Megan Fox husband Brian Austin Green on relationship with Megan Fox: "Marriage is not easy." Biography and personal life of Megan Fox

5 May Hollywood actress was a guest on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The conversation, of course, could not help touching the children, because now the actress, along with her husband Brian Austin Green- one and a half year old Noah and. For viewers of the popular American talk show, Fox has prepared a pleasant surprise. As part of the program, Megan showed several photos with her children.

As part of the program, Megan showed several photos with her children.

In addition, the actress spoke about the difficulties she had to face while filming the blockbuster Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: “I got pregnant with Bodhi two weeks after the start of filming for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's an action movie, there's a lot of running and jumping, and women know that the first few months of pregnancy can be tough, so most of the time on set, I had to fight nausea."

By the way, Megan Fox tries as little as possible. In her microblog on Instagram, it is also almost impossible to find photos of children. Megan Fox's colleague in the shop - Olivia Wilde- went even further and for two weeks after the birth of her first child did not let anyone know that.

August 10, 2014, 08:52

What they don’t say about this actress, comparing her with Angelina Jolie - according to external data and excessive frankness to the public, but everyone is united in only one thing: Megan is a sex bomb. And this very sex bomb gave birth to two children and has been faithful to one man for ten years.

Megan, congratulations on the birth of your second child - at 28 you are already a mother twice!

Thank you! I was still very young, but I already dreamed of children. I remember not parting with the doll and taking care of her all the time, pretending to be a mommy. I have never enjoyed my job and career as much as motherhood. You know, my son Noah was only five days old, and I was already worried that he was growing so fast. I cried when he was two weeks old - because I had very little time left to be with him. (laughs) Also, after my babies are born, I hate watching the news. They make me cry. Because all the people that this damn news is talking about are someone's children or mothers.

You look amazing, although you gave birth to babies literally one after another ...

After the first birth, I recovered quite a bit and very quickly lost weight without any effort. But after the birth of her second son, Bodie had to go on a special diet. The main thing in it is to give up not fat, not proteins and proteins, but sweets and flour products. Chl :). It's terribly hard, but Brian and I are both trying to eat right. (Brian Austin Green is an actor, best known for the TV series Beverly Hills 90210. He is 13 years older than Megan, they have been dating since she was 18 and got married in 2010. Green mostly appears in small "guest" "He did not make roles in TV shows and a serious film career. - Approx. ed.) After all, many scientists have proven that this is the healthiest diet - low-calorie. I even learned how to cook at last on this occasion. (Smiling.)

Is it true that you take care of the kids yourself? After all, 12-year-old Cassius, the son of your husband from his ex-girlfriend, still lives with you ...

Yes, I have been raising Cassius with my husband since the age of three. By the way, no one ever bothered to remember this - I mean those journalists who tried to denigrate me in every possible way. Cassius was not very happy when he found out that he would have a brother. He was afraid that he would distract him from his loved ones. computer games. But now everything is fine, and I believe that all three brothers in the future will become real and true friends. Even if sometimes they fight among themselves, as is customary among boys, they will still be bound by love. So, at first, after the birth of Noah, I overestimated my capabilities and did not hire a nanny. Moreover, my husband is an incredibly caring father, he has developed a paternal instinct to the fullest, and he knows how to do everything - both feed and change diapers, and loves to do this. She nurses children like a real mother hen. It was Brian who did most work because I saw how tired I was. In fact, he cooked all the food and patiently waited for me to return from work. A real man! But still, after some time, I realized that if at least one of us does not get enough sleep, then we will either kill each other or get divorced. And took a babysitter for the night. True, after I found out scary story, how one nanny killed her ward kids, immediately fired her. Because of a terrible fear. And she called her mother and sister - I absolutely trust them.

In the new project "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" you were already pregnant with your second child...

