What does Christina Orbakaite's daughter look like. “How Klava matured”: the daughter of Christina Orbakaite is striking in her resemblance to her mother. - And the guys do not miss the old apartment on Tverskaya

Our today's heroine is the little daughter of Orbakaite. four s an extra year ago, the singer gave her husband Mikhail Zemtsov a girl. The baby was named Claudia. Mikhail suggested giving the child the surname of his wife - Orbakaite. But Christina's mother - Alla Pugacheva - noticed that each person has his own destiny, as well as his own surname. Therefore, according to the prima donna, let Christina's children have different surnames, destinies and life paths. So, our material is dedicated to the smallest heiress of this family - Claudia Mikhailovna Zemtsova. But not only.

Mom and daughter

By the birth of their third child, the Zemtsov-Orbakaite family went to the United States. There, on March 30, 2012, the lovely daughter of Orbakaite, Claudia, appeared in one of the clinics in sunny Miami. By the way, even before the birth of the baby, the happy dad decided to attend the birth. Thus, Mikhail was the very first who took his daughter in his arms. According to Christina, from the first days, the husband showed himself to the full as a caring and responsible father. After some time, the star family returned to their homeland and began to raise and educate the baby here. When the daughter of Christina Orbakaite grew up a little, the singer immediately resumed her intensive touring and studio activities. And sometimes Christina took her daughter with her to her concerts. Even then, behind the scenes, little Klava tried to copy her mother when she was on stage. She repeated the movements and danced. Christina noticed that since childhood it was also impossible to tear her away from dancing. And the daughter, apparently, went to her mother. Friends then still laughed: “With such genes, Orbakaite’s daughter will definitely become a star!” What can I say, Christina took Claudia to the air of one of the television programs. The singer was very worried that she would start acting up. But, as it turned out, in vain. The baby felt great in front of the camera and listened to the directors. By the way, she also starred in the mother's video. But in general, the singer rarely takes her with her to such events. And then daughter Orbakaite stays with dad, in their common house. They say Michael gets along well with her. In a word, they are never bored. True, according to Christina, her husband is too kind to them. common child. “But with children, strictness is still necessary. Not tantrums and not anger, ”the performer once summed up.


Being such a strict mother, Christina realized one of her daughter's wishes. It's about about going to Disneyland. star family went to the United States. During their trip they visited Los Angeles, Miami and other American cities. Well, along the way we looked into this legendary amusement park. Claudia was happy, and her mother remembered her childhood and took a ride on one of the carousels with great pleasure. In addition, some time after visiting Disneyland, the family also celebrated the birthday of their daughter Orbakaite. Parents decided not to have a noisy party, as it was before. This day they spent in a narrow family circle. Christina shared her picture from this modest celebration in one of social networks. On it, happy Klava is sitting between dad and mom, and in her hands is a plate of cake with festive candles. Blog users commented with pleasure on this photo of Orbakaite's daughter, and wished happiness to the little one herself.


Now four-year-old Claudia is growing up as a very active child. She loves to play, is constantly learning something and always wants to move somewhere. Of course, the baby loves to communicate with Lisa and Harry - with the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. The daughter of Christina Orbakaite is only 1.5 years older than them, but at the same time she behaves with them like an adult. In addition, she makes attempts to educate them. As for Claudia's siblings, they are more than friendly with each other. Both are crazy about their little sister.


By the way, as mentioned above, they have different surnames, but their religions are also different. - Orthodox, Denis - Muslim. And the daughter of Orbakaite is a Catholic. So four-year-old Claudia grows up in a multi-confessional family, where faith, traditions and tolerance are always respected. And this is probably the most important thing. Every person has the right to choose.

While some are interested in Christina's weight, height, age, others are looking for an answer - how she achieved success. How much did the refined Orbakaite overcome for the sake of real recognition?

Being the daughter of a pop queen: what is it like?

Christina was for a long time the only child of Alla Pugacheva. The daughter of the Prima Donna was born on May 25, 1971 and will celebrate her 46th birthday in 2017. Christina had to defend her right to individuality, she did not want to simply be called the successor of the star mother. And yet she has a resemblance to her mother: perseverance, determination and courage flows in the blood of Christina Orbakaite. So, in response to recent threats from Ukrainian radicals to disrupt her concerts in Ukraine, the singer publicly stated that she would not cancel any performance and only shrugged her shoulders: “Radicals periodically have such moods.”

