What business do Dmitry and Margarita Buryak do. Forbes billionaire Dmitry Buryak's wife: He kicked me out of the house. The king of bioadditives said that he was ready to give everything to his wife

Over the past few years, Alfa Group has been unable to sell the Akrikhin pharmaceutical plant, which it inherited back in the mid-90s. The company was eyed by one company after another, until finally in January of this year it was announced that Dmitry Buryak, founder of the network marketing empire Vision International People (VIP) Group, bought this Moscow region enterprise for $40 million.

The news caused a stir. One of largest factories came to a company that produces biologically active additives (BAA), herbal teas, creams, and jeans, in the creation of which "special copper threads were used to use medicinal properties copper". All of these products are distributed through a network of 170,000 independent distributors, usually women over 40, who gather for noisy corporate parties in specially rented concert halls for the occasion. Everything is exactly like the founders of this business - the American manufacturers of dietary supplements Herbalife and Neways.

Is such a symbiosis possible?

Buryak himself does not doubt this at all. He wants to break the distrust of dietary supplements, and at the same time prove that his company is able to move mountains in the drug market. I need Akrikhin to be respected in the pharmaceutical market, too, ”the entrepreneur admits in an interview with Forbes.

SUPPLEMENTS AND MEDICINES. Fate threw Buryak around the world, so the company that he eventually built turned out to be not entirely Russian.

VIP Group manufactures dietary supplements at the facilities of its Irish subsidiary. The products have "speaking" names - "Antiox +" (antioxidant), "Detox +" (removes toxins), etc. - and is sold through representative offices in 11 countries, including Vietnam, although the main deliveries still fall on Russia and the CIS. VIP Group shares (60% owned by Buryak) are listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange, the company's capitalization in February was $180 million.

VIP Group's business is developing, but not at a frantic pace - in the first nine months of 2004, sales increased by 12%, amounting to $60.3 million, while in the third quarter it even decreased - by 24% compared to the same period last year . Buryak is inclined to blame the pharmaceutical lobby for the decline in growth rates, which demands tougher rules of the game in the bioadditives market.

Pharmacists really have a grudge against manufacturers of dietary supplements. The volume of this market in Russia has already reached $1 billion. According to the Pharmexpert research company, 27% of Muscovites, for example, do not see the difference between a bioactive supplement and a drug. “The boundaries between them are blurring,” states Pharmexpert. This means that pharmaceutical companies, whose products must pass clinical trials and a rigorous certification process, have to compete directly with manufacturers of dietary supplements, which are not formally considered drugs and are much cheaper to bring to market.

Whether the notorious lobbyists are to blame or not, last October Russia's chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko banned the circulation of a whole class of bioactive supplements - those containing extracts of the kava kava plant (aka intoxicating pepper). Vision had to stop selling the Repen anti-stress product, which included a banned ingredient (now it is looking for a replacement). The decree also affected other manufacturers of dietary supplements, including Neways. “Before, kava-kava was given to children, but now it is considered poison,” Buryak is indignant.

The struggle for distributors distributing VIP Group products is also getting tougher. There are more and more companies operating on the principle of network marketing, and the likelihood of getting rich on this is less and less; a resident of the Russian outback, who earns money by selling bioactive supplements, can easily switch to distributing a competitor's products or even Avon cosmetics if this company offers more favorable conditions. Previously, Vision had an undeniable advantage - the program for working with distributors was distinguished by its extraordinary simplicity. If other firms could describe remuneration systems for dozens of pages, then Vision fit everything into an elementary formula: 5% commission at the two lower levels, 10% for everyone who is higher. (You can move from one level to another by involving a certain number of new distributors in the system.) Now, simplicity alone is not enough: in order to expand the network, Vision had to raise commissions for especially active novice distributors four times last year - up to 20% of sales.

As for the pharmaceutical lobby, it is now a sin for Buryak to complain about it: after all, after buying Akrikhin, he himself fell into the category of drug manufacturers. Another thing is that the pharmaceutical industry is still a novelty for the founder of Vision. “Pharmaceutics is a certain community,” says Buryak. “I don’t want to be a Varangian there who broke everything.” The entrepreneur has already put a team led by his trusted manager Alexander Lazuto on Akrikhin ( Management Company Health Tech Corporation). But how Akrikhin will develop further has not yet been decided - the new owner is only thinking about expanding the geography of sales of Akrikhin's drugs.

Independent experts are also at a loss as to what can be done revolutionary on former enterprise"Alpha". Last year, Akrikhin produced drugs worth $54 million, a significant share of which came from sales of the cardiovascular drug Kapoten, licensed by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Another popular drug "Akrikhin" - multivitamins "Vectrum", also produced under license. Like most other Russian pharmaceutical plants, Akrikhin does not have its own developments, its entire range is generics. And this means that the company is forced to compete with numerous manufacturers of exactly the same drugs. Akrikhin's growth resource lies in the competent positioning of drugs, says Nikolai Demidov, Pharmexpert's executive director.

However, all this is well known to Buryak in the market of bioadditives. And his rich entrepreneurial experience taught him, as he himself says, “not to rest your eye on your trough”, but to look at things more broadly.

TIME TO COLLECT STONES. As a child, Buryak collected semiprecious stones. Together with the same young geologists, he traveled from Moscow to the Ural mines, looking for almadins, garnets, pyropes - and then selling them to buyers at the Bird Market. At 13, he "had enough money of his own to buy a bike." “I fell in love with geology, read Fersman, Vernadsky. I was stimulated by the fact that I knew how to make money on minerals, ”recalls the entrepreneur.

