I love autumn, it's time for creativity. Description of autumn nature and mood: composition miniature on the theme of autumn. Beautiful phrases about autumn from movies and TV shows

Time for philosophical reflections, hot coffee, a warm blanket and unhurried friendly conversations. A time of pleasant melancholy, contemplation of the uniquely beautiful autumn nature and reading new books. The time when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. This is autumn.

91 days of autumn. For some, this time is associated with the coming cold weather, bad weather and annoying rains. And for some, the same time is associated with warm light the setting sun, cozy home evenings and carpets of colorful leaves in the parks.

In any case, autumn is an extraordinary phenomenon. But in autumn all thoughts fly south, and in the head it becomes quiet, empty and not tidy. So where can you find words to describe what autumn is? For this we have selected beautiful quotes about autumn and everything connected with it.

Autumn gives a feeling of real unreality.

Cool and funny quotes about autumn

Autumn is not a bad time, it is kind on the contrary. And it’s cold on purpose so that people hug more to keep warm.

No matter how cold autumn is, you can still be someone's spring.

Autumn can become warmer than summer, when the soul is dressed in love.

Most of all, this fall, I want to hear three main words: "They gave us heating."

Summer ends, autumn begins. As usual, life goes on!

Autumn is the only season that teaches.

Summer has passed, well, let it be, we will light it in the fall!

October. The Christmas tree in my living room does not surprise guests so much anymore ...

- I love you, autumn!
- And I love you autumn-autumn!!!

Autumn has been fooling us.

Fall in love and meet, in the fall you still don’t care to do more.

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Stunned, mid-October, and I still haven’t lost weight by the summer.

Damn autumn! Until the tan is gone - I have summer.

A routine check of pockets of warm clothes in the fall often leads to unplanned profits!

Everyone should find at least a couple of minutes to stop, sit, and watch the autumn leaves fall...

Autumn is a true season of freedom: instead of being green, the leaves can choose between yellow, red, brown, orange!

Neither coffee, nor a jacket, nor a blanket warms up ... Summer is ending ... What, autumn, hello ?!

Short sayings about autumn, love and relationships

I love autumn, although I don't like the cold. But it is at this time that nature reminds me how important it is to appreciate warmth.

Autumn always and everywhere complicates things. Both in life and in relationships.

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun is not warm: everything is so black and white... I wonder why? Maybe because it's autumn? No, you're just not around...
Autumn makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love... Love does not depend on the season.

Autumn has touched you and me... It's cold without you, it's cool with you too... There is no longer that warmth that warmed us from the inside...

Autumn is the time of the year when you start to feel sad, but with the first snow you realize again that life is beautiful.

In the spring, the heart makes mistakes, and in the fall it sums up.

You need to leave pleasantly and barely audibly, like the rustling of leaves in October.

Love! In winter from cold, in summer from heat, in spring from the first leaves, in autumn from the last: always from everything.

Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, just like human life. She has her own luxurious spring, her own hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, bright and fruitful, for others - cold, rotten and barren.

In autumn, you can become a concentration of warmth and love.

In every moment of autumn there is a piece of something beautiful.

It's already autumn. And in the fall you should not be alone. Surviving autumn is hard enough.

Who can tell when summer turns into autumn. And who can notice the moment when love grows cold.

Autumn is like that moment in a relationship when the relationship is no more.

Autumn is when animals are looking for food to put on weight for the winter, and for humans, it is the time when they are looking for someone to sleep together on a cold night.

On a cloudy autumn morning, it would be better not to get out of bed for a longer time, sleep and dream, and after sleeping, demand a cup of hot coffee from your loved one right in bed.

You stand, inhale the frosty, refreshingly prickly air, and it's so quiet in your soul ... It's autumn.

