Who is a misanthrope. Psychological causes and correction of misanthropy. Misanthrope - good or bad

- (Greek: this. see the previous next). Human hater. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MISANTROP in Greek. misanthropes; for etymology, see Misanthropy. Human hater. Explaining 25,000 foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

misanthrope- a, m. misanthrope gr. miseo I hate + anthropos man. A man who hates people, alienating them; misanthrope, unsociable. BAS 1. The essence of netsyii .. they have a freak in their thoughts, that everything is sinful and bad for them, it seems that either ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Unsociable, hater, misanthrope. Ant. philanthropist, philanthropist Dictionary of Russian synonyms. misanthrope see misanthrope Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guideSynonym dictionary

MISANTROPE, a, husband. (book). A person prone to misanthropy. | female misanthrope, i. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Husband. pka wives. a misanthrope who hates people in general. picnic, picnic, to misanthropy, hatred of humanity, related Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- (from the Greek μισέω, "to hate" and ἄνθρωπος, "man") misanthropic person prone to misanthropy. This tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially widespread after ... ... Wikipedia

misanthrope- the Greek verb "miseo" means "I hate", the noun "antropos" means "man". A misanthrope is someone who can't stand others. This word entered the Russian language in early XIX century and had at first different shades of meanings. A.S. Pushkin in one of ... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Star. misanropy, pl., F. Prokopovich; see Smirnov 195. The first is from the French. misanthrope, which became especially widespread after Molière's comedy, and the second form - under the influence of new. Greek pronunciation μισάνθρωπος. Through the Polish misanthrope in… … Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Fasmer

M. One who is prone to misanthropy. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Misanthrope, misanthropes, misanthrope, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words


  • Misanthrope, Meyerbeer Giacomo. Reprint music edition of Meyerbeer, Giacomo`Menschenfeindlich`. Genres: Songs; For voice, piano; for voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores…
  • Misanthrope, Chingiz Abdullayev. The latest Russian-made passenger plane crashes in Perm. Miraculously, only one passenger, a twelve-year-old girl, survives in the crash. She comes to her senses and tells...

Misanthrope is such a word, having heard that in relation to some person, some begin to imagine him as wild, unsociable and uncommunicative. In fact, a misanthrope can be the sweetest person, to whom others are drawn and considered a real darling. What is hidden behind this word?

Misanthrope - who is it?

The term "misanthrope" means a person who does not love all of humanity as a whole. Interestingly, there are a number of medical tests to identify the true misanthrope. Often, people who consider themselves to be such just want to somehow stand out from the crowd or justify their inability to socially adapt with the imaginary features of their personality.

In fact, the misanthrope is not at all an opponent of people as such. Hatred and rejection in him cause the negative qualities inherent in most people; moreover, he hates these qualities in himself. At the same time, he does not wish evil to people at all, but he does not consider it necessary to overcome the natural antipathy towards humanity. If he could, the misanthrope would certainly save people from shortcomings, but he is beyond his power.

Is a misanthrope an evil person?

Many mistakenly believe that a misanthrope is an unsociable and unsociable character, from whom everyone tends to stay as far away as possible. In fact, he can easily make new acquaintances and be the real soul of the company. Another thing is that the misanthrope does not feel sincere affection for others and communicates with them for the most part because these people are useful to him in some way.

It may seem unexpected, but the misanthrope also has close friends - most often it is one or two people whom he can trust. However, in the event that these people demonstrate to him traits of character so hated for a misanthrope, he will not hesitate to delete ex-friends from his life.

An example of a classic misanthrope is main character cult American television series House M.D. He is intolerant of human vices and generally does not consider people worthy of respect. He also despises compliance with norms and laws, but due to high intelligence and brilliant vocabulary- and in some cases, and thanks to the help of one of his two friends - he always manages to get away with it. If you want to know misanthrope, just watch a few episodes of this movie and you will have full view about the correct answer to this question.

This term has other meanings, see Misanthropy (meanings). Pieter Brueghel, The Misanthrope, 1568

Misanthropy(Greek μίσος - "hatred" and άνθρωπος - "man"; literally "misanthropy") - alienation from people, hatred towards them; unsociableness. Some researchers consider it as a pathological psychophysiological property of the individual and a social disease.

