When is the best time to go on vacation to Tunisia? Seasons and weather by month. When is the best time to go to Tunisia for a beach holiday: reviews, beach season When does the beach season end in Tunisia

Tunisia is one of the most popular Mediterranean countries among tourists. Here, a magnificent beach holiday is combined with the world's best thalassotherapy and SPA, and the landscapes great desert and the ruins of ancient cities conceal a lot of interesting things for inquisitive travelers.

The north of the country is located in the subtropics, the south is in tropical zone, and a third of the country is desert. The climate in different areas differs from each other. The change of seasons occurs clearly. Before planning a trip to this country, you need to figure out which season in Tunisia is best for relaxing on the beaches, and which for sightseeing or wellness tours.

Climate of Tunisia

There are three in Tunisia climatic zones. The weather in the north of the country is dictated by the Mediterranean Sea. The climate in the coastal areas is typical Mediterranean, characterized by mild, rainy winters and hot summers. The closer to the south, the greater the influence of the Sahara Desert, and the interior of Tunisia has a semi-arid climate with little rainfall. The south has a desert climate with extremely rare rainfall and sudden temperature changes.

Beach season in the resorts of Tunisia

Tunisia is primarily known as seaside resort, Where beach season lasts from May to mid-October.

  • Holidays in May and early June are more suitable for those who do not tolerate heat well and prefer a pool to sea bathing: the water in the sea is still cool, its temperature is not higher than +17°C. But already from April you can safely sunbathe - during the day it is quite warm, about +25°C.
  • The sea warms up by mid-June. At this time, the high season officially begins, ending in mid-September. At the beginning of the season sea ​​water already +24°C, air - up to +30°C.
  • July and especially August are the peak beach season. At this time there is practically no rain, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea reaches a maximum of +26-27°C. But even at this temperature it seems cool and brings relief from the daytime heat, because the thermometer usually shows more than +30°C, and in August the thermometer readings often exceed +40°C.
  • In September, the weather in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia becomes very comfortable: the sweltering heat subsides, and the sea remains as warm.
  • The period from mid-September to October is called the velvet season due to the warm, calm weather. This is a great time for those who don’t like the heat and crowds on the beaches. Although the water begins to cool and gradually drops to +20°C, the gentle autumn sun allows you to take air baths and sunbathe without fear of sunburn. The average daily temperature in October is +27°C. The onset of autumn is felt during cool nights, and sometimes cloudy days, but such periods are not long-term.

The velvet season is preferred by those who love a varied holiday, because this time of year is considered the best for water sports and excursion trips all over the country. On the island of Djerba, located in the south of the country, holiday season longer - the temperature here is about 3-5 degrees higher, and you can swim in November.

Low season in Tunisia

Winter in Tunisia is warm and mild. On sunny days, the weather is conducive to long walks in the fresh air; nature pleases with a variety of flowers and greenery. But during these months you need to be prepared for stormy days with piercing winds and cold nights.

  • The weather starts to change in November. Although it is still warm during the day - about +21-22°C, strong winds are blowing and it is raining. The sea is rough and cold, no more than +18°C.
  • December and January are the coolest months of the year. Heavy rains often occur, accompanied by strong winds, the temperature drops to +15°C during the day, and about +5-7°C at night.
  • In February there are sudden changes in weather, cloudy days are not uncommon. But little by little, winter begins to lose ground, the air becomes warmer and warms up to 18-20°C. It’s still too early to sunbathe and swim in the sea, but it’s time for thalassotherapy and spa treatments.
  • In March-April you can already feel the approaching holiday season. Spring weather pleases with abundance sunny days, and by the end of April it is already warm - up to +24-25°C.
  • Low season is ideal for budget tourists who want to travel around Tunisia or relax in spa salons. At this time, hotels and thalassotherapy centers reduce prices as much as possible.

Spring and autumn, when the winds are strong and the water is not too cold, are good for kiters and windsurfers.

The best time for sightseeing trips in Tunisia

The best time to get to know the country is in the off-season - in May or October. At this time, you can stroll around the sights without fear of getting sunstroke, and the weather is warm enough to spend a couple of days at the beach after a busy trip. September is perhaps the best month for tourists who want to combine a good beach holiday with exploring natural and historical monuments. For traveling around central regions we can recommend autumn and spring months, because in winter it is cool and windy, and in summer it is too hot. Winter is suitable for visiting the southern oases.

The smallest country of the Maghreb, over a third of whose territory irrevocably belongs to the silent Sahara desert, Tunisia is a state in the north-east of the African continent, spread out along the coast Mediterranean Sea. Read our Tour Calendar and you will find out why the best time to visit this ancient land is considered to be from May to October.