Yes, and I found out about it two weeks after the start of filming. But I didn't let anyone down. Although the first trimester did not feel well - she felt sick all the time, weakness, she really wanted to sleep. The entire film crew joined forces to ensure my safety and peace of mind. Still, there is a lot of action in this movie. There was a lot of running and jumping. The producers used to come to my trailer every morning to see how I was feeling, while I ate a myriad of saltine crackers. In February, I gave birth to Bodie and two months later I reappeared on the set - healthy, strong and ready to continue working ... You know, since childhood I adored the turtles from this cartoon. Michelangelo was my favorite. I dreamed of being as cool as journalist April O'Neil, who, along with four ninja turtles, performs all sorts of feats, maybe because I always wanted to be like my sister in my heart - she is 13 years older than me. What's there - I used to make my poor hubby, even when we met, make me watch these cartoons a hundred times. Not to say that Brian was so happy! But I want to disappoint the fans of my "sexuality" - in the role of April, I am dressed all the time. There will be no nudity. After all, my heroine must serve role model for today's young girls. The emphasis on sexuality is what other directors usually forced me to do and what many young actresses in Hollywood are forced to do. By the way, I don’t mind at all, because I’m sure that sex appeal may well be combined with the mind and willpower of a woman. And I look at all these "electoral lists" proclaiming me the main sex symbol on the planet with a great deal of irony. If I hadn't been in an $800 million film, I wouldn't be on these lists at all.

Interestingly, the lead producer of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is Michael Bay, the same famous director of Transformers with whom you had a public high-profile scandal. (In 2010, after the release of the second part of Transformers, Megan gave an interview where she compared Bay with Hitler and Napoleon for his dictatorial, from her point of view, behavior on the set. After that, the executive producer of the film, Steven Spielberg, demanded the immediate dismissal of the actress - thus she , to the dismay of many fans, was replaced by model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in the third Transformers film. - Note ed.)

Yes, we had fights in the past, but I didn't do or say anything behind his back. Everything is open. Michael and I had a feeling of kinship, closeness even then. He and I are similar in many ways. Both - strong personalities, but at the same time not very sophisticated in political correctness. Powerful and at the same time very sensitive nature.

However, your partner in "Transformers" Shia LaBeouf put forward a slightly different version of what happened. He said: “Meghan has the strength and power of a sort of superwoman, which prevented her from working with Michael. Many consider him to be, let's say, a depraved director - based on the way he casts actresses in his films. Megan came out of nowhere and got sexy driving force huge project. It was as if we told the whole world - here's the sexiest woman for you. And Megan was very uncomfortable to carry out the will of the director ... "

Yeah - after the release of the first film, I became the most popular "hot thing" in the world. Some sites or publications even agreed among themselves not to mention the “sex symbol Megan Fox” for at least one day. Madness. So in this sense, Michael Bay has achieved his goal. I think all actors have a sense of insecurity and self-doubt at heart. And it is this feeling that pushes us into show business. Especially women. Unfortunately, almost all of them, no matter for what reason, live with this deeply, deeply planted seed of fear and insecurity. As for sexuality, it seems to me that it is worth using it in order to control fate, your destiny. You know, just as a horse is harnessed to be exploited, so a woman can put sexuality at the service of her goals. No, I'm not what you think. Well, here's an example. If something goes wrong in a conversation with a man, you can manipulate him and make him feel fear - sexual fear. Men usually feel insignificant and small when they are strongly attracted to someone. But this can happen, such manipulation, only if the woman is completely in control of herself and, most importantly, is aware of her attractiveness and her sexual impact on men. I believe that women should not try so hard and make so much effort to please. Allow yourself to be strong and domineering - and men themselves will crawl to your feet in literally the words. They will crawl on all fours. So it's not about the the right purposes use your charms in bed. This is not at all necessary. Personally, I am generally monogamous and believe in monogamy. In my entire life, I have only had two men - school love and my husband Brian, whom I began dating from the age of 18. And I can’t even imagine how it is possible to go to bed with a person you don’t love. One thought makes me sick.