Basic information

Misanthropy acts as an extreme form of individualism, opposing the individual to society. Associated with pessimism, disbelief, suspicion, unsociableness. Sometimes misanthropy turns into anthropophobia (human fear). Misanthrope - a person who avoids the company of people, is unsociable, suffers, or vice versa enjoys misanthropy (misanthropy). This inclination may be the main philosophy of life. The word became especially popular after Molière's comedy The Misanthrope.

Misanthropy and mental disorders

Especially prone to misanthropy are persons with personality disorders (psychopathies), whose character is dominated by isolation and excessive resentment along with suspicion, distrust and anger. Misanthropy can be a manifestation of dissocial (antisocial) personality disorder. It can also be observed in paranoid patients with delusions of persecution who take revenge on society for imaginary or real grievances, as well as in persons who have suffered an attack (s) of schizophrenia. With paranoid personality development, misanthropy can occur as hypercompensation for one's own inferiority or feelings of rejection. It is extremely rare for misanthropy to occur in dysthymic psychopaths and in patients with depression.


Misanthropy is commonly misinterpreted as an individualized hatred of all people. Because of this, the term is often erroneously endowed with negative connotative meanings. Although misanthropes show a general dislike for humanity in general, they tend to maintain normal relations with certain specific people, though the number of such people will necessarily be limited. For misanthropes, a careful choice of those with whom to communicate and be friends is typical. Here, the antipathy of the misanthrope is especially well manifested, since they are characterized by contempt for common human mistakes and weaknesses, including their own.

Misanthropy often manifests itself in the form of a persistent desire to cause suffering and pain to people, to take revenge on them in all sorts of ways, to take out anger on them. IN Everyday life misanthropy can manifest itself in the form of a disrespectful, cynical and humiliating attitude towards other people, without taking into account what they really are.

Often misanthropy is manifested by the desire to compose artistic, philosophical or psychological texts that are aimed at discrediting the image of a person and discrediting his very essence. Humanity is described as fatal mistake nature.

Misanthropy can be motivated by feelings of isolation and social exclusion, or simply by contempt for characteristic features common to most of humanity. Determining the misanthropic disposition of a personality in practice can be difficult: its correction is possible, including due to the awareness of social prestige.

In some cases, misanthropy can be selective: only in relation to men (misandry), women (misogyny) or children (misopedia).

Misanthropy in philosophy and religion

In Satanism (including LaVey's Satanism) the core of ideology is misanthropy.

In Plato's Phaedo, Socrates describes how misanthropy can be generated:

Reasoning-hatred and human-hatred occur in the same way, namely: the latter is born in the soul from a strong trust in someone, not based on skillful prudence, when, that is, we considered a person to be completely just, sincere and faithful, and then, a little later, they found him deceitful, unfaithful, and the like. And whoever has experienced this often, especially from those whom he considered the closest and shortest friends, he, repeatedly deceived, finally hates everyone and is convinced that there is no sincerity in anyone.

- Phaedo. From the collection "Works of Plato". Translation by V. N. Karpov (1863)

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer had a reputation as a misanthrope, including because of his negative attitude towards the reproduction of offspring - anti-natalism. He considered human existence a "mistake", recognized the bitterness of being and negatively assessed the experience of being born.

There are many misanthropic statements in the works of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Misanthropy in music

Misanthropy is often sung in the lyrics of such an extreme direction of music as black metal. It often calls for murder, for the destruction of humanity.

Notable misanthropes

  • Solomon
  • Adolf Gitler
  • Jonathan Swift
  • Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Charles Valentin Alkan
  • Ambrose Bierce
  • Alexander Gordon
  • Egor Letov
  • Bill Murray
  • Stephen Patrick Morrissey
  • Boyd Rice
  • Kevin Michael Allin (GG Allin)[ source?]

Misanthrope is:


Misanthrope(from Greek μισέω, “to hate” and ἄνθρωπος, “man”) - a misanthrope - a person prone to misanthropy. This tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially popular after Molière's comedy The Misanthrope.

The opposite is a philanthropist, a humanist.


  • Real personalities:
    • Arthur Schopenhauer, eminent German philosopher;
    • Charles Bukowski, American writer and poet;
    • Mikhail Borzykin, Russian rock musician.
  • Fictional characters:
    • Gregory House, a character in the television series House M.D.;
    • Bender Bending Rodriguez, robot, character of the animated series "Futurama";
    • Daniel Plainview, character in the novel and film "Oil";
    • Knemon, a character in Menander's play "The Misanthrope" ("The Grump", "The Hermit");
    • Kalter, a character in Roman Glushkov's book Cold Blood.