Tourist season in Tunisia

Tunisia is a Europeanized country with an oriental flavor, where the attention of millions of tourists is attracted by the delightful white sandy beaches with the purest turquoise sea water, three thousand years of history, which literally oozes ruins ancient cities, fantastic green oases, like paradise islands in the midst of endless ocher desert lands, and, of course, numerous thalassotherapy centers. The country's annual inbound tourist flow is about 3,500,000 people, the largest number of whom come here during the season lasting from April to October.

High season

The high season in Tunisia is from June to September. At this time, the weather is the most favorable for a beach holiday. People come to the local resorts mainly from France (the former colonial country), Germany, Great Britain and Russia, which occupies an honorable fourth place in the ranking of countries providing the largest volumes of tourists in the Tunisian direction. This is approximately 245,000 of our fellow citizens, for whom the resort epicenters are mainly Hamammet and Sousse. The contingent of vacationers is represented by married couples with children who especially appreciate the mild climate and impeccable beaches with a gentle entrance to the water, young people who promote an active lifestyle, as well as lovers of antiquities and centuries-old secrets of completely different age categories. A separate line worth mentioning are young and not so young girls who come here for affordable healing thalassotherapy procedures.

Low season

The low season in Tunisia begins immediately after the end of the swimming season and lasts from November to early April. In winter, the weather deteriorates, it often rains and dusty winds blow, but still, by Russian standards, the African winter is very, very warm. That is why the resorts of Tunisia are not completely empty at this time of year. Yes, the tourist flow into the country is weakening, but it is impossible to say that hotels are completely idle. Firstly, regular flights are carried out at reduced rates, secondly, low prices for exciting excursion programs and, thirdly, this is the high season for SPA treatments. The last point can be explained very simply: 4* and 5* hotels in Tunisia, where world-famous thalassotherapy centers operate, winter period they lower prices for accommodation and for many wellness programs, as a result of which they cost 2 times less than similar ones at European resorts. Many tour operators develop special spa tours, a wide selection of which is available in the low season. IN lately Celebrating the New Year in Tunisia is also popularized, because in this country, unlike many Muslim countries, many European traditions regarding the celebration of holidays are observed. Mostly they go to the south and to the island of Djerba - a reservation for package tourists throughout the year, especially in winter.

Beach season in Tunisia

The beach season in Tunisia opens in early April, when spring weather brings the first truly warm days, and people begin to dress in light clothes. But only “walruses” decide to swim, while the majority of holidaymakers indulge in sunny bliss. The April tan, as well as the May tan, is very safe, and you can lie on the beach all day long. In the last month of spring, there is a tendency for water and air temperatures to increase, but the weather is quite capricious: a downpour accompanied by rumbles of thunder can begin at any moment, so the sea at this time is subject to frequent disturbances. In June, the amount of precipitation decreases significantly, and the real swimming season. The sea is not very warm yet - about +21 °C, however, this is the best summer month, because in the evenings it is already quite warm, and during the day the hot, but not yet aggressive, sun rays warm up. In July and August, the swimming season reaches its climax: the burning African sun warms the sea water to an average of +25 °C..+26 °C; on the island of Djerba the thermometer confidently “clings” to +26 °C..+28 °C . The evenings bring a pleasant coolness, and night swims under the moonlight guarantee a lot of fun.

Velvet season in Tunisia

Tunisians themselves believe that the most favorable time to relax on the beaches is velvet season, which lasts here from the beginning of September to the end of October. With the onset of the first days of autumn, the beaches gradually become empty, an atmosphere of complete calm reigns, and at the same time the summer heat subsides. The sea is still warm, but in the morning the water can be a little invigorating. sun rays very gentle, you can sunbathe for a long time or engage in water sports without worrying about the possibility of getting burns in the evening. Towards the end of the month, ridges of fluffy white clouds increasingly appear in the sky, hiding the sun for some time. And by the beginning of October, during the day it becomes not hot at all, and getting out of the water in the company of a blowing breeze is sometimes quite cool. In addition, this month autumn is gaining momentum and the rains begin. Therefore, October is the most excursion month, but if you are lucky with the weather, then with the beach component.

Best time for excursions

People come to Tunisia for the fireworks of emotions that promise rich excursion programs. Be prepared to be attacked by bell fights in hotel lobbies, persistently offering a variety of trips. But even if your plans are only a classic “vegetable” vacation on the beach, do not consider going on at least one excursion: the Colosseum of El Jema, the ruins of the ancient Phoenician city of Carthage, the salt lake Chott el Gerid, the unusual houses of Matmata and, of course, the endless the sands of the beautiful Sahara, which lies on the territory of as many as 10 countries. However, it is Tunisia that is the most convenient tourist destination for exploring the world’s largest desert, since its capital is separated from Moscow by just 3 hours in the air. When is the best time to go sightseeing? According to the Tour-Calendar, this is the period from September to November, as well as from March to June: it is not cold, and the sun does not incinerate with burning rays.