You once said - even after the birth of your first son - that now you will be more careful in choosing roles ...

Certainly. Motherhood is obligatory. I'm already thinking about the time when my sons will go to school and there classmates can show them my photos from the time when I worked as a model, for example. I'm sure my boys will be horrified. It was no coincidence that I gave my eldest son the biblical name Noah (Noah - English version the Old Testament name Noah. - Approx. ed.). It will seem surprising to many that Megan Fox is a believer, but it is. As a child, we always went to church, as a family, and I was brought up with strong religious beliefs. At the age of twenty I had a kind of crisis. But later, when I became a wife and mother, faith returned to me again. The circle is closed.

Will you show the Turtles to the children?

Probably. Although I imposed a ban on watching even cartoons. For example, if I have to take care of my junior, I will never sit the elder in front of the TV so that he does not distract me. On the contrary, I try to involve Noah in communication with my brother, I ask him to help me, I teach him to take care of the baby. When Noah hisses funny, trying to calm Bodie, my heart melts with tenderness. I am categorically against any gadgets - I do not want my children to be fond of them in the future. I will try to make sure that they do without mobile phones at least until 8th grade. And if it were my will, I would not let me near computers. I myself try to approach the computer as little as possible. If it were not for the passion for online shopping, I would not use it at all.

Well, you are a strict mother, you won’t say anything ...

No, I just feel guilty all the time. What if my children do not understand how much I love them? I suffer from the fact that, as it seems to me, I cannot pay much attention to them - to both. Give your all one hundred percent. I don’t want them to be jealous of each other, because their needs are different, and I have to take everything into account. In general, I am a crazy mother and do not hide it. I have changed and will never be the same after the birth of my sons.

Yes Yes! That's it! And I won't let you date girls. And no dancing. This, by the way, is for sure. Until the age of twenty-five. I want them to always be by my side and we all live together. I understand that they will most likely hate me. (Smiles.) Therefore, my most important task is for my sons to always think that I am the coolest, incredible, incomparable mother in the world. Maybe then they will agree to live with me until my last day. (Smiling.)

Just the other day there was news that you and Shia LaBeouf have agreed to participate in the fifth Transformers movie. It's true?

I'm not sure I'll be back. But if all the negotiations go well and Shia also returns, then maybe I will agree. He and I will meet new members of the project, and this can be fun. So far, I know that Shia is also in doubt. He even joked that if we were both involved - me and Rosie - then there could be a love battle, sort of. love triangle. Understand, "Transformers" is a huge powerful machine, and therefore the existence of actors in it is exhausting and incredibly difficult. Studio, producers and director have too big influence and power over what is happening, everything is in their hands, and the actors are just puppets in the maelstrom of this whole colossus. All I know is that Michael Bay has no animosity towards me. He said even then, during the scandal, that my "crazy barbs are part of the crazy charm and charm." And if he hadn’t been pressured, he would definitely have continued to shoot me in the third part of Transformers.

You have often stated your dislike for fame. And your husband is notorious for always getting into fights - physical and legal - with the paparazzi who follow you. Perhaps now, after the birth of children, the determination to protect their personal space has increased?

I guess people just don't get it. They believe that we should be silent and not complain, because we live in big houses and drive expensive cars. But they do not understand that fame and all its costs are the same as at school, when your classmates harass you and harass you. I was personally harassed and persecuted, and this remains the worst memory of the school. And that's part of the reason I left her. So we, the so-called celebrities, are persecuted, by analogy with the school, by millions of "classmates", and on an ongoing basis.

But because of this, you are not going to apply for “resignation”?

It's scary that with age, women in our business lose their value. I understand that I don't have many years left to act. I decided to work no more than once a year, because I can’t imagine how long I can not see my children. But I need to provide for their future - money for education and everything they may need, so I also have no right to afford not to work. Fortunately, the fear for my career fully compensates for my family life. I have happy marriage giving me a sense of security. I know that my husband is a reliable friend and partner. He and I are kindred spirits. And he will always love me, and we will grow old with him, and it doesn’t matter what value we become for the world of cinema and the world in general. The main thing is that we will always appreciate and love each other. I don't know, maybe I believe it because I didn't know anything or anyone else?