Who is a misanthrope?

It is very common to hear about famous people: "famous scientist", "philosopher", "inventor", "made a great contribution to the development of a certain area human activity"and at the same time ... "misanthrope." What is behind this word? Who is misanthrope?

A misanthrope (compound from the Greek "man" and "hatred") is a person who adheres to a certain philosophy of life, or rather the philosophy of misanthropy. Misanthropy can manifest itself both in a mild form of a predisposition to rejection of people, and in an extreme form of intolerance. However, it is worth emphasizing who a misanthrope is. This is an individual whose hatred is not directed at specific people, but at existing ones. public values and norms of behavior, on sinful human nature, which nothing can change. The misanthrope is not at all devoid of self-criticism, sometimes he makes more exaggerated demands on himself than on others. The rejection of society does not prevent, however, such people from maintaining warm close relationships with the few friends or relatives for whom they feel sympathy.

Having found out who a misanthrope is, let's try to trace the history of the term itself. The word "misanthrope" was widely used after the publication of the eponymous
comedies by Jean Baptiste Molière. In it, the author tells us about the young boy Alceste, who surprised his relatives and friends with his strange deeds. Contrary to the sugary-flattering manner of communication then accepted in society, the hero did not want to follow generally accepted norms in any way and preferred to tell the whole truth in person, whatever it was. He constantly denounced his friend Filinta, his beloved Celiment and other people around him, he adhered to his principles even when they brought him to a very disadvantageous position. The result of this play is sad: persecuted by his judicial opponent, rejected by his beloved, he retires to live alone in order to have every right to say what he really thinks about people. What is really more important for a person - social status or your own opinion? This is the question that The Misanthrope makes the reader think about.

The meaning of this word acquired a new meaning during the heyday of capitalist society, when money becomes higher than moral values ​​and breaks the foundations that have been formed for centuries, workers are exploited as working units. Against the background of this unfolding world fair of human vices, the protest against the existing order of things is most clearly expressed in the works of Schopenhauer (who believed that he lives in the worst of the worlds) and F. Nietzsche (who claimed that man no longer evolves). Misanthropy became almost ubiquitous due to the wars and social catastrophes of the 20th century, when it was even fashionable to say: "I am a misanthrope." Therefore, with a certain degree of confidence, it can be argued that the spread of anti-humanistic sentiments is an important indicator of the state of social decline, when a person becomes a burden to his brothers in mind, their values ​​and principles.

One can argue for a long time about who a misanthrope is, whether he is useful to society, but one thing remains obvious - the phenomenon of misanthropy has existed throughout human history, only at different scales.

Who is a misanthrope and how is he different from an ordinary person?

What characterizes a person as a misanthrope

To understand who a misanthrope is, you should refer to the dictionary. IN AND. Dahl monosyllabically defines that this is a person who hates people. However, over time, the interpretation of many concepts is expanding. Today, the word "misanthrope", the meaning of which is often misinterpreted, actually means a person who does not accept dogmas and social principles, is hostile to most people. Moreover, the circle of communication of such a person can be quite large. It is important to distinguish: who is a misanthrope, and who is simply hiding behind this image, justifying his bad temper or social phobia. The concept is, first of all, ideological. Or even, if you like, ideological. It does not depend on character traits. A misanthrope can be either a constantly gloomy and unsociable person, or a merry fellow who radiates laughter and joy.

Misanthropes in cinema and literature

The image of a misanthrope is very popular in modern cinema and literature: the characters of Charles Bukowski, Ivan Karamazov in the novel by F. Dostoevsky and Pechorin in the notorious "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. do not differ in love for people. Lermontov. Chatsky in the novel by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The icon of today's youth is the image of Gregory House from the series "Doctor House". House boldly declares: "I'm a misanthrope" and openly disregards generally accepted norms of behavior, considering the people around him narrow-minded. Misanthropes are Tony Stark from Iron Man and Perry Cox from Clinic. Thanks to the film industry, such behavior is associated with extraordinary, gifted people who put business above accepted conventions. However, this is not always the case in real life.

