Meteor Shower 13. Perseid meteor shower this weekend. History of the discovery of the Perseids

Starfall is an annual event when the Earth passes through the orbit of Comet Swift-Tuttle, which is part of the constellation Perseus.

What is commonly called a meteor shower is debris from a comet - dust particles ranging in size from a grain of sand to a pea. They burn up when they come into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, leaving behind bright flashes and streaks in the sky.

When and what time can you “lay in wait” for the Perseids?

Starfall can be observed throughout Russia, as well as on east coast USA.

During a meteorite shower, you need to look at the northern part of the sky. Let the North Star be your guide. From it there are two stars in a straight line, to the right towards the constellation Cassiopeia, which is in the shape of the letter “W”. From Cassiopeia down to the first star of Perseus from Cassiopeia - Mirfak.

It is worth noting that in occultism “shooting stars” are associated with making wishes. According to esotericists, observing the flow of meteorites serves as a kind of meditation.

According to astrologers, during the period of starfall, the symbolic properties of Uranus will increase many times over. Revolutionary events and unexpected meetings will occur. Each zodiac sign should prepare for surprises that may happen at this time.

The Perseids are a meteor shower that can be observed in August every year. It is reported that this year the meteor shower will be very colorful and you should not miss the opportunity to admire it.

Where on the planet will the meteor shower be visible?

The reason for this is that the Earth passes through the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle: it enters the constellation Perseus. Astronomers believe that this year the peak of this phenomenon will fall on August 12-13. The best way to observe the starfall is to the north and south of the equator. Most beautiful view This phenomenon is promised to residents of mid-northern latitudes. Thus, the USA, Canada and European countries will have an excellent opportunity to see the starfall in all its glory. In addition, it will be possible to observe this phenomenon from Mexico, Asia, Central America and Africa. Similar phenomena can be observed in the starry sky until August 24. However, the peak of activity will occur on the 12th and 13th.

When is the best time to watch a starfall?

NASA says it's best to start observing after dusk and enjoy the view until dawn. Also this year, the meteor shower coincided with the new moon phase: for this reason, the sky will be very dark, which will allow for a better view of the starfall. Observers will be very lucky, since they will not need telescopes and binoculars to view the phenomenon. It will be enough just to watch the night sky. Of course, outside the city, where there is less light, you will have the opportunity to see everything much more colorful.

Starfall or meteor shower: why do we observe such a phenomenon?

Don't forget that it's not really the stars that will fall from the sky. This name is tied to the meteorite shower. Meteorites themselves are an accumulation of cosmic dust and ice. Approaching the Sun, they heat up, and the ice begins to melt, and once they enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they flare up, which allows us to observe such a wonderful process in the sky.

Astrologers are of the opinion that meteorites carry streams of energy. What this energy is depends on the processes in space, and on which constellations the flight is made through. Therefore, it is likely that the sign of making a wish on a shooting star is not so meaningless. Roughly speaking, they will help us make our dreams come true celestial bodies having their own energy.
Of course, star rain is very interesting phenomenon and many people like to watch him. For this reason, in the coming days, lovers of this kind of thing should not miss the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful view of the starry sky. Such phenomena are of interest not only to astronomers, but also to ordinary people- it is definitely fascinating and impressive. And, of course, don’t forget about romance: it’s very touching to look at shooting stars next to your loved one.

Meteor shower occurs in August every year: recommendations from experts

Residents of Moscow and all of Russia can observe the meteor shower in August 2018 on the night of the 12th to the 13th. This is when the peak period of such a fascinating astronomical phenomenon will occur. It also has its own name. The annual meteor shower, which begins in mid-July and lasts for a month or more, is called the Perseid meteor shower.

Russians will be able to watch the meteor shower from 23:00 until dawn. This year, the new Moon will not have time to appear by the night of August 12-13. Everyone will be able to enjoy such a spectacle to the fullest, without being distracted by the light of the earth’s satellite.

The best time to watch the meteor shower in Moscow is on the night of August 12-13, 2018

Observation conditions in 2018 are conducive to viewing this wonderful phenomenon in the night sky. After all, even the moonlight on the night of August 12-13 will not overshadow all the colorfulness of falling comets. During this period, the new Moon will not yet have time to appear in the sky. Apogee of the Perseids over European countries and in Russia it will happen in the dark.

