When is the best time to go to Maldives? The best season to visit the Maldives. When is the best time to go to the Maldives: the holiday season

Republic of Maldives - equatorial country With tropical climate. Therefore, the question of when to go to the Maldives is not worth it - you can fly to the Maldives at any time of the year. Whenever you come here, the air temperature will be kept at +28-30 ºС.

And although there are no sharp climatic changes, there are still some seasonal features. From mid-April until about October-November, the southwest monsoon dominates the territory, which raises sea ​​waves and refreshes the air with frequent rains. This period is considered the low season in the Maldives. The dry season begins, respectively, in November, when the northeast monsoon enters the country, and lasts until April. Moreover, from January to April, the already clean sea is considered the most transparent. it high season in the Maldives when tourists flock for diving. The sun at this time shines 12 hours a day, rising at 6:00 and falling at 18:00.

It is also worth considering some weather features of individual months of the year. For example, in December it is usually very windy and it rains more often than in the other months of the dry season. The weather is also unstable in May and June. When deciding when it is better to go to the Maldives for diving, you should immediately abandon October and November.

At this time, going off the coast a large number of plankton, so visibility in the water is not the same as at other times. Although for fans beach holiday this is the best time to fly to the Maldives. At night, the luminous plankton gives the beaches a particularly magical look, and in the evening you can touch the stingrays feasting near the shore, which appear here for the sake of plankton.

Holidays in the Maldives in winter

Winter is considered one of the driest seasons on the islands. But from the big picture sunny days December kicks out. If the beginning of the month is still relatively dry, then from its middle to the end, prolonged showers can suddenly break. Although the rest of the weather in the Maldives in winter promises to rest in mode warm days with a temperature slightly above +30 º C during the day and about +25 º C at night. The water in the ocean is traditionally warm and usually does not cool below +25 º C.

Despite the unstable weather, people go to the islands in December to celebrate New Year in an unusually warm atmosphere in every sense. Moreover, in early January, the winds begin to gradually subside, and the rains are less and less frequent. By the beginning of February, the Maldives perfect weather for a beach holiday: no strong winds, maximum amount sunny days and crystal clear waters indian ocean. It doesn’t matter where you decide to stay on vacation: in North Male, Haa Alife, Nunu or on some other atoll, your vacation is guaranteed to be sunny. Winter on the islands is the time for lovers and lovers of noisy holidays.

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Holidays in the Maldives in the spring

Spring is the last chance to get to the resorts of the Maldives on sunny days, when the rest is not overshadowed by rains and strong winds. Although the weather in the Maldives in the spring is very changeable. Even during this month, you can get into a rainy zone, or you can catch a week of sunny days. As a rule, the second decade of the month is the best time for rest. At this time, there are more chances to catch the maximum number of sunny days.

However, it should be borne in mind that April is considered the hottest month not only of spring, but of the whole year. The air temperature at this time can reach + 27-32ºС, and frequent rains increase the level of humidity. Toward the end of spring, the winds intensify, so the possibilities for the already small number of excursions and water activities are limited.

Although this period is the time when it is better to relax in the Maldives for the purpose of surfing. At this time, surfers literally besiege North Male, South Male and a number of other atolls of the country. In addition, prices for tours during this period begin to fall markedly.

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Holidays in the Maldives in the summer

Despite the fact that you can bask on the beaches of the Maldives all year round, summer is considered the low season on the islands. And all thanks to the period of tropical rains, which begin in May and last right up to September. Although the weather in the Maldives in summer is traditionally heavenly - + 28-30 ° C with the same warm ocean waters (+ 27 ° C).

You should not be afraid of tropical showers - they are rarely protracted. The main problem of such weather is strong winds. The southwest monsoon is picking up full force from about mid-July and rages until about mid-August. At this time, high waves rise off the coast, sometimes even experienced swimmers do not risk swimming in them. The same applies to divers, for whom the troubled waters of the ocean are far from best environment for diving. The only ones who are happy big waves- professional surfers. Beginners are afraid to practice in such conditions, but for professionals this is the best time to hone their skills.

But if the very fact of being in the Maldives is important for you, and the number of sunny days on vacation is not fundamental, summer is the only chance to get unusually cheap to one of the country's atolls: Lhaviyani, Raa, Baa, Ari, Daalu, Faafu and others. AT low season tours on them are sold for about one and a half times cheaper. Sometimes you can get on promotional offers and purchase a full tour package for the price of an air ticket or even lower.

