Nikon or Canon, what to choose. Comparison of Canon and Nikon cameras

How to choose a camera for a novice photographer: Canon or Nikon, professional, SLR, digital? Camera, lens and other gadgets - for better photos.

How to learn to take photographs? First of all, purchase " tutorial" — digital SLR camera. How to choose a "DSLR" for a novice photographer? How much can such a camera cost and what characteristics should it have? Advice from a professional photographer.

It is very difficult to buy something that you are not very good at. If you don’t have anyone to ask for advice, you don’t trust sellers, and reviews frighten you with an abundance of incomprehensible terms, then this page is for you! But even if you already have a camera, here I will tell you what everyone who is going to shoot with a DSLR should know, and not in automatic mode, when the camera itself adjusts the parameters for shooting. Often, it does this not entirely successfully: with such settings, you risk getting “flat” photographs devoid of artistic value. We strive for more, don't we?

Canon and Nikon against each other and other cameras

If you haven't bought a DSLR yet, but are planning to do so, then get ready to take part in the battles of the eternal photographic war between the two most famous brands of professional photographic equipment - Canon and Nikon. Fortunately, no photographers were physically harmed in this war, but the fighting continues. Any owner of a Canon or Nikon camera is sure that his camera is the best.

When photographers who are unfamiliar with each other often look at the camera first and only then look at their colleague’s face.

There are, of course, supporters of less popular brands, such as Sony or Panasonic Lumix. But there are significantly fewer of them, since SLR cameras are far from the only and, of course, not the primary line of production of these companies. Buying a camera from a “non-core” company is the same as buying shoes under the brand of a company specializing in clothing production.

Priority in any business is always given to the main product or service. For a clothing company, shoes are most likely just a nice addition, which is not always of the proper quality, but is quite affordable. In the case of cameras, the matter is further complicated by the fact that for relatively unpopular cameras there is much less accompanying equipment on sale than for cameras with a big name. This somewhat reduces your ability to develop your photography skills. And in general, it’s nice to see many different gadgets in stores that are suitable for your camera.

So if you haven’t bought a camera yet, but are just trying it on, it’s better to choose a well-known brand. But if you're already the proud owner of a camera—and it's not Nikon or Canon—don't worry. I will teach you how to make the most of its capabilities, as well as minimize associated costs (we will talk more about the secrets and tricks of saving money in photography).

In any case, at the stage of choosing a camera, try not to read online forums of “canonists”, “nikonists” and other “ists” and do not believe those who foam at the mouth to prove the absolute advantages of their favorite brand. The main thing is that the camera is easy to use, fits in your hand and meets your own requirements.

The photographer had dinner with a very nice married couple. Those, wanting to compliment, said:
— Your photographs are very beautiful. You probably have a very good camera.
The photographer just smiled sweetly in response. After dinner, he approached the hostess and praised her:
— Lunch was very tasty. You probably have very good pots.

How much does a camera cost?

Obviously, the price of a camera depends on its functionality. There is no point in choosing the most expensive camera for everyday use. The same can be said about the cheapest models designed for children and beginners. Although these cameras bear the proud name of “DSLR”, the results of their work cannot always be distinguished from photographs taken by an advanced “point-and-shoot camera”. On the other hand, some beginners naively believe that if you buy very expensive equipment, you don’t have to study - the camera itself will set the necessary settings and take the best pictures in the world. However, everything is exactly the opposite: more complex technology requires much more serious training from the user.

Before you decide to purchase a particular camera, calculate your budget for the purchase of a complete set of equipment and accessories: the camera itself, one or two lenses, a camera bag, a protective filter, a flash card and, possibly, an external flash (we will detail all this in detail). We'll discuss it a little later). The cost of a complete set starts from about 25 thousand rubles and can grow... almost indefinitely. The most reasonable price for the kit is in the range from 40 to 80 thousand rubles.

But even if you're only planning to photograph yourself and friends, don't be alarmed if you have (or are about to have) a camera that's slightly beyond your current needs. A camera “to grow a little” will come in handy if in the future you have a desire to become a master of professional photography. In this case, you will be able to use advanced features that may seem unnecessary at first.

Choosing a camera: 8 steps

I will give a list of the most important characteristics that play a decisive role when choosing a camera. There are only eight of them, although many photographers can argue with me by reducing or, conversely, adding new items. However, with this list you can safely go to the store and present it to the seller. Or pass it on to friends who are planning to buy a camera.

  1. Price. Focus on the budget that you can allocate. In any case, it is better to have a low-functional SLR camera than none.
  2. Matrix size. The sensor is the chip in a digital SLR camera. It consists of many photosensitive elements that react to light that passes through the lens. If you are not limited on funds, you can choose a professional camera with a full-frame (full-size) sensor, but I recommend a more budget semi-professional camera with a so-called partial-frame, or “cropped” sensor.
  3. Matrix resolution. Don't chase a large number megapixels. They will only be useful to you if your photographs are published in the press or for printing them in a very large format. Ten megapixels will be quite enough (on almost all modern cameras this number is higher).
  4. Matrix sensitivity (ISO values). If you plan to frequently take photos in low light (such as at dusk), choose a camera with the highest possible ISO settings. Depending on the specific model of the device, sensitivity can vary in the range from 50 to 25,600 units. High sensitivity values ​​allow you to take a clear picture at dusk or even at night, but in this case small image defects are inevitable.
  5. Manual control. It is recommended to purchase a camera in which you can manually adjust all settings (aperture, shutter speed, white balance, sensor sensitivity) - this opens up unlimited shooting possibilities.
  6. Possibility of video shooting. A camera is not a video camera. If you want to shoot with it good video, you will have to first learn this and also purchase the necessary equipment. Even for home video shooting, it is better to use special equipment. In the pursuit of multifunctionality, you risk forgetting about your main goal - to take good photographs.
  7. Size and weight. The larger and heavier the camera, the better it is. But for everyday purposes, a large and heavy camera is not very convenient for obvious reasons. So the ideal solution would be to purchase a semi-professional camera from the middle weight category.
  8. Convenience. Visit a photographic equipment salon and see which of the selected models “fits your hand.” This feeling cannot be confused with anything: convenient buttons, pleasant shutter sound, the first shot taken right in the store...

