What is the name of the triangular sea fish. Low-fat fish

If you're thinking about celebrating, say, a birthday, then most likely the last ingredient you'll want to use for the main dish is - white fish. Everyone loves red fish. However, this is easy to explain; we were spoiled by fatty and expensive Norwegian salmon. There is no doubt that imported farm fish, firstly, looks beautiful both in and baked form, and secondly, it is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. And it’s easy to choose, the main thing is not to take the rotten one.

Another thing is white fish. It can taste delicious, or it can be dry and tough, completely uninteresting. This fish costs much less than imported red fish. And yet this does not mean that white is worse. You just need to be able to choose it without confusing it with another, cheaper type of fish, and after purchasing it, you also need to cook it correctly. Which is correct? Some fish will look great fried, while some need to be served with sauce, simmered over low heat.

We have selected the most delicious varieties of white fish that you can eat every day and cook for the holidays.

Fatty and tasty

Fat is the best conductor of taste for our receptors. Our brain generally adores it and considers the fatty product tasty. Of course, up to a certain limit. It’s just that no one will eat raw and fatty lard, but salty... and with garlic... Therefore, the most delicious fish is fatty.


Perhaps the most popular fish in Russia. We mainly use it salted, but fresh herring can also be fried - it will be delicious. The most popular fish right now is the Atlantic herring; it is light-colored, beautiful, and attractive. But the healthiest and tastiest is the Pacific one, undeservedly set aside by buyers in the European part of Russia. The meat of this herring is darker than the Atlantic one.


Very tender and quite fatty fish. Halibut is ideal for baking, frying, and magical in pies. Amazing smoked halibut. It has very few bones and the meat is tender and very white. It is rightfully considered one of the most delicious varieties of fish. In addition, halibut is not bred in captivity, so its meat is also very healthy, it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and contains the essential amino acid tryptophan.


Smoked mackerel, and especially hot smoked mackerel, is simply a divine fish. It is aromatic, fatty, tender. But unsmoked fish, for example, stewed in white sauce or baked in foil, is no less tasty.


A wonderful and tasty fish, however, it is very fatty, so when cooking, half of it is lost in the pan. But this does not detract from the taste of the catfish, which seems simply made for frying. It is also suitable for minced cutlets, but paired with some less tender and fatty fish.

Dietary and gentle

Low-fat varieties of white fish can also be very tasty and healthy. They contain B vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, in general, those elements that we need every day. Moreover, these types of fish are low in calories and are especially recommended for dietary nutrition.


Only 70 Kcal per 100 grams, selenium, vitamin B12, potassium and sodium make haddock an excellent fish for the dietary table. It tastes a little like cod, only it is softer, more tender, and airier. It is especially worth noting that this fish is never caught rubbery and hard, like a sole, but other white varieties have been noticed this more than once.


Excellent fish, but only if it has not been thawed and frozen many times. The more times this happens, the tougher the cod becomes. The same fish that reached the buyer in a working refrigerator will delight you with the softness and tenderness of its meat. Cod can be very tasty in almost any condition: it can be baked, fried, stewed, steamed, made into soup and added to cutlets. By the way, this hot smoked fish is a wonderfully tasty thing!


It is slightly higher in calories than haddock and slightly higher in fat. But nevertheless, flounder is still a dietary fish and at the same time quite tasty. Due to the slightly higher fat content, flounder meat is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. One of the advantages of flounder is the small number of bones.

Expensive and unusual


Freshwater Siberian fish muksun is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy northern species. It is rich in bromine and fluorine. It also contains a lot of copper, which is necessary for the addition of oxygen to hemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. One of the most important qualities of muksun is that it is not susceptible to infection with opisthorchiasis, so you can make stroganina from it and eat fish raw. If you don’t want it raw, you can bake muksun, it also turns out very well. Looks great and salty - an ideal beer snack.


Smoked eel is one of the most delicious delicacies. But eel can also be sold fresh. Then you need to make soup from it. It will be quite fatty, because the fish itself is very fatty, but memorable, because once you try eel, you won’t forget it, and if you liked it, you’ll buy it again and again. In addition to soup and smoking, this fish is stewed, used as a filling for pies, and finally, wrapped in rice to make rolls.

According to Darwin's theory, life on Earth originated in the depths of water and then appeared on land. It is fish that are considered to be the ancestors of all the inhabitants of our planet. Now people have learned to use water resources, studied the features appearance, buildings and lifestyle sea ​​fish. The diversity of inhabitants of the deep waters is amazing: some are difficult to see with the naked eye, and the largest fish - the whale shark - reaches 20 m in length.

Research has made it possible to record more than 32,000 species of marine fish.

general characteristics

It is impossible to name a specific number of species of aquatic vertebrates. Research has made it possible to record more than 32,000 varieties. Every year this list grows larger, adding hundreds of new species of marine fish.

The classification used by modern scientists looks like this:

  • cod;
  • salmon;
  • flounder;
  • perch.

Many of them are edible and have enormous commercial value. A large number of aquatic inhabitants prefer to stay away from the shores, and the further you move into the sea, the more species you can find. In shallow water, as a rule, small fish are found, and fry of larger species also find shelter among the stones.

