Youth competitions for graduation. Contests, games and entertainment at the prom

I propose to arrange for the evening of Fanta graduates -

once again gathered!

Don't be afraid - these will be just fantasia questions.

The task for them is simply to answer the question,

which the former graduate himself will pull out of the magic)))

As is usually the case when meeting people, for a long time not seen?

Hello, how are you, well, come on, tell me!

And what to tell - you can’t think of it right away.

But when you announce that we will now play forfeits, and maybe someone will have to go to the blackboard again, and explain to someone why he came to school without a diary, then the tension will instantly be relieved. If it doesn’t come off, then it will switch to fantasies.

You can scare your own a little first former classmates scary tasks, and then announce that it was a joke. The tasks are actually easy - answers to common questions about yourself.

I think the people will breathe a sigh of relief and, without much persuasion, will stretch their hand into the bag for their phantom.

In fact, although the questions are easy, at first they will put someone to a standstill. But they will give a reason to think about your life, if there was no time before.

And these notes with tasks will give one plus - they will streamline the conversations a little. Often at first everyone is silent, shy, then the stories of some cannot be stopped. Here you will have to stop under an honest pretext that it is time for a friend to pull his phantom. So,

Evening of graduates, fantas -

what questions to write?

I came up with texts for you here and there with tips - to make it more fun, and you decide for yourself what you choose from mine. But I advise you to read the entire assignment aloud.

  1. What was interesting in your life over the past 5 years - did you raise something (someone), where was it, what did you see, went somewhere, got into something, arranged a cool adventure, got into an adventure?
  2. Your marital status or state:
  • married, married
  • in search of sluggish, in search of active
  • I'm waiting for the prince (queen)
  • not yet pissed off
  • disappointed, going to the monastery
  • you get married here when only crocodiles swim around (you get married here if some monkeys are clever nearby)
  • in love and therefore happy?
  1. Where you work and what do you do? Or are you studying? Or are you idle? (This is what I asked a friend the other day, try asking you too - E.Sh.)
  2. What is your current goal in life - what to achieve, where to come, to somehow change yourself? Or - I’m already feeling good, too lazy to move, a bummer to go somewhere, but I don’t worry too much, and I won’t change myself - take it as it is?
  3. What is the most important thing for you - in the last year, week, in this minute? To have time somewhere, to make peace with someone, to apologize to someone, to break free (family, financial, personal), slow down and rethink life, finally answer this stupid question (and who only composed it ?!) ?
  4. What do you dream about - to get rich, to discover America, to invent a bicycle, to create an alternative to Yandex, to escape to a desert island?
  5. What did the smart man understand over the years - we need to move, we are well fed here, hurry up slowly, they still won’t catch up?
  6. Where do you live - a country, a city, a village, a mansion, an apartment, a hut, a roof of a house, with the world on your shoulders?
  7. In which in social networks you exist, and what is your nickname there:
  • your real name and surname
  • Mother's Maiden Name
  • surname of the future husband, obtained (Rockefeller, Gates, Clooney, Nicholson, Safin, Prince Harry (no surname)))
  • or wife (Hilton, Ambani, Semenovich)?
  1. What have you radically changed in your life? last years- work, profession, home, family, point of view (for what?), skates for sleds, socks for lard, euros for tugriks?
  2. Your secret thoughts now:
  • they would soon finish judging, but serve refreshments
  • let me go to the Himalayas, otherwise I ...
  • give me some water
  • How wonderful that we are all here...?
  1. What is your most vivid memory of school years- kicked out of the class, won an argument with the teacher, won the school olympiad, director caught with a cigarette, the arrival of a new boy (girl) in the class, fell in love with a teacher (teacher)?
  2. Tell me, with whom did you sit at the desk in the senior class and where is this person now, what do you know about his current life?
  3. What stupid things did you do during the years after high school, and what came of it? Corrected. or is that good? Do you need help?
  4. When you went (walked) to this meeting, what did you think about, what was expected? Reality disappointed or exceeded your expectations?

My courage, guys, was only enough for 15 forfeits on the topic - I don’t want to mix everything to the heap. If more classmates come to the meeting, which I wish you, then think of the rest of the questions and tasks yourself. Or run the bag around the 2nd circle.

Or, if not classmates gathered, but graduates familiar to each other, the bag with these notes will again go with a bang.

In a word, make a boring meeting former students you will NOT succeed - I did not leave you a chance)))

So use the forfeits that I wrote to you for the evening of graduates, and you will have one less problem. And already published - use them too.

