How does the baptism ceremony for an adult take place? What is needed for the Baptism of an adult? Features of women's baptism

Baptism of an adult. Features and rules.

Many articles have been written about infant baptism, rules and traditions. But no one considers baptism in adulthood, when a person takes a responsible step deliberately, not following fashion, but according to his own convictions.

According to the Decree of the Patriarch, adults who are planning to receive the sacrament of baptism must undergo an interview at least 3 times, as well as God-parents. At these interviews, the priest talks about faith. What is Orthodoxy? What is its significance in human life? Who is God? This is done so that people have an idea of ​​Orthodoxy, the faith they are going to accept. According to the church, now 90% of those baptized have no idea what faith they accept.

Godparents are not needed for the baptism of an adult. The priest explains all the features during the interview, and you can ask him any questions you may have.

There are several options for baptism and it all depends on the specific church. Sprinkling baptism, partial immersion baptism (head only), and total immersion baptism. Not all churches have baptisteries - rooms where adults are baptized with full immersion. But where there is such a thing, it’s worth thinking about what you need with you.

Don’t forget to take your passport and arrive 15 minutes in advance for your appointment. This is necessary so that you can be issued a baptismal certificate. Women do not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. No necklines or short skirts. The skirt should be below the knee, preferably covered shoulders. The procedure is quite long, it is better to do without heels and stock up on waterproof slippers. They will come in handy when leaving the font. Take a towel with you (a very necessary thing). You need to purchase a special shirt for diving into the font. They can be sold directly in the temple. Try to find out about this in advance.

Women should take into account that when wet, the fabric may be see-through, so wear a swimsuit and take a change of underwear with you. Please note that your ankles must be uncovered for almost the entire ceremony. The cross can be purchased directly at the temple. If you purchased it in a store, it’s okay, the priest will bless it right there. It is better to choose a cross made of silver, since gold is considered a “sinful” metal, but no one will forbid you to wear gold. In the church, before the ceremony begins, you need to buy a candle or candles if someone is accompanying you.

With the blessing of the priest, you can take photos and videos.

Getting baptized is a very important step, so you need to think about why you are doing it. If just following tradition or fashion, do you need it? If you are not going to go to church, if you are not going to live according to Christian laws, baptism is unlikely to be any good for you. Looking for a business hotel? Visit the website

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The baptism of a child is a crucial period in the life of both the baby and his parents. If in church ceremony While the baby is only required to be present, baptism for an adult is a significant event in life. Not everyone was baptized as children, but it is never too late to become a full member of the Church.

How baptism works - preparation for the child

For children you will need:

  • Christening shirt. You can replace it with a white dress. The girl will need a cap;
  • Kryzhma. This is a white towel or a clean piece of light-colored fabric;
  • Cross. Buy from a temple or store. Father will bless the shop cross;
  • Church candles. They will be needed for the sacrament.

Choose a godfather and godmother for the baby. It is desirable that these people be believers or at least have an understanding of the sacrament.

How baptism works - preparation for an adult

For adults you will need:

  • Women. Prepare a long modest dress, it is recommended to choose white clothes. Don’t forget about the headscarf; women are not allowed to enter the temple without a headscarf or perform baptism during menstruation. Please note that the fabric of the clothing will become wet in the water and may be see-through. To avoid feeling awkward, wear a swimsuit instead of underwear.
  • For men. Prepare a white shirt and classic dark trousers.

Discuss all the nuances about clothing with the priest. A baptismal shirt for an adult may also be required. Also, men and women should prepare open slippers and a cross, take a towel with you. Before the ceremony begins, purchase church candles for people accompanying you and for donation.

How children are baptized

It takes from forty minutes to 1.5 hours to carry out the sacrament, it all depends on the number of children. The ceremony is carried out either in the temple or in a separate room with a font. The godparents approach the font with a naked baby wrapped in kryzhma. Further process:

  • Godparents stand with godson and with candles in right hand near the font. The girl is usually held in the arms of the godfather, and the boy is held by the godmother;
  • The priest walks around the font with a censer and prayers;
  • The godparents repeat all the words that the priest tells them. They read the “Creed”, renounce evil forces three times and promise to adhere to all the commandments of the Lord;
  • The priest sanctifies the water and lowers the baby into the font three times with prayers. In some cases, the priest sprinkles water on the baby’s head;
  • The priest puts a cross on the baptized person, and the godparents put on a shirt. As a sign of submission to the Lord, the priest will cut a lock of the baby’s hair with a cross. The baby is given a church name;
  • With the child in their arms, the godparents walk around the font three times. The girl is then brought to the icon of the Mother of God near the altar, and the boy is carried into the altar by the priest.