Notable misanthropes

There is an opinion that it is difficult to succeed with such a character, but many celebrities have refuted this theory in practice. The famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Gordon has never hidden that he does not like people. However, he repeatedly admitted the most popular person on television based on the results of public opinion polls. It has long been a habit to reduce communication with people as much as possible. former soloist The Smiths Stephen Patrick Morissy. Beloved by many Hollywood comedian and theater actor, the hero of such iconic films as "Ghostbusters" and "Lost in Translation", since childhood he showed his misanthropic tendencies: he fought daily with classmates, drew caricatures of teachers and directors. They did not disappear from him even in adulthood.

Summing up

It is paradoxical that it is misanthropes who often make discoveries useful for all mankind or are the idols of millions. On the other hand, misanthropy served as a certain ground for fascist and Nazi ideologies. So it’s not so important who the misanthrope is: ordinary, nothing outstanding person or TV star. The determining factor is the rejection of conformism and public morality as personal guidelines. To be a real misanthrope, you need courage and strong convictions - just having a heavy and bad temper is not enough.

Misanthrope - is it good or bad?

Absolutely everyone understands that the ability to communicate and find mutual language with others makes life much easier. And man, as a social being, needs a society of his own kind. But being able to get along with others does not mean loving them. And each of us, by the will of fate, has to maintain relationships with people whom we, to put it mildly, do not like. In this regard, the misanthrope is more sincere and honest to himself and others. This concept gained particular popularity thanks to Molière's comedy The Misanthrope, in which the main character, Alceste, ridiculed and despised human sins and weaknesses.

Misanthrope. What are we dealing with?

A misanthrope is a person who despises other people, avoids communicating with them. This term is translated from ancient Greek as "misanthrope." And although, indeed, many accuse misanthropes of total hatred of humanity, in reality everything is not so terrible. Let's see who he is - a monster in human form or a hermit?

Lone philosopher

Misanthrope is a multifaceted concept. And the attitude of people towards misanthropy is also ambiguous. Someone thinks that this individual only dreams of how to rid the planet of an infection called “homo sapiens”, while others are sure that misanthropy is a thing in itself, that is, a misanthrope lives with hatred for all mankind for the sake of hatred for to all mankind. But such characteristics are more suitable for sociophobes and sociopaths. The misanthrope, on the other hand, feels contempt for people, deep contempt. He does not accept their morality and weaknesses, he feels his superiority over others. As a rule, a misanthrope does not love humanity as a whole, without transferring this feeling to specific people. As for communication, such a person maintains very warm relations with loved ones and friends, whom he has few. Only the elite can get into his close circle.

Misanthrope - is it contagious?

The question arises: are misanthropes born or circumstances make them so? Most likely, people come to such a life philosophy over time. Misanthropes are disillusioned idealists with a subtle and vulnerable soul. But the feeling of a certain hopelessness makes them impenetrable cynics.

How to determine who you are - a misanthrope or a philanthropist?

If people annoy you, this does not mean at all that you are a misanthrope to the marrow of your bones. Perhaps you have ordinary depression. Below is a test that will help you determine which category of people you belong to.

Test: "Misanthrope or philanthropist - who is more in you?"

1. A program about starving African children is shown on TV. And at the bottom of the TV screen, an information line runs with the number of the bank account to which you can transfer money, you:

a) Change to another channel.

B) Immediately go to the bank to make the transfer.

C) Start calling all your relatives and friends, urging them to help those in need too.

D) You would prefer to give a couple of rubles to needy drug dealers.

A) Philosophical treatises of agnostics and stoics.

B) Masterpieces by Daria Dontsova.

C) Don't read at all.

D) Fairy tales, fantasy, adventures.

3. What are the people around you like?

a) Do they surround me?

B) If you look closely - people are like people, there are even very nice ones.

B) Dust, despicable bugs.

D) I love them.

4. How do you feel about the death penalty?

A) For some people it is necessary to use it.

B) There is a state to solve this issue.

B) against.

D) I am positive.

5. Public celebrations are:

A) Another reason to drink.

B) very good fun for working people.

C) An excuse for people to get drunk and spend all their money.

D) A bunch of idlers, hungry for free bread and circuses.

6. The term "humanities" - what interpretation will you choose?

A) bookworm.

B) A gray-haired professor from a neighboring house.

C) Philosophy student.

D) The concept that came from Ancient Rome.

7. What are horror films for you?

A) Definitely rubbish, I don't watch that.