Wishing you good impressions from meeting your classmates,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Graduation party is a joyful and sad event in everyone's life. Students want to start a new adult life, teachers say goodbye to students who have been devoted to more than one year, parents realize that children have grown up. In each school, the prom celebration has its own established traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains within the walls of their native school, but in both cases, each participant wants to remember these moments.

On the shoulders of the organizers (teachers, parents or the students themselves) lies the difficult task of preparing the holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and is enjoyed by several age categories. The right games will help you with this. interesting contests for graduation party.

Entertainment can be organized in one theme or be competitive program. Games can be team and individual, with a random selection of participants or made based on the wishes of the audience. It is better to involve everyone - parents, students, teachers.

Fun contests, interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion 2017".
  • "Chupa Chups".
  • "The Hard Way"
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Clap-Top".
  • "Ciphers".
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks the girls from the audience to prepare a little for the competition - to tint their lips (preferably with their own lipstick). To each young man give out a sheet of paper and offer for short term(30 seconds) Collect as many “kisses” as possible from beautiful classmates. The winner is the one who collects the most, and he is proclaimed "The most charming and attractive graduate."

Competition for girls

Several participants (3–5) are selected and invited to pick up accessories for a fashion show in the hall in a few minutes. But the names of these items must begin with a certain letter and not be repeated. For example, on "C": napkin, bag, glass and others. After the participants defile, trying to profitably present the extracted accessories. The audience decides the winner.

Cool competition to cheer up

young people. Materials - candies on a stick according to the number of participants.

To begin with, the boys with one candy in their mouth say the phrase: "I am a graduate." Further, the number of sweets is increased to three and offered to say: “I am a graduate high school No....". Each time there are more and more lollipops in the mouth, and the text is getting longer. If the participant does not cope with the task, he leaves. The winner is the graduate who managed to say the longest phrase with a lot of sweets in his mouth (but there must be at least 6 lollipops).

Game options:

It's fun to end the holiday with such a competition. The host asks all the young people to come up to him and quietly tells them the rules:

The boys begin to complete the task, and the girls are invited to the leader, they are given a slightly different briefing, they must:

  • walk like the boys;
  • follow them all the time;
  • answer the question "no".

After the locomotive starts moving, the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- NO-E-ET!
- Why do you follow them?

General competitions for parents, teachers and alumni

Graduation contest with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment, similar to the famous game "Rock, Paper, Scissors", but with elements of the theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to memorize characters and actions (which can be thought of together). Let's say these characters are:

  • Student (sings the song “la-la-la”, pretends that he doesn’t care, but is afraid of the strict Teacher).
  • Teacher (shakes a finger, swears, but is afraid of the Parent).
  • Parent (displeased, closes eyes, afraid of the Student).

Teams play against each other and put up one of their "fighters". Those show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets a point. The game goes to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then a draw.

  • This
    The game is interesting because there is an opportunity to take a fresh look at others, for example, for graduates - for teachers, and for parents - for children. Everyone writes on a piece of paper some interesting fact about yourself, preferably unknown and honest (“I love raw carrots,” “I dream of becoming a veterinarian,” or “I thought I was a fish as a child”). Leaves are folded into a common pile, mixed and taken one at a time. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • An active game for everyone. The leader constantly changes and stands in the center, and all players are in a common circle. The driver offers to “swap places for those who have ...” (any sign that unites several people is chosen). The goal is to take a place in the circle while others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then a “whirlpool” is announced and everything changes chaotically, naturally, one cannot remain in place if the conditions of the leader are met.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but more relaxed. Participants sit in a circle, and the leader stands in the center. His task is to get a place in the circle. A person inside the circle must tell some fact, choose any sign so that any other participant can attribute it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new leader appears. This game is interesting if it affects not only banal things, like appearance, but deeper ones. By the way, phrases should begin with the words “The sun shines for those who ...” (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, cannot stand the smell of tobacco, etc.).
  • Can divide participants into several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts their hands on the neighbor’s shoulders, lining up like a snake, and then they “get entangled” in a ball or a big monster. The host comes up with tasks for the beast (or several): run to the goal, "eat" someone and others.
  • This entertainment must be prepared in advance. Lead or classroom teacher collects children's photographs of students (preferably several, for example, under the age of one, at three and five years old). You can present everything as a wall newspaper or postcards, or transfer it to the projector screen. The task of graduates is to guess who is in the photo, to find similarities and differences with today. You can also use photos of teachers and parents.
  • Another version of the game for graduation at school. Participants are divided into teams (divided into classes, play against teachers or parents, girls against boys, etc.). The host offers to pull out 5 cards with words from the envelope (without repetitions or, conversely, the same sets for commands). The task of the players is to create the motto of the evening (prom or class) using all the words, adding only prepositions, changing only cases and numbers.
  • Materials - lollipops and sticks for sushi. Participants are invited to quickly transfer lollipops from one dish to another, using only chopsticks. You can complicate the competition by blindfolding the players.