Believe me, in a couple of years, you will, like many photographers, advise your friends and family to buy exactly the camera that you yourself chose - after all, it will be the most best camera in the world!

The word pixel comes from two English words- picture (image) and element (element). In the Russian language they tried to introduce a similar abbreviation “eliz”, but it did not take root.
Many people think of a pixel as a square, but in reality this element can be rectangular, round or even octagonal. Each pixel contains only one color.

Choosing accessories, or How to allocate a budget

The most big mistake for those who are buying a camera for the first time, it consists of trying to choose the most expensive “body” (sellers call it “body”), that is, the camera body itself - without a lens and additional devices. With the remaining money, you usually buy an inexpensive lens for your first experiments. This is not the most the right decision! If you want to properly distribute your budget, then confidently take a cheaper “carcass” and buy a good lens for it.

In general, all mirror “carcasses” can be divided into four types.

Professional ones are very expensive(from 200 thousand rubles). This is a technique for experienced professionals who make their living exclusively from high-end filming. This is for you extra waste money.

Professional expensive(from 80 thousand rubles). These are cameras with a full-frame matrix - they allow you to take excellent pictures, but in the hands of a novice amateur they lose their charm.

Semi-professional(from 40 thousand rubles). This camera is ideal for a beginner. At a relatively low price, it motivates photo achievements. By choosing this type, you are simply dooming yourself to great photos.

Amateur(from 15 thousand rubles). These are the simplest, household SLR cameras. It’s worth starting with this type of “carcass” only if your budget is very limited. In combination with good optics, such a camera allows you to get good results.

The most unpleasant feature of all “bodies”, lenses, flashes and other accessories from different companies is different standards, that is, the impossibility of using them in combination with equipment from competing photo brands. Cannot be attached Nikon lens to a Canon body, and vice versa. It’s a shame when your friends have, for example, a good lens or flash, but you cannot use them because you have a camera from another company.

When buying a “carcass”, be prepared to gradually become overgrown with additional gadgets from this particular company. If the current “DSLR” no longer meets your photographic needs, you will have to buy a new “carcass” of the same initially chosen brand. That is, the optics (lenses) will remain for a long time in any case, and even a very expensive “carcass” will sometimes have to be “updated” in the event of a breakdown or because in a few years it will become obsolete.

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I'm new to photography, but for me, Canon is ideal. I recently bought a semi-professional camera on Avito for 28t. completely new and exactly what I wanted. Along the way, the same new lenses were found. There is no limit to happiness.

30.11.2017 17:25:59, LivanKel

Please tell me, is it worth taking this camera in this configuration or is it better to take the camera and lens separately?
www.eshop. md/rmd/ru/products/canon/eos_6-00dandef-s18-55_is_ii/blk (30k rubles)

I'm going to buy a Nikon or Canon camera, I'm counting on 23.5 tons of rubles, this is my first purchase, I hope I can handle it.

07/25/2013 11:08:12, Vitaly

Guys! I'm telling you the truth! It's better to have a SLR camera than a mirror disease!)))

I wanted to see how the author takes photographs. I couldn't find a personal website. Only the contact page. And there's no photo there either.

absolutely amateurish, not a word about Pentax.

say about the cheapest models designed for children and beginners. Although these cameras bear the proud name of “DSLR”, the results of their work cannot always be distinguished from photographs taken by an advanced “point-and-shoot” camera.
semi-professional cameras
funny again.

05/28/2013 05:26:35, sl

Custom article. Lies. Sony and Panasonic are leaders in the production of photo and video equipment.

05/28/2013 02:09:35, Vlad2256


Comment on the article "How to choose a SLR camera: 8 steps. Nikon or Canon?"

Section: Equipment, accessories (Film SLR camera). is this a good camera? It’s film, I accidentally left it, I know that it was just bought in Dubai at duty free in the 90s. I haven’t used it myself. for a person who doesn’t know how to take photographs and wants...


Link does not work. From general considerations: Film DSLRs provide good quality. It’s more interesting if you can change the optics on the camera.
The downside for a beginner is that he will only find out what happened after development :)
So film ones are usually used by those with a higher level.

moderators, sorry if this is in the wrong place... Please, recommend a SLR camera within 13,000 rubles. I always thought that Canon was better...but maybe I'm wrong...

Camera or phone? - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with Well, in general, you can’t always carry a camera with you, but what if you accidentally stumbled upon something interesting? When traveling, of course, I take it with...


It depends on what you shoot. I mostly photograph “our loved ones” against the background..... An iPhone is quite suitable for this, especially since it fits better into a handbag and doesn’t stick out like a small camera. Well, in general, you can’t always carry a camera with you, but what if you accidentally stumbled upon something interesting?
When traveling, of course, I take a camera with me, but only a point-and-shoot camera; I’m too lazy to wander around the sights with a DSLR.
But for me, quality matters little (maybe because my eyesight is poor ;-)), I just want to see our smiling faces in the photo.

My daughter is practically a professional photographer. She has very good photographic equipment, but she also takes pictures with her phone. Moreover, she takes excellent photographs of both. Just for different purposes. And some people walk around with mirrors, with a smart face they talk about white balance, and when you look at the pictures, you want to cry. No DSLR will help if your hands are not growing from the right place.
I have no talent, so I don’t use a DSLR; my iPhone is more than enough.


No, it's not hard.
I've never been in parental home I don't use the elevator. And most of the residents there don’t use the elevator; I always meet them walking up the stairs - the elevator is between floors and far from the entrance, they were installed after major renovations. The house has 5 floors, ceilings are about 3 and a half meters on average.
When buying an apartment, I was not interested in the presence of an elevator if the floor was no higher than 4.

05/06/2014 22:45:11, __nevazhno___

Our elevator was turned off for a month - it went up just fine, though only on the third one. The parents didn't complain either.
I always deliberately walk to the office)


Unfortunately, new DSLRs are now really noticeably more expensive than sophisticated point-and-shoot cameras. Indeed, to learn photography, it is much preferable to a DSLR. and then the option is to look for used old models, etc.

10/29/2011 11:15:27, Masyankina

Do you want Zenit film in working condition? There even seems to be a portrait for it. If necessary, write in a personal message. At one time I left the photography circle because... Everyone around had Zeniths and FEDs, I was the only one left with Smena.

