Infatuation and love. Psychology of falling in love - love heat and dandelion roast

Have you ever eaten a dish that you forgot to add spices to? After trying it, you probably thought: “That’s not it... there’s clearly something missing here.” Just as cumin adds a unique, piquant taste to Uzbek pilaf, falling in love adds the necessary “spice” to a person’s calmly, measuredly flowing life.

For the first time, “butterflies in the stomach” begin to flutter in adolescence, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it from others, even if you try very hard.

Signs of his falling in love

Increased interest in one's appearance. The guy begins to look in the mirror more often, and in the morning he tries to smooth out his unruly curls with water or gel borrowed from his sister. Now he knows exactly where his hair comb is because he uses it several times a day! There is an urgent need to update your wardrobe or purchase a fashionable men's perfume. A young man in love always takes care of himself, striving to be a model of neatness and style.

Shyness. In HER presence, the guy experiences joyful excitement and awkwardness. He is afraid to say something out of place and become a laughing stock in the eyes of his Juliet, which is why vocabulary sometimes unexpectedly reduced to only interjections and short phrases. Young Romeo tries to hide his embarrassment by assuming indifference and equanimity. But the sparkle in the eyes, the uncontrollable blissful smile, the passionate desire to please easily reveal an ardent heart in love.

This is something new! The guy begins to do things that were unusual for him before: chat on the phone for hours (of course, with HER, and even during the broadcast of a football match!), listen to romantic ballads, regularly go to the gym, read books on psychology on the topic interpersonal relationships etc.

Signs of her falling in love

Experiments with appearance. A girl in love strives to change something about herself: haircut, hairstyle, hair color, makeup, clothing style, weight...

Coquetry. This quality is inherent in nature itself and begins to actively manifest itself during the period of falling in love. A shy smile, a flirtatious look from under half-lowered eyelashes, a languid voice, a request for help - everything is so sweet and relaxed that HIS heart simply melts from it.

New interests. Just yesterday, football seemed like a completely meaningless game to her, but today she is trying to figure out how a free kick differs from a free kick, and who became the best player in the national championship last season. A girl in love can short terms learn to embroider or prepare a “Countess” cake in order to surprise HIM with an original gift on February 14th.

Such a sweet feeling!

Of course, there are a lot of signs of falling in love: absent-mindedness, insomnia, jealousy, and the desire to talk only about him (her). The state of falling in love is like a fabulous flight, when the heart skips a beat with happiness, and everyday problems and worries fade into the background. It’s not for nothing that people say: “It’s like you’re in the clouds.” In this state, guys tend to do crazy things, for example: climbing onto the balcony of their beloved early in the morning to leave a bouquet of bluebells there, which in the language of flowers means: “I’m thinking about you.”

There are many beautiful definitions for the word “falling in love”, except for one – eternal. Alas, this feeling is fleeting! According to research by psychologists, on average, falling in love lasts about 2 years, after which euphoria and romantic fervor fade away, and the relationship either moves to a qualitatively different level or ends. From the world of illusions, a person returns to the real world, where the former lightness and carelessness are no longer there, and the shortcomings of a loved one become more clear every day. Only love can cover them.

How is falling in love different from love?

Falling in love is a feeling that can flare up like straw and go out just as quickly. flares up slowly, but its flame cannot be extinguished by any difficulties in life. To love means to be able to sacrifice one’s own interests for the good and happiness of another, without demanding anything in return. Falling in love concentrates a person on himself: “He/she will make me happy.” A person in love sometimes resembles a slightly crazy person; the state of euphoria makes it difficult to concentrate on study and work. And love gives peace, confidence, the desire to develop creatively and personally.

Love is a sign of a mature personality, ready to take responsibility for another person. And falling in love is just a hobby, which over time can develop into love, becoming a solid foundation for a strong relationship, or move into the “Memories” section.

Love- this is possession (“taking”), Love- gift (“to give”).

It all starts with falling in love.
Falling in love is a state when a person attracts you not for some deeds or merits, but just like that, simply because he exists in this world. Falling in love is a temporary eclipse of the mind, which is given to a person in order to build something greater, which is love.

These are strong and vivid feelings, they never last long, they always end. This is always a temporary condition! It always ends sooner or later and it is given to the couple so that they can build something more serious and durable that will bring them together for a long time and give birth to love.

