How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic problems, pictures for children. Lesson summary on the topic “How animals prepare for winter

Hello guys! What time of year is approaching us? That's right, winter! Now we have late autumn and we're getting ready for winter, right? How can we humans prepare for it? (We buy warm clothes, prepare supplies for the winter, insulate our houses, close up the windows, etc.). Guys, do you know that animals living in forests prepare for winter almost the same way as we do! They also make edible reserves, insulate their burrows, exchange their summer skins for winter ones, and some animals even spend the entire winter in deep sleep! Today we will talk to you about how different animals prepare for the coming of winter. You tell me something, and I tell you something!
The first animal we will talk about today is the master of all Lesov-bear. What do you know about him? (children's answers)
The bear's main food consists of berries, nuts, roots, bulbs, ants, beetle larvae and fish. This helps him accumulate fat for the winter. Brown bears They make a den for themselves in a hidden, inaccessible place. Most often, it is under the root of an upturned tree or in a windfall. In November, the bears climb there and fall asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If they are disturbed by something, they can abandon the den and build another one. In a mother bear's den, cubs are born, usually 1-2, rarely 3. They are very small, the size of a mitten. Mother bear feeds them milk for 8 months. and even when she sleeps in winter.

The next animal we will talk about is the lynx. Lynx does not hibernate. Among all representatives of the cat family, the lynx is best adapted to cold weather. She moves excellently in deep snow and climbs trees. Favorite prey of lynxes are hares, black grouse, and hazel grouse. Sometimes she attacks young wild boars; in a hungry winter, she can feed on small rodents. In winter, moose especially suffer from lynxes, when it is difficult for these long-legged animals to move through deep and loose snow. By winter, the lynx's fur becomes thick, fluffy and soft, and the lynx's paws are heavily furred so as not to feel the cold.

Hare. As we know, before the onset of winter, the hare changes its gray skin to white. In winter they feed on bark, small twigs of aspen, willow, and birch. In winter, a fallen tree can become a real hare's dining room, where the animals visit every day until they gnaw off all the bark. They have no permanent home. In extreme cold, they hide under snow-covered bushes.

Hedgehog. When it gets cold, hedgehogs need to accumulate fat, and in the fall, hedgehogs have little prey. Worms hide in the ground, nimble lizards hide. It's hard to find bugs and frogs. In the clear autumn days The hedgehog is preparing a warm nest for the winter. Night and day, it drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. IN hibernation The hedgehog spends more than six months. During this time he does not eat anything or move. He sleeps curled up in a ball, in a den, under a deep snowdrift, as if under a thick, fluffy blanket. And he sleeps like this all winter, until the spring sun.

Squirrel. Many rodents also make winter reserves. Squirrels that sleep in winter only in very severe frosts, capital reserves are required. Unlike many other animals, squirrels use their reserves together. In the fall, they hide acorns and nuts in the forest floor, in hollows, and in the ground. Not only the owner herself, but also any other squirrel can get them from there. They also store mushrooms in a special way: they string them on tree branches or stuff them into forks between the branches. By winter, the coat of this animal becomes very soft and fluffy, and the color is grayish. She builds her nest on tall spruce or pine trees. Inside the nest there is soft grass, moss, and balls of wool. In severe frosts, the squirrel does not crawl out of its hollow, and may even fall asleep.

Foxes and wolves. These predators certainly don't sleep. By winter, these animals' fur becomes thicker. In winter, wolves unite in large packs. Their victims are wild boars, hares, and roe deer. And foxes attack smaller animals - hares, small rodents, birds. Burrows are usually dug in groves, on the slopes of hills and ravines.

Beavers. In autumn, the beaver family is busy preparing food. Alone, and sometimes together, beavers easily fell aspen and willow. They build for themselves durable huts. The entrance to it is always located under water so that the enemy does not get close. In winter, it is warm inside the beaver’s home, the temperature is above zero.

Hamsters. As autumn approaches, hamsters begin to actively organize pantries in preparation for winter. And most place them right in the mouth, where they hide the food behind the cheeks. These animals are rightfully considered the most thrifty.

