How to become a super hero

Superheroes are very cool. This is underscored by their secret names, triumphant world-saving operations, and tight Lycra suits that accentuate every muscle or curve of the body.
Not everyone can be a superhero, because this is a special way of life.
Fortunately, science does not stand still, and in this post 8 modern technologies thanks to which you can feel like a real superhero! And for this you do not need to be born on the planet Krypton or be the result of genetic mutations.

1. Invisibility

Until recently, invisibility was available only to sorcerers. And even then their magical "invisibility cloaks" did not inspire confidence. Now everything has changed.

A new ultra-thin 'metascreen', developed as a result of research at the University of Texas at Austin, can neutralize light waves directed at an object. The difference between this masking and the others is that the light rays do not go around the object, do not project the image of what is behind the object on its front side (as in the video). This latest method allows you to hide not only the object itself, but also its shadow, which means that the object becomes invisible from any angle of view.

So far, the technology is far from perfect, because it extinguishes only microwaves, but the developers believe that the "invisibility cloak" they invented will be used for defense or health purposes.

The laser is not only a formidable weapon for star wars or a means of entertainment for bored cats, it is also quite real weapon which will be applied in the near future. For service naval forces The United States recently delivered a giant "lay-zer" - a device to destroy drones. Air Force also do not stand aside: fighters are equipped with liquid-cooled lasers made of solid materials that can repel missile attacks. Tests of this weapon are scheduled for 2014.

3. Mind Control

While you can't control the mind of your boss or any other person at will, you can control your mind now.
A new technology called transcranial pulsed ultrasound is currently being developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It will allow you to control the mind by sending precisely directed high-frequency sound waves to strictly defined regions of the brain. The technology that is supposed to be used in the creation of military helmets offers unlimited possibilities for the military. Soldiers can feel no pain, fight longer and recuperate faster. However, the morale of those who can get hold of this technology is likely not to allow it to develop and spread in the near future.

4. Ability to crawl on walls

You can buy a costume and a mask, you can even start dating a red-haired girl (good luck with that). But without parkour skills, you can't become Spider-Man like Peter Parker did.

Designed by a team of engineers from the University of Utah, PVAC's "Personal Vacuum Wall Traveler" won first place among 33 projects in a competition organized by the US Air Force. Based on it, advanced equipment for the army can be created.

Have you ever wanted to be Spider-Man?

5. Enhanced Hearing

Batman and Daredevil had echolocation, not to mention bats and dolphins. Today, scientists are working on implants that will be installed in the middle ear, making echolocation available to humans. And in the future it is possible to develop a special software for such devices.

The device of the auricle allows us to determine where the sound comes from. Unfortunately, a person is less able to hear the sounds that come from behind. Developments are underway to create an “ideal auricle”, which will allow a person to literally have ears on the back of his head. It may not be the most needed invention, but it can save you from bad guys who attack from behind.

6. Improved vision

In a world where millions of people need vision correction, the prospect of perfect vision is very tempting. In addition to reading fine print, improved vision will allow you to see in the dark, as well as distinguish between body temperature and complementary colors.

Experiments to improve vision are very diverse. Some people use special lenses to correct the smallest imperfections in the eye, which makes vision especially clear. Others are doing experiments with monkeys and people suffering from color blindness, the purpose of which is to improve vision at the genetic level - this will improve even good vision.

Do you want to know about more technological developments? Currently, work is being carried out in the field of bionics - cameras are being developed that allow you to see infrared radiation, use multiple magnification or use various lenses. But before you run to the ophthalmologist, remember that "bionic" eyes are often used by those who have lost their own eye. In addition, it is still impossible to say exactly how the brain recognizes the signals received through such “eyes”.

7. Super strength

If you're more into self-made superheroes like Batman or iron Man- You will appreciate the XOS 2 exoskeleton in the video below. This option will allow you to lift several hundred pounds (more than 50 kg), while the owner of the suit will not only not feel this heaviness, but will not even notice the weight of the suit itself.

The only problem is that this suit requires a constant connection to a power source. In addition, it is still under development.
This also includes the Japanese development of a tank with a face and a NASA suit for astronauts in zero gravity.

8. Ability to fly

And finally, flights. The most important quality of superheroes is the most unattainable. However, if you dream of flying in the skies, there are several options.
First, the jetpack. JetLev's development costs $100,000, but you can try it out at amusement parks for as little as $237 a day. This variant works on the power of water and can lift you up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) above the water level.