When choosing a DSLR camera, I came across an interesting point - portrait photographs taken with the Olympus E-410 seem more natural than those taken with the Canon eos 400d. Are there really any differences between them in this regard?


I wrote my opinion about Olya and Kenon below, but about online stores:
I buy all the time. both in the fotoru and at the rest, by the way, and from the gray batch at the rest, everything was good and when a problem arose under their warranty, they repaired it without questions, and the part was brought from Japan. so my experience is positive
but first you can go to the store, twirl different cameras in your hands and decide what is closer to you
As for the tests, both in the store and in the online store, if something suddenly goes wrong, you can return it, both Fotoru and Ostava have real stores. When leaving, I simply asked the manager by phone to check the camera for dead pixels before transferring it to the courier service, this did not cause any problems, the managers there are very nice and then I was convinced upon receipt that everything was ok
and in any case, if you ask such questions, people understand that you can’t get along and why waste both your and the buyer’s time on exchanging goods :)))
By the way, in a regular store there was a case where they tried to push in a defective camera with the first one, Ilona seems to have had it. and when they started testing, they brought a normal one :)
so good luck :)

“seems more natural” is your subjective assessment. what do you want to hear about the differences in this regard? that someone might think differently? :)) there is no such criterion for a camera as “naturalness of a portrait” :) it depends on the quality of the optics, focal length, shooting parameters, straightness of hands, moon phase and hundreds of other parameters :)
You can buy anywhere, but with certain restrictions. You will have to check it in any store. and before purchasing, it’s worth going through a short educational program “checking a DSLR camera upon purchase” so that it won’t be excruciatingly painful later.

Photo and video shooting: camera, photographic equipment, lighting, studio, photography, photo album. If you think you don't need the bells and whistles of older camera models, then it's quite possible that you'll get along just fine with this one...


There is no need to base your choice on forums. For many years I have been shooting with a lens about which they write such nasty things on the forums that there can only be one conclusion - throw it away. And I feel good with him :))
I don't think you'll notice any significant differences between the two lenses. If you don't think you need the bells and whistles of older camera models, then it's quite possible that you'll get along just fine with this lens. But if you plan to buy a more advanced camera in the future, it will be nice if by that time you also have glass corresponding to it.

By the way, I won’t dissuade you, but I’ll tell you.
At one time I also had a culpix + a flash + a bunch of other little things for this culpix. And I, too, naturally one day switched to a digital mirror.
but I think I did the right thing, I left Nikon in favor of Canon.
IMHO, Nikon as a company is more indigestible and ossified than Canon.
starting with the same flash, which, as I already wrote, you won’t use on the D70.
The same applies to virtually all accessories. They are mostly very immobile and fit a limited number of models. (which personally infuriates me).
Well, plus to this, Nikons are actually noisier than Canons.
again, Canons have a larger selection - both bodysuits and lenses (it seems to me, maybe I’m wrong).
In general, having played enough with culpix, I switched to Canono and don’t regret it at all. my work colleague has a d70 with several good lenses, I very often have the opportunity to compare the results.

although here we have Dasha Kid, she takes simply magnificent photographs on a Nikon D70 that I had never even dreamed of.

03/23/2006 14:42:21, maultash

Photo and video. Recommend an inexpensive DSLR. You need a SLR camera, high quality, but inexpensive. Digital - SLR - why and why? Or am I misunderstanding something, and for a digital camera the term “DSLR” defines something else?


1. Constant operation of the matrix to capture information for display increases the level of thermal noise; in other words, the matrix gets hot. Before directly capturing the frame, you need to perform the process of so-called washing - cleaning the matrix to minimize this noise. this takes time (about 0.2-0.4s) - this is the main reason for the lag of the digital soap. In a digital mirror, the matrix is ​​turned off during sighting (covered by the mirror), so there is no need to wash it off. There were cameras with a translucent Olympus E10 mirror, it seems, if I’m not mistaken... they allowed the matrix to work during sighting. The latest modification 20D has the ability to sight on the monitor with the mirror raised - this is used when shooting in spectrums invisible to the eye.
2. DSLRs have a matrix that is many times larger. reduces noise, increases DD and the ability to work with depth of field.
3. The matrix-processor-LCD monitor (viewfinder) channel has a very noticeable inertia - it is impossible to shoot dynamic scenes. the mirror is limited only by the speed of light :)) the resolution in an LCD monitor is limited by the number of pixels (usually about 123,000 per 1.6-1.8 inches), in a mirror - almost only by the sensitivity and resolution of the eye - which is more, I think it's clear :)
4. The DSLR has separate focusing sensors - much faster due to the use of the phase difference method instead of contrast detection in a digital camera. The DSLR always knows where to turn the focus - forward or backward for accurate focusing. the compact is forced to “run through” all possible focus positions to find the most contrasting place, sometimes several times.

yes, you misunderstand. V digital SLRs you look at the image in the same way through the viewfinder, and all functions work the same as with a regular one (conditionally). the monitor shows the picture only AFTER it has been exposed, and not BEFORE. which is still an additional plus, because... On the monitor you can view even conventionally captured frames, their histograms, data, etc.

Choosing a camera for personal use is an interesting and creative process. The choice itself already represents a whole educational excursion into the world of digital photography. This does not apply to professionals; they know exactly what they want from a camera. And amateurs will have to decide on the criteria they set for their camera. To compare cameras from different brands according to certain indicators and help with the choice is the task of this article.

Nowadays, several major brands are offered for amateur photography:

  • Olympus;
  • Sony;
  • Canon;
  • Nikon;
  • Kodak.

Sony is recognized as a pioneer in the production of high-quality electronics and digital cameras. Traditional quality and fame attracts many, but today this company is increasingly moving into the production of professional equipment. It is characterized by a large number of functions on the camera using electronic technology. A small but verified fleet of optics is also Sony. Also, traditionally, cameras from this company have higher quality video.