Sea inhabitants can be divided into cold-loving and heat-loving; each group is attracted by a corresponding type of current. Thus, when caught in cold streams, heat-loving fish most often die.

Variety of sturgeon

Habitat sturgeon fish most often it is salty sea water, but they go to fresh water to spawn. Representatives of this group of fish are very diverse and differ from each other in size. Thus, the weight can vary from 0.5 to 5 kg; the largest sturgeon on the list is the beluga, which can reach 10 meters in length and weigh several tons.

The sturgeon is a fairly large inhabitant of sea waters. Its length reaches 6 meters. The weight of the fish is about 20 kg, but some individuals exceed 800 kg in weight. Life expectancy is 50−60 years. Sturgeons are found in fresh water bodies, but can occasionally be found in salt water.

Sterlet is a species of small aquatic vertebrate. You can recognize it by the following signs:

  • Length - 125 cm.
  • Weight is approximately 3 kg, but there are sterlets whose body weight reaches 12 kg.
  • Dark gray color on the back and sides. The belly is most often whitish.
  • By nature of feeding it is a predator.
  • Able to live up to 30 years.

Beluga is considered the longest-lived sturgeon. She lives to be 100 years old

The habitat is quite wide and includes the following seas: Black, Baltic, Caspian, sometimes the fish swims into rivers (Don, Volga, Ob).

Stellate sturgeon is a commercial fish that lives at the bottom of the sea. As a rule, you can find it at a depth of 100 m. The size of the fish is 120 cm, weight is 25 kg (however, there are individuals under 80 kg and 220 cm). Found in both salt and fresh waters.

Kaluga is a fairly large representative sea ​​creatures, recorded in the Red Book. The body of the fish is about 5 m, and its weight is 1,000 kg. Kaluga lives in the Azov and Okhotsk seas. Life expectancy is 25 years, while the fish constantly changes its habitat.

Beluga is the largest sturgeon. Found in the waters of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. The beluga's body weight is most often 1500 kg, and its length is 4 m.

Cod inhabitants of the seas

The names of marine fish vary, enough large group At the same time, it belongs to cod fish. Cod is the largest of them. Body weight - 95 kg, length - 1.5 m. But sometimes individuals are caught weighing up to 7 kg, and length - up to 50 cm. The fish live for about 17 years, preferring the waters of the seas and oceans.

Burbot is the largest individual from the list of cod fish. It is found only in freshwater sources, in particular in the basins of the White, Black and Caspian Seas. Lives for about 23 years. Body length 120 cm, body weight - 20 kg. Burbot - predatory fish, preferring bodies of water with cool currents. It looks very elegant thanks to its spotted color, while the spots themselves are individual; it is impossible to find a burbot with the same “decorations”.

Haddock is a lover of the deep sea, reaching 70 cm in length and weighing up to 4 kg. Scientists also found a record holder - a haddock 100 cm long and weighing almost 18 kg. Fish are found in the seas at a depth of 200 m, it is believed rare species, so it can be found on the pages of the Red Book.

Navaga lives at the bottom of reservoirs with cool currents. Its body is up to 40 cm, weight -0.5 kg. This species is found in the Pacific seas and in the basins of Siberian rivers.

Representatives of salmon

Among the large marine fish we can confidently include salmon, whose body length reaches 1.5 m and weight up to 40 kg. Under favorable conditions it can live 15 years. Salmon appears in water bodies from fresh water, and after growing up it swims to salty springs, where it lives until the end of its life.

It is found, as a rule, in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, as well as in the White and Baltic seas. Sometimes this fish is called Atlantic or lake salmon. Young individuals use plankton and insect larvae as food; adults, who have moved to the seas, are predators, hunting capelin, smelt and herring.

Trout can be both river and sea trout, in the latter case it lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean in the area North America and is considered a large sea fish. The body is up to 35 cm, and the weight is approximately 3 kg. On average, they live about 13 years. To make it easier to escape from danger, trout prefer a schooling lifestyle and are rarely found alone.

Salmon appears in fresh water reservoirs, and after growing up, swims to salty sources.

Another giant - taimen - lives in the warm waters of Lake Baikal, Yenisei, Amur, and the Sea of ​​Japan basin. The body length is more than 1.2 meters, and the weight is 55 kg. This is the most major representative salmon, catching it is a real success not only because of its size, but also due to its tender meat, almost devoid of bones.

Nelma - big fish families, length adult- up to 140 cm, weight - 12 kg, but individuals up to 40 kg were also caught. Nelma is also called whitefish; it prefers the cold currents of the Arctic Ocean, is a predator and is of great commercial importance.

Pink salmon is 60 cm long and weighs at least 2 kg. The uniqueness of the fish is the presence of a peculiar hump in the males, which gave it its name. In females, no dorsal growth is observed. Found in bodies of water cold water. Warm currents and heat negatively affect it, making it passive and lethargic.

Flounder options

Representatives of flounder prefer a bottom lifestyle, are distinguished by a flattened oval or diamond-shaped body. Dozens of such fish are found in the salty waters of the sea, some prefer the depths, while others are found in shallow waters.