  • The purpose of the contest is to translate a phrase from Russian into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning, replacing words with synonyms without repetition and prompts. Let's say, "A boy of 6 years old was sitting in a chair" changes to "A male child sat in a soft version of the chair preschool age almost a first grader. This competition is best held between teams or individual students, counting with successful option points, or giving limited time. The text is thought out in the theme of graduation, for example: "In the life of every person there should be a night that he will remember forever."
  • The competition is especially for teachers, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The leader, together with the students, writes cards with a description of a person, some kind of characteristic feature or act out a skit so that the teacher can recognize himself. It is better not to use the names and titles of subjects taught by teachers in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (portraits or cartoons can be used) is given to the teacher who was chosen.
  • Before the start of the competition, topics (nature, animals, etc.) are thought up, written on pieces of paper and put into an envelope. The participant gets a topic, and his task is to come up with a story on the go in such a way that it matches the topic, and each word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris Always Walked During the Day, Ela Ezhikov, Lived Wonderfully And Loved To Meow Beautifully. The winner is the one who reaches the farthest letter of the alphabet.

You can spend an unforgettable graduation with your own efforts, it is not necessary to invite a professional presenter, because an active and resourceful parent, teacher or even student knows the audience better and will always find a way out of difficult situation. The main thing is to think correctly and in advance entertainment program, pick up interesting contests and games that can be easily replaced and alternated depending on the mood of the public.

Graduation music competition - video

Be sure to prepare small prizes and souvenirs for all guests. They can be playful, edible - any, but this is necessary, because it is much more pleasant to receive something as a gift for your participation. It is advisable to get by with minimal props and short games interspersed with dances. The options proposed above will help you create an interesting graduation without much effort and expense.

Farewell evening with educational institution should be a bright and memorable event. And fun games and graduation contests will help to achieve a noble goal. These original ideas will involve all the participants in the celebration and give them a great mood!

Capitals of the world

This competition will allow you to check who knows the capitals of the world better, parents or their children. So, teams of parents and graduates are formed. The host calls the capital, whoever raises his hand first, he answers - he names the corresponding country. Whose team will have more correct answers, that team is the winner.

Puzzle the class teacher

For this competition, the host must communicate with the children and draw up short description about each of them, for example: he is modest, strong in mathematics, plays the guitar and loves sports, or she is beautiful, but does not really like to study, draws wonderfully and sings wonderfully. And the class teacher, according to such proposals, must guess which of her students and pupils are being discussed.

Best Waltz

In this competition, couples will dance the waltz. Who will have the most beautiful and best dance, that couple will receive a prize. But, there is one “but”, you need to dance the waltz, standing with your backs to each other.

King and queen

This competition consists in the fact that in the hall throughout the evening there is a secret ballot box, next to which there are leaves and pens. Each of the guests of the evening, taking into account the activity, energy, artistry, cheerful character, playfulness, enthusiasm, beauty, extravagance and other qualities, must decide for whom he will cast his vote, who is worthy of the title of King and Queen of the ball. At the end of the celebration, the votes are counted and the King and Queen are announced, who can be awarded with homemade crowns (similar crowns can also be bought in the store).

The last bell rings

Boys and girls participate in pairs. If the age of the children does not allow the boys to take the girls on their shoulders, they hold hands, and the older children form a couple like this - the boy takes the girl on one shoulder or on the shoulders, whichever is more convenient for you. They are given a bell (bell). The task of each pair is to overcome a certain distance as quickly as possible, while giving the loudest last call.

Parents vs Children

A team of parents and a team of children are formed. The leader turns on the music in turn, for example, the dance of little ducklings, lambada, macarena, and so on. Who will show themselves best in the dance - children or parents - they are the winners.

My favorite teacher

Everyone in turn is invited to the center of the hall and shows with gestures and facial expressions of his beloved teacher. It will be very interesting to everyone how well the children know their teachers and their character traits. The rest of the children and guests must guess who the participant is showing. The most artistic award "Oscar".