Photo of Megan in childhood

Events since 2003

And in an interview she said that there was only one guy (at school) before her husband. This doesn't seem to count.)

And the bloom of beauty

And then came the wax face. Beautiful but...

A recent release, it looks good here, like in the good old days.

I was already happy, but then something happened again

How else will Meghan change?

Let's see it in motion. a lot of gifs)

Celebrity kids are automatically famous before they're even born. First, the conversation revolves around pregnancy, then childbirth, and then as the baby matures. However, the pregnancies and childbirth of the beauty did not quite correspond to such a scenario.

Recall that the age difference between Megan Fox and her husband Brian Austin Green is 13 years. Although the actors have been officially married since 2015, before the wedding they met for six whole years, which is not typical for the world of show business. long relationship did not influence the shelving of the issue of children. But, of course, talk about the heirs began after the wedding.

How many children does Megan Fox have?

Even before the wedding of the actors, some ignorant people spread rumors about their illegitimate child. As it turned out, Megan and Brian made frequent walks together with Green's son from his first marriage. First common child u stars was born in 2012. The boy was named Noah Shannon Green. Megan Fox gave birth to her second child two years later. Again it turned out to be a boy who was given the name Bodie Ransom Green. According to the actress, both pregnancies were unplanned, but very joyful.

I must say that Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green are secretive not only about their relationship, but also about their children. The first pictures of the couple's eldest child were only recently released to the public. BUT younger son the actors don’t even show it, if you don’t take into account the fact that the paparazzi now and then catch celebrities in their arms with a baby. Despite the fact that Megan Fox often walks with her husband and children, it is very difficult for the press to extract even a few words from them and take a few pictures.

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What became known for sure recently is the divorce star couple after eleven years of relationship. Looks like life and caring for children ate all the romance.

Megan Fox - a charming actress who is the sexiest girl in the world. Megan Denise Fox was born on May 16, 1986 in Rockwood (USA). The girl's mother was a housewife, and her father was a parole officer. In addition to Megan, the family also has older sister Christie.

When the girl was 3 years old, her parents divorced. Mom found herself a new husband - Tony Tonachio. The actress herself said that their new dad was very harsh - he forbade bringing friends to the house, as well as meeting guys. Most likely, therefore, the baby in her youth was very nervous and screamed at others.

Actress Megan Fox as a child

At the age of 5, Megan began attending a theater club and then joined the swim team. When the girl turned 13, she began to try herself as a model, and also took part in various talent competitions.

The actress admits that there were constant bullying at school. Many classmates did not like her because she knew how to get along with the opposite sex, and was also not like everyone else. Megan says she often had to eat her lunch in the women's restroom as there was no way in the dining room. Many students did not like her and threw food at Megan.

At the age of 17, the girl had the opportunity to move out of the house and move to Los Angeles.

Actress career

Megan has been acting in films since the age of 15. She could be seen in the movie "Vacations in the Sun", as well as in such series: "Two and a Half Men" and "All the best in you."

In 2004, the actress received a regular role in the TV series Screen Queen.

Megan Fox received huge success and fame thanks to the role of Michaela Baines in the movie "Transformers". After the release of this film, FHM magazine recognized her as the most sexy woman planet, and she also received the Breakthrough of the Year award from MTV. In 2009, the sequel "Transformers. Revenge of the Fallen”, in which Megan had to gain 5 kg.

"Transformers" Megan Fox

In 2011, the film "Children are not a hindrance to sex" was released, and in 2012 she voiced the character Louis Lane in the cartoon "Robot Chicken".

Also a popular film in which Megan starred can be considered Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The first part came out in 2014 and the second in 2016.