After baptism, the priest conducts the ritual of anointing the baby. Then communion is celebrated. Parents receive a Baptismal Certificate, which will be recorded in a special church book.

How does adult baptism work?

The first stage is a conversation with the priest. Consciously approach the sacrament and understand that your life must change in better side. You must tell the priest what brought you to church and why you want to become baptized. Learn the prayers “Our Father,” “Creed,” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” You will have to fast for at least a month before the sacrament and not participate in fun parties. Make peace with everyone with whom you were in a quarrel.

Adult baptism process:

  • Father chooses church name. You'll get heavenly patron- The saint whose name you will be named;
  • The priest conducts a prayer service. He blows on your face three times, blesses you three times and reads prayers;
  • A believer renounces service evil spirits. Answer all the words of the priest and read the “Creed”;
  • The sacrament begins. The priest sanctifies the water in the font and oil and anoints the believer, and then the person immerses himself in the font three times. If there are godparents, they stand next to the lit candles. But adults can be baptized without them. They put a cross on you, and you and the priest walk around the font three times.

Baptism is a cleansing for an adult of old sins and the beginning of a new life. The life of the baptized person, regardless of his age, is now forever connected with God.

Baptism of an adult: 7 stages of the preparatory period + 7 components of the ceremony itself + 5 rules that must be followed + 5 attributes that you will need.

It's never too late to find God.

If for some reason you were not baptized in infancy, you can even find out in adulthood how the baptism of an adult takes place and agree on a ceremony in the church you like.

In principle, adults and children are baptized using a similar ritual, but there are still a number of fundamental differences, which you need to know about.

What does the baptism of an adult give?

It would seem, well, what difference does it make to the priests who to baptize - an adult or a child - is there only one ritual?

The sacrament of baptism is truly the same for everyone, but there are age nuances.

The rite of baptism as one of the seven sacraments

The word “baptism” itself has Greek roots and is literally understood as “immersion in water.” Actually, this is the essence of the ritual.

Of course, the water should not be ordinary, the font for immersion is special, and only the priest conducts the ceremony.

Baptism is one of the 7 Christian sacraments, recognized by all denominations, although with some reservations and nuances.

It is after the ritual of the cross that a person finds Christ, becomes a full-fledged church parishioner, who can attend divine services, participate in church holidays, confess, take communion, etc.

The essence of the ritual is immersion in water with the head three times. It was precisely this method that Alexy II called upon the clergy in his time, which led to the appearance in a number of churches of special fonts that could accommodate not only a child, but also an adult.

Although to this day baptism is not always performed through complete immersion in water, especially when it comes to an adult. In small churches there may not be a font large enough to fit anyone other than a baby, so water is simply poured over the head and chest.

At the same time, the clergyman says special words:

And also reads a series of prayers.

It is believed that a baptized person renounces the forces of darkness, is cleansed of all sins and gets a chance for a new churched life.

In fact, a person undergoes a ritual of symbolic death of his former self in order to be resurrected with Christ. By the way, Jesus Christ himself was baptized by John in the Jordan River. So how can you not follow his example?

And baptized people also have one more holiday, since the day on which the ceremony was performed is considered Angel Day.

What is the difference between adult baptism and infant baptism?

We are accustomed to the fact that mostly children are baptized, while parents themselves decide when their baby should undergo a special ceremony - up to a year or later.

And, as practice shows, young children tolerate baptism more easily than older ones.

It is not uncommon to meet an adult who desires to be baptized because as a child his parents deprived him of the chance to find Christ.

In the 90s, such rituals were generally carried out, because in Soviet time parents who decided to baptize a child succumbed to persecution. There were those who secretly agreed on the baptism of the baby, wanting to save his soul, but there were many parents who did not want to risk their own careers.

The children grew up and made a conscious decision to undergo the rite of baptism, which is fully approved by the church.