Diving season

The Tunisian Mediterranean is chosen not only by holidaymakers, but also by hardcore divers. Although it cannot be said that its underwater world fascinates with its beauty or amazes with its unreal diversity, it still makes an impression. For example, only in Tunisia and nowhere else can you see the largest coral reef on the continent or dive just a few miles from the legendary Carthage. Local diving centers, most of which are concentrated in Tabarka, open their arms to both beginners and seasoned divers. The diving season coincides with the tourist season, but the most best conditions for this sport, including warm seas and good visibility, are possible from June to September. During this period of time, interesting marine-themed festivals are organized in Tabarka. For example, the “Coral Festival of Underwater Photography” at the end of August - early September, and a few days later - “Trident of Neptune”.

Cruise season

La Goulette is a major passenger port in the country, where hundreds of cruise ships from Europe arrive every year. These are mainly ships from France, Spain and Italy, for which a Schengen visa is required. A sea cruise is a great opportunity to see more than one country during your vacation. The navigation season in the Mediterranean Sea, calling at the shores of Tunisia, usually lasts from March to November.

Yachting season

Picturesque caves and grottoes, ancient bastions and minarets rising above the sea, indented by numerous bays and bays water surface Tunisian Mediterranean - all this attracts lovers of sailing here, who are just beginning to gain momentum in the local resorts. During the season, which lasts from April to November, hundreds of foreign sailing ships and yachts moor in Tunisian ports. The country's main yachting centers include Yasmine Hammamet with hundreds of port infrastructure facilities public use and Monastir, which offers twice as many of these types of opportunities.

Fishing season

Sea fishing in Tunisia promises to be exciting thanks to the long coastline and rich underwater flora and fauna. So, in Tunisia it is possible to fish both from the shore and from a motor boat using the trawling method. A popular tourist pastime is fishing sea ​​sponges using a harpoon, as well as catching pelagic fish at light in the dark. Thanks to the excellent climate, you can fish in Tunisia throughout the whole year. However, in winter this process can be hampered by periodic rains, so late spring, summer and two months of autumn will be more preferable.

Wellness season

People go to Tunisia not only to get rid of cellulite and achieve enviable velvety skin from local thalassotherapy virtuosos, but also for post-operative recovery or to undergo a post-traumatic rehabilitation course. The main centers of thalassotherapy and balneology and SPA complexes are located in Hammamet. In principle, health improvement and thalasso procedures are the first reason why millions of tourists flock here, and in second place are the “excursion” and beach program. In essence, all thalassotherapy centers are assigned to hotels that operate year-round, so there is no specific season for receiving healing procedures. But in terms of health benefits, it is best to plan your wellness during the winter and off-season, avoiding the summer peak months. In addition, prices for services at this time are more than reasonable, and if you want to swim in the sea, a hotel pool can easily replace it.

Olive harvest season

Tunisia ranks fourth in the world in olive oil production, with about seven million olive trees. Therefore, shopping in Tunisia cannot be complete without buying this useful product. How fresh oil- the better it is in its own way taste qualities. It’s good if you arrive at the end of the harvest period, which in Tunisia lasts from mid-November to the end of February. It is at this moment that the best olive oil comes on sale.

It's time for holidays and festivals

The Tunisian event calendar includes more than a dozen holidays. All of them are distinguished by their special splendor and incredible entertainment. Among the national dates, it is worth highlighting the anniversary of the revolution in Tunisia, celebrated on January 14, Independence Day, which falls on March 20, the Day of the Proclamation of the Republic, which falls on July 25, and Women's Day, traditionally celebrated on August 13. Other events according to by and large is an endless series of numerous festivals. On June 26, thousands of tourists flock to El Haoaria for the “Hawk Hunting Festival”, in mid-July they meet the “International Festival of Carthage”, which stretches for almost 1.5 months, and a few days later Tabarka gathers all fans of jazz music as part of a music festival. At this time, Monastir (around July 15) and Hammamet hold an “Arts Festival”, in which hundreds of musicians from all over the world visit the cities to participate. From the middle of the second ten days of July, the Colosseum becomes a stage for the International Symphonic Music Festival, and exactly the next day in Sousse, the President of Tunisia opens the “Summer Festival”, the climax of which is a luxurious carnival procession along the main street of the city. August is notable for the “Festival Arabian horses"in El Batan, and September - the "Festival of the Sea and Sirens" in Kerken, as well as the "Neptune Festival" in Tabarka. The string of festivities continues with the November “Oasis Festival” in Tozeur, in last days In winter, the center of attraction becomes Duz, who organizes a colorful “Bedouin Festival”. In the second half of April, Nabel organizes the “Citrus Flower Harvest Festival.” This is not the entire list of festivals in Tunisia, but to mention them all you will need space for more than one publication.