Personal life

In 2004, Meghan was in a relationship with Brian Austin Green. They met on the movie "Stars of the Stage". Soon the couple announced their engagement, but in 2009 they had quarrels, and they had to break off the relationship.

However, it is interesting that on June 24, 2010, Meghan secretly married Brian Green in Hawaii. In 2012, the girl gave birth to their first child, Noah Shannon, and in 2013, their son, Bodie Ranson.

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green with children

In 2015, the couple again had quarrels in the family, and they wanted to run away, but the spat did not last long. In 2016 famous actress gave birth to a third child - a son, Journey River.

This American popular film actress became famous after the release of the screens of the world of "Transformers". From childhood, she tried to assert herself in this world. She went in for sports, danced, acted in films. AT school years she faced misunderstanding and even hatred from peers who bullied her. But this girl did not break, but only made stronger. She set a goal that she purposefully achieved.

Now her fate and personal life are of interest to a large number of people. They walk literally on her heels, asking about all the events of her life. But Megan Fox tries to hide all information about her loved ones in order to protect them from the intrusiveness of the paparazzi.

Height, weight, age. How old is Megan Fox

The popular American star has become famous since the cult science fiction movie "Transformers" was released on the screens of the country. Admirers of her talent began to be interested in her height, weight, age. How many years Megan Fox is known for certain, since she never hid it.

Recently, a young woman celebrated her 31st birthday. She has been involved in sports since adolescence and adheres to healthy eating, so the parameters of her figure are currently ideal. With a height of 176 cm, she weighs only 62 kg.

Megan Fox, photos in her youth and now which differ significantly, during recent years gets into various situations. But, despite this, admirers of her talent are waiting for the appearance of a young woman in various film projects.

Biography and personal life of Megan Fox

The biography and personal life of Megan Fox are interesting to many admirers of her talent. She was born in the mid-80s of the last century. Her father, Franklin Fox, looked after those criminals who, by court decision, were released ahead of schedule. Mother - Gloria was engaged in housekeeping. When the girl was 3 years old, her parents broke up. The daughters stayed with their mother. Megan has an older sister, Christy.

Soon a stepfather appeared in their family. He moved his family to Florida. It was this man who had a negative impact on the conceit of his stepdaughters. At the age of 5, the girl begins to participate in dramatic productions and dance. At the age of 7, she begins to try herself in the modeling business.

In school years, the future famous actress was an outcast in the class. She was worried about being overweight. It was at this time that the girl began to play sports. Despite everything, the biography and personal life of Megan Fox, in her own opinion, are developing successfully. Even at school, the girl starred in several film projects, thanks to which her name was among the beginning artists.

At the age of 17, yesterday's student goes to conquer Hollywood. Soon she starred in episodes in the most diverse films.

In 2006, fate smiled at her. She played one of the main roles in the cult science fiction movie "Terminator". After that, the work fell like a cornucopia. The most significant roles were played in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Crossing. But having given birth to three children, our today's heroine is currently thinking about ending her career. In her opinion, the purpose of a woman is to give birth and raise children, which she is going to do in the future.

Family and children Megan Fox

Megan Fox's family and children are now interesting to people who want everything about the artist. After the divorce of the parents, the girl long time did not communicate with her father. Forbidden to do this stepfather, who decided everything in the family. When the girl was 17 years old, she herself found her father. From that moment on, no one interfered with their communication. Now the father of the famous film star is a frequent guest in her family. He enjoys taking care of his grandchildren.

The mother of a young woman endured the antics of her second tyrant husband for a long time. When youngest daughter turns 17, the woman leaves him and moves to Los Angeles. Mom supports her daughters in everything and wishes them only the best.

Sister Megan Fox did not connect her life with the cinema, although she played in one of the movie series.

Currently, the popular world actress is doing everything to make her family and children happy.