The baptism of an adult has a number of differences:

  1. The meaning of the decision - the children do not understand where they were brought and what they are doing with them, but the adult is obliged to understand this.
  2. The responsibility you take on. Toddlers can commit some bad deeds due to their stupidity, but a baptized adult is obliged to reconsider his views on life and stop sinning.
  3. Lack of godparents. The baby needs godparents to teach him to live according to the commandments of God and to bear responsibility for him until he reaches adulthood. But an adult must be responsible for his own actions, both good and bad.

The ritual itself is not too different, except that preparation period in adults it is more complex and longer than in children.

Baptism of an adult: preparation for the ceremony and the ceremony itself

You should be well prepared for the ritual itself, and for this you need to find out in advance what an adult needs to be baptized.

It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the essence of baptism in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Preparing for an adult's baptism

Often both the parishioners themselves and the priests ignore the preparatory period. It happens that an adult comes to church and asks: “What do I need for baptism?”, and they simply list him what he needs to buy, name the amount and assign a specific time.

Everything is so simple that a person does not even have time to realize the essence of what is happening.

It happens that a priest approaches the issue as responsibly as possible, but a man or woman who wants to find Christ does not want to complicate their life and simply demand to baptize them without any preparation.

Of course, no one will refuse you, but it is better to follow all the recommendations of the clergyman and go through full preparation to the sacrament.

The preparatory period for the baptism of an adult consists of several stages:

  • Understanding the essence of Christianity and its branch – Orthodoxy.
  • Bible Study.
  • Attending divine services - it is advisable for an adult to attend at least 3 services before baptism.
  • Memorizing basic prayers such as Our Father, Hail Mary, and Creed.
  • A conversation with the priest about the ceremony itself, and it may take several conversations to get answers to all your questions.
  • Abstinence in food, entertainment and intimate relationships, at least a few days before the ceremony.
  • Preparing your body: of course, you must be clean before the sacrament, and not smell bad.

Important! Women trying to look the best way, must understand that they will be plunged headlong. This means you don’t need to wear makeup or create complicated hairstyles. All this will flow, and you will look simply comical. Also, do not buy a baptismal shirt that is too thin so as not to show off your “naked” body.

In addition, you need to stock up on ritual objects, without which the sacrament of baptism itself will not take place.

1. Pectoral crossThis is perhaps the main thing that should be. The cross can be made of any material - wood, tin, silver, gold. It is not necessary to buy it in the church itself, since the priest can do this during the ceremony itself.
2. Christening robeHere you need to listen to what they tell you in the church. Sometimes baptism is carried out in swimsuits (swimming trunks, if we are talking about men), sometimes in light wide shirts, sometimes completely naked. Women also need a headscarf.
3. TowelAn ordinary white towel will do, but you can buy a special one - with embroidered or woven crosses along the edges.
4. Dry holiday clothes
After the bath, you will need to dry yourself and change into clean, dry clothes. Since this is a holiday, she should also be beautiful.
5. OtherNow listen to what they tell you in the temple. Usually you also need to take slippers, a camera to capture the ceremony, several candles, etc.

But an adult does not need godparents. Sometimes priests make concessions and allow one or even two pairs of godparents to be taken, although there is no point in this.

Important! Remember that the church is not funded by the state, but lives on donations from parishioners. Of course, a fixed fee for a Christian sacrament is not very good, but not giving anything at all for the temple is wrong.

As you can see, preparing for the baptism of an adult takes quite a lot of time, so take this into account when choosing the date of the ceremony.

Baptism ceremony for an adult

There are different variations of baptism that an adult undergoes. It all depends on the church in which the sacrament takes place.

But most often the baptism ceremony for an adult consists of 7 mandatory stages:

  • Announcement. After special prayers, the priest must blow three times into the face of the candidate for church membership, which symbolizes his renewal life path . According to Old Testament
  • , this is exactly what the Lord did when he revived his creation - Adam. At this same stage, prayers are read that protect against evil spirits, and the adult standing in front of the priest is blessed. Questions. Now the “revived” and “blessed” one needs to turn to the west (after all, it is there, according to everyone Christian teachings
  • , live the forces of darkness) and answer the priest’s questions, which boil down to loyalty to Christ and renunciation of Satan. Prayer "Creed".
  • Candles and oil.
  • The basic preparations are completed, but in front of the baptismal font, lit church candles are distributed to all those present (sometimes only the godparents) so that they can hold them, illuminating the path for the person who has decided to be baptized. The priest, dressed in light robes, anoints the forehead, limbs, back of the head and other parts of the body with oil, blessing both the thoughts and deeds of the Servant of God.
  • Font. After reading a few more prayers, the adult is immersed three times with his head in the prepared font. In some cases, it is only sprinkled with holy water.
  • Cross. Of course, after the font, a baptized person needs to dry off and put on a dry shirt. Only after this can the clergyman put a cross on his neck.