Elk. They live in the forests. Closer to autumn, when lingonberries and blueberries ripen, moose love to eat them directly with the twigs; they also love mushrooms, even looking for them specifically. In winter, moose gnaw the bark of aspen, rowan and willow trees. At the end of autumn it sheds its antlers, and by spring it grows new ones. They are not preparing a permanent home. It is difficult for them in winter, when the snow floor is very deep, because they have to cross it with such long legs not easy.

Forest mice, voles. All of them are very voracious, stocking up on seeds and berries. In winter, when everything around is covered with snow, the animals dig tunnels in the snowdrifts, and can also live in haystacks and buildings.

Quiz “How animals winter”

1. What do animals do to protect themselves from the cold?
- fly to warmer climes
- change the summer coat to a warmer and lighter winter coat
- change the summer coat to a warmer and brighter winter coat

2. What animal does not change its coat in winter?
- squirrel
- hare
- hedgehog

3. Which other animal sleeps all winter?
- badger
- fox
- wolf

4. What is the first thing that animals hibernating need?
- Fat reserves under the fur coat
- silence
- peace

5. The hare has no fat reserves. What does he eat in winter?
- Tree bark and twigs
- carrots
- cabbage

6. What do predators eat in winter: wolves and foxes?
- tree bark and twigs
- small animals
- are starving

Who's the odd one out here?

Having eaten enough over the summer, bears, badgers, mice and hedgehogs hibernate at the beginning of winter.
(Mice don’t sleep in winter, and you can’t see them because they move under the snow. But foxes always know where the mouse is, they can smell it through the snowdrift)

They scour the streets in search of prey. snowy forest wolf, fox and elk.
(The elk is not a predator. Like all ungulates, it is a herbivore, and when there is no fresh grass, it eats branches and last year’s grass)

Elks, wild boars, weasels, hares and roe deer in winter feed on branches, roots, plant bark and fresh leaves.
(Weasels are predators, they catch mice and birds. Unfortunately, there are no fresh leaves in the forest in winter, so it’s difficult for them)

Well done guys! Everything they told me is correct! Well, now I’ll show you a cartoon!

Explanatory note.

Program content:

1. Educational objectives:

- learn to distinguish the sounds of forest animals;

- learn to perform figurative exercises under the word;

- learn to navigate in space;

— consolidate children’s knowledge of how animals prepare for winter;

— learn how to carefully glue finished parts;

Creation teamwork;

— improve children’s knowledge about the season of autumn and its signs.

2. Developmental tasks:

- develop speech, observation, attention;

- develop hand motor skills and imagination;

— develop compositional skills in the arrangement of objects;

- develop the ability to respond to the beginning and end of the sound of music, - develop the ability to change movement in accordance with the nature of the music;

— develop the ability to answer questions;

3. Educational tasks:

— formation of learning motivation through the game plot of the lesson;

- continue to cultivate responsiveness and empathy in children fairy tale characters, create a desire to help them;

- contribute to the enrichment of musical impressions, the accumulation of listening experience;

- instill a desire to work in a team, team.

4. Methods and techniques.

Modeling a game situation in order to pose a problem and understand motivation.

Usage visual material, finger gymnastics, singing, tasks for figurative transformations, tasks for artistic development - creativity children. Questions for children.

5. Materials for the assignment.

Recording of animal sounds, pictures and images of animals, a large basket drawn on whatman paper, a toy squirrel (hedgehog), small ready-made parts for applique (mushrooms, berries, nuts).

Demonstration material.

The hall is decorated in accordance with the season - autumn, the central wall is a forest clearing.

6. Preliminary work.

Looking at autumn landscapes.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's music "The Seasons".

Listening and singing songs about autumn.

Reading poems about autumn.

Making riddles about seasonal changes.

Execution of collective creative works: drawing “Sun” - with palms, applique “ Autumn tree».

Ecology lesson

"How animals prepare for winter"

(2 junior group)

Target:- continue to form an idea of ​​​​preparing animals for winter, their adaptation to seasonal changes.

1. Educational- consolidate the general concept of “Wild Animals”, teach how to guess descriptive riddles about wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to animals.

2. Developmental- develop mental processes children: attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of coherent speech.