Falling in love is always an excess of emotions and passion and therefore it is often impossible to control; this feeling is difficult to curb, especially for a woman.
Love is a calm feeling that can easily be controlled by the mind. Unfortunately, Falling in love is often mistaken for love.

For many people, feeling in love is enough to get married. In fact, this is not enough. A person needs to be loved. But being in love and loving are two different things.

Love does not appear out of nothing, it does not come to everyone. More precisely, we can all love, potentially possess this property, but few seek love, find it and fulfill it, because The capacity for love increases along with the growth of personality. Neither one nor the other is given as a gift., coming from outside and falling to everyone as some kind of extraordinary event.

There is no need to envy a happy couple or a mature person. There is no need to think that we are unlucky or that we are not capable of love. We all have the opportunity to grow and become capable of love.

In a society where a person's life is consumed by work and other responsibilities, the feeling of loneliness and abandonment grows uncontrollably. Communication between people has almost completely disappeared; laughter is often considered the only act that can give the appearance of communication, warmth, and unity of human beings. And, unfortunately, this form of communication, which, in my opinion, is the latest and applicable only in a strictly defined context, for many becomes paramount and the only one.

Feeling a funny attraction to a partner, a person believes that he has found great love. Moreover, this is taken as proof of the intensity and correctness of the relationship, while is really just evidence of a profound inability to communicate in other ways.

For falling in love, laughter is crucial; in love it is not of primary importance.

When falling in love, a person modifies and distorts reality, adapting it to the relationship that has arisen; in love, it becomes an integral part of the relationship, elevating and strengthening it.

In a state of falling in love, the image of another person becomes an obsession or is deified; without it, life seems meaningless; in love, the partner is always present, the relationship with him continues all the time, because we have built or are building life itself with him.

Falling in love is just the excitement of the moment, even if it lasts for months or years.

Behind falling in love lies deep inner loneliness; a person strives to be with his partner in order to feel alive; in love ours spiritual world autonomous, independent from a partner.

Falling in love is a spark mistaken for fire; love is a flame that is constantly maintained.

When in love, an ecstatic state is possible only in the presence of a partner; in love, happiness is the constant basis of life.

Falling in love creates the illusion of growth, being in fact only a stop, a temporary cessation of neurosis; love by definition represents personal growth.

At the end of the period of falling in love, a person experiences a feeling of great emptiness (perhaps it just reveals the emptiness that was before, and now has become even more bitter), as well as a feeling of violence, deception, abandonment and death.

Love is already everyday work that brings joy. This is when each of the lovers constantly gives something to the other, builds common house happiness and receives as a return, as a result of his labor, his share from the common house.
Love is mature, rational and calm feeling, which can last forever. At the same time, both men and women clearly know why exactly, for what contribution to the overall relationship, for what actions and work for the common good of the family they love the other.

Ideal is a rather ambiguous concept. Each circle, each social stratum has its own ideals, which include not only appearance, but also lifestyle: class or party affiliation, financial situation etc.

Very often, the subconscious “interferes” in the search for an object, looking for a person similar to one of the parents. And this is a rather strong factor, under the influence of which young men subconsciously strive for the chosen one to be like their mother, while girls are attracted by similarities with their father.

So, the object is defined, what next? And then - the gaze - probably the most effective weapon of flirting. In Western cultures where eye contact is allowed, men and women typically stare at a potential partner for 2-3 seconds, lower their eyelids, and then look away.

It is impossible to ignore someone who is staring at you - you are forced to react somehow. You can smile and speak, or you can turn away and head towards the exit. But before that, you will most likely either pull your ear, or straighten your suit or hairstyle. In any case, while you are deciding how to react to the invitation, you will probably perform some action that clearly makes no sense.

The most interesting phase of dating is the synchronization of movements. When potential lovers feel comfortable together, they turn towards each other so that the lines of their shoulders are parallel.

The turning point in dating is the first touch. Hands are great for first physical contact.

The process of attraction captivates and excites a person. However enthusiasm can't last forever, including for reasons of a biochemical and physiological nature.
Eventually, the body begins to react tolerantly to pheramones and their effects become less pronounced. At this stage, being alone with your loved one stimulates the production of endorphin in the brain (similar to chemical composition with morphine), causing a feeling of security, peace and tranquility. During hugging, touching and physical intimacy, the substance oxytocin, a hormone from the pituitary gland, is released, stimulating sensitivity during the act of love and causing feelings of relaxation, satisfaction and affection.