Quotes about autumn of great people

The leaves fall when the sun ceases to warm, in autumn, and the relationship between lovers ends when love ceases to warm.
Rugiya Mustafayeva

Autumn is coming, and spring is in my head ...
Avreliy Markov

In October, when the leaves have already turned yellow, withered, wilted, there are blue-eyed days; throw back your head on such a day so as not to see the earth - and you can believe: more joy, more summer ...
Evgeny Zamyatin

Winter is an engraving, spring is a watercolor, summer is an oil painting, and autumn is a mosaic of all three.
Stanley Horowitz

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
Albert Camus

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.

The first breath of autumn is just happiness after a hot and sultry summer.
Charlene Harris

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.
William Bryant

I can't stand to miss something as beautiful as autumn sunlight staying at home. So I spend most of the day outside.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

October is a symphony of constancy and change.
Bonaro Overstreet

Well, there is autumn, it gently and gently prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. Time for reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy…
Elchin Safari

Autumn is a sad time. But just not for me.

Autumn is a good start. Meditate, embroider, create your own blog - whatever. Learn new things. Think about happiness. Create happiness. Listen to the silence inside and outside. Listen to autumn. And close people. Definitely books. Listen and hear. Fill with secrets.
Julia Prozorova

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, to the same rain, someone with joy and a premonition of purification will substitute his hands, and the other will frown heavily, brush his sadness into a random stream and tighten his cloak. The weather is in us, and it just rains. Deprived of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.
Al Quotion

Autumn is a time when you can be sad for no reason.
Anton Chekhov

What is autumn - this is the sky,
Crying sky under your feet.
In the puddles, birds fly with clouds.
Autumn, I haven't been with you for a long time.
Yuri Shevchuk

Autumn is sad. A part of you died every year when the leaves fell, and the hungry branches were exposed to the wind, to the dank cold light. But you knew that spring would certainly come and the river would flow again, freed from ice. If the cold rains charge and kill the spring, it seems that someone young has died for no reason.
Ernest Hemingway

Autumn is the time of the year, immediately after which the expectation of spring begins.

By the way, writer Gloria Mu believes that Russians owe the title of the most reading nation in the world to autumn. What else to do in such weather? I want to curl up in an armchair under a warm blanket, slip away from this dull autumn into strange, bright worlds. So tell autumn thanks for the opportunity to read a couple of good books.

And remember that even in the most mournful autumn rain you should not forget that the sky is actually blue - you just need to wait a bit ... It's up to you to decide what this autumn will be for you - sad times or eye charm!

Most people dislike autumn. We see in this season only slush, rains, dullness and cold. But it is worth discarding this negativity, and you will see how beautiful this time is. Therefore, do not get depressed and experience autumn. Today we will tell you why autumn - the best time for inspiration.

1. Color palette

The most obvious and most controversial point. Of course, in many cities, the golden-red carpet of leaves quickly turns into a messy mess. And if this is your case, then you just need to raise your head up, and you will plunge into an abundance of warm and bright colors with which trees delight us every autumn. All this beauty cannot but inspire.

2. Romance

Autumn is the most romantic time of the year, no matter what they say about spring. The heat of summer doesn't really make you want to cuddle up in bed or even walk around holding hands. Autumn coolness is simply created for hugs and tenderness. When the wind is walking outside the window, you just want to snuggle up to close person and bask a little in a cozy embrace. Look for inspiration in this warm romance. Then you won't have to fight the creative block.

3. Valuable lesson from autumn

Every year, autumn teaches us one important truth - you need to appreciate what you have. For three whole months, the summer spoiled us with hot sun and warmth, but what did we do? Hiding under the air conditioners and whining about how hot it is outside? So it’s worth the fall just to give a hint of the upcoming winter cold, as the heat ceases to seem like something bad. Many even try to escape from bad weather to hot countries. So, appreciate the warmth that we still have left.

4. Snacks

It is in autumn that the last and most generous harvest falls. This is just the time when you should recharge your batteries to the fullest and take your soul away by eating your favorite vegetables and fruits. Indeed, very soon ripe and inexpensive gifts of nature will disappear from the shelves, and they will be replaced by unripe fruits and vegetables of dubious quality, which will also cost quite decently.