Distributed by Tecnologia Aerospacial Mexicana and priced at $125,000, the Rocket Belt will allow you to fly for 20 seconds at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour (27 km/h).
The most latest development is a flying bicycle, the prototype of which was created by the Czech companies Duratec, Technodat and Evektor. It weighs 209 pounds (about 95 kg) and is driven by four motors and one propeller. It is not yet for sale, as a suitable battery has not yet been created for it.

So, today we will try to figure out how to become a superhero. In fact, for children it is very important. Every boy wants to feel special, and girls do too. Therefore, parents and kids constantly have to think about how to implement the idea. There are a lot here different options. What exactly? Now we have to find out.

Mister Muscle

The first option that one can think of is real hero. About what in question? If you are thinking about how to become a superhero at home, and your age already allows you to help your parents, then Mr. Muscle will suit you. Have you seen an ad for the same name? detergent? Then, most likely, it is already clear what will be discussed.

You just need to put on a T-shirt with the letter "M" on the chest, any pants, and then go offer your parents to help with the cleaning. This is one way to become a superhero. Carry out the process in a quality and conscientious manner. Show what your strength is in the fight against germs. This will greatly please parents and relatives, and such an activity will benefit children.

True, not every kid or teenager wants to mess around with a rag. Sometimes you need to answer how to become a superhero at home so that the child can play. And now we'll figure it out.

By character traits

The second option is the formation of a superman with the help of some specific traits and abilities. Usually it is character and knowledge.

If a child is strong, smart, quick, resourceful, purposeful and kind, he has already coped with the task. It's enough just to tell him every day how special he is. If you really want to answer exactly how to become a superhero in this case, then just put some kind of man-made raincoat on your baby's back (like cartoon characters), and then say that he is superhuman. Don't forget to emphasize his character traits and abilities, and add that all heroes have skills like him.

This is a very common transformation. Indeed, it is often really important for a child to simply know that his abilities are similar to heroic ones. And as a costume, they simply put on any clothes chosen by the baby, a small raincoat. This is an important element for children. But how to become a superhero in real life in other ways? Let's try to figure it out.

Physical training

Often, under the issue at hand lies only heroic strength or fighting skills. Boys, for example, are very attracted to fights, so they want to be as strong as, say, Hercules.

In this case, the answer to how to become a real superhero is quite easy and simple. Reassure your child that strength lies in physical training. After that, together with the child, figure out who he wants to be like. Pick up together sports section and go there.

After some time, follow the progress of your child. Praise him, and then add that he is now a real superhero. As a compliment, come up with and make him some kind of hero costume. Do not forget about the raincoat - this is a very important element for many kids. If you know exactly who your child wants to look like, then there will be no problems with the costume. So, as you can see, everything is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to think that something impossible is required of you.

Toys to help

Now in toy stores there are many different "gadgets" for playing superheroes. And this is very good. If your child has begun to wonder how to become a superhero, tell him that such personalities have a whole store of different "tricks" that help them fight evil. In addition, do not forget to mention character traits (kindness, responsiveness, friendship, etc.), as well as physical fitness and some mental abilities. It is very important.

Next, you will have to find out who exactly your baby wants to become. With this information, answering the question of how to become a real superhero will be much easier. You get a description of the hero, see what "equipment" he has to fight evil, and then go to the toy store. It is better if the visit is without a child.

Find the accessories you need there. It could be a spy kit or something else. Speaking of which, tracking kits are very popular with kids who want to figure out how to become a superhero. Buy the right set of toys and then give it to your child. Add that now he has everything that his role model has. Usually this is enough. Further, all the work remains for the child, or rather, for his imagination. Now he can fight evil.

On holiday

Very often, the question of how to become a superhero (a girl or a boy), for most parents and children, arises before holding some kind of holiday. And rightly so, because every child wants to show how good and capable he is. Fortunately, this issue has now been resolved. How? All you need is to buy a hero costume or sew it. Choose a hero with your child, and then proceed to action. So, at the celebration, the baby will appear in a suit. And often this is enough for him to think that he is the real Batman or Spiderman.

It's the same with girls. Only in addition to superheroes, you can choose a princess. Now there are a lot of cartoons about teenage girls who have superhuman abilities. For example, you can choose a Winx fairy costume for a baby. This is both cute and suitable for solving our today's question. Only this should not be limited.