Climate in Tunisia

The climate of Tunisia, due to its large extent, is uneven. The northern part of the country lies under the influence of a tropical Mediterranean climate, while the central regions and the south of the country, bordering the Sahara, are dominated by a tropical desert climate. In general, temperatures in the northern mountainous area are 5 °C - 12 °C lower than the national average. Summer is hot and humid (nights are cold in the desert), and winter is moderately warm and rainy. The north of Tunisia receives more rainfall, so it is surrounded by greenery: hectares of olive, orange and almond groves, sunflower fields and pine forests. Flora the south is more scarce. This is a kingdom of sands with small “islands” of oases.

Tunisia in spring

Real spring comes in Tunisia already in March, boldly announcing itself with warm, sunny weather. Sometimes the thermometer reaches +20 °C - it’s time for sunbathing. As for precipitation, in March it becomes noticeably less on the coast, but in the north it continues to rain. It is still chilly in the morning and cold at night. During the day in April, the sun is already slightly hot, the water temperature warms up to approximately +16 °C. Number of hours sunlight increases. Starting from this time, excursion time opens. If you are planning a trip around the country in mid-spring, then know that it usually gets cold after sunset, so always take warm clothes with you for your shift. In May, the weather allows the beach season to open, and many are not afraid to go into the water. The sea warms up to +17 °C, and off the coast of the island of Djerba this figure reaches +19 °C. However, the weather may deteriorate: for last month Spring is still characterized by residual precipitation, to which thunderstorms are added this month.

Temperature and weather in Tunisia in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Tunisia +18 +15 +21 +15 +24 +17
Sousse +19 +15 +20 +16 +23 +17
Hammamet +17 +15 +18 +16 +20 +19
Port el Kantaoui +19 +15 +22 +17 +25 +20
Mahdia +18 +15 +20 +16 +23 +18
Monastir +17 +15 +20 +16 +23 +18
Djerba +20 +16 +22 +17 +26 +19

Tunisia in summer

Already from the first days of June, the thermometer jumps to +30 °C, the sun shines up to 10 hours a day, but in general the perception of such weather is quite comfortable, largely thanks to the cool breeze constantly blowing from the sea. This is the opening time of the swimming season, however, the sea cannot yet be called very warm - only + 21 °C..22 °C. If you want to go to Tunisia with children at this time, choose Djerba for your holiday, where the water temperature will be 1 °C - 2 °C higher. July and August are the hottest months: in the shade the heat reaches +33 °C..+35 °C, so it is better to devote the midday hours to undergoing thalasso procedures or taking an afternoon nap. The evenings bring invigorating coolness, but if you linger in the desert at this time of day, you can freeze seriously, since after sunset the air cools to 0 °C..+5 °C. What is the sea like in summer? Swimming at the height of the season is a pleasure. However, a real nuisance for tourists can be jellyfish, which appear near the coast, usually from mid-July and continue to occupy the waters until early September. It is at this time that the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea reaches maximum temperatures. A meeting with such inhabitants promises a burn with a possible allergic reaction, the consequences of which last from several days to a couple of weeks. Another feature of summer in Tunisia is a sharp rise in temperatures by +10 °C..+15 °C, provoked by the sultry sirocco wind blowing from the Sahara.

Temperature and weather in Tunisia in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Tunisia +29 +21 +32 +24 +32 +26
Sousse +28 +20 +30 +24 +31 +25
Hammamet +25 +22 +28 +25 +30 +27
Port el Kantaoui +30 +23 +33 +26 +33 +28
Mahdia +27 +21 +31 +24 +31 +26
Monastir +27 +21 +31 +24 +31 +26
Djerba +29 +22 +32 +26 +33 +28

Tunisia in autumn

With the arrival of autumn, the heat gradually tames its ardor, and relaxing on the beaches becomes more comfortable. The Mediterranean Sea is very warm, so September is entirely considered the velvet season in Tunisia. There may be occasional showers this month, but they provide welcome relief. October is a warm African autumn. During the day, they wear light summer clothes, and in the evening it would be a good idea to throw some light jacket on top. In mid-autumn, the amount of precipitation increases, and the sea “gives off” coolness. In general, a week of wonderful beach holiday will be enough for the whole month, but every day swimming is not guaranteed. In November, the weather continues the “policy” of precipitation, the sky is increasingly covered with gray clouds, and at night even southern resorts It's getting pretty cold. Nature is preparing to welcome winter.

