Man and woman. Relationships, or how we position ourselves…. Positioning yourself as a valuable specialist


POSITION -ruyu, -ruesh; St. and nsv. Book

1. What. Determine - determine the place of a new product among existing ones. P. car on the market. // To place - to place, to place - to place somewhere. P. goods on display.

2. someone or something Define - determine general principles, views; establish - establish the position of someone, something. (relative to others). P. his party as a centrist. // Describe smb. way. P. himself as a democrat. The creators are positioning their film as a Christmas fairy tale. To position oneself, -rutsya; suffering Positioning, -i; Wed

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    position- I’m ruining, I’m ruining; St. and nsv.; book see also position, positioning 1) a) what Determine the place of a new product among existing ones. Position the car on the market. b) from... Dictionary of many expressions

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What is Positioning? The meaning of the word “Positioning” in popular dictionaries and encyclopedias, examples of the use of the term in everyday life.

Meaning of "Positioning" in dictionaries

Positioning – Sociological Dictionary

Positioning – Economic dictionary

Positioning – Psychological Encyclopedia

- a concept introduced by Smith to distinguish between “personality” as an individual active entity and a “subject”. By subject he understands “a series or conglomerate of positions, temporary, inalienable positions of the subject, instantly generating discourses and worlds in which these discourses exist (see discourse). Speaking and acting from a certain position, people are placed in the specific situation of their life as a subjective being, which is a history of multiplicity of positions and involvement in various shapes discourses. R. Harre L. Langenhove propose to consider positioning as an alternative to the role approach, which describes behavior as regulated by the subject’s role perceptions. The idea of ​​positioning is introduced to emphasize the active nature of human interaction with the world. A person does not simply follow the role ideas formed in the culture, but positions himself, i.e. forms his attitude to what is happening and, accordingly, determines the strategy of behavior. In progress interpersonal interaction interactive positioning is implemented, in which participants determine their positions to each other, as well as reflexive positioning, in which a position is determined for themselves. This self-determination and determination of the position of another is determined by both situational factors and personal characteristics, finally, the specifics of the activity in which the interacting parties are involved. The interacting parties do not necessarily operate with global goals of existence, positioning them to each other. In interaction, learned schemes of a ritual nature can be implemented without carrying any additional load. But even in such ritual interaction there is an initial determination of one’s own position in relation to what is happening.

One wise man said: “We occupy the place in life that we choose for ourselves.” And I also really like the expression “You cannot find yourself, you can only create yourself.” It is from these two mature thoughts that I would like to start in our conversation today about personal positioning, since reputation, career and personal growth originate from internal certainty and awareness. Will this positioning be expressed in steps? career ladder or in other categories you measure, it is a matter of expanding your capabilities. But I have no doubt that it will be you who will create these opportunities!

How to develop further? Your way to the next level!

I have met many different secretaries and assistants. Each of them had different statuses and roles. And all these statuses and roles were their choice.

Why does someone work as an assistant and secretary and perceive themselves and are perceived by colleagues as a high-status person in the company, while someone sees themselves (and accordingly is also perceived) as one of the “smallest” people in the company. Despite the fact that the reception room is the center of events, and here you can play an important and visible role! Would you say it depends on the company? Nothing of the kind! It just depends on the person. From what he strives for and how much he realizes himself. It is for successful self-realization that self-positioning is needed. What is this?

Personal positioning – it is an awareness of who you are, what you stand for in your life, and what you want to achieve.

I worked with fairly high-status people, but I never felt small next to such individuals. Probably because they always treated me with respect and appreciated my efforts. Why did this happen? The answer is simple. It’s all about my internal positioning, that is, the key is in realizing the value that you represent and convey to people, as well as the responsibility that you are ready to bear for your actions. As for me, I always knew what I was worth and how I could give my best. Therefore, if you are not ready to act and really help people in the company, to calculate all the steps in advance, if you are lacking initiative and are only ready to work according to orders, then we are not talking about any positioning here.

Think about who you are as a person. What strengths and skills do you have? It is clear that knowledge and skills develop with age and experience, but even a young employee has many advantages. If you understand and are aware of them, treat them as your value, then this will definitely be passed on to others in one way or another.


Do not leave the assessment of your importance to someone else's judgment! Understand your strengths, use them in your work, give people a chance to see you with the best side, and then you will be appreciated!

Positioning Strategies and Tactics


What to do if you are not confident in yourself, and therefore do not clearly position yourself? I will offer you an effective growth algorithm in this matter.

Firstly, stop fighting for your external importance and transform the energy of experience into the energy of action.