Buryak entered the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute, went to work at the Institute of the Diamond Mining Industry, but he did not live on a modest institute salary. Friends brought him semi-precious stones from expeditions, and Buryak sold them; sometimes he earned up to 10,000 rubles a month. In Gorbachev's time, Buryak founded one of the first cooperatives in the USSR - he knitted fishnet tights, molded slippers from plastic. It turned out to be even more profitable than buying minerals.

Then there was the firm "Anis", named after Buryak's senior partner, the former administrator of the Uzbekconcert Anis Mukhametshin (last year the entrepreneur was detained on charges of tax evasion on an especially large scale). Anis imported and sold products under its own brand: cognac, champagne, ice cream, perfumes. The business was a complex barter cycle. “We supplied products to miners and received other assets, such as coal. Coal was transported to factories where coke was made from it. Coke was sold to metallurgical enterprises for metal. The metal was taken to Romania, they made, for example, fenders and hoods for Zhiguli. Spare parts were given to those who made the "Lada" - and the "Lada" was again changed to coal. And it turned out 3000% profitability,” the head of Vision admires.

In parallel, the creators of "Anis" were engaged in show business. Long before the "Star Factory" - it was the end of the 80s - they created the "Combine of Stars", from the "conveyor" of which, in particular, the popular group "Na-Na" left. Since then, Buryak has maintained good contacts in show business and the skill of holding mass events. Both of these were very useful network marketing with its thousands of holidays with the participation of pop stars.

After leaving Anis back in 1991, Buryak continued to trade in commodities. He managed to wedge himself into oil supplies under an intergovernmental agreement with Kazakhstan. Things were going well until Buryak, a fan of very fast driving, got into a car accident in 1995. He injured his spine and, according to doctors' forecasts, he should not have walked for at least three years. Former Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Sergei Tereshchenko, with whom Buryak was well acquainted in the supply of oil and coke, recommended to him his doctor, who owned unconventional methods. He raised the businessman to his feet in six months.

During his illness, Buryak, as he himself says, changed his attitude to life. “I forgot about this metallurgy, factories. It seemed to me that if I get out, I will talk about important goals - about health, - Buryak explains. “I saw this as a huge opportunity for a business model.” In addition, while Buryak was recovering, many opportunities were missed - competitors intervened. A businessman, for example, lost everything that was connected with oil, only operations with coke remained. It got to the point that Buryak had to leave Russia and settle in Nice, where he had a house. In Europe, he also found a model for a new business.

In 1995, Buryak met the American businessman Douglas Matthews. Together they registered a representative office in Europe of the network company Achievers Unlimited, which sold dietary supplements. We agreed that Buryak would develop the Achievers business in Russia. However, Matthews' own company did not last long. Buryak invited foreign managers from the collapsed company to his place and began to create his own empire - Vision International People Group.

Together with the French Arko-pharma Group (turnover in 2003 - € 228 million), Vision built a plant registered to the Irish company Nutripharma, in which it owns 35%. Since then, this company has been producing all Vision dietary supplements, and Arkopharma specialists have been developing the formulation.

While dealing with health products, Buryak also retained assets in the coal industry for some time. In 1997, Buryak and his partner even controlled 51% of the shares of the Altai-Koks plant, one of the largest coke-chemical enterprises in the country. But three years later, Buryak ceded this plant to the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company of Iskander Makhmudov. “I gave it to Iskander inexpensively ... In general, this price suited me,” Buryak explains. At the beginning of February 2005, the capitalization of Altai-koks in the RTS was $252 million.

SOCIETY OF CONSUMERS. Like most of the founders of network companies, the president of the VIP Group is a charismatic person. He thinks globally. On Buryak's personal website, in the "Quotes" section, you can read his dictum: "Each of us is personally responsible for the fate of the planet." And at the same time, Buryak can explain to the secretary for a long time and patiently how to answer phone calls correctly, and then he himself will call the reception and check whether the lesson went well.

Another feature of Buryak is that he is a staunch supporter of delegation of authority. For example, he fully trusts his team in determining the future of Akrikhin: “The plant will be developed by specialists. If they end up giving me a strategy that doesn't have Vision [products], then they won't be there."

Once, however, his instinct failed him. At the end of 2002, Buryak bought for $ 15 million the leader in the food delivery market through catalogs - the Moscow company Service 77. Under the terms of the deal, a team led by former owner Igor Kudryakov. From the outside, everything looked great: through Service 77, for example, they began selling herbal teas from the Lithuanian factory Svencioniu vaistazoles owned by Buryak. And only a year later, Vision management discovered that something was wrong in the acquired company. The business plan was not carried out, in addition, Kudryakov issued promissory notes for $ 3 million without the consent of the board of directors. “Every month a financial hole was formed that had to be covered,” says Stanislav Odintsov, Buryak's legal adviser. “At some point, the company began to resemble a financial pyramid.” (Kudryakov, however, believes that the stories about bad management are an excuse needed to deprive him of the 10% stake in the company promised under the deal.) The sad result of this takeover: Service 77 stopped operations this winter, and Odintsov was instructed to liquidate company.

