Which internet connection is best for your home? Which Internet connection is better? Connecting the Internet: methods

The connection between your computer and some site located on the server that you are viewing does not occur in a straight line!

Therefore, when testing on a website, find a server from which testing gives the best results.

If there are problems with communication, first check the contacts (power sockets, connectors, wires, routers, circuit boards, etc.).
Network Windows settings affect the speed of your Internet connection, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s better not to do it!

Pingtest test.

Before testing the service to determine the quality of the network, the servers closest to you will be checked and the server with the minimum delay time in relation to your computer will be selected.

Rice. Screenshot of the test page to determine network characteristics.

This test measures three indicators characterizing network quality:

  1. Packet Loss- loss of packets when receiving/transmitting from a server on the Internet and your computer. Good network characterized by packet losses within 0% -1%.
  2. Ping- the time spent receiving packets from your computer to the Server on the Internet and back. Acceptable broadband connection quality should be less than 100 ms.
  3. Jitter- The result of calculating the difference when measuring successive pings. Ideal network characterized by - 0 ms. In a real network, the ping difference is greater than zero.


Internet network quality classification:
  • A - Great. MOS is greater than 4.37. Ping below 50ms and 0% packet loss
  • B - Okay. MOS from 4.28 to 4.37. Ping below 90ms and 0% packet loss. Network quality is not suitable for all online games.
  • C - Satisfactory. MOS from 4.00 to 4.37. Ping below 150ms and 1% packet loss. Poor for online games and Internet telephony; for streaming video, the quality of the Internet is acceptable.
  • D - Unsatisfactory. MOS from 2.50 to 3.99. Ping below 300ms and 3% packet loss. In such a network, all Internet applications will work poorly.
  • F - Very bad. MOS is less than 2.50. Ping below 500ms and 20% packet loss. You should contact your provider to resolve the problem.

Note: M.O.S.- Mean Opinion Score - an indicator of the quality of voice message transmission. IN in this case determined by software methods and assessed on a five-point scale. Best score- 5 points

To commit safe shopping(transactions) on the Internet, you need to be able to determine the “reliability” of sites. IN real life It is much easier to assess the “reliability” of a particular company or store than on the Internet. But how to determine the reliability of a particular site? How to correctly assess the level of trust in a particular Internet resource?

It is no secret that under the guise of a website of a real company (online store, etc.) there may be a so-called “fake” (false copy site) hiding. In other words, Internet scammers copy the design, design and content of the website of a real-life company (store) and position it as real.

It is worth recognizing that for many people all sites are “the same” and they can hardly distinguish a “one-day site” from a reliable Internet resource that has been successfully operating for many years. It is for this reason that it is important to be able to determine the “level of trust” in sites. This video tutorial will be devoted to this topic. We will learn how to determine the “reliability” of any sites and learn how to distinguish a “fake” site from a real and reliable one. This is especially important when making any monetary transactions on the Internet.

I am sure that knowledge from this lesson will help you protect yourself from various “scams” ​​and so-called “scams”. More and more scammers are appearing on the Internet who want to make money at your expense. By applying the recommendations from this video in practice, you will save not only your time, but also money.

The main topics of this video lesson:

  • How to distinguish a real offer from a scam?
  • Learning to determine website domain registration data
  • What website data is most important in determining its “trustworthiness”?
  • How to distinguish a real site from a fraudulent fake site?
  • Practical safety tips or how to protect yourself from being scammed on the Internet?
  • We determine the level of trust (reliability) of a real website in practice

Video lesson No. 3 - Determining the level of trust in sites

In Russia, federal operators have practically monopolized the Internet backbone network market. They lay the thickest communication lines, and then sell local providers the right to use them. But the life of the federal players themselves is not raspberries either. In 2014, they must enter every city with a population of 100 thousand people or more, and by 2018 their presence is mandatory in cities with a population of 8 thousand people. And this is a huge investment, which is unknown when it will pay off and whether it will pay off at all.

