When can you eat fish during Lent? Advantages and disadvantages of PVC inflatable boats. Fish caviar for Lazarus Saturday

Many people sometimes wonder on what date Palm Sunday is celebrated. There is no specific date, it all depends on what day the bright holiday of Easter falls on. Palm Week is celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter.

Sunday is called Palm Day, since the willow is the main attribute, a symbol of palm branches. It was with palm branches that the inhabitants of the holy city of Jerusalem greeted the King of Heaven.

How is Palm Sunday celebrated?

It is important that there are willow branches in the house on this day. They need to be collected on Saturday evening before the holiday. By the way, the Saturday before Palm Sunday is called Lazarus. Nowadays, you can buy willow branches on the street from grandmothers or in a flower shop.

The branches must be consecrated in the Temple, and then placed in the house near the icons. Here they must remain until next Palm Sunday.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, an all-night vigil service is held in all churches, and in the morning the second festive part begins - the morning one. It is then that the willow branches are consecrated.

Since ancient times, Christians have been very careful about consecrated branches, because they are sure that this is a talisman for their home. If the bouquet stands in the house, it will be able to protect the house from any bad weather. Therefore, Palm Sunday must be celebrated according to all church customs.

IN ancient times existed interesting custom, which involved willow. Whoever woke up first had to wake everyone up with a light blow from a willow branch. This was especially true for children. Our ancestors claimed that if a child is beaten with a sacred twig, then no diseases or illnesses will overtake him.

What can you eat on Palm Sunday?

Let us remember that Palm Week falls during Lent. Therefore, many are interested in what they can eat on Palm Sunday.

Palm Week is considered the brightest, because it brings us closer to the greatest triumph of Jesus Christ.

Lent the hardest one – the consumption of many foods is excluded. However, in anticipation of this happy holiday The church allows you to eat fish, but this is only on Palm Sunday.

Often, every family bakes special cookies during Palm Week. It is baked without eggs and animal fat, which does not violate the rules of Lent.

On Saturday, special bread is baked. There should be exactly as many people as there are people living in the family. The hostess puts a coin in one of the loaves. And whoever received it was considered blessed for the whole year.

Prohibitions on Palm Sunday

The holiday on the eve of Easter has a number of prohibitions, namely:

  • It is prohibited to physically work. This also applies to any other church holidays. It is not even recommended to let livestock out to pasture;
  • comb your hair. Of course, a girl won’t be able to walk around all day without combing her hair, so you just need to keep this to a minimum;
  • You can’t have fun, much less abuse alcoholic beverages.

What can you do on Palm Sunday?

On this day, you must go to church and bless at least one willow branch. Our ancestors claimed that the Holy Willow has a miraculous effect on human body, and is also able to relieve people from various ailments.

The church says that Palm Sunday should be spent in a quiet environment and with family.

Lent before Easter in Orthodox tradition the longest and most severe. In 2019, it will last 48 days - from March 11 to April 27 inclusive.

Post - important time for believers, as this is a time of prayer and spiritual cleansing, as well as food restrictions. Most people observing fasting during this period refuse meat, eggs, poultry, dairy products and other products of animal origin. But at the same time, they can feast on fish twice during the entire fast.

Why can you eat fish during Lent and on what days are you allowed to eat fish - Sputnik Georgia provides answers to these questions.

Meat ban

The strictest food ban during Lent is placed on meat. Because it is believed that “animal” energy, which is saturated in food of animal origin, in large quantities can have a negative influence on a person. The violent death of an animal, whose meat we subsequently eat, also leaves an imprint.

In addition, the Bible says that in paradise food for people was only plant-based. It is also said that all the animals created by God were needed by people. Based on this, the attitude towards them had to be appropriate, therefore, during the flood, everyone was saved - “a pair of every creature.”

Fish is a product that is different from all types of meat because it is not mentioned in the Bible when Adam's helpers were created. Therefore, on ordinary days of fasting, fish is among the forbidden foods. However, the ban on it on holidays is not indicated anywhere. And there was no need to save the fish during the flood - they existed on their own.

Fish is also one of the representatives of creatures that have the most different intelligence from us, and therefore it is believed that when killing a fish, it does not experience the same fear and is devoid of emotions characteristic of other animals.

Fish days

Eating fish and seafood, which are recognized as semi-lenten food, is allowed by church regulations twice during Lent - on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday, which in 2019 falls on April 21.