A haircut. The final episode is the cutting of several hairs from the forehead, back of the head and near the ears (in the form of a cross). Don’t be afraid to ruin your hair - usually priests act very delicately and traces of their intervention are almost invisible.

That's all - all that remains is to accept congratulations from your loved ones in honor of your union with Jesus Christ.

Here is a video that will help you see with your own eyes how this sacrament of baptism is performed and, perhaps, will inspire you to repeat the experience of the adult heroes:

How does baptism of an adult occur?

Rules for adult baptism

Despite the fact that baptism is a holiday, there is no need to turn it into public festivities or gather a crowd of people who will make noise during the ceremony.

Yes, you can invite those closest to you to share the joy with you, you can even celebrate this event afterward, but do not turn it into an obscene drinking session, indulging in gluttony and debauchery.

  1. There are several rules that an adult should follow when baptized:
  2. True faith. If you do not take the ritual of the cross seriously, if you do not believe in God, if baptism is a fashion statement for you, then do not expect grace to descend on you. On the contrary, it will only get worse, because to the already existing sins you will add one more - lies and hypocrisy in the face of the Lord. Free choice of location. You have the right to choose any Orthodox church for the ceremony - no one should put forward their conditions for you - to be baptized only here or nowhere. If you have your own spiritual guide or have heard
  3. positive reviews Despite the fact that all Orthodox churches adhere to the same procedure, it still has some nuances depending on the location. This is why you need to speak with a representative from your chosen temple in advance to ensure you are as prepared as possible for your baptism.
  4. Feeling good. You should not be baptized if you are sick. In this case, it makes sense to postpone the ceremony to another day. Women, when choosing a date, must take into account their monthly cycle - during the period of lunar bleeding you cannot even attend church.
  5. Concentration. During baptism, an adult should be as focused as possible on what is happening, throw all sinful thoughts out of his head, and ask God for guidance on the right path. You can’t think about something completely unrelated. If you can’t concentrate, read a prayer, it will help put your thoughts in order.

The baptism of an adult is quite an interesting rite, even witnessing it is fascinating. And to experience something like this in mature years– and a completely incomparable experience.

The life of society does not stand still; it undergoes certain changes. They influence each individual person. Nowadays people have begun to pay more attention to their own spirituality, and then they are drawn to faith. But not everyone went through the rite of baptism in childhood, when these issues were taken lightly and relegated to the background. Now many are trying to catch up. And if the baby is only required to be present during the ritual, then the baptism of an adult is a completely different matter. What is needed for this, how to arrange everything? Let's figure it out.

The meaning of coming to God

People by various reasons wish to undergo the ceremony. Everyone has their own path, so to speak. However, there are some features that it is advisable to consider before heading to the temple. First of all, the rite of baptism for an adult imposes serious responsibility on the individual. After all, this trust from the Lord is given to the baby, so to speak, in advance. This means that his godparents will raise him in virtue and instill in him the rules of behavior of a true Christian. When a person is at a meaningful age, he should strive for this himself. After all, belonging to any religion imposes certain responsibilities on the individual. When considering adult baptism, what should you do before making a decision? You should concentrate on the goal. And this is almost impossible without studying the foundations of Orthodoxy. A common person will think: “Why do I need such difficulties?” This will be answered from the depths of conscience: “What is the ritual for?” You see, there are people who do not go to God, but follow fashion trends. It is not right. Therefore, there are some features that accompany the baptism of an adult. What should you consider if you want to join the Temple of God?

The first step to the ritual

Surely you know that the ceremony does not take place right away. The first thing that is done, regardless of the age of the future parishioner, is a conversation with the priest. Everything is very simple. You need to go to the temple, wait for the end of the service, ask the clergyman to listen to you. He should state the essence of his case. Namely, to say that you need to undergo the rite of baptism of an adult. The age should be specifically indicated so that there is no misunderstanding. After all, the priest will need to plan his schedule and allocate time for interviews. That's right, there will be more than one conversation. People won’t be allowed into the church just like that. Therefore, a new member of the community should carefully consider his own decision. As a rule, the first conversation with the priest is conducted by one of the godparents. He is entrusted with informing the person about how the baptism of an adult is organized, what needs to be learned, prepared, and how to behave. If a new member of the community has not yet found godparents, it’s okay. The priest will select them from among the parishioners.