Buryak, however, does not rule out that Service 77 will be revived in one form or another. He says that this business fits in well with his "concept healthy lifestyle life" because it "allows people to save time." Perhaps Buryak hopes to sell his New Product- "healthy" drinks without preservatives and heat treatment, which will be produced by the Aqua Vision factory currently under construction in the Moscow region, worth tens of millions of dollars. This project is led by specialists hired by Buryak from Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

The ultimate goal of an entrepreneur sounds quite global. It's about nothing less than "creating a community of consumers of healthy foods." In this difficult business, Buryak relies on marketing technologies that are inaccessible to traditional companies, namely, on the same army of Vision distributors. In the end, this is 170,000 people who are obviously loyal to any product produced by Buryak's enterprises. They do not have the right to distribute drugs - according to the law, pharmaceuticals can only be sold in pharmacies, but they can become buyers of Akrikhin products. “All these people are consumers,” agrees the founder of Vision. “They will say: since Buryak owns Akrikhin, it means that the quality is better here.”

When it comes to dietary supplements, faith is half the battle. “Here, 60% of the psyche and 40% is the action of the dietary supplement itself,” Buryak explains. Well, now he has to find out if the same proportion works for medicines.

Divorce of oligarchs rarely does without major scandals. Especially when it comes to splitting billions of dollars. Billionaire Dmitry Buryak, who made his fortune on bioadditives, and his wife Margarita officially divorced in February, after 29 years of marriage - "quietly". However, judging by the statement to the prosecutor's office from the oligarch's wife, which was at the disposal of Life, immediately after the breakup, the 58-year-old businessman, without warning, put his ex-wife and three children outside the door. The youngest - Philip - at that time was 18 years old - the young man, until recently, studied abroad at the expense of his father. A beautiful fairy-tale life behind the strong back of her oligarch husband for Margarita Buryak collapsed overnight. Now the woman faces a long "war" for jointly acquired property, the value of which is estimated at about one billion dollars.

Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the most exemplary couples in Russian business. The lovers met when the future bride was barely 15 years old. The young man in love humbly waited for three years to take the girl down the aisle. Together they went through fire and water - from the conviction of a businessman at dawn family life to the creation of one of the largest networks for the sale of nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband three children: two daughters and a son, whom the man called the meaning of his life. Resident of the prestigious Forbes rating presented his beloved blonde with flowers and expensive jewelry, fulfilling her every whim. So that his wife does not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation helping children from orphanages.

“The family has always been the basis of my life,” Dmitry Buryak admitted in his interviews. “Margarita is my destiny, the mother of my wonderful daughters and long-awaited son, the meaning of my existence.”

The first public discord in a happy family happened in 2009, by that time the couple had crossed the line of a turquoise wedding, having lived together for 18 years. Margarita was noticed in the company of the then single Andrei Malakhov. With a popular TV presenter, the woman spent more than one evening, having managed to visit with him even in his homeland in Apatity. Feelings for the new favorite went out, barely having time to flare up, Margarita returned to her husband again. However, the weather in luxury home the oligarch and his wife improved for a short time. Seven years later, the woman found out that in another country her husband was hiding his mistress and two children.

I was told that Dmitry has had a second family in Ukraine for more than ten years. He often flew there, because he has another business there, ”Margarita admits.

Realizing that there was nothing more to save, Margarita Buryak filed for divorce. However, such a "rebellion" did not please the businessman, whose plans did not include the wayward act of the once beloved woman. According to Margarita, having decided to punish his wife, Dmitry hit with a ruble, stopping funding for her charitable foundation and putting things out the door.

The day after the divorce, returning from work, I could not get not only into our house, but also into the territory of the village, - says Margarita Buryak. - I had to call the police. But the employee who arrived said that the house belongs to my ex-husband and I can no longer be there.

According to lawyer Margarita Buryak, his client was a victim of injustice, because the mansion, located in an elite village near Moscow, was purchased with money from the general family budget.

In February, we filed a lawsuit alleging that Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak interfered with his residence. ex-wife within the territory of land plot acquired in marriage, - says the woman's lawyer. - But until June, this case did not move from a dead center. Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He put up guards, hired some guest workers who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding to deprive the ex-wife of the right to use the house. The court granted his request. We were refused. Which is a gross violation, since this house is jointly acquired property. And, despite the fact that Dmitry is the owner, both spouses have equal rights to him. Unless otherwise provided marriage contract which my client did not conclude.

On August 31, a meeting will be held again in the Moscow Regional Court - the woman decided to go all the way and appeal against the deprivation of her rights to use common home in higher authorities.

In addition, Margarita applied to the Investigative Committee, the FSB Directorate, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with accusatory testimony accusing the oligarch of organizing an organized crime group and money laundering through his company Vision International People Group, which produces bioadditives popular in Europe.

The amounts that were withdrawn abroad and imported into Russia are of a significant size and of dubious origin, writes Margarita Buryak in her statement. - My ex-husband leads this criminal gang, which includes seven more people. They cashed money through shell companies. I found out about this when I was allowed to manage one of his Russian companies.

Also, according to Margarita Buryak, the ex-husband, without notifying the FMS of Russia, received dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, which is a criminal offense.

Recent times he lived abroad, explaining this to me by the fact that he had "disagreements" with the Russian authorities and it was undesirable for him to be on the territory of the Russian Federation, - Margarita continues. - I believed. Indeed, in the nineties, he was a member of the well-known criminal group of the Cherny brothers. Later he served 2.5 years in a colony for attempted fraud and obtaining a loan on false documents. But me, really, all of our life together tried to convince him that this was a tragic mistake that he would never repeat.

