The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation of David Loff. Children's dream book What does Bear mean by dream book

The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness. The image of a bear that arose in a dream can be caused by the following folk expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.”

The first expression always comes to mind when real life we meet a thrifty to greed person, we remember the second expression in the case when we try to teach something to a negligent person.

When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, one should not forget such folk wisdom: “ Disservice” and “Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear.” Sometimes it is these famous expressions serve as the key to deciphering the dream.

Turn into sleeping dead so that the bear does not eat you, it is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.

If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend. You need to draw a conclusion from the situation that has happened, following one simple folk wisdom: friend is known in trouble.

Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you.

If you managed to defeat the bear, then, thanks to your skill and ingenuity, you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear has gained the upper hand over you, then in real life you will not be able to interfere with the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.

Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential opponent who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.

Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.

Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.

Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.

To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.

Sharing the skin of a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon become a participant in a dispute that will arise from scratch.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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A very vivid and significant dream, which most often means victory in a big business, a profitable deal, or a victory over a dangerous and powerful enemy. Usually men dream of such a dream, but quite often women also begin to see it. That's what dreams of killing a bear in a dream different situations.

Men's dreams

A clubfoot inhabitant of the forest can mean various aspects in life. In some cases it shows various troubles, victory and its value. After all, the skin, bear meat is really expensive. If you dream that you were able not only to find a shaggy beast, but also to kill it, cook a wonderful dish from it, sell meat and skin, then such a dream predicts great enrichment, victory and gain in business.

You may be able to successfully pass an interview in a reputable company, receive money with interest from the debtor, win in court, or be able to make good money and enjoy success.

To see a bear in the forest that attacked you and you killed him, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream means fear, the presence of an enemy or competitor who can take revenge on you or simply prevent you from doing what you want. Seeing a bear and doing everything so that it does not harm you in a dream means a battle and conflict with a person who will try to harm you greatly.

Perhaps this is just a tipsy hooligan who was looked at “wrongly”, a drunkard or a bandit who decided to settle scores with you. Usually a bear in a dream, as the dream book writes, shows an aggressive person, but rather impulsive and not smart enough, quick-tempered. He may turn out to be touchy, insufficiently adequate and unable to accurately calculate his actions due to low mental abilities or lack of education. Therefore, if the bear attacked you, to see how he rushes and kill him - good sign so that you can put the ill-wisher in his place.

The third aspect, which means a bear in a dream, means big win, victory, and the loot you can get. In such a dream, a person usually begins to see a bear on the hunt, purposefully shoot him with a gun in order to get meat, trophies and a skin.

Go hunting with friends and bring prey from it, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream to see means victory in a big business, signing a contract, joy and cash reward. Especially if you dream that friends and relatives or work colleagues were with you on the hunt. In this case, the dream book predicts victory for you and many pleasant and joyful moments in life.

To see a bear on the street that is chasing or attacking you, why dream? The dream book writes that very soon a trial awaits you, both with a street bully and just with a drunken relative or friend. To kill such a beast in a dream means victory in various situations, as well as the fact that you can put a bully and an enemy in their place. But in some cases, the dream book writes that such a dream means that troubles await you, from which you can get out without consequences and problems.

Most likely, the misunderstanding will be with a drunk or drunk person. Seeing an angry bear in your own house means a conflict, a quarrel for you, especially with a drunk person, relative or friend. Informative will be the apartment in which he was. If in your house, expect a quarrel with your family, its inhabitants, in someone else's - trouble from the husband of your lover or brother, the father of your beloved girl.

If you dreamed of a bear that you killed, in public place e.g. in sauna, restaurant, mall, then the dream book writes that you need to be careful there so as not to make trouble for yourself. But in some cases, such a dream can mean a win, a job, or just randomly found money or a useful acquaintance.

Women's dreams

For girls and married people, seeing a bear is not the best sign, even if it has been killed by others. Usually he shows male aggressiveness, a hostile attitude towards you and trouble. Very often, the dream book writes that a bear in a dream shows fear, danger to life and male aggression towards you.

For a woman, he can show her own husband, spouse or his relatives. For girls, a bear, especially an aggressive one, can mean her father, whom she is afraid of because of strictness, increased demands, an obsessive admirer or relative.

What is the dream of a bear attacking while hunting in the forest, which you kill? Seeing him, as the dream book writes, is always a bad sign that promises you danger, a meeting with a boorish and rude person, often drunk. Why dream that you were not afraid of him, but were able to fight and kill forest animal? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream shows that you have enough courage and strength to put an unpleasant person in their place.

A married woman often has such dreams on the eve of a divorce or when her husband is drunk or jealous. After all, he may not give a divorce, despite the fact that it is impossible to live with him further. Seeing a girl in her house an aggressive bear means fear of her father or brother. And often a stepfather. Fight him and kill him, why dream? You will be able to put an end to the aggressive behavior of a man directed at you.