Just start acting without straining or insisting.. You will find that you have started for real. decide(not just promote solution) first small, and then more significant tasks and problems, and the first successes will begin to support you and create for you reputation.

Secondly, determine Do you enjoy thinking about a goal as if it had already been achieved? . Do you enjoy coordinating, communicating, getting information to people, helping them navigate and achieve their goals? You should understand the value of your place work and what concrete benefits you can bring to people! If you want others to appreciate it, first evaluate yourself, do not devalue your work and place.

If you don’t feel the value of your place of work, then there’s no need to suffer. So this is not your place. Surely there is a person who will be happy to be in your place.

Thirdly, a reputation can and should be painstakingly created and built! It is not created once or twice, is not issued as a medal and is not automatically attached to a workplace or position (even to very status ones). Do you have your professional principles? Try to sit down and formulate them for yourself (preferably in writing). If it doesn’t work out or it turns out little and is boring, try searching professional literature, go to a seminar or training. Charge yourself with information and the right attitude. Be creative!

For example, I was lucky to meet unique girls along the way who considered the position of an assistant as a position of a project manager. It was from them that I learned to position myself as a professional, an expert in my field and to treat the position of an assistant manager from the point of view of a project manager who organizes and controls processes for efficient work leader, that is, manages them. Yes, he acts in a helping role, but he organizes his work process as a project - a professional assistance project key people the company, as well as the team as a whole. Don't underestimate your position and yourself.

Every person has something that they do best and also do better than everyone else. Become an expert in this, position yourself this way among your colleagues! Even a novice secretary can do it for enough short term gain a reputation as an expert in a certain subject (for example, fast and optimal Internet searches necessary information; the ability to tastefully order flowers for congratulations, etc.), and a more advanced secretary is able to prove himself in his work as a mature organizer, communications specialist, and professional mediator between senior management and line employees. Ask yourself – how are you positioning yourself? How would you like to be perceived by your employees and management? (I suggest thinking about your true function, your professional competencies above all, regardless of your job title and role).

Fourthly, be observant and attentive . In my opinion, 80% of the assistant's success is ability to understand people and situations. But in order to develop this skill, you need to be an observant person, be able to listen and hear, and be not indifferent to the people and affairs around you.

Fifthly, in the work of an assistant, nuances and details matter . It’s just that this is such a “politically important” place, I would say!

You need to understand that sometimes a lot can depend on a word, a look, quality information, tact and accuracy. You may not attach importance to this, but people can “read” information from you and draw their own conclusions, project your attitude towards the matter onto your manager or onto the affairs of the company as a whole. The rule of mirroring life and relationships always works. If you are serious and careful about the work you do, then every now and then people will begin to treat you seriously and carefully.

Sixth, no one overcomes long haul one step . With a goal ahead, it is logical to move in small steps, in accordance with the changing landscape. Solid and reliable reputation (in any place, especially in the place of a person close to himself) important person in a company) is a long way.

Firstly, this is the internal growth of your professionalism - the ability to apply knowledge in practice and do your job like no one else. Secondly, it is the ability to focus on what is most important.

Remember: what you focus on is what you succeed in, because you put energy and strength into it. Everything that outside the focus of your attention remains outside your awareness. Therefore, it would be good to outline for yourself the whole range of matters, which would form the basis of the reputation that you are building. And gradually expand this circle, increasing your capabilities and increasing your value.

Seventh, if you allow yourself to have, you will get what you want. . In other words, we can't get it from outside moreover what we have inside.

It is inside that you need to create that image of work, that desire for a goal that will shine for you as your guiding star. Such powerful anchors will support you every day and in difficult moments.

Know that there will still be difficult moments. Without them, growth is impossible. What matters is your approach and your personal philosophy.

For example, I have always accepted the fact that difficult moments and tasks are given not so that I doubt myself, but so that I finally turn on my head and expand my area of ​​​​action. I have always perceived such situations as a “psychological stretch.” Yes, it’s uncomfortable, but growth doesn’t happen any other way. Therefore, interpret events correctly and build on them. As they say: “Were you pushed into the abyss? It's time to spread your wings!"

Tactical steps

I will describe specific tactical steps that have been tested in practice by many. But don’t take my word for it, it’s better to check it with your own experience!

1. Don't worry about your weaknesses, instead build on your strengths as much as possible. Exactly yours strong qualities will ensure your success.

2. Work for the people and for the people, that is Provide value first.

Make sure your accomplishments are relevant to your manager, not just you.