Olympus is a relatively recent player in this market. An earlier mistake made by the manufacturer in using its own memory card was quickly corrected. The SD memory card is now universal and is used in cameras from all major manufacturers. Olympus focuses on the production of miniature cameras, a large selection of cameras for extreme sports, submersible and heavy-duty. The solution to waterproofness and super-strength inevitably leads to some reduction in other important indicators. Additionally, Olympus has its own developed software product for primary processing photographs, their labeling and storage, as, indeed, Sony.

The well-known leader in traditional film photography, Kodak, made an attempt to enter digital photography, but today one can not consider this brand. Some cameras under this brand were made with high quality, but the ever-increasing demands were far ahead of the former Kodak DSLRs. This category also includes other lesser-known brands, such as Fuji, Samsung, Rekam, Pentax.

Two recognized brands of digital photography, Canon and Nikon, offer a wide selection of digital cameras for both professionals and amateur home use. It is these two companies that are worth paying attention to due to the wide range of functions, sizes and costs.

Experts advise you to think about how necessary manual exposure settings will be, choosing photo parameters, special effects. If you are not involved in highly artistic photography, then most cameras have an automatic mode, which is sufficient for amateur photographs of attractions. There are also several genre modes installed, the choice of which allows you to take a picture of very good quality under various conditions. The pursuit of millions of pixels should also have reasonable limits.

If the amateur photographer is not going to do panoramic shots, if he is not going to print a poster on the entire wall, then the matrix resolution does not need to be selected as the maximum from those presented. SLR and non-SLR cameras, compact, with increased protection from moisture, with the ability to change lenses - comparing cameras based on these properties is a thankless task, each performs certain functions. The amateur faces a difficult choice.

Selecting a camera by functionality

It should be remembered that the quality of the image is affected by the resolution and size of the matrix. Simply increasing the resolution on an old generation matrix will not give the desired effect. For reference: the existing matrix diagonal sizes in ascending order are 1/ 2.3˝, 1/ 1.7˝, 4/3˝, 1˝, APS-C and fullframe. Resolution is expressed in pixels. The number of pixels determines how much you can enlarge the image on the screen and what size the print can be obtained. Increasing the number of pixels without increasing the area leads to a loss of quality, and, conversely, when increasing the size of the matrix with optimal resolution, more light reaches each pixel, the picture turns out brighter, and sharpness also increases.

A SLR camera has a number of advantages in terms of convenience of frame composition, assessment of the illumination falling on the matrix, and accuracy of focusing. They use larger and higher quality matrices, for example, fullframe has the size of a standard film frame of 24 x 36. Essentially, in the viewfinder of a SLR camera we see what will be reflected in the picture. Undoubted convenience is complemented by improvements in other camera parameters. A DSLR is the most expensive camera.

The presence of a viewfinder in addition to the display adds convenience when shooting; this factor brings a simple camera somewhat closer to a DSLR in terms of frame evaluation. An important nuance For the advanced amateur photographer, there is the ability to change lenses. This quality will make the camera universal: from a camera for shooting landscapes and fish-eye panoramas to a “photo gun with a telephoto lens.” Interchangeable camera lenses definitely have optical zoom. Unlike digital zoom, optical zoom does not stretch the image like in a computer, but actually brings it closer. It should be noted that any camera is equipped with digital zoom as an addition.

A number of small but important parameters in handling - batteries, the presence and design of a flash, ports for connecting to a computer or TV, a focusing lever, a zoom lever. And, finally, whether the camera fits comfortably in the hand and how much the owner likes it. Which camera is better is up to the user to decide after analyzing all the above parameters and their aspirations.

Choosing between the two most famous brands

Using the example of the two most popular brands, we will consider the main characteristics of cameras of various classes. It is between these cameras that you most often have to choose. Nikon or Canon? The data is summarized in the table; a random selection of the most typical models in the line was made.

Nikon Coolpix P7100Canon PowerShot G9Canon EOS M bodyNikon 1 V1Nikon D3100 kit 18-55Canon EOS 5D mark II body
Camera typecompactcompactMirrorless Camera(MILC)Mirrorless Camera (MILC)Digital SLRDigital SLR
Matrix size

APS-C (18x13.5)

FHS-C (18x13.5)

Effective megapixels
Maximum photo size3648x2736 pixels4000x3000 pixels5184x3456 pixels3872x2592 pixels4608x3072 pixels5616x3744 pixels
Range of available light sensitivity (ISO) 10-12800
Lens changeabilityNoNoYesYesYesYes
Focal length28-200 mm25-210 mm 18-55 mm
Preset scene programs
Built-in memory 32 MB
Memory card formatSD, SDHC, SDXCCompact flashSD, SDHC, SDXCSD, SDHC, SDXCSD, SDHC, SDXCCompact flash
Built-in flashThere isThere isNoThere isThere isNo
Weight310 g320 g298 g294 g500 g810 g

As can be seen from the table, the camera parameters are largely comparable. Indicators Canon cameras have a slightly wider range. The capabilities compared at the amateur level are the same, but if you need to vary the shooting mode, Nikon provides more. According to the experience of professionals, Canon cameras best combination ratio of matrix size and resolution, which with small indicators produces a very impressive result. Canon cameras come in a wider variety of models.

A power issue can be a deciding factor when purchasing a camera. It’s good when the camera can run on regular batteries, which can be bought at any kiosk. At the same time, the format itself implies the presence of batteries and charger to him. When a camera has a non-standard battery format, a problem with replacing it can disrupt a planned photo shoot, and being away from home can even be akin to tragedy.

The choice may be influenced by which brand friends and acquaintances use. This will help you better understand all the characteristics, and will also not create problems with changing memory cards, using the same software, etc.

Comparison of cameras on forums on the Internet among professionals will never end unambiguously. It all depends on personal preferences, the choice occurs almost on a subconscious level.

Any good camera will give you hours of creative communication with beauty. The choice is yours.

Almost everyone is interested in photography these days. This activity has become accessible to representatives of any age, education and gender. And this was facilitated by the appearance digital cameras. It is worth noting that high-quality images can be obtained even using a mobile phone camera. If only there was good lighting.

Selecting a camera

What equipment should you buy to get the best quality pictures? Of course, a camera! It will fit perfectly in the hand and provide its owner with a lot of different possibilities. Which company should you choose when buying a camera for filming?