A close relationship with both her mother and father, the Lithuanian director Mykolas Edmundas Orbakas, which was not interrupted even after the divorce of her parents, helped Kristina grow up as a whole person.

First steps on the creative path

It was the cinema that made Christina famous all over the world. Rolan Bykov chose the then 12-year-old girl for leading role in his project Scarecrow, which was released on a wide screen in 1983. Orbakaite played the role of an outcast girl so soulfully that they started talking about her not only in the USSR, but also abroad. American critics even predicted for her the glory of Meryl Streep. Being already an adult, Christina admitted that she, as the heroine of the film, got a lot of ridicule from her peers.

His film career continued successfully later: a film story about the brave "Midshipmen", the trilogy "Love-carrot" ...
But Christina dreamed of becoming a star, like her mother. In 1992, she performed the song as part of "Christmas Meetings". A year later, Orbakaite's debut disc was released.

In 1996, the best hall in New York opened its doors for Christina's performance, and already in 2000, Orbakaite received recognition from " The World Music Awards" as a notable singer.

Star duet

The creative partnership with Abraham Russo brought both performers not only a number of awards, but also national recognition. All music channels broadcast the clips “Just to love you” and “Love that no longer exists” several times a day.

These two singles were Kristina Orbakaite's "control shot" in the hearts of fans and skeptics, who finally recognized her as an "independent" singer, and not just "Alla Pugacheva's singing daughter."

But what about personal happiness?

The desire to declare herself as a person manifested itself early in Christina. So, the result was that at the age of 16 she entered into an actual marriage with Vladimir Presnyakov. Even after coming of age, Christina and Vladimir were in no hurry to go to the registry office. The couple had a son, Nikita, on May 21, 1991, who will turn 26 in the spring of 2017. The young man is fond of music, like his parents. In the late 90s, Orbakaite and Presnyakov announced their separation.

Christina was not alone for long. Her second relationship with the Chechen businessman Ruslan Baysarov culminated in the birth of her second son, Denis. This event took place on May 10, 1998. And yet, a year later, the couple broke up. The long trial, who will get the son, ended in court with a confession equal rights parents. In 2017 Denis will celebrate her 19th birthday. The young man graduated from high school with honors and is going to continue his studies abroad.

Kristina Orbakaite first officially married in 2005 with American businessman Mikhail Zemtsov, who turned 39 on January 15, 2017. For some time the couple lived in two countries. In 2012, their daughter Claudia was born; on March 30, 2017, the girl will turn 5 years old. Christina admits that Klava is very offended when she does not take her to concerts.

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Kristina Orbakaite is a wonderful actress, a talented, successful singer, a hardworking horse: concerts, tours, videos, new songs, husbands, children - this woman sleeps only six hours a day, otherwise how to do everything in order to be always on floating, in the stream, in the subject?

On forums, in news feeds, not very personal things are often written about Kristina Orbakaite, but it seems to me that all this is from envy of her success. People cannot come to terms with the fact that a girl not with the strongest vocal abilities is so successful in show business.

In fact, the fact that her mother Alla Pugacheva gave her a start, but not this fact helped her stay on stage for so long, become more and more popular, and gather huge halls of fans. What were the advantages of having her mother famous singer? Well, first of all, this is an opportunity to collaborate with excellent composers and songwriters, because a good musical composition is probably 80% of success. Secondly, this is air time, advertising, the opportunity to be in the public eye. But Kristina Orbakaite put a lot of effort into making her songs popular and loved by the people, nothing went into her hands, she plowed as far as few could, few of her relatives believed in her success, nor Alla Borsovna , neither husband Volodya Presnyakov was serious about the attempts of our heroine, how hard it was for Christina in those days! Many thought that the girl would play song and give up this ridiculous idea, return to dancing or just sit at home, wait for her husband to cook cabbage soup from the tour and go to beauty salons. But Kristina Orbakaite developed by leaps and bounds, she creative person and her accumulated energy over the years asked for an outlet. Her voice, of course, is not as strong as that of her mother, but he is also beautiful, this singer cannot be called voiceless, so only spiteful critics who know nothing about singing can tease Christina.