3. Identify two or three tasks that your boss dislikes and ask him to complete them for him.

I remember this situation early in my assistant career. I volunteered to organize and put all the boss’s accumulated business cards into large business card holders. First, of course, I asked permission to take all these things from his table. He shook his head. It was probably easier for him to use them that way. Perhaps he himself wanted to arrange them in his own way. I think it's more likely the latter. But he was sorely short of time for this. Still this painstaking work– sort out more than five hundred business cards. Six months passed, and even more business cards accumulated. One day, when he left for another business trip, I realized that it was time to take on this work.

I sorted the business cards by projects and areas of activity and put them in a huge business card folder. I’ll never forget the day he came up to me with another full desk basket of business cards (where he came from once again tried to find the right one) and still instructed to resolve the sorting issue. I said that the job had already been done and showed him the complete “collected works.” He was very pleased. It is clear that I was even happier.

I was able to draw two important conclusions from this situation. Firstly, my intuition did not let me down. I didn’t just “find a task for myself,” but I felt the moment when it was possible and necessary to do it. Secondly, I made up my mind: I took it and did it! Still, deeds are valued, not intentions, and real benefits, of course.

4. Achieve results beyond what is expected from the job.

5. Do your job as if you had already received a promotion. Work, act and dress at the same level as your boss. That is, do everything to the highest standard.

If you feel like a small fry, then you will do everything small, and if your internal bar is high, then this will be evidenced by the quality of your work, your appearance, manner of behavior. Set the bar for yourself and appreciate the people who set the bar for you!

6. Lead personal diary of your achievements.

Every week, spend five minutes writing down the most important results you achieved that week. Learn to appreciate your achievements. Small and big. This is not just narcissism: it is an important process of internal self-support.

7. Write down all your suggestions and ideas for increasing productivity, improving business processes that you have discovered and/or implemented. Appreciate these thoughts and ideas. If you value your ideas, then those around you will too.

8. Know how to create atmosphere. What vibes are you spreading around you?

I remember a situation at one of my previous places of work. I came to workplace assistant and during the first month I constantly listened to stories about how harshly my predecessor treated everyone who entered the reception area. According to her colleagues, her petty power, which mainly concerned the submission of documents for signature, was important to her, and she had it in full! The atmosphere of coldness and misunderstanding was alien to me, I treated business and people differently, so a month later a completely different atmosphere reigned in the reception room. I supported the rules not through a militant “roar” and a menacing appearance, but by clearly delineating boundaries and appealing to the professionalism of employees.

9. Do things consciously! Write three phrases on a piece of paper, starting with "I want", draw a line and also write three times "I have to." Think about how the first phrases differ from the second and how “should” could be transformed into “want” (try to expand the boundaries of understanding the question, its essence, or simplify the question, that is, make the status of the matter that worried you acceptable).

Self-regulation skills are important in any business. Whether we regulate the level of our tension or the focus from which we consider the issue makes no difference. The main thing is that we are aware of what and why we are doing. To do anything well, the main thing is to understand “WHY”.

10. Find mentors, appreciate your mentors, be useful to your mentors.

Mentors are not only those who are directly involved in your training (such people may not exist in the company). These are the people who set the bar for your growth and demand a certain quality and level of performance from you. Even if at first it is difficult and uncomfortable for you with such people, then you will be very grateful to them, since they have become TEACHERS in your life!

Personal self-positioning resources

Every business requires resources. All the more important are resources for such an essential matter as self-positioning. What are the resources for personal positioning?