To see a shaggy beast on the street and kill him without fear, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream means danger from hooligans or just a meeting with a person who is easy to communicate, sincere and friendly. Why dream that you didn’t kill him, but someone shot a good bear? Such a dream often means bad luck, trouble for you, which can disrupt plans. Sometimes a bear means a direct friend with whom you are interested in communicating. However, soon you will not be able to do this due to circumstances beyond your control.

Why dream of killing a bear in a restaurant, bathhouse or other place where there may be intimate relationship? The dream interpretation writes that this means trouble for you and that someone will seek intimacy. It is possible that this will be an unfamiliar drunk person or just your acquaintance. The dream calls for the fact that you should not trust everyone in a row if you do not want to make trouble for yourself and be at the center of a scandal. Or in the bed of an unpleasant and nasty person.

Sometimes such a dream can be seen by a mother who brought her stepfather into the house and wants to improve her personal happiness with him. If she sees or her daughter dreams that a bear is attacking her, not letting her into the bedroom, such a dream means that a man may have immodest plans and views. To kill a bear in a dream is to neutralize the danger. Carrying bear meat home is a favorable sign that promises you unexpected and quick enrichment. Eat bear meat - to wealth or guests. This is one of the most auspicious dreams ever.

If a young man had such a dream, then soon he will suddenly realize that he has matured and become wise enough to make the right decision. In the case when a bear approaches a guy, in real life he will face many difficulties and trials. At the same time, such peculiar battles will be successful for a young man.

Why dream of killing a bear for a man? A dream symbolizes victory over all troubles and the enemy. In addition, the guy can count on a large number of success in studies, career and other matters. The young man will be very lucky and successful.

In some cases, a man dreams that he himself has turned into a bear. In these cases, this is the symbol creativity, which contributes to the development in the career of an actor or musician. After such a dream, a person can safely take on new beginnings, all new things will be very successful.

The meaning of a dream for a woman

If a married woman dreamed of a plot in which she kills brown bear, then on the way she expects rivalry with the lover of marriage. In real life, you need to think through the entire action plan to the smallest detail. This will help you quickly deal with the troubles that have arisen.

A girl who is not yet married saw in a dream the murder of a bear - this means an early parting with a young man. In addition, it may be that in real life you are under the influence of a complex that interferes with your development.

Dream Features

Many dream interpreters say that you must remember every detail. This will help you get the most complete answer. If you dreamed that you were killing a bear cub or had to kill a bear, then the dream book advises you to remember what color the animal's fur was:

  • brown - you will successfully defeat your sworn enemy or rival in business;
  • polar bear- you can expect a warming relationship with people close to you;
  • panda - unexpected events, difficulties will happen along the way;
  • koala - unrest and resentment may appear in life, also someone spreads rumors and gossip about you.

It is recommended to pay special attention if you dreamed of a white bear. For example, a dancing polar bear is a symbol of friendship, without additional troubles.

If you saw in a dream that you killed a bear with a gun, an ax or a knife, then you can expect an improvement in relations with people with whom you are at loggerheads. In most interpretations, it is believed that you managed to get the better of the situation.

Killing a bear cub also does not bode well, try to be more attentive to new acquaintances, a person who does not wish good will appear in your environment. You may also regret being too cruel to people. Perhaps in the past you did not do very well with a person, you need to ask him for forgiveness. This will help you further.

Various dream books

According to Miller's dream interpreter, the plot warns you of the presence possible problem that will be resolved through conflict. It may also be a need for rest. If you killed an animal, then you should expect an early solution to this and other difficulties in life. Women need to take a closer look at the environment of your partner, among his acquaintances may be your rival. But you do not have to doubt his loyalty and honesty.

Vanga believed that the meeting with dangerous beast poses danger. She recommends being wary of new acquaintances. A person who appears in your life can bring a lot of problems and failures. He does not wish you well and is very jealous. Be careful and vigilant!

Sigmund Freud interpreted such a dream as an opportunity for great success in unresolved cases. In this case, the outcome will come much earlier than usual. Expect good luck in all matters, you can take on new projects and are not afraid of failure.

According to French dream book, your enemy will be very wealthy and powerful, so to win you need to enlist the support of true friends and associates. Killing such a beast in a dream guarantees victory over real opponents.

To kill a bear in a dream is a plot that has many meanings. You must remember all the features of the dream, this will help you get the most correct interpretation. Some sources say that you will be able to defeat your enemy. Certain events in a dream can warn you about possible danger. Regardless of the interpretation, you must believe in the successful outcome of any situation. Do not lose a positive attitude, this will help you triumph over any difficulties and problems.

Dream interpretation to kill a bear

The world of flora and fauna is incredibly rich and enchants so much that sometimes it is impossible to take your eyes off. Here you can find both majestic, predatory lions and bears, as well as completely harmless animals. They all play in this world important role, and it is with them that we identify the characters of people.

What associations does a person encounter when he thinks about such a formidable animal as a bear? Perhaps he experiences feelings of fear and danger, and in some cases - reverence for this beast. Why dream of his murder? Such a bright animal, intertwined with a serious, criminal action, makes the image in a dream interesting and symbolic by right. Get ready for very unexpected, fateful outcomes that will be presented famous psychologists and seers.