And here modern approach to solve today's problem. If you do not know how to become a superhero, then just play computer games. Now there are a lot various options for different ages. Special attention given to the simplest children's games.

They help the child feel like a hero. And with all this, after this pastime, as a rule, the kid wants to be a superhero in real life. You can try to stop the attention on "Disney" toys, as well as mini-games (they are called Flash-games) about Batman, Spiderman and many others.

Thanks to this technique, the child also develops his imagination. She will then help him imagine being a superhero in real life. The main thing - do not overdo it with computer games- they can become addictive. Want to know how to become a superhero as an adult? Then let's look into this.


There is such a thing in the world as cosplay. It refers to people dressing up as video game and movie characters. And it is this technique that will help you become a real superhero. How exactly?

First, choose your passion. Then find his/her costume and also invite a make-up artist to give you the appropriate make-up. Putting on clothes, waiting for you to make up, and then look in the mirror - that's all the problems are solved. Now you are a superhero.

This technique is very common in the adult population. There are even different cosplay contests. For some, this occupation brought fame on the World Wide Web and wealth.

Summing up

Well, today we figured out how you can become a superhero in real life. As you can see, there are quite a few options, they can be divided into "adult" and "children's". Now you know how to become a real superhero.

The main thing is the manifestation of imagination. If everything is fine with her, then there will be no problems with solving the task. Usually parents try to just buy hero costumes for children, as well as specialized toys. This is the simplest and most suitable option.

You don't have to have superpowers to be a superhero. The main thing is the presence of an iron will and a desire to help people. However, without superpowers, helping someone is difficult. We will briefly describe how some famous comic book and movie characters became superheroes.

Professor X

Professor Xavier is a mutant from birth. To enhance his telepathic abilities, he uses the Cerebro supercomputer. The fight against evil begins with the neutralization of Sebastian Shaw, who plans to unleash nuclear war between the USA and the USSR. Paralysis, education, and wealth prompt him to open an internet school for mutants.


By nature, nature has the ability to regenerate, which allows him to survive in any conditions and be practically immortal. His strength increases after implanting adamantium (super strong metal) into his skeleton and replacing bone claws with metal ones. Professor X convinces him to use his abilities for the benefit of society and "good" mutants.


Possessed superpowers as a native of the planet Krypton. He became a superhero realizing his simply limitless power.


Ordinary person. Decided to be a superhero tragic death their parents at the hands of a criminal. The lack of superpowers compensates with money, physical training and high technology.

spider man

Gains superpowers after being bitten by a mutant spider. Decides to help people after the death of his uncle, whom he could have saved if he had not relied on the police ("great power entails great responsibility").

Captain America

Became much stronger and faster ordinary person thanks to participation in the experiment to create a super-soldier (he was injected with a special serum). His abilities are enhanced by receiving a shield made of vibranium (the strongest metal in the universe). He became a superhero by participating in operations against the Hydra.


He got his abilities (turning into a huge green man with terrible power) after being exposed to radiation during the explosion of a gamma bomb he created.

Rip off your head

Blind after getting radioactive waste in his eyes. Because of them, he received his superpower, which consists in an incredible sharpening of all other senses and sonar vision. We decide to become a superhero after the death of a father who won a boxing fight for his son.

iron Man

Scientist and billionaire. Becomes a superhero after inventing a suit of armor that allows you to fly, shoot laser beams and enhances all the movements of its owner. Begins to do good after realizing all the evil that weapons bring to the world.

Rorschach and others from the Watchmen

Police officers with special training and wearing masks. They became superheroes because they believed that criminals could not be dealt with by conventional methods.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Were ordinary turtles living in the sewers until they mutated due to radioactive waste. After that, they got into training with the mutant rat Splinter, who made them ninjas. They became superheroes thanks to their friendship with journalist April O'Neil.


An ordinary nerd teenager who one day decides to dress up as a superhero and make the world a better place. He does not have any abilities (except that his nerve endings were damaged). He learned to fight by meeting the Killer.


Gains superpowers with special suit, which allows you to shrink to the size of an ant, created by scientist Hank Pym.