5. Long nights

Night is an unusual time of day. It is at night that the most unusual and entertaining ideas come to mind. It is at night that incredibly powerful inspiration can attack us. There is something in this mysterious darkness and calmness. Therefore, lovers of the night are simply obliged to fall in love with autumn, as at this time of the year the nights become much longer. Well, owls can also sleep peacefully in the morning and not hide their eyes from bright sunlight.

6. Cozy clothes

In autumn, no one will be able to laugh at you if you are sitting in front of the computer in old warm pajamas with a children's pattern. It is at this time of the year that we can wrap ourselves in a warm sweater and enjoy its comfort and softness. Autumn is the time for elegant coats and raincoats, favorite scarves and funny hats. Experiment with your wardrobe, add a couple of bright details. Let your clothes inspire you.

7. Autumn is the time of books

It seems that autumn is just made for reading. It makes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take a cup of something hot and plunge into good book. Readers will no longer need to think of an excuse to stay at home. On the street bad weather- an excuse for all occasions. And now you can safely delve into reading without fear that you once more distract.

8. Last gatherings by the fire

In summer, you want to stay as far away from fire as possible. The autumn bonfire helps companies to unite, because because of the cool weather, everyone, huddled together, will surround him. Treat yourself to shish kebab, bread fried on a fire or baked potatoes, because you won’t taste this for quite some time.

9. Appeasement

After a stormy summer, you want to retire, to be in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Autumn evokes a slightly melancholic and creative mood, which may well attract the long-awaited muse. Give in to the calmness of autumn, watch what is happening around. Gain inspiration from the world around you and pour it into your art.

10. The opportunity to be children

Never look askance at a person playing with autumn leaves. For some reason, this childishness is forgivable at any age. Therefore, allow yourself to fully rustle the foliage and feel like a child. This helps to overcome creative decline and significantly improve mood.

Halloween is also celebrated in autumn. And this holiday is a great way to express yourself by creating an unusual costume. And, when you come to the party, you will see so many different and creative clothes that you simply can’t be in a state of creative crisis anymore.

The main photo is taken from the website.

What can be the best autumn? As a rule, strong wind blows in autumn North wind. The whole sky is in clouds. Goes shallow cold rain. Mud and puddles outside. Leaves are falling from the trees. Silent nature awaits winter.

“Dust fell in autumn,
In autumn the ardor faded
The sun dimmed the heat,
In autumn the whole world is sorry

Alexander Vasiliev

What's good about autumn, you ask? Actually - a lot of things.Autumn is a time of new challenges and undertakings, a time of warm meetings and heart-to-heart conversations. It is not for nothing that many poets consider autumn the most beautiful and romantic time of the year.

Catch the wonderful autumn moments! After reading our recommendations in this article, it will be much easier for you to do this!

The best autumn of your life is waiting for you!

We have collected 14 ways to cheer yourself up this fall for you. Use them and stop moping!

If you have Bad mood- things will get better much faster than you think: once you adapt to the new season. What to do to make adaptation faster and easier - read on. For a great autumn you need quite a bit!

1. Enjoy the little things!

Autumn depression is normal, psychologists say. Some people are more susceptible to it, others less.

In any case, when you feel another surge of longing, it will seem to you that something is not going the way you would like, and a broken cup will cause you to cry ... Stop! Tell yourself that nothing is as it seems to you at this moment. The reason is not in you and not in your life, but in an almost physiological reaction to autumn.

Advice: if you see that best friend, sister or mother cries all day and night, lost her appetite, grumbles or gets angry - it is quite possible that she has that same autumn depression. Buy DVDs of the craziest comedies, fresh fruits, aromatic herbal teas, colorful magazines and spend the whole day on the couch. Good company, light sweets, bright colors of glossy magazines and laughter - the solution to all problems!