Representatives of flounder prefer a bottom lifestyle and are distinguished by a flattened oval or diamond-shaped body.

Halibut is found in the Japanese, Okhotsk and Barents Seas, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the largest fish of the family in question, 5 m long and weighing more than 300 kg. Another representative is the Kalkan, it reaches 45 cm in length and weighs up to 5 kg. As the fish grows, the eyes and mouth move to one side of the body.

White-bellied flounder reaches a length of 0.5 m, has a pronounced lateral line of the body, and is divided into northern and southern varieties. Far Eastern flounder is of commercial importance; the lion's share of the world catch comes from this species.

The original fish, a representative of the Kalkanidae, is a large diamondfish, so named because of the specific shape of the body. In addition, you can also find the name “sea pheasant”. This flounder has no scales, but its entire body is densely studded with spines. Due to its commercial value, it is grown on fish farms in France, Portugal and Spain.

These are the most important commercial fish most of Of these, they are marine and belong to the ray-finned species. Features - absence of scales on the head, weakly expressed or not represented lateral line, small teeth. There are quite a lot of representatives:

  • Pot-bellied. This is a small sea fish, rarely exceeding 18 cm in length, lives in schools and constantly swims from one place to another. The little one lives up to 8 years.
  • Tulka is found in the Sea of ​​Azov, and also in some rivers. The length of this resident of salt waters reaches 12 cm, and the weight is no more than 20 grams. As a rule, it lives in flocks that constantly move from place to place, especially during the warm period.
  • Herring is also a real tiny fish, extending no more than 17 cm in length, weighing 65 g. Most often it is found in small flocks in the Baltic states. It usually lives in water bodies with low salt levels.
  • European sardine is found in large quantities in the Mediterranean Sea, reaches a length of 20 cm, characterized by an elongated body.
  • Habitat of anchovy - Black and Sea of ​​Azov. Its maximum length is 17 cm, and its weight is up to 10 g.

In addition, herrings include herring, grayback, European sprat, and fint. All of them are of great commercial importance. Plankton is most often used as food.

Herrings are the most important commercial fish, most of them are marine and belong to the ray-finned species.

Salt water perch

Pike perch is a large sea fish, up to half a meter long, found in the Black and Caspian Seas. Sometimes individuals weighing over 20 kg were caught, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Due to its narrow throat, it can only eat small fish, frogs and individual crustaceans.

Some anglers have dubbed the pike perch a stupid fish because of its bulging eyes, but modern research has proven that this is not the case. This predator is found exclusively in clean water bodies saturated with oxygen. During the day it hides in the depths, and in the darkness of the night it swims to shallow water.

Another representative is sea bass, which differs from its river counterpart in its internal structure. Perch is a predator that lives at the bottom of the sea ( maximum depth habitat - up to 3000 m). The body of the fish reaches 50 cm, and its weight is 5 kg. Average life expectancy is 20 years.

Commonly known varieties

Popular fish also belong to the sea, many of which are of great commercial importance. Pike is a large resident of the waters, whose body reaches 100 cm and weighs more than 7 kg.

Sultana is a small colorful fish. The popular name is red mullet. Length - up to 32 cm. It can be found in salty waters, and also lives in the Mediterranean Sea. The red mullet can live more than 10 years.

Catfish is a species of predator up to 3 m in size and weighing up to 70 kg. It is considered the longest-liver of the fish world (from 40 to 60 years), found both in the seas and in lakes. Distinctive feature- lack of scales. Mullet is a fish whose body reaches 70 cm, and its weight often exceeds 7 kg. It lives in the warm waters of the Black and Japanese Seas, and under favorable conditions can live up to 11 years.

Sultana is a small colorful fish. The popular name is red mullet.

Horse mackerel is a small predatory fish that lives in groups. Its body reaches 50 cm, and its maximum weight is 0.5 kg. The habitat of horse mackerel is the Black, North and Mediterranean seas. Mackerel is a species of predatory marine vertebrate that gathers in schools. Body weight is 1.2 kg, and length is 40 cm. Mackerel lives in the waters of the Black Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Lives for about 18 years.

Tuna is found in the Black, Azov and Barents seas. It reaches a length of up to 5 m. The weight of the fish is about 500 kg. You can also find small tuna. The eel resembles a snake in appearance; its body can reach 2 meters in length; you can also find the name “moray eel”.

Many of the above-mentioned species of marine life are used by people and harvested on an industrial scale. Their meat is considered one of the healthy products. It is recommended to feed even animals with sea fish.

White fish is one of the main habitats not only of the sea, but also, in particular, of fresh water bodies in Russia. IN Ancient Rus' White fish meant all particularly valuable species of fish, for example: vendace, white fish or omul. Fishing for white fish was very developed among our ancestors.

Fishing villages and hamlets were located everywhere, the main source of income for which was catching and selling white fish. Currently, white fish is still a popular main fish for preparing various dishes.

This is a tasty and healthy delicacy. In addition, the prices for it are much cheaper than for the “competitor” - red fish. And fishing for it is a very exciting and interesting activity! Read more about the beneficial properties, composition and fishing of white fish in this material.