B) Video guide for maniacs.

C) I like to watch with friends, especially if there is beer.

D) I look instead of " Good night, kids.

8. How often do you serve to the needy on the street?

A) Always, as soon as I see.

B) As soon as I see it, I run across to the other side of the street.

B) Are there any? Never noticed.

D) Let them go to work, otherwise they become insolent.

9. What is the most pleasant for you?

A) Animals, they are such sweethearts.

b) Members of the opposite sex.

C) New clothes for yourself.

D) Crochet.

10. What is aggression in your understanding?

A) Unconscious behavior of a person when solving problems.

b) That's the way people are.

C) Without aggression there is no progress.

D) human stupidity.


1. A-2 B-1 C-1 D- 4

2. A-3 B-2 C-4 D-1

3. A-2 B-2 C-3 D-0

4. A-3 B-1 C-0 D-4

5. A-1 B-0 C-2 D-4

6. A-2 B-2 C-2 D-3

7. A-2 B-3 C-0 D-1

8. A-0 B-1 C-4 D-2

9. A-1 B-0 C-2 D-3

10. A-1 B-0 C-2 D-0

0 to 10

You see the whole world in pink color. Everything is beautiful around, and people, like angels, are all in white clothes, and so cute that even tears of tenderness well up in their eyes. And there is absolutely no reason not to love these adorable creatures. You are a true philanthropist.

10 to 20

You don't have to choose between misanthropes and philanthropists. You adequately assess reality, realizing that there are bad and good people. There is a little bit of everything in your world - both white and black.

Over 20

Congratulations - you are a misanthrope, everything in people annoys you: how they breathe, walk, buy groceries in the store, have fun on holidays. You would love to have them all on one spaceship and sent to conquer distant galaxies, watching with a smile through a telescope as they are carried away farther and farther.

The meaning of the word misanthrope

a person who hates people, in general, everyone
Misanthropy is a dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human race, or a predisposition to dislike and/or distrust of other people. Also - an expression of hostility and contempt for "generally accepted" rules and " moral values» distrust and contempt for the dominant religion and its dogmas, the desire, by all means, to fence oneself off from external contacts with society, most often is not groundless and is most often manifested in creative people and personalities misunderstood or rejected by the rest of the “society”, who have not found a place for themselves in society and are deprived of like-minded people (not to be confused with marginals). The term also applies to those people who voluntarily avoid contact with other people or become recluses because of the aforementioned feelings. The word comes from the Greek words μίσος (misos, "hatred") and άνθρωπος (anthrōpos, "man"). A misanthrope is a person who, due to circumstances, does not trust and despise the human race.

Explain the meaning of the words: misanthrope, extrovert, parvenu, Pharisee, breter, marginal, macho.


Misanthrope - a misanthrope - a person prone to misanthropy. Moreover, this tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially widespread after Molière's comedy.

Parvenyu - a person of humble origin who has gained access to the aristocratic environment and imitates aristocrats in his behavior and manners; upstart.
Pharisees - a religious and social movement in Judea in the era of the Second Temple, one of the three Hebrew "sects" or " philosophical schools”, which arose during the heyday of the Maccabees (II century BC), although the emergence of the Pharisaic doctrine can be attributed to the time of Ezra. The teachings of the Pharisees are at the heart of Halacha and modern Orthodox Judaism.
Breter is an avid, "professional" duelist, ready to fight a duel for any, even the most insignificant, reason. Most often, the duel was deliberately provoked by a breter.
In a broader sense, a bully is a bully, a bully, a brawler.
Marginal, marginal person - a person who is on the border of various social groups, systems, cultures and is influenced by their conflicting norms, values, etc.
Macho - a man who exhibits qualities usually attributed to males in the animal kingdom: aggressiveness, rudeness, a pronounced male type of appearance and sexuality, physical strength, assertiveness, perseverance. IN contemporary culture, stands out primarily because of the sexual component that attracts many women on an instinctive level.

Yana Shishkina

Misanthrope (from Greek μισέω, “to hate” and Greek ἄνθρωπος, “man”) a misanthrope is a person prone to misanthropy. Moreover, this tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially widespread after Molière's comedy.
The opposite is a philanthropist.
Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior), which is oriented in its manifestations outward, to others.
Parvenu (from French parvenu - successful, wealthy; upstart) - a person of humble origin who has gained access to an aristocratic environment and imitates aristocrats in his behavior and manners; upstart.

bretter (obsolete) (French bretteur, from brette - sword), an avid duelist; a person looking for a reason to challenge a duel; bully, brawler.