Shadow business. MLM technology was invented and launched by the American Carl Rehnborg, who founded the world's first chain selling nutritional supplements in 1934. In 1975, the Federal Trade Commission issued several regulations that restricted the activities of companies organized like a pyramid scheme, including MLM companies. But a few years later, networkers were again legalized, and now the total annual turnover of MLM companies reaches $25 billion and is growing by 20-30% annually. Still, the legal basis for the activities of multilevel marketing companies is rather shaky. It is clear that distributors do not have cash registers and they do not pay taxes. Formally, each distributor acts as a private individual, although the head of the company receives income from each transaction. Networkers do not like to draw attention to themselves and do not conduct extensive advertising campaigns. They print anonymous job advertisements in newspapers for free, post price lists on the Internet. All other information - only for their own. For Russian legislation networks do not exist. But networkers understand that when it notices them, they will have problems. How did they arise from their American counterparts.

One of the most successful MLM companies operating in Russia is the brainchild of the same Fabrice Kererve.

History of VISION

By 1991, there were already about 200 network companies in Russia. Herbalife, Oriflame, AmWay had the largest networks. However, their turnover was small. The networks developed slowly, because their founders, the so-called leaders, were obliged not only to attract distributors, but also to engage in sales themselves. In 1996, a revolution took place in the network business. A team of 130 people arrived in Moscow, headed by the Frenchman Fabrice Kererve. They all worked in network marketing for many years and created dozens of networks in Europe and the USA. By the spring of 1996, they had managed to recruit five thousand distributors and open a warehouse. The network was ready to go. It remained to achieve certification of products - food additives of the French company ArcoFarma. The only thing missing was the initial investment. And then businessman Dmitry Buryak came to their rescue. He met Fabrice Kererve in London, where he lived for several years (according to rumors, Dmitry Buryak was forced to live abroad because he had problems in Russia). He told the Frenchman that he had made a fortune in the metal trade and was ready to invest in a new business.

According to VISION employees, Dmitry Buryak invested about $ 10 million in the business, on July 6, 1996, VISION CJSC was registered in Moscow, in which Fabrice Kererve became president, and Dmitry Buryak became chairman of the board of directors and the main shareholder. Mr. Kererve was engaged in the promotion of the network, and his companion, sitting in London, solved financial issues. Certificates were received for ArcoFarma products, and the network started working. According to the stories of VISION employees, by 1997 Mr. Kererve managed not only to make the company profitable, but also to return the money invested to the Russian partner. In 1998, the company began to make a profit. According to the company, in 1998 the network numbered more than 450,000 distributors, and the annual turnover exceeded $250 million.

But then the August crisis happened, Dmitry Buryak returned to Russia (according to rumors, he managed to solve his old problems) and took matters in the company into his own hands. His first managerial decision was to fix the dollar exchange rate when selling goods from a warehouse to distributors at the level of 7.9 rubles. As a result, the incomes of the latest generation of distributors have risen, while the incomes of the leaders, who lived on the percentage of sales of those who were recruited, have sharply decreased.

The network began to shrink - the leaders began to leave for other network companies. Fabrice Kererve demanded to raise the rate and told Mr. Buryak that he would ruin the company. In response, the chairman of the board of directors suggested that the president leave VISION. There are rumors in the company that the offer was accompanied by threats. The Frenchman left Russia. After him, most of the leaders left the company, who also took their networks. As soon as they left, the dollar exchange rate for warehouse sales was immediately raised to the rate of the Central Bank. Employees of the company believe that Dmitry Buryak deliberately went to fix the dollar in order to expel a business partner. In February 1999, VISION re-registered the remaining distributors. Their number was reduced to 35 thousand. Then Dmitry Buryak decided to expand the network by splitting the so-called distribution package - a box that the distributor buys at the warehouse. Whereas the $180 box used to contain eight jars of nutritional supplements, now there are four packages of eight small vials each. The cost of each bottle has decreased. The number of buyers has increased. Now, however, distributors, in order to earn the same money as before, had to sell several times more than before. The incomes of chain leaders also decreased.

VISION International People Group - how they present themselves

From the Vision website:

"... Each of us wants to be healthy, live happily ever after. Everyone needs respect and love. And, finally, each of us knows: the most important thing is to pass on the baton of a happy and meaningful life to our children ...

The very idea of ​​the Company contains the conditions for a person to reveal his potential and achieve his goals. What are these conditions?

Firstly, it is a unique product of the company, thanks to which people get the opportunity to restore and long years preserve the most valuable thing they have - health.

Secondly, this Marketing plan A company that allows each person to independently secure a decent standard of living.

Thirdly, Vision International People Group is a friendly team of like-minded people who know how to rejoice in each other's successes.

Helping a neighbor to gain health and wealth, a person makes his life necessary and becomes a Personality. This is the noble mission of our Company, because with all the differences between people, the law of Nature is one - life gives life, and this is its meaning."

Dmitry Buryak

President of "Vision International People Group"

"Vision International People Group" is one of largest companies, working in the field of network marketing - was officially opened in Russia on July 14, 1996. Now it has already received recognition in 11 countries of the world: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy.

The company operates in the market of production and distribution of biologically active additives (BAA) to food. Together with Arkopharma Pharmaceutical Laboratories, the world leader in this field, Vision owns the Nutripharma plant for the production of dietary supplements in Ireland and a research laboratory on the coast mediterranean sea that creates unique cosmetics that have no analogues in the world.

The company actively cooperates with international organization The "Red Cross" holds charity events for the society of the disabled, children's and preschool institutions.

"Vision" actively supports many artists: Yuri Bashmet, Laima Vaikule, Valentin Yudashkin, acted as a sponsor of High Fashion Week in Moscow.