What types of white fish are there?

Sea white fish has a characteristic light color. Based on their appearance and belonging to any family, the following types of white fish are distinguished:

Flat fish

This variety includes, for example, flounder, halibut, whitefish, and tilapia.

This fish has a two-sided appearance. This fish's bones radiate from its ridge in different directions, like rays. The size of the flat white fish can vary: for example, a large individual can reach a length of up to two meters.

Below we provide information about several representatives of this species.


Scientists identify up to 30 species of this fish. The body of individuals is very flattened, and the upper side, where both eyes are located, is usually brighter in color. on seabed, found, in particular, in the Azov, Cherny, Bering,

the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Mediterranean, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. Spawning of this fish begins in the spring and takes place at a depth of up to 150 meters. The weight of an adult reaches three kilograms.

How to catch more fish?

Over 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific gear type on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Halibut (or sole)

The habitat of this fish is the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In Russian territorial waters, halibut, in particular, lives in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Barents Sea. There are black, common, Asian arrowtooth and American halibut.

This is a predatory fish that feeds on cod, flounder, pollock and a variety of shellfish. Some individuals can live up to 30 years. Halibut is considered a particularly valuable commercial fish.


This freshwater, bottom-dwelling fish lives in water spaces with tropical climate. It is distinguished by indiscriminate eating - it can eat various organisms contained in rivers and lakes.
Tilapia is bred artificially in Asian, African and North American countries. Because of its good taste, it is sometimes called “king perch.” Its meat is rich in protein and quite lean.

round fish

For example, the following fish belong to this species: angler, grouper, striped bass, red snapper, burbot, hake, cod

This fish is round in shape and thick. Her eyes are located on both sides of her head. The rib bones are curved and extend from the spine downwards.


There are several subspecies of this. The largest specimens reach a length of more than 1.7 meters, but most fish of this species are less than a meter.

Cod fishing is usually carried out in the Pacific or Atlantic oceans; it lives exclusively in northern latitudes. This fish is schooling and prolific.

The best prey is considered to be individuals that have reached the age of 3-7 years and weigh no more than 10 kg. At the same time, cod can be a long-liver - some specimens live up to 100 years and grow quite large in size.


A silver-colored freshwater fish that belongs to the salmon family. Nelma is a fairly large fish with a long body: individual nelma reach a length of one and a half meters, and their weight can reach up to 50 kilograms.

It feeds mainly on small fish: smelt or vendace. This fish spawns in early autumn and it is worth noting that nelma is very prolific: it can have up to 400 thousand eggs.


This commercial fish is found in the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. It is one of the top three fish species in terms of catch volume - over half a million tons are caught annually. Average weight This fish weighs 20-3 kilograms, but there are some weighing more than 15 kilograms.

A distinctive feature of this fish is the presence of a dark oval-sized spot on both sides of the head. Interestingly, it is precisely by this sign that haddocks recognize their relatives and gather in flocks. is a low-fat fish recommended by nutritionists. It can be purchased at almost any retail outlet.


This freshwater fish is very similar in appearance to catfish. It lives in water bodies of both Europe and Asia, but prefers cool water - no higher than 25 degrees, choosing bottom water layers for its habitat.

During the summer months, the fish usually hide under snags or in holes. Burbot is not accustomed to light and is active mainly at night, so it is at this time that fishing for it is most relevant. This fish can be caught using lures or lures.

Is a representative of cod fishes, lives in salty sea ​​waters and is caught in shallow water. Usually the length of the hake does not exceed 40-50 cm, but large, one and a half meter individuals are also found.

Europeans gave this fish the palm among others cod fish– the taste of hake is very impressive. The meat of this fish is recommended by nutritionists: it contains many useful microelements, vitamins and very little fat.

Striped bass

It is a valuable commercial fish and has excellent taste. The habitat of striped bass is the Atlantic Ocean, where the fish actively spawn at fairly cool temperatures. In Russia it is often found, for example, in the Sea of ​​Azov.

This predator is the most popular fish among sports fishermen. However, catching a “minke whale” is quite difficult: it constantly moves and behaves extremely unpredictably.


Otherwise, this fish is called the “European anglerfish”. This is a large and sedentary fish, living at a depth of up to 200 meters. The monkfish got its name because of its appearance - a flattened head, which occupies almost two-thirds of its body.

This fish lives in the Atlantic Ocean; in Russia it can be found in the Barents and Black Seas. This sea ​​predator feeds on small fish, and the fishery for it is quite developed: monkfish, despite its unattractive appearance, has excellent taste. In rare cases, attacks of this fish on people have been described.

Fishing for white fish

White sea fish prefers cold water, so it is caught in northern latitudes. In this case, the processing of fish for further marketing usually begins right on board the fishing schooner: the fish is gutted and deep-frozen.

The population of sea white fish is large and, despite active fishing, can be restored quite quickly. Quotas for its catch are practically unlimited.