Backbone Internet in Russia

The global Internet backbone network encircles the entire planet, connecting continents, countries and individual cities. By by and large the backbone network is the same fiber-optic communication lines that bring the Internet to our apartments and houses, only with greater bandwidth (from 100 Gbit/s to 10 Tbit/s when using modern equipment). The construction and maintenance of such networks is carried out either by providers that provide communications directly to subscribers, or by companies that work only with providers and do not deal with end consumers. There are, of course, more of the first.

In Russia, only large federal providers can build cross-border backbone networks and transmit traffic abroad, many of which are not limited to backbones within the country. For example, the operator RetnNet has Internet nodes and lines not only in the west of the Russian Federation, but almost throughout Europe. And the Synterra provider, which today belongs to MegaFon, connects Russia only with some countries of Eastern Europe, which are located near our borders. Regional (covering a certain area in the Russian Federation) and local (covering only one or several localities) providers cannot build their own highways abroad and are forced to use others, and traffic fees “drip” into the pockets of federal market players.

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But at the same time, if you think that being a federal provider is easy and profitable, then you are mistaken. Such operators have very high requirements. In particular, they are required to be present throughout the country, in all regions of the Russian Federation. In 2014, they must enter every city with a population of 100 thousand people or more, and by 2018 their presence is mandatory in cities with a population of 8 thousand people. At least that's what the law says today. How realistic is this? Even the thickest providers find this extremely difficult to do. But they have a monopoly on the foreign traffic market.

In general, the trends in the development of the backbone Internet market in Russia are as follows: until 2011 inclusive, providers were expanding networks and building new lines; in 2012, they suspended expansion and began to modernize networks, increase capacity, expand channels; in 2013, providers again switched to the construction of new main hubs and lines. The same trend will continue in the current year 2014.

Top 10 largest backbone providers in Russia

In Russia, there are two segments of backbone communication networks: domestic Russian channels and international channels in the direction “Moscow – St. Petersburg – Helsinki – Stockholm”.

Basically, backbone providers are more actively involved in one of the areas, spending more money and effort on its development than the other. This is a more efficient way because you don't have to chase two birds with one stone. For example, the operators RetnNet, Raskom, TTK and TeliaSonera International Carrier Russia are aimed at building highways abroad, but in Russia they have only a few communication lines. But such operators as Synterra and VimpelCom pay more attention to domestic Russian trunk channels.

We present to you the 10 largest backbone providers in Russia:

  1. Rostelecom – 500 thousand km of highways;
  2. "Megaphone"(including Synterra networks) – 118 thousand km of highways;
  3. MTS– 117 thousand km of highways;
  4. "VimpelCom" – 137 thousand km of highways;
  5. "TransTeleCom" (TTK) – 76 thousand km of highways;
  6. "Start Telecom" – 16 thousand km of highways;
  7. "Raskom"– 8.6 thousand km of highways;
  8. Orange Business Services – 8.5 thousand km of highways;
  9. RetnNet– 5.7 thousand km of highways;
  10. TeliaSonera International Carrier Russia – 2 thousand km of highways.

The first five leaders are federal Russian providers who invest huge amounts of money in the development of their networks and are practically monopolists in many segments of the high-speed Internet market in the Russian Federation. Most of the operators from the second five do not provide services to private Russian users, but work more with other providers, renting out their highways.

Top 3 largest trunk providers in Moscow

Naturally, the thickest main canals stretch from abroad to Moscow, and from the capital, lines often with less capacity diverge to the regions. Moscow is a very important hub through which a huge part of Russian traffic passes, and the level of Internet penetration in the capital is much higher than in the regions. That's why Moscow providers need a wider channel.

The three largest trunk providers in Moscow look like this:

  1. Rostelecom – 80 thousand km of optical fiber in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  2. MGTS– 25 thousand km of optical lines in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  3. "AKADO Telecom" – 18.5 thousand km of communication lines in Moscow and the Moscow region.

How main lines are laid in the Russian Federation. The view of the average person

How do trunk channels work? What equipment can withstand the loads required for high-speed transmission of huge volumes of information? What do the backbone network cables look like and where are they laid? Let's try to figure it all out.