3. Educational— to cultivate a sense of love for the surrounding world, caring attitude towards the inhabitants of living nature.

Previous work:

— Solve riddles about wild animals.

— A conversation about how wild animals prepare for the onset of winter.

Vocabulary work(Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole)

— Fizminutka"Animal Charge"

— Game “What has changed? »

— Preparing a surprise for a squirrel and a hedgehog.

— Summary of the lesson (conversation)

— A surprise for the guys from a squirrel and a hedgehog

Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole.

Equipment: Use of a computer, projector, multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory part (riddles) – 2 min.

2. Main part (conversation, physical minute, game) – 10 minutes.

3. Final part (Surprise for wild animals, lesson summary) – 3 min.

Boarding children

Progress of the lesson:

“Hello guys, today we will talk about how “wild animals prepare for wintering”

Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to solve them.

I make riddles:

Angry touchy one,

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

There are a lot of needles

And more than one thread (Hedgehog)

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter

Loves pine cones loves honey

Well, who will name it? (Bear)

Long ears

Quick Paws

Gray, but not a mouse.

Who is this? (Hare)

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I gnaw nuts (Squirrel)

Children's answers (hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel)

Educator: Smart guys, you guessed all the riddles, but please answer me - How can we call all these animals in one word? (if they can’t answer, I ask leading questions - For example: Guys, where do they live? What domestic animals do you know? Why are they domestic? What wild animals do you know? That’s right guys, let’s call all these animals wild. How smart you are.

Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children (autumn)

And after autumn, what time will come?

Children (winter)

That's right, guys, winter is coming soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. Guys, do you know how they prepare to meet winter?

Children's answers (changing wool, preparing holes, dens, winter supplies)

Educator: They exchange their summer wool for a thicker, warmer one. (Show pictures of a squirrel and a hare) And some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. (Show pictures of a bear and a hedgehog)

Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole

- Guys, now, let's rest a little. Let's do animal exercises. We look at me and repeat exactly after me.

Physical exercise.

Animal exercise.

Once - squat,

Two - jump

This is a rabbit exercise.

And fox cubs love to stretch for a long time,

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail,

And the wolf cubs arch their backs

And jump lightly

Well, the bear is clubfooted

With his paws spread wide,

Either one or both together,

He has been marking time for a long time.

Pay attention to how the children are sitting (the legs are friends, the eyes are all looking at me and listening to me attentively.)

Educator: Well done guys, and now I suggest you play one interesting game, and it’s called “What has changed? “Guys, there are wild animals depicted on the board, you look carefully and remember who is depicted in these pictures, when I tell you to close your eyes, you close your eyes, then you open them and I ask you which wild animal ran home? so let's start the game.

Game “What has changed?

There are pictures of wild animals on the board. Children close their eyes, the teacher removes 1 animal and says that the animal ran home. Children call the “runaway” animal.

Educator: Well done guys, you are so attentive. Please look at the squirrel and the hedgehog (depicted on the board), they did not have time to prepare supplies for the winter, and I suggest you help them. Guys, what is a hedgehog? And the squirrel? Now I will give you mushrooms, nuts, cones, apples, and you put them in your pockets. We leave one by one.

Well done guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog are very happy, we helped them a lot.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator - Guys, what new did you learn in class? What animals came to our classes? Wild. Where do they live? In the forest. What words have we learned? What animals did we help stockpile (squirrel and hedgehog - children’s answers)

Guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog are telling you Thanks a lot and they also brought you a gift, a book about them, about animals.

Literature used

    Internet network

    Chestnova N. Yu.

    Ivanova, M. A.

    Arsenova, M. A.

    Vinogradova, E. I.

    Summary of a comprehensive lesson

    "How animals prepare for winter"

    in the senior subgroup kindergarten"Spikelet"

    branch of MDOU Novomalyklinsky village "Solnyshko"

    multi-age group teacher

    Budyleva Aleftina Fedorovna

    Program content.

    1. Systematize children’s knowledge about the life of wild animals in the forest, about how animals prepare for winter. Reinforce with children the concepts of the reserve and the huntsman.

    2. To develop children’s coherent speech, the ability to select words that have the appropriate meaning for adjectives, creative imagination, and observation skills.