“A person cannot love if he has not grown, has not become mentally and spiritually mature. And spiritual growth is not a game of beautiful words- this is an action. "
I can’t say anything more, and I don’t want to...
Judge for yourself.

I propose to supplement the article with your examples from life.

Among all the misconceptions regarding love, the most common idea is that love - this too Love or at least one of its manifestations. The illusion is created because feeling falling in love, as bright as the feeling love. When a person is in love, his feeling is expressed by the words “I love her (him).” But immediately, two problems arise.

Firstly, love this is specific, sexually oriented, erotic experience. We don't fall in love with our children, although we can love them very much. We don't fall in love with friends of the same sex unless we are homosexually oriented. We only fall in love when sexually motivated, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s realized or not.

Secondly, feeling of falling in love very short term. No matter who we fall in love with, sooner or later this condition goes away if the relationship continues. I don’t want to say that we definitely stop loving the person we fell in love with. But the ecstatic, stormy feeling, actually love, always passes. Honeymoon always ends quickly. In order to understand the nature of the phenomenon falling in love and its inevitable end, it is necessary to understand the nature of what psychologists call ego boundaries.

Where it all begins.

In the first months of life, a newborn does not distinguish between himself and the rest of the world. When he moves his arms and legs, the whole world moves. When he is hungry, the whole world is hungry. When he sees his mother moving, he perceives it as his own movement. When the mother sings, the child does not know that it is not she who sings. It does not distinguish itself from the crib, room, parents. Animated and inanimate objects- everything is the same. There is no difference between "I" and "you". There is no difference between me and the world. There are no borders, no partitions. No personality.

But after a short time, the child begins to feel like a certain entity, separate from the rest of the world. When he's hungry, mom doesn't always show up to feed him. When he wants to play, the mother does not necessarily want the same. The child begins to understand that his desires do not control his mother. He becomes convinced that his will and his mother’s behavior are separate. The sense of “self” begins to develop. The interaction between the child and the mother is the soil from which the sense of self as an individual grows. If the relationship between the child and the mother is greatly distorted, for example, when there is no mother or no one to replace her, or when, due to her own mental deviation from the norm, she does not care or is interested in him at all, then this child grows up with a deeply distorted sense of personality. Personality I left and forgot to come back.

When a child learns that his will is his own and not the will of the entire universe, he begins to notice other differences between himself and outside world. When he wants to move, his arms and legs move, but not the crib and the ceiling. It is in this way, during the first year of life, that we learn the most important thing: who we are and who we are not. And, by the end of this first year, we already know: it is my hand, my leg, my head, my tongue, my eyes and even my point of view, my voice, my thoughts, my tummy pain and my feelings. We already know our size and physical boundaries. These boundaries are the boundaries of our ego.

The development of ego boundaries occurs throughout childhood, adolescence and even into adulthood, although the later the boundaries are established, the more mental (rather than physical) they are in nature. For example, between the ages of two and three, a child usually discovers the limits of his power. Although by this time he has already realized that his desire does not necessarily control his mother, he still feels that he can control her and feels that he can subordinate her to his desires. Because of this feeling, a two-year-old child often behaves like a domestic tyrant, trying to boss around parents, siblings, and even pets. And, God forbid, if you do not obey his dictates, anger will fall on the heads of all household members. This age of a child is simply terrible for all parents.

By the age of three, a child usually becomes kinder and it is easier to come to an agreement with him. This happens because the child begins to perceive the reality that he is helpless. That he is not so omnipotent. But still, the possibility of omnipotence remains his sweet dream, and he has no strength to completely abandon it, even after several years of painful experience of his own powerlessness. And, although, by the age of three, the child has already accepted the reality of the limits of his power, for several more years he will escape into the world of fantasy, into the world of supermen, where omnipotence (especially his personal) still exists. But, gradually, towards adolescence, a young man (girl) realizes that he (she) is an individual with his own body and very limited power, a relatively powerless organism that exists only thanks to the cooperation of a group of similar individuals - society. There are no particular differences between individuals, but they are still different from each other due to personal characteristics and boundaries.

Dubbing in adulthood.

Beyond these borders it is lonely and sad. Some people, who are called schizoid in psychiatry, as a result of traumatic childhood experiences, perceive the world around them as hopelessly dangerous, hostile, and deceptive. Such people feel their boundaries as protection and comfort, they feel safe, in their own solitude, in their own world. But most of us perceive loneliness painfully and strive to go beyond the walls of our lives. personalities, are looking for ways and conditions where and how it will be easier to unite with the outside world.