Autumn good mood near!

2. Forget about diets

September 1 is the start of a new month, season, and the end of summer, during which you indulge yourself in ice cream and oriental sweets. Last year's super-expensive jeans don't zip up at the waist? A good reason to go on a strict diet. However, we advise you to wait.

Firstly, it is in the fall, when the body is rebuilding for the new season, that it is simply necessary to sweeten the autumn melancholy from time to time. Secondly, September and October are very generous "vitamin" months. Fruits and vegetables are no longer nitrates, but still fresh, the choice is huge. These are the best vitamins in the fall, stock them up for the winter!

Advice: say no to junk food. And it's not that it's not good for the figure. In autumn, your body needs energy more than ever. Draw it from vegetables and fruits, natural fats (nuts, cottage cheese). Complicated dishes: fatty, floury, fried - only consume the energy that is spent on assimilating them.

3. It's time for shopping!

Autumn great time in order to dress up with the benefit of mood, style and wallet. Head to the markets and boutiques for the latest summer and pre-season sales. It's time to update your wardrobe - clothing stores are waiting for you!

Pay attention to the goods of last spring - autumn: most of them are still relevant, but have already been discounted.

Also, if funds allow, buy everything that you liked this summer, but for one reason or another didn’t get into your wardrobe or shoe cabinet: it won’t be cheaper! To meet autumn in new clothes and wait for the summer, for which you are already partially prepared, is much more joyful!

Advice: do not pounce on things from new collections. Most interesting must have season will appear on the shelves only a month later, by October.

4. Surround yourself with bright colors.

Make sure that the color of your new down jacket stands out in the autumn crowd on the streets. Choose any shade that suits you and pleases the eye: noble red, delicate turquoise, warm lilac, deep blue or acid-green. Stylish outerwear will effectively cheer up not only you, but also your surroundings.

Buy or sew such business outfits, the thought of which will make you smile on a gloomy morning, turn smugly in front of the mirror and joyfully rush to work like a catwalk show!

Advice: an asymmetrical cut, noble but bright colors, white shirts with appropriate accents (frills, bows, small rocker rivets) will be appropriate.

5. More light.

Replace the Ilyich light bulb with new chandelier, install a wall lamp at the desktop, and a night light with several brightness modes by the bed. Additional light is simply necessary if you work from home, are prone to autumn longing or are short-sighted.

Advice: you can create an effect so that there seems to be more light in the house by changing thick dark curtains to light ones, in orange, yellow tones. The light will pass through them more easily, and even on a gloomy day you will get the impression that sunbeams are playing in the room. To top it all off, cover the sofa with a red throw and wrap the pillows in colorful pillowcases.

6. Hit the road! I mean, get on the road!

Someone will say: Good weather autumn is a rarity. Not true! There are many places for have a great holiday and in the autumn months.

If you get a free week, it would be good to go south. Even the nearest Azov and Black Sea still suitable for swimming in September. And in October in the Crimea and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, it is much warmer than in the north of the country. Take the chance to extend the summer and breathe in the sea air!

Advice: even if you fail to make an “escape to summer”, spend more time in the fresh air. Go for a walk at least once a day, and once a week go out into nature for the whole day. Explore parks, castles, museums under open sky, unfamiliar areas of your city, go to the forest ... And introduce all your friends to such a pilgrimage. Autumn is a great time to travel!

7. Culture - to the masses!

In autumn, TV series download sites become rich, TV advertising becomes more expensive, and the air is filled with hundreds of reality shows. Don't miss your chance to snuggle up under the covers with the remote in hand one night a week. But try not to turn into telezombies for all 9 months of cold.

Whatever the weather, you can find a lot of cultural, active, intellectual and useful options pastime. On weekends, gather a team for a walking or autoquest (as long as the roads allow). On Mondays, invite your brother/sister to the theater and finally watch The Inspector General, Profitable Place, Madam Minister... On Wednesdays, arrange a movie day: in the fall we are waiting for a great many wonderful films!