When is the best time to fly to the Maldives? Description of the weather by months, information about the temperature of water and air. Beach season and rainy season.

Best hotel rates in the Maldives, look on the Roomguru.ru service - it will select the most profitable options among a variety of booking systems.

(Photo © Mac Qin / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Monthly weather in the Maldives

In January the temperature in the Maldives offers great opportunities for beach holidays and sports. The weather is sunny and windless. The number of rainy days does not exceed 3-4 per month, and the warm and serene ocean is conducive to exploring underwater world. In February the visibility of the water becomes just perfect, and the month itself is considered the driest month of the year. This is a good time for boat trips and exciting dives.

In March northeast winds continue to dominate, but it is already getting a little warmer: during the day + 31 ° C, at night + 26 ° C, the water in the ocean is + 29 ° C. Sometimes the wind increases, there may even be small storms, but in general, judging by the reviews, the weather in the Maldives does not interfere with a pleasant pastime on the beach or fishing. At the end of the month, the sky is increasingly cloudy.

April considered the hottest of the year, but far from the driest. Air temperature during the day +32°C, at night +26°C. It often rains - 1-2 times a day, while in the south precipitation is more frequent and plentiful. Vacationers are engaged in diving, fishing and spearfishing. The cost of tours decreases towards the end of the month.

In May the wind changes its direction and the weather becomes unstable and capricious, which can interfere with traditional beach activities. The rainy season begins: the sky is often overcast, the ocean becomes restless, and the air becomes humid. Due to the unpredictability of the weather, the number of vacationers is noticeably reduced.

Despite strong winds and frequent showers, in June it is still warm in the Maldives: during the day + 30 ° C, the water in the ocean is fresh milk. At this time, you can quite. However, as repeatedly noted in reviews, the weather in the Maldives in June is cloudy for half the month, and tropical showers are often accompanied by thunderstorms. During this period, the ocean is often restless, and sea swims have to be replaced by professional spa services.

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In July the wind subsides a little, but it rains often, for several hours in a row. In August The weather in the Maldives is getting better. The amount of precipitation decreases, the rains become short-lived, and in September most of precipitation falls at night. During this period, you can go sailing, surfing, exploring the underwater world and fishing, water skiing and catamarans.

Maldives weather in October is warm but rainy. The number of rainy days reaches 15 in a month. It is unlikely that you will be able to wait out the afternoon rain and go to the beach again, because the rains are intense and often protracted. At this time, surfers prefer to relax in the northern atolls of the Maldives, but lovers of diving and snorkeling expect better weather- the water in the ocean is cloudy and overly saturated with plankton.

In November The weather and temperature in the Maldives heralds the best holiday season for tourists. The northeast monsoon returns to the islands, and wet season replaced by fine days. There are no longer such heavy tropical showers, thunderstorms become rare and short, the sun is shining in the sky more and more often, and air humidity is gradually decreasing.

In December the Maldives is warm and a bit humid, especially in the first half. Number cloudy days reaches a third in a month, periodically the ocean storms. From mid-December, judging by the reviews, the weather in the Maldives is dry and sunny, ideal for a beach holiday, and prices for tours are increasing. you can diversify with boat trips, dive safaris, observations of marine fauna and excursions.

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(Photo © Alessandro Caproni / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0)

Conclusions: when to go on vacation to the Maldives?

best season holidays in the Maldives, judging by - from mid-December to mid-spring. At this time, they form ideal conditions for beach holidays and sports, you can go parasailing, diving, snorkeling, water skiing and catamarans. But the prices for tours are the highest.

The windy period from March to October is ideal for surfing. Diving is possible almost always, but in June-August and October it can be difficult. The best visibility of water in the dry season is from the eastern part of the island, and in the rainy season - from the western part.

You can have a good rest at the beginning of April and at the end of October and in November, but in June-July, many do not risk it because of the high probability of cloudy and wet weather, which, combined with tropical heat and humidity, is not the best option for relaxation.

In general, the most optimal season when it is better to go on vacation to the Maldives, everyone sets for themselves, based on their preferences and goals. One way or another, the impressions of tourists are mostly positive.