    3. Cultivate in children an interest in the life of wild animals.

    Preliminary work.

    Looking at albums and postcards about wild animals Reading fiction: V. Bianchi “Tails”, M. Prishvin “Hedgehog”, L. Tolstoy “Hares”. Fairy tale dramatization

    “Teremok”, conducting the lesson “What is the name of the bear, fox, hare?” Modeling: “Many bunnies, big and small.”

    Drawing: “Fox”, “Our bear”.

    Material for the lesson.

    Letter, cones with riddles, pictures with images

    wild animals, worksheets for each child:

    “Who lives where?”, “Turn the figure into some animal”, pencils, winter forest decoration attributes.

    Progress of the lesson:

    The teacher and the children enter the group, greet the guests, show the letter, and say:

    “Someone threw it at our window

    Look at the letter.

    Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

    What tickles my face

    Maybe it's a sparrow

    While flying, he dropped it.

    Can someone write like a mouse?

    Lured to the window?

    I wonder who it is from, you guys want to know? Let's read it: “Hello, dear guys. Have you ever been to a winter forest? We invite you to visit us."

    Guys, no one signed the letter, instead of a signature there is a bump, who could it be?

    Let’s take a careful look around, maybe there will be some big shots in our group, not just a letter.”

    Children find cones containing notes with riddles.

    Educator: - “Children’s cones are not simple, they are a surprise with a riddle, listen carefully, we will guess.”

    1 - “He sleeps in winter, stirs up the hives in summer” (Bear)

    2 - “All covered in thorns, grumbling like a feisty one,

    gets a little scared and curls up into a ball.” (Hedgehog)

    3 - “Grayish, toothy, prowling through the fields,

    looking for calves and lambs" (Wolf)

    4 - “Guess what kind of hat it is, there’s a whole armful of fur.

    The cap runs around in the forest, gnawing on the bark of the trunks.” (Hare)

    5 - “Cunning cheat, red head,

    The fluffy tail is a beauty, and her name is ………..” (Fox)

    6 - “Nimble little animal

    Through the trees, jump and jump." (Squirrel)

    Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. Pine after cone, we didn’t even notice how we ended up in the winter forest. But no one is meeting us, and you guessed who invited us to winter forest? (children's answers). Guys, look at the trees hanging pictures of these animals. Children, what can you call them all?

    Children - Wild animals.

    Educator - Why, guys, do they call them wild animals?

    Children - Because they live in the forest, get their own food, build a home, raise their cubs, and take care of them.

    Educator - That's right, guys. Let's remember and tell you how wild animals prepare for winter and spend the winter. (Calls over the children who are holding an image of a bear and a hedgehog)

    Children, how do bears and hedgehogs prepare for winter? (They feed heavily, store fat, create a place to spend the winter)

    How do they spend the winter? (They sleep until spring: the bear is in a den, and the hedgehog rests under a snag in a hole, in a bed of leaves and grass.)

    Guys, remember what other animal sleeps all winter? (Badger)

    Children, how are squirrels and hare similar in preparing for winter? (Change fur color). How do a hare and a squirrel differ in preparing for winter? (The squirrel makes provisions for the winter, but the hare does not, the squirrel spends the winter in a hollow, but the hare has no shelter, it spends the night under a bush).

    Educator: - Guys, how do the fox and the wolf prepare for winter? Why? (The wolf and the fox do not store supplies for the winter; they spend the entire winter hunting hares, mice and other prey)

    Educator: - Children, what animal finds it difficult to spend the winter without human help? Guess the riddle and you will answer my question.

    Touching the grass with hooves,

    A handsome man walks through the forest.

    Walks boldly and easily

    Horns spread wide. (Elk)

    Children, why is it difficult for moose in winter? (Not enough food for the animal)

    That's right, guys. Tell me, please, what is the name of the place where they protect the life of every animal and bird, where they help them survive and feed themselves in the frosty winter? (Reserve)

    Well done, what do you call a person who helps these animals? (Jaeger).

    You and I also help the birds that come to our site in winter to winter. What are we doing for this? (Hang up the feeders, pour in food.)

    Well done guys. Let's play a game - “Finish the sentence”, in which we will select words that are suitable in meaning.