  • Pride in the company you work for (you should like the place/brand/people/atmosphere in the company, etc.).
  • High self-esteem: If you have already been considered worthy of being an employee of a company, then further increasing your value is a manifestation of your best qualities. At this moment, you need not to think about your shortcomings, but to show all your advantages as much as possible.
  • Take healthy criticism constructively, not with your heart, but with your head, trying to immediately find ways to eliminate the problem, and let minor quibbles fall on deaf ears. Believe in yourself, not what others say about themselves.
  • Agreement and acceptance of the ideology and principles of doing business, in other words, you do not have to step over yourself and sacrifice your name in order to work here. Don't agree to work for a company that you don't like or... worse than that, the values ​​and principles of people in which are radically different from yours. There is no need to betray yourself, break yourself and subject yourself to such tests. Nothing good comes from such big contradictions. You will harm both the company and your inner world.
  • Joy. Just joy. Joy from another day of life, from what kind of people work nearby, joy from achievements and victories, joy from psychological climate. Positivity is primarily internal, which you will spread as vibes around you. Show your feelings. Often those around them inadequately evaluate those people who are too reserved and laconic in communication. Don't hide or act in a way that makes you difficult to distinguish from the wallpaper.
  • It makes sense to create your own community of well-being and find like-minded people. Find support, provide it yourself. In general, the more you give value, help and support to people, the more you receive in return. And even if not from these same people. The main thing is the approach, the ideology. Providing value is at the forefront of any positioning and any business!
  • Communication with different people. Interaction with different people ( different status, different values, etc.) will allow you to show different sides of your character. This means understanding yourself better.
  • understanding the meaning of activities that goes beyond the normal business processes of the company (remember the parable? “We don’t lay bricks - we build a Temple”).
  • Never start things off in denial. There are people who say in advance: “Oh, it won’t work, it won’t work...” Of course, it won't work if you think like that. A good attitude never hurt anyone. This is the most important secret: never say never. At the same time, always adhere to your professional and personal principles.
  • Passion is an incredible source of energy and inspiration! Find what you love about where you are. Find or create. While working as an assistant at my last job, I somehow realized that I liked doing creative projects with marketing elements. And so I found a new niche that needed fuel, but had not yet received it - our internal corporate website. Having expressed to my manager my intentions to start reconstructing our Intranet, I collaborated with a specialist from the marketing department and an IT specialist, and together we developed new concept and site structure. Since I was good at writing texts, in our small working group positioned herself as the site's editor-in-chief. Showing new project boss, we, of course, heard criticism, but on the whole the project was approved, and I was appointed editor-in-chief of the site. That’s how I came up with a job for myself and then happily did it. But everyone in the company learned how great I am at expressing thoughts and inspiring people, since everyone loved reading my articles and even printed them out for friends and acquaintances. It is clear that this element of creativity (which I found for myself) in my workplace was very inspiring for me.
  • Polish your role, understand what is the “buzz” and what is the routine. Whatever profession you take, you cannot do without a routine. It's important to do your job every day. There is no need to be afraid of routine. You just need to be prepared for it. The main thing is to mind your own business, something for which you have talent, which you do easily, naturally, almost playfully.
  • Don't fuss if you can't change anything. There are things that do not depend on us. You need to realize this for yourself, and also convey it to people who expect a certain result from you, but which you, due to the limited resources of your resources, cannot guarantee 100%.
  • Compete not with someone, but with yourself yesterday! What's the point of comparing, envying, chasing someone? Define your standards and boundaries and slowly expand your zone of achievement and comfort. This way you will quickly build a reliable and significant, unique reputation.
  • Don't be afraid to try. This is again about expanding your comfort zone. Try something else, and suddenly it turns out that you are great at it and they will begin to appreciate you for this. This is how you can also build your positioning – by trial and error!
  • Have patience. He is not wise who wants everything at once. Understand the step-by-step path to your goal and fulfillment of desires. Also step by step, sometimes painstakingly, build relationships with people. In such important matters as relationships (attitude towards yourself, towards people, with people), it is important to follow the rule “the slower the better”. Proceed carefully so that everything turns out harmoniously, reliably and environmentally friendly.
  • Discover in yourself an indefinable inner desire to prototype the material and social world, influence the course of things, strive for some goal. Do you feel a creative streak within yourself? It’s not at all a matter of desire for power (although I don’t discount that either). The point is to finally realize that you have something to broadcast to the world and something to give it! At one time I worked side by side with a wonderful girl Anna, from whom I learned a lot, for which I am very grateful to her! She believed that she best quality– this is the ability to structure information, things, events around oneself. And indeed, everything was always sorted out for her. In my head, in notebook, on the computer, at work, in life. She valued this quality of hers and always carried it like a flag. We can say that she saw this as her “mission” - to organize the world around her, and she succeeded!
  • In order to build a reputation, you have to believe that it is possible to go this route. Mentally transport yourself to that very desired state, “try on” it, like a new dress from an elite fashion house. Then try to listen to yourself and determine what you need, what events need to happen so that you can call yourself who you are striving to become. Determine your life priorities. This will give you your place in the sun!

So, career career growth– this is not only certain limits established by the employer. Look at things more broadly! This is the subject of his own creativity, his area of ​​responsibility, this is the ability to realize his talents and unique qualities and translate your personality profile into specific career plans and achievements. Practice shows: everything in life is achieved through will and effort - if you want, you can! Believe in yourself!