Advice: Go to the cinema, to the theater!

8. Give.

No matter how things are for you, there are always those who are worse off. Surely someone needs help today. This means that right now you can make a little thing that for someone will turn into a smile, warmth or even a saved life, perhaps you will give another person his very best. the best autumn. Try to purposefully do at least one useful thing a week, and you will feel that the world has become a better place and you have become a better person. It has been proven that people who do good things increase self-esteem and improve their mood.

Advice: in order to do good, sometimes it does not take a lot of time or money. Just pack the items you or your kids have only worn a couple of times and take them to Orphanage: a sweater completely unnecessary to you will give warmth to those who need it most. You can just buy butter in the store, a couple of packs of cereals, fresh dairy products and diabetic sweets - and leave it at the door of a lonely neighbor retirement age. You can buy mom a new set of cosmetics and give it to her without any reason.

9. Learn!

Be that as it may, from September to April there will be days and evenings that you will gladly spend at home. Instead of being bored idly, open a book or go to a training (you can do both without even leaving your home).

“Autumn again reminded the soul of the most important thing,
Autumn, I am deprived of peace again

Yuri Shevchuk

Advice: re-read "White Bim" for the hundredth time Black Ear» under the monotonous sound of rain, of course, insanely romantic. But we recommend mastering the list of millionaire and finance guru Jamie Dimon in the fall-winter. And you can acquire useful knowledge and skills, no matter where you live and what your income is, thanks to the Internet around the clock.

10. Get in the habit of exercising.

Just find what works for you: yoga, dancing, running, strength training, swimming, kickboxing, qigong... And just force yourself to go to the gym two or three times a week. You will not only prepare in advance for the new season, but also develop the habit of exercising regularly.

Advice: select gym close to home or work, on your way home, or on the road you take your child to school. So you will be less likely to refer to "non-flying weather" or traffic jams.

11. Treat yourself with benefit: autumn procedures.

Extra pounds and apathy are the eternal companions of those who indulge in despondency on long winter evenings or “eat” sadness and melancholy with harmful products. Find ways to pamper yourself for the benefit of mind and body.

Some procedures are much more pleasant to undergo when the temperature outside the window drops. And some are completely incompatible with the sun. So, if you are a girl and have decided on laser hair removal, you need to start either now or in a year. From September to April, you will have time to complete the minimum course of procedures, and already in June you will bask on the beach with perfect skin and forget about the razor.

"Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower"

Albert Camus

Traditionally, autumn procedures are various kinds of peelings, deep skin cleansing programs: UV rays are not so aggressive, and the air temperature outside has not yet dropped below zero.

For men, autumn is the time to go to the gym to play mini-football, basketball, volleyball. Get together with your friends and kick the ball like never before! This will definitely be the best autumn ever!

Also, autumn is the best time of the year to visit baths or saunas. No one will forbid you to go there in the summer, but when the asphalt melts on the street, the prospect of spending an extra couple of hours in such conditions is not particularly attractive ...

Advice: Go to the bath!

12. Create comfortable conditions.

This is especially important for those who work from home. If you get cold, the body spends most of its energy on warming up. This means that you cannot concentrate, for example, on writing another article, drowsiness appears.

In autumn the days get shorter and colder, often it's raining and cold winds blow. Thoughts are increasingly returning to the hot summer season. In fact, the onset of autumn is not a reason for sadness. After all, autumn is a time of inspiration. And if in the summer we swam, sunbathed and had fun, then in the fall it’s worth starting new project, find yourself a new hobby - change something in your life.

On warm, fine autumn days

If the weather is good, then it's time to go to nature. What can you do outside?