Annunciation Holy Mother of God- one of the 12 main (twelfth) holidays in Orthodox calendar. Annunciation means “good” or “good” news. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced the coming birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday is also one of the 12 main holidays of the Orthodox Church, which is celebrated a week before Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - important event last days earthly life of Jesus Christ before the crucifixion on the Cross. On Palm Sunday, festivities are celebrated in churches All-night vigil, after which the priests read prayers and sprinkle the willow branches with Holy water.

Therefore, if a person fasting on the permissible days wants to include fish or seafood in his diet in order to replenish the balance of nutrients, then this is permitted.

These days you can eat dishes made from different types fish - herring, salmon, trout, pink salmon, perch and others. Fish can be cooked over a fire, boiled, baked, fried.

It is best to eat boiled fish, but you can also prepare a lean vegetable stew with the addition of fish or a lean fish soup.

Sputnik Georgia offers you several delicious fish dishes that can be prepared easily and quickly.

Fish soup

Cut trout or any other fish into small pieces, place in a pan and fill with water. We wait until it all boils, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 more minutes. Remove from heat, remove fish and remove bones.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, throw them into the pan, and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Then fry the carrots and rays cut into slices on vegetable oil and add to the pan with potatoes. Add chopped tomato, a few bay leaves, allspice and mix well. Bring to a boil and cook for another five minutes.

Add the prepared fish fillet to the pan, mix everything well, add salt, pepper and cook for about five minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, add finely chopped tarragon and cover with a lid to allow the soup to simmer.

Fish baked with wine

Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and place a few tarragon stalks in the belly. Spread lavash (thin bread) on a piece of foil, and place the fish on top. Pour white wine into the belly of the fish, seal the edges of the foil and bake until done.

Fish baked with vegetables

Grate the carrots and place them on the bottom of a heatproof dish. Place the chopped onion and chopped garlic on top of the carrots. Sprinkle the vegetable mixture with salt and pepper, and place pieces of fish fillet on top. You can use pangasius fillet or perch. Then decorate the fish and vegetable “cake” with tomato slices, sprinkle with white wine, lightly sprinkle with dry tarragon and place the pan in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.

Fish with mushrooms

To prepare this dish you will need any fish weighing one and a half kilograms. The fish should be salted, rolled in spices and sprinkled with lemon juice. Mix the champignons fried with onions with chopped walnuts and fill the belly of the fish with this mixture. Place the fish on a baking sheet, place lemon slices in the slits on the back and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Bon appetit!

The material was prepared based on open sources

Published 04/01/18 00:41

Palm Sunday - Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated a week before the Bright Resurrection of Christ. In 2018, Palm Sunday falls on April 1st.

Palm Sunday 2018: what date is celebrated?

Every year Palm Sunday falls on different numbers and is celebrated on the sixth Sunday of Lent. Palm Sunday begins the last Holy Week of Lent, preceding Easter. Since Easter falls on April 8 in 2018, Palm Sunday is this year falls on April 1st.

Palm Sunday: history of the holiday

The holiday has several names - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday and Palm Sunday.

According to legend, in 30 AD Jesus rode into idhumkz donkey to Jerusalem like a king, which is described in detail in all four Gospels. Kings and victors, according to ancient Jewish custom, rode into the Holy City on horses or donkeys, and the people greeted their rulers with greetings and palm branches.

Jesus, in fulfillment of prophecy Old Testament, also solemnly rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey, and people greeted the Savior with exclamations of “Hosanna!”, as they usually addressed only to the king, and covered his path with palm branches, which were considered a sacred plant by the ancient Jews. According to legend, it was palm branches that passed on to the earth magical power and mainly influenced fertility.

In Rus', the day of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated since the 10th century and the holiday is called Palm Sunday. Since the palm tree is a southern tree and does not grow everywhere, Christians replaced palm branches with branches of willow, willow, boxwood or other trees that bloom in early spring.

Customs and traditions on Palm Sunday: what to do with last year’s blessed willow

The main symbol of the holiday is willow branches, which believers bring into the house on Saturday evening before the holiday, and on Sunday morning the plants are illuminated in the church. It is believed that after this they become magical and protect against evil spirits.

Typically, willow branches are stored for a year - until fresh ones are replaced. They are placed next to icons. When the willows are going to be replaced, the old ones must be burned. The main thing is that willow branches should not be thrown away: this foreshadowed poverty and illness.

Do's and Don'ts

On this serious church holiday, you cannot do anything around the house, pick up knitting needles, a needle, wash, clean, repair anything, or work in the garden. It was believed that on this day one should not comb one's hair, as this could lead to bad luck. The main task of this day was moral preparation for the last week of Lent. After Holy Week The long-awaited Easter is coming.