Astronomers promise that at least one meteorite per minute will be visible tonight. And perhaps even more often. Also, scientists, using the experience of previous years, suggest that Russians in 2018 will be able to witness two additional surges in activity. This can happen at 23:00 and at 5:30 Moscow time.

The Perseids occur as the Earth passes through grains of dust from Comet Swift-Tuttle. This cosmic body moves near the Earth with a frequency of once every 135 years. But with the tail of a comet there is a third planet solar system meets annually.

The most large number falling meteors were recorded 179 years ago. At that time, the Perseid frequency was 160 meteorites per hour. During the current century, similar meteorite activity occurred 3 times. The last one occurred in 2016. The next one is expected in 2028.

You can watch meteor showers in Moscow without special equipment

Anyone planning to observe this most interesting astronomical phenomenon should not worry about preliminary preparation. After all, to view falling meteorites in the night sky from August 12 to 13, 2018, you won’t need any equipment.

It is best to admire the spectacle when small particles come into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere and ignite, leaving behind bright flashes in the sky, from 23:00 until dawn, but true fans of the impressive phenomenon should be patient.

Astronomers say that best time viewing period will be from 03:00 to 04:00. The moonless sky will become ideal place for better Perseid observations.

Some experts advise using Ursa Major, and then Malaya, through the polar star to find the constellation Perseus, which guarantees the determination of the exact location where it will fall greatest number unique and beautiful meteorites. But scientists from NASA simply advise raising your head to the night sky, because you can look in any direction.

The Perseids will be visible everywhere, across the entire surface of the August night sky. But warm clothes and a thermos of tea will not hurt any lover of star space, especially when the process of observation is so fascinating, unique and has a slightly romantic character.

Mysticism and the Perseid meteor shower

Many centuries ago, when society did not understand the meteor shower, its source and the meaning of its appearance, such an astronomical phenomenon caused fear and stunnedness. Some have even linked meteor showers to alien life.

Nowadays, when starfall is a phenomenon completely explainable by science, many still believe that it is possible to make a wish while a star is falling. It must come true, especially this year. After all, astrologers claim that the meteor shower, which coincides with the first lunar day, is an enhanced effect in fulfilling desires.

To increase the chances of turning your plans into reality, it is better to make your wishes without outside presence. To quickly fulfill a dream, you need to think during the fall of the star about all the details of the desire, right down to the timing of its implementation.

Astronomy lovers can expect interesting and unusual cosmic phenomena this winter. On December 13, there will be a meteor shower that can be seen from any continent. Also, in January, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to see two supermoons - the Earth’s satellite will become much closer and brighter.

Scientists recommend that lovers of cosmic and astronomical events put off sleep on the night of December 13 and take a closer look at the sky, as the Earth will pass through the Geminids meteor shower. This phenomenon is one of the most powerful; bright flashes will literally shower the sky. Astronomers consider the December meteor shower to be one of the most significant events, and recommend waiting until midnight to clearly see all the beauty of the starfall. At this time, the Moon will disappear behind the horizon, and its light will not block the starlight. The meteor shower will be strong and bright enough, so you can observe it without special instruments, throughout the night, from anywhere northern hemisphere planets. It is also advisable to travel outside the city, to an area not crowded with street lamps, car headlights, spotlights, etc.

Mid-December is the traditional time for the Geminids. Most often, meteors move at a speed of 35 km/sec, with a frequency of up to 100 fireballs in 60 minutes. The stars do not move towards the Earth, but catch up with it. This direction and low speed allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of the starfall. The flight of meteors can be observed from December 4-6 to December 17-19. The epicenter of the starfall traditionally falls on the 13th day of the first month of winter. It is noteworthy that since the opening of the stream, its activity has increased every year more and more. When astronomers first discovered the Geminids meteor shower, the fall rate did not exceed 15 meteors per hour. Experts are still at a loss to answer what caused this, but they suggest that the abundance of meteors is temporary. Perhaps, by the end of this century, the frequency of meteor falls will decrease again, which is why starfall is attracting such interest and attention of scientists.

In 2011, the Geminids became one of the brightest showers, as about 200 stars could be seen falling within an hour. The Geminids star stream is born from the ejection of small particles by the celestial body Phaethon, which is believed to have been a comet. The phaeton, making a revolution around the Sun, approaches it extremely close distance. Scientists suggest that due to this distance, the former comet lost its icy tail and turned into something between a comet and an asteroid. This celestial body is very young. Studies of small particles have shown that their age does not exceed 1000 years, and the meteor shower itself was discovered at the end of the twentieth century. Since then, the movement of Geminids meteors has been considered the most abundant, surpassing the traditional August Perseid meteor shower.