When starting to choose a camera, each of us will definitely remember the two most popular brands. These are Nikon and Canon. Cameras from these companies are most often featured in television commercials. They attract buyers from numerous billboards. The debate about which is better, Nikon or Canon, has been going on for many years. However general opinion So far it hasn't appeared.

Preferences of amateur photographers

When choosing a camera brand, each person will certainly be attracted to the one that suits him more according to certain parameters. So, if one amateur photographer draws Special attention on the dimensions, then the other will first of all look at the quality of the pictures. How, then, can you answer the question of which is better - Nikon or Canon? To do this, you will need to compare the main characteristics of these brands. However, it is worth keeping in mind that manufacturers do not stand still. New, more improved models are being released that make the old line irrelevant.

Significant difference between brands

It is quite difficult to answer the question of which is better - Nikon or Canon. The fact is that both brands are based in Japan. Cameras are usually assembled in the Land of the Rising Sun. At the same time, manufacturers use the same technologies. In addition, the external similarity of these DSLRs is also noted. Nikon models only have a distinctive red stripe.

Both companies make excellent cameras that provide excellent image quality. This is why many people do not know, when comparing Canon vs Nikon, what the significant difference between these cameras is. Of course, in skillful hands, any model will show excellent results. However, there are still important differences between brands. They can play a significant role in the choice.

Advantages of Nikon cameras

Cameras from this brand provide high quality pictures even in low light conditions. This Nikon feature is significantly higher than comparable Canon models.

The brand also wins in terms of the number of light focus points. For those who are seriously interested in photography, this is especially important. It happens that Canon cameras, which have fewer such points, do not allow for the intended focusing. In this case, you have to change the place from which the shooting is taken, or the entire composition.

For a long time, Nikon was a leader in flash control. However, Canon is currently catching up with it in this parameter.

Nikon cameras are often preferred due to their larger sensor size. This important detail allows you to get the clearest picture possible even with small pixel values.

In addition, manufacturers Nikon cameras pay attention to even the smallest details. This appliance is equipped with numerous additional amenities that users really like.

Advantages of Canon cameras

Let's start with video filming. According to this characteristic, which is better - Nikon or Canon? To answer the question, you will need to compare the video footage already taken. The result is obvious. In this parameter, Nikon still lags behind Canon, whose models assume the use of high-frequency frames.

Which camera is better in terms of cost - Nikon or Canon? It is worth saying that models of the first brand have a higher price. And this despite the comparability of the cameras. Typically, Nikon is eight to ten percent more expensive than Canon. And this often plays a role when choosing a camera.

Canon is slightly ahead in terms of the number of megapixels. Many amateur photographers pay special attention to this indicator, as it ensures ease of use.

New Canon brand models are offered to customers a short period of time after their release. For Nikon, this process can take 4-6 months. Canon also wins in terms of the motor built into the lens.

Entry-level DSLRs

Which is better - Canon or Nikon - for those taking their first steps in photography? Entry-level DSLRs from both brands have significant differences. Cheap Canon cameras are equipped with a minimum of functions. In rare models you can find HDR shooting and other modern features. Nikon is more advanced in this regard. It has a variety of functions and more convenient operation.

Which is better for entry-level DSLRs - Nikon or Canon? We compare the characteristics and see that the matrices of both brands are approximately the same. However, in Nikon cameras the sensor, as mentioned earlier, is larger. This has a positive effect on filming in difficult conditions.

When purchasing, you should focus on the shooting style. Some amateur photographers prefer to shoot landscapes, and for them there is no need to buy high-speed equipment. Others, on the contrary, desperately need a serial mode. They prefer to photograph children. Entry-level DSLRs from the Canon brand allow for continuous shooting. Typically this is up to four frames per second. Nikon does not lag behind in this indicator, and sometimes it even ends up ahead.

Modern amateur photographers, as a rule, do not particularly like viewfinders. Framing is easier using the LCD display. Which is better - Canon or Nikon - for this function? It is worth saying that whichever model you buy from both brands (except the cheapest one), it will have a three-inch LCD display. However, resolution may vary. It is higher for a Canon camera. However, it is worth remembering that such a camera will consume more energy.

Entry-level DSLRs produced by Canon are inferior to their main competitor in terms of battery capacity. Charging such cameras is only enough for 400-500 frames. As for Nikon cameras, they can work a little longer. They will create 600-800 frames. This ability will be especially useful on a long trip, where it will be difficult to constantly recharge the battery.

As for the other characteristics, entry-level cameras from Nikon and Canon are practically no different.

Professional cameras

Having studied the information about Nikon vs Canon models (or how to choose a good digital camera), each of us will clearly understand the difference in technical specifications camera data. Professional cameras have a high price category. It is on them that firms make maximum profits. Selling just one device can generate an income of several thousand dollars.

When it comes to professional cameras, it is very difficult to determine whether one brand has any superiority over another. You can note the more compact sizes of Nikon cameras. Although these cameras are kilogram devices built into a magnesium alloy body. It is very difficult to decide on the choice of brand based on all other parameters. You will have to focus mainly on the cost of the camera.

If your budget is limited, pay attention to the Canon EOS 6D. Its cost is approximately 68 thousand rubles. This camera has a matrix with twenty megapixel resolution. A serious drawback of this model is the small number of controls located on the body. In order to use some functions, the photographer has to spend time entering the menu. But it's nice that this device has Wi-Fi and GPS. Such modules are not available in all higher-priced models.

Which professional camera should a beginning photographer focus on? The answer is clear. You need to focus only on your own financial opportunities, because the characteristics of professional DSLRs from both companies are almost the same.

What cameras do modern manufacturers offer?

Most beginner photography enthusiasts tend to buy Nikon or Canon equipment. However, there are many other options. Retail chains offer their customers cameras from a variety of brands. These include Kodak and Olympus, Fuji and Panasonic, LG and Samsung, Kyosera and Rekam, Casio and Skina.

Japanese competitor

I would like to mention Sony products. Sony, or Nikon, or Canon camera - which one is better? Sony cameras, unlike competing devices, have unusual mirrors. They are almost completely transparent, which allows you to equip the camera with an electronic visor function. Some consumers consider this characteristic a significant advantage, while others consider it a disadvantage. But, nevertheless, the camera does not need to raise the mirror. All the light already falls on the matrix. As a result, the device has the ability to create a greater number of frames per second.