Killer soldier Al Simmons ends up in Hell, from where he returns to our world after making a deal with the devil. Main strength Spawn in a necroplasm suit. Becomes on the side of good after the instructions of Cogliostro, who taught him how to use the power of the suit, and revenge on his boss, because of which he died.

Are there superheroes in real world, and is it possible to try to become such a superman? Still as possible - there would be a desire!

We all wanted to be superheroes when we were kids. Basically, of course, the boys dreamed about it, but the girls really wanted to see such a reliable defender nearby. And that's completely normal. That's just the image of a superhero that we are used to seeing on the screen is different from the real one.

What is a superhero in the real world?

Let's remember what superheroes do? Generally, in ordinary life they are quiet, modest people who will always help and good advice, and good deed. But if trouble happens to someone, then the inconspicuous shy fellow immediately transforms into a superhero, hurrying to the rescue of the victim.

So why not try to become a superhero, if not all over the world, then at least in your city? The only thing that is required of you is an understanding of which actions are worthy of pride and which are condemned.

You can try to correct the mistakes of others: do not offend our smaller brothers, stand up for the weak, protect women, children and the elderly. And such a seemingly simple matter, how to help loved ones with cleaning (or with country cares) instead of going on a pleasure trip? Doesn't that require real heroism!

Also say no bad habits: it does not paint at all, takes a lot of time and undermines health. Can a sick person be a superhero?

Of course not, so keep an eye on your health, pass on time medical checkup. But do not forget that the superhero first thinks about other people, and then about himself.

If necessary, reconsider your outlook on life.

What does it take to be a superhero?

Let's break it down point by point:

- Basic physical training. Go straight to the gym. Now this is practically your second home: you will have to spend a lot of time here if you want to develop strength and dexterity, and just keep yourself in great shape.

- Superhero costume. This is perhaps the most important. In principle, of course, you can wear a stretched T-shirt and torn jeans, but for a superhero, this, you see, is somehow undignified. Not only that, you will become recognizable, and this is not good for the simple reason that people will start attacking you with requests to help move the piano or remove the kitten from the tree. Why would you do such nonsense when great things are waiting for you? That is, drag the sofa - and let the whole world wait? So be sure to think about what your costume will be like. It should be unusual, different from already known options. You don't want to be mistaken for False Batman or Spider-Man's stunt double touring the city shamelessly until real hero busy with business?

- Stress tolerance. Quality, which is often the main item in the list of job requirements for the applicant. However, for a superhero, it is no less important. Just imagine how much stress he has to face while saving the world! A superhero should not panic, be able to pull himself together, act boldly and decisively. If he gives up, he will simply become another victim of cruelty and injustice. Agree, a man in leggings, shedding bitter tears and blowing his nose in a lace handkerchief, is somehow not cool.

- Desire to do good deeds. It is not so easy to do worthy deeds - here a special attitude is needed. Start small: today you will move the old woman across the road, tomorrow you will catch up with the hooligans and return the stolen phone to the child, and the day after tomorrow, just look, you will save the world from a nuclear catastrophe.

How to tune in to the desired wave? Need motivation. Various types of training are very popular these days. Well, why not organize a similar session at home? Just put up a poster of Superman or, say, Bruce Willis in your room and repeat like a mantra: “I will be like him. I will be better than him. I will be the ultimate superhero of all time." Try it, it really works!

Now get off your computer and go on an adventure! Great things await you!

So, today we will try to figure out how to become a superhero. In fact, for children it is very important. Every boy wants to feel special, and girls do too. Therefore, parents and kids constantly have to think about how to implement the idea. There are a lot of different options here. What exactly? Now we have to find out.

Mister Muscle

The first option that can only be assumed is a real hero. What is this about? If you are thinking about how to become a superhero at home, and your age already allows you to help your parents, then Mr. Muscle will suit you. Have you seen the advertisement of the detergent of the same name? Then, most likely, it is already clear what will be discussed.

You just need to put on a T-shirt with the letter "M" on the chest, any pants, and then go offer your parents to help with the cleaning. This is one way to become a superhero. Carry out the process in a quality and conscientious manner. Show what your strength is in the fight against germs. This will greatly please parents and relatives, and such an activity will benefit children.

True, not every kid or teenager wants to mess around with a rag. Sometimes you need to answer how to become a superhero at home so that the child can play. And now we'll figure it out.

By character traits

The second option is the formation of a superman with the help of some specific traits and abilities. Usually it is character and knowledge.