    “Big, clumsy, like ……… (Bear)

    “Long-eared, fleet-footed, like ...... (Hare)

    “Beautiful, cunning, like……. (Fox)

    “Toothed, hungry, like ..... (Wolf)

    “Prickly, small, like…….. (Hedgehog)

    “Small, dexterous, like ..... (Squirrel)

    Educator: - Let's have a little rest, guys.

    It’s not good for us to be lazy, remember, guys.

    Even animals, even birds do exercises.

    And the little foxes, when they wake up, love to stretch.

    Be sure to yawn and wag your tail deftly.

    Well, the clubfoot bear spreads its paws wide,

    First one, then both together, marking time for a long time.

    Squat once, jump twice and squat again.

    And then jump again - hare exercise!

    The bird jumps as if dancing, the bird flaps its wings

    And it takes off without looking back - this is a bird's exercise.

    Educator: - Guys, let's sit down at the tables and play the games: “Who lives where” and “Turn the figure into an animal.”

    In the first task, you need to connect the animal with a line to its home, and on the second piece of paper, add figures to the image of an animal.

    In the background of creative work, the song sounds: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

    Educator - (Collecting work) Children, where did we go today, what did we learn?

    We visited nature

    We learned a lot about her

    Now we'll tell you

    What did we see there?

    Under a snag in a windfall

    A bear sleeps in a cozy house,

    He put his paw in his mouth

    And how the little one sucks

    The squirrel hid in a hollow,

    It's both dry and warm

    Stock of mushrooms and berries

    So much that you couldn’t eat it in a year.

    The scythe has no den

    He doesn't need a hole

    Legs save you from enemies

    And from hunger, bark.

    The old fox made a hole

    And under the leaves lie

    Two inexperienced hedgehogs.

    Educator - Well done, guys. Let us leave our drawings as a gift to our forest friends, attaching them to branches.


    organized educational activities

    in the second junior group

    Subject: “How animals prepare for winter”

    Target continue to introduce children to wild animals. To form ideas in children about the adaptation of wild animals to seasonal changes in nature. Develop observation and curiosity. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

    Educational areas: cognition, communication, artistic creativity.

    Activity: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

    Activating the dictionary: lair, thickets, hollow, den, hole.

    Equipment:illustrations depicting wild animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog). Didactic games“Whose house”, “Whose baby”.

    Glue, brushes, napkins, carrots (ready-made shapes cut from paper)

    Preliminary work: joint viewing of the album “Wild Animals”, reading stories about animals.

    Move educational activities.

    Educator:What time of year is it now? How did you know? ( Children's answers)

    And after autumn, what time of year will it be? ( Children's answers)

    Well done. And in order to get into the forest you need to say magic words and turn into invisible.

    One, two, three, maple branch, help

    We end up in the forest

    Where I painted the foliage

    In color crimson, gold

    Autumn with a yellow braid.

    We enter the forest. Guys, let's take a breath of fresh forest air.

    Breathing exercises “We shrug.”

    Quiet as in the forest. Sometimes a leaf will fall with a rustling sound. I can't hear the birds. Why? (Children's answers).

    It’s beautiful, quiet, it seems like there’s no one in the forest. But this is not true at all. There are many forest dwellers in the forest. Listen to the riddle.

    Who was chewing cones on a branch?

    And threw the nuts down?

    Who deftly jumps through the trees

    And flies up into the oak trees?

    Who hides nuts in a hollow,

    Drying mushrooms for the winter?

    That's right, it's a squirrel, and who's jumping to meet it?

    Riddle about the hare. That's right, it's a hare. But someone else is running towards them.

    Good-natured and businesslike

    covered with needles

    The clatter of nimble feet can be heard.

    This is our friend... (hedgehog).

    Let's hear what they have to say. (The teacher lays out the figures).

    Squirrel says: Hello, who are you?

    I'm a hare.

    I'm a hedgehog. Who are you?

    And I'm a squirrel. Bunny, why did you become a different color? I didn't recognize you at all.

    I changed my gray fur coat to a white one, I won’t be visible in the snow, the fox will pass by. And you squirrel, why did you become a different color?