The company makes a feasible contribution to the development of physical culture not only in Russia but also abroad. So, with the support of "Vision", the "Match of Veterans of the Stars of Ukrainian and Lithuanian Basketball of the 80s" was held in Kyiv

In 2001 "Vision" is a sponsor of KVN.

Preparations offered by the international holding company "Vision" give unique opportunity manage your health with a natural plant-based diet. The action of drugs is aimed at restoring the functions of self-regulation of the body, increasing its protective properties and overall energy potential in a natural way. These are herbal medicines of the latest generation. Their preparation is based on unique recipe developments and the most modern technology cryogenic-vacuum crushing, which are the KNOW-HOW of the manufacturer. This allows 97% to preserve the medicinal properties of nutrients and 35% to exceed the effectiveness of existing analogues.

Preparations are made from 100% natural and mineral substances. They have a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect, do not have an overdose. Compatible with each other and other dosage forms. There is no addiction and dependence of the body on drugs. Application does not require medical supervision.

All drugs have been clinically tested, certified, approved by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, listed in the VIDAL medical reference book and the RLS-Doctor drug register, they comply international standard GMP quality.

Sellers: legends of wealth - how they cheat

MMM is dead, but his work lives on. On the ruins of financial pyramids, companies engaged in the so-called network marketing have grown. The largest Russian pyramid of this type is VISION, which in October 2000 celebrated its fourth anniversary on a grand scale. Newcomers attracted to VISION by promises of fabulous income often do not even realize that they have to leave $200 there in exchange for a folder with instructions and a box of illiquid goods.

In September, for the fourth anniversary of VISION, 17,000 of the best distributors came to Olimpiysky - a "diamond team", as they say in the company. Everyone has at least a hundred newcomers involved in network marketing. The culmination of the two-day celebration is a seven-hour speech by the company's president, Dmitry Buryak. The stadium, packed to capacity, is plunged into darkness. Only the stage is illuminated, on which a middle-aged man dressed in a light suit walks. Seventeen thousand spectators stand at attention, listening intently to the remarks that Buryak drops from time to time. He stops at the edge of the stage and says into the darkness, "We did it." A sigh of admiration flows through the hall. Buryak turns away and goes to the back of the stage. Returns. He says, "We were able to do it." And so all seven hours.

The Deneg correspondent was taken aback by this spectacle and made a mistake when leaving the hall: he asked an intelligent-looking lady about the prices for VISION products.

How, you don't sell VISION products yet? - the lady was amazed. The correspondent of "Kommersant" immediately found himself in the ring of assertive distributors, vying with each other about how to profitably sell the "classic complex", "women's complex" or at least medical jeans with the addition of copper. Breaking out of this ring turned out to be no easier than fighting off the gypsies who offered to tell fortunes.

Carriers of happiness"

VISION is more than a business. It is almost a religion, and it has its own sacred history. It says that Buryak, as befits a prophet, came up with VISION at the moment of insight. Four years ago, after miraculously surviving a car accident, he suddenly realized how to make people happy and decided to dedicate his life to it. He wants to make them healthy by feeding them universal medicines. And rich, having taught these medicines to sell. In 1996, representatives of similar Western companies were already working in Russia. They call their method of work the smart phrase multi-level-marketing (MLM), that is, each buyer of the product undertakes to find several more buyers for a percentage, and if successful, he himself begins to make a profit.

Kamil Salimzyanov, 30, a former miner, moved to Moscow from Bashkiria. Here he met Alena, an experienced distributor of VISION. Alena and Kamil began to work for VISION together. Then they played a wedding and founded family business. They are raising three children and have no doubt that the children will also become distributors. Camille and Alena tell the children that they owe everything VISION and its president Dmitry Buryak.

Mr. Buryak registered the company VISION in 1996, and already in 1997 it became the leader in this market, - Kamil Salimzyanov said, - leaving the notorious Herbalife far behind. Later, we opened representative offices in the UK, Italy, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Baltic. Then - in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Formally, the central office of VISION is located in Moscow, on Taganka. But in reality, the company's strategy is planned in Cannes, because Dmitry Buryak now lives there. He has a luxurious villa. And the factories of our company and the plantations where they cultivate medicinal plants are located in Ireland. The president of the company has long studied the environmental situation in different countries and came to the conclusion that the optimal conditions for our production are there.

Roughly speaking, this is the official legend of the company's creation. The real story is different, of course.

Interest from infinity

Network business This is no ordinary trade. When inviting a client, networkers do not offer to buy a product, they offer to resell it profitably. With such a marketing strategy, the quality of the product does not matter. Convince everyone that you have learned how to profitably sell air, and you will be able to earn on those who want to sell it with you. Network goods are bought not only and not so much by buyers as by sellers-distributors themselves. The basis of the company's work is the obligation of each distributor to purchase goods from the central warehouse. Most of all, a beginner should buy (at least $ 1,000 per year). Once he recruits distributors himself, he becomes a Tier 2 distributor and can buy $800 a year. At the seventh level, his rate is $200 per year, and starting from the eighth he can no longer buy, but live only on interest.

A distribution chain that goes back to a single founder is called a branch in network jargon. Growing with new employees, the network grows deeper. Distributors of the same generation (level) form a line. The longer the lines, the wider the network. A distributor receives a percentage of every purchase made by a distributor in their branch. The longer the branch, the greater the profit. But the length of the line also matters: if one of the distributors goes out of business, he can bequeath his branch to representatives of his line.