Preparatory stage

You know, a lot of people pay attention to the little things. People care about how much baptism costs, how to dress, and so on. This is probably also important, I mean, it’s good that people want to emphasize the solemnity of the moment. But the essence lies in a completely different area. You need to prove it to yourself first, and then spiritual father that you are ready to be baptized. This means that you understand the depth of religion, are ready to accept responsibilities, and go to God openly and sincerely. Father will definitely ask you about everything. Not because he doesn't trust. He must understand what brought a person to the temple. These are his responsibilities to the community and the Lord. Therefore, his questions should be answered without concealment. Understand that there is no sin in making a mistake. It can be fixed. But the desire to appear better than one really is is not welcomed by the church. After all, the Lord said that sincere prayer is dearer to him. He came into our world in order to turn sinners into righteous people. That is, I am glad to anyone who reaches out to faith from the depths of his heart.

What should you learn before your first conversation with your spiritual father?

You shouldn’t expect that in the temple they will reveal common truths to you and teach you everything from the very beginning. If you think so, you may be disappointed. Most likely, the first conversation with the priest will seem strict and unpleasant. He will need to find out what brought you to the temple. This is the reason for all sorts of questions, sometimes incomprehensible or annoying. Don't get lost, open up spiritual mentor. First of all, he will want to know why you were not baptized in the church earlier. Tell it like it is. Everyone has their own life circumstances. Next comes the most important question about why you came. It is asked in order to determine whether you understand the essence of Christianity, what information you have. To answer correctly, knowledge is required. Before going to church for an interview, read the commandments of Christ. A person interested in how to undergo baptism as an adult must not only know them, but also accept them. Of course, there is much more to understand. But the commandments are the most important thing at the first stage. If the priest realizes that you are unfamiliar with them, he will doubt the sincerity of your desire to undergo the ceremony, and therefore will not allow you to participate in it.

How many times will you have to talk with the priest?

In fact, there are no strict rules governing the number of interviews. Each servant of God determines this at his own discretion. But there are psychological norms that say that it is difficult to discern a person the first time. Any priest is a specialist. But he is careful not to make decisions right away. After all, he will bear responsibility before the community and the Lord for the newly converted. Therefore, it is common practice to conduct at least three interviews. These are leisurely conversations about God, his place in life, the habits and worldview of the person himself, his aspirations, and so on. You should not immediately ask how much baptism costs. By the way, some churches have price lists. Everything is written there. In others, you can find out this delicate issue from the ministers or from the priest himself. But this is not done immediately, but when he decides that the person can be baptized. Then, by the way, ask what clothes should be for baptism. Unless, of course, you yourself figure out the spirit of the conversations.

Prayers required for the ritual

The baby does not yet know how to speak and does not realize the solemnity and responsibility of the moment. His godparents vouch for him. They say the prescribed prayers. The baptism of an adult is a different matter. He comes to God consciously. Consequently, it is necessary to pronounce the prescribed words yourself, accepting the responsibilities of a member of the community. You need to know two prayers by heart: “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God.” Father will tell you when to read them. In general, the applicant learns in advance how the baptism of an adult takes place during the interview process. Sometimes it is not a priest who tells him about this, but a spiritual guarantor, a mentor.

Clothes for baptism

According to the rules, people in provocative outfits are not allowed into the temple. Clothing should be modest and simple. Women need a dress with a long hem. It is desirable that its color correspond to Christian morality. You shouldn't choose anything flashy or ultra-modern. But shabby toilets won't do either. After all, baptism is a celebration of communion with God. You should try to combine modesty with the solemnity of the day. It is often recommended to choose a white outfit. According to the rules for the ceremony, it is necessary to dress in this color, symbolizing purity, to dress the newly converted. This is not always done. You need to discuss everything with the priest in advance. Men should also choose a toilet that does not violate the rules of decency. Regular dark-colored dress pants will do. White shirt. If you usually wear jewelry, it is recommended to remove it.