Taste and beneficial properties of white fish

White sea fish is famous for its excellent taste. It usually has a fresh sea aroma and fairly dense meat. Also, fish of this type is a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

In addition, such fish is dietary because it contains very little fat. Fairly fatty varieties include greenling, herring, halibut, catfish or mackerel. All other fish of this species are quite a dietary product.

How can you cook white fish deliciously?

White fish is very tasty in almost any prepared form. However, there are recommendations for preparing each type. Thus, halibut, dorado or cod are best fried or grilled, as this fish has dense flesh and will not fall apart.

Sea tongue, or

Many new fish have recently appeared on Russian shelves and on restaurant menus. We have compiled a list of those that we encounter most often, collected them into groups depending on their taste characteristics (richness, fat content, etc.) and selected suitable wines. Ichthyologists can argue until they are hoarse about whether a fish belongs to one or another subspecies, justifying their arguments by the size and location of two gray spots that a common person won't even notice. Such precision is not needed in the kitchen, but it is worthwhile not only for chefs, but also for those who simply love to cook, to understand what types of fish there are and how to handle them. Categorizing fish, even for more general culinary purposes, is not an easy task. Mark Bittman, New York Times columnist and author of " Complete Guide on buying and preparing fish”, identifies 11 categories. In Russia there are not so many fish available - and we ended up with a classification of five groups.

1. Varieties with tender, lean white meat with a mild taste

Wine category: exquisite light white Marine: white Burgundy from appellations known for light character or white Beaujolais // J-P Brun Beaujolais Blanc Barramundi: Australian white, but without oak // Tim Adams Semillon Black cod "Nobu style": Good white burgundy // Ch. Smith-Haut-Lafitte

Sole (flounder botus, Dover halibut, salt)

In Latin: solea solea Size: up to 70 cm, up to 3 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic and North Sea We often sell pangassius under the guise of sole, which has nothing in common with the “tongue” and does not even look like it (because it catfish, not flounder). The meat of true Solea is whiter and more tender than that of other flounder. It is prepared in different ways (from boiling to deep-frying), but more gentle methods allow you to better appreciate the mild taste.

Barramundi (white snapper, giant snapper, lates)

In Latin: lates calcarifer Size: up to 2 m, up to 60 kg Area: Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean Australians consider it one of the symbols of their country, but in general it is found in many places. It is a large fish, but restaurateurs prefer it in portion sizes (up to 1 kg), and farmers do not grow it larger. Due to its tough scales, which are difficult to peel off, barramundi is most often baked whole and peeled before serving.

Black cod (sablefish, anoplopoma)

In Latin: anoplopoma fimbria Size: up to 120 cm, up to 15 kg Range: eastern coast of Canada and the USA, Far East Black cod is not cod at all, but an anoplopoma, which became “cod” thanks to external resemblance. It is black only on the outside, but inside it has tender white meat, which the whole world prepares according to Nobu’s recipe (he was the first to come up with the idea of ​​marinating it in miso).

Wild concepts

Modern gourmets are increasingly asking waiters whether they are being offered wild fish or farmed fish, and when they hear about “spoofed” fish, they wrinkle their noses and cancel the order. However, disdain for all farmed fish is a sign of unnecessary snobbery. Farmed salmon is indeed inferior to wild Scottish salmon, and tuna, although not inferior, is annoying due to the irrationality of the process itself - for every kilogram of captive-bred tuna, 20 (!) kg of food is consumed, which itself is a completely edible fish such as sardines or anchovies. But at the same time a farmer's sea ​​wolf(sea bass) looks quite convincing in any dish, and cod and even sturgeon bred in captivity can be distinguished by their taste from wild ones only by a specialist.


In Latin: melanogrammus aeglefinus Size: up to 110 cm, up to 16 kg Range: North Atlantic, Barents Sea In England, legends are made about haddock, and they are also boiled, fried, smoked, baked in pies and, it seems, served only for dessert. According to many, the best fish and chips are those with haddock. In Russia from cod haddock and pollock always came in “second rank”. But haddock is actually in no way inferior to cod itself.


In Latin: pagrus pagrus Size: up to 90 cm, up to 7 kg Range: Atlantic, Mediterranean and Red Seas One of the species sea ​​crucian carp, most of which are tasty only with very proper preparation. In addition to the pagra, crucian carp include the big-eyed bops (the same minke whale), dentex, and also the red tai, which in Japan is called the king of fish, and the fish god Ebi-su is always depicted with a red tai.

Rock perch

In Latin: serranus cabrilla Size: up to 40 cm, up to 2 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic and Red Sea As such, rock perch is of little interest to cooks - usually the fish is small and bony. But along the entire Mediterranean coast it is he who is an almost indispensable participant in strong, aromatic broths for all famous fish soups, from bouillabaisse to burrida and cacchuco. This category also includes: cod, congrio, lake and river whitefish, spotted sea bass, tilefish, yellowtail snapper, etc.