There are only ten main leaders in Moscow - the founders of the ten main branches of the Moscow VISION, - says Kamil Salimzyanov. - The founder of my branch is Pavel Dubrov. I can't even imagine how long his branch is. There are several dozen lines in it, that's for sure. My own branch has seven lines so far. But I've only been here for a year and a half. My wife Alina has a much longer branch - she has been working for the third year.

It would be more correct to call a VISION employee not a distributor, but a recruiter, because he the main task not selling goods, but recruiting newcomers. This task is extremely acute for the distributor - after all, he is obliged to make purchases of goods in the company, that is, to invest money there. Theoretically, he can "beat off" them by direct resale of goods. However, in practice this is difficult to achieve. Some of the goods have to be used by yourself or simply stored at home. As distributors themselves say, they are extremely reluctant to buy goods, but they are forced to do so in order to remain registered with VISION and receive their main income - a percentage of purchases from the warehouse of other distributors that they managed to recruit. Some distributors fail: having bought a product, they are unable to sell it or recruit new distributors. Then they go out of "business", having lost the money invested in VISION.

The work of a distributor is not easy, in search of those who want to work for VISION, he bypasses recruitment agencies, labor exchanges, advertises in newspapers, creates websites on the Internet. The "catch" of the recruiter is small. Of the hundreds of those with whom he manages to talk in a week, only a few agree to invest in the company. The distributor-recruiter takes them to the warehouse, where they "register" and purchase for $23 a startkit (a folder with instructions for a beginner) and at least one "distributor's suitcase" with a set of goods worth $106 or more.

I do not know the cost of our goods, - says Kamil Salimzyanov. - But, of course, it is very small. A whole branch is fed from each sale, and there is still a profit that goes to the maintenance of the company's technical staff, its directors and the president.

There are two VISION warehouses in Moscow, and one each in most major cities of Russia. Data on each purchase from the warehouse is entered into a computer database. Based on these data, it is calculated how much this or that distributor earned in a month. They receive this money at the company's office on the fifteenth day of each month.

In Moscow, a novice distributor earns an average of $100 - 200 per month, a distributor with experience - $300 - 400, senior distributors earn $10 - 15 thousand each. Having reached the seventh level, the distributor stops working, and his income grows as his branch grows. Networkers say about such a person that he receives interest from infinity. The hope for "interest from infinity" attracts new people to the company.

Network attraction

Most recruits are weeded out within a week, convinced of their complete inability to sell the goods bought for $200. Only those who are able to deceive themselves and engage others in collective self-deception remain.

It was very similar to a totalitarian sect, - recalls the failed distributor Marina K. - Each new person subjected to severe psychological pressure. He had to memorize the code rules of conduct, which began with the words: "The sponsor (that is, VISION) is always right." Then the newcomer received a task for a week, where the time was scheduled literally by the hour. He must remember all his acquaintances, in general, all the people he has ever known, and transfer their phone numbers to the firm. Then the meetings with clients began. Everywhere I was accompanied by representatives of the company - the woman who brought me to the company, and her friend. They taught me what words to use with whom. Every evening we had meetings where newcomers reported on their progress. Every day - classes in which we were taught not to doubt the product, to endlessly trust Buryak and consider each new acquaintance as a potential buyer. As for me, already on the third day it became clear to me that no one needs our goods and everyone here understands this very well. We are just deliberately deceiving people. On the fourth day, I didn't go to my scheduled appointments. They called me for a couple of days, then they stopped, And I gave my package of goods to my aunt.

Everything related to attracting and training newcomers is organized by the distributors themselves.

Usually five or six people from one line join forces and rent an apartment or even auditorium for presentations, - said Kamil Salimzyanov. - We invite newcomers there, we hold meetings there. As branches grow, new lines organize their own presentation centers. But in principle, if you do not have your own center, you can agree with another line and hold a presentation with them.

Product presentations emphasize its uniqueness. What quality it is, it does not matter much - networkers do not buy goods for themselves and are skeptical about it. Most of them are aware that they sell air. Air VISION is food additives, medical cosmetics and electromagnetic devices, which, as distributors promise, are able to protect against harmful radiation or, conversely, irradiate with "useful energy". The product is certified by the Ministry of Health and appears to be harmless. VISION also produces "healing" jeans with copper threads woven into the fabric.

The price of a network product is a rather arbitrary concept, since the distributor does not buy the product, but the right to sell it. "Emitting useful energy" (in fact, devices that simply create a weak electromagnetic field - key chains and plastic cards - cost only 1200 - 1500 rubles, and they are proposed to be used both for removing warts and for treating stomach ulcers. A set of nutritional supplements will cost more - in $150 - 170.

It's funny that VISION's "civilian" employees - secretaries and journalists working in VISION-owned publications - never use its products.

When I came here to work, I noticed that every employee had a case with VISION nutritional supplements on their desks. As soon as I extended my hand to them, everyone yelled: what are you, don’t! No one knows what they are made of, - said the correspondent of the VISION-owned newspaper " Healthy life Masha. She asked not to give her last name, because she is not going to change her job yet.

VISION's "freelancers" are not only employees of publications owned by the company, but also accountants, storekeepers, and secretaries. They have absolutely no interest in intranet life, and no one is trying to recruit them as distributors.