Female characteristics

Girls and ladies should know that they are supposed to enter the temple with their heads covered. This is a generally accepted tradition. Almost all churches have scarves and headscarves for the forgetful. Moreover, baptism adult woman not performed during menstruation. You should talk about this with the priest separately in order to determine the upcoming day in advance. Every woman strives to decorate herself and present herself in a favorable light. It is recommended to forget about this rule for the period of the ceremony. God doesn't care what you look like, He cares about your soul. So leave short skirts and low-cut dresses at home. Try to find simple and modest clothing. It is also better not to wear jewelry.

The cross is a symbol of faith

People sometimes make mistakes when trying to show off in front of their friends. It's about about purchasing a pectoral cross. They try to pick it out of gold, thinking about everything except faith. In addition, people often go to a jewelry store to get a cross. This is mistake. After all, decoration and a symbol of faith are two different things. Here it is also recommended to consult with a spiritual mentor and read literature so as not to get into trouble. And it’s even better to buy a cross there, in the temple. It will correspond to Orthodoxy in form and essence. That is, you will avoid an annoying but common mistake.

Fasting before baptism

You should prepare for the ritual at all levels. Not only intellectually and spiritually, but also physically. An adult is recommended to fast for at least a month. It is forbidden to eat meat, milk, eggs. This is done, on the one hand, to cleanse oneself physically, and on the other hand, as a voluntary demonstration of humility. Alcohol and tobacco should be completely avoided at this time. It is also advisable to limit your participation in entertainment events, avoid noisy parties, and refuse to watch films containing scenes of aggression, violence, or erotic content. It is better to take this time by studying spiritual literature.

Before baptism, you should realize that life is changing dramatically. By becoming a member of the Christian community, you accept responsibilities for fulfilling the commandments of the Lord. This will make adjustments to the usual way of life. Just don’t think that they will only become a burden and ruin your life. Not at all. There is a lot of light and joy in Christianity. Some habits will have to be abandoned, others limited. This is why the path to baptism for an adult is longer than for an infant. After all, he has experience, has a certain daily routine, and is accustomed to it. Changes will have to be made of your own free will. And you have to find it in yourself and show it so that the priest allows you to join the church. If you cope with everything described, you will become happier and more harmonious.

The meaning of preparatory rites

Russian Orthodox Church passes unique historical stage. Today, as in the ancient Christian Church, mature, mature individuals come to Baptism. That Sacrament, which over the past several centuries, before the tragedy of the 20th century, was performed almost exclusively on infants, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries became the lot of adults.

In this regard, according to the logic of things, the institution of catechumens, that is, persons consciously preparing to join the church, should be restored. Indeed, in the ancient church, those who were preparing to accept were gradually introduced into its life. They are for a long period of time, which in different years ranged from 40 days to three years, they studied the truths of faith, read the Holy Scriptures, and took part in common prayers. It is noteworthy that the bishop, to whom the person wishing to be baptized came, tested his moral qualities and the sincerity of his desire to become a Christian.

It is clear that much of this practice of the early Christian church in modern conditions for various reasons it is not feasible. But public conversations before Epiphany, reading Holy Scripture, Orthodox literature, participation in divine services, general prayers in the temple, are not only available, but should also be mandatory.

The sacrament of Baptism should not be profaned and become an ethnographic rite performed for purposes that have nothing to do with the essence of Christianity. Moreover, the preparatory rites, which were of significant importance for the early Church, and compiled specifically for the Baptism of adults, did not disappear and did not subsequently become “infantile” (due to the age of those brought to Baptism), but to this day they have retained the “adult” rite. , which has always been an integral part of this Sacrament.

Consequently, the Baptism of an adult must be preceded by preparation, which, in essence, will be his gradual entry into church life.

Before Epiphany

An adult who wishes to be baptized must have an understanding of the most important components Orthodox faith. It is necessary to read the New Testament, and also know the main part of the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity, about the Incarnation of the Son of God, His Sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection, about the Church of Christ, about the Sacraments - Communion, Baptism, Confirmation.

In many churches, public conversations are held, and those who sign up for Baptism are required to attend them. If the temple does not have such a practice, you can talk to the priest and find out everything you need about the rite of Baptism. You will need to study the basics of Orthodox doctrine on your own. In addition, those who wish to be baptized must know by heart the most important Christian prayers - the Creed, the Lord's Prayer “Our Father”, and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”. These prayers are in any prayer book.