Extremely cooked

Sometimes a cooking method or a complex set of spices obscures the taste of the fish so much that the wine must be selected not for the fish, but for the recipe. Fish and chips are usually made from haddock or cod, but sometimes from other varieties, from monkfish to mullet. In addition to beer, deep-fried fish and fries are combined with well-chilled fino sherry or dry marsala. Orvieto would also work well. Pellegrino Marsala Fish soups of the “Mediterranean” type (buaybess, cacchuco, burrida, etc.) with different types of fish and a lot of herbs and garlic. They look most advantageous in the company of sauvignon blancs and Provençal rosés with good acidity. Bunan Bandol Moulin des Costes Rose Dense types of fish such as monkfish, meru, mullet, etc. are wrapped in bacon and baked in this form. No white can stand the combination of meat and fish, so you need to look towards very light reds, for example, well-chilled dolcetto or beaujolais. Joseph Drouhin Beaujolais Fleury Smoked fish (except salmon). Slightly smoky taste smoked fish must be supported with a wine with similar characteristics - Pouilly Fume. Cailbourdin Pouilly-Fume Smoked Salmon. Strong champagne or light fortified wine will highlight the characteristic flavor notes and cope with the fat content of the fish. De Sousa Brut Fish curry. Like any Indian dish, curry is replete with spices, the spiciness of which can be dampened by gewürztraminer with residual sugar. Bott-Geyl Gewurztraminer Jules Geyl

2. Varieties with tender white meat and medium strength flavor. Not very fatty

Wine category: non-aromatic white varieties, without oak Dorada: Not too aromatic white, such as Muscadet or Gavi di Gavi // Pio Cesare Gavi Sea bream: Light riesling, maybe with a little sugar // Domaine Bott-Geyl Riesling Mandelberg Solnechnik: Something light, like Sardinian vermentino // Santadi Villa Solai Turbot: Vintage champagne // Laurent Perrier 1999 Sudak: Very dry, oakless chardonnay // J.-M. Brocard Chablis GC Bougros Sterlet: Burgundy of a good appellation, but not a grand and premier cru // Olivier Leflaive Chassagne-Montrachet

Fresh VS salty

Sea water is denser due to salt, it is easier to swim in it, and therefore sea fish have thicker, few bones. A river fish with such a powerful skeleton would drown, so we have to pay for the taste of carp and pike perch with small, unpleasant bones.

Dorada (golden-headed bream, orata)

In Latin: sparus auratus Size: up to 70 cm, up to 10 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic, bred in many countries The ancient Romans knew how to grow sea bream in special cages. Since then, it has been valued for its tender pinkish, almost lean meat with few bones. Dorada available all year round, but it is believed that it tastes best from July to October. It is usually baked in salt or paper.

Sea crucian carp

In Latin: diplodus sargus sargus Size: up to 40 cm, up to 1.8 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic, Red Sea White gar and two-lined gar have slightly darker meat with a slightly more noticeable taste than other species of sea crucian carp, for which and are valued higher. Salpa, oblada and other types (they are all similar) are used for soups or canned food.

Solnechnik (John Dory, Saint-Pierre)

In Latin: zeus faber Size: up to 90 cm, up to 8 kg Range: almost everywhere A fish very respected by chefs - with an expressive but delicate taste and almost no bones, it goes well with a variety of sauces and side dishes. But it is worth keeping in mind that the sunfish greatly loses in quality when caught during spawning. It is best to eat it from September to February.

Turbot (flounder turbot, large diamond)

In Latin: psetta maxima Size: up to 1 m, up to 25 kg Range: Northeast Atlantic Tender fish with light, rather fatty meat. In his Almanac of Gourmets (1812), Grimaud de la Renière wrote: “Turbo, called sea pheasant due to its beauty, would cease to be the pride of our cuisine if it were cut into pieces before serving.” Almost round fish in France used to be cooked whole in a huge turbotiere pan, but now they are more often boiled in pieces or baked in foil or salt.


In Latin: sander lucioperca Size: up to 1 m, up to 20 kg Range: rivers and lakes throughout Europe, bred in many countries Pike perch, like a normal predator, leads a very active lifestyle, so it does not gain fat. There are far fewer bones in it than in many river fish. It is very popular in Russia, Germany and France, and here it is minced into quenelles, terrines and other dishes of the same kind, but it is also good in soups and aspic, fish stews and even grilled. But it is better not to mess with individuals larger than 2 kg - with age, pike perch begins to smell like mud.


In Latin: coregonus Size: up to 73 cm, up to 10 kg Range: cold fresh water bodies of Europe and Asia Whitefish belong to the salmon family. They are river, lake and anadromous (rivers/sea). Their meat is quite fatty, light, and tasty. They are especially loved in Finland, almost more than salmon.


In Latin: acipenser ruthenus Size: up to 1.25 m, up to 16 kg Range: basins of the Black and Caspian seas, White and Kara seas, Ob and Yenisei Sterlet is prohibited from catching in rivers, but it is bred well, so there is a shortage in Russia not visible. Sterlet is boiled, fried and baked. There is no need to cook fish soup from one sterlet (it gives a weak fat), it is better in a “triple” soup. Sterlet does not tolerate freezing well. This category also includes: ruff flounder, American halibut, catfish, hake, flounder, sea trout, Pacific flounder, catfish, etc.