Here are some options:
arrange - bright multi-colored leaves, red rowan - all this is a great backdrop for photography. Take pictures with family, friends or take beautiful photo where only you will be;
go to the forest for mushrooms - not only will you enjoy the process itself, you will also relax in nature, you can breathe fresh air and listen to the birds singing. And, of course, you collect a lot of mushrooms for blanks;
A picnic is another great pastime. It doesn't matter if you go on a picnic with family or friends. The main thing is that you will rest and feel unity with nature;
walk - just take a walk in the park, collect an autumn bouquet of leaves. Such autumn walks pacify, help to gather thoughts together, tune in to a new period in life.

On cloudy rainy days

If it's raining outside the window, it's not. You can find a lot of interesting things even in bad weather.

Here's what you can do:
invite friends and have a party or just sit with a cup of tea. You can brew delicious orange, cinnamon and apple tea or make hot chocolate with mint. And you can cook light snacks and cook mulled wine;
get creative - if you have long wanted to try to draw or knit, compose a poem or learn to sing, now is the time. After all, autumn is a time of inspiration;
make an autumn craft with a child - from natural material collected on a warm autumn day, you can make an interesting craft or applique. And then she will decorate the interior for the whole autumn;
prepare a new dish - autumn is the season of vegetables and fruits. Try to cook something original and healthy from these products. A delicious casserole, an unusual salad or a fragrant pie will help brighten up a rainy day;
movie or book - prepare yourself a hot drink (tea, coffee, chocolate), cover yourself with a blanket and enjoy an exciting movie or an interesting book.

What can be changed in life?

Summer is over and so is the fun. In the fall, you need to tune in to the working mood. In a sense, with the beginning of autumn begins New Year- a working year that will last until vacation or vacation. Of course, you can continue to go to work or school and not change anything, or you can change something, open a new page in life.

Autumn is a great time to study. Many courses and master classes begin to work with the beginning of autumn. If you have long wanted to study foreign language, it is worth signing up for courses in the fall. Choose what you need for work, life, or just remember your old dream and go to study.

You can study not only in the courses, but also at home. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of training workshops, trainings, courses. Therefore, engage in self-education: set aside certain time for study and study at home.

If life has become boring, find yourself a hobby. You can try everything until you find what you like best. Or, if you have long wanted to learn how to embroider, make kanzashi, do scrapbooking or learn how to play the musical instrument start doing it in the fall. After all, autumn is great for creativity.

Want to tone up or shed a few extra pounds? Sign up for yoga, fitness, pilates, dancing, or just start running. It is especially good to start the last lesson at the very beginning of autumn, when the weather is still good. Then you will be able to get involved.

And it's worth it in the fall. Remove everything unnecessary from it, starting with things that you have not used for a long time and ending with bad habits. You may want to pay more attention to your health in the new working year, go in for sports, switch to proper nutrition. Or maybe you decide to start a new project that will bring money or just satisfaction in the future? Or you decide to learn time management to keep up with everything. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book? Autumn is just the time when it is worth starting to fulfill a dream.

Autumn with its bright leaves, cobwebs, lingering rains is a wonderful and unique time. During this period, it is worth stopping and looking around, and not only to enjoy beautiful nature but also to reflect on your life.

Autumn is great time transforming nature beyond recognition. Yellowed, crimson leaves falling from trees, in autumn gentle sun, a refreshing breeze - what could be more beautiful? This time of the year inspired Russian poets in a special way, who dedicated many beautiful works to it. You can pick up quotes about autumn for every taste, emphasizing your state of mind and mood.

Amazing words

Autumn quotes that can be found on the Internet can create a mood. Their reading leads a person to reasoning and eternal questions. Despite fallen leaves, cold evenings and heavy rains, beautiful phrases are saturated with a special atmosphere. Reading them, you are transported to the time when they were just going to bed. Blank sheet papers, and you experience the emotions that their author experienced at that time. Whatever the weather is outside, the main thing is that it was summer inside ... Autumn has come suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most inconspicuous things - from a distant steamboat whistle on the Oka River or from a random smile.
(K.G. Paustovsky) .. . By the way, autumn flowers more colorful and luminous than that of summer, and they die earlier...
(Erich Maria Remarque) Smells like autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes.
(A.P. Chekhov) Autumn is the second spring when each leaf is a flower.
(Albert Camus) Autumn is the last, the most delightful smile of the year.
(William Cullen Bryant)
Well, there is autumn, she gently and gently prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. Time for reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...
(Elchin Safarli)