For the reason that this is an important church holiday, then, accordingly, it should be spent rejoicing. On this day, Orthodox Christians visit the temple, where they pray for the health of all their loved ones. You can go to the cemetery and honor the memory of your departed relatives, but you absolutely cannot clean the cemetery. To do this, you can use any other day of Lent that is not a holiday.

What can you eat

On Palm Sunday, you can make some relaxations in your strict Lenten diet: you can even eat fish and drink a little wine. In the old days in Rus', to celebrate Palm Sunday, they baked buckwheat pancakes, cooked mash and prepared fish pies.

In addition, there was an interesting custom of baking holiday bread - as many pieces as there were people in the family. A coin was hidden in one of the loaves of bread, and the one who received this surprise treat was literally doomed to happiness, health and good luck for 12 months.

Signs and customs on Palm Sunday

If it is warm and dry on Palm Sunday, there will be a large fruit harvest in the summer. The wind is blowing - expect a cold summer. Frost hits - the year will bring a lot of wheat. The number of blossoming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

Blessed willow branches were placed at the head of the sick, applied to sore spots, touched by them to people, wishing them health, and lashed children so that they would grow up healthy. Crushed dried willow buds were added to various medicinal decoctions, which were used to treat skin diseases and wounds. Sometimes the buds were added to bread or other baked goods. They also baked bread in the shape of a willow twig or cooked porridge from the opening buds of a willow tree.

In ancient times, in order to increase one’s wealth, a flower was planted or replanted on Palm Sunday. indoor plants. The flower was carefully looked after and protected, because they believed that if it withered, serious financial losses were expected.

By the beginning of the sowing season, willow branches were always stuck into the ground in the field. In the old days they believed that this ritual contributed to a rich harvest and saved it from misfortunes.

It was also believed that the willow could protect the house from natural elements. So, for example, to a house in which there is blessed willow, lightning will not hit. If during a fire you throw a willow on the fire, it will go out faster and the flame will not spread to another building. And twigs thrown into the water during ice drift will help avoid large floods.

Is it possible to eat fish during Lent?

The Church Charter clearly states the time of consumption of Lenten food and its quality. There are very strict rules for meals, which are followed in monasteries and by some believers with the blessing of their confessor. For the laity, certain degrees of relaxation of fasting are provided depending on the state of health, age, and type of occupation. When you can eat fish during Lent and what types of fish it is, this is discussed in this article.

You are allowed to eat fish twice - on holidays, and fish caviar - only on Lazarus Saturday of Great Lent.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem on the last Sunday before Happy Easter. On Palm Sunday, a festive All-Night Vigil is held in churches, after which the priests read prayers and sprinkle the willow branches with holy water. Worshipers come to Church with willows, meeting the coming God at the service with bouquets of willows and burning candles.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great Christian celebration during Lent, glorifying the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the news of the conception and birth of the infant Christ. The celebration of the Annunciation is not postponed on Easter day, even if the holidays coincide. At the Annunciation, the Church Charter blesses the eating of oil and fish.

When can you eat fish during Lent?

What fish can you eat during Lent?

Not forbidden fish dishes from any types of fish: herring, pike perch, perch, salmon, pink salmon. It is best to eat boiled fish, fish pie or fish roll with vegetables cooked in oil. Fish can be cooked over a fire, baked, fried, boiled. Good option– cook lean with the addition of fish or fish.

Is it possible to eat seafood during Lent?

IN Orthodox monasteries In Greece, monks are not prohibited from eating seafood during Lent, although they fast strictly and do not eat fish. The Greek statute equates squid, shrimp and crabs with sea plants and gives permission to eat them on Sunday and Saturday along with butter. In Russia there is no strict ban on the consumption of seafood during Lent, but Orthodox Church puts forward a clear criterion: lean food is plant-based. Taxonomy classifies shrimp, squid and crabs as part of the animal kingdom, so seafood is considered a semi-lenten food. Some priests believe that it is permissible for the laity to diversify the table with “sea reptiles” in church holidays, others believe that seafood should be consumed twice throughout Lent. It is advisable for believers to clarify this issue in a personal conversation with their confessor.

Is it possible to eat fish during Lent?