    I also prepared for winter. In the summer I was red, you couldn’t see me in the foliage of the trees. And now the trees are bare, gray, so I changed my fur coat to a gray one, now I can’t be seen among the branches. How do you, hedgehog, prepare for winter?

    I prepared a hole for myself and covered it with dry leaves. I'll sleep all winter.

    Are the wolf, fox and bear also preparing for winter?

    Yes, the wolf and the fox grow fur to avoid freezing. And the bear, like me, will sleep all winter. He makes his den under the roots of a fallen tree. “Well, I have to go,” said the hedgehog and ran, getting ready for bed.

    The squirrel and the hare also ran about their business.

    Let's play.

    We have a nice posture

    We brought our shoulder blades together

    We walk on our toes

    And then on your heels.

    Let's go softly like little foxes,

    And like a clubfooted bear,

    And like a little bunny coward,

    And how gray wolf- wolf cub.

    Here is a hedgehog curled up into a ball,

    Because he was cold.

    The hedgehog's ray touched

    The hedgehog pulled himself up sweetly. (Children walk in a circle, imitating the habits of animals.)

    Game “Hide the animals in their houses”

    But sometimes in winter there are such strong snowstorms, blizzards and snowfalls that even fur coats can’t save you, you want to hide in a house. So the animals ask the guys: “Hide us in our houses.”

    Where can we hide the fox? (into the hole).

    Where can we hide the hare? (in the thickets).

    Where can we hide the wolf? (to the lair).

    Where can we hide the bear? (in the den).

    Where should we hide the squirrel? (into the hollow).

    Well done guys, they saved all the animals.

    Educator:Well, guys, did you like traveling, then it’s time to return. Let’s say the magic words: “Goodbye, good forest.”

    Educator:Guys, a bunny came up to me in the forest. He really wanted to eat. In summer, tasty, juicy grass grows - eat as much as you want. It is very difficult for him to get food. Do you want to treat the bunny with carrots? (Children's answers)

    Children take the prepared forms, lightly spread them and stick them on a large sheet of paper.

    Educator:Well done, guys. The bunny will be very happy with your treat.

    Explanatory note.

    Program content:

    1. Educational objectives:

    Learn to distinguish the sounds of forest animals;

    Learn to perform figurative exercises using words;

    Learn to navigate in space;

    To consolidate children's knowledge of how animals prepare for winter;

    Learn to carefully glue finished parts;

    Creating teamwork;

    Improve children's knowledge about the season of autumn and its signs.

    2. Developmental tasks:

    Develop speech, observation, attention;

    Develop hand motor skills and imagination;

    Develop compositional skills in the arrangement of objects;

    Develop the ability to react to the beginning and end of the sound of music, - develop the ability to change movement in accordance with the nature of the music;

    Develop the ability to answer questions;

    3. Educational tasks:

    Formation of learning motivation through the game plot of the lesson;

    Continue to instill in children responsiveness, sympathy for fairy-tale characters, and create a desire to help them;

    Contribute to the enrichment of musical impressions and the accumulation of listening experience;

    Instill a desire to work in a team.

    4. Methods and techniques.

    Modeling a game situation in order to pose a problem and understand motivation.

    The use of visual material, finger gymnastics, singing, tasks for figurative transformations, tasks for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities. Questions for children.

    5. Materials for the assignment.

    Recording of animal sounds, pictures and images of animals, a large basket drawn on whatman paper, a toy squirrel (hedgehog), small ready-made parts for applique (mushrooms, berries, nuts).

    Demonstration material.

    The hall is decorated in accordance with the season - autumn, the central wall is a forest clearing.

    6. Preliminary work.

    Looking at autumn landscapes.

    Listening to Tchaikovsky's music "The Seasons".

    Listening and singing songs about autumn.

    Reading poems about autumn.

    Making riddles about seasonal changes.

    Performing collective creative works: drawing “Sun” with palms, applique “Autumn Tree”.

    Ecology lesson

    "How animals prepare for winter"

    (2nd junior group)

    Target:- continue to form an idea of ​​​​preparing animals for winter, their adaptation to seasonal changes.