If you choose a camera, Sony, or Nikon, or Canon - which one is better to buy? As for Sony cameras, they are equipped with a huge variety of secondary functions. There are models that can take panoramic shots, take photos in the dark, and also create HDR images. However, Sony technology does not have a GPS sensor. This device could turn the camera into an ideal option for many categories of amateur photographers.

Consumer choice

Canon, Nikon, Sony cameras - which is better to buy? The disadvantage of Sony DSLRs is their high price. Big money There are also lenses for such cameras. You will have to pay a considerable amount for the remaining accessories. Exactly because of this reason Sony camera It’s unlikely to be the best option for a novice filming enthusiast.

Basic camera parameters

When choosing a camera, pay attention to the following indicators:

Resolution, indicated in megapixels;


Difference in focal length (zoom);

Lens aperture;

Memory card capacity;

Power supply.

You should check the operation of the camera upon purchase. To do this, take several shots in different modes. If you are satisfied with the result, feel free to purchase the model you like. But it would not be entirely correct to hope that decent pictures will be provided only by the mere fact of having a high-quality camera. The key to successful work is, first of all, experience.

Relevance: February 2019

Nikon cameras occupy one of the leading positions in the world market in the production of amateur and professional photographic equipment. Cameras of this brand have earned popularity due to their high quality shooting, reliability and durability.

Nikon produces a wide range of products, ranging from compact digital cameras to SLR cameras. Our own innovative developments, advanced functionality and powerful optics allow you to take clear photographs of any objects at different distances, as well as record high-resolution video up to 4K format. A well-thought-out model range will make it easy to choose the right camera for amateur or professional use.

We have compiled a list of the best Nikon cameras based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires.

Mirror Professional Compact Superzoom Mirrorless

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Cameras: DSLR


Main advantages

An excellent entry-level DSLR. A good CMOS matrix with a crop factor of 1.5 allows you to achieve decent image quality even at ISO 3200, and at less high levels The picture turns out juicy, the colors are natural.

The 23 megapixel resolution is a marketing ploy; such numbers with the existing matrix do not give the camera any serious advantage. The rotating screen on the D5300 is only 0.2″ larger than its predecessor (D5200), but this allows the aspect ratio to be increased to 3:2 and now you can watch footage without losing space.

The function of connecting the camera with a smartphone via Wi-Fi without additional accessories using the Wireless Mobile Utility application has been implemented. You will be able to upload photos directly to your smartphone (though for some reason in compressed form) and control the camera remotely.

  • Good image quality at high ISOs
  • Decent color rendition
  • Ability to control the camera from a smartphone
  • High speed RAW processing
  • Light weight, compact dimensions
  • Not the highest video quality
  • Slow LiveView Mode

Show all products in the category "Mirror"

Cameras: Professional

Mirror / Professional

Main advantages

Professional camera with full frame sensor. With it you can take photos with a resolution of 6016*4016, since the available 24 megapixels allow you to do this with good quality. Working ISO is up to 6400, and even higher you can get good shots with some processing.

Autofocus in sufficient light is instant and flawless. At dusk it sometimes gets crazy, but much less often than many competitors in this price category. The problem is partly solved by the excellent built-in flash with bracketing, which adapts to lighting conditions. The rotating screen is very easy to use and has wide viewing angles.

Built-in Wi-Fi allows you to transfer received images to an external device using convenient proprietary software. If you want a full-fledged professional camera (albeit with certain compromises - for example, some buttons are replaced by point-and-shoot wheels) for a reasonable price, the Nikon D750 is the best option.

  • High-quality full-frame sensor
  • Excellent color rendition
  • Fast autofocus
  • High working ISO
  • Rotating display
  • Comfortable grip
  • Wi-Fi support
  • Small display
  • No viewfinder curtain

Mirror / Professional

Main advantages
  • Thanks to a CMOS matrix with a resolution of 24.2 MP, the manufacturer was able to achieve high-quality shooting of stationary and moving objects in different degrees of illumination
  • The absence of an anti-aliasing low-pass filter allows for clearer, sharper footage even when shooting textures with fine details
  • Innovative 39-point autofocus ensures fast aiming and locking, while 3D target tracking lets you capture clear shots of subjects in motion
  • A high-resolution rotating touch screen with user-friendly menus makes it much easier to control camera settings
  • Availability of built-in Wi-Fi module allows you to remotely transfer footage to a smartphone or computer

Show all products in the category "Professional"

Cameras: Compact


Main advantages

A representative of the endangered species of inexpensive compacts: buy it while it’s still on the shelves, soon smartphones will completely absorb this segment. Yes, this camera will not take super-quality photos, even despite its 20 megapixels, its ceiling is just good household-grade photos. But in its segment, Coolpix A100 is quite competitive.

A modest 1/2.3" matrix can produce frames with a resolution of up to 5152 * 3864. 5x optical zoom is sufficient for amateur photography of events. The battery lasts for 250 shots. The video is quite good. Nikon Coolpix A100 is a good entry-level device, you can take it.

  • Compactness
  • Light weight
  • Big screen
  • Possibility of charging via USB input
  • Good video quality
  • Low price
  • Not the best photo quality in low light


Main advantages
  • Vibration Reduction (VR) automatically shifts the lens in five axes for stable, distortion-free shooting of subjects
  • Activation of video shooting in 4K format occurs by pressing a separate button, which allows you to quickly react to the situation and capture interesting material
  • SnapBridge is a special program that synchronizes the camera with a smartphone for photo editing and quick data exchange
  • Legendary NIKKOR optics with 35x magnification (expandable up to 70x with Dynamic Fine Zoom)
  • A 20.3 MP CMOS sensor with back-illumination ensures high-contrast photography with minimal noise in low-light conditions (twilight, night)

Show all products in the category "Compact"

Cameras: Superzoom

With superzoom

Main advantages

This camera can surprise even professionals. 83x optical zoom - it’s not for nothing that this device is called a telescope. On a sunny day at ISO 100, the license plate of a passing car can be seen 200 meters away, or even further. Unfortunately, the manufacturer was not able to produce a matrix better than 1/2.3", but the price remained more or less affordable.