A marginal group of people is a group that rejects certain values ​​and traditions of the culture in which it arises and asserts its own system of norms and values.

It is believed that the term "metrosexual" (dandy) is the opposite of the term "macho".

°*”*° Veda °*”*°

Breter, bretter (obsolete) (French bretteur, from brette - sword), an avid duelist; a person looking for a reason to challenge a duel; bully, brawler
Marginal, marginal person (from lat. margo - edge) - a person who is on the border of various social groups, systems, cultures and is influenced by their conflicting norms, values, etc.
Macho (Spanish macho - “male”) is a man who exhibits qualities usually attributed to males in the animal world: aggressiveness, rudeness, a pronounced male type of appearance and sexuality, physical strength, assertiveness, perseverance. In modern culture, it stands out primarily because of the sexual component that attracts many women on an instinctive level.
Misanthrope (from Greek μισέω, “to hate” and Greek ἄνθρωπος, “man”) a misanthrope is a person prone to misanthropy. Moreover, this tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially widespread after Molière's comedy.
Parvenu (from French parvenu - successful, wealthy; upstart) - a person of humble origin who has gained access to an aristocratic environment and imitates aristocrats in his behavior and manners; upstart
Pharisees (Hebrew פְּרוּשִׁים‎, Prushim) - a religious and social movement in Judea in the era of the Second Temple, one of the three Hebrew "sects" or "philosophical schools" that arose during the heyday of the Maccabees (II century BC), although the origin of the Pharisaic doctrine can be attributed to the time of Ezra. The teachings of the Pharisees are at the heart of Halacha and modern Orthodox Judaism.
Extraversion is a common basis in psychology for categorizing or measuring personality traits. The most famous are two slightly different concepts of introversion-extroversion, belonging to Carl Gustav Jung and Hans Jürgen Eysenck.
According to Jung, extraversion manifests itself in the direction of a person's libido to external world, in that the extrovert prefers the social and practical aspects of life to immersion in the world of imagination and reflection

MISANTROPY (Greek misanthropia), dislike for people, misanthropy. Extrovert - psychological characteristic a personality focused on the outside world and activities in it, characterized by a predominant interest in external objects, etc. PHARISEE (Greek pharisaioi, from other Hebrew Perushim - separated), representatives of the socio-religious movement in Judea in the 2nd century. BC e. - 2 in. n. e. The Pharisees are the creators of the Oral Teaching (law), recorded in the Mishnah. In the Gospels, the Pharisees are called hypocrites. From here figurative meaning words - a hypocrite, a hypocrite. BRETHER (obsolete). A person who is ready to fight a duel for any reason; brawler and bully. PARVENU [fr. parvenu< parvenir выйти в люди, сделать карьеру] . устар. Выскочка, человек незнатного происхождения, пробившийся в аристократическое общество и подражающий аристократам. МАРГИНАЛ [нем. Marginal < фр. marginal < лат. - см. маргиналия] . В социологии: тот, кто находится вне своей social group, outcast.

Recently, the word "misanthrope" has been appearing more and more often in films and publics. Despite the popularization of this concept, not everyone knows what it means. Let's try to understand the meaning of this word.

Misanthrope. Meaning

In general, this word consists of two Greek words meaning "hatred" and "man". That is, misanthropy is, practically, "misanthropy". Such people cannot stand humanity as a whole, opposing themselves to society.

At a superficial glance, it may seem that a misanthrope is the same as a sociopath, but this is not at all the case.

Misanthropes do not love all of humanity as a whole, all this incredible mass, especially the rules established by it, social norms, and so on.

They hate people for weaknesses, for unfortunate blunders and mistakes.

At the same time, they are able to love, to experience good feelings in relation to specific individuals. Most often, this type of people prefers to communicate with several trusted friends all their lives and is not looking for new acquaintances.

Today, misanthropes in their pure form are, however, rare. Rather, it is a kind of book image. Many consider themselves misanthropes, but they are more likely to be introverts - self-absorbed, focused on knowing their "I", people.