How money is divided in VISION

According to Vision, the profit from each batch of goods sold from the warehouse, for example, for $100, is divided as follows. Distributors of the first three levels who are "above the buyer" receive $7 each. Distributors of the next three levels receive $10 each. And for $5 - distributors of other levels. This is official data. A simple calculation shows that VISION cannot have chains longer than 16 distributors (three for $7 plus three for $10 plus nine for $5 - already $96). That is, distributors are clearly exaggerating when they say that they build long chains and the oldest employees receive a lot of money. But if the chains are small, then with $100 you will get a good profit for all participants, including the owner of the warehouse. However, VISION traders will never admit that their circle is narrow, because then it will be difficult for them to recruit new members.

Born December 7, 1957 in Moscow. Father - Buryak Arkady Petrovich. Mother - Buryak Tat `yana Aleksandrovna.

Since childhood Dmitry distinguished by extraordinary curiosity and desire for the unknown. Even at the age of 10, he independently went on a geological expedition, where he felt his vocation - the study of Nature.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze and, after a break due to military service, graduated from it in 1985, becoming an engineer-geologist with a degree in exploration of rare and radioactive minerals. Then he worked at the Research Institute of the Diamond Industry, introducing new abrasive materials, from time to time going out into the field. On the job, he entered the Institute of Culture, where he received a new specialty - the director of cultural events.

With the beginning of democratic changes in Russia, D.A. Buryak engaged in free enterprise. Collaborated with enterprises of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy.

In 1995, a successful businessman felt that his potential had ceased to be fully realized. He was trying to figure out how to build his activity in order to be useful people. In the same year Dmitry due to a car accident suffered a serious spinal injury. Struggling with the threat of paralysis, he came to realize that main value human life health and life itself. Thanks to the talent of doctors and his own fortitude, he completely defeated the disease and returned to normal life. Then he made a decision: to devote himself and his whole life to people - their health and longevity.

The search for a new business began. by chance Dmitry Buryak met people who told him about network marketing - a progressive system of distribution of goods and services through a network of independent distributors. Dmitry realized the full potential of this system.

The choice of product for distribution by this time was already predetermined - products related to a healthy lifestyle. The managerial experience of previous years came in very handy. In just a few months, a huge amount of work has been done to create and produce biologically active food supplements that are unique in their properties. In parallel with this, the infrastructure of the new company was being formed and a distribution network was being built. By the summer of 1996 D. Buryak took a number of steps to create a network company, after which the official opening of the "Vision International People Group" took place in Moscow. Like-minded people appeared who believed in the success of the new business. This gave them the strength to overcome all difficulties. The distribution network of "Vision International People Group" began to take shape, numbering today only in Russia over 400,000 distributors.

From the very beginning, the main principle of the Company was teamwork for the benefit of a common cause. And those people who stood at the origins of "Vision International People Group" have always adhered to this principle. it Dmitry Buryak, Jean-Marc Colaianni, Roberto Piona, Aram Harutyunyan. Dmitry Buryak- President of "Vision International People Group". Today "Vision International People Group" is an international network company, distributing biologically active additives and health-improving cosmetics. Its products are distributed in many countries around the world.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, the Company and its distributors constantly organize sports, cultural, healthcare and other events. The most famous public figures, artists, musicians, famous athletes, doctors, fashion designers. For example, in 1998 in Russia, the Company took part in organizing concerts by Laima Vaikule, creative evenings by Igor Krutoy, Evgeny Kemerovsky's tour, and High Fashion Week in Moscow. In addition, with the help of "Vision International People Group" a match of Soviet basketball veterans was held in Kyiv and concerts by Irina Blokhina, a telethon "Let's fill our hearts with love for mothers and children" was held in Kyrgyzstan under the auspices of the Company.

The company and distributors are actively cooperating with the Red Cross, constantly holding charity events, donating Vision products to those in need. Orphanages, hospitals and societies for the disabled in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine regularly receive Company products worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Dmitry Buryak- Academician of the International Academy of Natural Products and Biotechnology, member of the London Club of Directors.

Lives and works in Moscow.

The media stirred up the news about the next divorce of the oligarch. This time the storm raged in the family of businessman Dmitry Buryak. Dmitry practically left his wife Margarita Margarita without a roof over her head. On the this moment the ex-wife of a businessman is fighting for half of the state of the spouse. What really was the reason for such an act on the part of a businessman? She gave us her comment famous psychologist, specialist in family relations Anna Sukhova: From the point of view of psychology, their gap is easy to explain. The point is that everything long term relationship undergo a lot of difficulties and not all couples can overcome them and stay together. But there are three special periods that are a real test for couples, the so-called three marriage crises.

The wife of a billionaire from the Forbes list Dmitry Buryak: he kicked me out of the house

Years of patience with an unloved woman resulted in a rather cruel and unfair act. Psychologist Anna Sukhova believes that the couple could not stand the third crisis period of family life. Of course, Margarita should continue to fight for what rightfully belongs to her and her children. And to all women, even those who have lived enough for a long time in marriage, I would recommend always talking with your spouse about your feelings so that there are no such sudden and irreversible decisions from anyone in your life.

If your feelings have faded, the main thing is to understand this in time and not be afraid to part on a friendly note. Otherwise, your relationship will become a ticking time bomb. Tags: Anna Sukhova, Dmitry Buryak, Margarita Buryak, oligarch, divorces of businessmen, divorces of stars Loading…


Now the woman faces a long "war" for the jointly acquired property, the value of which is estimated at about one billion dollars. Dmitry and Margarita Buryak Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the most exemplary couples in Russian business. The lovers met when the future bride was barely 15 years old.
The young man in love humbly waited for three years to take the girl down the aisle. Together they went through fire and water - from the conviction of a businessman at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest networks for the sale of nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband three children: two daughters and a son, whom the man called the meaning of his life.
The resident of the prestigious Forbes rating presented his beloved blonde with flowers and expensive jewelry, fulfilling her every whim.