Former students, and now - already graduates of the school. A pretty first-grader swam proudly on the young man's shoulder, shaking an old bell with a huge red bow with all her might. One of the most important phases has come to an end human life… Almost finished! After all, graduation is still ahead! How to build this evening in such a way that it becomes fun and incendiary, original and memorable?

Like in a magazine

To hold such a competition, you must first determine for each class a place where you will need to line up, then blindfold all graduates. It will be necessary to build in the order in which the names were recorded in the class magazine - for sure all the guys remembered this order over the years of study! And, what is also important, it is impossible to talk and ask each other about anything.

After the signal, the turmoil begins, because it is rather difficult to recognize each other by touch, and there is a possibility to simply mix up the class! The team that completes the task the fastest and with the fewest mistakes wins.

Guess who's in the photo

Some prom pageants will require pre-training. For example, those for which you need to warn the parents of the children or teachers in advance so that they bring their photographs, where they are depicted in childhood or adolescence.

  1. If you collect old photographs a few days before the evening, sign them with a pencil at the back, where no one can see the names, then they will need to be hung on stands with clean slate for "guesses". You should sign not only the alleged surname of the parents, but also the one who writes down the answer. When summarizing the results, a winner is chosen who correctly guessed the people depicted in the photo.
  2. The same scenario can be followed by collecting photographs of the graduates themselves, where they are captured in infancy.
  3. You can also scan a photo in advance so that you can project the images on a screen later. This is a very entertaining and fun activity!

The competitions for graduation, held in the form of a relay race, are also interesting.

Relay "Collect a portfolio"

For this relay you will need chairs with school supplies and briefcases. The number of accessories should be equal on each chair. Teams (for example, graduates of class "A" and "beshki") line up at some distance from the chairs. On a signal, the team members standing first in the ranks must run to the chair and put one of the objects lying on it into the briefcase. Then he must return to the line, stand at its end, and the next team member will start. The participant who stood last in the ranks, after putting the last of the objects lying on the chair into the school bag, takes out the assembled portfolio to the jury. I wonder whose team will be more agile?

The humor in this competition may be in what kind of items the organizers of the holiday will prepare as school supplies and how things like ice skates or a toy dump truck, a bag of cakes, and a long “crib sheet” that must first be folded neatly can be stuffed into a bag also causes deafening laughter from both participants and spectators.

It is impossible to ignore the graduation contests, which involve the choice of participants by the graduates themselves, the determination by voting of Miss Prom Night and Mister Celebrity of the School. Voting can be carried out anonymously, everyone must drop a note with the name of the contender for the title in a special box. By counting votes, Miss and Mister are selected, they are offered to dance a farewell school waltz and are awarded prizes.

Also, the scriptwriter of this holiday should not forget to include games on prom. It could be humorous football in which the players race balloon, basketball, where the role of the ball is played by a crumpled newspaper, and the basket is a real wastebasket attached to the wall. Is it possible to think of others fun games! The main thing when writing a script is passion, love for graduates and a little creativity. Then even the most ordinary graduation contests can be arranged and beaten in such a way that laughter and fun will not subside until the morning.

We offer several games that are suitable for prom at school or university. If you have a short script for graduation, you can supplement it with games.

Prom Games

Poetry competition "Antiburime"

Cards are being prepared for the game. On half of them they write romantic words (love, kiss, passion, lips, roses, pleasure, etc.), on the rest - the most prosaic and everyday (washing, motor oil, nail, etc.) or on school topics . The cards are stacked text down in two piles, in one - ordinary words, in the other - romantic. Representatives of the teams pull out one card from different piles and compose a love poem using the words from both cards.

Leading: Winner's reward ceremony. The winning team got an unusual prize - they will be able to find out their future right now.

(Another element of the decoration of the hall is a bunch of thirty balls, which all this time should be out of reach of guests, for example, at the DJ console. Predictions for the future are placed in each of the balls. You will find the texts of predictions at the end of this scenario).

Each of you will now receive a magical divination ball, inside it there is a note with predictions.

(Members of the winning team take apart the balloons, pop them and read their prediction notes aloud).

Dance program 30 minutes.

Summing up the game "Oh, lucky." Presentation of the main super prize.

Leading announces the last dance.


Background music sounds, all graduates become a semicircle or in each class in their own circle, the guys are given a box of matches - while the match is burning, everyone says goodbye to classmates everything they want.

Leading: The world is a mirror that returns to each his own image. You frown - and he looks sour, you hit - and they hit you, smile with him and him - and he will become your cheerful and sweet comrade. May the smile and friendliness always be with you! Good luck, graduates of the year!!!