The 16 megapixel resolution is enough to take decent pictures both close up and at a great distance. Do not overuse: at maximum zoom, the grain is noticeable even through the electronic viewfinder. Dual Detect Optical VR technology helps reduce blur in zoomed exposures.

The Coolpix P900 produces excellent video in 1920x1080 format; this camera is considered a reporter's camera. The model's video capabilities are enhanced by a rotating screen with Clear Color color reproduction and anti-glare coating. There are built-in GLONASS and GPS modules, as well as Wi-Fi.

  • Excellent optics
  • Powerful superzoom
  • Good video quality
  • A large number of scene modes
  • High quality build
  • Convincing design
  • Autofocus is slow
  • Manual settings are quite complicated

With superzoom

Main advantages
  • NIKKOR optics with 40x magnification allow you to capture distant objects in great detail. Low dispersion lenses improve image quality and eliminate glare
  • VR Vibration Reduction eliminates camera shake even when shooting at maximum zoom, allowing you to capture clear shots of subjects at different distances
  • Vari-angle display allows for high-quality shooting from almost any angle
  • The automatic recognition system ensures instant camera focusing on the object, and the optical stabilizer guarantees a high-quality and detailed image at the output
  • The screen with anti-glare acrylic coating and realistic color reproduction has five-level brightness adjustment, which allows you to view images in any ambient light

"What kind of camera do you have?" - this is the most popular question asked to the photographer by viewers who liked this or that shot. Marketing is doing its job and now almost everyone has a DSLR with a whale lens hanging around their neck, photo hosting sites are rapidly filled with the same type of digital garbage, and users ask in bewilderment “why are my photos no different from a point-and-shoot camera, after all, I spent $1000?”

“Alexander, what kind of camera do you have?”... this question is asked to me with enviable consistency, it’s time to answer what I use to shoot with. And here yesterday Petya lovigin I wrote that every photographer should write a post about photographic equipment... And I will also express my opinion on how to approach the issue of choosing a digital camera in simple human language from the point of view of an amateur. After all, I photograph my travels for myself and for pleasure :)

The availability of SLR cameras, the emergence of mirrorless compact cameras and simply progress in the development of photographic equipment has led to the fact that the amount of photo garbage on the Internet is growing in geometric progression. Most important point in choosing a camera - this is the fact that the quality of the resulting images does not always depend on the cost of the camera.

Camera matrix

Among the endless number of technical characteristics, the matrix is ​​one of the most important parameters. When choosing a digital camera, many people pay attention to the number of megapixels. However, it is not the number of megapixels, but the physical size of the matrix that is the parameter of a digital camera on which the quality of the images directly depends (the larger the matrix, the correspondingly higher the quality of the image). The effect of matrix size on quality is especially noticeable when shooting in low light conditions. At the same time, images on small matrices begin to make noise. For budget cameras it is given in inches as a fraction. For standard compacts, the matrix size is 1/2.3 - 1/3. For compact SLR cameras of a higher class – 1/1.6 - 1/2. In this case, you need to understand that the larger the denominator (the number below), the smaller the physical size of the matrix. For high-end cameras, the matrix size is usually given in mm.

Comparison table of matrix sizes for new cameras, which were presented this year at the autumn Photokina exhibition in Germany:

The cameras are like this:

I. Digital compact cameras:

A. Compact digital cameras (normal picture, normal dynamic range, many amateur options and modes):

1/ Very small “credit card” format cameras. Some of them have a zoom lens that moves in a vertical plane, making the camera effectively “flat”. On the one hand, it is synonymous with the stereotype of a “female” camera, on the other hand, it is surprisingly compact.

2/ Slightly larger camera with magnification up to 4x-10x

3/ Special moisture-dust-protective and shock-resistant compacts. According to the experience of my friends who dive, this a budget option does not withstand even half of the declared depth and the picture is quite mediocre. So this choice remains only for the “fish-in-Egypt”.

And this is GoPro - a camera that has become an unspoken standard in extreme photo and video shooting. The image quality is very mediocre, but probably the highest in its class of cameras. Attaches to a helmet, car, airplane, etc.

B. Universal digital cameras with a wide range of focal lengths - magnification up to 20-25x
(normal picture, normal dynamic range, many amateur options and modes, there are manual modes)

These cameras are not ultra-compact, but smaller than a DSLR, but they are enough for most creative tasks.
A prerequisite when choosing such a camera is the presence of an image stabilizer, although now it is already available almost everywhere.

B. Semi-professional compacts (improved picture, greater dynamic range, many amateur options and modes, as well as professional modes and settings)

These cameras are usually the size of a compact ultrasonic (category B), but have improved optics, better build quality and, according to the manufacturer, produce very high-quality results. From my long-term experience with the Canon PowerShot Pro1 camera, I can attest to this; it was a very cool model. Now in the Canon line there are models with the G index.

II. Mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses (matrix crop factor 1.0-1.6)

(great picture, large dynamic range, many amateur options and modes, as well as professional modes and settings)

It's comparative new class cameras, when in a compact body you get photo quality quite comparable to bulky SLR cameras. I was at the presentation of a series of Fuji mirrorless cameras, I really liked their models. I'm thinking about a second camera like this. However, I considered an option with a 10-20 lens, but this is not available yet.

The Fuji X-E1 and X-F1 are the only mirrorless cameras I've held for a couple of days. On the one hand, I really like their old-school design and small size, on the other hand, it’s a little too small for me. Great picture quality coupled with a slow digital viewfinder. A detailed post about my impressions of the X-E1 will be coming soon, but not everything is as clear as they promise.

A good test of top compacts, incl. and there are mirrorless ones in Anton Martynov’s LiveJournal.

III. DSLR cameras

In this class for last years There is an increasing segmentation of the model range, which, in my opinion, is not always justified even from a marketing point of view. I shoot with Canon cameras, so it’s easier for me to give an example of their model range.