External circumstances

First you need to familiarize yourself with external circumstances that will help you figure out what this terrible, but at the same time full of vivid emotions action is dreaming of. Remember on what day of the week this plot came to you, the time of the year and compare it with your own gender.

Gender of the dreamer

An important detail in the interpretation of the incident seen in a dream is the dreamer's gender. Consider this detail and remember a few details of your own life.


If a bear is killed

What did the beautiful half of humanity dream about this action? For women, this is a very good sign, which means a quick victory over enemies with regards to the love sphere. Perhaps a long conflict with a rival who has long tried to recapture your beloved spouse will soon be resolved. The interpreter notes that you will be able to emerge victorious from any situation, while the competitor will be in an unfavorable light in the eyes of the public. You will not lose face under any circumstances. Moreover, thanks to such a struggle, you will be able to establish family life for the better, and households, witnesses of the conflict will admire your wisdom and ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Did you have a chance to eat raw meat of an animal after a fight or eat something that will be nearby? Unfortunately, troubles are coming that cannot be overcome alone. Close people will also not be able to help you, despite their desperate desire and attempts. The only way out is to seek help from a person who is deeply unpleasant to you. Although he will help you in a difficult matter, you still for a long time you can't forgive yourself for the humiliation you've experienced.

The male

But why is this episode dreaming of a man? For the stronger sex, this is also good sign and symbolizes victory over enemies. However, unlike the weaker sex, where the upper hand will be won over rivals in love affairs, a man can count on a fair fight with business competitors. Such an outcome will help to achieve unprecedented heights in the professional field, and will also allow you to gain respect from very authoritative personalities.

If the animal was very old and emaciated in a dream, but you did not regret it, then you should think about your behavior. You are surrounded by many kind, sophisticated people who are trying to make your life better and give valuable advice. However, due to the nature of your character, you are in no hurry to take their opinions into account, which only moves you away from your cherished goals. Try to pay more attention to what people say, and then you will not experience significant difficulties in life.

What does the calendar know?

When interpreting the events seen in a dream, you need to remember at what time you dreamed about it.


One of the four seasons will help to suggest why such an incident is dreaming of, and will slightly open the foggy veil of the future.

What time of year did you have a dream

  1. Spring. Unfortunately, you do not have special ambitions and desire to change your life. Going with the flow and completely surrendering to your comfort zone, you do not notice how fateful chances pass you by. However, soon there will be an opportunity to make a choice from which life will radically change. It's up to you to decide in favor of what it will be.
  2. Summer. In a sultry time, this action dreams of incredible luck. Very soon you will be able to get rich, and the most in an easy way. Feel free to count on receiving an inheritance from distant relatives or big win.
  3. Autumn. If the victory was very difficult, then many hardships will await in the future, mainly related to the financial sector. Get ready for significant financial losses, conflicts with superiors, and even loss of employment. To avoid problems, start accumulating spare funds now that you will need at any time. The interpreter notes that, despite all the difficulties, in the end, the dark period will only benefit.
  4. Winter. But the cold season suggests that you are surrounded by love and sympathy from many sides, but for some reason you ignore these warm feelings. Perhaps there is distrust of the chosen one, which, deep down, offends him very much. Try to be more open towards other people, because they are very sincere.

Miller's dream book claims that the incident seen in a dream is a harbinger of cardinal changes. The psychologist notes that it is the ill-wisher who will help change your life for the better.

Day of the week

It is no secret that some nights are empty and there is no point in interpreting them. And there are days that require the most careful attention.

Sunday to Monday

Why dream of something like this tonight? The moon, which is the patroness of Monday, will not bring any good news. You should be wary, because in the near future troubles and dangers are coming, although not catastrophic. Be more serious about what you do in real life, and you will be able to avoid and prevent any problems.

It is also worth noting that in the case when the murder was given at too high a price, you need to devote due time to your own health. Now your mental strength is running out and needs a long recovery.

Monday to Tuesday

what day of the week was the hunt

Mars is not in vain famous for its randomness and unpredictability. Remember what atmosphere reigned in a dream. So, if you happened to kill the enemy without any vivid emotions, with calmness unusual for you, then this is a good sign. This means that you have already found your life calling and you are moving in the right direction.

Was the night filled with unusual emotions and vivid experiences? Now is the best time to show yourself in career matters. Do not miss the opening prospects and interesting acquaintances. If, in addition to strong feelings and emotions, there was an element of aggression, the bear resisted you, then you should think about your behavior in society. Conflict nature, unwillingness to make concessions very soon can ruin relations with the remaining people.

The dream book notes that it is during this period that it is necessary to gather all your strength and not leave time for delay. Only then will success and universal recognition await you.

Tuesday to Wednesday

For more accurate interpretation it is necessary to recall the various circumstances present in the dream. So, if some other person assisted you in killing the bear, pay attention to who it was. Perhaps this person will play an important role in your future fate so you should listen to her advice.