The ex-wife of the billionaire Buryak revealed the horrific details of the break with him

Together they endured a lot - from a businessman's criminal record at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest chains selling nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband two daughters and a son, whom he called the meaning of his life. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages.
By the way, after the divorce, Buryak stopped financing him.

Billionaire Buryak responded to the accusations of his ex-wife

But the employee who arrived said that the house belongs to my ex-husband and I can no longer be there. According to lawyer Margarita Buryak, his client was a victim of injustice, because the mansion, located in an elite village near Moscow, was purchased with money from the general family budget. - In February, we filed a lawsuit on obstruction by Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak in the residence of his ex-wife on the territory of the land acquired in marriage, - says the woman's lawyer. - But until June, this case did not move from a dead center. Dmitry himself lives abroad, and he evicted his ex-wife and children to nowhere. He put up guards, hired some guest workers who even threatened Margarita. Dmitry filed a counterclaim demanding to deprive the ex-wife of the right to use the house. The court granted his request. We were refused.

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I have already told her that I am ready to rewrite everything for her, as she wants, but she cannot calm down. “I give everything to her, I say:“ Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry for ”Recall that Dmitry and Margarita Buryak were once considered one of the exemplary couples in Russian business. They met when Margarita was barely 15 years old. Dmitry waited three years to take his beloved down the aisle.


Together they endured a lot - from a businessman's criminal record at the dawn of family life to the creation of one of the largest chains selling nutritional supplements. Margarita gave her husband two daughters and a son, whom he called the meaning of his life. So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages.

Billionaire Dmitry Buryak kicked his ex-wife and children out of the house


The amounts that were withdrawn abroad and imported into Russia are of a significant size and of dubious origin, writes Margarita Buryak in her statement. - My ex-husband leads this criminal gang, which includes seven more people. They cashed money through shell companies. I learned about this when I was admitted to the management of one of his Russian companies. Also, according to Margarita Buryak, the ex-husband, without notifying the FMS of Russia, received dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, which is a criminal offense.

“The last time he lived abroad, explaining this to me by the fact that he had “disagreements” with the Russian authorities and it is undesirable for him to be on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Margarita continues. - I believed. Indeed, in the nineties, he was a member of the well-known criminal group of the Cherny brothers.
She wrote in investigating authorities, spoke at the podium, wrote in in social networks but I'm not afraid and I don't lose anything from it. According to the billionaire, Margarita lives quietly in her house and no one kicks her out of there. Their children study in Switzerland, France and the USA. At the same time, Dmitry is ready to give ex-wife whatever she desires. “I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I do not come to this house and have not been there for years, I only pay for it and for security, so that it is not on the list of debtors. In general, I live in another country, - Life.ru quotes the oligarch. “I don’t need this house, I don’t need this money, I just need peace. What she does, I consider stupidity, because life is so beautiful that it should not be wasted on negativity. There must be a positive perception of any situation.
So that his wife would not sit idle, Dmitry helped her create her own charitable foundation to help children from orphanages. “The family has always been the basis of my life for me,” Dmitry Buryak admitted in his interviews. “Margarita is my destiny, the mother of my wonderful daughters and long-awaited son, the meaning of my existence.” In marriage, Margarita gave birth to three children to Dmitry - two daughters and a son. The first public discord in a happy family happened in 2009, by that time the couple had crossed the line of a turquoise wedding, having lived together for 18 years. Margarita was noticed in the company of the then single Andrei Malakhov. With a popular TV presenter, the woman spent more than one evening, having managed to visit with him even in his homeland in Apatity. Feelings for the new favorite went out, barely having time to flare up, Margarita returned to her husband again. However, the weather in the luxurious house of the oligarch and his wife did not improve for long.

Dmitry Buryak new wife photo

She wrote to the investigating authorities, spoke at the podium, wrote on social networks, but I am not afraid and do not lose anything from this. Photo posted by Dmitry Buryak (@jester.by) Oct 30 2015 at 1:16 PDT According to the billionaire, Margarita lives quietly in her house and no one kicks her out. Their children study in Switzerland, France and the USA. At the same time, Dmitry is ready to give his ex-wife everything she wants. “I give her everything, I say: “Rita, live, take everything, I don’t feel sorry.” I do not come to this house and have not been there for years, I only pay for it and for security, so that it is not on the list of debtors. In general, I live in another country, - Life.ru quotes the oligarch. “I don’t need this house, I don’t need this money, I just need peace. What she does, I consider stupidity, because life is so beautiful that it should not be wasted on negativity. There must be a positive perception of any situation.
Billionaire Dmitry Buryak denied the words of ex-wife Margarita that he allegedly kicked her out of the house. The oligarch assures that he is ready to give everything to his ex-wife. Recall that Margarita wrote a statement against her husband to the Investigative Committee, the FSB department, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to her testimony, Dmitry Buryak kicks her out of the house and is going to sue the jointly acquired property. In addition, the socialite accused her husband of creating an organized criminal group and that he received dual foreign citizenship - Ukraine and Greece, without notifying the FMS authorities. "Yes, mine ex-wife filed a complaint with the relevant authorities. From love to hate, as they say, one step, - said Buryak, - But this is information that borders on science fiction. There is a type of people who know that a person has money, and they undertake to write some kind of opus, like this one, about seven passports and so on.