It is advisable, if possible, for an adult to prepare for the rite of Baptism by fasting for three days, that is, by refusing to eat meat, dairy, eggs, alcoholic beverages, or smoking. Before proceeding to the Sacrament, Christians, according to the word of Jesus Christ, must make peace with everyone with whom they were in a quarrel. Fasting also means giving up entertainment and watching entertainment television. Married persons must renounce marital relations during this period.

Adult Baptism Rite

The service of the Sacrament of Baptism consists of the rite of announcement, the subsequent Holy Baptism, which includes several rites: the consecration of water, the consecration of oil, Baptism and the vesting of the newly baptized in white baptismal robe. After Baptism, the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed.


Before reading the clarification prayers, the priest performs the following sacred rites: he blows three times in the face of the person being baptized, this is symbolically connected with the moment of the creation of man, when God took what was created from the dust earthly man, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and the man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7).. Then the priest blesses the person being baptized three times, and laying his hand on his head, begins reading prayers.

After reading prohibitory prayers (prayer for banning evil spirits), a ritual of renunciation of Satan is performed. The recipient of Baptism turns his face to the west - a symbol of darkness and dark forces, the priest will ask him questions, and he must consciously answer them. After renouncing Satan, the baptized person confesses allegiance to Christ (is united with Christ), now facing the east, just as in the previous rite, and answers questions repeated three times. Then the catechumen reads aloud the Creed - one of the main christian prayers, containing in in brief, all Orthodox faith. This prayer must be known by heart. After reading the prayer, questions from the priest follow, this is repeated three times. Now the catechumen is ready to receive Holy Baptism.

The process of Baptism begins with the blessing of water. Before this, the priest dresses in white robes, a symbol of the new life brought to earth by Jesus Christ. Candles are lit if godparents participate in the ceremony, which is also acceptable for adults; candles are also given to them. The consecration of the water is followed by the consecration of the oil; the person being baptized is anointed with it: his forehead (forehead), chest, back between the shoulder blades, ears, arms and legs, this is the meaning of anointing. to sanctify a person’s thoughts, desires and actions. entering into a covenant with God.

After anointing, baptism is performed by three times immersion in the font, with the utterance of the secret words, that is, the baptismal prayer. But upon leaving the font, the new member of the church is dressed in white clothes made of baptismal set - a symbol of purified, renewed human nature.

For men - this is a baptismal shirt, for women - a long shirt, like a nightgown, always with sleeves, or a baptismal dress. Baptismal clothing must be new, pure white.

The priest puts it around the neck of the newly baptized pectoral cross, with the recitation of a special prayer. After this, the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed. Then the priest with the newly baptized person walks around the font three times, which is a symbol of eternity. After the solemn chants, the Epistle of the Apostles and the Gospel are read. At the end, the ceremony of cutting hair takes place, this is a sign of the Christian’s surrender to the will of God.

What is needed for the Baptism of an adult?

To participate in the rite of Baptism, you need to buy a baptismal set in advance: a baptismal towel - a new, white towel, large enough to wipe yourself dry after the font, a baptismal shirt. pectoral cross, several candles and slippers (flip-flops), since at a certain moment of the Sacrament a person must be without shoes, without socks, stockings, etc. - for anointing with holy oil.

Practice of committing Adult Baptisms differs in different temples. In some churches, when baptizing women and girls, the font is surrounded by a screen. then the immersion is performed without clothes, the priest sees only the head of the person being baptized. In other churches, women are baptized wearing chemises or long shirts. Women, in all cases without exception, must wear a scarf or other headdress in the temple. When registering for Baptism, you can find out in the candle shop all the details of the Sacrament in this temple.

The online store “” is pleased to offer clothes for Epiphany different sizes, for adults and teenagers, as well as all the necessary accessories: terry towels, scarves, holiday candle sets. You can also buy a pectoral cross from us, gold or silver, made of white or blackened 925 sterling silver.

Clothes for Baptism can be purchased at a church shop, or you can sew them yourself; on the back of the baptismal shirt there is traditional embroidery Orthodox cross, the christening towel can also be decorated Orthodox symbols. Baptismal clothing is not used in everyday life and, as a rule, is not washed.

It is advisable that everything necessary for Baptism be prepared in advance; you will be much calmer on the day of the Sacrament, since at the last moment the church store may not have shirts of the required size or crosses suitable in shape and size.

Believers wear the pectoral cross throughout their lives, without removing it, except in special circumstances (at the request of a doctor, etc.)