What emotional coloring awaited in a dream? If you seemed to see yourself from the side, performing this terrible action, and the images replaced each other, be careful. Now is the time for life changes, so do not refuse casual acquaintances and proposals. Well, in the case when you barely managed to remember that it was a murder, replenish your mental energy. You need a long recovery and learning new skills.

From Wednesday to Thursday

But this long night calls for humility and slowness. Perhaps rage is raging inside you and impatience for a new, brighter and successful life, but this is unlikely to be feasible in the near future. Try to be humble about everything that happens, achieve your goals and ultimately triumph over circumstances.

Thursday to Friday

The interpreters noted that it was during this period that night visions most often come true for three years. Remember what forces you had to defeat a huge beast.

So, in the case of a long and bloody battle, one should not make hasty conclusions and rash actions. Cherished success, hidden plans and desires are quite real, but there will be many obstacles on the way to them. The dream book claims that you will find the strength to cope with all the difficulties with honor and dignity. If the fight was easy and painless, then the victory over the problems will not cause any trouble.

Friday to Saturday

Why dream of such an incident on this significant night? This is a very good sign, indicating that you will soon be able to defeat everyone who has ever met on your way. However, in a fight with competitors or simply ill-wishers, you will not use unclean methods. You will win in a fair fight, and in some cases you will be able to reconcile with sworn enemies.

Saturday to Sunday

Severe, violent events in a dream during this period are a sign that you need to consider your own priorities and take some time to rest, to know yourself. Despite the fact that at first glance everything in your life is cloudless and calm, you lack emotions and vivid sensations. Think about what is important to you in given period time. Otherwise, depression, indifference to life can overwhelm you.

The wanderer's dream book claims that if you dream of a very painful fight, you should reconsider your behavior. Some character traits prevent you from enjoying life rightfully.

Circumstances in a dream

Continuing to analyze what the killed beast is dreaming of, it is necessary to pay attention to some details waiting in the arms of Morpheus.

bear color

What color was the bear

Nature has endowed these animals with different colors, for each of which the dream book gives its own interpretation.

  1. Brown. Killing a brown bear is the most common plot in night dreams. Remember what emotions you experienced at that moment. So, if you felt anxiety, fear of the power and strength of this beast - be prepared for the appearance of the enemy. Although the victory will be yours, but at the same time it will take a lot of mental strength. In the case when you killed a poor animal with indifference, then new acquaintances should be expected. Perhaps this will be a person whom you will love with all your heart, but he will not burn with such vivid feelings for you.
  2. White. A more exotic beast does not bode well. The dream interpretation claims that you are surrounded by unkind people who are hiding in the closest circle. If they are not brought to clean water now, they can significantly harm in the future. Think about which of your friends is better not to reveal their secrets.
  3. Black. It doesn't matter what efforts you got to win at the end of the battle. Now your body is extremely vulnerable, it needs protection and care. It will not be superfluous to go to a specialist, as well as respect for one's own health. Try not only to protect yourself from all kinds of physical illnesses, but also from nervous strain.

How was the battle?

Kill a bear - defeat enemies, competitors and rivals. However, remember how this very battle went before you were able to defeat the formidable animal.

The dream interpretation claims that in the case when the bear did not resist and only waited for its fate, be careful. Now in your life everything is going well and luck does not recede a single step. However, as soon as you relax, problems will appear one after another. Control the situation and do not let other circumstances take over you.

Well, if the bear was aggressive, rushed at you with all the ferocity, then you will be able to achieve what you so stubbornly went to. However, the dream book notes that the victims will be too great, it is quite possible that people close to you will suffer. Therefore, one should consider whether final goal such victims.

After the murder

Remember what awaited you after you were able to kill the bear. The dream book will tell you why this is a dream.

  1. Eat meat. It doesn't matter if you ate it raw or after a fight you decided to cook it. If you dreamed of something like this, be prepared not only for a confident victory over your rivals, but also for various benefits. They are most likely to be associated with in cash and will help to significantly improve your financial situation.
  2. Kill and run. In the case when you fled the scene of a crime in horror, be careful. Now there is a high probability of a disease that can affect not only yourself, but also those closest to you. Try not to expose yourself to even the slightest risk and overstrain, and do not forget to monitor the well-being of relatives.
  3. The beast came to life. If, after the murder, the predatory animal suddenly came to life and began to attack in a rage, then this is a bad sign. Your enmity with the enemy is much more serious than you expected, and can bring a lot of difficulties in the future. If you were able to emerge victorious for the second time, then all the problems will not be terrible for you.

The mythological dream book believes that the bear is a symbol of sincere friendship and support. And killing him or inflicting severe wounds warns of the possible loss of a faithful comrade.

Why is the bear dreaming

Miller's dream book

A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival or some kind of failure.

Why is the bear dreaming

Freud's dream book

To hunt a bear in a dream - you achieve the location of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

A bear to see him is a win in the game; fall into his clutches - you will incur big losses; to see a dancer - you will get a big loan; eat bear meat - a wedding in the family; bear hunting - avoid danger; polar bear - you are loved.

Why is the bear dreaming

Family dream book

The bear is dreaming - to an insurmountable rivalry in a variety of matters.