In order for high-speed Internet to appear in Arkhangelsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Nyagan or any other city, you need to extend it to this locality cable. Moreover, this cable must be thick and reliable enough to withstand the loads that it will have to endure. And what can we say about the cables connecting the continents... But no one has ever seen these very thick cables. Well, in any case, the average person cannot distinguish an Internet cable from any other, and is not particularly interested in it.

How do trunk channels work?

Main channels are mainly laid underground, especially since optical fiber is a rather fragile material that is afraid strong winds, icing and falling tree branches. That is, bad weather has an extremely negative effect on fiber-optic lines. This is precisely why backbone fiber optic lines are buried. Unlike local fiber optic lines leading to high-rise buildings and private homes. The latter are laid through the air, along electric poles.

Fiber optic backbone networks are made up of lines (cables) and nodes (large routers). Most trunk operators today use DWDM technology - channel wavelength division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing. Information in one city is sent to wavelength division multiplexing equipment, where it is compressed into packets minimum sizes and in the form of a signal it is sent to another city, where the reverse process occurs - unpacking and decryption of the data. The equipment required for such a process includes a multiplexer, demultiplexer, and transponders (main manufacturers: Cisco, Huawei, Ciena). This technology allows you to transfer large amounts of data almost in one “throw”, significantly speeding up the transfer and expanding the channel.

Cable breaks

Trunk cables often suffer from careless builders and illegal developers who dig pits and trenches without bothering to find out if there is any communication line or communications in this place. Therefore, providers play it safe by creating backup channels so that users do not suffer if the cable breaks in one place.

Since, as already mentioned, cable breaks are a frequent occurrence, repairing breaks is common. The team arrives at the approximate location of the breakdown and looks for the break point. Usually it is visible immediately, since the optical fiber itself does not break, there is always external factor– excavator, construction site, fresh deep trench (after all, the cable is buried to a depth of about 2-4 meters). But if it is impossible to see exactly where the accident is, then there is a special device - a reflectometer, which delivers an optical pulse and, based on the return time, determines quite accurately the location of the break. Repairmen cut out the damaged piece of cable and insert a new one. When building a communication line, a reserve of signal power is built in, because the insertion somewhat degrades the transmission speed. By the way, on optics laid over the air, you can see coils with cable reserves on the poles. They are just for repairing breaks. In order not to make inserts that will worsen the quality of communication.

Problems of backbone networks in Russia

The main problem of backbone providers in our country is, in fact, the size of Russia. The fact is that it is not enough to lay a highway, you also need to maintain it normal work, regularly upgrade and repair. And on such a vast territory this can be extremely difficult and expensive. After all, it’s one thing to replace equipment on a network with a length of 100 km, and quite another thing to replace it with a network of 100,000 km.

Therefore, providers often delay upgrading until the last minute, trying to save money or somehow increase the return on investment of the network. And they repair the network in some areas dozens of times, until the power is barely enough. And only when the speed has completely dropped and throughput, replacing the entire section of the highway.

In Russia, providers' investments in the development and maintenance of the backbone network are often huge. Therefore, do not judge the operators harshly; they try to do the maximum while spending as little money as possible. In addition, they are under pressure not only from economic conditions, but also from legislation obliging them to lay more and more new trunk lines every year.

Backbone network of OJSC Rostelecom

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MegaFon backbone network

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The backbone network of Synterra, owned by "MegaFon"

In search of products that interest us, we often turn to the Internet for help. And this is quite logical, because often it is online stores that offer us many useful things and are able to satisfy all our needs.

Increasingly, Russians are making purchases in foreign online stores. At the time of searching, the buyer’s path often comes across both world-famous sales platforms and little-known sites. They showcase great deals and the buyer's temptation increases.

When making a purchase in a domestic online store, we can choose cash on delivery and, if necessary, return the goods. In the case of foreign retailers, things are much more complicated, and customers almost always expect a “pig in a poke.” Therefore, before placing an order, you need to make sure that the foreign online store is reliable.