Fish is a trendy food

Since 1973, global fish consumption has doubled, largely due to developing countries who are in a hurry to catch up with their richer neighbors in all respects. Fish is highly valued by modern chefs for many reasons (“lightness” of the product, a wide variety of flavors and almost perfect compatibility with any side dishes), and as soon as gourmet restaurants begin to appear in a country (be it India or Egypt), fish consumption begins to increase: Wealthy people are trying to increase the percentage of fish in their menu. Unfortunately, globalization has led to the fact that in many countries imported fish seems more prestigious than local ones, and in the Maldives five-star hotels serve Norwegian salmon. But the next step after the development of salmon is certainly the study and promotion of their own fish, and many countries have already reached this stage.

3. Varieties with light lean meat and medium flavor

Wine category: medium-bodied whites, possible with oak Lavrak: White Bordeaux, preferably graves // Clos Floridene Meru: “Fatty” New World Chardonnay // Ridge Monte Bello Chardonnay Chilean seabass: Not too strong, but expressive and aromatic wine, like pinot grigio / / Pradio Priara Pinot Grigio Rainbow Trout: Dry Riesling, German, Austrian or Alsatian // Trimbach Cuvee F. Emile

Bay bass (seabass, seabass, branzino, spigola)

In Latin: dicentrarchus labrax Size: up to 1 m, up to 12 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic Bay bay is a tasty fish, and they have known about it in Europe for a long time, so suddenly it turned out that it was caught almost completely. Today, what we have is almost always farmed bay, which is not bad, but a little fattier than wild bay. Namely, bay laurel has always been valued for its lean meat with a characteristic, albeit delicate taste.

Meru (merou, grouper, black)

In Latin: epinephelus marginatus Size: up to 1.5 m, up to 60 kg Range: Atlantic, Indian Ocean Meru – dangerous predator, and it also appears on the store banknote - the largest in Brazil. The meru is much larger than its relative, the rockfish. It has lean meat and few bones. It is usually fried, baked, and used in soups and stews.

Chilean seabass (Patagonian toothfish, mero)

In Latin: dissostichus eleginoides Size: up to 2.15 m, up to 100 kg Range: Southwestern Pacific Ocean, Southwestern Atlantic Chilean sea bass has come into fashion recently and so dramatically that its catch is now strictly regulated. It has white, fairly fatty meat, which has such a good texture that it is impossible to “overcook” it.

Rainbow trout

In Latin: oncorhynchus mykiss Size: up to 1.2 m, up to 25 kg Range: found everywhere This is a freshwater form of American steelhead. They taste similar, but life in lakes and rivers explains the lower fat content and smaller size of trout. Unlike salmon, farmed trout are not so different from wild ones. This is an almost universal fish that can be baked, fried, boiled, stewed and served with a variety of sauces. This category also includes: pollock, brook trout(char), mahi-mahi (coryphaena), red-tailed snapper, smelt, capelin, brown trout, etc.

4. Varieties with darker, not very fatty meat and medium flavor

Wine category: medium-strength white wines and light rosés with good acidity Sea ruff: Chardonnay, combined, for example, with pinot bianco // Frescobaldi Pomino Bianco Mullet: New Zealand or Australian sauvignon blanc // Te Mata Cape Cres Monkfish: Rhône white wines without Viognier // Chateau de la Gardine Ch.-du-Pape Blanc Mullet: fresh rosés // Villa Sparina Montej Rose Eel: Acid enough to balance out the oiliness of the fish. Sancerre // Brochard Sancerre Sturgeon: Verdicchio // Umani Ronchi Casal di Serra Carp: Rich sparkling, both in white (blanc de noirs) and pink versions // Gosset Grand Rose Salmon: Steak – oak-aged Chardonnay, carpaccio – Sancerre, smoked - fino sherry or sparkling rose // F. Parent Songe d"une nuit d"ete

Sea ruff (scorpionfish, raskass)

In Latin: scorpaena porcus Size: up to 37 cm, up to 1.87 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic In terms of ugliness, only the monkfish can compete with it, and in terms of the inconvenience of preparation, the ruffe is perhaps the leader (poisonous needles must be cut off before cleaning, and if you prick yourself, your finger won’t bend for a couple of days). But it is still adored in the Mediterranean, especially in soups and stews (for bouillabaisse and cacciucco, its white meat is a must).


In Latin: mugilidae Size: 1.2 m, up to 7 kg Range: everywhere The illustration shows a thick-lipped gray mullet, but in general all mullets (and there are about 100 species) are quite similar. They live almost everywhere, even in fresh water bodies. All mullets have tasty and tender meat, which is best grilled or baked in foil. And the Mediterranean mullet is also a bottarga.

Monkfish (angelfish, large European anglerfish)

In Latin: lophius piscatorius Size: up to 2 m, up to 57 kg Range: Eastern Atlantic, shores of western Africa The fish is terrible-looking and terribly impractical: from a carcass under 20 kg, only a few kg of tail fillet is obtained (the rest is not eaten). But it's wonderful. Many people believe that the devil's tail tastes closest to lobster. They make kebabs from it (the meat, which is atypically “hard” for fish, does not fall apart on skewers).