After I found photos of Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Maxim Galkin, I wanted to find how more photos Christina Orbakaite. Photos - frozen moments from past life most often they capture moments of happiness. Here I have a photo where Christina is a very small, pretty, sweet girl. Many remember her from the movie Scarecrow. How impressed I was with this drama! How heartfelt little Kristina Orbakaite played. She was 10 years old at the time.

The film "Scarecrow" is close to me, since I myself was once a newcomer in the class. Kristina Orbakaite played brilliantly, soulfully. I understand how it is - when almost everything is against you - even a guy who really likes you.

The next role of Kristina Orbakaite, which impressed me, was the role of Princess Fike in Svetlana Druzhinina's film “Vivat, midshipmen!”. At that time, Christina was twenty years old. Young, tender, flirtatious - the very charm. For you, readers, I made screenshots from the film “Vivat, midshipmen!”.

I remember very well the moment when Kristina Orbakaite began to perform on the stage, because initially she positioned herself as a dancer. Well, the audience began to lament, saying that Christina is not a singer, there is no such voice range as her mother, and it would be better if she didn’t sing at all, but would dance further. The most interesting thing is thatVladimir Presnyakov, at that time her husband, did not believe in his wife. In fact, he advised her to take care of her home and family more, and not dream of a singing career. But Kristina Orbaikaite is a hardworking and stubborn girl. She, like a tank, went to her goal, the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on. Correctly chosen repertoire, every song is a hit. She approached her question very well. musical career, did everything the best way, laid out and laid out so far one hundred percent. Well, yes, she does not have the talent of a mother, she is just a singer, giving out a high-quality repertoire, working with great dedication at her concerts. Kristina Orbakaite has an individuality, she is not like the others, her voice and manner of performance cannot be confused with anyone else.

In general, Kristina Orbakaite did not think that something might not work out for her, she just did what she liked and received from it not only money, but also tremendous pleasure. Result on the face. By the age of 46, Kristina Orbakaite is popular, recognized by the public, loved by fans. Kristina Orbakaite is the mother of three wonderful children, all of them are born from different husbands Each of them has their own religion.

Nikita Presnyakov was born from her first husband, Vladimir Presnyakov. When Christina met Volodya, she was fifteen years old, she was in the ninth grade, Presnyakov was a little older - he was eighteen, they did not come together right away, probably six months after the first meeting. Alla Borisovna did not mind, as she knew the parents of her newly-minted son-in-law well. Better let the daughter be next to good boy than will hide in the doorways with just anyone, besides, there is no cure for love. At the age of twenty, Kristina Orbakaite gave birth to a son, Nikita.

Christina and Volodya were together for about ten years, then mutual reproaches and betrayals began, in addition, Presnyakov began to abuse alcohol. Christina herself put an end to their relationship, it was she who told her civil husband that she was leaving him. Presnyakov was very upset by the gap, he compared his condition with a wound in the stomach, saying that a bullet is better than surviving this. Nevertheless, although love and passion had gone, friendship remained, and later mutual respect also came.

In this photo, Kristina Orbakaite with her first husband Vladimir Presnyakov, as well as with her father-in-law and mother.

Next civil husband Christina Orbakaite became a Chechen businessman Ruslan Baysarov. When they met, he was 29, and she was 26. Kristina Orbakaite told the press that this man courted her for a long time, but she still did not give consent, but in the end, under the onslaught of a hot Muslim, she gave up, these two did not register their relationship in the registry office, but they became husband and wife according to the laws of Islam. Family happiness did not last long, once Ruslan Baysarov was very jealous of his beloved and managed to break her nose in a fit of jealousy. To date, all squabbles and contradictions have subsided, and Kristina Orbakaite and Ruslan Baysarov maintain friendly relations. Ruslan Baysarov at one time helped Christina's career develop, he invested a lot of money in her, Alla Pugacheva was also helped, Ruslan Baysarov not only gave her money, but also bought a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow.

In alliance with Ruslan Baysarov, Christina Orbakaite had a son, Denis. After parting with the father of the child, Christina could not dictate to her son what life path him to go, where to live and what to do. By Muslim customs the son obeys his father, and therefore, from the age of eleven, Denis Baysarov spent more time with his father than with his mother, followed in his father's footsteps, preparing to become a businessman.

In this photo Ruslan Baisarov.