Feeling in love , allows us to do this - temporarily. Essence the phenomenon of falling in love is that at some point, the boundaries of the ego collapse, and we can merge our personality with the personality of another person. A sudden release of oneself from oneself, an explosion, a union with a loving being, and an end to loneliness. Most people experience all this as ecstasy. Me and my beloved (beloved) are one! No more loneliness!

Sometimes, fall in love– this is a step back, regression. The feeling of unity with a loved one is a memory, early childhood when, still in infancy, we were one with our mother. In the process of merging, we again experience the feeling of omnipotence that we had to give up during the period of parting with childhood. Everything seems possible! By uniting with our beloved, we feel capable of overcoming any obstacles, moving any mountains. All problems will be solved, or rather, for some reason they do not exist at all. The future looks extremely bright. The unreality of these feelings when we are in love is of exactly the same nature as the unreality of the feelings of a two-year-old domestic tyrant, with unlimited power over the family and the whole world.

They have seen the light, so they say.

And then reality hits. A little earlier or a little later, under the pressure of daily problems personality reminds me of myself. He wants sex, she doesn't. She wants to go to the cinema he is with friends fishing, which means he doesn’t like it. He wants a car, she wants a fur coat, and he wants to go to the sea. She wants to talk about her work, he wants to talk about his. She doesn't like his friends, he can't stand her girlfriends. And each of them, in the depths of their souls, begins to painfully understand that he is not the only one who belongs to his beloved being, that this being has and will have its own desires, tastes, prejudices and habits. Gradually or quickly, the boundaries of the ego are restored, gradually or quickly, these two realize that they have fallen out of love with each other. And, again, they turn out to be two separate individuals. And then either the destruction of all connecting threads begins, or the long labor of true love.

Topic "true love" , needs to be discussed separately, deeply and comprehensively. There is a possibility that after the crash falling in love may begin true love , but it must be emphasized that the roots true love - unable falling in love . Vice versa, true love , often arises precisely under such circumstances when falling in love no, when we act as a loving being despite the fact that we do not experience feelings of love.

Love is not the result of conscious choice. She may pass by, or she may appear at a moment when she was not looked for, was not expected, when she was unwanted and inappropriate. Falling in love with a person with whom we clearly have little in common is just as likely as falling in love with a person who is closer and matches our character. We may not have a high opinion of the object of our passion, and it happens that we cannot fall in love with a person who we deeply respect and who, according to society, suits us in all respects. This does not mean that we cannot exercise self-discipline when in love. We can choose how to react to the state of falling in love, but we are not given the choice of this state itself.

Love- this is not an expansion of our borders and limits, it is only a partial and temporary destruction of them. Expanding the limits of personality is impossible without effort - love requires no effort. After the moment has passed falling in love, and boundaries personalities will recover, this personality, perhaps, will get rid of illusions, but no expansion of boundaries will occur. If the borders expand, then, as a rule, forever. True love is an experience of continuous self-expansion. Falling in love does not have this property.

Able to falling in love, the person does not develop and does not set any goals. The only goals during this period are the desire to end your loneliness and consolidate this victory with marriage. Of course, we have no spiritual development in our thoughts. And in fact, after we have fallen in love, and have not yet fallen out of love, we feel that we have reached the top, and there is neither the opportunity nor the need to move higher. We do not feel any need for development; we are quite satisfied with what we have. We do not see any desire for spiritual development on the part of our beloved. On the contrary, we perceive him (her) as a perfect being, and if we notice individual shortcomings, we regard them as small quirks and cute pranks, as some additional charm, seasoning for relationships.

Today it is already known for sure that love - Not Love, but what exactly it is, no one knows until the end, except for a temporary, partial destruction of the boundaries of the ego. However, the sexual specificity of this phenomenon suggests that this is a genetically determined instinctive component of mating behavior for the continuation of the human race. To put it more bluntly, falling in love is a deception, a trick that genes play on our minds to fool us and lure us into the trap of marriage. Often the trick does not work - when sexual urges and stimuli are homosexual, or when external and internal factors: parental control, one's own beliefs, mature self-discipline, interfere and interfere with this connection.

But, on the other hand, without this deception, without this illusory and inevitably temporary (if it were not temporary, it would lose its meaning) regression to infantile omnipotence and merging with a beloved being, many of us, being today in a legitimate state - happy or unhappy - marriage, would retreat in pure horror before the reality of marital responsibility.