Temperature and weather in Tunisia in autumn

Weather in SeptemberWeather in OctoberWeather in November
Tunisia +30 +25 +25 +22 +20 +19
Sousse +29 +24 +25 +22 +21 +20
Hammamet +26 +26 +22 +24 +18 +21
Port el Kantaoui +30 +28 +26 +25 +21 +22
Mahdia +29 +25 +25 +23 +21 +21
Monastir +30 +25 +25 +23 +21 +21
Djerba +31 +27 +27 +25 +22 +22

Today it is difficult to choose any resort. Türkiye and Egypt are familiar to many and have already set their teeth on edge. I want something like this... Try to choose the small but very interesting African country of Tunisia. More precisely, the Tunisian Republic. As mentioned above, the country is located on African continent, in its northern part. To the north of Tunisia is Italy, on the same side it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. On land, Tunisia's neighbors are Libya (to the east) and Algeria (to the west). Most of the country is occupied by the spurs of the Eastern Atlas and desert areas. The flat, green part of the country is located only in the coastal zone: the north and northeast of Tunisia.

Climate of Tunisia

The climate of this country is mainly tropical desert and only along the sea coast are signs of a Mediterranean climate observed.

In summer, temperatures on the coast reach 40 degrees Celsius in the shade; there is no precipitation. Tourists begin to flock to the country's beaches from the end of May, and the last swimmers leave Tunisia in mid-October. Somewhere in October, the velvet season begins in the country. It is during this period that it is best

go on excursions, get acquainted with the flavor of local culture and generally enjoy the tranquility (there are not so many vacationers in Tunisia anymore). Of course, you can also scream on the beach in autumn in Tunisia, only the water in the sea is already a little cool, about + 20 degrees.

In winter, despite the rainfall in December and January, another period begins when possible
holiday in Tunisia
. At this time, it is best to travel around the Sahara and visit the international “Sahara Festival”, which takes place in December. Eat only ripe January oranges or enjoy all the delights of thalassotherapy. Tunisia hotels in winter offer a wide range of SPA treatments at reasonable prices.

Next season in Tunisia, When better go on vacation- spring. During this period, the country literally flourishes. After prolonged winter rains, nature wakes up and everything around is painted in green tones. In spring it is still early to swim; the water temperature reaches +16 degrees. But spring is the best time to wander through the ancient ruins and explore local attractions.

When is the beach season in Tunisia?

The most optimal period When can you swim in Tunisia?, lasts from mid-April to late October. Only from April to May and from mid-September to October you can sunbathe almost all day long. The sun at this time is not so dangerous, although you need to use sunscreen in any case. Also, it is during these months that experienced tourists recommend coming to Tunisia with children.

The real African heat begins in this country in mid-May, and in July - August temperatures reach critical levels of 45 - 50 degrees Celsius. During this period, you should leave the beach as early as 10 o’clock in the morning and appear there no earlier than 5 o’clock in the evening. One more
A nuisance of the summer months is the desert wind of the Sirocco, which sometimes blows from the Sahara. In this case, another 5 - 10 degrees of this sultry wind are added to the usual + 40 degrees.

When is jellyfish season in Tunisia?

Also, at the end of June or early July, crowds of jellyfish often wash up on the shores of Tunisia. The authorities, of course, do their best to get rid of them, but these particularly zealous jelly creatures still make it to the shore.

Before you choose when to fly to Tunisia, decide what type of vacation you need. As you can see from what is written above, you can vacation in this country all year round. Only in summer there are beaches and thalassotherapy; autumn - we continue to sunbathe on the beach, but do not swim and explore interesting sights; winter – conquering the Sahara and SPA treatments again; spring – inspection of ancient ruins and admiration blooming Tunisia. At any time of the year, Tunisia is beautiful and attractive in its own way.

History of Tunisia

The history of Tunisia is ancient and eventful, just like the history of any Mediterranean country. The first settlements on the site of modern Tunisia, according to scientists, date back two hundred years. We won't say everything historical stages the formation of Tunisia as a state. Let's go through the most significant milestones:

814 BCThe founding of Carthage, which subsequently subjugates all neighboring territories, becomes a powerful state in the Mediterranean.
146 BCComplete enslavement of Carthage by Rome, almost complete destruction of the city.
44 BCFounding of a small town located next to the destroyed Carthage, Colonia Iulia Carthago. In this regard, old Carthage is being revived.
Late 500s ADThe power of Byzantium comes.
697 ADThe conquest of this territory by the Arabs.
1534Tunisia is captured by the Ottoman Empire.
1574After lengthy aggressive actions between Ottoman Empire, by the German-Roman emperor, the Hafsids and the Spaniards, Tunisia still goes to the Ottoman Empire.
1705Education independent state Tunisia under the control of the beys of the Husenid dynasty.
1881 – 1883Tunisia is a colony of France.
1957Elimination of the monarchy in Tunisia.

Season in Tunisia - we consider it by month and sort it out: when, where and how much to count on (both in rubles and in degrees Celsius).