What are the signs of a misanthrope and its differences from an introvert

How to understand yourself, to understand that you are not just an introvert, but you have much deeper negative feelings towards humanity?

There are signs that indicate this state of mind:

  • Discomfort when in an elevator with strangers. It seems that they are only looking at you, standing extremely close, talking unbearably. Time in the elevator stretches endlessly, everyone is hated because of whom it is necessary to stay in this company even for a second longer. An introvert in such situations simply plunges into himself, not paying attention to others.
  • Annoying if they sit next to each other in transport. An introvert is able to simply ignore this fact, not even notice the presence of outsiders, while a misanthrope literally hates anyone who violates his personal space. The only thing worse than that is sitting between people.
  • Joy, if joint plans with someone are cancelled. Even if it concerns loved ones. In this case, it becomes possible to be with the best person in the world - with yourself. There is no need to interact with others, to tolerate the possible presence of strangers. However, this item also applies to introverts, who will also be happy about the cancellation of plans.
  • "For a misanthrope, no bad weather» . More precisely, there is, but they love it. But not because they like to watch a thunderstorm through the window, but simply as another reason not to go out to meet someone.
  • Preference for SMS calls. Communication is already a necessary measure, so it is better to replace verbal messages with written ones.
  • When meeting a stranger, first of all, attention is drawn to his minuses. In any person, initially misanthropes see only negative traits, they already at a meeting hate strangers. They are all badly dressed, they are untidy, they have a strange speech impediment, they do not know how to joke and in general ... are not good.
  • Unacceptable group communication. It's unbearable - so many outsiders with their stupid opinions. Even chatting on Skype with a group of friends quickly tires.
  • Hatred of sneezes. Again, if you take an introvert, he simply will not notice this fact. Whereas the misanthrope will hate the sneezer even more than before.

You are an introvert or a misanthrope, you are simply indifferent to people or you hate them unbearably - you should not demonstrate this.

Any person, including such an outstanding one as a misanthrope, must hide his attitude towards humanity, then it will be much easier to live.

Sometimes it happens that over time, global hatred is reduced to the size of a negative towards certain groups of people.

How to live a misanthrope?

In fact, it is not so difficult for him to live, because this is not a problem, but a state of mind. However, it may happen that the hatred just overwhelms, or it interferes with the progress at work, or there are other reasons to think about how to reduce this all-consuming hatred?

You can try several ways:

  • "fall into childhood". Recall those sensations that are available to children: curiosity, delight, joy, universal love and the ability to love everyone in return.
  • Communicate with animals. These are not people, so life with them does not tire, but can teach love. Animals do not think about why they love, they just give their affection and sincerity.
  • Loneliness. Like an introvert, it is very important for a misanthrope to be able to be alone. Maybe even live alone. Many draw strength for further communication and the ability to live in human society in some little things done for the beloved themselves: a foamy bath, reading books alone, walking in remote corners of the park where you don’t meet a person.
  • Humor and empathy. Yes, a misanthrope, like an introvert, is able to sympathize with others, he is not a psycho. Using this feeling, you can deal with irritation. Rather than be angry with a person for his incredible stupidity, for his vile appearance and disgusting voice, it is better to feel sorry for him for this.
  • Understanding what everyone likes is not necessary. It is enough to maintain equal relations with colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances. It already takes a lot of energy. Therefore, there is no need to welcome strangers. There is no desire to communicate - it is better to say this right away.

It is important to understand that an introvert, misanthrope and philanthropist is not a mental illness or deviation, it does not need to be treated, you just need to control it so as not to harm yourself and not to annoy others too much.

How to become a misanthrope

Of course, you can become a misanthrope, but why? Most often, such a life position is characteristic of people who have experienced tragedy, betrayal, serious illness, accidents of varying severity. Misanthropy is often the product of a wrong upbringing. But hardly anyone is able to want to consciously hate all of humanity, to live in constant irritation. In this case, one can speak of mental illness which requires medical intervention.

The opposite of a misanthrope - who is it?

Misanthropes have the opposite - this is a philanthropist. It is easy to guess that these are people who have, if not love, then very good feelings for everyone around them, they are constantly trying to help everyone and everyone, to make life easier.

A philanthropist always does charity work, often even to his own detriment. The philanthropist and the misanthrope are at opposite ends of the worldview and will never be able to understand each other.

Notable misanthropes

History has heard of misanthropes who became famous despite their reluctance to contact people.