    1. Educational- consolidate the general concept of “Wild Animals”, teach how to guess descriptive riddles about wild animals. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals. Expand children's horizons by introducing children to animals.

    2. Developmental- develop children’s mental processes: attention, memory, thinking. Promote the development of coherent speech.

    3. Educational- cultivate a sense of love for the surrounding world, caring attitude towards the inhabitants of wildlife.

    Previous work:

    Solve riddles about wild animals.

    A conversation about how wild animals prepare for the onset of winter.

    Vocabulary work (Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole)

    - Fizminutka"Animal Charge"

    Game “What has changed? »

    Preparing a surprise for a squirrel and a hedgehog.

    Summary of the lesson (conversation)

    A surprise for the guys from a squirrel and a hedgehog

    Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole.

    Equipment: Use of a computer, projector, multimedia presentation.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Introductory part (riddles) – 2 min.

    2. Main part (conversation, physical minute, game) – 10 minutes.

    3. Final part (Surprise for wild animals, lesson summary) – 3 min.

    Boarding children

    Progress of the lesson:

    “Hello guys, today we will talk about how “wild animals prepare for wintering”

    Guys, now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to solve them.

    I make riddles:

    Angry touchy one,

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest

    There are a lot of needles

    And more than one thread (Hedgehog)

    Clubfoot and big,

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Loves pine cones loves honey

    Well, who will name it? (Bear)

    Long ears

    Quick Paws

    Gray, but not a mouse.

    Who is this? (Hare)

    I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

    I live in a dense forest.

    In a hollow on an old oak tree

    I gnaw nuts (Squirrel)

    Children's answers (hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel)

    Educator: Smart guys, you guessed all the riddles, but please answer me - How can we call all these animals in one word? (if they can’t answer, I ask leading questions - For example: Guys, where do they live? What domestic animals do you know? Why are they domestic? What wild animals do you know? That’s right guys, let’s call all these animals wild. How smart you are.

    Guys, what time of year is it now?

    Children (autumn)

    And after autumn, what time will come?

    Children (winter)

    That's right, guys, winter is coming soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. Guys, do you know how they prepare to meet winter?

    Children's answers (changing wool, preparing holes, dens, winter supplies)

    Educator: They exchange their summer wool for a thicker, warmer one. (Show pictures of a squirrel and a hare) And some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. (Show pictures of a bear and a hedgehog)

    Vocabulary work: Hibernate, reserves, squirrel-hollow, hedgehog-hole

    Guys, now, let's rest a little. Let's do animal exercises. We look at me and repeat exactly after me.

    Physical exercise.

    Animal exercise.

    Once - squat,

    Two - jump

    This is a rabbit exercise.

    And fox cubs love to stretch for a long time,

    Be sure to yawn

    Well, wag your tail,

    And the wolf cubs arch their backs

    And jump lightly

    Well, the bear is clubfooted

    With his paws spread wide,

    Either one or both together,

    He has been marking time for a long time.

    Pay attention to how the children are sitting (the legs are friends, the eyes are all looking at me and listening to me attentively.)

    Educator: Well done guys, and now I suggest you play one interesting game, and it’s called “What has changed? “Guys, there are wild animals depicted on the board, you look carefully and remember who is depicted in these pictures, when I tell you to close your eyes, you close your eyes, then you open them and I ask you which wild animal ran home? so let's start the game.

    Game “What has changed?

    There are pictures of wild animals on the board. Children close their eyes, the teacher removes 1 animal and says that the animal ran home. Children call the “runaway” animal.

    Educator: Well done guys, you are so attentive. Please look at the squirrel and the hedgehog (depicted on the board), they did not have time to prepare supplies for the winter, and I suggest you help them. Guys, what is a hedgehog? And the squirrel? Now I will give you mushrooms, nuts, cones, apples, and you put them in your pockets. We leave one by one.

    Well done guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog are very happy, we helped them a lot.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Educator - Guys, what new did you learn in class? What animals came to our classes? Wild. Where do they live? In the forest. What words have we learned? What animals did we help stockpile (squirrel and hedgehog - children’s answers)

    Guys, the squirrel and the hedgehog say thank you very much and they also brought you a gift, a book about them, about animals.

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