If a child is strong, smart, quick, resourceful, purposeful and kind, he has already coped with the task. It's enough just to tell him every day how special he is. If you really want to answer exactly how to become a superhero in this case, then just put some kind of man-made raincoat on your baby’s back (like cartoon characters), and then say that he is superhuman. Don't forget to emphasize his character traits and abilities, and add that all heroes have skills like him.

This is a very common transformation. Indeed, it is often really important for a child to simply know that his abilities are similar to heroic ones. And as a costume, they simply put on any clothes chosen by the baby, a small raincoat. This is an important element for children. But how to become a superhero in real life in other ways? Let's try to figure it out.

Physical training

Often, under the issue at hand lies only heroic strength or fighting skills. Boys, for example, are very attracted to fights, so they want to be as strong as, say, Hercules.

In this case, the answer to how to become a real superhero is quite easy and simple. Convince your child that strength lies precisely in physical training. After that, together with the child, figure out who he wants to be like. Pick up a sports section together and go there.

After some time, follow the progress of your child. Praise him, and then add that he is now a real superhero. As a compliment, come up with and make him some kind of hero costume. Do not forget about the raincoat - this is a very important element for many kids. If you know exactly who your child wants to look like, then there will be no problems with the costume. So, as you can see, everything is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to think that something impossible is required of you.

Toys to help

Now in toy stores there are many different "gadgets" for playing superheroes. And this is very good. If your child has begun to wonder how to become a superhero, tell him that such personalities have a whole store of different "tricks" that help them fight evil. In addition, do not forget to mention character traits (kindness, responsiveness, friendship, etc.), as well as physical fitness and some mental abilities. It is very important.

Next, you will have to find out who exactly your baby wants to become. With this information, answering the question of how to become a real superhero will be much easier. You get a description of the hero, see what "equipment" he has to fight evil, and then go to the toy store. It is better if the visit is without a child.

Find the accessories you need there. It could be a spy kit or something else. Speaking of which, tracking kits are very popular with kids who want to figure out how to become a superhero. Buy the right set of toys and then give it to your child. Add that now he has everything that his role model has. Usually this is enough. Further, all the work remains for the child, or rather, for his imagination. Now he can fight evil.

On holiday

Very often, the question of how to become a superhero (a girl or a boy), for most parents and children, arises before holding some kind of holiday. And rightly so, because every child wants to show how good and capable he is. Fortunately, this issue has now been resolved. How? All you need is to buy a hero costume or sew it. Choose a hero with your child, and then proceed to action. So, at the celebration, the baby will appear in a suit. And often this is enough for him to think that he is the real Batman or Spiderman.

It's the same with girls. Only in addition to superheroes, you can choose a princess. Now there are a lot of cartoons about teenage girls who have superhuman abilities. For example, you can choose a Winx fairy costume for a baby. This is both cute and suitable for solving our today's question. Only this should not be limited.


And here is a modern approach to solving today's problem. If you do not know how to become a superhero, then just play computer games. Now there are so many different options for different ages. Particular attention is paid to the simplest children's games.

They help the child feel like a hero. And with all this, after this pastime, as a rule, the kid wants to be a superhero in real life. You can try to stop the attention on "Disney" toys, as well as mini-games (they are called Flash-games) about Batman, Spiderman and many others.

Thanks to this technique, the child also develops his imagination. She will then help him imagine being a superhero in real life. The main thing - do not overdo it with computer games - they may become addictive. Want to know how to become a superhero as an adult? Then let's look into this.


There is such a thing in the world as cosplay. It refers to people dressing up as video game and movie characters. And it is this technique that will help you become a real superhero. How exactly?

First, choose your passion. Then find his/her costume and also invite a make-up artist to give you the appropriate make-up. Putting on clothes, waiting for you to make up, and then look in the mirror - that's all the problems are solved. Now you are a superhero.

This technique is very common in the adult population. There are even different cosplay contests. For some, this occupation brought fame on the World Wide Web and wealth.

Summing up

Well, today we figured out how you can become a superhero in real life. As you can see, there are quite a few options, they can be divided into "adult" and "children's". Now you know how to become a real superhero.

The main thing is the manifestation of imagination. If everything is fine with her, then there will be no problems with solving the task. Usually parents try to just buy hero costumes for children, as well as specialized toys. This is the simplest and most suitable option.