The one who killed the bear in a dream will find a way out of a predicament.

A young woman who sees a bear in a dream will have a dangerous rival.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

To see a bear in a dream is a warning that, due to your inattention, rudeness or tactless behavior, you risk making yourself dangerous enemy. After such a dream, try to be more careful and not respond with rudeness to rudeness.

Bear hunting means that you have a chance to use some kind of controversial situation to your advantage.

A beautiful bearskin under your feet is a sign that your situation can improve markedly, thanks to the help of some strong man.

Why is the bear dreaming

Spring dream book

Bear - to the lazy owner in the house.

Why is the bear dreaming

Summer dream book

Seeing a bear in the circus arena is a waste of time.

Why is the bear dreaming

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how a bear performs in the circus arena is a spectacular event.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A bear in a dream means that you will get close to a person who will soon show his worst side. To meet in the forest one on one with a bear - you will repent of a stupid act committed out of a sense of revenge.

Seeing a bear performing in a circus portends winning a game or lottery. A bear in a cage of a beast - means that you will incur heavy losses from an unsuccessful financial transaction.

Seeing a polar bear in the zoo portends the matchmaking of a worthy and rich person, but outwardly unattractive and unpleasant to you. Seeing a Himalayan bear in a dream is a sign of irresistible rivalry. A plush toy bear - to a deception that you will succumb to with haste unusual for you.

To hunt a bear in a dream is a warning about the danger that awaits you. To kill a bear - portends a way out of a predicament. Seeing a bear tied to a chain indicates that you will have a rival in love, because of which your plans will be ruined.

Eating bear meat in a dream means that you will soon be invited to a wedding with good friends. Drinking bear's milk portends an extreme danger that will be difficult to avoid. Bear fat - to unexpected money.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See him - win the game - fall into his clutches - incur big losses - see a dancer - get a big loan - eat bear meat - marry in the family - bear hunting - avoid danger - polar bear- you are loved

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

The bear you dreamed about means that all your rivals have become more active and dream of depriving you of the palm.

To kill a bear in a dream portends a brilliant way out of all their indigestible and predicaments.

If you saw in a dream that one of your loved ones killed a bear, this means that in the very near future he will be freed from some extremely burdensome problems.

A young woman who dreamed of a bear - a dangerous rival may appear or some kind of failure may occur in a relationship with a young man of interest to her.

Why is the bear dreaming

Esoteric dream book

Bear - strengthening the economy.

Aggressive, attacked - you are too carried away by everyday issues, "rowing for yourself."

A bear with cubs is an addition to the household, prosperity.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Bear - is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of cases.

If a young woman sees a bear in a dream, this portends her failure or the appearance of a dangerous rival.

To kill a bear - portends a way out of a predicament.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Bear - unrestrained, rude, terrible enemy

Make friends with a bear - remorse.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Bear - friendship, groom.

Dancing - big credit.

To hunt a bear in a dream - you achieve the location of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave too aggressively and persistently, moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.

Run away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although not safe.

Fight in a dream with a bear - you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners.

Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream - you experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which you find difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and who can dispel your fears.

Polar bear - love for the sleeping.

There is bear meat - a wedding in the family.

Why is the bear dreaming

Modern dream book

The appearance of a bear in your dream - predicts a fierce struggle in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

To kill a bear means a way out of previous impasses.

If a young woman dreams of a bear, in real life she is threatened by a rival, or some kind of misfortune threatens.

A dreaming polar bear is a prediction of deceit. You are threatened with failure, crept under the guise of apparent well-being. Your sworn enemies will hide behind a mask of sincere friendliness. Opponents will try to push you back.

Seeing the skin of a polar bear in a dream is a sign that you will successfully defeat all your enemies.

Why is the bear dreaming

Eastern dream book

If you kill a bear, it means that you will be able to find a way out of a situation that recently seemed to be a dead end.

Young woman dream with bear in leading role- informs: she has a rival.

The polar bear warns of a possible deception - you risk being disappointed by wishful thinking.

However, if you see the skin of a polar bear, then you will be able to defeat all enemies.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

a rude, evil and terrible enemy.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Bear - You see a bear in a dream - a calm period in your life is over, a tough one is ahead competitive fight; if you are engaged in commerce, pay attention - have you been slipped stale goods? .. A young woman sees a bear in a dream - a spectacular rival will cross this woman's path; meekness will lead to victory where the sword is powerless. You killed a bear in a dream - in fact, you will quickly find a way out of a difficult situation; your opponents will collapse.

Why is the bear dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a bear for a girl - to marriage / friendship with a rude and ignorant person.

Falling bear - clear and strong enemy.

Seeing his lair is a nuisance.

To kill a bear is the destruction of the enemy.

To eat his meat - to take advantage of the property of the enemy.

Drinking bear milk is a nuisance / humiliating mercy from the enemy / you will be reproached with bread.

Run from a bear - get married / be pursued by enemies.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bear - new friend, friendship; groom; profitable proposition.

Bear - maternal feelings in difficult situation; help.