It's not over yet.

Sincerely, Tatyana Mamai

The state of falling in love remains a mystery to people trying to understand its essence. And although scientists already know a lot of facts and have made enough discoveries, when they try to completely decompose love into its components, something invisible, but important, disappears in it.

Many scientists have studied falling in love, and psychologists have also made a great contribution to understanding its nature. But neither psychologists nor other specialists have a single view on this state that excites the mind and heart.

What is love? There are many definitions of falling in love, and they all reflect the biological, instinctive, uncontrollable nature of its essence, which, however, inspires and develops moral qualities personality.

Love- this is an acute and strong emotional experience in which passion predominates, caused physiologically by sexual attraction to the object of desire.

Love– a feeling uncontrolled by the will and an altered state of consciousness, stimulating people to creativity (creating works of art, inventing unique technical models, making discoveries) and improving their own personality.

Love– this is the stage of the relationship between a man and a woman, which is popularly called the candy-bouquet period. As a stage in a relationship, falling in love arises soon after or immediately during the meeting of people and certainly ends after some time.

One more thing interesting definition, revealing the essence of love: love is a psycho-emotional state similar to stress in extreme situation, and its symptoms resemble a mild mental disorder!

The main question that concerns both scientists and all lovers is how long does falling in love last?

The phrase “Love lasts three years” became popular several years ago, since the first studies aimed at studying the chemical reactions in the body of a person in love suggested that it was after three years the increased production of hormones that physiologically cause falling in love begins to gradually decrease. In other words, when does it end? chemical reaction love, love goes away.

In fact, it is not love that is temporary, but falling in love! After all, it’s she, not love, reinforced:

  1. firstly, a burning sexual desire that causes passion between a man and a woman;
  2. secondly, by the body’s production of a whole cocktail of:
  • sex hormones (estrogen in women, testosterone in men),
  • neurotransmitters responsible for the feeling of happiness, delight, euphoria (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline),
  • endorphins (chemical compounds with morphine-like effects, physiological opiates),
  • pheromones (volatile signal molecules, translated from ancient Greek as “carrying excitement”).

Today, a lot of other experiments have already been carried out and new, but also different data have been obtained, according to which falling in love lasts from six months to four years.

Falling in love really can't last forever, sooner or later it ends. Why? Simply because a person cannot remain in an “abnormal” state for too long, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, and at the sight of a loved one, the heart no longer beats so much, the voice does not tremble, the palms do not sweat, the pupils do not dilate so that the iris is not visible, and so on. .

The processes of excitation that predominate in the brain and body sooner or later come into balance with the processes of inhibition, a person stops being pleasantly nervous in the presence of a loved one, relaxes, calms down and gets used to it.

The severity and novelty of emotions are replaced by regularity and stability. The delight of first dates and passionate meetings is replaced by analysis and assessment of the partner as an individual, as a person capable of being a life partner. This is how love goes away, but not love!

What feeling will replace falling in love no longer depends on hormones and instincts, but on the desire of the couple to maintain the relationship. Will love develop into great love or the relationship will fizzle out depends on the two lovers.

If falling in love develops into love, it has every chance of becoming eternal and lasting as long as the man and woman wish!

It is impossible to keep falling in love, since it is impossible, through an effort of will, to continue the increased production of hormones and turn on sexual arousal day and night at will.

And love is like moral and ethical, which means that a feeling that is conditioned socially, and not just biologically, can be preserved, although this will require a lot of effort.

In love, not only passion matters, but also reason and will, as well as the moral qualities of partners (conscience, honor, loyalty, integrity, ability to empathize, and so on).

Falling in love, figuratively speaking, is a bright flash of fire, it will light up and go out, and love is an evenly burning hearth that will burn as long as firewood is thrown into it.

Falling in love is sudden and strong. No one is immune from it. Just as suddenly as it begins, it can end. But a short time of falling in love is usually enough for a couple to get to know each other and conceive a child. That's exactly what it is target love - continuation of the human race.

The state of falling in love drowns out the voice of reason, brings the partner’s advantages to the forefront, and carefully hides the shortcomings, making sexual attraction uncontrollable and constant. The lover does not want to do anything, eat, drink, sleep, rest, work - nothing works out, thoughts and feelings are only about the object of desire. Until the goal is achieved, that is, until the adored person begins to belong to the lover in soul and body, love does not subside.