E.N. Zhirenkina, assistant manager, corporate communications manager, AVALON Group

Positioning yourself on the right side means laying down certain impressions about yourself, one might even say associations that people will have in relation to your personality. Competent positioning implies, first of all, defining a strategy for one’s own behavior, with the expectation of receiving the necessary return from society. Authority in society is earned in this way, when, thanks to a well-chosen position, a person creates impressions about himself that, on the one hand, are liked and, on the other, respected by people. I think the difference is clear to you, in the first case a person simply serves the interests of society, this is what people love, but in the second they are simply afraid of you, this is how a feeling of respect appears. Such things as character, stability in behavior, ability to keep one’s word, and similar things inherent in people who deserve respect, originate precisely from the two above positions, because all relationships between people are built on the interests of others and their own. The ability to always and everywhere defend one’s interests is not simple task, well, I mean for those whose character is not sufficiently tempered, and therefore they choose the option of maximum compliance with public interests, which also brings very good results.

An example of this is the elementary definition of the right person, the correctness of which is determined by other people by its maximum compliance, first of all, with their interests. There is nothing more here, everything is actually quite elementary, you cannot be very bad, but respected, that is, a person who knows how to defend his interests, be correct and good, that is, meeting the interests of others. From this, a competent positioning of yourself as an individual should be built, and if you set such a task for yourself, then you will not have problems with adaptation; it’s not for me to tell you that a person cannot live on his own. Abstracting yourself from society is an impossible task in the full sense of the word, since your very nature will resist this and you will still be drawn to people, so isn’t it better to immediately have a strategy in life for your competent positioning and work in this direction. One way or another, you will still have to form a certain impression about yourself, so to speak, present yourself to society in a certain way, and I recommend that you determine this image based on your individual psychological data.

If by nature you are a person of weak character and quite soft, then do not play a game that is beyond your strength, do not pretend to be a tyrant and a fighter, ready to fight with your enemies always and everywhere. Be realistic, choose a softer and more flexible position in which your energy balance and psychological state will be adequate to this position. Of course, you can always pump up your psyche and change it quite seriously, change your role so to speak, but believe my experience, this is not easy to do, it may short period there is enough time for you, but it will take a long time to support high level energy, namely energy contributes strong character and a rigid life position, it will be very difficult for you, almost impossible. I do not undertake to generalize this position, but often people remain the same as they have been all their lives, in terms of character, but at the same time, you can very competently use your individual characteristics and position yourself in such a way as to still receive a fairly high return from society . Therefore, it is not at all necessary to be what is called a person who simply comes and takes what is his; if you are more cunning and flexible in your thinking, people themselves will give you everything you need.

Of course, each position has its pros and cons. If you're playing a role strong man, deserving of respect because they fear you, then God forbid you become weak, in which case you will be immediately torn to pieces. The thing is that fear and respect often give rise to hatred, because to feel weak in comparison with someone else, ordeal for our psyche. But weakness is a relative and situational form of manifestation of personality, since surrendered positions can always be more than won back. Well, if you are among those who are defined by society as correct and good, then they will not forgive you for mistakes, they will not forgive you, and in some cases they will try to get much more from you than you give. What kind of people do other people like? These are, of course, people who please them, do not encroach on their interests and are useful to them as much as possible, this is what we call the right person. What then is the most advantageous positioning, you ask me, if we focus primarily on a modern, seemingly civilized society, the one in which we live? Tyranny will not suit you, even if you have a lot of energy for it, excessive softness is definitely not the same, but duplicity is more than that, this is what we mainly observe.

You should certainly respect your own interests first of all, but position yourself as a person who fights and respects public interests. Discipline, decency, honesty and all that, in general type as a game by the rules, with their possible violation but not obvious, I would recommend such a position, and life shows that this is exactly how those who, using public support, behave, exploit this same society. Remember that proper positioning means, first of all, maximum return from society, which you can only receive if society accepts you, unless, of course, you are strong enough to unconditionally subjugate it. Are you strong enough to subjugate everyone and everything? If not, then don’t be obvious in your intentions, look at how the position of the people standing at the helm is built, they are trying not for themselves, but for society, they try so hard that sometimes a work blister only through a mirror allows them to enjoy their dignity.

So position yourself more on the altruistic side, be correct and good, but only in people’s heads, because in reality, you will somehow have to intersect your interests with those of others. And under no circumstances should your interests suffer; you can retreat, but do not give up and do not accept defeat. If your weakness in front of other people is obvious, position yourself as an adequate and non-aggressive person who will not try to jump over your head and, in principle, does not pose a threat to others. This may be the position of a sheep from an objective point of view, but only you can know whether there is sheep skin wolf or not. It’s good when you have the strength to win always and everywhere, taking whatever you want and whenever you want, but it’s even better when everyone helps you in this and does not fight against you, therefore, friends, positioning yourself as a person pursuing public interest, a very profitable and technically competent strategy, thanks to which society can and will serve your interests, if, of course, you follow my advice.