1/ Ultra-budget DSLRs (great picture, good dynamic range, many amateur options and modes, as well as professional modes and settings)
They are the smallest among DSLRs, the crop factor of the matrix is ​​1.6, the build quality means savings on everything.
Example: Canon 1000D

2/ Entry-level DSLR cameras (great picture, good dynamic range, many amateur options and modes, as well as professional modes and settings)
This is the most popular class of SLR cameras. At a cost of $500-700, this is the best option for starting.
Crop factor 1.6x
Example: Canon 550-650D

3/ Semi-professional SLR cameras.
Crop factor 1.6x. Compared to the previous subcategory, it has a slightly larger size and weight, excellent build quality, and the body is no longer made of plastic, but of metal. More creative and professional modes. I have been using this camera (40D) since 2008 and have been convinced many times that the right choice was made, albeit with an overpayment at the start.
Example: Canon 60D

4/ Budget full-frame DSLR
Crop factor 1.0x. This is a slightly more budget version of the top model, but with a full-frame sensor. Cost $2100. Canon and Nikon presented these models in September 2012, i.e. completely new.
Example: Canon 6D

5/ Professional full-frame DSLR.
Crop factor 1.0x. $3200. For some reason, this particular category is the dream of any photographer (not always justified) and the major choice of all those who do not count money. There is ideal picture quality when combined with good optics, many settings and the widest possible dynamic range.
Example: Canon 5D Mark II-III

6/ Professional reportage SLR cameras
Crop factor 1.0x. Expensive, for a narrow segment of professionals.
Example: Canon 1DX

Choice of optics:

What do I shoot with?

1. 2003-2005. My first digital camera, purchased in 2003, was a Chinese semi-no-name Jenoptik with 2MP plastic optics. It didn't have any manual settings, but it could record video 320x240 15 fps :) I bought it in the center of Munich during my first trip abroad.

From the very beginning of my passion for photography, I set myself the task so that each subsequent device would at least pay for itself. It is simple and achievable with some effort. The photographs taken with this camera were published several times in A4 magazines, and also won several competitions, which brought me two more new cameras :)

2. 2005-2006. Canon PowerShot S1. This was Canon's first ultra-zoom with a stabilizer and excellent video quality. Amazing camera!

3. 2006-2008. Canon PowerShot Pro1. This camera was the only one of its kind model range and never received a sequel. At launch it cost over $1,000, had class L optics and excellent performance. This camera left behind the most pleasant impressions and memories. Once I leaned towards the water while sitting in a kayak and forgot that I had a camera hanging around my neck. In general, she completely dived under the water... I dried it for a week, and then took it to the official service center, where they told me that it was cheaper to buy a new one, but the craftsmen in a small photo workshop revived it by replacing some kind of power controller for only 30 dollars :)

4. 2008-2011. The era of DSLR cameras in my photography arsenal has finally arrived. By this point, I had long been ready to buy a DSLR, but in the case of choosing “a camera or another trip,” I was inclined to the latter. I didn’t buy the entry-level 450D camera at that time, but bought the 40D for $1,300, which was a cosmic sum for me at that time. After 4 years, the camera looks almost perfect, the most convenient wheel under thumb, hardy and unpretentious. Its analogue now is 60D, I recommend it!

It’s appropriate to mention optics here... 1300 for a body at that moment really knocked me down, so the first lens was fifty dollars - Canon EF 50mm F1.8 II. Served me faithfully until 2011, when I fell on the floor of a hotel in Sri Lanka and broke into two halves :(

I also used two lenses with this camera: Sigma AF 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS and Sigma AF 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM.
This is the minimum that I still advise those who are on a limited budget to take. Sigma has inconsistent quality and it is advised to choose between several lenses when purchasing. Most of the photos on my blog were taken with these lenses. From the perspective of what technology I use now, we can say that these lenses are blurry, give poor bokeh, are not fast, etc... However, all this can be learned by comparison and this comparison must be passed gradually by a photographer who is growing and improving .

5. 2011-… . Having realized what and where was holding me back in my technical growth, I bought a full-frame Canon 5D Mark II. With a camera of this class, you no longer need to waste money on mediocre optics, so the first lens was the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM. Very sharp, fast and high quality, but not at all universal. That's why I sold it after half a year.

I really love wide angle and genre portraits, so I took the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM. I chose between 16-35 and 17-40 F4. I weighed everything and chose the first one, I’m very pleased.

And Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM. Here the choice was similar with F4 and the option with/without stabilizer. I took "without" because the price of "with" is prohibitively high. Simply an ideal lens for travel portraits, fast and sharp. The disadvantages are that they are large, noticeable and heavy.

If you look at examples of photographs from the start to the present day, the difference is certainly noticeable. However, this difference needs to be felt and understood what and why is needed at each next moment in time. Next, perhaps I will have some fixes, we’ll see...

Here's an example of a nice infographic on how to choose the camera that's right for you:

My tips for choosing a travel camera:

You've been shooting with a digital point-and-shoot camera for several years, but don't want to buy a bulky camera - pay attention to the class of mirrorless cameras.
- Don’t chase megapixels and numbers in technical specifications. A certain level progress has already been achieved in leaps and bounds, then it moves very slowly and progressively.
- Do not change the camera after 2-3 years for a similar one in the same class. The updated model most likely has exclusively marketing improvements. You won't move forward significantly.
- the quality of the original image will increase in direct proportion to the cost of the camera and the cost of its optics, however, if you pick up the most expensive camera, you will not be able to immediately get the desired result and, quite likely, you will be disappointed in the unsuccessful investment.
- the original quality of the image obtained when shooting on the road SLR camera, but without processing and semantic load when shooting, it will be practically no different from the image obtained with a cheap compact camera, and sometimes with a phone. An example is Lebedeva's LJ (tema) - he shoots with one of the most expensive cameras in the Canon lineup and the best optics, but for the vast majority of his tasks a good compact may be enough.
- I believe that you need to gradually and consciously increase the class of your technique, understanding what and at what point limits you technically. You need to make the most of the level of technology that is already in your hands. Only understanding this will allow you to make very informed choices from both a technical and financial point of view.

PS This article is just a subjective view of an amateur who shoots for himself and with his soul. There are technical inaccuracies, but I don’t attach much importance to them, since the main thing in photography is not the technique at all :)

What is your opinion? Tell us what you shoot with? Are you satisfied? What are you missing? How did you choose this or that technique? Have you stepped on a rake? Did you make a mistake in your choice?