In love there is a lot of natural, instinctive, unconscious. This attraction of passion combined with the need to be close to the person you adore. Even the most intelligent and reserved subject, succumbing to passion, can forget about everything.

Despite the fact that in our time it is not difficult to regulate the process of childbirth (the choice of contraceptive methods is quite wide and they are accessible), it is during the period of falling in love that couples who are not even married often have children.

This fact confirms the strength and power of love. Although not every early pregnancy is accidental, there is no doubt that falling in love “turns off” the mind.

But there is still a relationship between IQ and readiness to have a child. People more intellectual have smaller More and more people decide to have them, because they always think about the importance and possibility of providing them with everything they need in the future.

If love is unhappy

If falling in love does not develop into love, it becomes unhappy, forbidden, unrequited, tragic.

If all people knew and understood the nature of love Perhaps there would be fewer people unhappy in love?

Perhaps today there would not be such a terrifying number of divorces and children growing up without a father? After all, the main reason for divorce is adultery. A person fell in love and “disappeared,” and when he came to his senses (in other words, when the love, as one would expect, passed), it was too late to correct anything.

You can fall in love again and more than once with a permanent partner, but also, while loving him, you can fall in love with another person. The difference is that in the first case you will have to try, but in the second you won’t have to do anything.

It is difficult, but still possible, to stop, pull yourself together, think about the consequences, hear the voice of conscience: “The new love will pass, but it will no longer be possible to regain the trust of a permanent partner and his love.”

Of course, many wives and husbands forgive infidelity and do not divorce, but their family life it is no longer cloudless.

Sometimes people, suffering from an unfortunate passion, greatly harm their health and psyche. If a person is in love manic, it is very difficult for him to believe and assume that falling in love will pass. But it always passes and is replaced by a new, happy one!

Losing your head from passion, it can be difficult to remember about self-love, but it just needs to be done! You need to save yourself for new, true love!

Falling in love is strong, but a person differs from an animal in that he must be able to restrain his impulses, manage his feelings and redirect them in a different direction.

The best protective mechanism of the psyche, identified and called sublimation by S. Freud - salvation from any unsolicited love, passion, forbidden, as well as from unrequited love.

Sublimation is a mental defense mechanism that involves relieving internal tension by redirecting sexual energy to achieve socially and morally acceptable goals. Feelings are mainly sublimated in the process creative work.

That's why so many poets, musicians and artists were inspired by falling in love, even if it was unhappy. That's why people who are more developed

Personally, intellectually, better educated and creative, it is easier to manage even such a strong emotion as passion.

As follows from explanatory dictionary In Russian, “falling in love” is a complex of positive feelings directed at another person. According to psychologists practicing in this area, falling in love is characterized by a narrowing of consciousness, which can result in a distorted assessment of the object of adoration and reality in general.

Love is a deep feeling of affection for another person, great sympathy. Love begins to live with falling in love. But what the feeling that has taken hold of you will turn into - love or another disappointment - depends on you and your partner, on the relationship, on your perception of the world, level of culture, ability somewhere to give in to each other, somewhere to defend your position with dignity and on many other factors.

Difference between feelings

The difference between these feelings is that falling in love is a fragile embryo of love. You are in love and you want to spend more time with your loved one. You develop an enthusiastic attitude towards everything around you and a desire to be happy with the object of your love.

Love is a deeper, already hardened feeling, when for the sake of a loved one you can sacrifice your interests.

During love, you will not think about your happiness, but about the happiness of your partner.

As a rule, the feeling of falling in love and love contributes to the production of endocrine glands of hormones such as endorphins, which are also called hormones of happiness. Your airy mood is determined precisely by the production of endorphins. Those in love want to be better and more successful. Lovers do everything better, so make the most of your hidden and suddenly awakened talents. Create, learn and master something new and enjoy the results of your work.

The mistake of many girls is that when they fall in love, they abandon their interests and activities that were important to them before meeting their beloved. Under no circumstances should you do the following. After all, a person may have drawn attention to you because of this zest, difference from others, passion for some type of activity.

In addition, an exciting activity will allow you not to attribute any fictitious qualities to your loved one. Lovers constantly think about the object of their love, and this is normal.

However, after some time, if the absence of these very qualities is discovered, you will have to be offended and angry solely at yourself.

Studying and working will help extend the joy of communication, waiting and getting to know an important person in your life for more long time. That is, with a certain amount of work, it is possible to extend the bouquet and candy period, which is pleasant for any girl, for a longer period.