If you want to arrange a truly heavenly vacation, then you need to go to Maldives. More than a thousand islets that are scattered along the coast of the Indian Ocean. No island is like another. Turquoise clear water. Beautiful nature. Unforgettable underwater world. The Maldives is a dream vacation that every inhabitant of our land should arrange for himself. But, as in any part of the world, there are times of the year in the Maldives when it is simply impossible to relax there. Therefore, in order not to fall into such a season, find out now when it is better to relax in the Maldives so that your vacation turns into a dream and a real fairy tale!

A bit of history.

Not so long ago, the Maldives was one of the poorest countries in the world. And, in the end, the government of the Maldives got tired of it, and they decided to develop tourism. There are no mind-boggling buildings in the Maldives. You will not find monuments famous people or just architectural monuments. You will also not find attractions that are built for tourists. All that is in the Maldives is water, sand and sun. What else do you need for a relaxing holiday?
Modern Maldives is wealthy state. And holidays in the Maldives are not available to every inhabitant of the planet. But tens of thousands of tourists who are willing to pay money come here every day anyway. Just to enjoy a luxurious holiday.

When are there many tourists in the Maldives?
The answer is simple - when there is no rainy season. And to be more precise, in the period from December to March.
It is at this time of the year that the islands have the most favorable weather for recreation. No rain, no strong winds and scorching sun. You can fully enjoy your vacation and understand what a relaxing holiday at the end of the world is!
But even at this time of the year, prices for vacations rise in price by almost 50%, and this is due to various holidays. For example, in December in Europe, Catholic Christmas. And hundreds of thousands of European tourists gather here, who pay big money for free hotel rooms. And then Russians gather on the islands to celebrate the New Year here.

But is it only because of the holidays that prices go up?
Of course not! The Maldives has become very popular among honeymooners. They go here to honeymoon trip from around the world. And who wants to spend his most best holiday during the rainy season? Nobody! Therefore, all newlyweds come to the Maldives in winter.
And so it turns out that at this time millions of tourists want to get here, but they cannot. Therefore, prices are raised to exclude those visitors who are unable to pay for the holiday.

When are there few tourists in the Maldives?

In general, this almost never happens here. People always have a rest in the Maldives. But still, during the period from May to October, when there are intense rains, tourists are reluctant to come here.
But if you are going to fly to the islands in summer period rain is the only thing that can spoil your holiday. Because warm weather here all the time, yet the Maldives is the equator!
It is also worth saying that there are no prolonged rains here. They are short lived and end quickly. But strong waves and stormy winds leave behind. So swimming in such weather will not work. And diving is also not possible.
If you still decide to go to the Maldives during the rainy season, then choose the month of May or any autumn month. At this time, there is little rain, and the winds are calm. But in summer months resting here is not very convenient due to frequent doges and constant winds.

When beach season in the Maldives?
It's year round! But, as we already wrote, there is a rainy season that will ruin your swim in the waters of the Indian Ocean.
And so the temperature on the islands is warm at any time of the year and does not fall below +30 degrees. And the water at the same time constantly keeps the temperature at +26 degrees.
So if you want the fairy tale, which is drawn on the advertising booklet about the Maldives, to become a reality, then come here any month from December to March.

When is the best time to go on vacation to such alluring Maldives to enjoy the silence, solitude and beauty of the underwater world? Two seasons are distinguished here - iruvai (dry) and monsoon hulhangu (wet). It should be noted that the rainy season (it still exists) in the Maldives is very conditional, since the showers here are mostly short-term and more often come at night, when everyone is sleeping after a busy day.

Maldives in winter

Winter monsoons bring warmth and dry air to the atolls. Weather ideal for beach relaxation and exploration of the underwater world. The air warms up to +29-30 oC, water - up to +28 oC, there are almost no waves and rains. Despite the fact that the cost of tours to the Maldives for the New Year is very high, exotic islands do not lose popularity among travelers. If you believe the reviews, it is better to book a trip in late November - early December.

IMPORTANT. The Chinese New Year, which falls at the end of January, can be quite noisy: the Chinese large groups occupy hotels and interfere with your privacy.

The winter months are suitable for fishing, and according to statistics, the least amount of rain falls in February - 50 millimeters - a great reason to spend February 23 or St. Valentine. Indeed, this is the best gift for the most romantic holiday!