We’ll tell you what the difference is between “when it’s cheaper” and “when it’s better” to go on vacation to Tunisia.

The tourist season for recreation in all its forms in Tunisia continues from May to October when charters from Russian cities are actively flying. In other months, Tunisian resorts freeze, fall into suspended animation and become noticeably cheaper. In general, in winter people come here to breathe the sea and for spa treatments.

The season is heating up in Tunisia in June: at the end the air temperature reaches +30°C, the water temperature up to +23.5°C (with the exception of the island of Djerba, everything is +26°C there). July and August can scare vacationers with dry heat and jellyfish. But in September the influx of tourists will repeat - the velvet season is coming.

Off-season in Tunisia, as probably everywhere else, best time for “ride and see”. If you like excursions, arrive in early spring or late autumn. And another important point: Tunisian resorts stretch along the coast from north to south of the country. And in the same month different places The climate may differ (as well as the concepts of season/off-season).

To avoid confusion, here is our table by month:

Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
All Tunisia - - - - +/- + + + + + - -
Djerba - - - +/- + + + + + + - -

Where to look for cheap tours?

Online aggregators are good at this. They collect offers from all leading tour operators, suggest when it is more profitable to fly and are easy to use:

Prices for tours are displayed directly from travel companies, but the advantage is that you can reduce the cost of the tour using promotional codes. Our personal name is currently in effect - UAF1000howtrip- giving a discount of 1000 rubles on tours from 60 thousand.

✓ On average, the cost of a tour for two to Tunisia in the 2019 season is from 57,000 rubles for 7 days (all inclusive); You can fly for a 10-day vacation for 65 thousand

✓ Family tour (mom, dad, me age 2+) will cost a minimum of 75,000 rubles per week

✓ Budget and seasonal Tunisia occurs in early May and late October

Weather in Tunisia by month - 2019

The weather in Tunisia is almost African. Almost - because the nights can be cool, and the heat is easier to bear than tourists imagine. All because of the winds blowing either from the neighboring Sahara or from the sea. They are the ones who “smooth out” the summer heat (the main thing is not to get burned in such a breeze) and cool the night air. The rainy season, on the contrary, makes it especially chilly.

So, we analyze each season in Tunisia by month, weather surprises and comfort level.

Tunisia in March, April and May

In March Winter rains may still fall on the heads of random vacationers. The air temperature fluctuates indefinitely from +15°C to +25°C (5-10 degrees lower at night). There’s no need to even mention the water temperature yet (+15°C, for those who are interested).

Tunisia in June, July and August

Tunisia in September, October and November

Tunisia in December, January and February

The weather in Tunisia in winter is quite mild. Yes, it rains, but they are still replaced by bright sunshine, which sometimes warms you up to +17°C. In general, Tunisia in winter turns into a worldwide (I’m not afraid of this word) health resort: in the low season people come and fly here for the thalasso therapy centers.

In December It's not very rainy yet. On New Year's Eve (read: almost the whole of December), “winter” hotels entice with discounts, and tour guides drop the price tag from $120 for the popular Sahara to $100.

In January Tunisia is flooded, the rainy season is in full swing. Only 10-12 bad weather days per month. The air temperature is comparable to December, +13°C. Strangely, the almond trees are beginning to bloom and the citrus fruits are ripening. By the way, even in early January there are tours to Tunisia from Moscow. And people travel!

In February warms up to +16°C. There are fewer rainy days, especially in the south of the country. Tunisia is preparing for the arrival of spring. And to new tourists.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Tunisia?

To decide when is the best time to go, answer yourself: why are you going to Tunisia?

  • Want to catch the holiday season and have a blast? Then tune in summer months(preferably June), end of May or beginning of September. The weather will definitely not let you down. For me personally, the best month to holiday in Tunisia is September!
  • Do you dream of putting another “I was here, I saw that” check mark on the world map? Can't wait to personally capture all the ruins in a photo, see a live camel and bring back 100,500 souvenirs? Then welcome to Tunisia in April or October. This is the most suitable period for excursions. And traders at local markets are more accommodating at this time
  • The beach season in Tunisia is not of interest to you, do you just want to relax your soul and body, smeared with life-giving mud? Come in winter. When does it end good weather, and the rains drive away belated swimmers, the time for complete relaxation comes

If you have already decided when to go on vacation, move on to the next point.

The price is per person when purchasing a tour for two

What to see in Tunisia?

Take any guidebook to Tunisia, and you will immediately be offered excursions to the ruins of Carthage, sent on an ATV ride across the Sahara, or there on camels to watch the sunrise ($120 for two days, as already mentioned).