At 34, Kristina Orbakaite meets 27-year-old Mikhail Zemtsov. This guy did not have such money and power as the previous boyfriend, his fortune was much more modest. By education, Mikhail Zemtsov is a dentist, he had his own dental clinic in the United States. But since Christina and Mikhail could not live in two countries, Zemtsov's business gradually came to naught, the man decided not to tempt fate and devoted himself to the family, especially since his wife gave birth to his daughter Claudia. Kristina Orbakaite was 41 years old when she gave birth his third child.

This is a photo from the wedding of the eldest son of Christina Orbakaite, Nikita. The guy married the beautiful Alena Krasnova.

In this photo, Kristina Orbaikaite with her son Denis Baysarov.

In this photo, Kristina Orbakaite with her sons Denis and Nikita, as well as with her third husband Mikhail Zemtsov.

Daughter of Christina and Mikhail Klava Zemtsov.

Pictured is Denis Baysarov.

And her whole family celebrate a big holiday. Exactly 6 years ago, on March 30, a joyful event took place in the family of the artist - little Klava was born, the site says.

Christina Orbakaite's daughter is a birthday girl!

In 2012, Kristina Orbakaite became happy mom- she was born only daughter Klava. And today, March 30, the girl turns six years old. The star mom posted a congratulation to her baby on Instagram.

“Happy birthday my angel! Please be happy ”(Orff. and Paragraph. The author is saved, approx. Ed.) - she wrote in her microblog, attaching to the post a photograph of the already noticeably matured Claudia.

Photo: Instagram @ orbakaite_k

Fans joined in the congratulations and noted how beautiful the daughter of their favorite is growing.

“Happy birthday to your beloved daughter!, What beautiful children you have!, Very beautiful! Highly! Happy Birthday, Princess! Such a beautiful, modest graceful girl ”(Orff. and Paragraph. of the author saved, approx. Ed.) - fans write.

Photo: Instagram @ orbakaite_k

Congratulations from Alla Pugacheva

Of course, a congratulatory post also appeared on the personal page of her famous grandmother.

"Happy birthday, Klavusya!" (Orff. and Paragraph. of the author saved, approx. Ed.) - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva signed the photo of her granddaughter.

Photo: Instagram @ alla_orfey

Fans of the Primadonna, of course, also did not hold back their emotions and bombarded the girl and her entire family with compliments and best wishes.

Children and husbands of Orbakaite

Klava was born to Kristina Orbakaite from a relationship with current husband singers with businessman Mikhail Zemtsov. The couple got married in 2005, and the birth of a baby seven years later was a huge gift for her parents. Klava, by the way, is very similar to her father - according to popular belief She will definitely be happy!

Photo: Instagram @ orbakaite_k

The editors of JoInfoMedia join the congratulations and wishes addressed to the girl on this day!

In addition to Claudia, Christina Orbakaite has two more children - two sons. The singer gave birth to the elder Nikita, being married to Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., who recently. This was the first marriage of Christina and Volodya, they were too young and inexperienced to save a family.

Photo: Instagram @ orbakaite_k

younger son and middle child Orbakaite was born from businessman Ruslan Baysarov. Danny will turn 20 in 2018.

Kristina Orbakaite is a successful singer, beloved wife and. It remains to wish that the happiness of the star was infinitely long! She has come a long way and fully deserves it!

On March 30, the daughter of Kristina Orbakaite and her husband Mikhail Zemtsov turned 6 years old. In honor of Klava's birthday, the artist arranged a luxurious celebration, gathering many guests. They invited only the closest - friends, among whom were Philip Kirkorov and singer Jasmine, as well as relatives. Christina shared the first pictures from the children's party on her Instagram page.

“Klavochkin’s holiday has passed, but the mood of childhood does not let go!” — admitted the artist under a series of pictures from the birthday of her daughter.

Children were entertained by animators, and adults enjoyed children's laughter and even participated in children's competitions. For example, a photo got into the network where Klava's grandmother, Alla Pugacheva, got involved in a dance with her daughter Lisa, who was also at the girl's birthday party.

“The birthday of our beloved Klavochka, daughters of Christina and Misha was wonderfully celebrated yesterday! Fun, friendly, family-friendly and very tasty! How fun it is to walk across the open spaces and, of course, it’s better to sing in chorus, like this, a friendly choir, of Alla Victoria, Martin, Lisa, Harry and Margarita! May God grant you, our children, a long and happy life and God forbid to know grief and misfortune ... ”- Philip Kirkorov wrote in his blog after the holiday.