies eating this sweetness in a dream is a sign that good luck will accompany you for a long period.

If a girl dreamed that she dropped her ice cream on the floor, and her friend or lover saw this, it means that in reality she is very cruel to her significant other due to the fact that she is very passionate about another man.

Seeing ice cream that has melted and flowed is a sign that your streak of good fortune will soon change to sudden disappointment.

Ice cream in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

A dream in which you finished your ice cream to the end means that all the things you started in advance will be completed safely. If you see a stranger enjoying ice cream, and at the same time you are overcome with a feeling of envy, it means that in reality you are craving radical changes.

You want to add variety and more pleasant moments to your life. A dream in which you act as an ice cream seller portends big and unplanned expenses for you.

Seeing melted ice cream is an unexpected disappointment. If you eat not tasty, rancid ice cream, then in reality you should be extremely careful, since annoying problems can significantly ruin your life. A dream where you stained your clothes with ice cream is a sign that the meeting for which you have been preparing for so long will not take place.

Why do you dream about ice cream according to Freud's dream book?

A dream in which you savor ice cream promises you a long-awaited meeting with a very pleasant person. In addition to pleasure from this meeting, you can get a lot of positive impressions and useful information. However, you should not count on resurrecting past relationships, since nothing good will come of it.

Eating fairly hard and frozen ice cream means that you happy man who loves his life and is used to receiving only the best from it, but in the near future everything may change in the other direction. You will lose your success.

Seeing a stranger eating melted ice cream is a sign that your actions and actions are aimed at restoring your past. A dream in which you savor ice cream while sitting in public place, for example in a cafe - means that soon you will interesting event, where you show yourself with not very beautiful side, you will be ashamed to remember your antics this evening.

Women's dream book - ice cream

Eating ice cream is a sign of success in all your endeavors. If you dreamed that for some reason you could not hold the ice cream in your hand, it slipped and fell near your lover, it means that real life you need to change your relationship with the people around you.

Modern dream book - what does it mean to dream about ice cream

A dream in which you treated someone to ice cream promises you well-being. Eating an ice cream yourself is a harbinger that your partner’s feelings for you have cooled; eating a popsicle means in reality you can sacrifice your time for the sake of your loved ones.

Ice cream in a waffle glass promises prosperity for the sleeping person. Ice cream in a cardboard package - you will leave past love, giving preference to the new one.

To see someone making ice cream in a dream means in reality you will receive satisfaction from your conscientiously completed work. If you dream that you are making ice cream with your own hands, it is a sign of failure, which will appear due to your selfishness and prudence.

Why do you dream about ice cream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

Eating ice cream - k passionate love and ardent feelings. If you are offered ice cream in a dream, such a dream promises possible betrayal.

Why else can you dream about ice cream?

  • chocolate ice cream is a harbinger of passion;
  • in white glaze - to reveal a long-standing secret;
  • buying ice cream is a sign of a fleeting love interest;
  • a lot of ice cream - to illness;
  • savoring ice cream means toothache.