It is worth mentioning some of these, popular in different times, introverts:

  • Jean Jacques Rousseau - composer, thinker, writer. It is known that he had a very complex character;
  • Schopenhauer is a philosopher. He believed that he was born in the most disgusting world, had no family, avoided benefits, took care of his own health. He became famous for his ambition and extreme suspiciousness;
  • Nietzsche. Thinker. Introvert. Refuted the basic concepts of morality, culture and religion;
  • Chaikovsky. Conductor, composer, teacher. I tried to live without communicating with people.
  • Przhevalsky. Actually, dislike for people, the desire to avoid communication and made me study animals and travel.
  • Bill Murray is a film actor. Despite his public profession, he remained a misanthrope and an introvert.

Whoever a person is, an introvert, a lover or a hater of people, it is important that he learns to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. Need to build own life in such a way that you have to be stressed as little as possible.

Misanthropy is a popular social phenomenon. Some of the communities of misanthropes include more than 100,000 people. Topics related to this phenomenon are actively discussed in in social networks are analyzed in publications. The Greek word "misanthropy" means "misanthropy."

Since there have always been gloomy unsociable people, their artistic description can be found in literary works from antiquity to the present day. For example, "The Grouch" by Menander, "The Misanthrope" by Molière, "The Hero of Our Time" by Lermontov.

The misanthropic heroes of the past were few and far between. The gigantic fame of misanthropy was brought by cinematic images of the 21st century: Dr. House, Sherlock Holmes. It is they who are called active geniuses, sociopaths, cynical lone heroes.

Modern apologists for misanthropy do not feel alone. Groups in social networks unite hundreds of thousands of people who perceive society with hostility. And, taking advantage of the opportunity to express their opinion freely and anonymously, the misanthropes of the 21st century talk about everything, argue, and advocate the most radical theories. Feeling superior to society, supporters of the misanthrope movement become part of a virtual society of misanthropes.

The series "Doctor House"

Admirers of the philosophy of misanthropy

The value system of misanthropes is especially popular in the age group from 15 to 35 years. Young people do not approve of naivety and dependence. But it is very fashionable to be cynical and sarcastic, asocial and self-centered.

The term "misanthrope" is very popular. Although a direct translation of a word reveals its exact interpretation, the meaning is interpreted in different ways. Misanthropes include people with very different views. This leads to verbal battles and mutual insults.

In social networks, along with the irritated, but harmless statements of the grumbling law-abiding citizens, one can also see openly anti-social arguments.
Unites all misanthropes negative attitude to society and open contempt for people's imperfections, mistakes and weaknesses, their "fussiness and narrow-mindedness".

Prescriptions and rules are annoying and seem meaningless and worthless. Nothing good is expected from people, but among the faceless crowd, those few who are dear to the misanthrope are singled out.

From hermits to avengers

Doctors and psychologists describe 2 types of manifestations of misanthropy:

1. Gloomy hermits who have suffered psychological upheavals in the past.
2. Active opponents of humanity, taking revenge on society for past grievances (among them there are people with mental pathology).

Along with general misanthropy, its varieties are distinguished:

misandry(dislike of a woman to a man);
misogeny(aversion of a man to a woman);
misopedia(hate children).

How do you become a misanthrope?

The topic of the formation of a misanthropic worldview is interesting for the representatives of the original community and those who study them. The opinions of fans of misanthropy on this matter are very different. Some claim to be misanthropes from birth, others consider themselves as such from about 30 years old.

According to psychologists, in childhood, a manifestation of distrust and hostility towards people is possible. But this feature will become a quality of personality only when it turns into a part of the worldview (in adolescence or somewhat later). The psychological prognosis in this case will depend on the degree of criticality in assessing one's views. If a teenager believes that hatred of people is the only correct behavior, then a psychopathic variant of development is possible.

Contempt for people is an extreme form of social alienation

Almost always, misanthropy is the result of maladaptation.
Experts identify several reasons for the formation of true misanthropy:
loneliness of people with very high level intellect;
the collision of the idealist with imperfect reality;
violation of relations with parents in childhood;
overestimated self-esteem in people with below average intelligence and their confidence in the insignificance of others (the extreme manifestation of this feature is the asocial type of people).
There are a huge number of imitators of misanthropes. This behavior is a reflection psychological problems not conscious of man.