White bear - happy marriage; the polar bear is a good help in a repeated situation.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Bear - For a girl - to a rich groom. For a woman, an influential admirer will appear. For a man - to rivalry with a strong opponent. Imagine that the bear becomes tame, he carries out any of your commands.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Animals

Bear - means supernatural strength, endurance.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

White bear, see or ride - help, high patronage, wealth, wedding.

Ride a bear - complete life success.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Bear - To marriage, an intimate friend.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Bear - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring.

Why is the bear dreaming

Modern dream book

Bear - Evil Enemy

Why is the bear dreaming

British dream book

Bear - Bears symbolize strength and intelligence, they have been revered since ancient times. Why dream: A bear that guards you means that you feel safe and protected from the worries of the world. However, if a bear attacks you or your companions, then you subconsciously feel threatened by someone strong and ruthless. Flight from a bear indicates fear of some kind of authority. Dreams about a bear hibernation indicate the need to withdraw from the world in order to gain energy.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Bear, what is it for - According to Artemidorus, a bear in a dream portends an illness or a journey. Other interpretations: a sleeping bear - to a quiet life, an angry bear - to danger.

Why is the bear dreaming

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does the Bear mean in a dream - see also Animals. 1. If a live bear appears in a dream, this means aggression. If the bear is in the form of a stuffed animal, someone's hidden negative instincts will be discovered. Soft toy in the form of a bear shows children's defenselessness. 2. Psychologically, we have recognized the need to face the power of our own creativity. 3. The bear symbolizes spiritual strength and energy, visible or hidden if the bear is in hibernation.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Bear - Symbolizes the winning power of female nature, as well as impulsive aspirations. Fighting a bear, running away from him is a meeting with a rude, ignorant person. Caressing a bear - girls for marriage or dangerous relationships.

Why is the bear dreaming

Russian dream book

You dreamed of a Bear - a symbol of brute physical strength, as well as sexual aggression; dominance of the material over the spiritual.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does the Bear mean in a dream - for a young girl - an influential groom, for the rest - a person with will, strength, power. Wild, angry bear - rudeness, restraint. Bear in a cage - winning the game. Fall into the clutches of a bear - incur heavy losses. Bear meat - for wedding preparations. The polar white bear is the love of a strong, domineering and very jealous person.

Why is the bear dreaming

Women's dream book

Bear - The bear is a sign of irresistible rivalry in a variety of cases. If a young woman sees a bear in a dream, this portends her failure or the appearance of a dangerous rival. Killing a bear portends a way out of a predicament.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Bear - power; friendship; groom.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation Dasha

a symbol of evil, cruelty and rudeness; also the phrase "sharing the skin of the unkilled ...". Pretend to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you, a sign of danger from which there is a way out.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness.

Pretending to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.

If your friend is watching this scene from afar, then in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend. From the situation that has happened, you need to draw a conclusion, following one simple folk wisdom: a friend is known in trouble.

Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice.

Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you. If you managed to defeat the bear, then thanks to your skill and quick wits you will be able to defeat your enemy. If the bear prevailed over you, then in real life you will not be able to interfere with the machinations of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.

Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.

Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.

Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.

Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.

To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.

Why is the bear dreaming

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value If you dreamed that the bear was sleeping, in the near future your enemies will not do anything to you. To make this safe time last longer, eat every morning on an empty stomach for a week, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.

Bad value If you dreamed that the bear was eating, in the near future you will begin to gain excess weight. To prevent this from happening, drink 0.3 cups of salt water every morning and evening.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

BEAR - "clumsy like a bear", "a bear in a china shop." "Bearcub" - a robber, cracker of safes. "Disservice" - help out of place and to the detriment.

Why is the bear dreaming

Male dream book

Attacking bear - a strong enemy wants to destroy you. But if your actions are wise and prudent, you can avoid danger. A fleeing bear - a dream portends minor troubles that you can easily deal with. The bear, which calls you after him, leads somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., you will probably change your team, and they will try to "poach" you to another job. You can agree only if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other will not suit you.

Why is the bear dreaming

Italian dream book Meneghetti

It symbolizes a positive desire or attraction, which, however, due to their ignorance, arouses fear and doubt.

Why is the bear dreaming

Old Russian dream book

friendship, fiance.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Bear - to marriage, an intimate friend.

Why is the bear dreaming

Idiomatic dream book

“Clumsy like a bear”, “a bear in a china shop” - you will feel clumsy in reality; "bear cub" - a robber, cracker of safes; "disservice" - help out of place and to the detriment.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation of relationships

If you dream of a bear hunt in which you are participating, this means that you are trying to win the love of a person who is completely indifferent to you. You are characterized by aggressive behavior, you often go too far. It is better to choose a less intrusive style of behavior, otherwise there is a great risk of causing dislike in this person.

A dream in which you run away from a bear means that you will have sex in a non-standard place. You will enjoy it, although it will be risky.

If you dream that you are fighting a bear, this means that you are choosing a partner that looks like a parent of the opposite sex.