Red mullet (red mullet, goat fish)

In Latin: mullus barbatus barbatus Size: up to 30 cm Range: Eastern Atlantic With the help of the “beard” for which it got its name, this red fish searches for food. Red mullet meat is so tasty that Ancient Rome it was allegedly sold on a weight-for-weight basis for silver. Today's French and Spanish, as well as Israeli and Moroccan, mullet can be fried, stewed, and boiled in soups; there are few fish that so stimulate the cook's imagination.


In Latin: anguilla anguilla Size: up to 1.3 m, up to 6.5 kg Range: everywhere Due to its resemblance to a snake, the eel is surrounded various legends. It has slightly sweetish, rather fatty dense meat, and is loved all over the world. In Japan it is rated as one of the best ingredients for sushi and sashimi; in Europe it is stewed, baked, boiled in soups, cooked in jelly and smoked.


In Latin: acipenser gueldenstaedtii Size: up to 2.35 m, up to 115 kg Range: basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas Ten-pound sturgeons have remained a thing of history. Nowadays they are usually caught at sizes up to 10 kg. But small sturgeon is no less tasty and more tender. Siberian, Amur, and German sturgeon differ little in taste. Boiled, baked, poached in broth or white wine, in kebabs or on the grill – sturgeon is good in any form.


In Latin: salmonidae Size: up to 1.5 m, up to 46 kg Habitat: temperate and arctic zones Atlantic Atlantic salmon, which we call salmon, is the most delicious. Coho or silver (shown) has denser meat that is pinkish-orange in color. Pink salmon is completely lean and is considered the most delicious, but it is not easy to buy. Steaks, salads, carpaccio, sashimi, tartars, ceviche - there are a thousand ways to eat salmon.

Carp and carp

In Latin: cyprinus carpio carpio Size: up to 1.2 m, up to 40 kg Range: bred everywhere Carp and carp are the same fish, only carp is wild, and carp was domesticated many centuries ago. Carp was domesticated in China. Like mullet, it is a herbivorous fish, so it is easy and cheap to breed. Mirror carp has almost bare skin with large scales. It is designed this way for ease of cleaning. Carp has brownish, noticeably fatty fibrous meat, which looks great both baked and in the form of classic gefilte fish. In English, silver carp and grass carp are sometimes confused with carp. This category also includes: yellowtail, golden perch, buffalo, burbot, chum salmon, halibut, king salmon (Chinook), vendace, pike, river perch, pink salmon, pollock, saber fish, silver salmon (coho), striped sea salmon wolf, etc.

5. Varieties with dark, firm meat and medium-strength flavor. Often very fatty

Wine category: simple light reds or unusual whites Mackerel/bluefish: Bardolino, Valpolicella // Domini Veneti Valpolicella Cl. Tuna: It all depends on the cooking method. Pair the steak with a light pinot noir. For ceviche – dry Alsatian nutmeg. For carpaccio – non-vintage pink champagne. Swordfish: Tartare, steak - a convincing but not heavy white. Baked with bacon – red. //Zenato Lugana

Mackerel (mackerel): In Latin: scomber scombrus Size: up to 60 cm, up to 3.4 kg

Habitat: almost everywhere The fat content of mackerel in spring is about 3%, and in autumn – up to 30%. That’s why the spring one is used for canning, and the autumn one is grilled and smoked. Due to its high fat content, mackerel does not tolerate freezing well. To fight off the smell of that same fish oil, mackerel is marinated with spices. The Japanese make katsuo-boshi from it - a dried concentrate, without which neither miso nor dashi is unthinkable.


In Latin: pomatomus saltatrix Size: up to 1.3 m, up to 14 kg Range: almost everywhere The predatory bluefish clings to its prey so much that it has received the nickname of the bulldog of the sea. The meat can be white or grayish; the main thing is to remove the red strip of meat running through the center during cutting (it will give the whole fish an unpleasant smell of fish oil). It is best to bake or grill bluefish and do it as quickly as possible - the fat oxidizes at lightning speed and spoils the taste.

Bluefin tuna (common)

In Latin: thunnus thynnus Size: up to 4.5 m, up to 684 kg Range: Atlantic Ocean A huge fish with red lean meat, which sometimes even tastes like young beef (with a fishy smell). Tuna is a relative of mackerel, they even have a long, spindle-shaped body. Tuna meat differs depending on the part of the body: the back is more muscular and dark, the belly is softer and fattier, and it is also more expensive. Tuna is fried in steaks, baked, put in salads and actively used raw.


In Latin: xiphias gladius Size: up to 4.55 m, up to 650 kg Range: tropical zones of all oceans Huge fish with dark grainy meat and rich flavor. Scientists have recorded individuals weighing over half a ton, but usually swordfish weigh 50-70 kg. She's a little fattier than tuna, but its meat is just as dense and elastic. Swordfish season is usually in the summer, but it tolerates freezing well and can be purchased all year round. Just like tuna, swordfish is grilled and cut into steaks, stewed, baked and served raw. This category also includes: black sea wolf, shark, sockeye salmon, king spotted mackerel (mackerel).