And this beautiful time has long been scattered around the world. Many of them people dedicate to each other, reading in the autumn evenings. This beautiful time causes delight and contemporary poets. Evidence of this are the regularly updated categories of statements about autumn. This is not surprising. Every season is beautiful in its own way. Autumn is distinguished by its colorful colors.

Here come the rains... Wash away the dust from the soul,
to then clean it with white snow ... In the spring the heart is wrong, and sums up in the fall. Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring green and slows down when all the colors are lit at the same time. Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.
(Mark Levy) Autumn is the season, immediately after which the expectation of spring begins.
(Doug Larson)
It would seem that there can be beauty in a fading nature. But after that, it will bloom again. In the meantime, she will rest, gain strength, each person will be able to enjoy intoxicating statements about the golden age.

Lines with a touch of humor

Among the sayings imbued warmth, love, comfort, you can find funny aphorisms about autumn that can make a cloudy day bright, illuminate it good mood, charge positive. Short and humorous poems sent to family and friends as a morning greeting or wish have a good day, they will definitely like it.

Funny sayings about autumn can be assigned not only to friends, but also to dear person. Having found cool lines, you can unobtrusively hint about your feelings. And the golden time will contribute to this, because it does not happen more romantic and more mysterious.

Doctor, I'm allergic to autumn.
I cover myself with a blanket and sleep all the time ... If you smear the roof of the house in the fall chocolate, caramel or condensed milk, then in the spring it will be much more pleasant to lick icicles! Autumn has come falling sheets. I don't need anyone but YOU! Indian summer- this is the last chance to decide with whom you will spend the winter! folk omen: the hand on the mouse freezes - autumn has come. autumn, autumn, We still won't stop drinking! Even though it's raining and slushy outside,
I'll pour myself a cup of tea,
I will add honey, love and joy,
And I drink...)) Or maybe autumn was created for this in orange tones, so that we feel light, warm and in general ... juicy! When it rains on the roofs
and the wind rips umbrellas out of my hands -
warm me with their warmth
cats) Autumn - time to warm up warm sweaters, hot tea and kindness.
Autumn is no reason to be sad.
Autumn is a good reason to wear a beautiful scarf! :)

It is very easy to cheer up with the help of this category of statements, and your eyes run wide from their number. This once again confirms that one can talk about autumn endlessly.

Statuses for social networks

With the advent of a cool but colorful and mysterious pore, most of the active users social networks want to make their page truly cozy and romantic. Phrases about autumn will help to create the right mood, among which one will certainly be found that meets their requirements.

In this way, on the page of users of instagram, vkontakte, twitter and many other social networks, a cheerful, mysterious, romantic or sad status. As for the last category, lines with notes of sadness are also very popular. Indeed, looking at the gray nature and the impenetrable wall of rain, you can feel sad, but not for long. After all, the rain will soon end, and it will be possible to continue to enjoy this wonderful time.

I really hope that this fall each of us will have someone who will warm our hands.

Autumn is the perfect time to start anew and forget the old...
Figs with him, with the summer! We'll fire it up in the fall.
I sit, I drink coffee, I analyze. Autumn is in the cup, winter is in the plans, spring is in the body, and the soul, as always, did not have enough summer.
And I want winter!
So that everything around is white-white!
So that my former dirt and sadness
It's covered with fluffy snow!
Autumn poetry, which can be found today on most sites, is popular among people of different ages. After all, they contain all the most best sayings, aphorisms, statuses of both modern poets and writers of the past tense. Therefore, anyone can please the eye, warm the soul, recharge with positive emotions.