A wounded or killed bear - symbolizes the difficulties that you experience when communicating with the opposite sex. You are looking for someone who can understand you.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Attacking bear - a strong enemy wants to destroy you. But if your actions are wise and prudent, you can avoid danger.

A fleeing bear - a dream portends minor troubles that you can easily deal with.

The bear, which calls you after him, leads somewhere, and at the same time you clearly see pictures of nature - a forest, a river, etc., you will probably change your team, and they will try to "poach" you to another job. You can agree only if you are completely sure. Otherwise, you will lose your position, and the other will not suit you.

Why is the bear dreaming

Online dream book

The bear, according to the dream book, is an identification with the feminine, the predominance of the irrational over the rational.

If it is polar white, this is a warning that you may suffer from dishonest people.

Seeing a toy animal - due to unjustified fuss, you will not notice how you will be circled around your finger.

The dream in which you entered into a fight with a bear portends communication with an ill-mannered and boorish person.

Kill him with a gun - you can easily deal with your most dangerous rivals.

You stroke him - for a young girl, this is a harbinger that she will soon go down the aisle, or a warning that she should be more selective in choosing her surroundings.

You dreamed of a bear that gives performances in the circus arena - in reality there will be a chance to hit the jackpot in some kind of gambling fun.

Watch him dance - finally get financial assistance which has been counted on for so long.

If you dreamed of him in the zoo enclosure, beware of any manipulations with money, they promise you nothing but losses.

See white in a dream bearskin- prove your advantage over all competitors.

You eat the meat of this beast - you may soon marry, but most likely, you will simply get rich at someone else's expense.

According to the dream book, a bear with a white color indicates that someone has sincere and warm feelings for you, moreover, it sure sign that in the near future you will have a wedding celebration and you will create a happy family.

If it's a bear

When his coat is black, it means that someone or something threatens you, perhaps they are ill-wishers, but most likely you should be afraid of mainly serious ailments.

To see a brown bear in a dream just for a woman - to the chagrin and disappointment in her personal life, the cause of which will be a more attractive representative of the fair sex.

The dream in which you give the bear to eat is a good omen for you, those who are stronger than you and have previously been a danger will come over to your side and will provide you with all possible assistance.

To see how a predator runs after you or threatens you - in reality, you will meet a fan who will be quite stately, with strong character, but completely helpless in matters of love, and, most likely, he will give you a lot of inconvenience.

If a person who was not burdened by the bonds of marriage dreamed of how he was trying to hide from a bear, in the very near future he would meet someone with whom he would decide to go through life together and create an alliance.

But after such a vision, businessmen need to be extremely careful, your envious and rivals are preparing a trap for you.

If in a dream a bear attacked you - be careful, you risk entering into an open confrontation with someone who has obvious advantages over you, be aware of this and calculate possible options development of events.

He grabbed you with his teeth - this is a sign that the advantage is not on your side now, your opponents are much stronger than you, and if you do not take control of the situation, you will lose.

To dream that you have taken a life from a bear - you will succeed in everything, and with dignity you will overcome even the most difficult trials, win where there could only be a loss.

Why is the bear dreaming

Universal dream book

Seeing a bear in a dream is a sign that you should slow down, reflect, wait until the right time for action comes. AT modern world hard to sit back. There is always a danger that we will miss a good opportunity.

Is the bear in your dream aggressive or playful? If he is aggressive, perhaps he personifies some perceived threat: for example, perhaps you have the feeling that someone is encroaching on your territory or the territory of people close to you?

If the bear is playful and calm, this indicates that at the present moment of life you are the full master of the situation and keep everything under control.

A bear in hibernation is associated with waiting and patience.

Why is the bear dreaming

American dream book

Bear - strength and power.

Why is the bear dreaming

Old English dream book

See a bear in a dream - expect big trouble. Some powerful enemy can greatly harm you. You may be overtaken ordeal on the way, but the goal of your journey will, fortunately, be safely reached.

If in a dream you shoot a bear and kill it, this is lucky sign victory over a formidable and dangerous opponent.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl sees a bear in a dream, this may be a warning about the appearance of a dangerous rival who can destroy her happiness and take her loved one away.

Why is the bear dreaming

Lunar dream book

Bear - friendship.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Bear - profit; to kill him is a victory over the enemy.

Why is the bear dreaming

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Defeat the bear - portends a victory over the enemy.

Why is the bear dreaming

Russian dream book

Bear - get ready for a wedding or a meeting with your destiny.

Why is the bear dreaming

Russian dream book

The bear is a symbol of evil, cruelty and rudeness; also the phrase "sharing the skin of the unkilled ...". Pretend to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you, a sign of danger from which there is a way out.

Why is the bear dreaming

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Bear - portends the birth of a noble offspring.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpreter 1829

A bear seen in a dream means a rich, strong, brave and cruel, but unskillful enemy; to fall into the clutches of a bear means the persecution and pursuit of the enemy, from which, against all expectations, you will happily get rid of.

Why is the bear dreaming

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Bear - mother or Great Mother. "Bear" children and the bear family are associated with an ordinary family. Desire for death and escape from it. Possessive, destroying mother. Bear Man (Lokis), possibly the father.