Megan Fox's son Noah Shannon Green

The popular Hollywood film star gave birth to her first child in 2012. For a long time all her creative activity wondered who the star of the cult film series "Transformers" gave birth to. During the entire pregnancy, the sex of the baby could not be determined. The kid invariably turned his back and did not let me see his gender. Megan bought dresses in in large numbers. She believed that only a girl could be shy and hide.

The child's name was not released. Only a month later, the woman announced that she had named her son in honor of the biblical Noah.

In 2016, Megan Fox's son Noah Shannon Green took part in the photo shoot of one of the children's clothing magazines. The boy loves to be the center of attention. He takes his first steps in the sport playing baseball.

Megan Fox's son - Bodhi Ranson Green

Unlike their eldest son, popular Hollywood film actors gave their second child a Buddhist name. Bodhi means "enlightened one" in translation.

Megan Fox's son, Bodhi Ranson Green, is like two drops of water similar to his older brother, which is why they are often mistaken for twins. In early 2017, the boy starred in one of the films, which will be released on world screens in early 2018. Parents assure that Bodhi is very artistic, they say that he will become creative. Apart from acting career, the average son of famous Hollywood celestials is very good at drawing and dancing.

Son of Megan Fox - Bodie

Our today's heroine gave birth to her youngest son in mid-2015. For some time, the young woman hid the baby. His name has Irish roots. It means right way. Megan Fox posted a photo on her Instagram page. The boy smiles and looks ahead. In his hands he holds a pink unicorn. Page subscribers immediately noted the incredible resemblance of the baby to his mother.

In 2016, the boy starred in an advertisement for one of the most famous companies producing goods for children. This is not his first appearance in front of the camera. At the age of 3 months, the son of Megan Fox - Body participated in the advertising of diapers.

Megan Fox Husband Brian Austin Green

The popular star began acting at the age of 13. To distinguish him from another artist with the same name, he added the name Austin to Brian. According to his stories, this is a tribute to his Irish roots. The young man became famous after filming the TV series Beverly Hills.

Young people met in 2003 on the set of one of the movie series. Soon they began to live together. After 4 years, celebrities decided to legalize the marriage. The ceremony, which took place in the Hawaiian islands, was attended only by close people.

Now Megan Fox's husband, Brian Austin Green, is incredibly in demand. He starred in several action films, which will soon be released on world screens.

Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery photo

Recently, some funds mass media told what they did plastic surgery Megan Fox, before and after plastic surgery, whose photo served as confirmation. But the artist herself says that in the first picture she was captured at the age of 17, when she experienced problems with being overweight. World movie star says she never used services plastic surgeon. She acquired ideal forms through daily training and adherence to a diet. The woman admits that every day she eats her own diet, which excludes meat products and consists exclusively of vegetables.

Our heroine runs 2-3 km every day, and also works out in the gym. She says that maybe someday she will do plastic surgery, but at a very old age. As long as she doesn't need it.

Photo Megan Fox for Playboy magazine

In 2016, photos of Megan Fox appeared for Playboy magazine. On the pages of the publication, the woman appeared in underwear. She showed her ideal forms, looking at which men admire, and the fair sex is terribly jealous.

On the Instagram page, the girl appeared naked. She appeared in this form to stop the rumors about the correction of the body.

At the beginning of 2017, Maxim magazine posted on its pages candid photos famous film star. She posed for the publication in a swimsuit and naked. In the pictures, Megan Fox looks seductive, from which men literally salivate.

Instagram and Wikipedia Megan Fox

Instagram and Wikipedia Megan Fox contains the most important data about this american star. She doesn't like to use social networks. Only rarely does she herself post pictures of people close to her.

In the summer of 2016, a picture appeared on Instagram in which the sons of the artist appeared in girlish outfits, which caused bewilderment of Internet users. It turned out that in this way parents are trying to teach children to understand the role of women and men in society.

In Contact and Odnoklassniki there are pages of this popular artist, which are maintained Russian amateurs American cinema.