Another exciting one cosmic phenomenon happened on the night of December 4th. The Moon has reduced its distance from the Earth to 357,492 kilometers, making it 30% brighter and 14% brighter than usual. Netizens from all over the world share photos on social networks and never cease to describe their impressions of what they saw in the comments. The so-called supermoon delighted residents of the Philippines, China, Myanmar and Russia. The American TV channel ABS News published a video in accelerated mode of the supermoon, which was observed in the state of Rhode Island.

NASA experts report that the supermoon is very significant phenomenon in the field of astronomy. At this time, New Zealanders could observe both the Sun and the Moon in the sky at the same time. Until December 6, residents of Kazakhstan, the eastern part of Russia and the northern part of Canada have the same opportunity. In addition to the fact that the supermoon looks larger than usual, its color becomes bright orange and it may seem to a person that it is very easy to reach the satellite with his hand. This is the main difference between a supermoon and a full moon.

For those who missed this astronomical phenomenon, experts are in a hurry to report good news. In January, the inhabitants of the Earth will have this opportunity two more times. IN this period The Moon moves along an elliptical axis, so at a certain period its distance from the Earth will decrease again. On January 3 and 31, the supermoon will repeat, but the satellite itself will take on a rather unusual appearance. At the beginning of January, its color will become cold blue, at the end of the month the shade will be more saturated; in astronomy this is called the “blue blood of the Moon.” The changes are due to the fact that due to the approach to our planet, it will be more clearly reflected in the Moon. On the night of January 31, the Earth, Moon and Sun will line up in one trajectory, so the inhabitants of our planet will be able to observe a lunar eclipse.

It is known that the Moon has a certain effect on human health and well-being. Therefore, the fact that the Earth’s satellite will be as close as possible cannot but cause concern. According to expert research, people who are weather sensitive and suffer from sleepwalking should exercise maximum caution. It’s better not to drive, not to make important decisions, and to postpone long night trips. Experts also advise not to take valuables and large sums of money with you, as during this period people become more absent-minded. But not only people are influenced by the Moon. Scientists have noticed strange behavior of animals during the supermoon. Domestic animals neglect food and mostly sleep, and wild animals become more aggressive.

The Perseid meteor shower is expected this weekend. It will peak on Saturday and Sunday (August 11 and 12, 2018). This means it’s time to raise your eyes to the sky and watch hundreds of shooting stars in the night sky. And you don't need any special one good review to see this “starfall”.

This always happens in August: you just need to go outside, lie on your back and look up. Bill Cook, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environments office at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, said, "You don't need binoculars and you don't need a telescope to see a meteor shower."

  • City lights interfere with the meteor shower. The star shower is best seen from a dark area.
  • Give your eyes about 30 minutes to adjust to the dark sky. Don't expect to walk outside and immediately see the Perseids.
  • The best time to see the Perseids is 2 am (local time), when the constellation Perseus is high in the sky.

This year the spectacle will be especially stunning, in part because the moon will be a thin crescent and will be in its waxing phase, leaving the dark night sky open for stargazing. In past years there haven't been as many shooting stars visible (although 2016 saw approximately 200 visible meteors per hour), this weekend there will be more visible than on a normal night, and that's with only 60 to 70 meteors per hour (literally a handful of meteorites).

For a long time, earthlings have treated the dazzling meteor shower with special trepidation. Shooting stars were called Perseids because their flying flashes come as if from the direction of the constellation Perseus. What causes the Perseids? It's all due to the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle. The comet itself completes its 133-year journey around the sun, but leaves a trail of rocky sand.

Every summer, the Earth makes its way along this thick trail (this year it entered the trail on July 17, and will leave it on August 24), allowing the comet debris to burn up in the atmosphere of our planet. As space rocks burn, they create a bright streak of light known as meteors or shooting stars, fire rain or shooting stars.

This weekend our planet will be passing through the densest and dustiest part of the trail. While the Perseid meteor shower begins its real show, starburst activity will occur on the night of August 12-13.

Meteor showers are more visible from the northern hemisphere and some mid-southern latitudes. Photographers planning to capture the night sky with the Perseids should mount their camera on a tripod and shoot with long exposures lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a minute. But not longer, otherwise the rotation of the stars may block the streaks of the stars' shots.