But Tunisia does not stop there. Therefore, for you my personal selection of attractions:

  1. Cape Angela is the northernmost point of the African continent, and the most convenient way to get there is from Bizerte. AND better in spring(because it's prettier).
  2. Lake Chott el Djerid – salt lake with red-violet water and mirages. Located in the central part of the country. Visit in the summer, when the water dries up and creates those very mirages.
  3. Natural Park “Ishkel” - the lake of the same name in the park is fed by hot mineral springs, into which you can dive for about 20 minutes. Why not complement the resort SPA?
  4. Tatooine Village, of course! It is also mentioned in any advertising brochure. But I'm a fan" Star Wars", so forgive me. You should definitely go there!
  5. Zaguan Park at the foot of the Zaguan Mountains. In addition to the mountains themselves, people go there to see the Water Temple, from which the ancient water supply system of local cities began.

A trip to Tunisia at any time of the year is a delight. Depending on the purpose of your stay, a visit to this amazing Arab country with French charm is planned for a certain season.

For example, in winter you can hardly treat yourself to a beach holiday, since the Mediterranean Sea at this time is not ready to welcome swimmers, but otherwise winter Tunisia is still attractive and tempting. To understand when is the best time to go on vacation to Tunisia, and in what month, it is worth understanding the specifics of this country.

Tunisia - the pearl of the Maghreb

This is what Tunisia was once called by Arab sailors. The Maghreb is a territory that includes the countries of northern Africa west of Egypt. Walking through the streets of Tunisian cities, you get the feeling that you are in oriental fairy tale. Ancient mosques, colorful bazaars and ancient fortresses take you back into history and leave no one indifferent.

Pearl of the Maghreb

Of all the African countries, Tunisia is closest to Europe. The former colony of France has preserved all the positive transformations that remained after the French stayed on this land.

The capital of Tunisia bears the same name and is located in the northeast of the country, on the shores of the lagoon lake El Bahir, connected by a canal to the Mediterranean Sea.

Today Tunisia is a modern and promising city, a commercial and cultural center, one of the greenest cities North Africa. All year round V different cities There are concerts, performances and festivals that attract guests from all over the world. You can also build on this when deciding when is the best time to go to Tunisia:

  • In April there is a citrus flower festival in the city of Nabeul.
  • In June there is a hawk hunting festival in the city of El Khaoaria.
  • Another festival in June is of jazz music in Tabakerka, and in September there is a coral festival.
  • Arts Festival in Hammamet in July-August.

Airports of Tunisia

Especially in summer period people fly to Tunisian airports for a bronze tan and a Mediterranean holiday from all over the world, including from Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don.

View of Tunisia from the airport

The flight takes 4 - 4.5 hours. In addition to the capital’s airport, tourists are hospitably welcomed by several more air gates:

  • Habib Bourguiba Monastir Airport in north-eastern Tunisia regularly receives flights from Paris, Tripoli, Moscow, Brussels, Lyon and Geneva. You can get from the airport to the nearest city by electric trains.
  • Enfidha Airport in Hamammet is a fairly young airport that receives planes from European airlines. Regular flights are operated by 2 local airlines - Tunisair and Nouvelair, which also deliver Russian tourists from Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Tunisia Airport on the island of Djerba “Djerba-Zarzis” attracts beach lovers; here the swimming season lasts the longest.
  • Tina Airport in Sfax is not particularly crowded, since this city is a major port for Tunisia. However, there is plenty to see and an hour's ferry ride away unprecedented beauty Kerkennah Islands.

The capital's airport Tunis-Carthage is distinguished by high-quality service and a rich range of services provided. It is located 7 km from the city. Car rental operator counters are located in the arrivals area.

Important! Tourists over 21 years of age can rent a car in Tunisia.

Beach season

The high season in Tunisia begins in June and ends in September. At this time the weather is most favorable for a beach holiday. Information about the holiday season in Tunisia by month will also help: at the end of April, in May and October there is a high probability of getting caught in the rain, but mostly precipitation falls late in the evening and at night, so the question of whether it is possible to swim in Tunisia in May is obvious - for beach holidays it won't hurt.

Beach season

It is very warm here in summer, but the heat is easily tolerated thanks to the dry climate and light sea breeze. During the summer months, the evenings can be chilly, so keeping a warm item in your suitcase is a good idea. Tunisia is especially beautiful in mid-May, when it is not yet hot, but already quite warm for sunbathing and boat trips.

Resorts of Tunisia

The resorts of Tunisia are new to many Russians, however, the quality of service in hotels and other institutions can become an example for many European countries.

It is safe here, you are allowed to drink alcohol, and the restaurants serve cuisine that is “understandable” to Russians, with a moderate addition of spices and hot sauces. Thus, for the same money as in Egypt, you can get much more here.


At this resort, life takes place at night, in the lights of night bars and discos. During the day, the city amazes with its beauty: white houses “emerge” from the raging greenery of the jasmine groves.