Why is the bear dreaming

Fairy tale and mythological dream book

Bear (as a fabulous, wonderful creature) - helper, friend, friendship, support; wedding, win.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Bear - means powerful and evil enemy. This is especially true in the business world.

Kill a bear in a dream - in reality you will be the winner.

In some dream books, the figure of a bear is interpreted as a future groom.

Why is the bear dreaming

French dream book

Seeing a bear in a dream means that one must be wary of a rich, powerful, brave, cruel, but not dexterous enemy.

If in a dream a bear attacked you, this means that you will be persecuted, from which you will leave, contrary to any expectation.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Bear - you have strong rivals.

Kill a bear - get out of a predicament.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

To see a bear in a dream - to win; fall into his clutches - to high costs, loss of property; to see how he dances - to receive the desired loan; to hunt a bear - to danger; to see a bearskin - to wealth.

If you hit him or see him from afar, the dream portends some kind of miracle or the death of a relative.

To overcome a bear in a dream portends Nayan victory in a fight with a stingy, greedy and dishonorable person.

To see a lair in a dream - to trouble, to kill a bear means to defeat the enemy.

To eat his meat means to take advantage of the property of the enemy or portends a wedding; drink bear's milk - to trouble, humiliating mercy from the enemy; run away from a bear - to be pursued by enemies; make friends with a bear in a dream - to repentance.

A polar bear dreams of a wedding, a girl to see a bear - to marriage.

If a young woman dreams of an angry bear, it means that in reality she will have a happy, dangerous rival or the temptation to go to her secret friend.

If you dream of a trained bear, it means that you will meet a compliant one, calm person, life with which will be cloudless.

Why is the bear dreaming

Slavic dream book

Bear - to a cruel, but clumsy enemy.

Why is the bear dreaming

Loff's dream book

The appearance of bears in a dream - good example the fact that dreams are due to the peculiarities of culture and national traditions.

Most Americans perceive bears as far from being the best companions for them; these animals personify a bad character. But this does not apply to the traditions of the American Indians.

Among the Indians of the Navajo and Crow tribes (ravens), the bear is considered a symbol of a father or grandfather, possessing the wisdom and knowledge of the initiates.

Why is the bear dreaming

Aesop's dream book

The bear is a double symbol, and therefore at the same time it is the personification of strength and evil, cruelty, rudeness.

The image of a bear that arose in a dream can be caused by the following folk expressions deposited in your subconscious: “The bear sucks its paw all winter” or “And they teach the bear to dance.” The first expression always comes to mind when in real life we ​​meet a thrifty to greed person, we remember the second expression when we try to teach something to a negligent person. When deciphering the image of a bear that appeared in your dream, one should not forget such folk wisdom: "Bear service" and "Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear." Sometimes it is these well-known expressions that serve as the key to deciphering a dream.

Pretending to be dead in a dream so that a bear does not eat you is a sign that in real life you are a very smart person, and therefore you can easily get out of any, the most difficult situations.

If your friend is watching this scene from afar, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to the dishonesty of your friend. From the situation that has happened, you need to draw a conclusion, following one simple folk wisdom: a friend is known in trouble.

Fighting a bear in a dream is a sign that you will soon face terrible injustice. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your enemy is much stronger than you, and therefore he can seriously harm you.

If you managed to defeat the bear - thanks to your skill and ingenuity, you will be able to defeat your enemy.

If the bear has gained the upper hand over you - in real life you will not be able to prevent the intrigues of your enemy for a long time, and therefore you should be more careful.

Watching from afar the fight between a bear and another animal - soon you will meet with a strong and very influential enemy who will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will have to make every effort to defeat him.

Seeing a wounded bear in a dream is evidence that your honor will suffer greatly due to the gossip of evil envious people.

Finding a bear's lair in a dream is a big nuisance. You will face the cruelty of a person close to you.

Watching in a dream how a bear sucks its paw is a sign that in real life you will be very surprised by the thriftiness of other people. Perhaps you will meet a very greedy person who will refuse to help you at a time when he could help you, and you really needed it.

To dream of a bear with cubs - such a dream means that you are raising your children incorrectly: you are very cruel and unfair to them.

Many Indians consider the bear to be the totem (or sign) of the healer. We all have healing abilities.

The bear can be a sign that it's time to use them to the fullest.

In Western cultures, the bear is associated with the image of a plush toy, soft and cute. This may be a sign to become kind, gentle and return to the simple joys of life.

Why is the bear dreaming

Dream Interpretation Veles

Bear - see you important person, health, the husband will return, wait for the matchmakers, overcome the enemy, the gain / illness is serious, the network will catch on a snag, a cunning enemy; dancing - get money; black is a disease; grabs and brings down a person - a disease in different degrees of development, big losses; chased and did not catch up - the disease only threatens; hits and looks at a distance - it will be a miracle / the death of a relative; hunting him is a danger; to eat his meat - to receive the property of the enemy, a wedding in relatives; skin - wealth; drink bear milk - fear.