How to evaluate the reliability of a foreign online store

It is not clear why, but since ancient times the opinion has been established that in developed countries Defective, faulty or counterfeit products are not sold. There is also an opinion that goods from abroad are necessarily of high quality. However, this opinion is not entirely correct, because even in developed countries there may be low-quality products, and Chinese stores“encrypted” under American and European. These are the “honest” sellers you should be wary of.

First steps on an unknown site

1. First of all, when you go to the store website, familiarize yourself with its main subsections, carefully read the sections: “About us”, “Guarantees”, “Payment and delivery”. It is very good if the website has a “Guarantees” section.

2. If, after reading all the information, you can evaluate it as plausible, then pay attention to whether the site has technical support. If there is one, then talk to the consultants and ask them in more detail: what delivery times they guarantee, how long they have been working in this area, and whether there is a possibility of exchange or return of the purchase.

3. After this, it’s time to move on to the next stage: try to find real reviews about this store on the Internet. It would also be a good idea to check whether the store is on the list of unreliable sellers. Single list on this moment does not exist, but many resources have lists of dishonest stores. Lists of unscrupulous traders are regularly updated.

Lots of reviews and the whole story can only be found in an online store that has been operating for quite a long time. And if you see a young site, and it already has a lot of rave reviews, then this looks alarming.

How to check the reality of the site's origin

In an attempt to sell their products, many sellers do their best to disguise their store as European or American. However, this information is quite easy to verify. To do this, you need to find relevant information about the owner of the site and its location. Arranging such a check will not cost you anything.

1) Dial-up is a very old and rather expensive method. The connection is made through a telephone line; while using the Internet, the phone does not work, maximum speed transmission data using this technology is 56 kbit/s.
Equipment: dial-up modem.

2) ADSL - Internet access via a telephone line. Unlike the previous method, the phone works while data is being transferred, thanks to the splitter. Access speed can reach 24 Mbit/s. Particularly popular in rural areas, because to pull twisted pair or optics to every home is not profitable.
Equipment: ADSL modem.

3) Fast Ethernet - access to the Internet via a dedicated line, via twisted pair. Provides speeds up to 100 Mbps.
Equipment: not required.

4) Connection via fiber optic cable provides speeds up to 1 Gbps. It has a small distribution due to the high cost of cable and optical communication equipment.

Wireless connections:

5) Wi-fi - wireless connection to the Internet. Includes many standards providing different speed and connection range. For example, the 802.11g standard provides speeds of up to 54 Mbit/s, and the 802.11n standard up to 600 Mbit/s, but you shouldn’t lick your lips at these numbers, wireless connections very capricious, the speed depends on many factors: the distance between devices, obstacles, interference, etc. Many people use special antennas to establish connections over tens of kilometers.
Equipment: wi-fi point access.

6) GPRS, EDGE, 3G - Internet access via mobile operators, included in one section, because depending on the coverage area, access technology may change. The speed depends on the load on the base station. The theoretically possible speed of the third generation 3G network is up to 14 Mbit/s. In fact, the speed does not always reach 2 Mbit/s, because the operator does not always have free channels and the latest equipment?
Before connecting to a provider, it is better to try to evaluate the quality of access by borrowing a modem from friends or from the operator itself, if it has such a service.
Equipment: 3G modem or cell phone.

7) WiMAX - new technology access, a fourth generation network, previously promoted in Russia by Yota, which replaced it with LTE. It can operate on a signal reflected from walls and other obstacles. Access speed is 10 Mbit/s. Disadvantage: networks have a “breathing cell” effect; when the load is maximum, the coverage radius around the base station decreases.
Equipment: WiMAX modem.

8) LTE - Fourth generation networks, unlike WiMAX, support 2G and 3G devices. Speed ​​to subscriber 100 Mbit/s, from subscriber 50 Mbit/s.
Equipment: LTE modem.

How to choose the right Internet provider

Before connecting to any provider, you need to make sure the quality of the connection. First of all, you need to choose according to your needs: do you want to go online once a week to read the news and watch the weather forecast, or will you download gigabytes of traffic daily.

This offer is suitable not only for those who are installing Internet in an apartment for the first time, but also for those who, for some reason, are dissatisfied with their provider and intend to change it. Just out of curiosity, you can see how it's done.

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