The streets of the Old Town of Medina Hammamet are being transferred to true life East, bright and bustling. Lovers of thalassotherapy and sea swimming also come here.

Interesting! Thalassotherapy is a set of spa treatments based on the beneficial properties of sea water.


The resort attracts with its beach holidays and warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The appearance of the town dazzles with the contrast of antiquity and modernity. But the resort itself is located in the suburb of Skanes. In addition to sunbathing, boat trips and golf are popular here.


Having thoroughly enjoyed your vacation on the hot sand, vacationers at the Suus resort can have fun in the water park or go scuba diving. At night, tourists visit local discos and clubs. It is worth visiting the Ribat, the El Jem Coliseum, the Kasbah Fort, the Great Mosque and the Medina.


An excellent option for a family holiday, thanks to the silence and lack of great demand. The sand is clean and soft, and the sea water envelops you in warmth and turquoise, and you can swim in this luxury, completely relaxing and forgetting about your problems.

Djerba Island

One of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Beach recreation center. People come here for aesthetic pleasure and the opportunity to be among the incredible beauty of snow-white beaches with emerald water.


The status of the capital does not exclude the title of a resort center. The city attracts local flavor and emotions from ancient Carthage and Sidi Bou Said - the city of artists, souvenirs and handicrafts of oriental masters are sold everywhere.

Main hotels of the country

Hammamet is famous for its Iberostar Averroes 4* hotel. Almost all the windows of the hotel offer amazing views. sea ​​view, guests are greeted by friendly staff. There is a swimming pool on site.

View from the hotel

The hotels Club Novostar Sol Azur Beach Congres 4* and Jaz Tour Khalef 5*, which is located in Suus, are in demand. The location of the last hotel is on the first coastline. The hotel has an indoor heated and 2 outdoor seawater swimming pools, restaurants, bars and a conference room.

The Movenpick Resort & Marine Spa 5* or Thalassa Sousse Resort & Aquapark 4* hotels also invite you to relax.

In Monastir, one of the popular hotels is the Nerolia By Magic Hotel, which is located between the cities of Monastir and Sousse, in a lush park of 3 hectares, close to the sandy beach.

Beaches of Tunisia

In Tunisia paid beaches no, no matter how hard you look, along the entire length of the coastline of 1200 kilometers. Their cleanliness is monitored by hotels located on the territory of this piece of sandy strip.

The entrance to the water is quite gentle; Tunisian beaches are safe and perfect for families with children. On the territory of five-star hotels, the sand is incredibly clean, and even in high season there are free mattresses for sunbeds.

The beaches of Gammarth are extremely long and wide, and quite secluded.

The sandy strip of Djerba is distinguished by its breadth, in some places going far into the interior of the island. There are almost no rocky areas on its territory; all the beaches are snow-white sand.

The beaches of Mahdia are the pinnacle of quality in all of Tunisia. The snow-white, tiny sand, the most delicate turquoise of the waves will not leave anyone indifferent. The beach is very well maintained.

Important! The only drawback of Tunisian beaches is the jellyfish. Especially in August and September, during the hottest period.

How to get to Tunisia

The bulk of Russians going on holiday to Tunisia during the season fly on charters that cooperate with certain travel companies. The travel package also includes an air ticket.

Tunisair plane

The flight can be made from several Russian cities:

  • During the season, planes fly from Moscow to Tunisia almost every day, the time in the sky is about 4 hours. Airplanes arrive at Enfidha-Hammametili airport and Habib Bourguiba Monastir airport.
  • Planes fly from St. Petersburg with less frequency: on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Destinations are Enfidha and Carthage in the capital, with an occasional airport landing on the island of Djerba. Travel time is about 4 hours.
  • You can also get there from Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk using this method. Flights are operated by Nordwind Airlines, Red Wings and Orenburg Airlines.

In addition, you can fly with airlines that provide regular flights. There are direct flights from Moscow to Tunisia by the Tunisian airline Tunisair.

There is no way to get to Tunisia by bus, as well as direct communication by sea. The country is connected by ferry lines to Europe, such as Sicily, Genoa and France. Several companies operate flights.

It can be concluded that the holiday paradise islands- the dream of all travelers. Everyone decides for themselves when is the best time to fly to Tunisia. A small but very cozy country offers guests a warm welcome, to which it is difficult not to respond with agreement.

During the season, it is more profitable to buy a ticket through an agency that will take care of everything for the tourist, including tickets for charter flights non-stop, including, so go with their help.

During the off-season, it is recommended to track tickets; direct flights will be rare at this time, but organizing a convenient connecting flight with a transfer of no more than 2 hours is quite possible. The main thing is to think through everything in advance so that your vacation is a great success and will be remembered for many years to come.