So, when can you eat fish during Lent? On the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and Palm Sunday. Fasting is softened for nursing mothers, pregnant women, children, the sick, and the elderly. It is necessary to fast according to your health, trying to preserve love, mercy, and patience, which are the purpose of physical fasting. Main meaning Lent consists of abstinence and maintaining spiritual purity, which is impossible without attending divine services, prayer, confession, repentance, and participation in the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Fish for Lent, video recipe

Many people who decide to observe Lent are interested in whether it is possible to eat fish at this time, and if so, on what days? The strictest restriction for the 49-day period between the burning of Maslenitsa and the celebration of Christ's Bright Day - Resurrection is imposed on meat and meat products. Animal products are rightly referred to as the types of food that are most saturated with energy. But these calories are “animal”, and in significant quantities they can have negative impact to physical and spiritual health person. The violent death of a living creature, whose body subsequently decorates people’s tables and satiates their stomachs, also leaves a bad imprint.

One explanation for this limitation can be found in the pages of the Bible, in which we're talking about that initially, living in paradise, people ate only plant foods. In addition, animals can be possessed by evil spirits. An unclean essence, entering the body of a living being, lives in it and defiles its flesh. Since a person cannot guess which animal has evil spirit, and in which case it’s not, it’s better not to eat meat at all for a while in order to cleanse yourself of all the bad things.

IN Holy Scripture We are also talking about the fact that all living creatures created by the Almighty are needed by man. Our attitude towards our “lesser brothers” must be appropriate. Therefore, during the flood, all types of animals were saved.

But fish is a product that is not classified as “Meat”, since the Bible does not mention it as “Adam’s helper”. Therefore, on days of fasting that fall on weekdays, it is not allowed to be eaten, but on holidays this product is not strictly prohibited. Yes and during global flood Noah did not need to save the fish, because they were not in danger.

In addition, fish are among those creatures whose minds are most different from humans. Therefore, it can be considered fair that when killed by humans, fish are not able to experience those negative emotions that are common to other animals.

On what days of Lent can you eat fish without fear of breaking the rules?

The Church provides two days on which the fasting person can slightly diversify his menu. The first day is the Annunciation, celebrated annually on April 7 and in most cases falling during the period of Lent. The second day when it is permissible to eat fish is Palm Sunday. Its date is different every year, since this holiday always falls on the Sunday that precedes the Bright Day of Christ. To put it simply, in the 49-day Easter fast The church allows eating fish any year on April 7 and on the Sunday preceding Holy Week.

Church law advises people suffering from diseases that do not allow them to severely limit themselves in food to replace their usual meat meals with fish. After all, fish is a lighter food, and its composition is ideal for feeding people whose bodies urgently need a wide range of macro- and microelements. This diet is also recommended for pregnant women and the younger generation.

How to cook fish during Lent?

When preparing fish, you should take into account the requirements for other lean dishes: no seasonings, sauces or dressings. It is also not recommended to fry this product (only salt, boil or stew). The taste of fish should be as natural as possible so as not to “irritate” taste buds, because of which the mood of abstinence is dulled. The main fish dishes during Lent are fish soup, steamed fish and vegetable cutlets, and fish stewed with vegetables. Lightly salted fish (not subjected to heat treatment) is primarily recommended to be consumed by those people who include this product in the menu in order to gain valuable substances.

Is it possible to include seafood in the menu on fasting days that allow you to eat fish?

If we consider this issue from the point of view of the Church Charter, we should remember that the main criterion for fasting is the consumption of exclusively plant foods. And squid, shrimp, mussels and others sea ​​creatures- These are representatives of the animal kingdom. Fish, the consumption of which is allowed by statute only on holidays, is recognized as semi-lenten food. This includes seafood.

If a person fasting on the permissible days wants to include seafood in his diet in order to replenish the balance of nutrients, then this is allowed. Welcomes the Church Charter and the initiative of those people who, due to health restrictions, are trying to replace the “meat” food they need so much with seafood (meat, eggs, cottage cheese, butter). The fact is that seafood is rich in essential fatty acids, iodine and other substances that are so necessary for the human body (especially a sick or growing one).

People who take the issue of observing the 49-day fast extremely seriously, but are unable to strictly follow it due to work related to difficult physical activity, eating seafood can help out. But they will need to approach the priest in advance to receive a blessing to relax the fast.

If a person simply wants to fast without depriving himself of his usual pleasures, then this can be called a regular diet. It will undoubtedly bring results. But only if the fasting person did not set for himself such a high goal as spiritual cleansing.


For people who observe Lent not only in body but also in soul, consumption of fish and seafood is permissible only on holidays and if available. good reason. And those who do not have any restrictions in terms of health, but want to eat delicacies during Lent, should remember that such “fasting” is nothing more than self-soothing and ordinary weight loss, which has nothing to do with the holiday of Great Easter.