Maldives in spring

Celebrate March 8 on exotic islands- the dream of almost every woman! However, it must be borne in mind that starting from March, the temperature to which air and water are heated rises, storms are possible, and precipitation increases in April. In May, the southwest monsoons bring strong winds and rains. If in April the average rainfall is 132 millimeters, then in May it is twice as much - about 220. At the same time, the weather is changeable: heavy rain is suddenly replaced by sunny weather. This is worth considering for those who are going to spend here the May holidays. Sometimes, due to the turbulent ocean, cruises to the islands of the atolls are even cancelled.

The dry season, which lasts until mid-spring, is the best time to travel to the Maldives in 2019 and excursions. All of them, with the exception of trips to the capital Male and fishing villages, are somehow connected with water: these are walks to uninhabited islands where you can have a picnic and enjoy the sunset, water sports sports, snorkeling and scuba diving. Special attention deserves trips to the manta point - places for observing manta rays, the most graceful inhabitants of the underwater world. People with small children do not come here so often due to the long flight and the lack of shops with baby food.

Maldives in summer

In summer, the monsoons come into their own, so June is the rainiest, the humidity is felt more strongly, but is well tolerated due to constant breezes. There are also thunderstorms, but the sky is not cloudy for long. The water temperature is kept around +27-29 oC, but due to rather unstable weather conditions for diving are unfavorable (visibility worsens).

Maldives in autumn

In September, strong winds persist and short rains fall, but the restless ocean and waves create simply heavenly conditions for surfers and sailboat enthusiasts. In October, precipitation is reduced, and the dry season starts at the end of autumn. During the November holidays, Russian airlines raise prices for flights, but at the end of the month, the tour will cost less. You can also save money by staying not on resort islands, but directly in Male. The year-round season for a comfortable stay in the Maldives, familiar to many from postcards, is also wedding ceremonies that are held right on the beach.

And they consist of more than 1200 islands, of which less than 100 are accessible to tourists. Weather in the Maldives exactly what you would expect from tropical paradise- all year round there is heat, the sun shines brightly and a refreshing breeze blows from the ocean. In addition to all this, a huge plus of these islands is practically complete absence storms and tsunamis, which often interfere with the plans of tourists vacationing in Southeast Asia.

Monthly weather in the Maldives

Since the temperature of water and air practically does not change throughout the year, the weather is divided into seasons according to the amount of precipitation. It is customary to distinguish two main seasons - "dry" and "rainy":

average temperature air day and night (°C)

Dry season weather

The "dry" or "high" season, when the northeast monsoon blows, lasts from to. It is characterized by high temperatures air: 29 to 31 degrees during the day and 26 to 29 degrees at night, and water– from +28 to +29°C, as well as a small amount of precipitation – short-term rains go from 2 to 7 times a month. During this period, the weather in the Maldives is cloudy and very sunny - the sun shines from 9 to 10 hours a day.

The highest holiday prices are here on Catholic Christmas and New Year, because so many Europeans want to change the dullness and cold of the house to the sea and the sun in the Maldives.

Average rainfall per month

Rainy season weather

The “rainy” or “low” season, during which the southwest monsoon blows, in the Maldives lasts from to mid-December, that is, almost two-thirds of the year. Temperature air at this time is consistently high - from +29 to +31 degrees during the day and from +25 to +29 degrees at night. April is the hottest month of the year. It rains often - on average, once every two days; as a result, the sky is much more often overcast than in the dry season, and less sun. The more southerly islands have 50% more rain than the more northerly ones, and they can last from a few minutes in the afternoon to several days in a row.

In general, this season can also be considered a tourist season, since the rains are most often short-term rather than prolonged, and the air temperature is even slightly lower than in the high season. Of all the months rainy season the weather is considered to be the best in April, and.

Average rainfall (in mm)

When is the best time to go to the Maldives

To the Maldives better to go in high season, that is, from mid-December to the end of March, since there is little rain at this time, heat fresh air and very sunny.

Any month is suitable for diving, as the water temperature is equally high. However, it seems to be better on the western side of any island, and from December to April on the eastern side. Surfing is best from March to March, as the strongest winds blow at this time.

Average water temperature (°C). You can swim all year round